Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by kiiblade
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kiiblade how sad...

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Works perfect! Tried to finish my post yesterday, but it took a lot longer than expected. I had to research how much burgers and fries cost nowadays...I haven't gone out to eat in ages. xD
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Riven Wight
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Riven Wight Insomniac Vampire

Member Seen 15 days ago

No worries! I mean, it's not like I made you wait this time, or anything. xD

Ha! That right there, is a mark of a true writer! The researching bit, I mean. Oh, the strange, freaky things writers research for their work... Though that's actually something normal. I haven't gone to Burger King in probably somewhere around a year--at least, not that I remember. The only fast food place I really ever go to nowadays is Subway.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by kiiblade
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Ha! No worries at all!
I loved how you showed that Drust has a caring side to him -- when not overcome by the Curse, of course!

Right?! Over the years, I've had to research quite a bit of things related to injuries and pain tolerance. It's always kind of risky. I can read about injuries, but heaven forbid I have to see an image of it. Researching hamburger prices was less nerve wracking.

Crazy you should say that, we went to Subway yesterday for dinner. It's one of my favorite places to go on the rare orccurence we go out to eat.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Riven Wight
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Riven Wight Insomniac Vampire

Member Seen 15 days ago

Heh, thanks. :-) He isn't all gone, after all! It's how he isn't just a mindless shell trying to kill anything that crosses his path, even when the Curse does mostly take over. The person he was before he got affected is still semi-active and cramped somewhere inside that skull of his to fight against it.

Honestly, when I look up that kind of thing, I don't mind too much if I run into pictures of it, depending on what it is (gives me a better mental image of what happened), it's more that, when you're looking up ways to kill someone, what would happen if wounded a certain way, or how much the human body can endure, that I can't help but hope the government doesn't suddenly decide to track my searches. "I SWEAR, I'M A WRITER, NOT A SERIAL KILLER!" (I don't really think that would happen, but it's an amusing concept.)

Which makes me think of this:

Ha, awesome. xD High-five for Subway! What do you usually like to get from there, if you don't mind my asking?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Riven Wight
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Riven Wight Insomniac Vampire

Member Seen 15 days ago

Dang it. Now I want a milkshake.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by kiiblade
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That is part of what makes him such an interesting and thrilling character. :D I never know what to expect next from him! Ghent better learn to be on his best behavior. I think seeing Drust snap scared him into being a little less sarcastic...at least for now.

HA! That is hilarious! Yes...I can definitely relate. I have had to quickly close out of my tabs before giving my dad the laptop. I don't want him to think I'm too insane or anything! I just like to see characters suffer sometimes, you know? :P

My sister and I always split one of the $5 footlongs (or...they used to be $5...I am pretty sure they upped the price) and we /always/ get the Italian BMT...except, the last time I ate it, I pulled all of the salami...I think next time I will try talking her into getting another flavor, because I think I've finally tired of this one. How about you?

You too, huh?? xD Man, I would love a milkshake right about now! I can't even begin to remember the last time I had one. What's your flavor of choice? Right now, chocolate sounds really good to me.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Riven Wight
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Member Seen 15 days ago

Ha! I’ve minimized windows or otherwise hid them whenever someone got too close, so I know how that goes. xD Us writers are often such strange creatures, anyway, but it's always nice to not have to explain yourself. To be quite honest, I think I enjoy torturing characters a little too much.

Nice! That’s a good way to go. I think the $5 footlongs are an occasional deal they do, but I could be wrong. Mmm, salami! I love that stuff. I used to always get the club, but my usual has changed into the grilled chicken. I tend to eat like a mouse as of late, so get a six-inch, and only eat a little more than half of that.

Nothing like writing about a food/drink, then wanting it! Hmm. I’d have to say either strawberry or mango. I’m one of those weird people who does not care much for chocolate flavored things.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by kiiblade
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

I do too, really. I must admit I love watching characters suffer...it sounds so horrible, doesn't it? xD

I think I need to start keeping a list of Ghent's nicknames for Elayra. So far we've got Blondie, Princess, Ella, Merida...kind of makes me wonder if he remembers her real name.

Agh! I've had that problem lately. I swear my stomach has shrunk or something...I've been forcing myself to eat more, lately, though. Got a bit tired of the "don't you eat??" comments! Grilled chicken sounds wonderful right about now...I seriously need a Subway within walking distance.

