Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

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The strongest source of Vera's scent, beyond Vera herself, was her clothing. A rough spun dress neatly folded next to where she laid sleeping had no pockets, let alone any evidence. The next source of her scent seemed to be amongst the parchment piles. A quick flit through them would reveal nought but what they looked like on the surface, school work. She had obviously looked through and done some marking before going to bed. Fainter scents were amongst her personal effects, but apart from a bottle of what appeared to be perfume, there was nothing indicating any poison or intent to murder. Everyone was made silent and looked astonished when Meesei explained further. Sabine got the message swiftly, taking the waterskin from Meesei's hand and moving to where she had set up her alchemical equipment to begin testing. Janius began to shake Kaleeth-Rei awake if she hadn't already heard. This was serious. "Is Ahnasha okay?" Fendros asked.
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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It was a slow task for Ahnasha to search through Vera's belongings, as she had to keep her movements very gradual. Unfortunately, there was not much that obviously stood out. Much of what carried a fresh scent was either clothing, or paperwork. In fact, the only thing she saw that could be a poison was a bottle of perfume. If that was not it, and she was the poisoner, then she must have already rid herself of the evidence. In any event, she decided it would be best to get her hands on that perfume, a task made complicated by her need to remain silent. She moved herself low to the ground, to the point that she was essentially laying down, and brought herself as far out of Vera's line of sight as possible. Slowly, she moved her hand over the bottle, then grasped it, which momentarily disturbed her invisibility. Part of her became visible only for a brief moment before she stabilized the spell, but with Vera being asleep and no noise being produced, the likelihood of detection was still minimal. With the perfume in hand, Ahnasha slowly started backing away to the edge of the room near the exit. From there, she would keep watch over Vera for as long as the welkynd stone would sustain her. "Ahnasha is following Vera, who I suspect to be the poisoner. However, until this water is tested, I cannot be sure. Now has anyone seen Lorag? I would like for us all to be together in this." Meesei asked, watching Sabine anxiously while at the same time trying not to pressure her. Kaleeth had woken when Meesei had first started speaking. Sabine had informed them of Meesei's plan, so she understood what was going on, but she had not expected that Meesei and Ahnasha would fail. She started to prepare immediately, which to her meant grabbing her weapons. This time, she knew exactly where her mace was. "I...don't know where Lorag is. I don't think he was here when we all got back, was he?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

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Vera continued to sleep soundly, oblivious to both her husband's death and the one rummaging through her belongings. "No, he wasn't," Janius confirmed, following suit and equipping himself as well, "I assumed he was training or eating, I thought he would be back by now." Once Rhazii was calmed enough, Fendros placed him down so he could follow suit with Kaleeth and Janius. "Is there anything we can do while Sabine is testing the water? How long will you need, Sabine?" Sabine was focussed enough that she didn't face Fendros when she replied. "Not long. Twenty minutes to see if there is poison at all. Longer to see what poison it is."
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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"I would like to know both, but we can begin taking action once we know if there is a poison." Meesei commented to Sabine before looking to Fendros. "For now, just arm yourself and be ready. If we find the traitor, I am hoping to detain them. If the water is free of poison, we will all go to confront Vera. If not...well, this will be more complicated. We will need to determine where Jerrick got his water, and who might have been able to poison it. Vera would still be a suspect, but at that point, she could be innocent. We only know that it is one of the lieutenants. Kaleeth, if there is a poison, I want you to stay here with Sabine. The rest of us will go find Lorag, then confront the lieutenants. As much as I would like to identify the traitor before they know about it, that may not be possible if he was poisoned through the water." Just as Sabine indicated, it was under half an hour later that Sabine finished her tests. Meesei was watching anxiously, waiting for the results. "Was your test successful?" She asked.
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

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Sabine's tests started with common poisons. Ones that normally acted very swiftly were easy to find and may not have taken as long as she said. This was an uncommon poison, however. She raised a hand to Meesei when she asked about results, but didn't face her. It took another five minutes of carefully placing drop after drop of a testing solution into her mortar, which had a pool of the water within. With her other hand, she gently stirred the mix with a stick. The test ended when one more drop suddenly caused the liquid to turn into a deep, viscous green. "Poison. A slow poison." Sabine said finally. She faced Meesei, "I need to test more." Now Fendros was fully armed and standing quietly. With that conclusion, he bit his lip and looked out onto the main chamber. "Very well. Kaleeth, are you fine here with Rhazii as well?"
