Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 6 days ago

Nora Kingston

Location: Garden City - Apartment 301 Maratos Building at No.6 Walda Pasha

Nora was taken aback for a moment, at the woman denying payment. The elderly woman had spunk, to say the least, and Nora couldn't help but have an honest smile grace her face. But to be truthful, she felt she had little need of the money herself. Her father was an earl, as well as excavating in Egypt--there was money enough in the Kingston family. "Then consider it a gift," Nora explained, before putting the pounds on the tray.

At the woman's candid nature, Nora's smile only increased. She tended to be a quiet person by nature, observing and reflecting, never quite coming out and saying whatever she meant to. On occasion, stronger personalities could coax words out of her, as Lady Munn had done earlier that evening. And with this woman, Nora found herself laughing--not the forced laughter of social necessities, but a true giggle. She snorted at the woman's last comment.

"Forgive me, I didn't catch your name," Nora said finally. And then, in a purposeful choice, she introduced herself. "My name's Eleanor--Nora for short. She then showed the woman the bandage on her finger. "The man tried the very same here...Mentioned the treatment for hysteria, as if he had forgotten the very reason I had called for a surgeon, veiled as it may have been." She paused for a moment, contemplating as to whether or not to divulge the news of her wound. Yet she had a sense she could trust the woman. "I had been branded, and freann fuilteacha, he cared more about whether or not I can land a husband."

The woman's words amused her even more. She thought of her father and brothers, and found that for the most part, it was all correct. Only Ethan seemed to respect her as a woman--Edwin and Eric treated her like an infant. Ernest was dead, so she didn't care much to think of him. She wasn't one to think ill of the dead. Her parents had had an atrocious habit--each child's name began with the letter E.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Harry Walsh

Location: Grand Continental Hotel

Hurrying down the stairs after Aziza, Harry let out something of a breath of relief as she actually stopped, seeing her as she leaned against the banister. He slowed down, closing the distance between them as he watched her, lips curling into a frown as he saw those tears running down her cheeks. Everything and anything that she had said before, about her husband or anything of the sort didn't matter to Harry at that point, he wasn't looking for an explanation, if Aziza saw fit to share the story with him, she would in time, he wouldn't push her for it. All he wished to know was that she would be alright.

He glanced over to the others passing by them for a moment before he turned back to her, watching as she kneeled down and shaking his head. "There's nothing to apologise for." He assured her quietly, moving to sit beside her as he looked over at her. Hearing the next words came out of her mouth reminded him of far too many men he'd comforted before, and even himself, fear was something he was used to, it was a poison he'd seen run through the veins of all sorts of people, men, women, children, he knew what it did, and after so many years witnessing it he was still not even remotely sure of how to deal with it. All he could do was his best. Sighing softly, he moved to place an arm around her, pulling her closer to him as he sat with her. "I'm not going to let anything happen to you Aziza... I promise you that."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Haakon J. Elvsgaard

Location:Grand Continetal Hotel

Haakon to give it to her, she was indeed a friend he needed. He hadn't expected Josephine to throw herself into the argument, not the least having her commence her vocal defence of his honour and actions. While she didn't sound as diplomatic, she was direct in tackling the accucations directed towards him. Haakon gave her a brief look and a smile, thanking her with soundless thoughts before looking at Peter. Whatever the young Keystone said of him now, he was determined not to be thrown off guard anymore.

Which was why he was indeed taken off guard in such a violent way; he had not expected it to be the Lord Major raising the volume ten-fold. Put in danger by his very inquistorial nature? While Peter had implied his dislike for Haakon's occupation, or simply his questioning behavior, Haakon had resolved to not push upon the matter, even for his temper to rise like a cooking kettle. The way the Lord Major put it however, well that was really getting to him. Haakon thought about what to say, or better yet, what to yell at the old man who clearly was holding in a ton worth of frustration from what old men ususally got mad about. Nobody insulted journalism, him or Josephine and got away with it! The response would be sharp, precise and solid enough for the so-called Lord Major to keep his over-priviliged mouth shut tight and...

The voice of Peter throwing in his figurative two cents made Haakon stop his now boiling-hot train of thought. He wasn't having high hopes for whatever the younger Keystone was going to say. Surely the continuation of insults, generalization and patronizing talk would continue from him. Whatever he said, it wasn't helping that his voice was calm - compared to the Lord Major -, as if he thought he was talking with a child.