Strawberry or mango sounds delicious! I've never had either flavor, but I can imagine. Don't like chocolate flavors, huh? That is definitely rare -- most everyone I know is obsessed with chocolate. Depending on what it is, I can take it or leave it. I think my favorite chocolate-y treat is brownies, though.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Riven Wight
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Riven Wight Insomniac Vampire

Member Seen 15 days ago

Nah. I’m just glad I’m not alone! xD Maybe it’s one of those things only fellow writers (and maybe readers with a sadistic side) understand? Betchya there’s some sort of psychology to that.

Ha! That’s great. Brave is such a good movie! Some of my family like to compare me to Merida upon occasion. Heh.

Well, technically, it’s good to eat like five small meals a day instead of three large ones. I know how irritating those comments can get! My gosh. It’s not MY fault I get full faster than some other people. I hope you get to go to Subway again soon, like you want!

*Gasp!* Well, I would highly recommend either of them if you ever get the chance to try them (and like those flavors/fruits in general). On a completely random note, I wonder how a mint mango milkshake would taste... I love actual chocolate, especially the dark kind, just not the wannabe flavored stuff. I know, it’s odd. Okay, brownies would probably be the only exception. Especially when you throw chocolate chips into the batter.

I meant to ask this the last time I posted, but managed to forget: what kind of weapon(s) would you be the most interested in having Ghent wield? Do you favor single weapons, duo-wielding, throwing weapons? If you have something specific in mind, let me know.
AH HA! I figured out that Elayra’s dagger is called a kris dagger! I knew it had to have a name. *Goes to edit. Realizes I forgot the blade of her sword and dagger have a blue tint.* Well then.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by kiiblade
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Aw, that's cool! :D How did you earn the nickname? Red hair, or temperament? Or the fact that you've taken archery? (I believe I remember one of your status updates mentioning archery before). My only Disney themed nickname was given to me by my youngest sister, she used to call me Riley after the guy in National Treasure (ever see that...? Such a great movie) because, as she said it, "he whines a lot"...I don't whine! I merely state my displeasure with things aloud...

Right? Oh man, the worst is when you're sitting at the table with my grandmother...here I'll be, struggling to finish my meal and then gran heaps seconds onto my plate without asking. x'D
I'd totally be willing to try a mint/mango milkshake. :D And that's not too weird, you can't beat the taste of real chocolate. When you throw chocolate chips into the brownie batter it is heaven on earth. I am mourning the fact that I forgot to buy a box mix today.

Goodness, that is such a difficult question for me to answer! I love weapons of all kinds...hmmmm...honestly, I would be happy with just about anything for him. I'm not picky at all, and I have a feeling he isn't, either. He just wants something to defend himself with. xD

Hey, that's awesome! I just googled what a kris dagger looks like, and I'm impressed. It kind of resembles the one I bought my dad for Christmas! (It was Skyrim themed...as I've said, the man loves his video games). Loving the idea of the blue tint, too. :D
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Riven Wight
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Riven Wight Insomniac Vampire

Member Seen 15 days ago

Woo! Three posts each today! Not sure if I should be congratulating us, or thinking I might want to try finding something else to do on Friday nights outside of RPing and writing. xD

Through temperament and archery. I’m a brunet, though I swear my hair likes to look as frizzy as hers sometimes. Kudos for remembering that about the status! I used to do archery fairly often, but ended up not doing it for about the past year. FINALLY got a target put up in the barn, though! Ha! That’s great she used to call you that. I have seen National Treasure. I agree that it’s a great movie!

Oh my gosh. Darn grandmas! Why must they be so stereotypical, sometimes? Heh. Seriously, though, it’s really nice that you have a grandma who cares like that. :-) Don’t underestimate the value of that (not that I think you are!). Hmm. We have mint chip ice cream. And milk. Maybe I’ll pick up some mangos the next time I’m at the store, and try to make my own. *Grabs a hat from a hook and places it over my heart.* Let us have a moment of silence for the forgotten brownie mix. *Bows head in reverence.*

Alrighty! If you do think of something you currently favor before we get to that, just let me know. It would help me narrow down my options. xD

Aren’t they neat? So many weapons, so little time! That’s awesome you got him something like that for Christmas! Someday, I want to get a pair of hook swords to add to my collection. I’ve liked those since I saw an episode of Deadliest Warrior with a monk who used them. When I saw Jet from Avatar: The Last Airbender using them, I was like, “Yessss.”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by kiiblade
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I noticed that too! I'm impressed by the fact that we each managed three -- I feel like we deserve an award or something. :D
HAHA! Oh man...that is the most relatable image ever! I feel like that sums my life up really well.