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Meesei let out a sigh. It was not the answer she was hoping for, as it meant they were no closer to finding the traitor than they were before. They would have to confront the lieutenants and fill them all in on the situation. It would not be pleasant, but it was better than letting them find out on their own. Meesei would need to take charge of the situation, as she had ideas for how to take some advantage of the fact that the clan as a whole did not yet know of Jerrick's death, as it would make the investigation easier. It was going to be a veritable inquisition to discern the identity of the traitor, and they did not have an unlimited time to act. "Very well. Kaleeth, stay here. I am not expecting danger, but I would like to be safe. Everyone else, let us go find Lorag. With luck, his scent will not be too difficult to follow, though I cannot imagine why he left to begin with." Meesei ordered. She was already prepared, so the only thing she grabbed was Lorag's hammer, which he had left behind. --- The room was only dimly lit, and entirely empty, save for the two Orcs and the clothing strewn about across the floor. Lorag was laying beside Harriet on the stone floor, though it did not bother him in the slightest. Overall, he felt quite good, but he couldn't shake the thought that he was more tired than he should be. It seemed to get worse the more he thought about it. Some of the others had told him he was too young to be feeling the effects of aging, but he had a hard time believing it. He tried not to show his worries and instead gave a slight chuckle. "So, how you feelin' now?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

The pack strode quietly through the halls, following Lorag's scent. Along the way, Janius asked why they were following Vera first and what exactly had happened. Once filled in, he and Fendros took on the same thought process as Meesei, wondering who could have done this and how. Of course, Meesei had the additional burden of working out how to handle the situation when the lieutenants were informed, but their minds were all put to work. They approached a room amongst several empty rooms, outside the archway of one was a fur jacket that had been thrown to the ground. Everyone was confused as to what had happened. Did Lorag need to transform for some reason? As they approached closer, the smell of Harriet aired just as strongly as Lorag. They didn't smell blood, but Fendros and Janius quickened their pace, worried for the worst. --- Harriet had one hand propping up her head and another running her fingers around Lorag's pectoral while she was laid down beside him. Her eyes were tired from their activity and the time of night, but her face wore a small smile. She chuckled as Lorag did after he spoke. "I feel...good. Glad. Like everything is going my way today." She pinched up a part of Lorag's skin momentarily, "Except losing that fight to you." She loosened her grip, "Still, I like a guy who exceeds expectations." Their talk was interrupted by footsteps jogging down the corridor outside. It made Harriet's smile disappear and she looked up to see who it was or whether they would come in. Leaving her jacket outside of the door may not have been the best idea in hindsight if they wanted to remain alone. The dim light revealed the silhouette of a Dunmer's head leaning to peer through the doorway towards them. Harriet leaned up and supported herself on her shoulders. "Hey! Leave us alone! This ain't some stage show!" Harriet shouted. "Lorag! There you are...oh," the sight Fendros saw was not something he had fully expected, but at least it didn't seem like Lorag was in danger. Janius wheeled around the corner and pulled his head back, in surprise and amusement. He stifled any laughter before it surfaced, but still managed to speak. "Well, at least we have a head start on finding the lieutenants." He raised a hand in greeting, "Sorry to disturb you two."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Unlike Janius and Fendros, Meesei maintained a completely serious demeanor. In fact, she gave no reaction at all to the scene before them. Her mind was completely focused on the task at hand, and even if it had not been, Lorag's business was his own. She approached the pair of Orcs and handed Lorag's hammer to him. She spoke without anger, but in a nonetheless serious tone. "Get up you two, this is important. We need to get to the other lieutenants as quickly as possible. I will explain in full once we are all together, but the fate of this clan is at stake." She explained briefly, taking particular note of every facet of Harriet's reaction. Lorag was about to return with his own banter before most of his pack suddenly showed up. His attitude, however, shifted quickly from annoyance about being barged in on, to legitimate worry from his Alpha's utterly serious demeanor. Even from Meesei, he would have expected at least some levity under normal circumstances. And if she had brought his hammer, whatever they were doing could not be pleasant. "Of course, Alpha."
