Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Soul


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

My Character -

Name: Unknown, though he does remember the word 'Sin'

Alias/Nickname: He has, after his amnesia, called himself 'Payne'.

Age: He has the appearance of a man in his early twenties. (20)

Payne is a relatively tall man in his early twenties, with short, cropped brown hair and tanned skin, which was originally a darker tan, but lack of sunlight caused the pigments of his flesh to whiten slightly. He has 'cracks' in his skin due to the nanobots taking shelter inside of his body, and his eyes are a pure white, also due to the nanobots, giving him an appearance of a blind man. He wears the usual orange uniform that other prisoners wear, with a frown permanently etched into his face.

Personality: Payne...is someone you wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley. He is a quiet, intelligent man with a cold disposition and constantly analytic eyes, though underneath his eyes lay prolonged suffering of not knowing his past, along with the murderous intent he has to kill any who has wronged him. He cares nothing for permanent friendship, and would rather use someone then become partners with them permanently. However, despite this, he's smart, and knows not to pick an enemy that could potentially kill him without effort. He understands the uses of temporary allies.

Biography: Sin was originally born in Africa, to a smaller tribe hidden away from the rest of the blossoming cities and civilizations. Both of his parents were terminally ill, while his sister was too young and frail to help out the family. Therefore, every day, he headed outside with the men of the village, collecting water, hunting prey for food, and even stealing when times got rough. It was during one night, when he was in the nearby forest, chasing an elk, that he heard the emergency horn. It was a piercing, shrill sound that reverbrated through his eardrums and shook him to his very core. Deciding to let the deer go, Sin had ran to this village, leaping over obstacles, and going as fast as his seven year old body would allow.

It was then that he saw the burning remains of his village. Hundreds of emotions ran through him, but one in particular stood out. Rage. He hated anger, he was a pacifist, but he knew that the nearby tribe destroyed his village for not siding with them during the civil war. It was unforgivable. The little boy ran towards his mother's hut, only to see her dead, with her throat slit open raggedly. His little sister was no where to be found. His father? Probably being slaved off. Emotions taking over, Sin had collapsed onto his mother's dead body, swearing vengeance onto the Yoksho tribe.That night, once he was done crying, Sin had walked into enemy territory, bare-chested and bare-handed. They all laughed. They mocked him. They mocked his deaths. Let's just say that the tribe was wiped off the minimap.

Sinpher, after that night, was found by hunters, whom turned the 'Devil Child' into the secret services, but not after wiping his memory clean, leaving only the remnants of his understanding of traps, weapon-play, and hunting. He now goes by Legion, and attempts to control his simmering rage while locked in this prison. He simply sat there, quiet, plotting his revenge and wallowing in his own controlled anger. Once he felt his bindings weakening, he didn't react much on the outside. He simply allowed a small smirk to tilt his lips, even as fleshy spikes, read and pulsing, slowly began to jut from his shoulders, and his hands changed from different lethal shapes.

Skills: Payne is an extremely skilled hand-to-hand combatant, his technique sharp, direct, and extremely brutal, mostly from his training back in his old tribe. While his memory was erased, he still remembers basic functions, instincts, and techniques. He's also skilled with an assortment of weaponry, from a spear to a blade, though he only remembers crude stone and wooden weapons instead of the futuristic ones used today. His skill mostly comes from his hand-to-hand combat, his weapon proficiency, his reaction speed, and his powers.

Powers: Payne was originally born with a single 'biomass strand' inside of his body, granting him above average intellect, speed, strength, durability, and general reaction time. As he grew up, the biomass grew bigger and more diverse, eventually filling up every single pore in his body, virtually making him a cyborg in anything but blood. The biomass are diverse in the areas that they are placed in, but at the realm of maturity, which was, in his case, 18, they evolved completely, making it so that his body was virtually biomass itself, no longer the skin and flesh of regular humans.

