Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Jarrod hung back in the group, scratching his head at the sudden turn of events. How in the world did he end up bringing so many people together? All because of an empty stomach? Speaking of which. . .a low growling made itself known once more, and Jarrod grimaced. Ignoring it, he went up to his new comrades and began rapidly shaking each of their hands. "Hey Corvain! Name's Jarrod Smith. What's up Angelo? Finally got to know your name. Name's Jarrod Smith. Hey there Sca-" He took one look at her annoyed expression and steered the other way. "Er, yeah, name's Jarrod Smith. But you kind knew that, ehehe."

The rumbling in his stomach grew louder now, and the swordsman couldn't take it anymore. Sheathing Marionetta, Jarrod clung on to Angelo, looking at him with begging eyes. "Tavern. Food. Now. Please? Like, right now?" In all fairness, it didn't take them long to reach the tavern once more. Entering the place in a hurry, Jarrod didn't bother having the manners of choosing a table, instead sitting at the first one he saw.

Satisfied that at last his hunger would be sated, Jarrod decided to go ahead and join the conversation his allies were having. "Yggdrasil, eh?" He placed his boots on the table and leaned back in thought. "Some people are calling it a savior. They say that man pretty much screwed up the world and so The Dyteniteity sent Yggdrasil to purge the world for rebirth. At least, that's what all the crazy churches are saying. So, anyone have the luxury of actually meeting Yggdrasil?" Judging by their earlier backstories and reasoning for hunting the creature down, the answer was no.

"Oh. Ehehe, well this is awkward." Jarrod chuckled in embarrassment, expecting the others to have a similar life than him. But then again, that was to be expected from people of different Regions.

"See, I kinda met Yggdrasil myself. Just once though. At my old village. It, uh, didn't go so well," he explained.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by orcpunx
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orcpunx God

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ananeas kept hiding and listened to the group. They seemed well mannered and good people except for the little girl. Inside Ananeases mind a war was ongoing. To either come out of hiding and join the folk or wait for a better opportunity. Finnaly he convinced himself it was time to join others, but just as he was about to reveal himself the swordsman took others into the tavern. Ananeas again did nothing, only watched from th distance as the group went back inside the tavern.

Ananeas, still hidden, followed the group into the tavern. At first he wanted to sit to table next to the group, but then what? His pulse quickened and he panicked. Though he stood at the entrance only for a moment, he had a feeling it lasted forever. With fast and hard movement, he walked to the swordsman named Jarrod. Not knowing what to say or ask, Ananeas had the feeling that Jarrod was the one most open-minded. “Greetings Jarrod. My name is Ananeas. I heard you are planning to kill Yggdrasil. So i was wondering if you would welcome another fighter in your party.” His voice was low and raspy. He spoke fast and looked directly at Jarrod an no one else. In his head he already played out all the worst scenarios possible, and at this moment was just waiting for one of them to happen. He stood motionless in his black cape, only his head and face could be seen. Ananeas understood that it was rude to come fully dressed to someone in a tavern, but his low self-stem made sure, that no one will see his deformed body.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 26 min ago

nice to meet you ananeas, come and sit down for a drink" I said smiling giving him a chair as I looked at Jarrod and said "I can only imagine how the so called "great wrym" handled your village. im sorry for your loss" I said softly to him not needing him to explain what happened since I could tell just from his speech and how he looks different when mentioning how he meet the monster. "hey sis ale all around over here" I said and she sighed hitting me in the back of the head with her tray before leaving to get the drinks "I really hate that" I mumbled rubbing the back of my head
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ebug
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Even Scarlett wasn't about to turn down a free meal. While she was stubborn, she had her limits. Besides, she figure she might be able to get some useful information out of these people. With her temper boiling down, she walked over and took a seat at the fair end of the table they were at, still managing to try and put some distance between her and the others.

She looked over at Jarrod, slightly curious by his words. "Never met him. Heck, the thing never even destroyed my home. Of course, I plan to make sure that won't happen." she said with certainty. Setting her bag on the table she shuffled through it until she pulled out the food she had gotten from before. "So, what was he like? Think we all can kill him?"

Well there was a big improvement. She grouping them altogether now rather than just asking if she alone could kill yggdrasil. As usual, her previous angers were boiling down to nothing and for the first time since she ran into everyone, she seemed rather relaxed and calm.

