Name: Ryuuko
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Appearance: Image (obviously does not use a minigun)
Backstory: Ryuuko was only a baby when she came to the Digital World, in circumstances that only Yggdrasil knows. She was raised in Primary Village by Angewomon. As time went on she began to notice that she was different from her friends and adopted siblings. When she found out that she was a human and not a Digimon, Ryuuko fell into a depression. But after saving her adopted brothers from a stronger Digimon, she decided that she would do her best to protect her family and friends, even though she was only human.
Team: BlackAgumon "Kuro", BlackGabumon "Kanzo", Commandramon "Forty-Two", Hawkmon "Hawk", Sistermon Noir "Noir", Meicoomon "Mei"
D-Bracer Color: Black and silver.
Notes: - Enjoys sweet-tasting food and drinks; cannot deal with anything spicy.
- Has a great fear of bugs, but she's not afraid of most Bug-type Digimon.
- A bit awkward when talking to other humans.

Species: BlackAgumon
Nickname: Kuro
Primary form level: Rookie
Attacks: Pepper Breath, Claw Uppercut
Digivolution line: Mokumon--> Koromon--> BlackAgumon--> BlackGreymon--> BlackMetalGreymon--> BlackWarGreymon--> Omnimon Zwart (w/ BlackMetalGarurumon)

Species: BlackGabumon
Nickname: Kanzo
Primary form level: Rookie
Attacks: Petite Fire, Ice Dash, Horn Attack
Digivolution line: Punimon--> Tsunomon--> BlackGabumon--> BlackGarurumon--> ShadowWereGarurumon--> BlackMetalGarurumon--> Omnimon Zwart (w/ BlackWarGreymon)

Species: Commandramon
Nickname: Forty-Two (so named for the 42 stenciled on his armor)
Primary form level: Rookie
Attacks: M16 Assassin, DCD Bomb
Digivolution line: Bommon--> Missimon--> Commandramon--> Sealsdramon--> Tankdramon--> Darkdramon

Species: Hawkmon
Nickname: Hawk
Primary form level: Rookie
Attacks: Feather Strike, Beak Pecker, Loop the Hawk
Digivolution line: Pururumon--> Poromon--> Hawkmon--> Aquilamon--> Silphymon (w/ Gatomon)--> Valkyrimon

Species: Sistermon Noir
Nickname: Noir
Primary form level: Champion
Attacks: Mickey Bullet, Bless Fire, Anthony
Digivolution line: Sistermon Noir

Species: Meicoomon
Nickname: Mei
Primary form level: Champion
Attacks: X Scratch, Shut Claw, Trichobezoar
Digivolution line: YukimiBotamon--> Nyaromon--> Salamon--> Meicoomon--> Meicrackmon--> Mastemon