Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The shoulder check didn't phase him. It wasn't nearly serious enough to spark his temper. He wrapped his wet shirt around his neck and went on about his morning, reaching into his pocket and pulling out the half breakfast that he bought from the store. It was delicious, hardly filling but it was enough for now. Twirling his bat as he walked he wondered for a second what a broad like that wanted with one of his classmates. He shrugged randomly and decided it wasn't his issue, they never spoke so he would probably never care. but for some reason his spirit didn't seem to agree with that thought. oh well, it didn't matter now. He was off to the river, the rain made the river flow rapidly and it was something he enjoyed watching
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jakeozzy
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Jakeozzy Laziest Poster

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"Oh, oh! That sounds awesome! I should start learning Kyudo! We'll make the best team ever!" Ami sang cheerfully, pretending to hold a traditional Yumi, pulling back the imaginary string and releasing it with a keen smile. Of course, the reality was that the unlucky girl would probably be a useless archer - not that it would stop her from trying or anything. Part of her wanted to learn how to fight. The only fight Ami had ever been in was with a Spanish boy some time ago, when she was only small, maybe about nine or ten. ...But Yuuji was there to make sure the Solitario Famiglia's heir paid for hurting her with a broken nose and multiple other facial injuries that made that handsome, smug face a terrible mess.

"...There isn't a fighting sport we could play together in though, is there?" Ami sighed in defeat. Pelting people with practice arrows looked so fun in the mental picture the girl was building.
"You will not interfere..." A male voice pierced through the silence around Calthorn. He wasn't being watched from anywhere, it seemed... Nowhere visible, anyway. Nothing came out and attacked him, no sinister presence revealed itself, ...no sense of power lingering in the air. There was only a pale blue fog, which covered the Sawada household as well as most of the surrounding area.

...It's not like the voice said anything about not eavesdropping on the conversation inside the house, though. As long as Calthorn didn't barge in, there would be no consequences.
"Ulfric, did it work?" The radio buzzed.
"No, the pouring rain flames had little effect. She's inside a home now, with a close friend from what I can gather. Hinata Nanami. We've overlooked the possibility of that one becoming a Guardian to Ms. Sawada."
"Heh... I could get her out of there. Just say the word and I'll let ol' Ripper loose." The Italian darkly chuckled.
"Keep your mutant cat away from her, and her aquaintance. Romario, there is to be no bloodshed... Unless the Boss himself commands it, nobody shall be injured unless there are provocations from the Vongola's end." The long-haired man named Ulfric asserted.
"Fine, fine. I'll see what's going on around town then. For cryin' out fuck, don't let her outta your sights." The radio went silent again...

(Sorry ish not much!)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grey
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"Haha... No," Hinata answered in a tone that could only be described as 'cheerfully depressed'. He was blissfully unaware of exactly why Ami thought she had to defend herself in the near future; he'd just assumed it was the same reason paranoid people did stuff. Though he knew Ami was careful, she wasn't the type to go plan for absolutely everything. He doubted her house had bulletproof windows or a panic room in her basement or anything absurd like that! She was probably just going for a martial art because of all the other uses that an art would have; discipline, physical fitness, that stuff.

"So why'd your dad kick you out anyway?" Hinata asked, tilting his head slightly to the side curiously, "Wonder what could be so important that he'd have you head over to my house instead of relax in your room or summin' like that. Not that, you know, the situation's unpleasant or anything. I'm just concerned. What if it's the Yakuza or something! That could be really dangerous! I hope he's okay... What did you say he did? Boss of a big corporation? What if someone's extorting money!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fuzzy-mellon-lord


