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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 39 min ago


Before any more could be said of him, the Falk King smile even more so. "Of course... Though I have little by way of flowers. I do believe this will suffice." With a wave and a spun whisp of shadowy air, he proffered a beautiful set of jewelry spun the clearest crystals. Images of those flowers that bloomed in the snow and gems that gleamed with a inner light. Blooming flowers hung from the necklace, as the crown was dripped in icy tendrils. Rings were secured to a bracelet, twined with flowers and crystals. "Though flowers of stone and ice, I have plenty." The shadows swirled beneath the set proffering them before the Winter Queen.

Turning his attention by way of a sideways look at the Mara King. "And you mistake me to think me desperate. I have no need to woo a lady. For do I not have my strength, by power and age? Can I not offer protection, and wealth from thousands of years gone by? Knowledge forgotten?" Smirking coldly he raised a eloquent brow. "King of Spring, I have not 'wooed' a maiden for thousands of years by choice. That I should chose to do so now, and chose to place such a offer to the beauty of the Queen Arys of Winter should speak well of her." Chuckling he inclined his head towards the Winter Queen. "And so it does indeed." Let the other Rulers chew upon that. Falk didn't hold back the smile, charming and handsome. Should she refused, he would lose nothing. She would lose a chance, but beyond that he would not treat her with coldness but simple acceptance. For it was true, he woo'd by choice.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SunsetRoses
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Arethusa watched the poor little Sprite flee, her gaze traveling up until her flashing green eyes met violet. She rolled her eyes, unimpressed. Another chaotic member of the Tuatha Dé Danann clan, how pitiful. She had nothing against the family itself, for she had never seen them or been a part of their politics, but standing here in front of her was one of the many that relished in the fear and discomfort they caused.

”I see you've brought our prisoner. Thank you, I will see to it that your debt is payed in full.” She smiled, silky and effortless to combat the warrior's brutal features. ”You won't get much in the way of service here, so I will make sure you are well fed and rested before you make your way back to the kingdom of Spring. I apologize for the...uncouth nature of the citizens. They mean well.”

She watched the hobgoblin as he struggled against its chains, obviously miserable, as it should be. This very creature had stolen many crown jewels, and it was right that he should face the consequences. Arethusa would not partake in his punishment, she would just see to it that he would make it there. Her gaze cut across to one of the many salamander servants, and she called it forth.

”Dear, bring me dirt. Dirt and rocks.” She said, simple words with a powerful meaning. The salamander’s two eyelids clicked down in a flash of understanding. It hurried past those in line, bringing with it two others. Arethusa's smile shifted, into something a bit less vibrant. She stood, watching the hobgoblin and getting a feel for it. He was frightened, looking back at her with strained eyes. He tried in vain to shift forms, as he probably had many-a-times throughout his trip.

The salamanders were back just a few heartbeats later. Two of them carried buckets of dirt, the other a hefty bucket of rocks. They set it down on the floor, and just as fast, rushed the curious citizens out of the door. She brought the hobgoblin up by his chain, forcing him to stand. Once he was in place, she began her work.

Her hands and eyes began to glow, a green so unnaturally bright it burned the eyes of those with enhanced vision. Though there was no breeze in the room, her hair fluttered alongside her leafy bands. Her hands danced, and the dirt in the buckets rose, twisting and bending like serpents prepared to strike. As though they had a mind of their own, they coiled around the hobgoblin, squeezing him until his eyes began to bug and his oily face turned a sickly shade of purple.

With a snap of her wrist, the coils unfurled, and formed a sort of claustrophobic birdcage around the hobgoblin. He fell to his knees, gasping and clutching the bars of its makeshift cell. Unsatisfied, Arethusa shifted her attention to the rocks. They were all different shapes and sizes, but Arethusa was determined to bend them to her will. With a crack like a whip, the rocks shaped themselves into spikes. They spun around the cage, taunting the trapped creature. One by one, the stuck themselves into the cage, their razor sharp tips dangerously close to the hobgoblin’s flesh.

The hobgoblin made the mistake of shifting, and the stones pierced his skin easily. Ichor dripped from his wounds, running down his features and dripping onto the floor. Arethusa took a deep breath, her eyes returning to their normal shade, as if nothing had happened. She pointed towards the buckets, and they were removed from the room by the servants.

She turned back to her guest and smiled halfheartedly. ”I hope you don't mind the theatrics, my King prefers showings of violence.” She passed Raven, brushing shoulders with the infamous wanderer. ”Follow me, and we will see to your debt.”

She paused on the way to the treasury, thinking of what she would say. No motivational speech could break through the hard shell of Raven, but she didn't want to be silent during the entire walk. ”Raven, you are a courageous young woman. It was very big of you to say you would walk the four courts freely. Not many of us can do such things. Your approach is...different, but who am I to judge that?”

She chuckled, her voice bordering on human for just a moment.”Do you have any questions, about the court or the way things here operate?” She doubted that, but felt the need to ask, as it would spark a possible conversation.

Soon, they arrived at the treasury. Two large trolls stood watch, their weapons crossed at the door. When they saw Arethusa, they stood at attention and withdrew their gleaming spears. She winked at them, and pushed through the doors. The inside of the treasury was rather neat, different varieties of precious metals stacked in piles.

Arethusa ignored the shining materials and found the stack of gold. She withdrew a leather bag, and counted out fifty gold pieces, placing them in one at a time. To her, the metal meant nothing. It was currency, for food and shelter and the preservation of life. She had shelter, her food was the sun and the soil-though she did partake in some feasts-and the life she had to preserve was that of her landform. She found no worth in coin, but observed how the weight could feel lovely in her hands. How the way the coins jingled when she walked could be her motivation.

The facade faded as she handed over the sack to Raven. ”Your pay. I hope it shall suffice. Would you like to sit in the lounge for a while? Perhaps feast upon some of the Summer Kingdom's finest fruits? It is what we are known for, of course.” She offered this mostly for herself, so she could sit and play with Lyra, while chatting with Raven.

@Prince of Seraphs
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

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@SunsetRoses@Prince of Seraphs


Lyra rubbed her eyes and yawned as she was awakened. She looked sleepily at the person who had awakened her and immediately smiled wide and giggled, reaching her arms out to the fae for hugs.
"Are!" (she pronounces it Are-eee) she squealed happily. Arethusa was one of the only people Lyra liked because she was pretty and nice.

