Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The wind howled softly in the forest, a small group of deer had been along the trail, a large wolf trailed the small herd. Stalking them until they got to the forest clearing, the wolf rushed toward the deer with unnatural speed that would rival Hermes himself. One by one each deer seemed to have fallen down and died but upon closer inspection their throats were all torn open. Cassius, the god of war had led the deer to their fate, it was unfortunate for them that he was hungry, the wolf simply lied down in wait. He knew a wolf would pick up this scent and possibly it'd be a lone wolf. Nychta was trotting through the woods, the wind blowing through her soft, pitch black fur. The wind blew a certain scent into her nose; the fresh scent of blood. Her stomach growled slightly, she had been hungry for a while now, but hadn't found the time to hunt. As she approached the scent she froze a bit hesitantly. It wasn't a single deer as she had expected, it was an entire group of deer, all killed by a basic torn throat. She sniffed the air to pick up the scent of a predator, but couldn't sniff anything out. She slowly made her way to the deer, her stomach too empty to resist. Cassius raised his nose to the air momentarily and picked up a scent in between the smell of blood. He turned to see a female wolf, he was actually surprised that it was female lone wolf of all things, he picked up the deer in his teeth with ease and brought it to her, setting it down in front of her. He easily towered over her, trying to gain a pack mate wasn't in his favor since he was very menacing in size and stature.

The arrival of the massive white wolf made Nychta freeze lightly, her fur standing up a bit. She hadn't picked up his scent, most likely because the wind came from her back. She stayed ready to react if he attacked her, and was surprised when he placed one of the deer in front of her. She stayed still and waited for any reaction, her stomach still growling in the sight and scent of the food. Cassius looked at her, he wondered why she hadn't taken the deer yet, maybe she thought he was just showing his kill. He pushed his nose against the deer carcass, prodding it in her direction. "It is yours..." He spoke to her, his tone sounding happy, he hoped she'd accept his offering. He could plainly hear how her stomach growled, she was indeed a lone wolf, she hadn't eaten properly or at all for a while it seemed. He lied down on the grass and waited for her, maybe if he sat down and looked less menacing she'd take it.He offered her the deer again, but she didn't trust it. Did he want to distract her before attacking? His voice didn't sound all too menacing, at least not as menacing as his appearance was. When he lay down on the grass she moved towards the deer a bit and sunk her teeth into it. She wasn't strong enough to move it on her own strength, so she used the shadows at the edge of the deer to pull it along, without him noticing he used her ability; she didn't need him to know of her powers. She started eating hastily, wolfing the meat down hungrily and licking her lips delighted.

Cassius watched her as she began to look at the deer, he wondered what she could be thinking. Maybe she was pondering whether he was a threat or not, had he wanted to cause her pain he would have done so the moment he saw her. He watched her bite into the dear when he sat down, he was sure that his appearance was frightening but he didn't think it was that bad. He tilted his head to the side when he saw her move the deer, was he seeing that right though? She looked to have been starving for a week or two, she was either stronger than she looked or she had power of some sort. He had a wolfish grin on his face when he saw how she seemed to enjoy the deer, he trotted off toward the deer pile and brought her another before sitting down. Nychta ate the flesh with a blissful delight, her eyes gleaming hungrily and her jaws tearing through bone, flesh and tendons easily as she tried to eat as much as she possibly could. She froze again when he neared her, cautious as always, but relaxed a bit again when he simply placed another deer in front of her. She could probably take him with her power, even if he was this size, but she couldn't risk getting hurt in her weakened state. Thereby, she had no idea if he was a wolf or a normal one, and she didn't want to take the risk. All she could do was hope he meant no harm and eat her fill to regain some strength.