But did Haakon hear it right? A truce? And most importantly, a scoop? The scoop of the decade about Peter Keystone's time in Germany? So he was right, there was something fishy about his story! The anger that had built up inside of Haakon slowly began to subside as the thought of a scoop, HIS scoop being mere inches away from him. Finally he would get it! But his eye caught the sight of Josephine, and his eagerness subsided as well. He couldn't imagine her being in a good mood now, and he wasn't about to forget about what had just happened. With a deep breath, Haakon turned towards Peter and looked him straight in the eyes.

"You do, but only if I may add one condition myself. You may have forgotten it, or simply be aware of the simple fact that it was Miss Clark and I who first spotted that filth of a man; Abbas. It was the two of us who followed him after his talk with the receptionist. It was the two of us who found the poor servant he had just murdered, and still decided to follow him. It was the two of us who found him outside of Miss Tarek's room, and it was the two of us who decided to put our own lives at risk in order to save hers. I'd like to let you know, both you and the honourable Lord Major, that Miss Clark and I aren't simply opportunists. We do care about your friends and loved ones, though we may not know them as well as you. And we do want to find out what the Hell that has been happening today. With the markings on our fingers, the dreams we've been having, and the near fatal encounter with Abbas Zien."

Haakon took a deep breath before continuing. "You have a deal and my word that none of this shall ever be spoken about outside our group, on one added condition; remember that we do care, if you believe it or not." Haakon said to Peter, before having his gaze turned towards the Lord Major. "Is that a good enough reason for you, Sir?"

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Josephine Clark

Location: Grand Continental Hotel

Josephine didn't much like the tubby old man's insinuation. After all, as she and him said, they barely know each other. Granted, first impressions are everything. That'll teach her to try to be nice. It wasn't until Peter spoke that she felt a tad more at ease. It seems rather than get angry, upset, or any other combination thereof, he was rather forthcoming. Josephine had to hand it to the man, he could have been more aggravated. Hell, she probably expected it. She was getting tired and when she got tired, she got mad.

Before she could speak up, Haakon decided to hike up whatever trousers he had on and speak plainly and clearly to Peter. He made some devilishly good points. It was the two of them that chased after the man and risked their lives to protect Aziza, a woman she was finding herself enjoying the company of. It was their fingers burned with the mark. It was all of them that succumbed to these strange dreams. If she had a choice in the matter, she would be on the next plane back home, working on another movie. However, it seemed her true intention for being in Egypt showed itself.

"Haakon speaks true, darling. I find myself caring a lot for that poor woman. If I may be so bold, I was planning on turning this into a movie idea when I got back home, but seeing how upset she got made me rethink things. While I do think this would make for a frightfully good showing, I will listen and respect your wishes. I want this mystery solved, because things are just getting too weird for me here. Now, I'll sign what you need me to, but I would still like to pick up some things from my room and I am in desperate need for a smoke and a drink."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 22 days ago

Scooby Gang

Location: Grand Continental

Peter listened to both of them but their words were doing anything but putting him at ease. They had gone and played "hero", following without knowing who they may or may not be helping. They were following because of their own curiosity and they had basically just lucked out and didn't get anyone killed. In fact they might actually have gotten someone killed. The way Peter was seeing it, was that they didn't report a murder and decided to just see where the bread crumbs followed them. Now they were agreeing to this but he had serious doubts they were doing it out of the good of the hearts. They both looked to be opportunists of the worst possible caliber and character.

"I'll only agree to try to keep an open mind and reserve my conclusion to whether you two care or not until after everything is dealt with. I make no promises to believe you care until I have more evidence to support it," Peter said before turning and leaving the room. He was beginning to doubt that even if they signed the papers if they would keep to it or if it would turn up eventually in some tabloid or on the silver screen and then someone would have to hunt them down.

He left giving them no time to reply to him or make a comment. He'd let his uncle deal with them, he had other things to tend to at this point. Vera being the forefront on his mind. Little opportunists like that pair always got karma biting them in the ass in the end. The fact they had the gall to try to get him to agree to more, to agree they cared, was utter bollox in his mind. Neither of them had done anything worth classifying as kindness thus far. It would take moving mountains for him to believe either had a heart. The fact he had to agree to relive the worst years of his life to even half way secure their silence told him everything he needed. True humanitarians would have thanked him for the offer but said it was not needed, only those who looked at the bottom dollar would want anyone to speak of such things.

Making his way down the stairs he looked over towards Aziza and Harry as he passed them, giving a slight nod of his head. "I will be at the car," he said but kept walking. Aziza look completely shook up but Sgt Walsh seemed to be handling it, he wouldn't interfere or ask questions. He didn't want to make her more nervous than she already was.