The child's eyes grew large as the little bunny was placed in her lap. Unlike other human children, Lyra had been well-trained by Foeras to treat animals gently. They would be your friends if you were nice to them, he had pointed out, the same way Lyra was nice to people who were nice to her.
She ran her little hand over the silky coat of the rabbit, before looking up at Arethusa. "Thank you," she whispered almost reverently before turning back to her new pet. The other nymps in the room surrounded her and cooed over the two small adorable creatures in their care. She played for a little while then looked towards the door, wondering if her Ba-Ba was back yet.
Picking up the bunny in her arms, she left the room with one of the nymps following a few paces away to keep her from getting into trouble or getting outside. They wanted to make the little human smile and giggle but they feared their lord's wrath should they defy his orders and allow the child outside of the court while he was gone.

"Ba-Ba!" Lyra called in her singsong child voice. "Ba-Ba!"
The members of the court who saw her turned their backs with a look of irritation and disgust for the little being, not showing her the false kindness they displayed when the King was present.

But the child entered the main hall of the court and gasped, crying out in fear.
There in the middle of the room was a cage with a hobgoblin in it. He spotted her and reached through the bars, cutting himself more. "Beloved of the King! Tell him to have mercy on me! Beg for me! Please!"
Lyra screamed and turned away, running to one of the nymphs who immediately picked her up to console the unhappy child. The little human was highly sheltered by the King and he didn't allow violence to be commited in front of her, but none of them had known to stop her from going into the throne room.

Lyra shook and whimpered a little, cuddling her bunny as they carried her to the one they looked to as a leader in the King's abscence, Arethusa.
Once they found her, speaking to Raven, the one carrying Lyra spoke. "The child saw the hobgoblin in the great hall. Forgive us, we did not know to stop her from going there."
Lyra looked up and reached out for Arethusa, wanting comfort from one of her few friends in the court. "He was scary. He reached for me," she said softly, little glistening tears falling. Once Arethusa took her into her arms, she cuddled against her still holding her little bunny who was snuffling at her face trying to comfort the little one.


@Prince of Seraphs@BlackPanther@LadyRunic


The offer was, at the very least, a great shock. The only reaction visible on Arys was a slight raising of her eyebrows.
Her eyes rolled at the words of the Spring King and the response of the Fall King. No matter the species males were so predictable. Every had to turn into a competition of who had the most testosterone. Which was why so many males fell.

"Valar Morghulis," she murmured. It was an ancient phrase but one that all of the rulers should know. "All males must serve," she translated in case the younger males did not. She knew Fall understood. "This is a truth that has never failed to prove accurate. Even Kings must serve their own pride," she looked towards Falk with a slight smile that was cut from ice itself. "But I am not a male. I serve no one but myself. I will not serve you King of Fall, if that is what you are after. Do you forget you speak to a female with a frozen heart? False flattery and quickly spoken promises do not sway me, and material goods are not worth the trading of my kingdom. Forgive me my fault of vanity, but I believe my hand and my womb are worth more than Blood Pearls," she said once the jewelry appeared before her. "And I would certainly hope you valued your hand and seed just as much."

Yes she was not stupid. She knew that once they united in marriage Falk would have a claim on Winter and all of it's bounty and secrets. But she would also have the same claim on Fall. So she would not immediately deny his offer, but she needed more than words hastily spoken without a moments reflection.

"What sways me is loyalty," she said, her eyes cutting quickly to Feoras before returning to Falk. "If you are serious about this offer of an alliance, I am willing to consider it. Prove you me you are serious by proving that you will not turn your back on me once you get what you want."
If he did not wish to expend the effort of proving his claim then he was not worth her time or consideration. If he was a male true to his words and did not act rashly, then this offer was not something to cast aside without consideration of the advances it would give her.

"I, Arys Queen of the Winter Realm, give you permission to enter my Realm at a later time to discuss this matter further should you wish it, but you shall not cross the Borders for any other reason," she declared before turning to both Spring and Fall. "On the matter of the Blood Pearls, I shall trade one for each of the vials of Fire Water you are willing to give up King of Spring, until I deem it enough. As for both of your offers for ores and gems in return for clothing and food, I agree to the terms. I shall send a small pack of goblins, and a troll or two to protect them on their journey, to bring the amount I wish to trade and you can settle on prices with them."
During all of this she waited for Feoras to speak, to give his opinion about the sudden marriage offer.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 39 min ago


The ancient Fae raised a elogant brow, as his smile dimmed to a predatory smirk. "My Lady, I shall enjoy this hunt." Her words were clever, and he highly approved. This would be a game like no other. Touching the area over his heart the Fall King made one last offer. One last overture, as he stood with a boneless grace and swept across the space in the span of a few quick steps. Leaning down he whispered in her ear, shadows swirling about his lips to ensure none other over heard. "And in the way of your ancient ancestors, were you to agree to marriage and go through it, we would exchange a part of our names. Well, you know my name has not been spoken by any Fae nor mortal for nigh ten thousand years. That is by far the greatest of my gifts, ever as your beauty comes second to your mind." Straightening once more he moved back to the throne he sat since days long past. Let Arys do with what she would. It would tempt her, flatter it. For she was clever, if a tad young, and he would turn it against her. Taking his seat again. The Fall King continued. "My Lady, I unlike these newer born Fae... have manners from times long past. Never have I turned my back on any Fae of mine or in bargain. Give me your trial and shall I see it reasonable it shall be done. And a gift to borrow till my deal you accept or I reclaim it shall await at your Throne 'fore the morrow passes."

Leaning back in his throne he smiled, it was wise of him to have the mortal girl. She would watch the Winter Queen, and report to him. But also, even for a human Aisling's music was fair. It held something no Fae could replicate. It held a mortal heart and emotion. Something he held very dear. A oddity he would admit and he would long for that music once more, but it would break the heart of ice. When the ice broke, the river would flow and Falk would embrace the falling water.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

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Raven Silverlight

Raven watched as Are constructed a prison for the hobgoblin out of dirt and rock. It was a fairly impressive show but not an uncommon feat. Are was after all a land nymph. Much more powerful than the nature spirits who were only tied to one facade of a ecosystem. Are in her own right controlled all the elements of her particular strip of land, wherever that might be. Land nymphs were very protective of where their earthly body was located in the same way that Hamadryads were protective of which tree they truly embodied. That land was their body, if it was harmed or destroyed they would go right along with it.