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

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Harriet stood up with Lorag. She didn't know him very well, but the seriousness of the entire situation spiked when the champion came in. "The fate of the clan? Are we under attack or something?" Harriet pulled on her undergarments and leggings with haste, but seemed confused by the situation. Fendros addressed Harriet, having most of his resolve restored by Meesei's words despite the state they found her and Lorag in. "Harriet, do you know where the other lieutenants are at this time of night?" Harriet's eyes darted to everyone's faces as she gathered herself. "Uhh, sure. They should be in their beds. Darahil might be up late with his research, that's all I can think of. What's happened?"
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Lorag quickly dressed himself in his loincloth and a few of his furs, but with how much of a rush Meesei seemed to be in, he did not even bother to grab the rest before marching over to the door, ready to get moving. His demeanor had become just as serious as Meesei's in only a few seconds, even if he still had no idea what was going on. He trusted Meesei absolutely, so if she was in a hurry, he was in a hurry. "What are we waiting for, take us to 'em." He said to Harriet, almost impatiently. As they started off towards the bedroom, Meesei elected to give Harriet some form of an answer. "Like I said, I'll explain it once we are all together. We are not under attack, but the threat is just as dire. We will need to act quickly in order to minimize the damage." Luckily, it was not too far to reach the hall containing the lieutenants' bedrooms, as well as the meeting room in which Jerrick's body still lay. Once they had arrived in the hall, Meesei was quick to give her orders to the others, including Harriet. Wake them, hurry. We can use Jerrick and Vera's room. she said, though her volume was likely enough to wake them by itself. Quickly, she peered into Vera's room and saw that she was present, which meant Ahnasha was likely nearby as well.
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

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Each of the lieutenants were awoken in turn. Oswall was snoring so viciously that it was a wonder he didn't wake himself up. His initial response was of annoyance and vocal protest, but the presence of Meesei and her pack alongside Harriet persuaded him into coming with them. Darahil woke up suddenly and with a charged spell in one hand, as if he was already awake from their less than stealthy approach and suspected the unannounced visitors to have malign intent. He asked why he was disturbed, but had to get the same answer as everyone else. This made his jaw clench in annoyance, but he tried to keep his stoic demeanour as much as possible. The last lieutenant, Vera, awoke with confusion. It didn't take her long to become incredibly worried about the situation, especially with no explanation, but then again, Oswall and Harriet seemed uneasy as well. "Meesei? What is going on?" Vera asked earnestly, her anxiety building, "Where's Jerrick?" "Indeed, why has he not joined us?" Oswall asked.
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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As the lieutenants gathered in Vera's room, Meesei made sure she was the last to enter, and therefore closest to the door. She had to make sure that the news of Jerrick's death did not yet spread to the clan as a whole. Meesei noted that Vera was quick to ask where Jerrick was, but then again, he was her husband, and the only leader not present. Regardless, Meesei took a deep breath and began her explanation. "Earlier today, just as I was finishing the tale of how I became Champion, Jerrick pulled me away, ostensibly to speak to me about dealing with Vile's followers. However, his true intention was to warn me of a revelation Hircine had given to him." As she spoke, Meesei watched the facial expressions of each lieutenant, looking for anything that might hint at guilt, or surprise. "Hircine told him that his life would be taken tonight, by one of his own lieutenants. We staged an ambush in the meeting room down the hall, but only Vera entered the room, and he did not eat nor drink anything she brought. He perished to a poison in his water, the only thing he had consumed all day. One of you is the poisoner, a traitor who intends to grab control of the clan for themselves. What this traitor does not realize, whether through ignorance or pride, is that, without intervention, this clan will be torn apart by their arrogance. Hircine has foreseen it. My purpose now is to ensure the clan survives, to choose its new leader, and to bring the traitor to justice." Meesei's voice was now harsh, almost accusatory, and her eyes were scanning over them like a hawk, searching for any hint of treachery.
