Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by arockysmith
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"A true gentleman," Jun said giving him a kiss on the cheek. She blushed a little and pulled him away from the car after he shut the door. She was enjoying his company more than she'd admit to anyone, especially him. She didn't want to ruin the dynamic and he seemed happier today than he had in the whole time she's seen him at school. When they entered the library she gave him a pat on the back, "Work hard, and if you get lonely I'll be sitting right over there," she pointed a set of tables by the young adult section, "I'll pretend I need help finding a book so you can show me your skills. In return I'll take you to my place of business and be your waitress."

She let her bag fall into her hand as she walked over to the tables and took a seat. She pulled out her papers and began to work on the assignments the teachers gave them. It was harder to concentrate than she thought as her phone buzzed every 10 minutes with questions from her dad. She eventually put it on silent after claiming to have picked up an extra shift for today. He wouldn't argue with that since they always needed money. Her dad would be gone by the time she got home, out at some casino for the next week to try and win back money he lost two weeks ago. She couldn't understand why he never got a real job. The whole gambling thing was either win or lose, and there was no way to guess what the favor would be.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

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Her affection was shocking and the kiss on the cheek was far more than he was expecting. When she started towards the library, Kenton was still frozen in place; his hand on his cheek while still holding the door open. It wasn't until he heard a car honk in the distance that he was pulled back into reality. That was when he shut the door and hurried towards her, locking the car with his key fob and holding the door open for her to go inside first. Do 'friends' show affection like this? Nah... He wasn't that anti-social. Maybe it was just who she was or how she was; the reason really didn't matter, his face was on fire anyway.

"Oh yeah... Sure..." He finally got out when she said where she'd be. "Call me if you need anything... Friend." Saying the word still sounded foreign to him but he liked it. The young man felt as though he was walking on air even though he was at work; nothing had made him this happy before this moment.

After a bit of time, Kenton was helping a little girl pick out a picture book before loading up a cart to return some books into the young adult section. "Hey." He said with a smile in a small whisper as arrived near the table. "How's it going?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by arockysmith
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arockysmith An Awkward Mermaid

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Jun looked up from her homework and grinned. She was hoping he would make his way over to her sooner rather than later. The math homework had been giving he a little difficulty, so she was looking for a break. She stood up and walked over to the car and began looking through is selection of books. "Hey friend," she said sticking her tongue out and picking up the book in the middle of his car, "this one looks rather interesting. It seems it's about demon hunters though. I happen to like the underworld." She pouted a little as she put the book down. She reached over and grabbed another one, "Oh this one looks like romance, but it's not really my cup of tea. I like scary. What do you recommend?"

She set the book back down and crossed her arms over her chest as she waited for a response. He was rather calm here. She'd even seen him interacting with a little girl, which was something she never pictured him doing. He was more reserved so working here seemed to fit his personality. She figured he was able to socialize, while also able to be a little bit of a lone wolf. Jun wasn't sure if she'd be able to crack the shell he had around him like armor, but she would give it a try. She needed more friends, she had a couple but they were more in school. None of them actually knew her or what she went through on a daily basis.

"I've read most Stephen King, so you'll have to aim higher," she noted as she danced her fingers along the spines of the books on the shelves.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

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Having someone to talk who wasn’t his family was a new experience for him and even as she approached the cart, Kenton found he was getting slightly nervous about everything. Then she began to discuss one his favorite topics; books and his whole demeanor changed. A bright and cheery smile moved across his face and he stopped what he was doing to place his thumb and pointer finger against his chin. “Hm…” When she said she was a fan of Steven King he nodded.

“Okay… Okay…” He said turning his attention to the bookcase in front of them. His hand moved from his face as his long fingers danced along the spines. One book stopped his hand and his head tilted to one side, his blue and hazel gaze stared at the book for a second before snatching it from the shelf and turning to her.

