That said, I ended up looking at the old quotes I had on my signature, from an archive website, and I almost teared up a bit, reading all the old memories and letting my mind wander and reminisce.

I didn't end up crying, but I definitely smiled and choked up a bit. Its just weird to know how much of my life is actually intertwined with you guys. I still feel like when I first joined the site, especially now with the site being reborn and all. This is just a reminder that, although things are different and new, the best is not in the past but in the present; new memories, better memories are being made as we speak.

As the quote goes, "The clock is running. Make the most of today. Time waits for no man. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it is called the present."

Here's to the gift of today. Glad I get to spend it with you folk.

-- -- --

Anyways, here's the picture of the quotes from the site. Excuse the ego that is apparent in the quotes, but when I quoted something it was because it was both an enjoyable memory and one that I was directly a part of. Oh, and before you get confused, my username was GAGK before it was Ichthys; I changed it back in 2012 or something like that.

To turn this into a valid discussion, here's some questions to consider:

If you were on the old RPG, what are some of your favorite memories? If you're willing to disclose them, what were your least favorite memories?

What are some of the memories you've made on the new site already?

What do you think is the value of memories?