This genetic mutation also came with the manipulation over his own body. Payne has complete control over the anatomies and bodies of his own self, including skin, nails, fat, muscles, blood, nerves, etc., allowing him to freely alter and manipulate them. He can grow additional appendages and body-parts, remove them or otherwise manipulate his body in visible, chemical and cellular/sub-cellular levels. By killing an enemy and absorbing them, he grows in biomass, increasing his strength, speed, and stamina, along with his density.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mr_pink
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Mr_pink Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Alexander Maron

Alias/Nickname: Demon Stingerfish, Inmate 001

Age: 47


Personality: Alexanders personality reflects the years of trauma and loss he has been put through. He is hardly ever jovial or in the mood for jokes and is usually just focused on the task at hand.

Biography: Alexander was born in the middle east to an American father and a Welsh mother. His young life was one of solitude, they lived on the borders of civilization in a desert, living in a small, but secure house. While most other kids his age may have gone to school and developed friendships, Alex's life consisted of military training as taught by his parents. The reason he was being taught this from a young age was because of an agreement between the American government and the British government. A special task force was to be made in secret to deal with worldwide problems and various terrorism scandals. Three other children would be subjected to the same treatment that Alex was.

He discovered his powers during his teenage years. It was only then that his parents showed him theirs. His was a mix of theirs, his mother's power was essentially telekinesis, she could pick just about anything and was one of the strongest telepaths that both America and Britain had. His father had the generation, control and transferral of electricity. He used to be in a special forces much alike the one Alexander was being put into during WW2. He joined during the middle of the war and after showing his powers, was put into a special forces unit.

Alex was already powerful when he first got his powers. He discovered them when he woke up and practically everything metal was floating in his room and zapping each other when they got close. His parents taught him how to develop his powers as he grew. By the time he was ready to join the special unit he had essentially mastered his power.

His training wasn't finished when he was ready to join the special unit though. He was 15 when he joined and met his team-mates, but was 21 when he was finally put into action. His team-mates came from all different places and had all different powers. They were also given codenames matching whichever area of combat they were to be specialized and trained most in. Alex was trained most in stealth and was given the nickname 'Demon Stingray'. Another member of the unit, Yuri Dominin was given the codename 'White Rhino' for his power of bone growth and the ability to snap the bones off to use as weaponry. The third member, Jung-Hoon Bae was codenamed 'Forest Raven' for his ability to fly along with his power of impeccable eyesight no matter the height. The final member, Katlego 'Kat' Coller, codenamed 'Saifu' for her accelerated perception of time.

A lot of the time they were trained by solely in their area, although some of the times they got to train with each other on things they would all need to know. They soon became best friends after convening together after their training. As they grew together though, Alex's relationship with Kat grew into something more. They began dating, well as far as they knew what 'dating' was. Their sheltered life led them to not understand a lot of things that other people took for granted.

Eventually they were set on their first mission. It was a simple retrieve mission, they had to find and bring back a hostage that had been captured by terrorists. Their combined powers made the job a piece of cake, along with every other mission they had been tasked with. That is until the faithful day that an enemy terrorist force began to piece together their own team. They communicated with Yuri in secret and eventually turned them to their side with the use of money and empty promises. Yuri told them about each of his team-mates powers and how to defeat them. It was only until they were tasked with another retrieve mission that the terrorists put their plan into action.

They let the group recaptured the captured soldier and call in a chopper to retrieve them before they blew the chopper up. They then surrounded the group and warned them that if they tried to run or escape they would be killed one way or another. To prevent Kat from just dodging every bullet and destroying the enemies with her slowed perception of time they tased her first. Jung-Hoon got the worst of it though. He was naive and tried to escape. They lassoed him and threw him to the ground. The sick bastards cut off his arms and tore out his eyes. They left him to bleed to death. Alex attempted to try to tear the guns out of his enemies hands. They had prepared for him. They had their guns and weaponry made from plastic instead of metals. He decided it was best just to submit and hope for the best. That is until rage overtook him. They dragged Kat through the sand face first into a jeep and killed the captured soldier. Alex attempted to draw his gun, only to be met with a plastic grenade and the sounds of feet running in sand. It blew up and knocked him unconscious.