Cassius watched her as she ate her meal, rather hungrily at that, it was quite a sight. He remembered being hungry like that when he was abandoned, he didn't know how to hunt on his own and was forced to learn on his own. The growling of his stomach once gave away his position and left him starving for weeks, he saw how the deer was being finished so quickly, he ran over with unnatural speed and grabbed the two remaining deer in his jaws, easily bringing them to the female. He picked up the scent of wolves, not of his pack, these ones didn't seem to be like him, they would have rushed him at an instant but they were cautious like they knew and didn't care. They began to advance toward him and his new acquaintance, he turned around and stood over her, his body easily over hers, he snarled dangerously at the males and females. "I'll keep you safe.." He said to her. Nychta was a bit more relaxed when the wolf brought the two other deer her way. He seemed to mean no harm, she had noticed that by now. Her relaxed demeanor vanished when she picked up the scent of other wolves heading their way, and they were quickly in sight. She blinked when the shadow of the massive wolf suddenly slipped over her and he towered over her.

As the wolves advanced toward him, Cassius snarled defensively at them before finally lashing out, in burst of speed that was unnatural in every way. The rival wolf gave out a yelp before struggling and finally dying, Cassius had him by the throat, biting down forcefully. He growled dangerously toward the others that tried to focus on the female wolf, grabbing one by its hind leg and snapping it in his jaws, causing loud pained yelps. He positioned himself over the female once more, barking at them as to warn them of his power. The wolves seemed to back off more a moment, as if to weigh their options, finally though they departed into the first from which they came. "Are you alright?" Cassius asked the female. Nychta was amazed at the large white wolf's actions. He was protecting her, while they just met. It was behavior unlike any she had ever seen, certainly for a fellow wolf. Their entire mindset was suspicious, why would this one be different? He seemed to prove he was though, killing one of the wolves and crippling another before the wolves finally backed off. She looked at him weirdly, cocking her head. 'Fine.... Why'd you do that..?' she asked.

Cassius looked under himself and down at her, he was going to be honest to her, he was hoping that a.lone wolf had found the deer, maybe he'd have a pack mate. "I know what it's like to be alone like you...I had to do something, whether or not you would come to the kill wasn't up to me.." He said to her. Nychta looked at him weirdly. He wanted a pack mate? It sounded like it, though it still didn't seem normal to her. 'Then why... that.' she gestured at the corpse of the wolf he had just killed. Cassius looked over toward the deceased wolf before turning back to her. "I wanted to defend you, I thought maybe I could gain a pack mate in you..." He spoke honestly, he wasn't going tot be evasive about it. 'Pack mate?' she asked. She had quite liked traveling by herself, but having somebody to look out for her and help her in hunts would be nice. She was usually too tired to hunt during the day and at night it was much harder to catch a deer. 'Do you have a pack already?' she asked.

Cassius gave nod when she restated what he had asked of her, to be his pack mate. Maybe a wolf like her would agree, having someone by her side would be nice, someone to help her hunt, someone to watch out for her. He'd answer her question honestly, he hadn't been apart of a pack in such a long time, his old one abandoned him. "No, I do not.." He said to her. Nychta looked at him a bit weird. He had some serious guts if he wanted to attract wolves to join his pack by slaughtering deer. He could probably take on aggressive opponents, she knew he would be a good companion. She got on her feet and looked at him. 'Very well, I'll join you. I won't take orders though, I don't take orders from anybody.' she said. Cassius looked at her for a moment after she agreed, he knew this would be difficult, maybe through time she'd come to following orders. "Very well then..." He said in agreement, still though it slightly bothered him that she wasn't willing to take orders. Still though, something was on his mind about the female but he was trying to hide it, arousing suspicion wasn't a good idea. Nychta nodded as he agreed to her terms, then got on her feet lightly. 'Either way, my name is Nychta. You?' she asked. Cassius was glad to learn of her name, his tail wagging slightly at the sound of it, it was an interestingly beautiful name to say the least. "I am Cassius...." He said, bowing in a respective manner toward her. "Would you like to accompany me on the journey to my den?" He asked, his den was a very large cave that had been made by him actually, it seemed to be intricate as well, skins were covering the ground to provide comfort and warmth at times. There were even lower levels of the cave, allowing him to to retreat into a deeper area when a winter too harsh for even him rolled in.