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

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Confusion turned to worry in each of the lieutenants' faces as soon as it was mentioned that Jerrick's life would be taken. Vera had her mouth open and her eyes wide, staring at Meesei in disbelief. Harriet was trying to be stoic. Oswall was similar, but looked as if his rage was building as he looked side to side. Darahil's eyes were widening and his lowered his crossed arms to his sides as Meesei spoke. The mention that Jerrick was indeed dead was what set off the most stark reactions in everyone. The most notable behaviour came from Vera, who shook her head in small movements and was on the verge of tears. "No," she said quietly in denial, "He was just there...NO!" She ran for the door with a surprising burst of speed, even in a nightgown. Fendros chased after her and managed to grab her around the waist as she reached for the door. She struggled and struck out at Fendros scratching and flailing. Fendros managed to get her under control and pressed up against the door with a twisted arm. "Let me see him! He can't be dead!" She shouted. Fendros looked over his shoulder to Meesei. He knew that new could not spread about Jerrick's passing, but he felt empathy for Vera. She was Jerrick's wife. To say he was dead and not confirm it would bring about the worst kind of perpetual worry, especially from someone like Meesei. "Is this some kind of cruel trick!?" Oswall shouted back at Meesei, thoroughly cross, "If you were with him all night, Meesei-" Oswall jabbed a finger in Meesei's direction, "-what is to say that you didn't kill him?" "Oswall, enough," Darahil said firmly and loudly. He had bowed his head, whether in thought or in sadness, it was hard to tell. He opened his eyes to Meesei, "Show me how you found the poison and I will trust your word." This time it was Harriet's turn to speak. "What? You in an alliance with the champion to get the alpha spot, Darahil? This all seems a bit too convenient to me." "You would dare!?" Darahil lashed out, his brow lowering, but his body not otherwise moving, "It seems to me that anyone here could have killed him to advance themselves! I myself have no desire to, but you, you have always looked upwards!" Harriet and Oswall did not wait for Darahil to finish before they started shouting back until the mess of words made all their protests unintelligible. Vera started to sob against the door. "Just let me see him," she repeated meekly over and over again where Fendros held her restrained.
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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As Meesei expected, the reactions of the lieutenants were varied, ranging from despair to anger. It was difficult to determine from their emotions alone which was the guilty party, especially since she did not know them too well. However, it was notable that Oswall was the first to attempt to blame Meesei for Jerrick's death. She would remember that. Just as she also expected, the news quickly prompted the lieutenants to begin arguing amongst themselves, casting the blame on everyone around them. It certainly seemed like Jerrick's prediction was accurate. Meesei needed to once again take hold of the situation, so while the others were arguing, she brought her hands together to subtly charge a spell. She cast it moments later, sending a green haze across the room as the spell of silence took hold. Suddenly, all but Meesei found that their voices, and indeed, nothing they were doing, could produce a sound. Her response was not to shout, but nonetheless, she carried an authoritative tone. "Enough! If I wanted to promote someone I liked, I would pick from my own pack. The next alpha will be chosen based on the merit of their leadership ability, nothing more. And no one here is going to become the alpha until the traitor is brought to justice, I will be sure of that. If the traitor's identity cannot be proven, then I will ensure none of you gain the title. Turning her head to Vera, her expression and tone adopted some sympathy, but was still overall firm. "Vera, this is the worst of any way I would have chosen to give you the news, but it is necessary. You may see him in time, but for right now, understand that I cannot, and will not absolve you of suspicion. Jerrick trusted you, this I know for sure. His...final words to me were that I tell you he was...sorry. He loved you with his last breath...but I do not know any of you. I have arrived only today, and Hircine's word was that one of his lieutenants would be the one to murder him. I have to recognize that Jerrick's own feelings might have clouded his judgment. If I refused to accept that you, or any of the others, might be the traitor, then I would be doing a disservice to your husband." What Meesei said to Vera was not what she wanted to say in such a time, but it was what she needed to say. She could not afford to show any break in her resolve. As such, while the spell was still in effect, she looked to address the group as a whole, though initially, she looked squarely at Oswall. "You are quick to blame me for his death, but take a moment to think, and you will see that I have no motive for such an attack. I am the Alpha of alphas; there are none among Hircine's hounds who are above me. I cannot gain rank by killing an alpha, as I already outrank them. If I felt that Jerrick was unfit for his position, I can command