Brunettes unite! My hair doesn't really get frizzy, but it's super thick...I swear I could hide a real bird's nest in there and no one would notice.
That's so cool that you've taken some archery! What kind of bow do you use? The only experience I had with it makes me die a little...my cousin talked me into taking part in some outdoorsy event at our college, and since I have basically zero arm strength, I couldn't pull the cord back. I'd never used a hunting bow before, it was totally unlike what I expected. The instructors even loosened the bolts so it'd be easier...but it didn't help. Everyone was watching and I just...agghhh. It's one of those moments that I reflect on sometimes and get terrible secondhand embarrassment.

Alrighty! I'll do some browsing tonight and see if I can find a few suggestions for him to make it a bit easier. XD

Hook swords! Thanks to the Jet reference, I know exactly what you're talking about. Those would be perfect for your collection! How long have you been collecting?

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by kiiblade
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Whew! Finally posted my reply. Hopefully there aren't too many errors...it's the lengthily ones that get me! No matter how many times I proof read...I always miss something.

Sorry about the wait! I know I don't have to apologize for that, but I'm usually faster with my responses. :P I got totally swamped with orders for this upcoming...holiday *grits teeth* *clenches fists*
...Did I mention Valentines Day annoys me...?
Anyways...I hope you're having fun with your friend! :) Miss you!

Also...this is going to sound crazy...but my dad used to buy video games all. the. time. I kid you not, we found almost 40 of them and had to sell them off (seriously...every single game was brand new! He never even played them...the man is a recovering shopaholic...) imagine my surprise when I found that one Alice in Wonderland game you'd mentioned. It was rated M, so I was too afraid to play it (LOL) but the irony made me laugh. :D
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Riven Wight
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Riven Wight Insomniac Vampire

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Yay for brunettes! HA! That’s amazing. Mine’s actually been shockingly tame as of late. *Knocks on wood.*

I have a compound bow, but would love to someday get either a traditional recurve or longbow. Haven’t decided which I’d rather yet. Been doing archery since I was around ten, but I admittedly don't practice as often as I should. Hey, there isn’t anything wrong with that! Certainly nothing to be embarrassed about. Archery uses some unusual muscles, and since you had never done it before, you had no way of knowing what kind of poundage you could pull back. Any idea what kind of bows they had you use, or what poundage they tried to start you with?

Decide yet if you have any current weapon preferences?

Been collecting bladed weapons since I was sixteen. It’s not that large of a collection in comparison to some, but I like it.

Don’t worry so much about errors (says the girl who tends to obsess over her own posts)! Everyone makes them. I'm sure I made plenty in my post that I missed. As I’ve said, you’re a good writer. I really like your post! Including the Disney marathon. And I still love Axel’s OCD. Great characters, the three of them! Also, that’s a great spot to end it. Gotta love cliffhangers!

HA! I’m with you on Valentine’s Day. Can’t we just switch it out for another Halloween or something? But hey, that’s awesome you have orders! Congrats! And like you said, there’s no reason to apologize. I understand being busy, plus it’s lengthy-post-time again. Heh. Miss you, too! And thanks for your patience.

Oh my gosh. That’s just special that he used to do that. xD Crazy there were so many! Lucky about McGee’s Alice! Who woulda thunk it? I can’t remember what it’s rated for. I’d imagine dark imagery/story and violence, from the trailer I watched.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Riven Wight
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Riven Wight Insomniac Vampire

Member Seen 15 days ago

On a kind of random note, I actually made a mint (chocolate chip) mango milkshake today. Surprisingly, I thought it was pretty good. Shoulda probably used more mango; it was more on the mint than mango side, but I could still taste both... The things that happen because of writing/reading and curiosity.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by kiiblade
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You know...I have no idea. Until that day, I never realized how many types of bows there are. I just wanted to be the next Legolas.

I'd be up for a second Halloween! If there's any bright side...I'm pretty sure they put the Valentine's candy on clearance a day afterwards.

Awh, thank you! That means a lot, especially coming from you, who I continue to be in awe of your well-written posts and characters. That last post had me on the edge of my seat!!! It was the first thing I read this morning, and it was so good, it woke me up. You KNOW a post is good if it does that.

