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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lizzy Sky

Lizzy Sky

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Red vs Blue: Project Freelancer [Potential AU]

UPDATE 2/21/14: An updated list of freelancers/colors/information can be found in the new roleplay thread: Here. Please post all inquiries and COMPLETED bios there.

This will be a high Casual Red vs Blue Project Freelancer roleplay. (Meaning good grammar/spelling and the intent to make posts which are relatively substantial and build toward a greater storyline/character development, as opposed to a fun, crack roleplay). I would prefer posts be formatted as third-person story format, to limit any confusion in actions and speech, but first-person story format would also be acceptable. The storyline and starting point are currently up in the air, and will be created and adjusted based on any serious initial interest shown in this interest check. Since the roleplay will be taking place primarily using OCs (I imagine), that is the safest way to be certain we build a roleplay which everyone can enjoy. I am happy to begin during the days of Project Freelancer, post-Project Freelancer, or even in an AU version which eliminates or alters some of the later revelations of Seasons 9 and 10. (Update: See story blurb below for setting.) AI are certainly welcome if it turns into an AU roleplay.

The pace of the roleplay would be medium, as I work a full-time job and I am aware others have real-life needs as well. One post a day minimum would be nice (depending on the amount of interested parties), but we can work with it as needed.

I have recently caught up on the Red vs Blue series (up to Season 10, which I am told is the bulk of the current Freelancer information) and it has rekindled my interest in Project Freelancer roleplays. In fact, I'm about dying for one, especially since I have now revamped my Agent Massachusetts character. If there is anyone interested in constructing a freelancer or other RvB Freelancer universe character, please let me know. I realize the above explanation sounds very serious, but I don't intend for this to be a doom-and-gloom roleplay; I'm simply looking for people who are interested in building a storyline and having fun, but in a dedicated, literate way.

This post will be updated as interest is shown and more specific information about the story is created/required.

Setting: This roleplay will take place in the early days of Project Freelancer. The first batch or two of recruits have come in and been given their designations. The roleplay will follow the characters (preferably all OCs, though canon characters are cautiously welcome) through their training, missions, and the eventual downfall of Project Freelancer. AIs have not yet been introduced with the exception of the Alpha, who is not assigned to any one agent. Essentially, we are writing the parts of the project which were not seen in Red vs Blue through the eyes of some of the unseen freelancers from the series. Potentially an AU of Project Freelancer in the future.

Canon Freelancers: Maine, Carolina, South Dakota, North Dakota, Texas, York, Washington, Wyoming, Connecticut, Florida.
Canonically-Mentioned Freelancers: Utah, Georgia. [They are still useable, since they only appear in deleted scenes for RvB, so we don't know much about them.]

Claimed Freelancers (Name - Primary Armor Color/Secondary Armor Color):
  • Massachusetts (F) - Cobalt/White

  • California (F) - ?/?

  • Nevada (F) - Salmon/Cobalt

  • Illinois (M) - Black/Brown

An updated list of freelancers can be found in the new roleplay thread: Here. Please post all inquiries and COMPLETED bios there.

Please be aware of which armor color combinations have been taken already by both canon and non-canon freelancers. Each freelancer's color combo is unique, so we're going to try to avoid any overlap.

Character Application:
Armor: [Image and/or specific description]
Armor Ability:
Any specific weaknesses/flaws:
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lost Cause
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Lost Cause

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Just so you know, quoting actually flushes anything with markup right now.

Also, interest even though I'm not particularly "up" on the Freelancers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lizzy Sky

Lizzy Sky

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Thank you for the head's up! We'll table the bold titles if necessary. It just tends to differentiate sections, but that can be done any number of ways. You're an RvB fan? What season are you up to?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lost Cause
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Lost Cause

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I've seen bits and pieces across a few seasons. Nothing coherently enough to get the plot down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TreueKaiserin


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This could be fun. I'm a long time RvB fan, been watching since the beginning. I got behind a bit with the newest season though, didnt know it was out till recently, so Im catching up on it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lizzy Sky

Lizzy Sky

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Lost Cause said
I've seen bits and pieces across a few seasons. Nothing coherently enough to get the plot down.

Ohhh. Well, I know there's a Wiki that explains the basics of everything somewhere if you're interested and just want to skim through and see what the project was all about. Seasons 1-5 only loosely mentioned Project Freelancer; it was more fun and lacking in sense for those seasons, and then Season 6 and on gradually got more plot-focused.