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Amalea sighed and glared at her phone as she looked up the files for the people closest to the Sawada girl, it was a fairly simple task after all. There weren't many files connected to her outside of her family. One of the files that wasn't a family member was a Hinata Nanami, a Japanese boy. She pulled his address from the file as she walked and put it into her phone's map. That's when she realized that it was on the other side of town. "You have got you have got to be shitting me." she muttered, before taking off into a sprint. She had been entertained for a while and now it was time to get back to work, hopefully the girl hadn't gotten herself killed yet since Amalea had quite a few complaints for the girl. 2 things Amalea didn't like, the rain and running and yet here she was running in the rain for a little girl.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kaji sat quietly in thought beside the river. Sadly even on days when he had no desire to start trouble, trouble always seemed to start with him. footsteps in the mud brought him out of his daydreams but he pretended not to notice until a figure stepped in front of him. Kaji glanced up at the figure, it was a male, roughly the same age as he is, nothing special about him other than the fact that he was holding a chain. judging by the footsteps there were at least three others with him.

" your in my way" Kaji noted without breaking eye contact.

"you the punk thats been given my uncle trouble?" the dude seemed to ignore kajis statement. there was some knuckle cracking in the background

"most likely" kaji smirked at the clear intimidation tactic that was failing.

"then w-" Before he could finish his second word Kaji shot out his foot into the dudes knee, pushing it back wards and causing a lot of pain. HE swung his bat backwards, to make room for him to be able to get up but since everything was muddy he rolled over into a crouched position instead of standing up.

"only four of you? your uncles dumber than he looks. " kaji put his bat over his shoulder to emphasize the taunt. When one rushed him ahead of the rest Kaji didnt react at first, he didnt actually look at the guy either. As soon as he got close enough kaji jumped and kicked the guy square in the face with a very muddy shoe. the others came for kaji immedietly but kaji wasnt a stranger to being jumped. plus he knew how to use the terrain. ooh yea and he had a bat and a wet shirt he never actually put on.

He threw his shirt at the closest attacker as a distraction to get around him and hit him in the back with his bat. the second one was close behind but slower in attack speed. which gave kaji time to dodge and jab him in the face twice before hitting him with a cross using the base of the baseball bat right to the jaw. by this time the chain guy and the footprint-on-his-face guy had recovered. Kaji changed his grip on the bat, holding the wider tip of the bat than the leather bound hilt. Kaji dodged backwards when the chain whipped out at him and anticipated the foot-face guy trying to come at him while he stumbled. but he didnt stumble. the mud beneath his feet slid and he kept his balance so when foot-face threw a punch Kaji held up his hand like he was going to catch the punch... only problem with that wa that there was already a metal bat in his hand soooo when when punch hit the bat something probably broke that wasnt the bat. Kaji countered with a front kick to the boys stomach and took a step back to face the chain throwing d-bag that ruined his view
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CronicCrystalis
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CronicCrystalis Equilibrium Nephilim

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"That voice came from nowhere. Likelihood of a potentially hostile Mist User; High." Calthorn said, as he continued onwards to where Sora was, looking to eavesdrop on any conversations taking place, if he's not alone.

"I'm simply here to check up on him. Whether or not I'll have to take action depends on what happens next." Calthorn said, using his mist flames to render himself invisible once again, as he remained where he was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jakeozzy
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"Well, Mr. Sawada... I suppose if I killed you here it would just end it all more quickly. Buuuut, ...then I'll be vilified, won't I? I'd give that disease another day or so to kill you. It can't be long now... We'll be able to take your whole Family out so easy with the kid in charge! Not long now, no sir~" The firey-haired man chuckled as he stood up to leave. As he reached the door however, he pulled a gun on Sora and fired a single shot at the sickly man's heart. The red flames surrounding the bullet wound began to intensify before long, while the Diavolo Famiglia's boss blew the smoke off the pistol's barrel.

"Pff, I couldn't wait that long!" He laughed, "...Not after all you put me through anyway..." He said proudly as he left the room, and then house just as quickly.

Sora was left there in the living room, blood seeping out of his chest as storm flames continued to spread across his body from the inside. Even so, ...the man didn't even scream - he almost looked like he was meditating as his insides were torn apart and disintegrated. "...Calthorn, I want you to protect what I'm leaving behind." Sora said calmly, his eyes opening and his gaze turning to the exact space the to-be Mist Guardian was hiding invisibly in. Sky flames replaced the blood red fire, and within a second he had disappeared.
Ami considered what troubles Dad might have, but couldn't come up with anything. All his visiting pals seemed to be very nice ladies and gentlemen. He must have taken a wrong turn somewhere, or maybe something important was going to happen at work! See, Ami didn't actually know anything about Dad's work life other than 'it's extremely important'.

