The sound of an arrow hit a tree. He had been found. Deep in the night hidden in darkness they were still able to find him. It was that damned mage, he could see everything in the darkness. Years had passed and still they hunted him for failing to defend the princess. Someone who had been held so high in respect to defend the princess was now considered scum of the earth. The kings ear bent to a man that had probably aided in her murder was leading the attack. But there was no proof, he couldn't bend the Kings ear back in his favour.

More arrows would follow if he didn't run. As he ran he could hear the hounds that hunted him. The yelling of the men and the galloping of horses growing closer. He had been lucky so many times to escape their hunt but this time it was seeming hopeless. Out of no where came a root and it tripped him, leaving him falling face first into the snow. The snow was soft but even now it didn't absorb the pain of the fall. Though he had plenty worse happen with many close calls, and it seemed now his luck hadn't given up on him yet. A hand grabbed the back of his his heavy cloak and yanked him down under the tree that had just tripped him, or maybe it had been a foot.

When he recovered and could see who was looking at him he saw a dirty faced woman. Her eyes were icy blue and her hair seemed to be brown, it was hard to tell. She was dirty and smelled of coal. She smiled at him though and rubbed her thumb on his forehead, her hand coming away smudged with blood, his blood. Then she put a finger to her lips and pulled him deeper under the tree. It was warm under here, he could feel straw under him. There was a dim light as well letting him see her before she turned and turned off the light. Her hand held his arm, seeming to let him know she was still there. Then he could hear the thundering of hooves and hounds running past. Before long the sound faded away into nothing, they had passed by and not noticed them hidden under the tree.