Nychta allowed herself to take in the stranger's name well before nodding. 'Cassius it is.' she stated. Noting his slight wag caused her to chuckle softly, though she slightly bowed her head nonetheless. 'A den? That would be best, I suppose.' she stated. She was still somewhat nervous, but decided to go along either way. Up until now the stranger had only treated her well after all. She nodded again and allowed him to lead the way. Cassius slowed down the swaying of his tail when she had taken notice. He began walk slowly as he led her through the forest, he wanted to ask her if she was like him but this was not the place to do so. After a long while of walking he finally got her to the den, his home, he walked into the large cave and lied down. "May I ask a question?" He asked her, wondering if she would allow any questioning from him. Nychta remembered to take in every scent she encountered along the way, every recognizable patch of grass or boulder. She wanted to be able to find her way back to where she was in case something happened. Nychta looked around the den he had led her to. It was cozy and big. Large enough to hold a small pack at least. She looked at him as he spoke to her. 'Yes?'

"Do you have any special abilities?" He asked, stressing the word special so she'd understand what he meant, assuming she did understand to begin with. Nychta's eyes narrowed slightly at his question. Had he seen her use her power when she moved that deer? She controlled her urge to send her shadows his way and took on a confused expression. 'Special? Why do you ask?' she asked innocently. Cassius sighed at the question, he may as well demonstrate his power, he quickly ran out into the forest for a moment and had returned with a fresh kill, a fully grown bull moose. He had his jaws around its side, carrying the large animal with ease before setting it down in front of her. "Because if you are, I am too.." He stated. Nychta looked at him confused when he ran off, then blinked when he returned with a full grown moose. 'Super-strength, huh?' she muttered. He was obviously special, as he called it, so she might as well show her own ability. Her shadow reformed and curled up off the ground, curling around a bit. 'Then I am.'

Cassius didn't just have super strength but all of him was strengthened, he was a complete powerhouse of a wolf. He tilted his head to the side when he saw her abilities, shadows, how interesting. "So you are then....how did you become a lone wolf?" He asked her. Mina looked at him, sitting down while her shadow sunk back into the ground. 'Abandoned as a pup, picked up by.. a certain somebody.' she stated vaguely. She didn't feel like telling this wolf who her Goddess was, she didn't feel quite comfortable about that yet. Cassius understood completely, she didn't seem to give up the name of the god or goddess that found her."I see that you have shadows, whoever took you must be a bringer of the night?" He said to her, using his intuition to aide him in his theory. Nychta glanced at him as he spoke of the one that gave her power. 'If that is what you wish to believe. It is none of your business, nor mine to tell.' "I understand that completely, I was only presuming such..." He said to her, sighing, she was going to be a tough one, he wondered how he'd get her to warm up to him. Nychta nodded with a satisfied smile. 'Thank you for respecting that.' she stated as a means of trying to be nice. Cassius gave a slight nod, he was a bit unsure of how to speak with her, he hadn't spoken to another for so long. He walked over to the moose which was directly in front of Nychta, he looked down at her. "May I?" He asked her, wondering if she wanted it, if she did then he would go out to hunt again. Nychta nodded and pushed the beast his way with her shadows. 'Go ahead. I ate quite a bit back there.'

