Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Wolf laughed and pulled her down the stairs, the door shutting above them. They walked down and heard voices when they reached the main floor. They heard a cry of pain and a voice said "Tell us how you got here without opening a portal? And where is the anchor?" THe girls heard someone spit then a weak voice said "YOu might as well kill me...I won't tell you anything..." Wolf looked at Riza and said "That's strange...right?"

Robin nodded and followed the wolf and Connor and when they reached what the trail ended he said "Where are they?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Riza was being a sneaky as she could, listening on the voices that she heard with Jarvis boosting the volume to hear in more. Riza felt a pain in her heart and her chest tighten at just what she heard. "damn it..." She whispered in a low tone, she felt her anger rise as she couldn't take this pain anymore. She needed to help her friend and mentor. "yes....that would be Dr. Strange...Jarvis...see if you can give us a time of opportunity. I'll be damned if he dies..." she muttered softly. Jarvis did manage to stark something within the power that would surely distract them. However there was also a roar that had sounded from the hallway. Riza had spoke in Asgardian and soon a large black Wolf came into the main room (about 10ft tall), claws sharp, fur bristling, and fangs bared at Dr. Strange's captures. Riza then had taken the opportunity to shoot one of the men that was near Strange and the main guy in charge. "GIVE HIM BACK!" A shout came as if from all around the room. Another beam was ready to fire at another of the main guys men.

Kid Flash too followed them, Wolf sniffing a something on a tree that seemed to have been touched and an area of where the trail ends. Conner looked at the wolf oddly. I think they went underground." Wally then came over and went to the tree that the wolf sniffed at and knocked around till he heard something hollow. "Eureka!" He then pressed it and the door opened. Conner smirked as the wolf soon had his hair bristled for he felt something off. Conner noticed this and wondered what was up. A loud roar was heard and Conner thought it sounded like another Wolf. But much more bigger than his own companion. Wally looked at Robin. "Your call dude."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Wolf cursed and siad "I said I got the first hit..." She ran into the room, using her shadows to throw the men away from Strange, moving in front of him. "Come at me, you cowards." Then suddenly there was a loud pop and all the power that was in the room died. Riza's suit would lose power and become unless. WOlf looked back and siad "Riza? What happened?" Strange muttered "Ion...blast...shorts any tech...nearby..."

Robin's gear died and Robin said "Guys...we got a problem"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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At the moment, Riza didn't give a care what happened. All she cared was that the men before her were hurting her friend and family stand for none of it. Her suit didn't die out. It still had power, but she didn't really need it. Seeing a man come at her, she scoffed as the Wolf over her bent its head low and growled. The man literally peed his pants and tried to back pedal but fell on his butt. Looking around the room, she stepped forward and infront of the large black wolf. "Who the hell is the one in charge of the facility and taking this man hostage!" She shouted, pointing to said hostage, Dr. Strange.

Wally went bug-eyes as he heard the one thing that he thought he wouldn't hear from Robin. "What? What happen?" He asked, knowing they hadn't entered any battle and Robin already said that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Robin siad "Ion bomb is my guess...come on" HE ran into the fight just as Riza moved forward. WOlf moved up as one of the men walked forward and said "Our master wants answers...but it looks like we have our target right here..." He nodded to the man behind him and Dr. Strange yelled "WOlf, cover you ears!" Wolf covered her ears as a loud ringing started going off. Robin and the others fell to there knees in pain, their ears starting to bleed. The man walked up to Riza and said "We get rid of you...we start the end..." He pulled out a pistol and aimed is at Riza's head. Wolf growled and her eyes glowed yellow. "Don't...you dare...touch her!" She ran forward, tackling the man. He cried out as the pair fought. Wolf got on top and said "Stop it now!" He looked at her and siad "Funny...I'm not seeing you do anything...you couldn't even stop us from taking her from her world..." He aimed at Riza and said "You still can't save her" He fired and suddenly Robin was in front of Riza, the bullet hitting him in the shoulder. Robin hit the ground, crying out in pain.

