No one thought the world would end like it did. Some said fire from god..others a great war..None expected what actually happened..In fact many thought that with the discovery of Steam and Tesla power,in America by 1864, that humanity's trials and power struggles were over. They were wrong. With the power to wipe out whole cities with Airships and cut down entire entire armies with Tesla electrical weapons America quickly invaded and took over most of the known world. From Europe to Asia the newly named "American Empire" grew. With each new country it brought under its thumb more and more thinkers began experimenting and advancing Steam and Tesla technology. The world soon became a twisted sprawl of factories and urban developments as The American Empire cleared fields and forests to make room and usher in a new world of decadence befitting it's new found place at the head of the world. Then only after 10 long years...with the war ended and the last country surrendering did the leaders of America find the problem. Plowing fields and living lavishly was beginning to deplete their food sources. With no fields and factory's beginning to pollute soil, streams and rivers to un usable levels something had to be done.

A Swedish scientist discovered the solution. He spliced, bred, and crossbred his way to the perfect wheat plant. It could grow anywhere, in any enviorment, despite pollution or soil purity. The people rejoiced and their fate was sealed. Soon the plant began making people sick. Soon other plant life started doing the same. The sickness began getting worse as more plants mutated, adapted, multiplied, and grew. After the disease mutated enough to kill cattle by the hundreds..humans were to follow shortly with some plants even noticing gas that killed them in one inhale. In a last ditch effort America built massive walls around select cities all over the world. With electrified barriers and flame throwers to keep the plants back, and enough clear fields water purifiers and pure, rich soil to keep the expected population going for generations. They finished barely half of them in the end. The lucky humans who made it inside shut the gate and threw away the key. Leaving millions to die in the events to come. The plants began mutating wildlife, house cats began turning into massive spore riddled behemoths, dogs into fierce disease riddled predatory animals, and even reanimating human bodies into walking hordes of hive minded zombies. But the humans stayed in their cities and pretended not to hear the howls and moans at night.

That was then. The year is now 1920 and humanity has still learned nothing. Even in this time of trouble and death the rich still live out their days in blissful,wistful,ignorance. While the poor carry them on their backs and fight over every crumb they don't tax. Now the your city the "Los Angeles stronghold." Is running out of supplies. And it's up to you to get them. Your the rich'S answer to the crisis. And your a Los Angeles Spore diver. Don't worry it wasn't your choice. The brand on the back of your neck reminds you of that. All Spore divers have them. Spore diver is a nice way of saying suicide slave. Maybe your an orphan they picked up off the street..maybe they dragged you away from your mother to pay off a debt she had..whatever the reason.. Everyday you don your filter mask, pull on your Steam skeleton and prime your Tesla rifle as airships drop you into the heart of infected land to scavenge and secure items of interest left behind by your ancestors, and if having to survive in a mutated mix of jungle and city where even the plants can kill you with a whiff wasn't bad enough..the city is a danger all its own. With power hungry factory owners and crude business men still enforcing American martial law, even the slightest inclination of rebellion or escape is smashed under their boot heel. So good luck, and don't worry. The turnover rate is really high..too bad you'll be too dead to enjoy your freedom.