"Come on 'Nata... I doubt anything serious is- UGH!"

It felt like somebody bypassed flesh and bone, then grabbed a hold of her soul and tried to crush it into little pieces. She fell to her knees and pulled her arms tight around herself. It only lasted a second, but every measure of Ami's existence seemed to become engulfed in pain. That wasn't the reason for her tears though, even if it seemed like it. She didn't know why she was crying, but it definitely wasn't the sudden shock. It went deeper, and she couldn't understand why...

"Hinata, we need to go right now! I don't know why, just..." Ami coughed painfully and tried to pull herself back to her feet.

And on cue to make this whole situation much worse, suited figures began approaching the Nanami household - but only marching on the front door for now.
All over Namimori men in suits, carrying guns began to show themselves. Fortunately they weren't outright capping people on sight - they had a list of HVTs they wanted dead or captured. Still, anyone outside was warned to go return home or find the nearest shelter at gunpoint.

The Vongola Famiglia was caught off guard, and the only one left to call the legitimate Boss was already close to getting captured by the hostile mafia.

The peace in Namimori was being thoroughly disrupted, ...hint hint.
"Uh... Leo. Sniper, rooftop, end of the street, two o'clock. And a few more on the street, coming out of the alleyway. ...Those.. aren't Vongola.. are they?" Ruby whispered, ...in the car where nobody outside could hear her spotting targets anyway. And there it was. The stormy weather, the foreign country, the long fricking plane/car ride, ...and now this.

"...Damn it, I want back to Italy now."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As Kaji was was pounding his fist into the remaining thug wannabe he noticed a man in a suit and shades approach him. such a non-descript person always meant trouble, big trouble. considering he was holding a pistol it seemed there was already a good deal of trouble a foot. Lovely. Kaji slammed the boys head into the ground one more time but kept a tight grip on the boys collar. that way he could reach his bat that was right beside him.

"these friends of yours?" Kaji asked the mysterious man who approached with his gun aimed at kaji. the man glanced at the other boys who were in the mud in pain nursing several injuries, one unconscious. He must have registered kaji as a threat because his gun never stopped pointing at him.

"go home kid"

"bite me" was kajis reflexive response. as always it pissed the man off and he stepped closer to him.

"you li-" as the man leveled the gun at kajis head probably to threaten him but kaji swung first and swung fast. with his free hand he pushed the gun upward safely maintaining the mans atention be stuck on that while his other hand reached for the bat and swung swiftly at the mans head. shattering the sunglasses. and laying him out. figuring he didnt have much time he took the gun from the man, shoving it in the waste band of his pants and stealing the mans jewelery and wallet. well he took the money and tossed the wallet in the river. he thought for a quick second and tossed the gun in the River too.

"bats are better" he mumbled to himself as he lifted the chain from his first victims bloodied body. shoving his "earnings" in his pockets he ran along the river away from the scene. luckily he had gotten far enough away from there by the time he encountered another suit. He cursed to himself and complied when the man yelled at him to go home. of course he didnt actually go home, he just got off the street into an apartment building near by.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CronicCrystalis
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CronicCrystalis Equilibrium Nephilim

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"No use hiding now." Calthorn said, his invisibility fading once more as he took a phone from his pocket.

"Let's recap. Firey haired man, Storm flames. Shot Sora. Sora turned them to Sky flames, then vanished without a trace... Should've studied up on the other Mafia families..." Calthorn said to himself as he walked back onto the street.

