Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArynMae20
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Member Seen 13 days ago

As the soft crinkle of sheets quickly tugging away from him he squinted his eyes open to observe who’d been making the noise. His head was pounding and he felt as if he was going to barf all of himself if he moved one more inch. The sun was almost nearly up and was shining brightly into his window. Sitting up in bed, he groaned and looked at the shadow of a person in the corner of his room, rummaging through something, clearing his groggy throat. He shifted. “Everything okay? Can I h---“Just then an incredible burning sensation tickled his throat, causing him to gag. A queasy feeling raced through his stomach and off to the bathroom he ran.

After emptying the contents of his stomach and drinking some water, he reemerged into the bedroom only to find his friend and all her things, gone. He wasn't sure why there was such a hurry, it was the weekend and they didn't have school until Monday. He was baffled by it all, really. Shrugging his shoulders he stumbled over to his bed and flopped down on top of it.

Not wanting to sleep anymore, he adjusted himself to a sitting position and placed the pillows behind his head, resting up against his bed’s headboard. Reaching over to grab the TV remote, he noticed something horrifying. Holding up the small package, he realized it was in fact, NOT empty. Feeling his heart sink in, his eyes grew wide as he tried like hell to remember the night before. He’d placed it on there “just in case” but he knew full well that something was going to happen, it always did. He shook his head and let out a sigh. This couldn't be happening. Not now. He still had some much left to do before even thinking about bringing a child into this world. He was still a child himself for god’s sake!

One thing was for sure, nothing would ever be the same again..
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Durachka


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

My eyes open suddenly and I nearly jump out of my skin. Where the hell am I? I glance around the room as I sit up and see the boy laying in bed next to me. I look down at my bare chest and groan. Did I really sleep with some random guy the night before? Was I seriously that careless? I quickly stand, careful to not make much noise, and rummaged through the things in this guy's room. If this was even his room. Oh god. What if I had slept with a guy in someone else's room?

I know one thing is true. I am never drinking again. I silently curse myself for allowing my best friend, Lara, to convince me to get away from home and party. I knew it was a bad idea and that I should just stay at home with my twin brothers, but I just ignored those deeply seeded doubts in my head. I should have listened because now I'm struggling to cover myself up before he wakes up.

Who is he anyways? I decide that there is no time to try and figure it out. I have to get out of there before anyone else in whatever house I'm in wakes up. If I ran into someone as disheveled as I am the embarrassment would surely be to much to handle.

Just as I slide my shirt over my head the guy wakes up and sees me. Well shit. He looks as if he is about to vomit and then runs into the adjacent bathroom. This is my opportunity to get the hell out of here. I sneak out of his room before he even finishes puking into the toilet. What a great way to wake up on a Saturday morning.

I brush my hands through my hair as I quietly sneak through the front door and head to my car. As soon as I shut the door behind me I sigh and lay my head against the steering wheel. What had even been going through my head? Brief flashbacks of the night before flash through my memory. I see myself talking to this boy with amazing blue eyes. It seems like that was the only thing I could think about. Seriously? Was I really so tipsy as to only care about his eyes? What if he was diseased?

I wish I could slap myself and I almost do as I start up my car and drive towards home. Hopefully no one noticed my absence the night before.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArynMae20
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Member Seen 13 days ago

Trying to shake away all of the thoughts running through his brain on how much of a nightmare his life had just became, he got out of bed and paced the floor, ignoring his achy body. Finally, he tried to tell himself that sometimes, even though they don’t use protection, they don’t get pregnant. Yeah. She’s probably not pregnant. There could still be some hope left. His thoughts rang loudly, as he tried to convince himself that it was no big deal.

Walking over to his jeans, he picked them up and dug in his pockets for his cell phone. Once retrieved, he turned it on and swiped through the contacts. Then the recent calls, and finally found her number. Pressing call, he waited for her to answer. Ring. Ring. Ring. Nothing. He wasn't really surprised. “Eve, Hey, it’s Jake, We really need to talk, like asap. Please just text me, or call me back…see ya.” He pressed the end button and threw the phone on his bed, sitting back down and starring at the ceiling.