TreueKaiserin said
This could be fun. I'm a long time RvB fan, been watching since the beginning. I got beg=hind a bit with the newest season though, didnt know it was out till recently, so Im catching up on it.

I started early in the series, also, then took a break around the time Season 9 started and didn't go back to catch up until this past week. I haven't seen the newest season (11), so that's not a problem! I intend to catch up on it sometime soon. I've been reliably informed that the majority of the Project Freelancer information came out in Seasons 9 and 10. As long as you've seen those, you're as up to date as I am. Hahaha. There's also always room for an AU if some of the information in there isn't to your liking.

To both of you: Any preference as to when in the timeline we're beginning? As I said, I'm happy to start from when the program is still in full operation, pre-AI fragments and work our way forward (canonically or otherwise) or from post-AI or even post-program. It's entirely up to what points you want to roleplay through. If you have no preferences-- and no one else replies in the next 24 hrs with preferences-- I can start tossing specific ideas out there and see which ones catch your fancy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TreueKaiserin


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Personally, I'd like to start early on, but I'm fine if we start later too.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lost Cause
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Lost Cause

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Starting early might be good for me too.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lizzy Sky

Lizzy Sky

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I'm happy with that! Starting early gives us the time to build our characters, skills and interactions, rather than assuming things about the past.

I'd prefer starting after recruitment as opposed to going through recruitment, but this can certainly be early enough on that not all of the freelancers have been selected yet. I'd suggest somewhere in the middle of the process, as the first set or two of the 49 recruited are beginning their training, testing their skills, and sizing up the competition (or, for some of them, not yet aware that it is a competition; Lizzy would fall into that category). The roleplay would follow them through training, early missions, the slow progression of the canon agents to the top of the leader board, and the eventual fall-out from the institution of the AI fragments experiments.

I'll be playing an OC and had no intention of focusing on the canon agents (since we see that in the series anyway). I figured they would be a way to gauge how time is passing, but would not be central to the story, since we'll be focusing on the other operations Project Freelancer is up to. If either of you-- or anyone reading this/joining in the future-- wanted to play a canon freelancer, just say the word and we can adjust it to have it make sense. I'm fine with making it somewhat of an AU where freelancer interactions are concerned if it serves the story.

If we want to stay canon as much as possible to what we know of the freelancers from the series, reminder that [Season 9/10 spoilers] Utah and Georgia are fated to die before the creation of the fragment AI units.

Are you two interested in making OCs or would you prefer to take over one of the known Freelancers?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TreueKaiserin


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I always prefer OC. Its just easier to get in tune with a character of your own creation, plus we already know the stories of the canon characters, so to me it would be a bit boring. If I'm outvoted though, I call Maine >_>
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lizzy Sky

Lizzy Sky

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hahahaha! I completely understand. Sounds good. I'll post my bio for Massachusetts shortly. Dibs on Camouflage as my armor ability. ;) I'll also be removing the AI section of the bio, since we're starting pre-AI.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TreueKaiserin


Member Offline since relaunch

You got camo? Alright, I think I'll pick... Wait, are we only going with what's in the series, or can we pick armor abilities from any halo game?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lizzy Sky

Lizzy Sky

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Agent Massachusetts: Character Application

Name: Elizabeth Skyler

Nicknames: Lizzy Sky, Mass

Codename: Massachusetts

Age: 24

Rank: Freelancer (Former ODST)

Specialty (if any): Snipers, CQB [OOC Note: Slightly more skilled/used to CQB, but still an excellent-- and improving-- shot with a sniper.]

Armor: See icon. Cobalt blue armor with white accents and green arm band detail. ODST helmet, Mark VI shoulders, CQB chest piece.

Armor Ability: Camouflage

Appearance: Outside of her armor, Lizzy Sky could be typified as "cute." The young woman has bright blue eyes framed by light lashes and set beneath mildly arched eyebrows. She tends to wear her shoulder-length blonde hair in a short braid so that it doesn't get in the way or make wearing her helmet difficult. She has sun-kissed skin with a small mole on the edge upper right edge of her lip, and stands barefoot at a height of 5' 5". Build-wise she's thin and slightly pear-shaped due to the flare of her wide hips. She appears to weigh around 125 lbs, which, when coupled with her height, causes others to underestimate her capabilities.

History: Lizzy joined the standard UNSC Marines at the age of 19; she later applied and was accepted to the ODST program. She trained there for a year, earning excellent marks in training, and later displayed the high quality of her skills on missions along with her squad. It was from the ODSTs that Lizzy was invited to join Project Freelancer and, after a brief interview session where she asked more questions than they did, she agreed to the honor. She was among the first batch of recruits to arrive at the facility, go through the initial medical exams, and get outfitted. She has been training privately in preparation for the first monitored or partner training sessions.

