Jack could hear multiple explosions going off in the distance, he turned around and looked at where they were coming from to make sure they were the TCR's trap, he could just see the flames through the city. It was, he signalled the TCR force to commence their attack. This was their final move agains't the HNCP, an all or nothing attack, no coming back from this.
"Jack, are you sure you got those locations right? If not then this will all be for nothing." his concerned father asked.
"When do my plans ever fail? Have faith dad, it will work as long as everybody sticks to the plan." Jack replied, the plan was thought out well, it took months to prepare for it and Jack was relying on those traps to be triggered, even if the enemy found them. He picked up his rifle and moved into the building where his sniper team was providing overwatch. The power was out in the building so they made a makeshift elevator out of rope and one of the elevator weights. The team dropped the weight at the top and Jack was launched up quickly almost throwing him into the side of the elevator shaft. His team were already set up and awaiting their orders. Jack set up his rifle and had a line of cartridges set up for easy reloading. He looked down the battle below, small skirmishes were turning into large fire fights quickly, due to the narrow lane ways and debris on the streets, tanks couldn't be utilised. His signalled his team to start firing away at anything the could see. Jack focused on other snipers and marksman firing at their comrades, he could see everything. They were pushing the HNCP back but slowly, if they didn't do something quickly they could be overrun.