Wolf saw this and lost it completely. She yelled out and the shadows around the room went crazy, ripping the room and HQ apart. The shadows went for the Sonic machine and ripped it apart. The others could get up now and Dr. Strange went to Robin and Riza, ripping his uniform to get to the wound. Wolf was staring down at the man and said "That...was a very unwise move..." She grabbed him and picked him up, her hands on fire. Then she tossed him back and said "I wanted a fight...I finally get one..." She jumped at him, and bone claws burst from her knuckles.

The man panicked and started firing at Wolf, hititng her in the chest and legs. But it didn't stop her as she slashed him in the face, sending him flying. She was panting, blood tripping to the ground. She looked back, breathing hard. "Riza? You alright? Robin?" She swayed, fighting to stay on her feet.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Wally, Conner and the wolf came in as well. Riza had lifted her hand as a blast was charging. She pointed at it at the man that had a gun aimed at her head, she wasn't afraid, she knew what her armor could do. "Do it! I dare you!" However she never got to see if the man would actually do it when Wolf tackled the man. Riza didn't have to cover her ears for she had her helmet to not phase her. But she looked behind her to see the Conner, Wally and Robin covering their ear due to the Sonic machine. This only made her even more mad since her new friends were getting hurt. "Damn you!" However she ripped the bindings that held Dr. Strange. She didn't see the gun being aimed at her again but when she saw it fire, she looked toward the gun fire to Robin suddenly appear infront of her. She felt her heart skip beat. "Robin!" She dropped to her knees and cradling him and examining his shoulder. "You idiot...I wouldn't...I wouldnt have gotten hurt." Riza managed to say as she then saw Strange come over and rip his uniform. "I don't think I can pull it out. It dont know if it completely went through." She was scared, she didn't want to make the wound worse.

Superboy and Kid Flash were more stunned of the fact of what happened to Wolf, seeing some sort of claws that calm from between her knuckles. Conner didn't seem too afraid for when she had killed the man, he walked over to help keep her standing. 'Meg'an! We need to get out now. Meet us at the front of the entrance.' Wally said as he looked to everyone. "We need to get out before people come looking. I don't know how many floors there are and I don't care. Meg'an is waiting at the front." Wally said.
Riza heard what Wally said and looked to Dr. Strange. "I'll carry him." Conner though picked up Wolf. "Let's get out of here."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Wolf was barely standing when Connor caught her, looking at the man she had slashed. He was laying there, blood all over him but nothing important was hit. Just his face. She blacked out in Connors arms, her wounds much worse. Her hands were bleeding with the claws still sticking out. Robin shook his head and said "I can stand...it's just a thru and thru...it's not too bad...I just need something to lean on is all" Strange smiled and said "your pretty brave and lucky it didn't do more damage. Riza, mind giving me a hand out of here? My body isn't too happy with me right now"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Riza nodded as she let Robin stand on his own, surprised how much pain Robin could take. Wally came to the Boy Wonder's aid, giving him support as Riza was willing to give aid to her friend and Mentor. "Of course. Glad to see you Strange. Wish it was under better circumstances." She told him. Conner picked up Wolf without caring about the blood that was soaking into his shirt but worried about the wounds she took. He headed to the Bioship where Wally was close to and Riza was working on getting to. The really large wolf had disappeared as if like magic as they got onto the ship and leaving with the whole crew.

Javis chimed in to where ever Batman was, wanting to make sure to give him the heads up on the situation. "Batman. It seems they are pulling out of Africa. Two of your disciples are injured, Robin taking a bullet for Miss. Stark while Wolf took quite the amount of bullets. However I wish to inform you that she has grown bone claws between her knuckles. They are on their way back to base." He informed through his comm devise. Yes. Jarvis did that. But only for good reason.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Batman froze where he stood, the other league members looking at him. Wonder Woman said "Batman? Is everything alright?" Batman recovered and said "Yes...pardon me.." He left the war room, trying not to run to the ship bay. The two closest things to family were injured, but the thing that worried him the most was Wolf. Her powers were getting out of hand, and so was her emotions. Why would she let herself get shot? That wasn't like her at all.