he be replaced; such is my authority. Jerrick, from all I know of him, was a capable and honorable individual. To have built and sustained a clan such as this proved he was deserving of his title. This clan is lesser for his loss, and our lord's Hunting Grounds have strengthened with his gain. But, you do not need to trust my word, as Jerrick and I prepared for this...outcome. Just as night fell, he had letters delivered to a few, trusted individuals explaining our plan. Each letter was tailored to the recipient to prove that he was the writer. You are all going to follow me to Najirra's chamber; he will confirm my words. Once we are done there, I have an idea for an angle to pursue to uncover the traitor. Until that is complete, none of you are to leave my sight, and none of you are going to breathe a word of Jerrick's death to anyone else." Upon delivering her orders, Meesei ended her spell, allowing the others to speak once more.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

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The arguing lieutenants' silent mouths shouted for a few moments before they registered that they had been silenced. Darahil appeared familiar with the effect and turned his attention to Meesei with an insulted expression. The others followed suit as soon as the information dawned on them. Vera's head turned to Meesei when she was addressed, still sobbing. She gently tried to motion for Fendros to let her go and Fendros reluctantly allowed her to move, but stood guard by the door in case anyone tried to run out. Vera now stood facing Meesei while she was informed that she was a suspect still, but she was hunched and bowed slightly, clearly bawling her eyes out and shouting silently at Meesei at the top of her lungs. Her lips read something along the lines of 'I would never kill him!' and 'I loved him!' The futility of the situation quickly rendered Vera weak as she buckled to her knees and continued to cry with her head in her hands. Oswall's face tensed to the point of becoming beet red with anger and humiliation, but beyond clenching his fists, he knew there was nothing else to do. Now with her arms folded across her chest, Harriet stood sceptically with her head up, looking down her nose at Meesei and not breaking eye contact. None talked immediately after Meesei released her silencing spell except for Vera, who was still sobbing, and Darahil, who was still as insulted as before. Thankfully, Darahil had the self-control to tone down his voice, "Najirra would never take sides. If what you claim is true, perhaps I might trust your neutral judgement, champion." Harriet clenched her jaw gave Darahil a narrow-eyed look before they started to move out. No one said a word on the way there. Meesei had demonstrated her abilities and the four were outnumbered even if they weren't now afraid to work together. Najirra's chamber was not difficult to find. In the conversation with the scholars in the dining hall, Fendros had learned its location in case he or Ahnasha would ever be summoned there, so he lead the way. It was the chamber symmetrical to the one granted to Meesei's pack, looking out over the main chamber, but from the other side and with a sailcloth blocking out the main chamber for some reason. The room smelled of oils and incense. As their eyes adjusted, there were a number of belongings in some crates and bags neatly ordered around the edge of the room, along with three bedrolls. The first two bedrolls were occupied by the sleeping forms of two very similar looking Suthay-Raht Khajiit, and the third by a very small old grey haired and frail looking man with a tattooed face. At first look, he appeared to be human, but he had odd features and patches of Khajiit fur. Fendros thought that he must have been an Ohmes Khajiit, like Ahnasha had mentioned once. One of the Khajiit women groaned and looked up at the group gathering by the door, opening her eyes and then sitting up suddenly. "Huh? Who's there?" She asked, waking up the other woman in the process. The second woman recognised the lieutenants, so was less startled, but still seemed confused when she rubbed her eyes and sat up. Darahil took the initiative by speaking from the door. "Vharei, Saraya, we need to speak with your father immediately." He was firm, but he didn't speak loud enough to wake anyone else in the vicinity up. The one on the right - they were so similar that there was no telling which was Vharei or Saraya - nodded and got up, still looking confused. She stepped over to the old man and gently shook him on the shoulder. She spoke to him in Ta'agra gently. "Father, the leaders and the champion are here. They want to speak with you." The old man, obviously Najirra himself, sat up slowly. Inspecting the faces of each guest thoroughly. His expression was thoughtful at first, but faded into a mournful one. "Daughters, I am sorry, but you must leave us for a while." Vharei and Saraya didn't even say a word to confirm or deny before they both stood up and walked out of the room with blankets under their arms, shooting glances over their shoulders. Najirra did not shift from his bed, but leaned forward slightly and stared at all in Meesei's pack. "Which one of you is the champion, Meesei?" he said slowly in a tired, but someone serene voice, "Where is the ring?" From this angle, Janius and Fendros spotted that one of Najirra's eyes was clouded over. The other may not have had the best eyesight either.