What would he tell his parents? Would they throw him out? What about his scholarship? He’d certainly be moved down on the list if he became a teen father..His whole life plans would be ruined, and he wouldn't have a clue as to what to do. Trying to keep a level head, he didn't let his thoughts get too carried away with his thoughts until he knew for certain.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Durachka


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Eve sighed as she pulled into the driveway of her family home. It was a normal southern style two story house. She loved it here even if her parents never really did make an appearance to help her out around the house. Both of her parents had some serious addictions. Her mother a workaholic and her father an alcoholic. Two very different afflictions yet both affected each parent the same: they weren't around to watch their children grow up into wonderful children of their own.

The only difference is the why. Her father certainly had his fair share of problems. He had lost his job a while back and had turned to drinking when his ego was hurt by his bread winning wife. He was a coward in that aspect. He wasn't a cuddly fun drunk, either. He was the kind that loved to get angry...and violent. The times in which he was at home were the worst times for the twins and Genevieve. She often had to protect the boys when he was there because her mother wasn't there to calm him down.

Now for the subject of her mother. She threw herself into her work at the publishing company because of Eve's father's addiction. She was the CEO and she did a damn good job in the position. She just neglected her children because of it. That's what hurt Eve the most: neither one of her parents could give two shits about her or the twins. She was alone.

She sighed and walked into the house. Two screaming boys ran into her and hugged her tightly, "Eve!!" They yelled in unison. Both boys were the spitting image of their mother. Beautiful brown curly hair and the most enchanting blue eyes. They were identical in every way for the time being. Though Eve knew that unfortunately each boy would differ as they grew into the man they'd one day become. "Timmy calm down." She said while laughing softy, "You to Andy. Who's hungry? We could go to Waffle House for breakfast and then go to a movie." She had gotten paid the day before so she figured she could treat the boys to a happy day. Of course they eagerly agreed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArynMae20
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Member Seen 13 days ago

Deciding that he wasn't going to sit around in his bedroom and drowned in his never-ending thoughts, he went into the bathroom and took a nice, long, hot shower. It did wonders for the hangover that was currently pushing through his body. Steam filled the bathroom and letting out a relieving sigh he finished up and then stepped out of the shower, wrapping himself in a towel. Walking around his room wearing nothing but a towel, he gathered up a white-t shirt and some dark blue jeans, he grabbed some boxers from his dresser and headed back into the bathroom.

After cleaning up and changing into his clothes, he walked back into his bedroom and put his socks and shoes on. Grabbing his phone off the bed he checked it, but he hadn't received any new messages. Pushing the phone into his front left pocket, he left his room and trotted down the stairs and into the kitchen. Walking over to the fridge, he grabbed a bottle of water, and took a big gulp.

“Morning hun, you hungry? I just made you’re father and brother a plate of scrambled eggs. I've still got the ingredients out, if you’d like some.” The small dark haired woman asked, smiling. Jake shook his head. “Thanks ma, but I’m actually meeting someone. So I think I’m just going to head out.” He stated, grabbing his keys off the hook and walking to the front door.

Walking outside, the fresh air was enjoyed by his lungs. Getting into his car, he started it up and called one of his friends, Ryan, to meet him at the hut. Putting the car into drive, he sped off to the small hut that was their hangout. It used to be an abandon room and nobody ever used it, so, the two boys redecorated it and put in some furniture, TV, and mini fridge, and it made for a great getaway. Most people didn't even know it existed. Which was the best part. Parking his car, he jammed the keys into his pocket and stepped out. Walking inside the small building, he noticed his friend already sitting on the couch playing video games, walking over and sitting himself down next to him, he picked up the other controller and began to play as well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Durachka


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Genevieve sighed as she piled into the car with the kids an hour later. She had since then taken a nice shower and done her makeup. She felt presentable considering this morning she looked like a whore. She decided to keep such thoughts away from her head as she drove towards Waffle House. What movie would they see today? SHe knew of one horror flick she had wanted to see, but it was likely to scary for the boys. She frowned, wishing she had more than just one friend her age.

Lara was interesting. She didn't realize she was Genevieve's only friend. She was constantly trying to set her up with guys even though she knew Eve wasn't the social kind of gal. Ever since her ex boyfriend left her bruised and broken she hadn't really taken an interest in guys her age anymore. OR guys at any age for that matter. Lara was significantly more beautiful than she was. She looked like the goddess Aphrodite on her best days. Even on her worst days she was something to behold. Her blond hair and blue eyes got her everything she wanted.

