At first the “No hospitals” comment completely confused Tyrus, with his face clearly mirroring this feeling. Yet after a couple of seconds of blank staring, along with a series of mental questions, the young Robin finally got his head around to why hospitals probably weren’t the greatest ideas in their line of “work”. All you had to do to figure that out was to look at the masks covering each other’s faces. Hospitals meant unmasking. Losing one’s mask was probably the worst thing that could happen to vigilantes, minus getting killed or severely beaten that is. Losing your mask meant the bad guys would know who you are, who your family are, as well as everything that was precious to you. Hospitals meant unmasking.

Nodding, Tyrus backed away slightly, intent on agreeing with her decision of not going to the hospital. Still though, he wasn’t convinced that her wound was “only a graze”, especially given the clumsily way she got onto her feet. Despite this though, Tyrus had to say he was impressed. He didn’t know many people outside of action films who could keep on going right after getting shot. He decided to mention this to her as she was wrapping her arm with some gauze, but before he even said a word, his invitation to help arrived.

Oh, yeah! Of course, right away.” He replied maybe too eagerly as wannabe punk kid stepped forward to help her with tying her bandage.

"Can you take me to Grant's Gym? I think the help I need is there."

The second request threw him slightly. Part of his him wished to decline. Beating that group of moronic thugs before wasn’t going to change the situation here in Devil’s Square one bit. The Riddler and Cluemaster were going to tear this place apart if no one managed to stop them. He had to stay and help! Yet he knew that if he did, he wouldn’t be able to live with himself if anything happened to the purple clad girl, whatever he name was. Besides, Devil’s Square wasn’t going anywhere! What harm could one little detour be?

That’s that dive in Midtown right?” Tyrus asked as he finished up his work on the gauze, before stepping towards the edge of the rooftop and glancing around, getting an idea of their current location. “Piece of cake.

Finding his bearings, a smile etched into his face slightly as he spotted a relatively tall building in the direction they were to be heading, that was luckily in good grappling distance. However, before he could throw out his billy club, his mind flashed back to the incident in the alley moments early. Maybe his club wasn’t the greatest idea right now? Especially since there’d be two to a line.

Mind if I quickly borrow this... Uh. What is your name again?” He asked, as he scooped up her grappling hook from where she had previously dropped it on the floor of the rooftop.

With both hands gripped tightly around the gun’s handle, he aimed it carefully, and in an extremely slow manner, towards the neighbouring rooftop. Once he had his target, he fired the, propelling the grapple across the sky. The sound and feeling was so satisfying, that he accidently let out a snort “Sweet”, before straightening up and turning back towards the fellow vigilante.

He outstretched his arm, before flashing a grin. “Care to join me, m’lady.

That was probably smoother in his head.