Her eyes flickered over to Ananeas for a moment. She gave a curt nod of acknowledgement to the newcomer but didn't bother to say any welcoming or greeting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Jarrod grinned widely at the sudden newcomer to the group. "Greetings Ananeas! Name's Jarrod Smith! Hehe, guess I'm the leader of this little gang now, huh?" Like Angelo, he motioned for the dark cloaked man to take a seat. "Welcome to our fan club!" He pointed to each and everyone one at the table, giving them introductions. "That's Corvain, the strong and resilient knight! Here's Angelo, the smooth-talking poison archer, though mind you, he's not as good with the ladies as you think. And the brooding red head over there? That's Scarlet. She cuts and shocks stuff. Since you already know my name, I can assume you already know what I do."

Well this was new. Four new companions out to slay the great creature. But still, it wasn't enough. "No," he told Scarlet, turning his gaze on her now. "If you want my honest opinion, the five of us alone are no match in taking down Yggdrasil." He raised an eyebrow in thought. "So if any of you thought you could take it down alone, I assure you, you would wind up with a terrible demise."

At Angelo's words concerning his village, the swordsman simply shrugged. "Not much I could do. Yggdrasil is something else entirely." Jarrod leaned in now, as if wanting to tell them each something important. "Listen to me now," he said, his voice unnaturally serious for once.

"Those who say Yggdrasil is a herald of The Dyteniteity aren't far off. The thing has the power of a god." He waved his arms in the air to further emphasize his point. "Its size is massive, larger the very oceans of Aldmorn. It carries with it a wide assortment of advanced magic and technology, some many say that aren't even from this world. Hell, the fact that it's taken the form of a dragon proves that this thing is beyond dour proportion."

"And then there's its voice. There have been some reports that Yggdrasil is in fact sentient, instead of some rampaging beast. They say it carries with it the voices of the dead and it is these voices which serve as a connection to the godhead itself. The Dyteniteity."

At that, Jarrod smirked and leaned back to return to his upbeat composure. "Of course, those are just rumors. Rumors that happen to be true to some degree. At least, when I met it. Anyway, I'm just gonna assume that my tale hasn't really deterred any of you and you're still gonna hunt it down. Am I right?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 26 min ago

I smiled and leaned toward him "how about I ask you a question in response, why would any of that stop me?" I asked grinning as my sister got us all a glass of ale "never heard of the bigger they are the harder they fall? why the hell would I care about its size or abilities? if it means I can save lives by taking the thing down then why shouldn't we try. also I am good with the ladies its the beautiful Scarlett that I cant get to, yet" I said grinning raising my glass to them "I say we take this chance to make it official, as long as we live we will not stop till yggdrasil himself eats us whole. I make this solemn vow, you Jarrod smith will have both my arrows and my special poisons at your disposal. For those that still want to kill the damn thing. Raise your glass in a toast"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by orcpunx
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orcpunx God

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ananeas stood motionlessly listening to Jarrod’s words and introduction. “The introductions are unnecessary. I have seen you fight and i have kept my eye on you since morning. Would of helped you with the creatures, but you can guess i had my hands full.” Saying that, he bowed a bit and moved to an empty seat. Ananeas was glad that was over. Though he was surprised by how casually everyone accepted him.

When he pulled out the empty seat he unwrapped one side of the cape and put it around the chair. The cape was big enough to cover bought Ananeas and the chair. Now that no one could see beneath the cape, Ananeas crouched onto the chair in a manner that looked like he sat down. Chairs were big pain for Ananeas since his deformed body. If he wanted to sit comfortably, he would sit in a manner that would force his head bellow the table. But then, if crouching, no one would notice it as long as he wore the cape. And since most of his time he spent crouching it wasn’t a big deal for him. Though physicaly it wasn’t a big deal it was hell mentally. In his head Ananeas was imagining how everyone was judging him for his actions, that someone noticed his strange way of sitting….. And like always he felt uneasy. Yet he kept the composure.