"Let's hope Reborn didn't give me a dud number." Calthorn said, as he dialled in a number and prayed to god he answered.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

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The weather hadn't been great, but it was so peaceful. Koichi had nothing to do, but enjoy that peace as he laid under a large cherry blossom whose leaves and branches protected him from the rain. He wore school uniform as always, his jacket under him with the disciplinary committee armband firmly attached to the sleeve. However, his much love peace was interrupted. In addition to that his nap was cut short. He'd so been enjoying it too until he heard the sound of a gun followed by the shouts of two men.

"Hey brat! Get the fuck up!" One of the two men barked orders. Koichi remained quiet as his eyes opened slowly. "We don't got all day here kid." The other ,an was more calm. Two bad he was in the same boat as the first man. Koichi stood up, the two men stepping back in order to give him room as he was seemingly cooperating. "That's right brat. Now run al..." the man was cut short upon receiving a quick blow to the mouth courtesy of one of Koichi's collapsible tonfa.

"You.... You're ruining the peace of Namimori." Koichi said in a calmly tone as the man tried to regroup and figure out what happened. Poor bastard had even dropped his gun. "Dammit kid. why couldn't you ju~" the second man tried raise his gun and shoot as he spoke. And he dis fire, but it didn't hit anything. Before the trigger was pulled Koichi had charged in close and slammed his fist into the man's gut. This would probably hurt a lot as it was backed up by the tonfa in his hand. "You... Fucking..." the man gripped his stomach as he backed up only to received a swift kick to the jaw which knocked him out. "How dare you try to further pollute my town with your filthy mouth." Koichi said before turning to the other man who had his gun held up shaking a bit in defense.

"What the hell kind of kid are you?!" The man shouted in shock. "Disciplinary Committee Captain, Koichi Hibari." He said as he spin his tonfa. A chain dropped and slapped the man's hand hands almost like a whip. The man dropped his gun his hand bleeding. "Gah... You..." Koichi didn't waste his time and cracked the man in the head with the tonfa as the chain retracted. He followed with a second blow to the man's temple.

"Hey what's going on?!" Multiple shouts could be heard as more men in suits began to arrive. Their guns weren't drawn. Big mistake. "Shall I bite you all to death?" Koichi asked as he began to blow threw the men ones by one. No prisoners and no mercy. Only pain.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grey
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"...How inconvenient," Leonardo sighed, as if multiple enemy troops practically waiting to ambush them was just some minor, insignificant change to another minor, insignificant situation. Without missing a beat, he commanded his underling as he removed his Box Animal and lit up his Cloud Ring, "Buckle up. Brace yourself. Now." Leo didn't even wait for Ruby to follow his instructions, he just slammed onto the accelerator as hard as possible, sending the armored SUV into the distinctly not armored enemy mafiosi group and the wall of the nearby building.

"YEP. That just happened. Heh. But it looks like they didn't see that coming," Leonardo remarked with the smugest grin on his face once the airbags deflated and the dust settled, revealing a bloody windshield. Of course the car was obviously very destroyed, having been slammed into the wall at it's highest speed, but surprisingly, our CEDEF boss was more or less unscathed by the whole event... Granted he had used the wheel to angle the car's first impact away from himself at the last minute and was currently wrapped in webbing made of Cloud Flames, but still, it was pretty fortunate that he didn't end up with a broken arm or anything. The webbing protecting the CEDEF boss from harm like a sort of armor began to unravel, revealing a large purple spider clinging to Leonardo's chest. "Thank you," he said before recalling his Box Animal. Now to get out of this metal death trap...

The door to the SUV broke off of it's hinges quickly enough, thankfully. Leonardo pulled himself out of the wreckage. There was a substantial amount of blood, oil, and miscellaneous car fluids pooling on the ground, forcing sickening squelches with every step. "Oi, Ruby, is that your sniper?" he asked, pointing to a figure lying face down on the ground in a pool of blood, "Looks like the bullet wasn't the only thing that dro-"

Leonardo made awkward eye-contact with an elderly Japanese couple. "...Err... ...Sorry?" he began, completely unsure of what to say, "...Cold water and soap works wonders for removing bloodstains. Trust me." He signaled to Ruby in the car with a few 'get over here so we can GTFO' hand gestures.
"Ami!" Hinata cried out in panic. It was a natural reaction. After all, what would you have done if you were to see your best and only friend just suddenly collapse and breakdown crying for seeming no reason. It killed him inside knowing there was basically nothing he could do to stop it other than just... watch. Watch and ask useless questions like "Are you okay Ami?" and "Is there anything I can do to help?"