Robin sat down in his sit, flinching as Artemis went to him to start patching him up. Strange let Riza set him down and said "I'm so glad I found you, Maiden...things are getting rough at home. Don't worry, everyone is alright. But we can talk more about that later. Who is your friend?" He asked as Connor put Wolf down, Wolf's condition not looking good. Artemis looked up and said "We need to get her back to base now. Meg'an, get us out of here now!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Meg'an was already on it as Riza set him down, She stood as she got out of the suit and sat next to her mentor. "I don't know her actual name. But She is called Wolf. I guess we are like sisters. Then there is Conner, Wally, Robin, Meg'an, and Artemis." Introducing her new friends to Dr. Strange. Though she still felt the aches in her heart and chest. Two of her friends had gotten hurt and she felt this was her doing one way or another. She looked over to Robin and Artemis. "How are holding up?" She asked though once she got her answer, she walked over to Superboy and Wolf. She examined the damage as the half-Crytonian patched her up the best he could. Riza sat next to who a proclaimed her as a sister and held her hand. "I'm so sorry...I feel this is my fault. I was so worried about Dr. Strange...I didn't realize how out of hand it was going to get..." She felt tears form in her eyes. She didn't lose someone who saw her as family and hoped she would survive. Conner listened for Wolf's heartbeat to see how she was doing, hopefully she was going to make it to the base.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Her heartbeat was weak, but still there. Strange limped back and asked "how is our shadow walker doing?" Wolf stirred, muttering softly "protect...the others...have to protect the others..."

Robin let Artemis patch him up, his eyes on the back bay
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Conner sighed, not knowing for sure if she would make it. "Her heard beat is weak. But hopefully she will stay strong when we get back." He told the man next to him. Riza didn't move from her spot nor did she let go of Wolf's hand. Conner though looked to the man with confused but suspicious look. "Who are you?"

Wally walked over to Robin and Artemis as she was patching him up, he sat down next to his buddy. "I'm sure she's toughening it out. Surprised she's still alive for what damage she took. But I really gotta know. Why did you take a bullet for miss high-tech knight in shining armor? I her armor could have taken some bullets." Yes. Wally was curious. For as geeky as he was with science, he figured that for someone as close to high tech like batman, she had to have made the suit to wear bullets were nothing that could go through the suit and injure her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Dr Strange smiled and said "Dr. Steven Strange, Sorcerer Supreme in Riza and my world...but right now I am merely a guest like Riza is. And I am sure our friend here can make it" Wolf's grip tightened on Riza's hand.

Robin sighed then pulled out a bullet casing and held it out for Wally to see. "Armor piercing rounds. It was similar pistol that Two Face nearly killed Batman with in his armor suit....I just jumped in the way, I didn't really think about it. I just knew I had to protect Riza like Wolf had been..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Wally took the casing and examined it while listening to Robin. He nodded thoughtfully. "I see why. Though, if I had to think about, I would say that it was something else that had you taking that bullet for her." Wally teased. He was only trying to lighten the mood on everything that went on for he knew he couldn't do much but wait it all out till they got back.