Aziza leaned against, shaking like a leaf. "I know... I trust you," she said between the chattering of her teeth as she curled against him. She did trust him, for whatever reason she didn't know why but she did. "I just don't want you in danger because of me." Her voice was hollow as she spoke, swallowing the dry lump in her throat before looking up and seeing Peter pass them.

The man was odd to her, nothing horrible but there just was something about him. Shaking off the feeling, figuring it was just because he looked half angered and half focused on a mission of some sort. Looking back over at Harry she wiped the tears away with the back of her hand. "Let's just go, maybe base be safest place tonight," she said in an unsure voice. She was rather sure the place would be safe for the evening but being in Cairo was setting unwell with her now. Though she said nothing more, her mind was going quickly, wondering if she should just be gone come the morning light and on the first train out of the country.

Elsewhere In The City

"No ma'am that is everything, thank you," the Steward said towards Lauren as he took the papers and headed out of the room. Vera had managed to get to her feet and carefully stumbled over to the window, opening it so she could get some fresh air.

Looking out over the lights of the city she sighed before making her way slowly over to the window on the back side of the room. Pushing the shutters out of the way she smiled slightly as she spotted the Pyramid at Giza off in the distance. It was what had made her come to fall in love with Egypt, well one of many things. Her fingers curled along the windowsill as the winds kicked up and a warm breeze blew into the room. The heat was not one of those things she had fallen in love with.

"Do you think everyone is okay?" she asked as she glanced over towards Lauren, wishing the aspirin she had taken would start kicking in. She was worried, everything that had happened that day was enough to put anyone on edge, yet she had no idea about everything that was going on at the hotel.

The old woman looked over towards Nora and pocketed the coins. "Thank you. My name is Neema," she said before looking at Nora and rolling her eyes.

"May a camel give birth in his bed," she said before making as if she was spitting on the floor. "He is the son of a motherless goat. I see paper that come for you. You are smart woman, you need not worry about marriage. At least not his two cents worth on it. You smart enough to know who to marry, when to marry, if you marry. Dumb ox hasn't got the common sense Allah gave a cow," she said before "spitting" again.

"You need anything, you call me," she aid as she picked up the bottle that was left for Nora. Taking a the cap off she inhaled the smell before looking at Nora and chucking it out of the window. "It's laced," she said as her eyes narrowed. "Laudanum is in it."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 6 days ago

Nora Kingston

Location: Garden City - Apartment 301 Maratos Building at No.6 Walda Pasha

Nora's cheeks burned slightly at Neema's comments. Never before had she quite been praised for her intelligence, with British society preferring to focus on looks and status. Even when she pursued a certificate in mathematics, it had just been that--a certificate. All of the same coursework given to the men who earned degrees, yet not the same result. Beyond her eldest brother, no one had ever quite complimented her in such a matter.

And for Neema, a stranger, to validate one of Nora's desires--the desire to avoid marriage at any price? She half wished Neema had been her real mother. She could quite easily grow to like the woman, Nora concluded. "Thank you, Neema," Nora said, bowing her head ever so slightly. "You are quite too kind."

Had she not been so gravely ill as a child, perhaps laudanum would have surprised her more. But before the turn of the century, it had been a standard medical remedy for all sorts of troubles. There had been a brief period in which the doctors had used a dilute portion of it on her, until they were able to identify the cause of her illness. To see it her now was mildly surprising, nonetheless. And perhaps a bit curious as well.

"It would seem he wishes to correct hysteria with opiates," Nora mused. That was perhaps one explanation for it. Any of the laudanum on the bandage, Nora figured, would have already entered her system. There would be little point in removing the bandage, and expose the wound in the process.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Reginald Keystone

Location: Grand Continental Hotel

"Yes yes, quite!" bubbled the Lord Major, apparently with a newly enhanced frame of mind. Peter had left, with only himself, Fourth Estate, and the Movie Star in the hotel room. "I'm glad we all have that sorted out. Now then..." he waited a second or two until the footsteps of his dear nephew had receded somewhat before continuing (and in a much darker tone), "Understand me, Sir and Madame; your obvious involvement in whatever grand mystery in which we find ourselves involved leads me to surmise that you shall play a part in whatever is yet to come. I extend the protection of the Empire, such as it is in this region, for that reason alone. Further understand that punishment for espionage against the Crown is capital. Capital, mind you. I shall extend every resource as a Major in His Majesty's Armed Forces and a Lord of Sussex to ensure this. We leave in four minutes. Enjoy the hospitality of the Crown."