The brunet helped Ami up to her feet before registering a knock on his door. Ami had told him to start running, but... Who was at the door? Did this mean that his hypothesis about Ami's dad being Yakuza'd was true!? Hinata grabbed his shinai and began to carry Ami, "C'mon, there's a backdoor we can head out through..." Every now and then he'd look behind them, until finally he was able to make it to the back exit.

"...Where to now exactly..." Hinata was obviously unsure of the course of action to take, and he was twitching like a crack junkie due to all the adrenaline.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kaji checked his loot. a red ring, a heavy chain and 50 bucks. "thats decent i guess" He peeked out the window on the door and noticed another suit coming towards him. clearly they were looking for someone but chances are it wasnt him. Well that sure sucks for them. when the suit pushed open the door to the apartment building kaji was hiding behind the door. as soon as the door closed Kaji struck him in the back of the head laying him out cold. this one had a ring too.. same color. he searched his pockets like the last on finding another ring, a wallet and a cell phone. First he emptied the wallet, only a 20. He turned on the cell phone and went through it, seems the order was to find and kill someone. Was this some yakuza crap he wound up in? either way he took the mans suit jacket and headed for another exit.

Kaji walked out the back door casually, checking his surroundings before continuing. When he turned the corner he ran into yet another. just how many of them were there? This one didnt point a gun at him this time. in fact he waved kaji away, shooing him which effectively pissed him off. as soon as the man foolishly turned his back on him kaji wrapped the chain around the mans neck and choked him till he blacked out. This time the ring was blue, 30 bucks in the wallet and Kaji opted commandeered a new pair of shades and a fancy rolex that he would sell later. He thought for a second that perhaps he should stop looting these people but quickly shrugged off the idea ad continued to do so while being as "stealthy" as possible. All that really meant was he made sure they were alone and unaware when they he struck. He knew the terrain, apparently they didn't. and unfortunately for them, he knew how to use his bat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fuzzy-mellon-lord


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When Amalea rounded the corner to the Nanami house she saw the men and cursed, this just got more bothersome. She quickly turned into an alley to try and get to the back of the house without being noticed which was probably easier said than done. She climbed onto a roof of one of the buildings and saw two teens leave through a back door to the house she was going to, that's when she noticed that the sawada girl was being carried. She took off in a sprint across the roof to get to them.

Getting to the roof of his house she jumped off, landing next to the two. "There's no time for questions kid, just follow me I'm getting you and the Sawada brat to safety." She ordered and she running off. Amalea made sure to run slower than she usually would so that the boy could keep up with her, after all he did have extra baggage. She quickly unsheathed her sword just in case they ran into any of the men. She had to protect these children, after all it would be a disgrace to her name if she failed in this mission.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jakeozzy
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Jakeozzy Laziest Poster

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"Why am I a 'Sawada brat' to you, Miss? Where does 'safe' mean?" Ami spoke up, the unexplainable shock and pain was beginning to gradually ease off. She still held Hinata's arm tightly as she glanced around - the pain was leaving her, but not the other feeling she couldn't explain. Danger. That was all it told her, that subconscious ringing that had her on edge for some reason.

The sound of trampling along the wet road by many feet meant the suited individuals were close by... It was up to Amalea to drag the two school kids to the underground facility. Vongola Base had many secret entrances, ...but how many exactly were known of? There was the most obvious, Namimori Shrine, where the town Hibari usually spent his time enjoying peace and quiet. At least two entrances in the forest outside of Namimori, definitely the hardest to find. The only other entrance Reborn had told anybody of was underneath the Nami Mid & High schools.
Ruby gave her boss one of her trademark 'Never do that again,' glares as the airbag deflated. Before following Leo, she gave a quick bow to the stunned couple who were in the middle of dining. She could only imagine what was running through their minds at this point.