Personality: Mass is a pleasant woman with good manners and a seemingly cheerful outlook on life. However, she IS a freelancer and she knows her way around a weapon well enough that those who try to mess with her thinking she'll be an easy target get more than they bargained for. She prefers hand-to-hand combat over guns, since her strength is in distance weapons or CQB. In spite of being a follower, she is stubborn and somewhat commanding. If Lizzy feels something is a bad idea, she'll put her foot down and refuse to let anyone go through with it. She's sweet, if a little unpredictable, and has a love of theatre and music.

Although she doesn't dwell on it, Lizzy is aware that she has always cared more about her squadmates and fellow soldiers than a soldier in wartime should. This innate concern for others can affect Lizzy's judgement in battlefield scenarios, as she is likely to be more concerned about a wounded companion than the objective of the mission unless someone who outranks her gives her a direct order. It is a quality which has, in the past, been both a blessing and curse and likely will elicit the same duality in the future. When paired with her age and her looks, she comes across as being naive or foolish to older soldiers/freelancers who are more grizzled or disinclined to sympathy than she.

Any specific weaknesses/flaws: Cares too much about others; nearly rubbish at mid-range weapons/grenades

Quirks: Has a tendency to play music from the "megaphone" function of her helmet while training. She also tends to dance when her music is on, even if it's mid-combat, provided the situation isn't serious. This sometimes leads to people believing she isn't entirely sane.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lizzy Sky

Lizzy Sky

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

TreueKaiserin said
You got camo? Alright, I think I'll pick... Wait, are we only going with what's in the series, or can we pick armor abilities from any halo game?

I'm good with options from any game. No restrictions! (Within reason, obviously. Anything in the games should be fine, though.)

Okay. Lizzy's bio is up as an example. I may have to adjust something in the history/personality sections later, but I'm about to run out for a few hours, so I'll quadruple-check it and alter when I get back.

I'm looking forward to seeing what you two choose!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TreueKaiserin


Member Offline since relaunch

Alright, sweet, I have a good idea for my character. Also, I have a resource for armor editing, if anyone wants it. http://veegie.com/Vanity/
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lost Cause
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Lost Cause

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I got one I can adapt given time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TreueKaiserin


Member Offline since relaunch

I call Hardlight shield, btw
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TreueKaiserin


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Name: Laura Katinka Jaeger

Nicknames: Kat, Cali

Codename: California

Age: 21

Height: 167 cm

Weight: 61 kg

Rank: Freelancer

Specialty: Short range / hand to hand combat


Armor Ability: Hardlight shield


History: Laura was drafted at the age of 18, and although it wasn't her choice, she tried damnedest in the UNSC Marine Corp. Every day was filled with training, honing her hand to hand and short range combat skills. It was almost a dream come true, since every night she prior to the draft she dreamt of the action being a marine would bring. She proved herself to be more than capable in her first deployment, being the only survivor of her squad and still neutralizing a small militia in revolt. From there, she rose through the ranks fairly quickly, soon seeing deployment alongside spartans and sometimes rivaling their kill counts. Needless to say, Project Freelancer took notice of her, and offered the possibility for her to join. She accepted, and after the interview she was admitted into the program. She continued practicing her hand to hand and short ranged combat through spars and simulations, intent on continuosly pushing herself to get better.

Personality: Laura has an ISTP type personality, along with Antisocial Personality Disorder. Due to these two traits, she is usually seen as a loner, and can act coldly or even cruelly towards people around her. She is extremely logic based when it comes to making a decision (though almost never plans ahead), and very rarely lets down her guard, even around those considered to be her friends. Despite this, she can still be a fun person to be around, once she has warmed up to her present company. In battle, she starts calm, but her composure may begin to deteriorate as she loses herself in the heat of combat.

Any specific weaknesses/flaws: Long range combat, forethought

Quirks: None
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lizzy Sky

Lizzy Sky

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@ Lost Cause - Cool. Looking forward to it.
@ Treue - Cali sounds very much like a freelancer. :) It'll be an interesting first meeting!

To get a really good freelancer rp going, we're going to need a good handful of people, especially since we're in training days. With any luck, other Halo or RvB fans will sign up. I'll do some off-site hunting, see if I can find any interested parties before we start things off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TreueKaiserin


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Alright, I'll see if some of my friends are interested, and thanks for the compliment ^_^
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