While the cage curled around the hobgoblin, Raven saw one of the stones jut out towards his unfortunately exposed skin. Rock peirced skin and blood began to drip drip drip onto the floor of the cage. Raven almost felt sorry for it but a bigger part of her mind was calculating how she might have escaped from a similar situation.

Are requested that Raven follow her and the Tuatha did so. She was here for the money the hobgoblin's retrieval would give her after all. When Are said that she'd thought Raven brave for exercising the rights of her clan Raven had to suppress a laugh. "Most people thought I was signing my death warrant." In fact she nearly had. There was nothing powerful fae hated more than defiance from what they judged to be their lessers. And what Raven had done was the ultimate act of defiance. She'd told them that she would never again adhere to there laws. It had been worth most of the trouble it brought her simply for the looks that had flashed across their faces when she'd made her announcement in each of the courts. Though she'd barely gotten out of Fall's lands alive. In present company it was better not to mention the fact that Summer had also sent assassins after her once she'd escaped the court following that meeting.

Most were skilled but Raven was more so, enough to stay alive though not without some collateral damage and not in one piece. After two dozen or more failed attempts rumor spread as Raven had hoped it would about the powers of the treasured sword she carried and how no one could best her in combat because of its ancient magic. Once it became clear that killing Raven would be more effort than it was worth the rulers one by one started to make use of her services. It had started with Spring and not wanting to be at a disadvantage the others soon called on her.

As they entered the treasure chamber of the Summer King Raven was tempted to slip a couple objects into her cloak but fought the urge. She'd taken from Court palaces before. The treasure chambers were warded against removal of items by any but the ruler or a very small number who could represent them. Given time she could of course circumvent these wards but not without Are noticing and alerting the guards.

Raven took the leather pouch with a nod and a smile, the kind of smile that made anyone you gave it to think you were planning something. The Tuatha was about to take her leave when Are offered to keep Raven company in the lounge. She nodded to Are. "Of course, it would be rude not to take up such an offer."

In the lounge the Summer Court's famous fruit was served to Raven. Before she tasted it she held her hand out over the food. Her skin started to glow and in her palm appeared an Aurora Borealis. It danced over the surface of the fruit which glowed a bright orange. The birthright of Raven's people granted them access to a nearly limitless energy reserve of pure life essence. It was powerful but also extremely dangerous to make use of. With the Tuatha scattered and unorganized and most of there elders dead none remained to teach the ones that came after how to use it properly. Raven's father Kamenth had burned himself up with the power. Raven only used it in very minor levels or in direst circumstances.

As life energy the Aurora reached to other living things. If you knew what to look for it could be used to glean a lot of information. Raven's mother had been a healer and used the lights to diagnose her patients. The fruit reacted to it the way Raven had expected but not entirely trusted that it would. If the fruit had been contaminated with poisons or other substances it would have reacted differently.

Satisfied that Are was not attempting to have her killed Raven bit down into the fruit. Flavors washed over her tongue. There was a good reason Summer was famous for these foods.

Before either of the fae women had a chance to say anything in conversation though a number of nymphs carrying an obviously frightened child entered the hall. The handed the girl off to Are explaining that she had been terrified by Raven's prisoner who had apparently been simply left in the Great Hall.

Raven of course knew Lyra. They had seen each other in passing a handful of times as Raven worked tasks for the Summer King. Lyra had the body and the mind of a four year old human child but Raven knew she was far older than that. Raven found it rather cruel of Feoras to trap a human in this form for eternity, never to grow up, never to become self sufficient or independent, never to know freedom. Though Raven supposed the Summer King preferred a creature like Lyra relying on him for everything. Raven herself didn't have the skill with sorcery or the inclination to free Lyra from this existence but it was more than likely that someone else would eventually, if only to use her as a bargaining chip against the Summer King.

The bunny that Lyra was holding seemed to scowl at Raven but she paid it no mind. "Hello little one. Did something frighten you?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


The queen would have been lying to say his words did not tempt her. To know even part of the name of one of the most anicent fae still living? One that had not been spoken in centuries?
He then swore to her he would accomplish her trial, should he deem it reasonable. Despite what her subjects and others might assume, Arys was not an unreasonable person. It just took good reasoning to get through to her. In order to plead your case with her you had to have done your reseach and use impeccable logic. There had been a time where she was swayed by things like mercy and compassion, but those days were gone.
Or were they...?

Arys looked off into the distance for several moments, thinking on a trial. Dozens came to mind, but this was a serious matter. No ordinary test would do. If it was too simple he would scoff, if too hard he would withdraw his offer.

Finally she spoke. "Males are interesting creatures," she mused aloud, still gazing into the distance. "If something is given to them, they do not value it. They take it for granted, squander it and throw it away. This I have learned and will not learn again. But if it is something they have worked for, something they expend time, effort and energy to attain, they treat it as a part of themselves. They treasure it, care for it, ensure that no harm comes to it, and all who dare threaten it instantly regret their actions."
Then her gaze went to Falk. "I gave my heart before and I paid for that foolish choice. So now, to ensure that you treat me as a true husband should, I give you a trial to impress on you the value of what you offer for. It is well known by all that I froze my own heart to protect myself. As my husband, it will go under your protection. Hence this is your trial : find the ancient ritual I used to freeze my heart... and reverse it."
She waited for that to sink in. It would be no easy task. There were many ancient manuscripts that dealt with removing pain or feeling from a heart, in effect 'freezing' it.
Arys understood what she was doing. If she regained her heart, all of the pain and hurt from the past would come back. She would also regain her ability to care and love. But if she was to have a child, the child deserved a least a mother with feelings since it was obvious the father had none.
But if Falk put did succeed, then he would view her heart as truly his possession and as such he would protect it. If there was one thing known about Falk, it was that no one touched his belongings. Arys would never have to worry about being used and discarded again and if any threatened her Falk would see it as a threat to himself and deal with it accordingly.
And, once he had planted his heir within her, he would likely leave her to her icy realm. She would be left alone once again, with no one brave enough to bother her.
No, she was not expecting love from this. That was a sentiment she had given up on long ago. No, she expected mutal respect and protection.