“Here, this is the first in a series called “The Hollows”, it’s got some romance in it but it doesn’t drive the story. It deals with the magic realm with witches, warlocks, elves, demons, werewolves and that sort. Your main character is a woman by the name of Rachael Morgan and she became a bounty hunter with a best friend who’s a living vampire and a young man who’s a Pixie. It’s called ‘Dead Witch Walking’.” A grin moved across his face as he showed her the book, Dead Witch Walking. “It is in first person writing which sometimes bothers people but I liked it. It was a good read.”

His head rose and fell with a nod. “Or there’s Frank Peretti and Ted Dekker’s brilliant horror book called “House”, it does have some religious background to it but it’s not enough to beat you in the face with it.” Pulling the book from the cart he held it out to her. “I actually just returned this one. I’d say it’s good.” With that he offered her the book as well, House.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by arockysmith
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arockysmith An Awkward Mermaid

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Jun held both books to her chest as she nodded along, "I think I'll check them both out. I trust your judgement, and if they turn out to be horrible I can hit you over the head with them," she said with a small laugh. She needed something to keep her occupied during the days she avoided her father or wasn't working. Horror stories always pleased her because it showed other people could really have it worse, and it helped fuel her imagination. She looked at the titles on the shelves and a small sigh escaped her lips. The library was always a peaceful place, and to see his face light up was something she'd never knew it could do. He seemed more confident discussing books over himself, so she made a mental note to talk about them more.

She looked over at the clock on the wall and frowned. "It's getting so late and I've only managed to do a couple word problems and none of my math," she said rolling her eyes dramatically, "I'm such a procrastinator. When did you say you get off again? I don't want to keep you tied up. That's a lot of books to put away." She ran her fingers along the spines before turning back to her table and setting the two he'd given her down. She hesitated a moment and walked back over to him.

"I'll help," Jun said simply as she picked up two books and began to search the shelves for their place. She was pretty sure she'd have plenty of time to work on homework at home so she wasn't too worried. Plus if she didn't do it then there was always study hall. Right now she wanted to spend time with Kenton and forget her own issues.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

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She seemed so… so unexpectedly gentle with the books as she took them from the cart and put them in the proper places on the shelf. A small closed lip smile moved across his face as he watched her work so softly like he did. “I’m off in about 10 minutes.” He said with a smile on his face, “And sure, I’d love the help!”

They put away the books chatting softly between the two of them in order to not disturb those around them. Once they were finished, they checked out her books with a smile on his face as he did so. He was so happy to think he had a ‘friend’ and now someone he could hang out with besides his family. They exchanged phone numbers and parted ways before Kenton climbed back into his car and drove him.

The next morning rolled around and the blonde haired young man got out of bed with a new found purpose. He used to dread going to school because he didn’t know what the day would bring. Now… well he still doesn’t know what the day will bring but he had someone to be with him! His sleepy eyes stared down at his phone. It was two hours before they were due at school. Was this too early to text someone? This whole friendship thing was new to him. Would she think it was weird that he would text her this early in the morning? If he didn’t text her would she think that he didn’t want to talk to her again? As he laid there half asleep, his fingers did the talking for him. Literally…

Good morning. Send

Before he realized what he was doing, he had texted her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by arockysmith
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arockysmith An Awkward Mermaid

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jun was laying on the floor staring at the ceiling wondering if she should bother going into school. She'd gotten home a little late last night, and the house had no hot water. She dreaded the days of showering in the freezing cold, but what else did she expect. Her father was gone, so she had free reign. She had called last night to cancel all her shifts while her dad was away. She would use the free time to clean the home and get everything in order. She thought that maybe if she cleaned her mom would come and see she wasn't such a burden. She sat up slowly when her phone buzzed beside her. She picked it up and a smile spread across her face. Jun didn't think he'd actually text her or even associate with her after yesterday. She figured he'd think she was just wasting time and forget about the time they'd spent together.

Her fingers typed up a reply, and then quickly deleted it. She wanted to be careful not to scare him away. With pursed lips she finally figured out a reply. I hope you slept well, Kenton. Can't wait to see you at school. Send.