Reginald toddled out of the hotel room, unconcerned with barb or protest. His intent was to traverse the distance to his car and men outside, but the scene in the stairwell stopped him immediately. Aziza was still shaken up by this situation. She was a friend. Not the kind of friend he might regularly drink whisky and smoke cigars with; point of fact the full nature of their friendship was birthed of painful and embarrassing circumstance. She was not quite family, not quite associate, but definitely someone who deserved his loyalty, and if necessary, his protection. "Madame." he said quietly, hoping to get her attention without intruding too much upon the moment. He continued in a quiet, understanding voice. "Miss Tarek. You will be as safe as I can make you. And you have my assurance of two things: First, if at any time you feel the need to depart this place, I swear to you that you shall find a home in Brighton. One of mine, actually, and that you may lie a life of studious comfort or dutiful industry, at your choice, for as long as my family holds sway thereabouts. I shall sign papers and Testament to that as soon as we get back to my clerk at the Barracks. This mess is partly my responsibility, and I will attend to your and your family's needs as best I can if you so request it of me. Second, if either the reporter or the starlet prove to leak anything remotely related to any of us or this little adventure before you are ready for them to, I shall have them stretched from the nearest British-occupied lamppost. Plus extend the protection of the Keystone line. Madame, I am your servant."

"Come along. Let us get you down to the automobile."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Location: Qasr El Nil Barracks

Lauren gave the steward a friendly smile and slight nod towards him, once she finished her signature and then watched him take the paper. "No problem at all sir." Lauren said softly as she closed the door behind the man just as he left, turning her attention over towards Vera seeing the woman stumbling out of the bed and slowly made her way over towards the nearby window. Lauren was slightly worried if Vera would suddenly end up getting sick, due to the hangover she decided to keep a very close eye on her now that the woman was up and about already. Lauren walked over feeling the warm breeze coming into the room as Vera opened up the window and pulled apart the blinds.

She gently gave the woman a friendly pat on the shoulder. "With your fiancé and Sergeant Walsh over there, along with Reginald i'm sure that the others are in good hands." Lauren reassured her as she looked out at the city before them, and then The Pyramid of Giza out in the distance. It was truly awe inspiring to look at. All she really knew about it was that it was made by slaves back in the day it was made, but not really much of the history of why it was made. "How are you feeling, you aren't going to go and puke all over me anytime soon?" Lauren asked, she knew that the aspirin would most likely take a couple more minutes to kick in. "Can I get you anything?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Haakon J. Elvsgaard

Location:Grand Continetal Hotel

So that was how it was going to be? Haakon hadn't expected Peter and the Lord Major to entirely accept his demand, but this? He wasn't under the impression that their clearly well-meant behaviour of following Abbas had been enough to convince the two of them that Josephine and Haakon were decent folk. Far from it. In the words of the Lord-Major himself, they were granted protected because they in some way should "play a part" like this some kind of adventure novel. Not evidence enough? No evidence? Oh Haakon would give them evidence, just wait.

Peter left them before Haakon could muster any dignified response, and the Lord Major left not long after his nephew in a less arrogant way. Haakon looked at Josephine, giving a quiet sigh as the worst was by now over. At least he hoped so. "I'm usually fond of the British, but Mr. and Mr. Keystone are starting, how should I put this; get on my nerves." Haakon said in a low voice to his American friend. So far she had been the only one to stand by his side and defend him. And seen as the majority of the group were affiliated with the Lord Major, Haakon felt that Josephine and he were slowly becoming the black sheep of the family.

"Four minutes. No time to waste then, got a few things I need from my room. It's just downstars, are you coming?" Haakon sent the question to Josephine as he began walking towards the stairs and down them. His room was on the second floor, so his pace down the staircase was quick and precise. Four minutes to grab what he needed. It wasn't that much, it was just the time-restraint. He soon came to his door, which he proceeded to open and step inside his room. He quickly put his typewriter in the box it was supposed to be carried in and put that in his suitcase, alongside another set of clothes, his casefile and notes. Everything else he could more or less easily replace, even if his reporter's salary was questionable. Hoping he hadn't used up those four minutes, he proceeded outside.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Josephine Clark

Location: Grand Continental Hotel

Josephine had to give it to Haakon, even in the face of threats he remained steadfast. Well, as steadfast as the guy could be. "I agree, darling. I was under the impression the English were supposed to be prim, proper, and polite and so far, the only ones I've met have been nothing of the sort. The only one I can see myself liking is that museum lady. What was her name....Mira?" She waved her hand, "Well be that as it may, she seems like a smart woman. She just needs to let her feelings show. For that matter, the lot of them could do well to take whatever stick is making a home in their rears and live a little. I have a feeling this adventure will be just the thing they need. The thing we all need really. That portly man was right. It seems we are all connected to this."