And to be left alone.

"Do you accept the trial King of Fall?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by SunsetRoses
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@Belle@Prince of Seraphs

Arethusa stared daggers at the Nymph before her, who had placed Lyra in her arms. She raised her hand, as though to smack her sister, but lowered it instead to smooth the young girl's hair. The Nymph's lip quivered, and she exited the room as fast as she could. Arethusa fumed, her eyes glowing bright green. They calmed instantly as she looked down at Lyra, the poor girl was scared half to death.

”My poor girl, I am sorry our prisoner frightened you so. If he dares to reach for you again...” Her face set sternly, calming just as quickly. She smiled, full of affection for the eternally youthful girl. ”When Ba-Ba returns, we will make sure the mean prisoner is taken care of.” She glanced at Raven and chuckled, dismissing the situation.

”Then we shall see if I can take you to my land, the animals miss you dearly. I will let you ride the wolves, just don't tell on me.” She didn't give Raven the pleasure of being quiet about her landform, it was no secret she owned one. The real question, was the location of her magical forest. The only one to have ever found it was Feoras, who had followed her home after her dance in the woods. He still held it against her at times, but it was more of a joke than anything. His own, rude joke.

As she cradled Lyra, she watched Raven eat. The Fae had checked the food for poison beforehand, which was unnecessary but fun to watch. ”I trust you enjoy the citrus? If you would like, I can send you off with a few tarts. I hear they are delicacies, but I've yet to indulge.” She took a seat in one of the lounging chairs, they looked brand new, but were comfortable and slightly worn. She rocked Lyra in a smooth rhythm, spreading a motherly warmth through the child. She cared for the child as a friend, but also as a motherly figure. The child was stuck in the age of four, and she needed comfort at every turn. Often, Arethusa would ask the king to shift her age, let her live life in different stages. Other times she would ask Feoras to expose her to new things, each time he refused. It wasn't her place to argue.

”What is it you seek in life, Raven? Others with your abilities would ask for power, but you seem taken by something else.” Arethusa stared at Raven with an almost childlike wonder, captivated by the thought of a new story. She could relay it to the forest, in the form of a hymn. ”If you would like to tell me, of course.” She said quickly, deciding to be thoughtful.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 39 min ago


"Hence this is your trial : find the ancient ritual I used to freeze my heart... and reverse it."

Falk's face merely cooled from the slightly unnerving smile, to a calm mask of indifference. He knew many, though not all the rituals used to freeze a Fae's heart. Fae magic was specific, with clauses and bargains made within the spell. Human music and influence would help thaw it, but to truly unfreeze it would require time. And that was something the Fall King had so very much of. His handsome face was still as his mirror pool, something many of the Fae copied though his had a few unique properties. Useful properties, though there was a drawback to all things. A wisp of thought trailed off on it's own, musing over the need for all things to be bargain. But it held a ancient balance that kept the Fae from overwhelming one another and their powers in check. Fingers tapped on the throne. He had seen power unchecked before, it was a wonderous and terrifying sight. Especially to be part of such large spell crafting. For it was not casting, that was still being cast. Slowly over the many thousands of years.

"Do you accept the trial King of Fall?"

Her voice penetrated his thoughts, as his eyes focused once more on the young Ice Queen. A smirk coming to his lips. It was a challenge. But it was well known that all challengers fell to Tegvan, Lord of Fall, King of Shadows. He of ancient shadows and the Unknown King as one Fae had called him. That particular fae was lost long ago in the past. Their name hadn't survived, but their form did. In the bones of his throne and murals on his walls. "How could I refuse? Let it not be said that the Fall Lord is craven from such a challenge." He inclined his head, with a deep chuckle. "And remember, I have never lost a challenge... MY Lady."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


The child sniffled and looked at the stranger.
No, not stranger. Lyra had seen her here before. She was a little scary, but had always been nice to Lyra.
"The man in the cage was scary," she said, her bottom lip quivering as Arethusa stroked her head. "He tried to grab me and was yelling at me. He wants me to ask Ba-Ba to have mercy on him," she looked up at Arethusa. "Are... what's 'mercy' mean? Is that man in trouble? Did he do something naughty? If he did, then he can't have sweets for a whole week, like when I'm naughty and Ba-Ba punishes me."

If he was naughty then he needed to be punished. To others he might have been a cruel heartless being, but to Lyra Feoras was her Ba-Ba, he could never do any wrong or ever be mean to anyone. Well, anyone who didn't deserve it.

When Arethusa mentioned tarts Lyra's tears dried up considerably. "Tarts?! Oh can I have one? Please please PLEASE?! I want a raspberry one! Pleeeeeease!" she begged, turning the full power of her cuteness onto Arethusa before looking to Raven. "The raspberry ones are the best!"

While she waited for her tart Lyra studied Raven, her fear from before forgotten as Arethusa rocked her gently and continued to stroke her hair. After several minutes of silence listening to them talk, Lyra finally spoke up again.
"You're really extra pretty," Lyra told Raven. "Like Are. I wish I was pretty too."
Even a child as young as Lyra knew she was different from everyone around her. They had that ethereal beauty that came naturally to the Fae. A human could never hope to come close to the level of beauty and grace and allure that a fae possessed. "When I'm bigger, will I be pretty like you?" Lyra asked both female fae with wide eyes.

@SunsetRoses@Prince of Seraphs
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ojo chan 42
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Ojo chan 42 The flower withers, as I walk by

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Laira awoke with the sound of rain hitting the glass of her cottage. Thunder roared loud in the sky playing the tune on wich the lightning danced around, scorching the land wherever it hit.

Slowly she trew the blankets of her bed and placed both her feet on the old carpet thad had laid there ever since Laira could remember.
''how late is it'' Laira mumbled to no one as she lit the candle that stood on the table. She picked it up and shone the weak light it emitted onto the clock that hung on a wall.


Was the time the clock arms pointd at.

''witching houre''she said under her breath thinking by herself why she had to wake up at this very houre. Just when Laira wanted to crawl back into the warmt of her bed the piercing neigh of a horse could be heard over the roaring of the clouds. Something inside of Laira urged her to get out and a strange feeling creeped through her body as she walked thowards her window. A lightingbold struck down ontop of the hill near her house temporarly lighting the sky. It revealed a black horse standing ontop of the hill looking down at her house.

