Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RainBroDash


Member Offline since relaunch

Alright so I've started several forum role play experiences in the past that have been pretty popular, the most successful of which are the "If We Were All Stranded" series. Simple premise: You log onto the forum site one day and end up in another world, Go. My favorite one lasted years and years back in the early 2000's: "If We Were All Stranded On An Island", oceans of creativity and inspiration were the result. I have fond memories of hitting refresh every 5 minutes as I would be awaiting posts from other users. I wish to recreate such an experience but in the new theme of the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic universe.

I. Rules: More may be added with time

1: Type Properly: A simple enough rule that is enforced in this forum, if you don't type properly it can be difficult to understand you, lowers the eloquence of the story and suspends belief.

2: Respect Each Other: Another common sense rule. Respect your fellow role players and work together through any hardships or drama that may arise. Diplomacy is an important skill to have so please do your best to resolve issues by talking it out.

3: Posting: Nothing insane, any length of post is accepted, but with that having been said, longer posts tell a better story, spark interest and move the plot along. Though a simple post is fine if just replying in character to another character.

4: Freedom: Feel free to go on whatever story you like or create your own, just be sure that if a NPC is being used by another player that you ask permission to use them....can't have 5 Twilight Sparkles at one time.

5: No God Mode: Play game fairly, if an epic battle is taking place don't be all "I ignore everything and kill Discord in one hit", these posts are annoying and will be ignored, further transgressions may get you banned from the game. Be realistic with your character and the story will be that much more rewarding. Also, no narrating for other players
unless permission has been granted by said player.

6: Unresponsive/Unattendant Players: If you're waiting on someone to respond to one of your posts but they aren't showing up, contact them and they will have 24 hours to respond. In the event that they do not respond you have permission to narrate for them a simple result...which they can then explain more detail their side of what happened in relation to your result at their own leisure.

7: Double Posting: Don't. It's a rule for most forums anyway. Feel free to post as often as you like, just be sure that there is at least a cushion of one post between posts.

8: Story telling with NPC's: If you want to use an NPC and someone is telling a major storyline that most players are following, make sure the person running it isn't using any particular NPC's, some may just be in use or doing something else.

II. KEY: Important! This helps distinguish what you're trying to say or do in the story, so be sure to use the correct symbols.

Quotation Marks "" - Used to mark what your character is saying aloud.
Example - "Hey, how ya doin?" Asked Rainbow Dash

Brackets [] - Used to mark inner thoughts for your character that are NOT said aloud.
Example - [What the hell has happened? Why am I in Equestria!?]

Double Parentheses (()) - Out of character communication, should be used either at the beginning or end of post so that your message won't be missed.
Example - ((I'll be on later tonight to post more))

Astricks ** - To narrate actions that take place in conversation where a normal narration won't suffice.
Example - "Man I feel content with that meal! *hiccup* That was a great dinner!"

Apostrophe's '' - For that rare instance when talking about the name of something.
Example - "Yeah! 'Frozen' was awesome!

Optional - When controlling several characters in one conversation it can make it easier to follow this format:

-Twilight Sparkle (TS) : "Thanks to my #1 Assistant!"
-Spike: "Gosh Twilight, thanks!"
-TS: "Well you did a good job Spike, not anyone could watch the library during the apocalypse!"
-Applejack (AJ): "Yes indeedy Spike, ya'll did a mighty fine job I'd reckon!"
-Spike: "Aw shucks AJ, you're making me blush!"
-AJ: "Heh, I can see that!"

III. Premise:

You long onto the forum site one day and you notice that it's strange. Strange characters and webdings are substituting letters, the format is all out of whack, strange hues and glitches are everywhere ((Missingno from Pokemon anyone?)). You find it bizarre and upon logging in, something even more bizarre transpires: You feel a powerful force pulling you into the monitor through a vortex. You fall through and upon landing on the opposite side you find yourself in Equestria....even more crazy is that you're a pony. It's up to you what will happen from there on.

IV. Current Players Story Tellers:

RainBroDash: "Eric" Or "RainBro Dash" - My Character
PaulTheWizard -

Away Story Tellers:
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RainBroDash


Member Offline since relaunch

On the top left of the page is the IC: In Character portion, go there to make posts. But post here in OOC: Out of Character for communication.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Terminal Velocity
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Terminal Velocity

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

So, it looks like I'll be joining in, as well. Just to let everyone else know, I'll be playing the part of "Terry"/Terminal Velocity, as seen by the following link.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noctemwolf


Member Offline since relaunch

Heyo all!
I suppose I'll be joinin in on this now that I've actually joined the forum. 0-0*

I'll be using my OC, Sojourner:

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Terminal Velocity
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Terminal Velocity

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

So it's been around four months or so, and there hasn't been a new IC post? Did... did this RP die already?
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