"...Go-men-ah-sai." The American pronounced carefully, bowing once more before catching up with Leo and drawing her sword, "So what's the plan, chief?"
The moment the phone rang, it was picked up by a control room watchman,
"Mr. Stalicrat, I assume by the number. I've just received orders from the Sun Arcobaleno before he left - he wants you to meet him at the town's Shrine; said it was time to hit back and distract hostile forces. I won't keep you. Neutralise any hostile mafia forces you come across, and meet with Reborn ASAP. Vongola Base, out."

The misty aura surrounding Calthorn had disappeared a short while ago. For now, Calthorn was able to be invisible again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CronicCrystalis
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CronicCrystalis Equilibrium Nephilim

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"The shrine, huh? Better move it." Calthorn said, putting the phone away.

"It wasn't Reborn answering, but at least he was kind enough to leave something else I need to do." Calthorn said, as he reached for the sword on his back gripping the handle with his right hand, as he then began to run towards the shrine, igniting his mist flame to turn himself invisible once more.

"Cross my path at your own peril."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fuzzy-mellon-lord


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"Didn't i say there is no time for questions? That's why your a brat" Amalea spat back, not wasting a second to look at the other two. She was pretty annoyed that the first thing she said was completely ignored, but she knew she had to answer or they would continue to waste time with questions. "And safe is with the Vongola." It probably wasnt the best idea to be vague but she really didn't care, she didn't have the breath to waste on children that couldn't defend themselves. She was making her way towards the Namimori Shrine as fast as she could, it was the easiest way to get into the Vongola Underground Facility, then they would be safe.

As she came up to a corner she heard the suited men and felt their presence, as she turned she wasted no time and shoved her sword into the gut of the first man she saw. There were about 7 of them, that was fairly simple for her she wouldn't even need to use her box weapon. "Stay back you two!" she ordered, not wanting to be argued with. The Sun ring on her left hand began shining brightly with her flame. "Come on boys, i don't have time to play today" she taunted with her grandfather's sinister glare plastered onto her face. She dove at the group of men slicing and slashing at them with ease. They were weaklings compared to the people she's fought. Not to much longer her Spatha was stained with blood and the men lay dead on the ground. She scoffed. "That wasn't even worth my time." she muttered.

Turning back to the two teens she gave them a cold look. "Come on brats, it's time to go."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Koichi had not been by the shrine at the point of attack. However, je was making his way there. The peace of the town alone was unacceptable in his eyes to be ruined. But he'd be damned if he allowed anyone to ruin the shrine. His favorite spot to enjoy a peaceful quiet day. Not to mention he could pick up a few things in the base of the Foundation which was accessible through the Vongola base his father had shown him. He was the current head of the Foundation after all. There was no time to waste. As he approach he sighed seeing another group of men. Ten to be exact. "Fools. Only the weak group up like that." he said as he proceeded to dispatch each of them with relative ease. Now the question was would he meet with Ami's group first or would he get to the base.

(I'll leave it to Jake to decide whwther or not Ami see's Hibari :P)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As Kaji made his way around with no real direction he continued to plow though the nameless suits and loot their rings. He noticed that all of them had similar rings and figured they had to have been important to them. so he made an effort to take them. They came in different colors, red, blue green purple orange, and they were starting to jingle in his pocket. it had to be the rings making the noise since the money he was also stealing was just paper. He peeked his head around a corner to make sure it was safe. he quickly realized how relative a term like safe was. He had stumbled upon something much more dangerous and infinitely more formidable than any faceless suit. he found a Koichi Hibari.