She shook her thoughts away from her as they arrived at Waffle house. They sat down in the booths and began to look over the menu. She picked out her favorite: Blueberry pancakes and lots of hash browns. She then helped the twins pick out what they wanted. After ordering they played games with each other to pass the time until the food arrived. It wasn't long before they were shoving their faces with food gleefully.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArynMae20
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Member Seen 13 days ago

Jake was unusually quiet, and Ryan could tell immediately, as he wasn't even teasing him about losing to him in their last battle. Smacking his knee, he raised an eyebrow at his best friend. “Dude, what the hell is wrong with you today? You get into a fight? School? Your dad leave again?” He said quickly, listing off the things he thought could be wrong.

Jake laughed out loud, dropping the controller to the ground in the process, it wasn't really a laughing matter but he couldn't help it. Then suddenly, he stopped and was gripped by reality again. “I seriously wish it was any of those things Ry, I’d gladly deal with them over this. believe me!” He groaned loudly. Ryan shook his head in confusion. “Um, okay, what’s going on then?” He asked, trying to understand.

“Last night, at the party, did you see that girl I was with?” He asked, and Ryan nodded. “Totally, she was bangin’ at least an 8 on the Ryan freeman hot scale.” Jake chuckled, and then continued. “Well, first we were just fooling around, it was flirty and fun and then, we went all the way.” Ryan nodded his head in approval. “Way to go, brutha!” He lifted his hand over to him to high 5. Jake narrowed his eyes. “Let me finish.” He sighed. “We went all the way…with no protection.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Durachka


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

SCENE!! (Sorry, I can't think of a way to post again. Its kinda boring. haha) Its the next Monday at school. Eve walks in and tries to find Lara. Jake is standing next to his locker talking to Ryan.
Genevieve was nervous to go to school that morning. Who wouldn't be? She had probably embarrassed the crap out of herself at that party on Friday morning. Even more so when she disappeared into a bedroom and stayed there. She was wearing some simple skinny jeans and a cute blouse with her favorite heals. At least she'd look cute for her ultimate embarrassment. She made her way towards Lara as soon as she saw her.

She grabbed her arm and began to pull her away, "We need to talk." She grumbled as they walked away. Lara replied with a, "Whats up?" Eve just sighed and shook her head, "Why did you let me go into a bedroom with someone I don't even know at that party! I woke up laying naked next to him!" Lara didn't look horrified by this, she looked giddy.

"Oh you go girl." She winked at her, this just made Eve furious. Lara could see this on her face and then said, "I had to let you have your fun, darling. They say when you are drunk all of your inner desires come undone." She just laughed softly and then walked away. The ringing of her laughter fading as she strutted towards her real friends. Eve rolled her eyes and leaned back against the locker. She honestly didn't have any friends. She shook her head and turned around to open her locker.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArynMae20
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Member Seen 13 days ago

(No biggie, I love time skips! :P)

Ryan smirked. “Out of all the loaded things that have come out of your mouth, that, I surely wouldn't have guessed to be one of them.” Pushing his shoulder in a playful manner he laughed. “So, what are you going to do? Is she going to tak—“ Jake cut him off. “No! I’m not going to tell her what to do! It’s her choice.” He said loudly, in a frustrated tone.

Ryan threw his hands in the air. “I just don’t think you’re thinking this through, man, what about your scholarship? What about your parents? Your dad would surely have a problem with that one. What about here at school? People will talk, man.” Jake rolled his eyes in annoyance. “Dude! What the fuck do you think I've been thinking about the last couple of days? Certainly not video games, or pizza, or whatever it is you fill that mind of yours with.” Jake shook his head. “Okay, Jacob, Whatever you say.” He said in a mocking tone and then pushed passed him and walked down the hall.

Jake couldn't believe him, Ryan was his best friend, yes, but he didn't get to have such a strong opinion, not on something like this. This would change Jake’s whole life, not Ryan’s. Shutting his locker, he finally spotted Eve. Guess there is no time like the present.