Conner nodded, extending a hand to this Dr. Strange. "Conner Kent. Also known as Superboy. We have been watching after Riza. Trying to help her get back home." Conner said, not knowing who else would tell the sorcerer but he was being honest and not having a problem talking to someone he didn't really know. He was getting better socially. Riza had felt Wolf's hand tighten and gave a comforting squeeze to let her know that everything was fine.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Strange smiled and said "I'm glad she found friends in this world...but tell me more about our friend Wolf here...you all seemed shocked when those claws came out. Which Riza? If you find the right nerve you should be able to get the claws to retract"

Robin turned his head and said "I have no idea what your talking about...Meg'an? How long out are we to the base? Wolf needs help now"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Riza nodded as she carefully messaged Wolf's hand to look for that one nerve to retract her claws before doing the same with the next. She didn't know if she had the same nerves as Wolverine did but it was good to do it this was so she knew in the future. Conner sat down and sighed with a nod. "She never had claws before only magic, and shadow magic if I'm right. Her history you may want to talk to Batman about, but from what some of use know was that she learned under Batman and Dr. Fate. A magic user like you. He taught her magic. She's been on the team ever sense. Riza came along a few days ago or so and somehow she's been getting aches in her hands. She said something about not being from here but she had never said anything about it till recently."

"We should be there soon. She only only go as fast as she is able. I can't push the ship so much that we will be stuck." She told Robin but knew how he felt. She wanted to get Wolf home as fast as possible. But not long she saw a blurry version of the base.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Dr. Strange looked at Wolf, thinking hard. "Connor, would you mind checking on Robin for me?" When Connor left Dr. Strange sat down and said "It can't be...the chances are so out there...but if this is his daughter..." He looked at Riza and said "Tell me everything you can about her, Riza. I mean anything, even if its small...I think I'm starting to under stand what's happening here"

Robin nodded, flinched as Artemis was finishing up. Artemis said "Wolf has taken worse hits then this. Remember when she jumped in front of Wally when Joker let off that Bomb in time square a few years ago"
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Conner shrugged as he did as requested. Riza looked to her friends and Mentor, hearing what he said before looking at Wolf. "She has the claws to prove it. She said she had dreams of which I found out were memories that she didn't remember. I have a strong feeling that she is Wolverine's daughter. I just don't understand how she didn't get his healing factor. But shadow magic that doesn't make any sense. Plus she had a pair of dogtags that said Wolverine. I didn't understand why myself but I pulled up to show her the owner of said dogtags, she felt she had a resemblance with him. The claws and temper proved it to be a higher probability than I had once had." Riza explained. "I was told by Batman that they found her in this London looking for her father, but as time went on, she soon forgot anything she knew while Batman and Dr. Fate tried to look for her parents. That was all they knew."

Wally nodded. "I remember. I thought she was crazy. But to survive that was something that really surprised me. But this is also different, hoepfully those bullets didn't hit anything important." Superboy came in when they talked about Wolf and the Bomb. "She's hanging in there. How are you doing Robin?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Strange sat back and said "I see...its adding up now. Logan was married to a woman known as Lady Iris Shade. She was mutant, but also part of a clan known as Shadows. Her family had power over shadow magic, much like Wolf here does...Lady Shade and Logan were married year ago then gave birth to their daughter, Serena Shade. But then one night while Logan was on a mission, their home was attacked and Iris was killed. Logan and Rouge got there just as Serena had found her mother dead. Logan ask ROuge to Serena out of there but then Rouge was attacked and Serena was taken...after that we couldn't find any lead to that little girl. Logan soon gave up hope and moved back to the school...from what you've told me, Serena somehow got here in this world and was found by the heroes here...she was so young at the time she would have forgotten who she was..."

Robin nodded and said "Artemis said I should be fine. I need to get the wound deep cleaned but apart from that I'm alright...how's Wolf?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Superboy sat over with Robin, Wally, and Artemis and shrugged. "She's pulling through, her heatbeat is weak but she's managing somehow. She has claws coming from her knuckles. Its odd." Conner admitted.

Riza looked to Strange as he told her the story about Logan's daughter. What had happened to the little girl and Logan. Riza felt her eyes water, knowing it was a sad tale. Wiping her tears, she looks Wolf with a sad look on her face. "When are we going to tell her. She does want to know about her parents and if she of this demension or not."
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