He woke up hours later. The only thing that kept him alive was Jung-Hoons body. Alex's arm was blown off along with his eye, but he had landed with that side being pressed down onto Jung-Hoons back. It kept a lot of the blood in for long enough that it stopped the bleeding. The grenade also blew his gun up and sent a shardd into his forehead. Barely letting him survived. It added to the 'Demon' part of his name. He thought all hope was lost. He wouldn't give up though, he began walking into the desert. Trying to find civilization in the wastes was a hopeless effort. He was close to death and just collapsed under the heat of the sun. He knew he would die here he was sure of it. Somehow he was allowed to live though. He woke up while being carried in a fireman position on someones shoulder. He could hardly stay awake and so he didn't. He just hoped it wasn't one of the terrorists.

Alex woke up a few days later in some sort of bed. The room he was in was small, but somehow made him feel at home. He was suspicious of his environment though, who just takes in a wounded man in the desert? He needed to confirm his suspicions and make sure he wasn't in any real danger. He got out of the bed before collapsing back into it under the shock that he had actually lost an arm. It was more of the fact that he could feel strong phantom pains, every finger felt like it was still there, moving, living. He soon got up again and began to explore the house. He was met with something unbelievable.

He was taken in by his father, and the house he was in was the old shack he was trained in. Soon enough, his parents came home from the nearby towns market and after seeing him, broke down in tears. Soon they were done crying and reconciling and Alex told his parents of what happened. They soon contacted their old friends within the unit and got him back to his commanding officers. He told them of Yuri's betrayal, Kat's capture, Jung-Hoons death and his loss of limb. They devised a capture plan after using practically every recon drone to find Kat's position. But first, they had to get Alex a new limb. They suited him with the newest technology they had. They were keeping most things secret from the public and let small things seep out very slowly so that they would always be one step ahead. They attached a robotic limb to him. It took some time getting used to, but soon enough it was just like his old arm. The surgery included drilling a hole into the arm to let Alex's blood seep into it and enable the use of his powers in his new arm. The procedure worked and he was as strong as ever.

He parachuted onto Kat's location at night. He caught the terrorists by surprise, they thought he was dead and had just disposed of their plastic equipment. They were stupid for doing so. He turned their own guns on themselves and threw any bullets that came their way back at them. After going down five levels in some cave in the middle of nowhere, he finally found Kat. She had been brutally tortured and was covered in scars and bruises. She was also missing an arm and a leg, literally. Alex got her back to the unit as soon as he could. It turns out that the terrorists had soldered over the limbs to stop her from bleeding out and robotic replacements couldn't be attached. She had to get regular prosthetics.

It turns out that the trauma from the torture had left her in an unstable state. The knowledge that Jung-Hoon had died and Yuri had betrayed them tipped her over the age. She put herself into a coma which also plunged Alex into a great depression. His sole purpose was now to hunt down and kill Yuri. He fulfilled this promise to himself. He directed any payment he would recieve into the tracking of Yuri. He found him living in Cuba and running a drug farm. He snuck onto the plantation with his use of stealth and made his way to Yuri's room. What followed was a bloodbath. Yuri tossing his bones and using his superior strength to gain the advantage on Alex and Alex using his power and his enhanced hand-to-hand combat to defeat Yuri. It ended in Alex kicking Yuri through the window of his five story home. He left the plantation with a feeling of unfulfillment. After that, he just went with life, doing missions for the government whenever they were needed. That is until 2018, when the government had the idea to put any heroes in prison. Alex was the first to be contained. They thought that if he was allowed to be free, then he'd insight a revolution. They removed his robotic arm and clamped the anti-power bracer on him. They displayed his arm in the main hall as some sort of cruel joke. Soon enough, more and more heroes began to pile in.

-Expert at hand-to-hand combat
-Knowledge of weaponry
-Military training
-Extensive knowledge of camoflague and stealth

Powers: Magnetic manipulation. His robotic hand is also a lot stronger than the average human.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Big Sister AM

Big Sister AM

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Legion020


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

ame: David Archers

Alias/Nickname: Many call him (mockingly) Purple Eyes due to his eye color. He couldn’t think about a better name for himself than Sentinel (due to his eyes).

Age: 18

Appearance: David is everything you would think a boy of his age should be. He’s not extraordinary tall, nor small. His hair is always cut short. It’s dark, messy, muddy brown. Even before he was imprisoned he was already pale. But now, he looks almost completely white. He’s skinny and doesn’t have a whole lot of muscles. But the strangest about him are his eyes. They are dark and purple of color.