Walking up to her locker, he leaned up against the ones next to his and sighed. “Hey.” He said softly, “I called you, didn't you get my messages?” He asked, completely calm.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Durachka


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Eve jumped slightly when he approached her. "What?" She said, looking at him. She didn't recognize him for all of three seconds. Then it dawned on her and her cheeks blushed a deep red. "Oh. No. I don't check my phone. Like ever." She gulped and closed her locker after grabbing her books out of it. She felt extremely awkward around him. She didn't even know his name! She tried to think of it, but nothing would come to mind.

She gulped, "Well. Nice to see ya. Bye." She quickly walked away, not looking behind her. Hopefully he would not follow. She hated herself for what she had done. She hated that she had allowed herself to get drunk. What if she got pregnant? oh shit. What if she got pregnant. She gulped and felt dizzy all of a sudden. That hadn't even dawned on her in those past two days. How could it not have? Inappropriate sex, or sex of any kind for that matter, could lead to a baby. She took in a deep breath and hoped that he had had enough sense to wrap it up. Or she had had enough sense to tell him to.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArynMae20
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Member Seen 13 days ago

Jake laughed. “You really expect me to believe that a teenage girl doesn't check her phone? Pla-leese.” He stated sarcastically, folding him arms. “Even if that was the case..Why the hell do you have it then? Seems like a waste of money.” He groaned, and then watched as she once again, walked off.

He’d finally gotten her attention, he wasn't about to lose it now, not until he knew. Running down the hall, he caught of to her and softly tugged her arm, pulling her into an empty classroom. “Look, Eve, I know you probably don’t want to see me, or be around me, or whatever. I don’t blame you and I’d love nothing more then to just leave you alone and go back to the way my life was before I met you. I can’t though, and neither can you.” He stated quickly, and then took a deep breath.
“I’m just going to tell you this because you might run off again before I get the chance to tell you. “ He started, “The night that we..Ya know. I—we—Di—We weren't protected. There is a very high chance that you’re pregnant right now.” He finally blurted out, and then stepped back a bit, waiting for her reaction.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Durachka


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

She didn't know his name, but he knew her name. This is what she gets for being so anti-social all the time. She stopped walking and looked at him as he spoke. SHe had to admit that should could have slept with someone less cute than he was. At least hes attractive, she thought to herself. She was thinking this as she heard the words 'weren't protected'. "i'm sorry what?!?" She gave him a menacing look, "You slept with me, while I was drunk might I add, and didn't use protection?"

Her heart was racing. Triple stupidity on her part as well, but she needed something to blame. Not herself. "Its called common sense!" She nearly yelled this as she turned and began walking again. She needed to go outside and take a breather. She leaned back against a tree in the courtyard when she got out there. Well then.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArynMae20
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Member Seen 13 days ago

“It’s not just my fault! Princess.” He groaned, becoming annoyed then he already had been that morning. “You got drunk first, might I add?” He mocked, following her as she tried to walk away. “WE were drunk. Both of us. Together, and we BOTH, forgot to use protection. So it’s BOTH our faults.” He yelled back. "Don't try to pin this one on me." he said, folding his arms again.

Throwing his hands in the air he let her leave, it seemed to be the only thing she was good at. Walking down the hallway, he grabbed a notebook from his locker and then headed to his classroom on the first floor. The bell rang just as he was walking in the door, ignoring the teachers dirty look, he sat down in the back row.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Durachka


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

SCENE!! After school :D I'm not sure what should happen between the characters next. o.O You make the first post of this scene please? I have to go to the store :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArynMae20
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Member Seen 13 days ago

I wrote the starter last time, you post it this time.

I can wait until you get back.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Durachka


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Genevieve was relieved when the final bell rang. She stood up, popped her headphones into her ears, and walked through the halls listening to her music. She didn't know what she was going to do. Hope that she didn't get pregnant. She supposed that was all she could do at this point. It was already well past the morning after pill option. She didn't want to dwell on it for too long otherwise she'd jinxx herself. It was possible that she was freaking herself out for no reason...maybe.

She let out a sigh as she finally made it out the doors of the school. The fresh breeze played across her face. She closed her eyes and smiled softly. Thank god school was almost over. Only three more months to go until she could finally taste the freedom that hinted in the wind. She couldn't wait to go to college at Full Sail University in Florida. She had been accepted on scholarship and it was the perfect opportunity for her.

That opportunity would probably be gone if she was pregnant.
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