Kaji sucked his teeth as he stepped out from the ally-way he was walking though. even though he particularly despised Koichi it was slightly reassuring that kaji wasnt the only one fighting back. He kept his distance though after announcing his presence. mostly because he was wearing a stolen suit jacket. it wasn't buttoned but it offered extra pockets for stolen goods. "what in the world is going on here Hibari?" he asked as he counted the amount of fallen men laid at the mans feet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grey
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"Well," Leonardo began as the two CEDEF agents ran through the rainy town, "I figure our options are pretty minimal. There's A) 'get to the base', B) 'locate and secure the Sawada baby', C) 'kill every enemy agent in the vicinity', and D) 'wait around, fingerpopping each other's assholes.' Now, I don't know about you, but I'd rather not fingerpop anyone's asshole. Nor would I like to waste time in the pouring rain on eliminating a dozen agents out of a thousand." Which left A and B as possible courses of action Leo would prefer to take during this siege on quaint little Namimori town. He could see suits between alleyways, left and right. "I wouldn't run if I were you," the CEDEF boss advised his subordinate as he slowed down to a brisk walk, "they can't see our faces, so if we walk, they might ign- Wait. You're holding a sword. Scratch that. Looks like we're going to be doing option C anyway." He tipped his hat towards the suited fellows nearby, seemingly closing in. To be honest, it was to be expected. A normal person doesn't haul around a distinctly European sword in a Japanese area full of mafiosi. No, you'd carry a Japanese blade, which would make carrying a weapon a tad bit more socially acceptable.
To say Hinata nearly had a heart attack when the white haired lady in the furred coat randomly landed before him and Ami would be an understatement. The combination of adrenaline and surprise was not a very good one to experience, and it had caused the young man to jump a little bit, shinai brought up to his chest instinctively in a defensive position. As the lady made her necessary animesque declarations (really, why was he thinking of anime at a time like this!?), Hinata could hear the sounds of footsteps on wet pavement. Whatever was after Ami, seemed to be getting closer!

...But could they trust this mysterious white haired... swordswoman? If there was anything that interested Hinata, it was the sword that lady seemed to be hauling around. Though, the fact she was bearing a weapon freely did nothing to calm his nerves, no matter how much interest he held in swords and the like. Hinata looked to Ami, as if telling her that it was her call, after all, the woman seemed to be more familiar with her than himself.

And then fighting broke out. They wasted too much time, it seemed. The guys caught up with them, and now Ami was gonna die and it'd all be his fault. Even if he could fight, he was carrying Ami and there were so many of them. Not to mention that his sword wasn't even combat ready. Fortunately for them though, the woman seemed to be on there side - or at least, not on the bad guys'. But... Hinata's vision was focused on the blood pooling on the ground, mixing with all the rain water. He could feel some fluid make it's way up his throat as he looked on in wide-eyed horror.

Fortunately again, the sound of rain and the woman's direction made it so nobody other than Ami could see his vomit. Nor the pool of vomit left in its wake.

The young man was breathing heavily out of some type of odd fear-adrenaline-sadness-pity mixture. Though, he had managed to compose himself before the killer looked back at them and commanded them to move.

Yeah. Hinata was definitely not gonna deny that command. "C'mon Ami, we're moving," he muttered as he trudged on, doing his best to ignore the new sight and smell.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Koichi turned his head to look in Kaji's direction. [i[Another nuisance.[/i] He thought just before dropping another unconscious man to the floor. He had a few ideas of what might be going on, but without any concrete evidence as of yet he couldn't give an answer. Not that he had any reason to answer Kaji anyway. "Useless little creatures such as yourself should hide in their holes." He said obviously choosing not to acknowledge Kaji as anymore than another piece of fodder. Albeit a piece of fodder who most definitely wasn't with these pieces of crap he was taking down. But that was more because unlike these little critters, Kaji wasn't the type to huddle together and rely on numbers. The successor to the Hibari name had to give his peer at least that much credit. "Of course, I don't have time to deal with you. Do what you want." He said continuing on his way to the shrine. It was close. That was good. They didn't have time to waste. Kaji could follow if he so chose. Koichi wouldn't even try to stop him. In fact the mere sight of the idiotic delinquent still alive in this chaos was intriguing. If nothing else he could serve as a good decoy. At the very least bait. But it was imperative to get what he needed from the base.
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