Personality: He’s extremely caring for others. Sometimes even too caring. But this only goes for other super powered people. He detests the MSP forces and his imprisonment but won’t ever show it. In secret he has grown obsessed with the thought of his powers and will do everything to use them again. Be it for good or evil.

Biography: David has grown up with little friends. But those he had were very close to him. Never the less he has always been a bit of a loner and an outsider. Searching for solitude sometimes. But aside from that he was a nice guy whom cared for all.
However, much changed the first time he saw his first Nymph. It was in his bedroom after several very though days at school. The Saturday he woke up, a Nymph was hovering over his bed. At first he was in shock, but slowly he calmed down and started to amaze at the little being of purple light.
From that day he started knowing about what he was. At first he wanted to be sure. He started with simple tests. He didn’t have super human strength. He prove himself that when he tried to lift his desk. Neither did he have super human intellect as he couldn’t understand a word of the quantum mechanics theories he found on the internet. But when he could move a pen half an inch of the desk with his mind, he was beyond excited. He had read much about superheroes and their incredible feats. He kept it secret for a few weeks, training and fine tuning until he was sure that lifting a pen from his desk wasn’t hard anymore. Then, full of excitement he showed his classmates what he could do. Within 12 hours he was arrested at his house and all files proving his existence were destroyed. That was about one year ago.

Skills: He had some basic training in martial arts and computer skills but that’s about it.

Powers: David’s powers are far from anything mechanical or human thought. He wields psychic powers, the ability to move objects with his mind. MSP’s little research conducted on him explained that he can somehow generated very tiny particles that somehow are able to lift other masses. It is speculated that he could also use these particles to create shockwaves. Furthermore he would, in the future, be able to compress these particles into small projectiles or even objects. The generation rate of these particles is almost completely reduced to zero by the bracelet.
A stranger thing about his powers is that these particles sometimes seem to have an intelligence of their own. Before his capture and imprisonment he was often alone in his room. Or so everyone was led to believe. But in fact, when he was under a huge amount of emotional stress these particles seem to combine themselves in several single points. When these points are dense enough with particles they started to shine a faint purple light, visible to the human eye. He called these things Nymphs. Mostly they darted through his bedroom, trying to cheer him up. Often with success. But he never had control over the creation of the Nymphs or their movement. Leading him to think that they were part of his force that gained their own intelligence. Nymphs couldn’t talk. Instead they could make vibrations in the air that sounded much like music or the singing of whales.
Since his imprisonment, no Nymphs have spawned. Proving that a normal generation rate of particles is required for them to spawn.
Finally, the particles’ ‘lifespan’ is about 24 hours. They are lightly radioactive but quickly start decaying. After 24 hours they are completely reduced to nothing.

Other: It is still unknown to most researchers and David himself why he wasn’t yet killed. (this is just so he has a reason why he isn’t killed yet)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Larfleeze
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Larfleeze 💎Golden Diamond💎

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Riley Wilson

Alias/Nickname: None

Age: 17

Personality: Usually quiet and shy, Riley only talks to those he trusts. Sometimes he may nullify the voices of people he dislikes though he won't do this to the prison staff in fear of further punishment.

Biography: Riley was born in the Suicide Slums, poor and with barely just enough money to survive. At the age of 5 he was orphaned when his parents were killed by police brutality, alone on the streets Riley was adopted by Donny, a former boxer who trained him, mostly in boxing, then in other styles. This continued until Donny had a fatal heart attack, having no medical insurance or money to pay for his bills Donny died, leaving Riley alone again. he turned to crime to survive, stealing food and money from other people.

A week later his metahuman ability to nullify, enhance his own body and construct solid objects from sound developed, he used this ability to steal things, eventually he got so good at it he started to sell his services, accepting contracts to steal valuable, well guarded objects and secrets. The MSP Enforcement didn't like this, tracking him down in the nearby city of Reliford, they sent out a fake contract to steal the contents of a safe belonging to a CEO. Arriving at the roof of the building where the safe was located, Riley was surrounded by MSP Enforcement, before he could even think of escaping they incapacitated him and sent him to the Metropolis Superhuman Prison.