She sighed a little. It didn't seem like she would be getting that smoke anytime soon. Four minutes to prepare and she still wanted to stop at her room. "I really did want to stop by my room in my hotel, but that doesn't seem to be happening. Luckily I have some of the essentials with me. Ah well, let's be off them, darling. Adventure awaits!" Ever the diva, Josephine makes her way out of the room, only to stop outside. After all, they were heading to Haakon's room and she didn't really know where that is.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Harry Walsh

Location: Grand Continental Hotel

Harry only took his eyes off Aziza once when he heard the familiar voice of Peter above them. Looking up, he gave the man a simple nod before immediately diverting his attentions back to Aziza as she leant against him. It felt reassuring to hear her say that she trusted him. He had chosen to put his own trust in her, and while he assumed already that it was mutual, it was good to hear her say the words. His arms gently wrapped around her, he softly caressed her shoulder, trying to calm and relax her as well as he was able. Just as her first words had managed to reinforce him, her next ones oddly felt strange, disheartening.

He shook his head quickly, watching her closely as he gave a gentle smile. "Don't worry about that, I survived the war didn't I? I'm sure I can handle this." It was at least an attempt at a joke. As he took a moment to recall, Harry realised it was the first time he'd even slightly joked about the war, for him it was something dark, somber, and nothing really but a bad memory. It felt strange to use it as a joke but, strangely relieving. Listening as she continued, he nodded his head in agreement, gently moving to stand up as he took her hand, helping her to her feet. "I'll be with you the whole way." He promised with a friendly gaze and a warm smile.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 22 days ago

Scooby Gang

Location: Grand Continental

Aziza looked over towards Reginald and listened to his word. It took her a moment to get the full meaning of what he was saying, looking rather confused at first and then it dawned on her. He was offering her a way out. She gave a small nervous smile and nodded towards him. "Thank you for your offer Lord Major, I am very thankful. I could not leave though, you know why," she said giving him a knowing look. The two had spoken some about her son and what she had lived through, it was why she had never left the country before now. She had the smallest hope that one day her son would seek her out when he grew up. If she left Egypt, she might never see him again and the thought broke her heart. That settled it she would stay in the country, even if she had thought about leaving she knew she just couldn't, no matter how much it put her life in danger.

"You are so kind Sgt. Walsh, I will never be able to repay you," Aziza said looking over to him and smiling. Taking a deep breath she righted herself and placed her hand on the banister, making her way down the stairs and out of the front of the hotel. Glancing around it did not take long for her to spot Peter who was standing by the car and had secured a taxi as well so that there was enough room for everyone. Or perhaps it was so he wouldn't have to travel with certain people. That thought though didn't cross Aziza's mind as she walked over to the car and took Peters hand as it was offered to her. Helping her into the car he made sure she was situated before stepping out of the way.

"I believe you will wish to sit next to your escort Miss Tarek," he said before looking around and hoping that the others would be along shortly. He wanted to get back to check in on Vera and Lauren back at the barracks. Looking down at his watch he noted the time, it was closing in on eleven in the evening. Time did move quickly when things were happening. If only they had moved this quickly during his time away from England.

Elsewhere In The City

Neema brushed her hands together and shook her head a bit as she waddled back from the window and looked over towards Nora. Stepping over to the woman she held her hand out, palm side up. "Come, come. Let me see. What happened? Idiot doctor wished he knew what my people know about healing." Her voice was kind when she spoke but firm. She wanted to see what was ailing the young woman and why that stupid doctor had been called in the first place.

"Blame my son for him coming. He thinks new ways best way. Forget the old ways." She said rolling her old eyes. "Our people wouldn't have survived for thousands of years here if we didn't know a thing or two. Traveling the sands, no doctor to call. Families had to know how to heal." It was obvious that Neema didn't have a high opinion of the doctor for various reasons even if her son seemed to respect the man enough to call him for people staying in the building. Granted, it didn't seem like Neema thought much of her sons beliefs these days either.