She put the phone down and let out a small sigh. She would shower in the cold, and she would get herself together. She had to. She finally had a person in her life who talked to her. This was the first time a friend had ever texted her about something other than homework. She quickly stood up and made her way to the bathroom. She'd get through this day with just few hours of restless sleep if it meant talking to him again. He made her feel slightly normal, which was ironic since most people thought he was rather odd.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

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Kenton never understood Rayne’s obsession with his phone, mainly because Kenton never had anyone to text or call before. That was until he met Jun just yesterday. Now he took his phone with him everywhere around the house as he got ready to leave for school. It wasn’t until the young man was in the shower when his phone decided to buzz through with her message. Man, he should probably turn on the vibrate setting to function when it was on silent since he now had someone to text!

The young man nearly fell out of the shower after turning it off to get to the phone when he realized she had messaged him back. Standing in the bathroom drenched he texted her a response before pausing. Asking her if she needed a ride to school might be too forward or too clingy of him… His face crunched in thought. Boy he wasn’t good at this. He left the message blank for a second as he stepped out of the bathroom in his robe only to nearly run into his younger brother, “Rayne! I have a question for you.”

“Well you’re in a chipper mood this morning….” The blonde with teal eyes said sounding really drowsy.

“Sorry,” He said softening his voice a bit, “When… when is it too early to try to spend time with a friend outside of school?”

To that, Rayne’s eyes sprung open and his drowsiness vanished. The youngest of the Kyo brothers opened his mouth to say something before changing his mind, a smile moved across his face and he shared some advice to his socially awkward older brother.

I slept well, I hope you did too. Do you have any plans for Saturday? I have a horror move list on Netflix I want to get through and would enjoy a fellow movie buff to watch them with, if you’re interested. Deep breathe… Send.

“Kenton…” Rayne said as he came out of the bathroom brushing his teeth. “You didn’t tell her the movies were on Netflix did you?”

“How did you …”

“Look I’m not blind just know that if you tell a girl you want to watch Netflix with her, it could come across as something else…”

The look of panic went across Kenton’s face as he grabbed his phone and hurried away from his brother. After looking up the meaning and finding out what ‘Netflix and Chill’ had become in pop culture his face exploded and he quickly sent her a text 100% admitting his lack of knowledge.

I, I just want to watch movies I swear! I just learned what this ‘Netflix and Chill’ is, I’m so sorry I hope it didn’t come across wrong!! Send. Then he held his breath.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by arockysmith
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arockysmith An Awkward Mermaid

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Jun grabbed her towel and wrapped it around her body while she looked around for the clothes she thought she washed just a few days ago. Her phone began to buzz, but she let it sit a couple moments before hearing it go off again. She tilted her head a moment trying to figure out if it was her father needing her to transfer him the money they didn't have. After getting dressed she picked up the phone from the floor and flicked through the messages. She let out a breath of relief when she noticed it was just Kenton.

She read the messages a couple times not sure if she should laugh at his lack of knowledge or find it endearing. Before responding she took a quick glance at her work schedule. She had planned to take off anyway...but she was still on the defensive about it. After a moment of deliberation she gave her boss a quick call and mentioned something about her father going on another binge and she had to try and find him. When she was finally granted the days she hung up and let out a little bit of a happy squeal. She'd never really hung out with someone outside of school so the fact that this would be her first time made her a little giddy.

I'm not working, so I'd love to "netflix and chill" with you :P, but if the movies suck I'll never let you live it down. Send

She stuffed her phone into her backpack and glanced at the clock in the kitchen. If she didn't leave now she'd miss the morning announcements. She pulled on her sneakers and slung her bag over her shoulder locking the door behind her. Kenton was a mysterious person, she thought, but he was more interesting than she originally thought he'd be.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

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The embarrassment was great and the young man kept looking back at his phone, wondering if she would ever respond back or if he had just made a fool out of himself. He honestly probably did make a fool out of himself but she seemed to find it funny as the message seemed to gently poke fun at him. A long sigh left him after he read the text and he finished getting ready before responding, no wanting to see too eager –

I’ll do my best. We’ll discuss the details at school, see you there friend. Send.