Skills: -Being a expert thief, Riley is able to pick most locks and safes
-Minor Acrobatic Skills
-Trained in several hand-to-hand combat techniques by a local boxer
-Minor skills in hacking

Powers: Sound Nullification
Riley is able to negate sound-waves in a given area, effectively soundproofing said area. Not only can he cancel out any sound-based attacks directed at him, but can also disrupts any attempts at sound-based communication.

Sonokinetic Constructs
Riley can create tools, weapons, armor, and even appendages out of sound by absorbing it from nearby sources, for example Riley can absorb sounds of gunfire and use it to construct defenses to protect himself and others. Riley is unable to absorb the sound of his own voice though other sounds he makes like hitting objects work, he can also absorb sounds from already existing sources. like other people's voices.

Sonokinetic Combat
Riley, using soundwaves, is able to enhance his combat skills by infusing sonokinetic energy into his arms, legs, hands and feet to disorient his opponents along with the normal attack. For example Riley can render a normal person nauseous with one punch, sometimes even knocking the opponent unconscious provided he has a large amount of sonokinetic energy within him.

Other: Hates puns. REALLY hates them. Like 'say one in front of him and he'll shank you' hate.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Cyrus Green

Alias/Nickname: Surge

Age: 21

Appearance: Cyrus is an insanely tall young adult. Standing at 6'5," he towers over most. Although he is tall, he is very wiry and lean. He looks like he doesn't eat much, but in fact, because of his power, he eats an immense amount of food. His eyes are a vibrant green, which is ironic, because of his last name. His shortish black hair is untamable and sits on top of his head in a messy style. His face is long, but his stubble seems to make it look normal. A scar runs from under his left ear, to an inch away from his chin, following his jawline. On his left shoulder, tribal tattoos coil around his bicep. On his right forearm there is a tattoo of the words, "Fear is simply an excuse to give up."

Personality: Cyrus is a quiet and calculating young adult. He is very intelligent and observant. Green is a very calm kind of person, rarely raising his voice or becoming angry. Surprisingly, he fights as a last resort, and even then he may be a bit reluctant. Sure, he learned how to box as a kid, but that was just his hobby. Cyrus is a plan-maker, and his tactics and strategies rarely show flaws. Green doesn't talk much, but when he does he makes sure that what he says is relevant. He has a hard exterior, strong enough to hide his true personality. He internalizes his feelings, and sometimes has a hard time expressing them. Cyrus is a really nice guy at heart, but I mean, no one is perfect right?

Biography: Cyrus Green was born into a poor family who could barely afford to eat. Cyrus's mom contracted a deadly illness. This made his family poorer, because of the lack of another paycheck, and the need to pay for medication. Green suffered greatly, practically starving because of his high metabolism. He never got enough food. His social life was a disaster. He had to deal with his personality issues and physical issues. Nobody wanted to be his friend because he practically looked like a skeleton. Cyrus could barely talk to people, let alone date women. Green's love life was a disaster, he didn't have the looks nor personality to gain the attention of any girls he was attracted to. The only thing he excelled in was academics, he was a brilliant student. Alas, soon his grades began to drop, much like his self-esteem. Then finally, he snapped. Green was sick of being hungry, sick of being ignored, sick of everything.

Cyrus joined a gang soon after his epiphany. Soon he was on the fast track to becoming a drunk, addict, and fugitive. I forgot to mention that at that time Green had realized that he wasn't human, and that he possessed an amazing power. Cyrus had been using his ability to steal, mostly food, but other luxuries. His father became suspicious of him, wondering where he was getting all his money from. He was arrested partly because he was a Super-Human, and partly because of his crime.