''Clyde'' She said shocked as tried to remember the Fae form of her old lover. This horse seemed to be blacker, almost with a dark blue glow.

Curiostery had struck the young woman as she hasted her way towards her closet. Laira pulled out her green dress and brown cape and dressed as quickly as she could. With a oil lamp in her hand Laira rushed outside. A neigh could be heard again as again the sky lighted up, giving Laira a glance of the horse running towards the cliffs.

''wait, please wait. Can you take me to Clyde? He is a kelpie like you'' She yelled, this horse could not possible be a normal horse. The wind howled and the rain beated relentlessly into her face. She ran and ran straight through the town following the neighing of the horse she heard now and then.

''where are you?'' Laira called out again, turning around hoping her light would hit the horse's form. She stepped backwards not even knowing where she was, and when she did realize it was already to late. Laira felt her feet slip and with a flash the chalck of the Cliffs showed themselfs. The sight was soon replaced by ice cold blackness as Laira hit the water. All the air was blown out of her loungs as the water pulled her down into an even deeper blackness.
Laira reached up with her arm, hoping someone or something would pull her back up, but no one came. Soon she felt her conciousness slip as she saw lights dance around her.


Soft and slow waves of water brushed agains Laira's cheeck as she laid unconsious on the shore of a river. The sun shined bright into her face and some curious birds had come close to her. Once she woke up however the sudden movement scared them away. As Laira opend her eye's she had the feeling she was dreaming as she looked at her surroundings. The tree's were full and green, some even bore fruits. The sun welcomed her warm into the forest that lay near the river, as it dried her wet clothes.
''where am I?'' She asked herself confused. She was sure that it was near fall at home, but here it seemed to early for the fall season.

It almost seemed like summer.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Feoras seemed quiet the entire time winter and fall conversed...though if one were to watch him they would notice a subtle most interesting change occurring in him. It began with him standing there with faint traces of steam coming off of him in elegant tendrils, then he simply stayed quiet with blue eyes pointed toward the winter queen. The next part is the most interesting part...those eyes flicked through colors in rapid succession before landing on orange and staying there. He accepted that he lost her. Accepted and dismissed her.

The change was further identified by his change in stance. He stood now with head tilted up and a look that was their to remind all that he too is a ruler in his own right. The burning orange of his eyes was eerie and one that seemed to hide any secrets contained within his mind. He had his own plan starting to form in his mind. One that he would never consider before, but with what he was seeing he might need to.

He remained silent as he waited for the moot to continue.

The summer realm was relatively peaceful. One that inspired the playfulness of nymphs, but still held the capability of danger. A few small eyes peered from the river with keen interest. The smaller water salamanders were basically wild and were extremely difficult to catch. One hand sized salamander walddeled right up to her face and tilted its head before the sound of rustling spooked it into deeper waters.

The sound got louder until a slightly larger bright red salamander made an appearance. Golden eyes seemed to pierce the kelpie as it tilted its head and gurgled. It was a messenger salamander, but in no way was it incapable of defending itself or calling for a guard.

It seemed to almost be assessing the danger of the being before acting.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Raven Silverlight

Raven watched the young child being comforted by Are. In some ways she was jealous of the oblivious life that Lyra led. Comforted and coddled by everyone around her. But then she paid a dear price for it, she was trapped in a prison even if she was too immature to realize it. "I take it the King doesn't allow her to see any of the realities of life?" Raven had no problem speaking about anyone of importance in any manner she wished. It shocked most people but then the color of her eyes was generally enough to disturb them so why wait on polite and idle speech.

Raven gave a gentle shrug alone with a sly smile when Are asked about what she wished for of life. Of course power was not her main interest. The moment you some of proportion another would try to take it from you. "Power is an idle thing. True power cannot be kept for long so seeking it becomes purposeless. As long as you have enough to keep yourself and those things you hold dear safe more is redundant and often dangerous from those who feel threatened by it. I have what power I need so there is no reason to want more."

Explaining what Raven truly sought in life to Are would be both purposeless as the Land Nymph would never quite understand and more than Raven would be willing to share with a complete stranger. Most fae lived with the idea that they were immortal, that they would live forever as long as they were never careless. Raven's people lived with a hard and certain truth. They would die. Before there time, and forgotten by history. The Tuatha lived there lives fast because there's was a limited existence. Raven was already more than twice the age her parents had been at their passing and she lived her life risky. The business she was in had very few employees. Most didn't last long. What Raven really wanted from life was to truly feel every moment of it before she was shuffled off the mortal coil. It was something that only another Tuatha or perhaps a human could actually understand.

When the child started speaking again Raven wasn't sure if she should find it cute, feel disgusted or pity the poor creature. The Hobgoblin would die. There was no doubt about that but Lyra didn't seem capable of understanding the concept of death let along applying it to her life. To be like that forever. Tragic.

When Lyra asked for a tart Raven smiled and plucked one up from the tray Are had had brought out. "I like the lemon ones little dear, not as sweet as raspberry but delicious in a different way." She placed the tart in arms reach of Lyra. "Why don't you try one." She said with a smile.

When Lyra asked if she would be as pretty and Raven and Are when she grew up the Tuatha glanced at the Nymph. Lyra clearly wasn't developmentally old enough to understand that she did not and would not ever age. She would never grow up to be beautiful or average or at all. She was simply stuck. Still if there was one thing that Raven was good at it was misdirection. "You don't have to wait to be pretty Lyra." Raven reached into her bag and pulled out a hair clip that shaped into the form of a butterfly. It had been enchanted to so that it would occasionally flap its wings.

"This is an Alrelian Butterfly. They only stay with the pure and the beautiful." Raven reached out and fixed the clip into the girl's hair. The enchanted clip flapped its wings slowly. Raven let it sit for a moment before saying "See it likes you. You are beautiful little one."


Nyx was silent as he watched the exchange between Falk and Arys. She put on a good show for all three of them but Nyx knew that he was not truly involved in what was unfolding. Arys was considering Falk's offer and so showed him respect while at the same time making her old flame suffer for his betrayal. Nyx saw the steam coming off Feoras as the talks went on and even more alarming the change in his eye color. Nyx prayed that the Summer King wasn't foolish enough to go to war over something this trifling. Not that Nyx had a problem with war, in many cases it was a good thing for the region but the last war between Summer and Winter was still fresh in the eyes of the fae and no one wished to repeat such an event this soon. Still Feoras' temper was legendary and made Nyx question how he kept his throne and his people placated.