Cassius chuckled lightly, agreeing with her notion, he gripped the moose with his jaws and dragged it away. He was now facing the opposite direction of her and tearing into the moose, tearing off large pieces and eating them. Nychta took the opportunity to look around the cave. 'This place looks very nice. How did you get it like this?' Cassius turned back to her, his muzzle covered in blood, he licked his lips before speaking. "I created it myself, with my strength..." He said to her, turning back to continue his meal. Nychta looked at him surprised, then smiled. Her suspicion about him being a good ally to her was proving to be correct. 'Impressive...' she muttered. Cassius' tail wagged slightly in reaction to her praise, he had never had a compliment before. "Thank you, as are you..." He said to her. Nychta grinned. 'How so?' she asked. Cassius looked around, he hadn't been prepared for her to ask that, he glanced at her, almost staring for a few seconds. "Uh......your abilities..." He managed to think of her powers last second. Nychta nodded a bit and smiled at his reply. 'Ah, well thank you.' she replied. 'I can do more than that, but it isn't the time to show you.' she said. Cassius raised an eyebrow, a bit curious about her other abilities now, he had a toothed grin now. "Then I can't show you everything I can do either..." He said to her, finishing up with the moose.

She grinned. 'And when will I see all that then? I can't help but wonder.' she said. "And all you'll get to do is wonder..." He said with a grin, winking at her playfully, teasing her. Maybe getting along with her wouldn't be so hard after all. She looked at him a bit playful. 'You tease.' Cassius grinned a bit, he was slightly curious about something. "Have you even wanted to become an alpha?" He asked he, a grin still on his face. Nychta cocked her head a bit. 'Never been on my mind actually. It's not something I think about I guess.' she smiled faintly. 'Why do you ask?' "Just wondering, sometimes I think, what if I had been an alpha?" He said to her, he truly did wonder at times, he wondered what type of leader he'd be, how would be viewed by his followers. 'Well you'd be able to protect every pack member, that's for sure.' Nychta smiled. 'I don't know you well enough to judge your leadership skills.' "Thank you...." He said to her, smiling a bit, that was true, she didn't know him well enough. "Well perhaps we can get to know one another..." He said to her. Nychta nodded a bit, then yawned. It was still midday and she was very tired. 'For now though, would it be alright if I rest a bit?' she asked. Cassius nodded to her, he didn't need to rest but Nychta would need rest in his opinion. "That would be fine, I'll just keep watch..." He said, turning toward the mouth of the cave, his eyes fixed on the outside. Nychta smiled lightly and headed into the deeper part of the cave so she was a bit more in the shadows, then lay down and closed her eyes. Cassius watched the outside of the cave intently, he was not going to rest until he knew his new pack mate had a safe night's rest. He pressed his paw against the cave wall after getting up, making an impression into it. He decided he'd head out momentarily and quickly hunted down a lone elk, killing it with a swift strike to its neck. He carried the kill back toward his cave, he would think that Nychta would be hungry.

Nychta awoke after a short powernap. She never slept much, not even during the day when she was tired. Having lived alone so long she was used to sleep for short periods of time. Her body didn't even allow her to sleep long.She looked at Cassius as he walked in, then got up and stretched slightly. 'How long did I sleep?' she asked. Cassius looked at her, the elk still in his mouth, causing blood to drip onto the skins he had created and soak into them. He neared her and set the kill down beside her, sitting down with her. "Not too long actually, maybe about an hour or even less..." He said to her, laying on his side and stretching a bit."Would you like a tour of the inner areas of our den?" He asked her in a curious manner, he didn't feel wrong about giving her ownership of the area as well since she was his pack mate. Nychta nodded and stretched again, arching her back and reaching out with her paws, groaning lightly. She looked at him as he lay down, then glanced at the elk. 'Hunting again, huh?' she asked. She nodded lightly as he suggested a tour. 'A tour of the den? How far does it go on?' she asked. 'A tour would be nice.' she said. Cassius nodded in reaction to her questioning him, he was going to make sure she was returned to her natural strength so pf course he'd hunt for her. He stood up and stretched as well, the wolf's muscled seemed to flex slightly but still noticeably. "It goes on for a while but we can reach the end and it is quite comfortable there..." He said to her, grinning a bit, he began to walk inside of the cave's second interior. "Follow me..." He spoke, trying not to make it sound like a stern command. Mina shrugged a bit when he nodded, suspecting he'd hunted for her again, but ignoring the fact she found it quite sweet that he wanted to take care of her so much. No time to get sentimental yet, she didn't know him good enough to start that.'Hm, alright.' she said, looking at him as he acted mischievously. She nodded and followed along when he asked her to follow him. Cassius began leading her through the large hall of the cave, the ceiling has many intricate designs of Ares, the god of war who granted Cassius his power as well as many tribal-like markings. The walls looked as if they were smoothed down to be flat surfaces, the ground they walked on had pelts on it just like outer area of the cave. Getting to the end of the hallway there was an inscription that seemed to glow red when Cassius neared it, a oath it looked like. He looked to the left and then to the right there were two halls at the end. "Which way would you like to go first?" He asked Nychta

