

Real name:
Ali Sanchez

Codename (optional]:
Kid Blight

Superhuman Reaction To Venom;
An alteration in his metabolism gives him a superhuman reaction to the strength enhancing super drug Venom used by the Legendary Bane. When injected with Venom his testoserone and oxygen levels skyrocket, making him tripple his mass and seemingly even grow a foot.

Genius Level IQ;
A Nerd Through and through, Ali is a skilled biochemist despite his young age, much to do with his father's lifetime as a engineer of bio weapons. Ali managed to reverse engineer Venom and alter it for even better results on his own body. He's a straight A-Student and has a IQ off the charts. Like many other geniuses, he's socially awkward like few others. He could recognize patterns in numbers or genes without a problem, but patterns in people is far too difficult for him.

Booster Shots; Advanced Syringes that holds four doses of Venom each.

Smoke Bombs; Because sometimes you have to think before you hit.

Physical description:
163 CM, 54 KG. He's a fairly short, very skinny boy with a light brown complexion. His appearance shows off both his middle eastern and South American heritage. His eyes are brown and his hair is black. He wears round spectacles on his face and usually dresses in T-shirts and jeans, sometimes cargo shorts. He's got plenty of scars, notably one in his face. Two acid burns on his left hand, as well as several old bruises and cuts on his body. He wears a smart watch and carries the latest Android phone in his pocket at about all times.

When injected with Venom, he grows to an impressive 197 CM, and weighs well over 120 kilograms, his build changing drastically - certainly not as much as his idol - but still comparable to the biggest and toughest humans on the planet.

A black jacket with a hood, goggles with built in Night vision and infrared. Army pants with combat boots all black, as well as a tank top made out of a stretchable fabric for when he uses Venom. A pouch on his side for his shots of Venom as well as a different smart watch that keeps track of how much venom he's still got in his blood, so he can maximize the amount of strength he gets out from each shot.


Born in Gotham, his father a biochemical weapon engineer - Mustafar was a genius in his own right, one of the greatest minds to ever come out of Iraq. He was a former Soldier, and settled down in South America following a manhunt on him at the hands of American Forces. Hiding from the C.I.A Is difficult, even more difficult if you fall in love with a local woman and father a child.

That's how Ali came to this earth, his mother, Maria was a young Ecuadorian girl, 18 years old when she met his father. Mustafar changed his name to Gomez Sanchez, a small time physician in a local village - nothing someone would look twice at. Ali grew up taking after his father a lot - his father's brains, anyway. His mind was off the charts, smartest in the village by the time he was 9, at 13 he was hailed as the kid with the highest IQ in the entire country of Ecuador, earning a PHD at the same age.

His father was on a trip one day, and returned with a man riddled full of gunshot wounds. The man claimed to not have a name, but was only identified by the Luchadore mask he wore. The man was nursed to health by the Sanchez family. The man was highly intelligent, as smart as Ali and his father, yet he had the body of an Olympic athlete. His wounds would heal over the next few weeks and he would be in full condition within a month - truly fascinating.

The Village was attacked by a caravan of men, the same that had shot their nameless guest, armed with guns. They would hold the village hostage, Ali and his mother saved by the very same man they had nursed back to health. Except he wasn't exactly the same, his already impressive physique had been further improved, thick veins and he seemed much taller than before, able to toss cars around and shake off bullets he was something extra ordinarily.

Following the attack, the man explained that his name was Bane, a man of many talents. Studying Bane's work, Ali was able to decode Bane's formula for the drug that had increased his strength and would soon find out that he too, was the one in a million that had a superhuman reaction to Venom.

Moving to America with Bane, Ali became a small time criminal, tearing out ATM's and feeling a sense of power he had never felt before due to his small size. And one thing was for certain.

He wanted more.