Writing the word ‘friend’ at the end of his text message was still incredibly foreign to him. Having someone to text outside of his family was still foreign to him but he was incredibly happy.

The school day went well, thank god it was Friday. Now he had something to look forward to on the weekend. The day came to an end quickly as he shared in the delight of having someone to talk to and eat lunch with. They laughed and chatted and discussed many different things. It was so nice to have someone to talk to and laugh with. School finally became more than just about education for him. It meant socializing and this, this was a new experience he had never seen had before.

Saturday afternoon rolled around and Kenton had spent most of the morning preparing the living room of their house into a dark frightful room with blankets, pillows, drawn closed blinds and popcorn, soda and the surround sound on. Mom was away at a business conference and dad didn’t care who they had over as long as they cleaned up after themselves. Kenton stood back observing his work before giving a nod. Turning on the television, he pulled up his list of horror movies and waited, waited for the doorbell to ring. Rayne was at work and Atsuma was with his father at the shop, they would have the whole place to themselves. And she said she’d come over herself.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by arockysmith
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arockysmith An Awkward Mermaid

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Jun wasn't sure if she should dress up or just keep it casual. She decided to just put on a simple pair of yoga pans with a sweater that baggy t-shirt. She tied a sweater around her waist just in case she got cold walking back home tonight. She grabbed her purse and pulled her phone out of it so she shoot him a text that she was on her way. She took a bus to get most of the way there, and then walked the last few blocks. She pushed hair out of her face and took a deep breath as she saw his home come into view.

"Whoa..." she said to herself taking in how much bigger his home was than hers. She was pretty sure her house could fit inside his with plenty of room to spare.

After a moment of hesitation she knocked lightly on the door and bit her lip waiting for a response. She still found it hard to believe that she had a real friend, but she didn't want to allow herself to question it or she'd probably ruin it herself. She could hear foot steps coming from inside and placed a smile on her face as he answered the door.

"I'm super excited for this. I can't wait to be scared out of my mind," she said with a smile as she waited for him to welcome her in.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

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She was on her way… she was on her way!!! Kenton was in a near panic as he paced back and forth in his home. Did it look okay? Did he do this right? Did it look ‘inviting’ and ‘friendly’ enough for a friend? Did he dress properly? Did he clean up well? Oh god did he smell? His panic led him to sprint to the mirror in the nearby half bath and stare at his reflection. “You’re overthinking this Kenton… it’s just movies and snacks with a friend… a friend… a girl… who is a friend… your first friend…” He let out a long sigh and turned on the sink, throwing some cold water into his face to help him relax. Why was he overthinking this…

Pulling his face from the water, he stared at his reflection in the mirror. She didn’t think he was a freak, she didn’t dislike him for having different color eyes and she didn’t think he was cursed or scary because of different color eyes and now she was going to come over and hang out with him. Not out of pity, not out of a dare or anything of the sort. Instead she was coming over because she enjoyed his company and even that was hard believe!

Wiping off his face with the towel he hung it back up on the rack and jerked his head back. Was that a knock? Was she here?! Dashing from the bathroom he nearly ran into the front door due to excitement. Letting out a gentle sigh he pulled open the door with a wide smile. “Hi!” Upon hearing her say she was excited he gave a nod. “Me too! Snacks, drinks, blankets and pillows are already set up. And the lights are off for the perfect amount of scares.” It’s funny that he found someone he could consider a kindred spirit of sorts. They were both oddballs, outcasts and yet they got along greatly. “Come on in.” Holding the door open for her, he stepped aside allowing her to come in. Letting out a soft sigh feeling like the stress of waiting was finally over, he shut the door and gestured towards the pile of shoes, mainly his father’s work boots, Astuma’s boots and Rayne’s converse; Kenton always took his shoes to his room out of habit.