When Arys addressed Nyx's offers of renewed trade agreements and more importantly the exchange for Blood Pearls the Mara King nodded. "I can part with five vials of Fire Water. No more." The Phlegethon was an ancient river and the spirit of the waters was not patient. She had enough respect for the ruler of Spring to allow him access to small quantities of her water but her patience had very narrow limits. Nyx would not risk angering her by being greedy with her resources.

"Very well, I will send a delegate to meet the shipment and decide terms with your goblins." They were shrewd creatures, always good at plucking the best bargain for themselves or those they represented. Many things could be said of Queen Arys but she was no fool.

Nyx sat back and listened to the challenge Arys issued. She was indeed quite clever. The term "Frozen Heart" could apply to a hundred thousand different rituals with nuanced differences too their final effect. Not to mention those that performed the same task with different ingredients. Nyx however was not one to under estimate the Fall King. If he wanted this union badly enough be it a day or a hundred years he would find the right ritual to unfreeze Arys' heart. Whatever it was that Falk had whispered in the Ice Queen's ear must have been most enticing to prompt this kind of reaction. It had to be an offer of some kind, something everyone knew he had but had never seen... or never heard. In some ancient fae marriage ceremonies it was customary for bride and groom to exchange true names. But for someone who had kept his silence for ten thousand years or more this seemed unlikely.

"My Lady Arys, I realize my word counts for very little with you but I feel I would be remiss if I did not warn you to be careful. You would not be the first to become tangled in Lord Falk's web of trickery and deception. He had toppled many Court rulers without the aid of force. I would hate to think that at the next Moot I might be looking on the face of a different Winter Ruler. Be wary."

With those serious words out of his mouth Nyx's face brightened as a sly smile crossed his face. "If all talks of trade agreements are finished we might move on to more serious matters. We have all I believe felt it. The darkening of our skies as the Wylde Hunt prepares to ride. If it is not too much trouble I would like to heard it from his lord's mouth why his dogs grow restless. Lord Falk, have you anything to say?"
@LadyRunic@Belle@Black Panther
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 39 min ago


Feoras's reached was no end of amusement for Falk, though he was very adapt at hiding this amusement in the pleasant smirk upon his face. Falk was not known for smiling, it was a horrifying thing to see him do so. For usually it foretold a messy end to the unfortunate Fae that was so incompetent. It was the Mara King's words that stirred him with a deep anger, and offended pride. It galled him that a Mara would rule, but to rule Spring was worse. The Fall King's eyes flickered with a ghostly green of the coming storm as the Mara mentioned his Hunt and demanded a reason.

"They grow restless it is true," The Fall King drawls in his deep and hauntghy voice. A beautiful thing of darkness and deep pools untouched. Of Embers yet to be awoke and the quiet before a storm. Narrowing his gleaming orbs, his focus locked on the upstarted Mara. A predator's grace gathered about him with elegance. "But what you seem to sense is nothing more than a mortal storm above, Young King of Spring. Aye, my hunters and hounds gather in case this Moot would go south." A glance at Winter and Summer was not subtle and conveyed much of the reason as to why his huntsmen and hounds had gathered. "But if you are looking for some grand magic, I would suggest you seek elsewhere." Spreading his hand with palms open to show nothing, Falk smirked with a arrogance. "For I have yet to call my Wylde Hunt, nor would I waste their might for such a petty reason, Young Mara." The last title was a clear insult. Stripping the Spring King of rank and any age. The condescending parent to the upstart child.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

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If her heart was not frozen, Arys might have been amused then hurt by Feoras' reaction. In her present state, she could not have cared less.

The words of Spring caused her some pause. His words had a ring of wisdom to them. Falk was treacherous and while she wanted that treachery in her favor there would not be much to stop him from turning on her should he decide to use that treachery against her. While she could hope that he would not harm the potential mother of his child... hope could lead to death if placed in the wrong hands.

"I stand by my original statement : a male protects that which he has earned. I would pray Lord Fall's pride would keep him from harming me, but should such a thing come about I have protections in place that even a great Fae Lord could not escape," she paused for a moment to let that sink in to Falk's mind, give him something to stew over as to what those 'protections' were, before turning back to Nyx. "If your words are offered in truth, and not from the need to irritate Falk, then I thank you for your consideration," she added respectfully. An icy smile curved on her lips. "Or perhaps his concern is out of a spirit of competition with you Lord Falk. Maybe you should make haste completing my trial, before someone else completes it first."

The words were merely playful prodding, nothing more. The Winter Lady was a female of honor. She had given the trial to Fall and it would be to Fall she would give the reward should he complete it. If someone else completed it before him... well, he wouldn't allow that to happen. No one defeated the Lord of Fall. His ego would never permit it.

Nyx and Falk were immediately chomping at the bit to fight, their thinly veiled arguement making Arys roll her eyes once again. Her gaze fell on Feoras. For the slightest instant, a flicker of sadness flashed in her eyes. Her lips parted slightly and she exhaled in a rush.
Closing her eyes quickly, she turned her head away and back to the other two lords.
She lifted an eyebrow at Falk's words about the Hunt possibly moving south. "Should I be preparing my borders? It doesn't seem a fair act to set your beasts upon the home of your potential bride."

Even Arys winced at Falk's insult to Nyx. Such words were uncalled for. Spring was arrogant yes, but so was Falk. In fact Arys had little trouble imagining Nyx as a younger version of Falk.
"Please shall we not end this Moot in bloodshed?" she asked, waving a hand to form intricate goblets sculpted from ice. Once filled with wine the icy goblets would chill it to perfection. "My dear Lord Falk, would you be so kind...?" she trailed off suggestively, gesturing to the ice goblets. It was her attempt to keep the very fragile peace they had from snapping.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ojo chan 42
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Ojo chan 42 The flower withers, as I walk by

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Laira noticed her eye's had trouble adjusting to the brightness of this strange place. Rays of sunshine hit the watersurface, making it sparkel like a thousand diamonds. She walked around taking in the natural beauty around her, basking in the sunlight. The water looked refreshing to Laira and soon she sat down in the shallow parts of the river laying her back on the rocks, that had been made smooth my years and years of water polishing them.