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Quite understandably, everything about this situation was generating considerable anger and frustration among the lieutenants. Not only had they lost their leader, but now they were each being accused of being the murderer. In particular, Meesei was sympathetic for Vera. If she was innocent, then all of this together would be beyond devastating. Meesei just hoped she could resolve the situation swiftly so that Vera and the others would have a chance to grieve and recover from the loss. At the moment, none of the lieutenants seemed to trust Meesei. Darahil was the closest, but she suspected it was an act on his part to keep his distrust hidden. Hopefully, once Meesei proved that her words were genuine, they would see the gravity of the situation and become more cooperative, at least with her. After all, only one was a traitor. The rest had at least been loyal enough to follow Jerrick's leadership, and they would likely want to expose the traitor as well, especially since Meesei mentioned she would be selecting a leader from among them. With Fendros leading the way, it did not take too long to reach Najirra's chamber. The daughters awoke first, then left upon Darahil's request after they woke their father. Meesei kept her eyes on the daughters as they left the room, then, once they were sufficiently far away, stepped forward to address Najirra. From his expression, Meesei suspected he knew what was happening, though she would ask all the same. "I am Hircine's Champion." She said, extending forth the hand that bore the ring so he could see it more clearly. "Earlier this evening, Jerrick had a letter delivered to you. Have you yet had a chance to read it?"
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

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Najirra extended a bony hand and gently held Meesei's hand to get a better look at the ring of Hircine. He bowed his head and sighed before looking up and responding. "This one had feared that this would happen." He slowly and shakily began to stand up, taking up a cane from beside his bed to support himself. "If you are here with everyone, then this one must assume that the worst has occurred," he said with a strained voice at his joints. Once he stood up, he searched around some parchment and blankets on some crates nearby, "I tried to send for Jerrick as soon as I read this letter, but his words were of a man who had accepted his fate." Najirra unrolled a piece of parchment with a broken wax seal with unsteady hands, then slowly turned it around to show everyone else. "My part is simply to vouch for the champion's legitimacy as Jerrick would. On this letter he recalled a time where he sought me for assistance in matters private to him. Only we knew of such things." Najirra's attention was on all the lieutenants, "This one does not normally meddle with the affairs of the leadership of our home, but the wish of a dying man was this home's stability. I beseech you all to allow Meesei to investigate Jerrick's murder, as she is neutral and has no stake with us except our continued existence and the end of Clavicus Vile's influence with us." Darahil stepped forward and read the letter for himself. It didn't take him long to finish and pass it on. He looked thoughtfully at the sailcloth obscuring the balcony view while the others read. Oswall was the next to finish, "...I should have known this was the work of Vile, but I find it offensive to suggest that we would succumb to his machinations." Oswall spat, looking to Meesei, "You are sure that it is one of us lieutenants?" "I have seen enough," Darahil said, holding his hands behind his back and continuing to look away. "Meesei, do what you must." Harriet skimmed though, then hung her head angrily, passing the page calmly to a still miserable Vera. Her voice seemed frustrated, "I guess that settles it. Meesei's going to have to find the murderer." Vera passed the page back to Najirra about halfway through reading it. It was too hard for her to get through. "I didn't kill him, Meesei. I swear," Vera managed to say in desperation. The other lieutenants gave Vera a look that suggested they weren't convinced.