Cyrus was known around town as the most dangerous guy around, so most people were wary of him. To be honest, he was framed, and the police were onto him instantly. He saw that it was pointless to fight, it would just lead him into more trouble. But, I digress. So one day, Cyrus was casually walking down the street, around midnight. This wasn't uncommon for him, patrolling his territory. Up ahead he heard a commotion, and then two gunshots. Green ran towards the sound, and got there just in time to see a dead body drop to the ground. A bullet had lodged itself in the poor man's skull and stomach. The attacker was no where to be seen. If only Cyrus hadn't taken the time to properly close the man's eyes, seeing as he had died with them wide open. Someone nearby had heard the shots, and called the police. They were on him in seconds. To them all the evidence was clear. A Super had killed a man, the gun was even nearby. He was taken away immediately. Cyrus thrived in this prison though. He became stronger physically, without the help of his powers, and basically spent all his time studying. There was one guard who was kind enough to lend Green some books whenever he got some, Cyrus never complained. Confidence was another thing that Cyrus gained. He's not cocky or big-headed, just sure of his abilities and weaknesses.

- Cyrus learned how to box when he was a teenager. He has a lot of experience in hand to hand combat. Cyrus is particularly good at bobbing and weaving, his agile is astounding for a guy his size.
- Green's intelligence and IQ is off the charts.
- Cyrus has a knack for picking locks and bypassing security systems, and he also knows how to hot-wire cars. He learned this during the time he spent on the streets, fending for himself.

Powers: Cyrus has a unique power, and some of it is still unexplained. First of all, Green has a super high metabolism, which is why he is so wiry. Second, when he eats, he absorbs some kind of energy from the nutrients in the food. Cyrus can then use this energy in two ways. The first way boosts his physical attributes. His speed, strength, agility, stamina, and durability. The second way he can use this energy is far more dangerous and complicated. Cyrus can take the energy he absorbs from his food, and expel it from his body in concussive blasts, waves, or orbs. His power is quite easy to predict though. This is because when he prepares to release the energy, the body part he wishes to expel it from glows a ghostly white. It is unknown what the energy is made of, but the devastation it creates is astounding. Because of his power, Cyrus always has food on his person, may it be a power bar, fruit, candy, etc.

Other: None
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Cyrus Green

Alias/Nickname: Surge

Age: 21

Appearance: Cyrus is an insanely tall young adult. Standing at 6'5," he towers over most. Although he is tall, he is very wiry and lean. He looks like he doesn't eat much, but in fact, because of his power, he eats an immense amount of food. His eyes are a vibrant green, which is ironic, because of his last name. His shortish black hair is untamable and sits on top of his head in a messy style. His face is long, but his stubble seems to make it look normal. A scar runs from under his left ear, to an inch away from his chin, following his jawline. On his left shoulder, tribal tattoos coil around his bicep. On his right forearm there is a tattoo of the words, "Fear is simply an excuse to give up."

Personality: Cyrus is a quiet and calculating young adult. He is very intelligent and observant. Green is a very calm kind of person, rarely raising his voice or becoming angry. Surprisingly, he fights as a last resort, and even then he may be a bit reluctant. Sure, he learned how to box as a kid, but that was just his hobby. Cyrus is a plan-maker, and his tactics and strategies rarely show flaws. Green doesn't talk much, but when he does he makes sure that what he says is relevant. He has a hard exterior, strong enough to hide his true personality. He internalizes his feelings, and sometimes has a hard time expressing them. Cyrus is a really nice guy at heart, but I mean, no one is perfect right?

Biography: Cyrus Green was born into a poor family who could barely afford to eat. Cyrus's mom contracted a deadly illness. This made his family poorer, because of the lack of another paycheck, and the need to pay for medication. Green suffered greatly, practically starving because of his high metabolism. He never got enough food. His social life was a disaster. He had to deal with his personality issues and physical issues. Nobody wanted to be his friend because he practically looked like a skeleton. Cyrus could barely talk to people, let alone date women. Green's love life was a disaster, he didn't have the looks nor personality to gain the attention of any girls he was attracted to. The only thing he excelled in was academics, he was a brilliant student. Alas, soon his grades began to drop, much like his self-esteem. Then finally, he snapped. Green was sick of being hungry, sick of being ignored, sick of everything.

Cyrus joined a gang soon after his epiphany. Soon he was on the fast track to becoming a drunk, addict, and fugitive. I forgot to mention that at that time Green had realized that he wasn't human, and that he possessed an amazing power. Cyrus had been using his ability to steal, mostly food, but other luxuries. His father became suspicious of him, wondering where he was getting all his money from. He was arrested partly because he was a Super-Human, and partly because of his crime.