As she laid in the river, not caring a tiny bit that her clothes got drenced again, she tought about what happend. Who was the kelpie that had lead her here, it was not Clyde, of that she was sure. Slowly but surly a realization crept upon Laira's toughts as she windend her eye's

With a firm movement Laira stood up and rushed out of the river, looking around her. The peace she had felt earlier had dissapeared compleatly and got replaced by a small fear. She still remembered the feeling of getting dragged down into the icey waters of the sea last night. The needle like stings in her longes as the air left her. She found it strange for her to get dragged down like that, she had never failed to swim before.

''who is she?'' She heard a soft voice wisper into the air. Laira turned towards the source of the sound only to see some strange creatures dive away into the river, Nymphs. They confirmed the suspicion Liara had about this place.

'' the Fae world'' She mumbled as she walked back to the shore of the river.
'' How did I end up in here in god's name'' a sound seemed to awser the question she had asked herself. Again Laira turned around, seeing the creature that had made the gurgeling sound. It was a red salamander, roughly the size of a cat that had made the sound. He had golden eye's that seemed to pierce her very soul, judging her werether she was a treath or not.
A bit startle by this strange appearance Laira started to introduce herself.

''Oh, well hello there'' Laira said before kneeling to the eyehight of the salamander.
''My name is Laira, as you probably have noticed already I am human. I am searching for a Kelpie, do you now if they live near here or do you know of someone who might know them?'' She said giving her kindest smile. She did not wanted to upset the Salamander.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Feoras remained silent, thinking of what he could do. He had lost her that was certain, and as to why he was still unclear. He glanced at the goblets and waited for the liquid to be poured, knowing full well the coolness of the ice would be somewhat unpleasant. He could handle the cold easily, but often things of ice were often melted when they were touched by him. The fires within him shaping his personality and often result in his own body being warmer then average.

He would not be able to find that spell. He knew he wouldn't be able to...he also knew that she would never let him. He could always find a different way..a fire related spell, but again the likely hood of her allowing him to do so was low to the point of non existence. This would probably haunt him later. It was unusual for him to be this quiet at a moot.

The salamander tilted its head at her. It's nostrils twitched as it blinked. This red creature seemed rather unintelligent, but a look into its eyes would prove otherwise. It gurgled at her and tilted its head. It did know of where kelpies lived, but the question was whether or not this human would be too valuable to lead out of summer.

A wrong decision on its part would lead to heavy consequences...especially after a moot. It gurgled again before it waddled closer and studied her more.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ojo chan 42
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Ojo chan 42 The flower withers, as I walk by

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Laira watched the reaction of the Salamander, she was afraid to have offended him. Or perhaps he just did not like humans.

''Is my prescens here a problem? I can understand that'' She said carefully giving another soft smile.

The salamander had waddled closer to her and inspected her being from head to toe. Laira did not know what to do for the Salamander had made no attempt to speak to hear, nor had it made any sound she could understand. However, Laira could see that he had understood her. His eye's spoke without the need of words, unfortunatly for Liara she did not understand what he thought.

'' can you speak sir salamander?'' Laira asked not knowing how to adres this Salamander, to be sure she choose to be respectfull.
''if you can't then nod once, and if that is the case can you maybe guide me towards someone who I can speak with?'' She dared to aks. Standing still here would do her no good, she had to keep moving. A human precence in the Fae world was sure to attract some unwanted attention.

''I know there are Fae who can speak. Is it possible for me to go to your leader? I woudl like to ask some questions about the Kelpie that live in this world''


Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 39 min ago


Falk waved off the goblet with a dismissal wave. "My Lady, it would be against my interests to make war upon your borders, and competition would be..." He trailed off with a deep chuckle. "The war that resulted... These young fairies would be standing in rank with the other fallen of my Hunt." Winds howled in a shrieking gale. A show of power and terror. A dark armored hand took the Snow Queen's in it's own as lips kissed the tips with gentle courtesy. The Fall Kin stood before her and then the wind darkened all the more. "My reasons for the Moot have been dealt with. Seeing as we are devolving into bickering..." Tegvan gave a harsh laugh. "I shall see to the task, the Frozen Lady of Beauty has laid before me." The wind soared into a small twister before dissipating. Where the ancient King once stood was a spire of fall roses in full blood.

Flowers for the future Queen.

The winds of the Fall's High Hall screamed and shook the great trees. Aisling looked up in fear as many Fae did. Many of the lesser Fae fled, as did a handful of greater Fae. Appearing at the base of his throne the Fall King, Tegvan, appeared. Clothed in robes of black and grey. His eyes gleaming with power as he laughed. His Fae watched on in fear and horror. What had brought their king such amusement? Did it bode them well or ill? 'She who is born of Ashes' cringed back as the ancient Fae Lord's gaze locked upon her and his voice shook her being. "Go forth Aisling Ní Cheallaighe, play for the Queen of Winter and thaw her heart with mortal charm. Return once her heart lies within my hand!" His command contained so much more than he said. The layers of spell that was laid upon the human girl made her twist to the Fall King's will. Well did Falk bind his tools to him. Winds swooped about the woman before she was swept off to the Winter Court. The poor Irish woman looked bewildered about at the foot of the winter throne, her harp in lap and hand. Swears streamed from the fiery lass's lips, the Fae Lord had gone mad. Surely mad! Though her hands were drawn to tune the harp and prepare to play as her Lord did bid.

Taking his throne, Falk laughed and sent his eyes out to watch the borders as he puzzled over the ancient spells.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

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Nyx's eyes darkened as Falk responded to his query about the Wylde Hunt. Nyx had been speaking metaphorically of the Hunt's ability to cause panic not a literal darkening of the skies. As if Nyx would be frightened of a simple mortal storm. He seethed under the guise of an uncaring grin yet he did not have time to respond before Ayrs spoke. At this Nyx's grin turned from a facade to that of genuine humor. "There is no reason my lady that I cannot be both concerned for you and wish to irritate the Fall King. Performing multiple actions at once is a great saver of time."

Nyx knew Arys too well however to guess that she would give anything of herself to another who completed the trial set before Falk. She was an honorable fae, at least publicly and she would never place herself in a position as remote as the possibility might be that Feoras might find the right spell and win her hand. Still he'd likely devote a few of his spellcasters to the task if only to annoy Falk further should he happen to win.