Nychta kept her eyes open and looked around interested. This cave was much larger than she had expected, it seemed completely carved by human hands and sanded down to be smooth. The designs on the ceilings were familiar, but she couldn't place them. She looked at the inscription and the directions they could go in. 'What is which way?' she asked.Cassius looked toward the left room which was a room that would look much like an area for pups to frolic and play without being in danger. The right room had been a well made for rest and relaxation, the furs on the floor were softer and much more comfortable than the ones in the outer cave, they seemed to sink into when stepped onto. A fireplace provided warmth without worry of it spreading or burning what it touched. The god of war had gifted him with the marvel of the eternal flame by conversing with Helios, "Let it be a surprise..." He smiled at her and began leading her to the room on the right. Much farther away from the cave, a large wolf perched on a rock, staring up at the night sky, gazing at the full moon. He took in a breath before letting out a sustained and powerful howl that would echo around the forest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Minarawr


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mina looked at his mischievous expression and cocked her head lightly as she followed him onto the right path. Upon entering the cave she looked surprised at the soft skins below her paws, the floor being so soft she almost sunk down into it. A comfortable warmth embued her as she stepped inside that drew her deeper into the cave. 'This is amazing..' she exclaimed impressed.
She looked at the fire and walked around the cave, being urged to lay down, but afraid to do so. If she lay down now she doubted she would get up soon and she still had to fulfill her task at dusk. 'How did you do all this?'
Somewhere at the edge of the forest, a black and white wolf paced around a bit. Menuo was a bit worried, it was almost dusk and her power would be severely weakened by then. Of course she could summon some undead guards to protect her, but that could only do so much.
She sighed a bit before heading into the woods with a determined look in her eyes.
Upon hearing a loud howl echoe through the darkening forest she paused and looked up. Company didn't sound good right now, but the echo of the howl confused her on where it came from. She randomly headed into a direction at a fast pace to get away.

(Will post for Hakai later ^^)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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datadogie Cloak and Dagger

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Somewhere in the forest, there was a wolf pup strolling around by herself, scared, and a bit cold. This pup was Zariana. She quietly walked around the forest trying to find a cave or some other type of shelter to hide away in. She had recently found an injured rabbit, which had served as her meal for the next few hours, or at least until she got hungry again. Please, please, just let there be some shelter somewhere, the young pup thought, as she ducked under a very low branch. I don't like being cold.

Eventually, Zariana found a cave, and walked into it. She didn't go that deep in, just laid down at the entrance and stayed quiet, trying to warm up. Surprisingly, this cave seemed to have furs on the ground, and Zariana just shrugged it off, thinking that someone must have previously lived there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by jman221
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jman221 The Rooster

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jurano caught a scent of blood in the air, due to his abilities his smell and lust for it have become a day-to-day thing, he tracked the scent to a nearby clearing, he looked around and saw one of two things, a pack of deer that have recently been eaten and a dead wolf, he kept looking around trying to smell what he could. He then smelt the blood trail of a crippled wolf. Whoever did this must be a strong wolf pack, or just extremely lucky. He had another look at the deer, ripped clean. Jurano gave a low pout, Looks like whoever killed this must have been a pack. he realised this because of the different shaped mouths, the alpha male had made the kill while a female ate. He decided to follow a hint of blood coming from the pack, later he came apon a small cave and found a small pup lying near the entrance. I'll wait till morning, till then... he trailed off, he started morphing the blood coat on his back into a protective cave like dome. He watched the entrance with a keen eye. If that pup gets attacked, I'll rescue it then be brought into their pack! thinking away gleefully.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mike the Bloodwolf
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Mike the Bloodwolf Wolf and Dragon Fanatic