"Fiance?!" Vera squawked, nearly choking on the water she had retrieved to clear out the bad taste in the back of her throat. Patting herself on the chest she wiped the dribble away from her chin with the back of her hand. "He, I mean, he asked. We talked, but that was before he had perished in the war. I mean, before I thought he had perished. I believe he may ask again, but oh I don't know, oh fuddle sticks...." she said as she slumped down on the edge of her bed and sighed.

"No, no, I am as well as can be expected. I do not suspect that I shall be evacuating my stomach contents this evening, what little blessing that is. Thank you though for your kindness and concern." Vera slowly pushed back her curls from her brow and looked over towards Lauren. "I wish there was something you could do for me but I am afraid there is not anything at this time. Unless you can stop the moving works of time so that I can have time to actually work through the problems in my mind."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 6 days ago

Nora Kingston

Location: Garden City - Apartment 301 Maratos Building at No.6 Walda Pasha

To say that Nora felt a bit apprehensive about whatever method of healing Neema was proposing would be an understatement. She had spent most of her life shoving aside what she deemed to be nonsensical--stories of faith healing, of magic, of illusions that were reality. And from the context Neema provided, this method of healing would be something similar. Yet at the same time, compared to a doctor who used opiates to heal wounds, and the magical event of her wounding, what harm could come from it that had not already happened?

Additionally, Neema's confidence and strength exceeded Nora's ability or desire to resist. Nodding, Nora extended her wounded hand to the woman, allowing her to examine the bandaged appendage. "It's a simple brand," Nora explained, as she delicately removed the bandages and exposed the wound. "I...I must confess I do not understand the circumstances by which it appeared."

Perhaps speaking with Neema would have been a better choice than visiting the museum, Nora hoped. The woman did seem to be knowledgeable, and the thought that perhaps she knew the cause of the brand crossed Nora's mind.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Reginald Keystone

Location: Grand Continental Hotel

"Yes, my dear." remarked the Lord Major, continuing with them down the stairs and out into the night air of Cairo. "I know why. Nonetheless, you shall have the option of being the resident caretaker of the Brighton Estate at your leisure, with resources necessary to make official inquiries. Hopefully, soon as a family. But come along, we'll keep you safe in the meantime."

Out front, Reginald looked to his nephew. "Ah, excellent foresight, dear boy!" he called out, motioning to the cab. "Capital idea! Well then, we're off in..." he checked pocketwatch, "...some three minutes, madame and gentlemen. Now, I intend to travel in style, so whomever decides to spend the next few minutes in the Silver Ghost will have to do so in my prestigious company." His voice carried a gleam of humor, as if the old man was attempting to lighten an obviously tense mood. Granted, it was likely doomed to failure, but Reginald was already playing host, despite the fact that they were not quite back at the Barracks yet.

The Lord Major removed his officer's sabre from his belt, holding it close to himself in his left hand. He didn't intend to use it on anything, yet, but it made climbing into and out of vehicles comfortably difficult to the extreme, were it still hanging from his side. Not one to enter before a guest (as he was not under official orders from a higher-up to complete a task for His Majesty), the Lord Major stood at the ready, next to the door of his motor pool's finest Rolls-Royce, waiting the last guests of their Fellowship. Even checked his watch again.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Location: Qasr El Nil Barracks

Lauren turned her head slightly to look at Vera's reaction which caused her to let out a slight chuckle. "Sorry, I just assumed that the two of you were engaged before he went off to the war." Lauren said as she leaned forward ever so slightly looking out at the window letting the warm breeze go through her hair before turning around and sat down next to Vera on the edge of the bed. Lauren listened to Vera getting that it was a slightly awkward subject, though she didn't know the two of them very well. "Well do you love the guy back, or is it more of the arranged marriage stuff you Brits like to do?" Lauren asked leaning back slightly and looked outside once more, she had seen some couples back home ending up turning sour a few times in the past and everytime

"Well its good at least that you haven't started vomiting yet, you certainly cant hold your liquor down very well." Lauren said teasingly, she then got up and grabbed a piece of bread that was on the tray that the steward had given them earlier and headed back. Lauren sat back down ripping off a piece and handed it over towards Vera while she took a bite out of her own and then grabbed her glass and started to take a sip from it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Haakon J. Elvsgaard

Location:Grand Continetal Hotel

With the sound of the door being locked, Haakon turned away from the room he had chosen to abandon for the night in return of a more defended quarter, and looked down the hallway of the hotel. Then he looked the other way. Empty, except for Josephine waiting for him. He hadn't expected to see anyone else, but nevertheless...