Nyx waited for one of the others to take one of Arys' ice chalices. Not that he did not trust her but he did not wish to seem eager either for the liquid contained within or to gain a sense of comradery with the other three. Instead however Falk chose that moment to made his overly dramatic exit leaving a few words behind for Arys about completing her trial. Throughout all of this Feoras had been completely silent and at times steaming. Clearly he was struggling to control his human emotions through the exchange between his former lover and one of his enemies.

Nyx nodded towards where Falk had vanished. "Most impressive." he said with a look on his face that suggested he considered it no more than a parlor trick. "Despite Fall's early departure I still have a few things I might ask." Nyx turned to address the Winter Queen. "Lady Arys I would propose an exchange of sorts with you. Our Kingdoms are not enemies which relieves me as I would hate to go to war with one as beautiful as yourself. Despite that however our peoples are not close and this troubles me more than I care to admit. In order that we may take the first steps to rectify this I would like to offer you this, an exchange of personnel. A valued and useful member of my court will cross the border and serve as an adviser to you so that you may gain more insight into Spring's way of doing things. Likewise you will send someone from your Court to serve the same function with me." Nyx smiled slyly. "If nothing else consider this a simple way bring a spy into my midst as Yggdrasil protects from unwanted eyes." All the Courts had at one time or another attempted to send spies into the other lands. Nyx's guards were skilled at unmasking such people and the Great Tree that served as his palace protected itself against outside means of intelligence gathering.
@Belle@Black Panther

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Arys merely raised an eyebrow at the Fall King's rather overly dramatic exit. It would be interesting being married to a male so dramatic. Normally it was the females that were the dramatic ones.
The slightest smirk appeared on her lips as she approached the roses. Very clever.
Taking one from the mound, she covered it in a fine veil of frost. Literally frozen in time, the rose would never wither unless the frost was melted.

Nyx spoke once again, to Arys' amusement. Why would she be interested in knowing how Spring functioned? It was less than useless to her. But if it would amuse the young ruler to think they were friends, she would oblige him for now.
"I do not understand your reasoning on this matter, especially since I am to be married to your enemy soon, but if it provides me some amusement I will allow it for the time being, provided I can recall my servant at any time as you can yours. And should anything befall my servant, I am free to do what I wish with yours. If you agree to these terms my vassel shall appear in your lands by sundown."

Arys stood back and inclined her head toward each remaining ruler. "If there is nothing else..." she said, leaving a long pause for Feo- Summer to say what he wished. He had been silent and she found herself supremely curious as to what he thought of all that had occured at this Moot. Did he not care that she was set to wed the Fall King, to be called his and bare his child? Once she had her heart back, she was certain this non-action by him would be very hurtful to her. "... then I shall take my leave."

Finally, after all had been said or unsaid, she closed her eyes. An icy wind swept the area and snow flakes swirled around them before hiding her from their view. Once the snow cleared, the Winter Queen was gone.


When the human appeared in the middle of the court the creatures of Winter hissed and snarled. The court was filled with goblins, trolls, ogres, gremlins... the only things of some beauty were the few kelpies that watched from afar.
"A human in Winter!"
"No human has entered Winter in decades!"
"Is she a pet for the Queen?"
"Is she food?"
"I want her liver."
"I want her bones to chew on."
"I want her eyes."

The ugly creatures ventured closer, their chattering and laughing growing louder. A goblin finally reached a clawed hand toward the woman.
A deathly silence fell on the court. The goblin had been frozen solid, his twisted features pained and his limbs contorted in agony. The others immediately rushed away from the throne, which the Queen now sat upon. She didn't need to say anything. They already knew that the goblin had been punished for taking liberties the Queen had not given him leave to take.
Once she had stared down the rest of the court, Arys turned her gaze on the human. She had long reddish hair and fair skin, pleasing features and nimble hands. The hands of an artist or a musician.
"Most would think it unwise to send a prospective bride a female as a gift, but Lord Falk does what he wishes with no concern for what is wise doesn't he?" she said aloud. "I am Arys, Queen of the Winter Realm. You will give me your name human."

A test for the human servant. Was she a stupid annoyance that Falk had foisted off onto Arys? What was the value of the gift she had been sent? Would she give her real name to a very powerful unknown fae?
Once she had answered Arys inclined her head slightly towards the frozen corpses around them.

"I shall be asking you a series of questions. Think carefully about your words and actions before you commit to them. But before we begin... Grexx!"

A small goblin came rushing forward, nearly tripping on his own feet. "Yes your Grace! I'm coming your Grace! I'm sorry your Grace!" He finally did trip and came tumbling to a stop at the foot of the throne. Arys closed her eyes, mentally counting to ten in annoyance. This would at least be an opportunity to get this little grub out of her hair.
"You will be sent to the Spring Court as my vassal. You will stay in the Spring Court and observe. Report your findings back to me via the message crystal. Be courteous to the Spring King and his court, but do not give away more information than needed."
"B-b-but my Lady! Your Grace! Your Majesty! I c-c-c-can't go there! It's too bright! It's too warm! It's too... too... Spring-y! Please there must be another... b-b-better that you could send-!"
"Enough!" Arys said, her voice sharp and dangerous and Grexx lowered his head and whimpered loudly, shaking from head to toe. "You will do as commanded. Now go!"
In a wave of her hand snow enveloped the shaking goblin and he vanished.

"Now," Arys said, already feeling more relaxed, turning her attention back the the human. "This human is in my service until the Lord Falk deems to retrieve her. She is not to be touched. You are to see to any request she makes, within reason, and treat her as a guest of my court. Is that clear?"
"Yes my Queen," the entire assembly said in unison.
Nodding in satisfaction, Arys addressed the human now. "You shall be treated as a guest unless you abuse my hospitality, in turn you shall be treated as a prisoner instead. Now," she said, her voice becoming a little less sharp and more gentle. "Tell me, what has Falk told you about the arrangement between us?"

She would see what this human knew then explain as she needed. The human was holding a harp so Arys assumed she could play the thing. It would be a welcome change. For a queen as beautiful as she was to be constantly surrounded by ugliness was something of a trial for her. In truth she had longed for a long time for some kind of beauty other than the ice sculptures she created.
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