Cyrus was known around town as the most dangerous guy around, so most people were wary of him. To be honest, he was framed, and the police were onto him instantly. He saw that it was pointless to fight, it would just lead him into more trouble. But, I digress. So one day, Cyrus was casually walking down the street, around midnight. This wasn't uncommon for him, patrolling his territory. Up ahead he heard a commotion, and then two gunshots. Green ran towards the sound, and got there just in time to see a dead body drop to the ground. A bullet had lodged itself in the poor man's skull and stomach. The attacker was no where to be seen. If only Cyrus hadn't taken the time to properly close the man's eyes, seeing as he had died with them wide open. Someone nearby had heard the shots, and called the police. They were on him in seconds. To them all the evidence was clear. A Super had killed a man, the gun was even nearby. He was taken away immediately. Cyrus thrived in this prison though. He became stronger physically, without the help of his powers, and basically spent all his time studying. There was one guard who was kind enough to lend Green some books whenever he got some, Cyrus never complained. Confidence was another thing that Cyrus gained. He's not cocky or big-headed, just sure of his abilities and weaknesses.

- Cyrus learned how to box when he was a teenager. He has a lot of experience in hand to hand combat. Cyrus is particularly good at bobbing and weaving, his agile is astounding for a guy his size.
- Green's intelligence and IQ is off the charts.
- Cyrus has a knack for picking locks and bypassing security systems, and he also knows how to hot-wire cars. He learned this during the time he spent on the streets, fending for himself.

Powers: Cyrus has a unique power, and some of it is still unexplained. First of all, Green has a super high metabolism, which is why he is so wiry. Second, when he eats, he absorbs some kind of energy from the nutrients in the food. Cyrus can then use this energy in two ways. The first way boosts his physical attributes. His speed, strength, agility, stamina, and durability. The second way he can use this energy is far more dangerous and complicated. Cyrus can take the energy he absorbs from his food, and expel it from his body in concussive blasts, waves, or orbs. His power is quite easy to predict though. This is because when he prepares to release the energy, the body part he wishes to expel it from glows a ghostly white. It is unknown what the energy is made of, but the devastation it creates is astounding. Because of his power, Cyrus always has food on his person, may it be a power bar, fruit, candy, etc.

Other: None
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CraftWork


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Matthew Sana

Alias/Nickname: Divide

Age: 16

Short for his age, Matthew has dark black hair, with bangs that cover his dark almost black eyes. He'll try to wear white clothing, but ends up usually sporting pinkish or red clothing from blood stains. When possible he will bleach his clothing however, so more often or not he will have a full white suit.

Matthew is a oddly happy person for the environment that he was raised it. To a degree where he was almost put away not for his powers but purely because of his happiness. He'll smile wide eyed at people who mean him harm, but won't then won't waste a second to break their limbs or crush their bones. Blood thirsty would be putting it lightly. Matthew thrives on causing other people harm, and will do it all while sporting the largest and most innocent smile on his face.

They say a serial killer is most dangerous because, they will kill again and again. In the same way, Matthew could be described to be a serial hero. He would roam the streets wielding nothing more than a baseball bat, or a copper pipe, or even just with his own two fists, picking fights with people that he should have no business with fighting, and trying his best to save people's lives. Sure, most of the time the people he "saved" were in no real danger, and the villains he "defeated" were sometime just as innocent (sometime more) as the people he was saving, but to Matthew this was his calling. His white suits which would start the day pristine and clean would be covered in his blood and the blood of his victims by the day's end.

After a quick bleaching, Matthew would start the anew the next day. His parents were long dead, and any family that would have cared about him, didn't even know that Matthew existed. Instead he lived day by day, beating up thugs and living off what he could take from them. Of course, being only sixteen it was only a matter of time before something went wrong.

It was one night on what seemed to be an ordinary day that Matthew, picked a fight with a undercover officer. He was stunned, identified and then found out to be super human. Something that Matthew himself didn't even know about. He was quickly arrested and put away for assaulting an officer. It wasn't long before he was moved to a more secure prison, and it wasn't long before Matthew starting to plot his escape.