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

There was the sounds of someone running though the water so from out the water a blue wolf came out in front of Menuo and said "Hello friend, may I ask what a lonely lady like yourself is doing around these woods, do you need someone to help to find your way though these dark woods?" He smiled at her very friendly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Cassius smiled a bit in reaction to Nychta's praise, he was about to answer her when he detected two new scents. Without a word he ran from that room and into the out cave, seeing a small pup and an odd shelter outside that smelled of blood. He walked close to the pup. "Hello there little one, where did you come from?" He asked curiously.
The large wolf was surprised to find that no one had answered his call, surprisingly enough not even his brother. Perhaps he had things to do and he'd find him later, he trotted off and away, he walked a bit close by the stream, the small area of forest separated the clearing that he was walking in from the stream nearby. He heard voices nearby, other voices meant other wolves and other wolves meant a pack. He walked over to the area, a male and a female wolf appeared to be conversing, the 5'4 wolf stepped out of the forest and into view, his blue eyes locked on them. "Am I interrupting?" He asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Minarawr


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Menuo's eyes widened when the weirdly colored appeared in front of her, blocking her path and causing her to skid to a halt. A second voice sounded from beside her. Immediately her fur turned completely white and shot out a bright light as a defense mechanism, to blind her foes.
While the bright light shone she slipped into a nearby bush, deactivating her ability to stay hidden. The light was so bright that a person exposed to the full force of it would be blinded for st least ten seconds, maybe longer if they were sensitive to light, giving her enough time to mutter a short spell and causing two undead wolves to appear next to her, build up from the bones, then the muscles and flesh and eventually the skin. Their eyes were hollow and empty, a deep black in color in this state.
Menuo glanced past the bush and looked at the strangers. 'You two leave me alone, you hear?! I don't want any trouble.'
Nychta smiled lightly at Cassius as he looked back at her, but she was pulled out of her relaxed state when he suddenly ran out. A second later she noticed why; two new scents, just outside the cave.
Her hair rose up when she followed him, ready to use her shadows to defend herself, but they lowered when she saw the source of the scent was a mere pup. She moved over to the pup and sniffed it closely to ensure it was still alive, before nudging it slightly. 'Hm, what are you doing here, little one?' she asked softly, in a friendly, almost motherly tone. Nychta had a severe weak spot for pups, as everybody would notice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mike the Bloodwolf
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Mike the Bloodwolf Wolf and Dragon Fanatic

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The Blue wolf cocked his head to look at the new male wolf before he said "Hmmm, I'm trying to determine if you are an Alpha or Beta wolf" He turned his head ignoring the other wolf for a few minutes as he said "I am not here to cause you trouble, more so I'm actually here to ask you if you needed some help or something. I am the same as you after all". he showed her by making a water ball appear with them formed into two Water wolves which stood to attention. Mike looked at her undead wolves as he said "Well that certain scary to know that what we look like when we die"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Minarawr said
Menuo's eyes widened when the weirdly colored appeared in front of her, blocking her path and causing her to skid to a halt. A second voice sounded from beside her. Immediately her fur turned completely white and shot out a bright light as a defense mechanism, to blind her foes.While the bright light shone she slipped into a nearby bush, deactivating her ability to stay hidden. The light was so bright that a person exposed to the full force of it would be blinded for st least ten seconds, maybe longer if they were sensitive to light, giving her enough time to mutter a short spell and causing two undead wolves to appear next to her, build up from the bones, then the muscles and flesh and eventually the skin. Their eyes were hollow and empty, a deep black in color in this state.Menuo glanced past the bush and looked at the strangers. 'You two leave me alone, you hear?! I don't want any trouble.'