Leading her into the living room he turned on the light, “Ta-da!” He said excitedly turning to her with a bright smile. “Does this look movie ready? Or what?”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by arockysmith
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arockysmith An Awkward Mermaid

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Jun followed him to the room and her mouth fell open. He’d gone all out, and the place looked like their own little movie theater. A smile grew on her face as she walked to him and pulled him to the tightest hug she could muster, which wasn’t that tight since she lacked much physical strength. “It’s perfect, Kenton,” she whispered pulling away. She walked over to the pile of pillows and blankets and sat herself right in the middle feeling the softness of each of them. She’d never been in a place this nice, and she’d never touched blankets this fuzzy. She rubbed one on her face for a second.

“You’ve outdone yourself my friend,” Jun said with a laugh, “I don’t think I ever want to leave. I could stay here forever with you cuddled up in these blankets eating candy and watching movies.”

She wrapped the softest around her and stood up almost tripping as she walked over to him looking like a burrito. She reached for his arm and brought him over to sit with her. She could see the happiness in his eyes and wondered if he knew how much this meant to her. People usually only talked to her for gossip or homework, but not him. He spoke with her because he wanted to and he invited her over of his own free will. She’d never had a real friend before, and after all the time she spent debating if she should talk to him seemed stupid. They could have been friends all along if she hadn’t been so shy.

“You’re officially my favorite person on this planet. Are your brothers home? I don’t want to annoy them if something makes me scream or jump. Which I should warn you. I tend to cling onto whoever I’m with when something scares me. I love to be scared but I don’t like to feel alone while it’s happening,” she said sitting down and patting the space next to her for him to join.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

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She kept calling him her friend. This was a new thing for him. He slipped his hands into his pockets and grinned as she descried her joy and that she would stay and relax in the blankets and eat candy with him. He impressed her!! Yay!!! Soon his burrito friend rose up from the couch and waddled her way over to him. A smile moved across his face as he allowed her to take him to the couch.

His eyes twinkled with joy as he followed his burrito friend to the couch and sat down next to her. He fell down onto the couch next to her and pulled a blanket on himself. “Well, Rayne’s at the coffee shop than he has a date tonight and Atsuma’s with dad at the mechanic shop, I already cleared it with dad that you could come over and mom knows but she’s away at a conference.” At her comment about screaming made him laugh whole heartedly, “I scream and cling too, which is probably why they always make me sit at the end of the row at the movie theatre so I don’t cling to both people beside me. Just don’t make fun of me if my scream isn’t ‘manly’.” Which was said in a way-too-deep of tone.

With that he turned off the lights and turned on Netflix. “So, which one first?”

He pulled up the list showing the following–

The Rite
Dead Silence
American Horror Story Season 1
The Ward
666 Park Avenue

“I also have The Conjuring 1 and 2 and Annabelle.” He added, pointing at the DVDs on the table.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by arockysmith
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arockysmith An Awkward Mermaid

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jun thought a minute before moving a bit closer to him. She'd been wanting to watch all those movies, but never had anyone to sit down with until now. "Let's watch Devil. That one seems scary, but not too scary. Perfect way to start out binge," she said pulling her legs close to her chest.

She sat back as the movie stared hiding slightly behind her knees and his shoulder as she watched. She moved her hand so that it was holding his arm gently. Since she knew he scared like her she didn't feel like a wimp when she felt herself grip him a little tighter. "I'm sorry if I'm hurting you," she whispered as one of the scenes made her jump a bit.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

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The two were jumping and cringing at the same parts and Kenton, who never really was a touchy-feely type, found himself holding onto her as well, his arm went from her holding it to wrap around her and pulling her close. To him, it happened so fast that he wasn’t necessarily aware of the situation. It wasn’t until she said something about hurting him and he realize he had practically pulled his burrito buddy into his lap and as clinging to her for dear life.

“Oh no I’m… I’m sorry. I hope I’m not…” Scary scene! The young man let out a scream and held tightly onto his friend out of sheer fright. Compared to his brothers; Kenton was the innocent one. He was kind, gentle and soft and now, more recently than ever, he was a scaredy cat.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by arockysmith
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arockysmith An Awkward Mermaid

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The movie ended and Jun found herself with her head in his shoulder and her arms around his chest holding on. She let out a small laugh as she pulled away from him slightly and poked him gently on the nose. "We clearly can't handle scary movies," she said with a grin as she let herself rest against him once more. She could feel his heart beating in his chest and she rested a hand overtop of it.