Fighting: C+: Matthew has not been formally instructed to fight, but has instead picked up all of his skill from fighting on the streets. His style is random and with no specific style, but is focused on breaking limbs and causing as much bleeding from the face as possible. He is a capable of taking on a normal human, while using a weapon.

Street Smarts: B+: Having lived on his own, basically homeless for quite a bit of time, Matthew has developed an ability and awareness of how to survive on the streets. He is acutely aware where to get food, and other resources.

Laundry: A+: Matthew is exceedingly skilled at doing the laundry. He has gained quite a bit of experience from bleaching his suit every day and can now fully clean his clothing from almost anything. He is a bit a fanatic for cleaning however.


Cell Division:
The ability to the regenerate damaged cells on will. The takes a rather large mount of energy for Matthew to do, and is limited to only heal only injuries that Matthew is aware of. Matthew can also use this power on other people.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zordon


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Luciana Mendez

Alias/Nickname: Luci

Age: 24

Appearance: Luciana has a surprisingly curvy frame thanks to her Hispanic lineage and has dark brown hair nearing to black. Her eyes resemble a reddish brown shade of Mahogany and compliment her lightly tanned skin. She is seen normally wearing loose clothing that hang from her 5'5" frame and do nothing to show off her feminine figure and everything to emphasize the muscles she has trained for years to maintain.

Personality: Luciana suffers from Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) and mild Schizophrenia. She has two distinct personalities; one being very kind, timid and preferring defensive combat that responds to 'Luciana' whereas 'Luci', the other personality, while charismatic - is deadly by nature and is more closely described as a Lioness hunting her prey. 'Luciana' prefers not to use her abilities and will favor unaugmented physical combat if possible. She will use her power as a last resort and even then, only defensively if at all possibly. Using her abilities causes her to slip into 'Luci' and become more violent. 'Luciana' does not have as much control over her abilities as 'Luci' does being that she does not embrace them as her counterpart has. This means that 'Luci' is not only the more violent half but also the more skilled of the two.

Biography: Luciana randomly decided to turn herself in one day on the street, drenched in another persons blood and tears streaming down her face. So far, she has been linked to 17 murders, 9 cases are still being considered. All victims were suspected of having super powers. No court has been able to truly pin her with the murders for...lack of evidence.

Life in prison has been a blur, as the MSP has kept her severely sedated by providing her medicinal doses throughout the course of the day. The medication keeps her in a state of grogginess and within her 'Luciana' mindset. As the doses wear off though, a more charismatic and erratic version of herself becomes present.

Skills: Luciana studied gymnastics and Muay Thai growing up and has nearly perfected the both of them. This has made her an excellent combatant and can move fluidly when focused. Her actions, however, become more violent if her "less sane" counterpart is present.

Powers: Gravity Manipulation

Gravity Field: The ability to increase the gravity around a person and make them feel as if they were a mime truly stuck in an invisible box. This can also render them immobile, depending on the the force Luci exerts onto them.

Immobility: Luci can also render herself immobile as if adhering herself to her position or figuratively nailing herself into the ground.

Simulated Speed/Strength: While not all of her speed and strength needs to be simulated, Luci can reduce the amount of gravity around her body to make her movements faster and make objects lighter for her to lift. Adversely, she can also concentrate the gravity around her, allowing her to walk on walls with ease.

Levitation: Training her ability to reduce gravity, Luci has learned that she can levitate herself as well as others, though others requires more concentration. She has not mastered this skill but believes she will be able to simulate flight. Her levitations have only lasted upwards of 20 minutes at any given time.

Black Hole Manipulation: This is an advanced level of the gravity field ability and requires an immense level of concentration and force, pinpointing a single target and increasing its gravity infinitely at such a quick pace that a black hole is created. 'Luciana' is unaware of this ability and 'Luci' has only been able to do it once. She passed out afterwards and woke up in prison.

Other: 'Luciana' has very little control of her powers outside of herself, being that she cannot use her power to manipulate others or even inanimate objects. And, while 'Luci' is more comfortable with her power, 'Luciana' is constantly within her, battling her mentally and can cause great distraction to 'Luci' during pivotal moments of battle.
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