The flash did little nothing to Katan, just irritated his eyes a bit, he dealt with lightning and electricity, a little flash hadn't really been any different. He metal armor formed over him, the blades stuck out from him rather menacingly, he was a large wolf, the large of his kind second to his brother. His size along with his power was potentially frightening for any wolf. "I want no sort of trouble, I just wish to find someone and instead I found you both.." He explained, his armor shifting away, his body returning to its normal state. "Now will you explain yourself and possibly not attempt to blind anyone?" He asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Minarawr


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Menuo hadn't laid eyes on the second wolf that had appeared, but seeing him being coated in metal and being almost double her size didn't help her calm down or lower her guard.
Her defensive mechanism, used to blind opponents, was apparently wasted on both of them. There went her defensive strategy.
She glanced at her guardians and gestured them forward so they were in front of her defensively. 'He jumped in my path, I wasn't doing anything.' she stated defendsively. 'Like I said, I want no trouble. I only seek my siblings.'
She had seen the initial wolf she encountered controlled water, but she doubted her weak control over water was enough to stop his attacks of he send his own water wolves towards her. The other one was too large and too strong for her to take on, that was sure. She would just hope they didn't attack her, or take advantage of her lower powerlevel.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Katan looked toward her curiously, now out of his metal form he was a bit curious, she had a sibling as well, maybe they could help each other. "I would rather not fight as well, may I aide you in locating you sibling?" He asked curiously, maybe if he helped her she could help him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mike the Bloodwolf
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Mike the Bloodwolf Wolf and Dragon Fanatic

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Tidas looked at the two of them before he said "hmm, I have a missing sibling as well. A younger sister (who I will profile tomorrow).I guess all three of us can help each other out searching for our siblings". Tidas smiled at the two of them calmly and happily as he always enjoyed having companion since it would stop him getting bored. He shook his head a little to get into his serious look before he said "Where should we start looking then?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Katan smiled a bit, so they were all in this together, a trio helping one another. "That sounds like a good idea..." He said to the water wolf, agreeing, perhaps they could become a pack after meeting up with his brother. "So you control water correct? That's useful, I can control electricity.." He grinned, he had battle plans now, if they every got into a fight he could super charge the water and they'd give someone a nasty shock.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Minarawr


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

His curiosity towards her siblings didn't lower her suspicious behavior at all, on the contrary; it only heightened her suspicion.
On one side she was dying for some company. Traveling with undead hounds was safe, but she wanted somebody to talk to.
One the other side she was suspicious of everybody other than herself and her Goddess. If she did find her siblings, whoever they were, she wanted to make sure she didn't bring any trouble their way.
'Why would you help me? What do you two want in return?' she asked suspiciously.
'Just so you know, I won't let anybody bring trouble to my siblings when I find them. Not even opponents like you.' she said sternly to the both of them. 'I haven't agreed to join you yet either.' she added.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Katan looked toward the female, taken aback by her attitude toward him and the other wolf. "All we'd want is you to help us find our siblings in return..." He explained, he noted her suspicion, he wasn't sure why she was this way, if either of them wanted to hurt her they'd have already done it. "I understand completely, neither would I..." He said reassuringly, they were all in the same boat, trying to find a lost sibling. "Well....would you like to join us?" He asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Minarawr


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Menuo glanced at him again, then looked at him a bit less suspicious. Some help finding her siblings would be appreciated, certainly because she had no idea who they were or how many there were. She could understand it that they wanted as much help as possible to find their siblings, she could use some help as well to cover more ground.
She sighed a bit, thinking about the possibilities, before lookinb at him again. 'Fine, I'll join in. But only temporary. This doesn't mean I trust either of you, understood?'
She felt a bit weird about speaking like this against powerful wolves, but she didn't want to seem weak and risk being attacked or worse lateron.
'As for places to look...' she stepped forward and gestured at her undead guards to step back a bit, but remain at her side. '... I suggest going deeper into the forest. The stream there would mean there is a lake up north and there are some mountains which might have caves in them. Everybody needs shelter.' she stated.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Minarawr