"Munn. Vera Munn is her name. She's by far the most competent person of the group in whatever this whole adventure is surely about. Though I'm having difficulty being convinced about our connections to each other in regards to playing each our parts. At least attributing it to something cosmic and divine, however unexplainable our markings are. Oh well, it's been interesting so far to say the least, we might as well do our best to enjoy it. Even if they don't like us. Shall we?" Haakon said to Josephine as he walked up to her again, one hand reaching out to her, the other holding his suitcase. It wasn't that long of a walk downstairs and out to the outside, but that didn't mean he wouldn't treat his friend well. So far is only friend here.

"If push comes to shove, you can scavenge my belonings for anything of valid use. Hopefully we can gather the rest of our items tomorrow. But to change the subject, I am rather curious as to what frightnened Miss Tarek of what I said, or what was merely implied? Like you said, Jo, I wouldn't dream to write anything that would turn her fears into reality. I'm just sorry for causing her the pain, and not even being aware of what said thing was."

Soon they stood outside the hotel, the still warm egyptian night of Cairo lingering around them. In front of them Haakon could see the remainder of the group, standing around a pair of automobiles. Miss Tarek was seated in the car at the front, a Rolls-Royce Haakon guessed. He had to give it to the British; while their behaviour was far from ideal, their style was unquestionable. He hoped that his growing dislike of them would quickly pass, for he couldn't see himself not enjoying their positive sides. Walking towards the group, Haakon turned to Josephine. "Ladies first, Jo."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Josephine Clark

Location: Grand Continental Hotel

Josephine waited for Haakon as he went to gather his things. The thought was there, but she really wanted to grab a few essentials in her room. She hoped the other ladies could help her out if the need arose. After all, she couldn't be seen without make-up. That just wouldn't do. Haakon, thankfully, finished quickly and they were off.

"It isn't every day you get a mark on your finger just for being in Egypt, darling. So something cosmic may indeed be happening, and the fact it seems we are all connected only solidifies that we are meant to be here. So tough tiddlywinks if they don't like us, because we are here to stay."

With a flourish of her arm, she started making her way towards the group as Haakon mentioned his writing. Though she spoke the truth, she could see from Aziza's point of view. After all, the woman confided in her a secret she knew she shouldn't tell. Even if it killed her not to. "I understand, but I think Aziza is merely worried about her situation. It's hard to see anything else when you are scared. I am sure she'll come around. She seems like a nice girl. People in our professions, darling, are often saddled with repuatations we don't much like. We do our best to deal with it and prove them wrong (or right, if that be the case). I know back home, rumors spread about me and a whole bunch of other celebrities. Gossip columns and news articles abound in us, which also paints journalists in a bad light. That is why I feel we get along so well, darling. We understand there's more to it than that."

She smiled. It wasn't time to be serious. It was now time for fun. Time for adventure! "Adventure awaits, darling. Let's go!"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Harry Walsh

Location: Grand Continental Hotel

Nodding toward Aziza as she declined the Lord-Majors kind offer, Harry glanced between her and the Lord-Major himself. It was more than obvious that the two were quite familiar, he'd be curious to ask how they knew each other another time, but they were much past the point for pleasantries at that point, at least in Harry's mind. Regardless, he very much appreciated any bit of the Lord-Majors offer toward Aziza, thus far he had been an interesting man in Harry's view, certainly unlike many of the other British officers he had known in his lifetime, though most of the ones in his life had been much like that Corporal, too desperate for a promotion to think much on anything else.

Hearing Aziza's words to him, he couldn't help but smile, shaking his head. Aziza had been a calming voice for him. Being around her felt good to him, relaxing, merely being in her presence held many of the horrid and terrible thoughts and memories of his war at bay. He wasn't sure what it was, but it was just one of the things which made her so very enchanting. Shaking his head toward her, he kept his smile. "You have already repayed me a hundred times over, Aziza, believe me." He knew full well she may not have understood what he meant by his words, but to him they rung true, she had made things far less grim.