He closely listened To Jarrod’s words. Kindly he waited for the swordsman to finish. Ananeas was offended by the question, but did not show it. “Yes I am.”
Shifting his look to the poisoned arrow boy, Ananeas nodded to his words. As Angelo finished his statement and rose his Cup Ananeas followed. He didn’t say anything for he didn’t know what to say. This was his first toast in his life. Though he had seen it be done many times he was always just someone who watched. And Ananeas hoped that no one would notice his lack of experience with toasts, or any other social activity for that matter,

But for the first time his deformity showed. Long muscular fingers gripped the cup. They were so long that they completely rounded the cup. The joint were bigger than usual and the skin looked like no blood ran through them. The reach of his hand was also longer than usual. Because he was in a crouching position he could get closer to the table and the arms themselves were longer by built.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ebug
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Scarlet glanced over at Jarrod as he began the introductions of them all. Her look was almost a warning to watch what he said about her but she didn't seem to mind too much. After all, it was pretty accurate. It was Angelo who once again stirred up her temper. "Don't say yet as if something is going to change in the future." she said venomously.

However, at his proclamation, Scarlett turned her gaze to rest on her glass. She let a sigh, a defeated sigh as if even she couldn't argue with his words. Hesitating, she just barely lifted the glass. "Why the hell not." she said with a shrug. "Might as well all die together than alone. Therefore, you'll have my assistance as well.... Or at least until I can't stand him any more." she said gesturing to Angelo with a smirk. It seemed she was half joking and half serious when saying that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowD


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Corvain listened for a time, he had been silent since they sat down, he had tensed when the newcomer sat with them, but knowing he wasn't a threat right now, Corvain eased his grip on his gun under the table. "Resilient knight huh.... guess that's accurate enough." He says chuckling. "I just did it because we heard news of how much destruction the monster was causing, I could not stay behind in the southern kingdom while this was happening....and well I do want to make my own name. Selfish as it may sound." He says shrugging. "I'll pay for the meals, or help with the meals if we go over your tab Angelo." He says leaning back. He unbuckled and un latched his armor, pulling the chest peace off and setting it down, leaning against his leg.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 26 min ago

well that depends" I said grinning raising my glass higher "raise your glass faithful and overly dressed knight, to join the cause and pledge loyalty to Jarrod smith, do that and ill let you got half on the meal." I said grinning although he was a knight I just didn't have the trust for him to lead as I did with Jarrod, he seemed more down to earth and hes the only one who could match my humor blow for blow. as I waited for him to raise his glass so we could make it offical
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Jarrod was surprised to see the sudden usage of faith in him by these complete strangers. He signed inwardly. He supposed that if these were his new allies now, he'd have to stop seeing them as strangers, now would he? And it made sense why they'd look up to him. Out of them all, he was the only one who has encountered Yggdrasil personally. He grimaced. Why him?

"Well. . .this is unexpected. I guess I'm the really the leader then, heh." He scratched his head in embarrassment, a bad habit that he was beginning to pick up. But who cared? He had a fellowship now. A guild you could say. Or perhaps it was just best to say team then. "So, uh, any clue where we start? Rumors say Yggdrasil is heading towards the Central Region. The closest route there is through the mountains of the North Region."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 26 min ago

I say go to the mountains. now then this toast makes it official, were a team. and as such Jarrod is our leader, do with us what you will good sir for I shall stay in the background to laugh and make jokes while shooting from a distance and possibly get you hooked on some AWESOME poison" I said laughing a little hitting the glass of ale on the table then drinking my glass as an old fashioned toast to both confirm then drink to the occasion
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by orcpunx
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orcpunx God

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ananeas watched as each person raised their cup and said something about the whole idea. Ananeas grew uncomfortable because he was the only one who said nothing. At that moment he concentrated on his posture. Making sure nothing seemed out of the ordinary and that the body language was proud and strong. Ananeas followed Angelo and drank up his drink. Not used to any other drink than watter, the ale forced a strong after effect. A small cough escaped from Ananeas. To cover it up he quickly spoke on, making the cough seem like it was meant to gain everyone's attention. " I come from the northern mountains. I know them well, like my back yard" truth to be told they were his back yard. "There's a Short pass thorough the mountains but this time a year is dangerous. Lots of avalanches happen. We can also go around. It would take us three weeks longer. But it's safe and there are towns on the way." His voice was calm and even the whole time. There was also one more way, but Ananeas thought better not to tell it. Though everyone here looked strong he believed they wouldn't make it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowD


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Corvain pursed his lips a little, pledging loyalty to a commoner wasn't really his idea of a good idea, "As a knight I can only pledge my loyalty to the crown I serve, but you do have my sword. That will have to do for now." He says and drinks his own cup of ale. "I do apologize I cannot offer more but I have my honor as a knight to consider." He leans back folding his arms over his fine green tunic. He watched the others carefully, he had taken off his chest armor, and took a relaxed position, he felt like his was trusting a little too much. *Just think of it as tempting fate Corvain, you'll be fine, not everyone is a bandit inside taverns like home...well mostly not everyone.*
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Jarrod noticed the tension in Ananeas' muscles as he raised his cup in cheer, but said nothing about it. Whatever secrets the man knew were best to be respected. "A short pass through the mountains, huh? Sounds about right to me. Besides with Yggdrasil loose and about, I doubt any place is considered a safe haven anymore. At least, not in these days." The swordsman turned to face Corvain as the knight only promised to offer up what he could. He couldn't help but give the armored man a grin.

"No worries. I'd be a bit on edge too if I were to put my life into the hands of a commoner. Especially. . .me." But the idea of his kingdom's honor interested Jarrod, and he couldn't help but lean in forward a bit. "Say, Corvain? What kingdom do you actually come from again? Do you hail from the Central Region?"

More mention of that place. Yggdrasil's supposed final destination. The Central Region could be considered the heart of Aldmorn, where the largest castles and highest towers lay in wait for divine approval. The Region was also home to a large temple ground used for worship and devotion to the almighty Dyteniteity.

If Corvain did indeed come from the Central Region, it'd certainly help out in their quest for Yggdrasil.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 26 min ago

I smiled drinking my ale as I watched the two of them wondering how it was going to play out. honestly I couldn't care less if Jarrod was a commoner since I was the same. even if my abilities are somewhat rare in these parts I wouldn't want to lead since I prefer to be the one that convinces other people to follow his lead. with my charm I could bring anyone to his side but I wasn't going to use it on the knight if he didn't want me to, my power is far to great to be squandered.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowD


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

'Aye, that it is, witnessing it first hand was a bonus in my eyes." He says nodding, he looks at Jarrod, "no my friend I am afraid not, I hail form the Southern Region, we are nobles of a small kingdom there, I am sorry I cannot give any information about the Central Region and it's Kingdoms." He says drinking the rest of his ale. "Why is it that you ask Jarrod, I am still somewhat foreign to these lands and many beyond, so forgive my questioning, but why is it you wished to know where my father's lands were?" He asks looking at the swordsman.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

At that, Jarrod shrugged. "Just wondering that's all. Yggdrasil's supposed to be heading off to the Central Regions, so I thought that if you were from there you could have given us directions or something. Guess not." He leaned back once more, staring at the ceiling above him. His eyes moved along with the spinning fans, eventually making him just a bit dizzy. Steadying himself, gripped his chair and stopped the world from spinning. And shaking. And turning. And roaring.


Yes, that's what it sounded like. A deep roaring that could pierce the air itself and rock mountains. . .wait a minute. Grabbing his blade, Jarrod jumped up and ran outside. "Sorry about this guys, but duty calls!" Then he paused in his step. "Unless of course, you wanna help me save the day and all. Without waiting for an answer, he headed out the tavern and looked around in confusion.

Where was the roar coming from? He could hear it everywhere. Literally.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 26 min ago

isn't no rest for the wicked" I said grinning wide as I grabbed my bows and arrows and paid for my share of the meal so the knight would pay the other as I ran after our fearless leader. "like you would get all the spot light" I said to him laughing a little already having my bow prepared for its first shot keeping the arrow resting on the bow for quick release if needed as I listened to the roaring knowing that something big had to have made that sound that would resemble a demon itself
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowD


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Alright then." He says quickly putting his armor back on and donning his helmet. He runs out sword and gun drawn looking around, the roaring was almost deafening but he could not find the source anywhere despite the fact the damn noise was coming in all directions. He turned and turned looking for the source, never leaving his back open for long. "Where is the damnedable creature." he says growling. He didn't particularly enjoy not seeing his enemy, and this was extremely annoying.
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