She was usually better at scary movies, but sensing Kentons fright she allowed herself to fall off guard. Her mind began to think about the next time they hung out. Would he still be open with her the way he was now, or would he hide away like she'd seen him do many times before. She wondered the same thing about herself. Jun found it difficult to believe anyone could see the boy as dangerous or treat him like he was some spawn of the devil just because he was a little different physically.

"You're less intimidating than your brothers. I don't think I could ever act like this with either of them. They probably make fun of me," she said resting her head back on his shoulder, "I'm glad I talked to you. You're more enjoyable up close."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

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When she gently poked his noise, it twitched by itself and caused his face to scrunch up into something that resembled a rabbit. Upon her laugh he couldn’t help but smile back at her. “You are absolutely right.” He said with a chuckle as she settled back against his chest. His face was pink with embarrassment and it came as no surprise that he was shy when she put his hand on his chest and could obviously feel his heartbeat. Well… this was a horrible way to feel self-conscious.

It was no surprise to hear about his brothers from her, Atsuma was an asshole and it was hard to talk to Rayne due to the fact that he was continuously surrounded by people. “I’m glad you talked to me too. I was always so nervous to approach people because I’ve never gotten a positive response that, just out of fear I probably would have missed the chance to get to know a wonderful person like you.” He said with a smile, finding himself gently rubbing her back with his arm that somehow ended up around her. This was slightly awkward but exciting at the same time. For he had never been this close to someone… much less a girl…

Realizing he was staring at her, his face turned beat red and he reached for the controller changing it to ‘The Rite’. Before hitting play, however, he grabbed a piece of popcorn and tossed it up into the air. With these, he caught it in his mouth and gave her a grin. “I love extra buttery popcorn!”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by arockysmith
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arockysmith An Awkward Mermaid

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jun took a handful of popcorn and popped a few in her mouth as she felt a calmness wash over them. She had never felt comfortable with another person before, especially a boy. With the bad habits of her father she had always kept her distance with people and never allowed herself to feel secure without anyone but herself. She thought about Kenton's brother and how different they seemed to be compared to him. She couldn't help but smile as she felt the walls she'd built around herself start to crumble.

They two of them stayed cuddled up together, and she took turns feeding herself popcorn and then feeding him. She found herself slightly less scared when Kenton would hug her waist closer to him. Jun found herself a little amused by the small jumps he'd give and he scared her more than the movies. She wasn't sure how long they'd been sitting with her slightly on his lap, but she didn't care to move if he didn't want her to. When the second movie ended she lifted her arms to stretch herself out and gave a small yawn.

"I don't think I've had a day like this in months. I'm usually working or dealing with family things. It's nice to come here and just focus on you or the entertainment," she said turning to face him. She found herself placing her hands gently on his face and looking into his eyes, "I still can't get over your eyes, Kenton. I feel like I could get lost in them. I want to know all your secrets."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

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Kenton settled back against the couch holding her with one arm and the other held up his head as they watched the movie. His heart was pounding in his chest and he was sure that she could hear it which made him even more nervous. Perhaps he could blame his banging heart on the intensity of the movie as he did jump a couple of times from it. When the movie came to an end and she began to stretch he did the same thing, removing the arm from her back and stretching them above his head.

As his arms fell his golden/teal gaze blinked at her in surprise as Jun’s hands cupped his face and began to stare in his eyes. Blinking a few times, his face ignited under her hands. He had never been this close to a girl before so this was… well completely new for the poor guy and, well he didn’t really know what to do. Swallowing hard, he watched her closely, never once breaking eye contact with her as she stared back at him and spoke. Those words of I could get lost in them and I want to know all your secrets echoed through his mind.

“I will tell you all my secrets, all you have to do is ask.” He said with an honest smile back at her. God his heart was pounding harder than it was during the movie.
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