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Menuo glanced at him again, then looked at him a bit less suspicious. Some help finding her siblings would be appreciated, certainly because she had no idea who they were or how many there were. She could understand it that they wanted as much help as possible to find their siblings, she could use some help as well to cover more ground.
She sighed a bit, thinking about the possibilities, before lookinb at him again. 'Fine, I'll join in. But only temporary. This doesn't mean I trust either of you, understood?'
She felt a bit weird about speaking like this against powerful wolves, but she didn't want to seem weak and risk being attacked or worse lateron.
'As for places to look...' she stepped forward and gestured at her undead guards to step back a bit, but remain at her side. '... I suggest going deeper into the forest. The stream there would mean there is a lake up north and there are some mountains which might have caves in them. Everybody needs shelter.' she stated.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by jman221
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jman221 The Rooster

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jurano noticed two figures coming to the mouth of the cave. That's the scent from earlier, I found them. he thought with a smile They must be in this cubs pack. . He turned his make-shift shelter back into liquid and placed onto his stark white fur. He then preceded to move towards the cave mouth, slowly but surely he made his way into the light.

"Well it seems your cub is alright, I'll then proceed to leaving now." He said wishing he didn't nervousness crept over and his blood started to solidify on his back restricting his movement a little.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Minarawr said
Menuo glanced at him again, then looked at him a bit less suspicious. Some help finding her siblings would be appreciated, certainly because she had no idea who they were or how many there were. She could understand it that they wanted as much help as possible to find their siblings, she could use some help as well to cover more ground.She sighed a bit, thinking about the possibilities, before lookinb at him again. 'Fine, I'll join in. But only temporary. This doesn't mean I trust either of you, understood?'She felt a bit weird about speaking like this against powerful wolves, but she didn't want to seem weak and risk being attacked or worse lateron.'As for places to look...' she stepped forward and gestured at her undead guards to step back a bit, but remain at her side. '... I suggest going deeper into the forest. The stream there would mean there is a lake up north and there are some mountains which might have caves in them. Everybody needs shelter.' she stated.

Katan was glad to hear her accept the offer, slightly frowning when she reinforced the lack of trust. "I understand..." He said, once she brought up the mountains thought of the potential dangers. "We must be careful though..." He said, beginning to walk next to the stream, signalling the two to follow with his tail.
jman221 said
Jurano noticed two figures coming to the mouth of the cave. he thought with a smile . He turned his make-shift shelter back into liquid and placed onto his stark white fur. He then preceded to move towards the cave mouth, slowly but surely he made his way into the light."Well it seems your cub is alright, I'll then proceed to leaving now." He said wishing he didn't nervousness crept over and his blood started to solidify on his back restricting his movement a little.
Cassius noticed how motherly Nychta sounded, making him smile a bit, she reinforced his fatherly tone toward the pup. He stood up and got into a protective stance over the pup when he heard an unfamiliar voice. He tilted his head in confusion when the wolf called the pup hid, he was going to object but he looked down at the púp. The little one's fur matched his own, the only difference were the eyes but above all else she looked like him. Besides what if he refused, who knew what this wolf was capable of. "Yes, thank you...may I ask who you are?" He questioned.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by jman221
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jman221 The Rooster

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"My name is Jurano, I saw this cub sitting at the edge of this cave and noticed she was alone. Don't worry I'm not like other wolves who take the opportunity to eat a defenceless little cub like that, plus if I did I'm sure you would rip me in two." he said with a laugh he looked at the black wolf and guessed it was the mother, he noticed the dry blood turning liquid again when he felt a dripping noise he then proceeded to play it out.
"Ahh, I don't suppose I can wait out the night here? you see I'm kind of bleeding." he said with a half hearted smile
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