Moving down toward the car with her and the others, he sighed as he looked around, he wasn't exactly sure how late it was himself at that point, but he knew it was certain to be later than he had expected to be heading home that evening, as much as he would call the barracks 'home' again, anyway. Giving Peter a nod as he let them in, Harry carefully climbed into the car alongside Aziza, setting his hand atop hers for a moment to give it a reassuring squeezze as he tried to relax.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 22 days ago

Scooby Gang

Location: Grand Continental

"I do try uncle," Peter said as he waited for Sgt. Walsh to get into the car. Glancing over towards Josephine and Haakon as they came over he motioned to the taxi that was behind the main car. "You two should be perfectly comfortable there. I do not wish to crowd Miss Tarek in her current emotional state," he said before stepping into the car and seating himself across from Aziza and Harry, waiting on his uncle to join them in the last available comfortable seat in the car. Resting his cane down he glanced out of the window and towards the barracks. He hoped that Vera was alright.

Aziza looked over towards Harry with a confused expression on her features. She had already repayed him? But how? She had done nothing in her mind to warrant that but she could only smile slightly as he squeezed her hand. Looking down at their hands hers turned over and she let her fingers lace with his own before resting her head on his shoulder. She felt comfortable around him and knew in time she would talk about what was bothering her but for now she wanted to push the thought aside, it brought panic and worry.

Peter caught the sight of the two out of the corner of his eye and smirked a bit, not a harsh one but warm and thoughtful. He had missed such simple exchanges since he had been gone but thinking on it, Vera had never been particularly warm. It wasn't that she was cold by any means but she was as proper as he. What little moments they had stolen were few and far between. Though he wondered just how much he cherished them because they were so rare. "Myself and my uncle will make sure that you two are sharing a room this evening, it looks like you could use the privacy," he said, not realizing what he said until the look washed over Aziza's face. Cocking a brow as he watched her blush and bit her bottom lip nervously. "Oh heavens, my mistake. A thousand pardons Miss Tarek, I assumed that you two were together. I do apologize."

Elsewhere In The City

Vera shook her head slightly. "He asked but I told him that I wouldn't, at least not then. Mind you I thought I would never have such an offer. It just wasn't who I was and most seemed to avoid me. Peter was different and I grew to care for him deeply. Yet it was more of a mutual respect, or so I thought until the proposal," Vera explained as she pushed the curls of her bangs from her brow.

"I didn't exactly refuse either though. I told him if he came back I would consider it seriously and we could start the courtship then. I thought perhaps he was only proposing because of our understanding of each other and the fact he was going to war. Then when I found out he died, I mourned him," she added, thinking back to the day the news had come. She had been far more devastated than she thought she could be but in the same breath, it didn't feel like she had lost a great love but a great friend. "Now that he has returned, I wonder if that is what he wishes to discuss come morning."

At Lauren's mention of her not throwing up she chuckled slightly. "My ability to process drinks has never been what one would call stellar," she said before sighing and letting out a small burp as she covered her mouth. She really shouldn't have drank.

Neema pulled out an old pair of glasses and placed them on the the tip of her nose. Taking Nora's hand she carefully turned it over and took a close look. "This is no simple brand," she said as she looked at it. Slowly as she turned Nora's hand over to look at the front of the branding her eyes widened. "There were more were there not? You are not the only one that has this mark," she said before letting her hand go and pulling the glasses off her face, folding them carefully and taking a seat.

She looked confused, and more than that, intrigued. "Such stories I have heard, from my grandmothers grandmother. Tales passed down through the generations but kept within the families. The mark of Bastet is not one to take lightly," she said before looking over towards Nora and locking eyes with her. Leaning forward slowly her jovial side seemed to vanish. "An au unna ni Peta, en Ta: resu meh mehta, meh amenta, meh abta; U-en-kua em kshat-ten. Nuk eh-b em maat-pv; un mit-a nem."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Location: Qasr El Nil Barracks

Lauren gave Vera a slight nod as she listened to Vera getting a little bit more information with Peter and Vera's relationship, they seemed to care a lot for one another as very close friends. And that the two mutually respected one another, Peter did seem to be a pretty nice fellow as Lauren took another sip of her water. "Only advice, just do what your heart tells you to. I have only met the two of you this evening." Lauren said with a soft smile as she started to play around slightly with her hair and stretched ever so slightly letting out a slight yawn. It had been a fairly long and trying evening, she couldn't help but chuckle ever so slightly at Vera's comment about drinking she wouldn't last a few minutes in her father's bar back home.

"You would probably be really out of place back home, at my father's bar during a celebration we all end up getting pretty intoxicated after a full night of drinking." Lauren said jokingly and closed her eyes for a moment letting out a slight sigh, she started to think more about her family back home. She wished there was a way to get in contact with them in some way but there wasn't other then sending letters back home, but they would take awhile to respond to as well.
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