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Meesei gave a respectful nod to Najirra. It was fortunate that the old Khajiit was such a respected member of the community, as his word was greatly helpful to prove Meesei's own innocence. His old age meant he had essentially no motivations for power, no reason to take sides in petty politics. He was someone Meesei might be able to seek advice from, once she was away from the lieutenants. Now Meesei's own innocence had been established, Meesei was able to speak with much more weight. However, she did not want to anger the lieutenants too greatly. After all, they would still have their positions once the traitor had been found. At this point, she needed to approach the situation in a way that would convince them to cooperate. She had to remind them that all but one of them were on the same side. She nodded to Oswall, but her expression seemed regretful. "I am afraid Jerrick was rather certain of it. Hircine warned him of it, and, despite my best efforts, his prophesy came to pass. This makes the rest of his warning all the more concerning. You see, this traitor is playing directly into Vile's hands, whether they are aware of it or not. Jerrick warned that, if chaos was allowed to spread in the clan, then when the full moons rise, this clan will fall. We cannot afford to allow the clan to divide itself in some sort of struggle for succession. Therefore, we cannot allow the clan as a whole to learn of Jerrick's passing until the traitor is found. Once that is done, you will all get a chance to prove your worthiness in leadership to me." Meesei paused from speaking to the lieutenants to address Najirra. "There were a few other letters sent to trusted individuals. Could you have your daughters bring them to you so I can speak to you all at once? I will give you a list of their names. There are some things I wish to ask of you" Meesei shifted her attention back to the lieutenants. "Just remember, we are not all enemies in this. Only one of you is the traitor; the rest are just as dedicated to the clan as they have ever been. With all of your cooperation, we might end this quickly, as right now, we have a lead. We know exactly how he was poisoned, we just need to determine who had the ability to poison his waterskin."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Najirra brought his hands together and took on an apologetic tone. "This one is afraid that his daughters have gone to find another place to sleep for the night. This isn't the first time I've had to send them away." Najirra lifted a hand in the general direction of Fendros, Janius, and Ahnasha, "You might catch them if you run, but do try not to disturb other sleepers." "I'll go and find them," Janius volunteered, turning and starting a jog out of the door. None of the lieutenants shifted in their demeanour. She tension between them was almost tangible. Vera was the only one not radiating suspicion of her fellow lieutenants, but that was simply because she was hanging her head forward and trying not to keep crying. Harriet looked over to Darahil, still wearing an angered frown. "If it was a poison, I'd say it would have been made up at the loft you and your scholars use, Darahil." She raised her head such that she was looking down her nose at him, "You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?" She said accusingly. "We would do no such thing," Darahil growled, turning and glaring at Harriet. It seemed that almost all three lieutenants were about to scream another argument at each other, but a set of vaporous green bolts sprung from Najirra's hand and paralysed the three. Najirra casually retrieved a pot from one of the crates and began to fill it full of water from a keg standing nearby. "I think I will make some sweet tea," he said in a jarringly joyous voice. His next move was to scoop a lump of tea leaves from a jar into the pot, and then warmed the pot in both hands with a magical glow. He smiled widely at all present. "This will calm everyone's nerves at such a difficult time as this." Fendros peered warily at the statues of the lieutenants, frozen in mid point and inhaling to shout. There didn't seem to be any indication that they would be released for a while. This Najirra was evidently a powerful mage in his own right. Light footsteps could be heard approaching from the corridor. Likely, Janius had found Vharei and Saraya already.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Meesei nodded affirmatively as Janius moved to find Najirra's daughters. As for herself, she listened to the lieutenants begin their accusations and arguing as she looked around for a parchment on which to write. Meesei did not want the lieutenants to know the identities of the individuals who received the letters, as she had a plan for how they could be helpful. If Jerrick wrote to them, that meant they were trustworthy. Therefore, they might be able to provide aid to the investigation in ways Meesei or her pack could not. The traitor was certainly going to be on guard whenever she or her pack was around, so having secret informats could prove useful. It was shortly after Meesei gave Najirra the list of names that the lieutenants were starting to get into another argument, which was suddenly put on hold by a spell from Najirra. For a person of his age, Meesei supposed he had considerable arcane knowledge. One quality of mages, unlike warriors, was that their power only increased with time, as long as they retained their right mind. Meesei shifted somewhat awkwardly, as even she would not have paralyzed the three, but being an old, respected man, she supposed they would judge Najirra less harshly. Meesei cleared her throat, then returned to addressing the group. "Yes, well...I am not as focused on the specifications of the poison at this moment. Once we have identified exactly what it is, I will investigate that. For now, what I want to know is who had the ability to actually place the poison in Jerrick's waterskin without his knowledge. He carried it around with him all day, did he not? From where would he have gathered his water, and at what point might he have not been carrying it on his belt? There could not have been too many opportunities for someone to get to his waterskin unnoticed." Meesei quieted down once she heard footsteps approaching, as she too assumed it was Janius with Najirra's daughters. She wanted to minimize the number of people who were aware of Jerrick's death.
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