That's awesome that you've been collecting since you were 16! You must have quite an impressive collection! Any you're hunting for to buy in the future?
For Ghent, I think a sword (or dual swords) would probably be the most ideal for combat, but I wouldn't object to throwing weapons, either. :)
While a bow would be cool, it'd be a pain to collect and run out of arrows. I'll leave that one for the curly redhead archer. :P

Heh...it used to drive me nuts! I'd be like...dad, how many games do you possibly need?! Stop buying them! It got so bad that he started to buy me games...ones that I already had. Really glad those days are over. I'm pretty frugal with my money...well, unless it comes to fandom merchandise...then watch out.
As for the rating, it said it was rated for violence, which I totally get, but they had warnings for intense language, and sexual themes (huh?! o.O)...I wasn't quite willing to risk that. ^^'' Ah well...I can't really commit to another game, anyway. I'm booked!

Okay, that sounds heavenly. *^* I need to try that! I'm rather impressed that you made that, the combination is very unique yet it makes total sense to me. I'm going to hunt for mangos next time I'm at the store!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Riven Wight
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Riven Wight Insomniac Vampire

Member Seen 15 days ago

… First off, sorry about the post length. I got a carried away (surprise, surprise). Love you. xD Just so I don’t feel too bad, remember you don’t have to match length or anything. If you don’t have too much else you want/have inspiration to do with Ghent, you’re welcome to do a time skip in your next post to the morning, and I’ll do the same.

Legolas: the ultimate archery goal.

Truth! The day after when all the candy’s on sale is the best part about it, in my opinion.

Thank you! =^.^= I’ve felt like I’ve been a bit off with Drust lately, so it’s good to know that apparently doesn’t show up in-story.

<>Gosh, Axel. First you clean his room, then you just have to snoop in Ghent’s backpack. Such a cute kid, in an annoying little brother kind of way. xD <>Trust me, Ghent; you really wouldn’t have preferred the White Rabbit. Well, not now, anyway. Muhahaha. <>Aww, the feels of family bonds! <3 <>Tahaha! Pinky swear. Man, I haven’t heard that in ages! <>Farm-boy makes a good point. <>Character tag! “Gee, thanks!” :-D

Hmm. *Rubs invisible beard in thought.* I’mma gonna kinda talk plot for a moment. Because if I don’t, my brain might explode. Depending on how we end up feeling when/if we ever get to the end of this, I have a subplot in mind that would work its way through the story--if I can do it right--and a possible outcome depending on how things turn out for a kind of “part two” that would involve traveling to other fairy tale worlds, and even Earth (again, only if we’re not tired of the RP and you haven’t gotten sick of me by/before then. ). I don’t have much thought out for that, since, well, it’s a long way off and not the current focus, but I think it’d be interesting to incorporate Ghent’s adoptive family into it somehow if it happens, if you’d be up for that. But, you know. That’s a LONG way off yet.

I wouldn’t say impressive, but it’s decent. I have quite a few collections, so tend to pick and choose what to add to and when, and that one has been a bit lower on the list lately. Other than twin hooks? I’d honestly love to find a saber (one reason Elayra got one), a flamberge (I’ve liked that blade style for years), and more throwing daggers, which I want to learn to use.

Perfect! *Grins as the gears in my head begin to turn.* I’ll come up with something for him once we get there.

Sounds like with my parents and movies, to be honest. It drives me crazy. They have so many double copies of movies, it’s insane. Only, that’s still in present tense for a reason. I try to be frugal, but for me, it’s art projects that get me. And, well, my more impractical collections.

O.O Well then. That game rating escalated quickly... Good to know. Thanks!

I like the alliteration of it. Mint mango milkshake. It was easy enough to make (though the blender and knife fought me... I now have battle wounds from making a freaking milkshake. I feel so pathetic). I hope you find some! Oh, as a tip in case you didn’t know, look for mangoes that have a yellowish peal. Those are the ripest ones, I do believe.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by kiiblade
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Don't apologize! Honestly, that was both a joy to read (again, you had me on the edge of my seat!! Poor Elayra...I mean, yeah, she totally held her own, but still!) and a joy to reply to. It's odd -- even though our characters were in different locations, your post inspired me to write a relatively long post, too. I know we don't have to match post lengths, but the motivation was there!

O.O I'm now left to wonder what the white rabbit may really be like...*imagines all sorts of scary things*
Thank you again for the compliments!! :'D I am glad I got to have a bit of his family in there before we head off to Wonderland. Helped me figure out his character more.
Speaking of. . . I should really finish my character sheet. Gah! I have about half in a draft. I think by now, I have a pretty good feel for his character, or how he behaves...or, doesn't, rather.

Oh my goodness. Okay, I am SO on board with that! You have no idea! Yes, yes, and yes! The whole premise fills me with excitement. I've definitely committed myself to this role play, I enjoy it completely, so...I'm totally here for the long haul! I'd never get tired of it, or of you. :) I adore these characters, as well.

Nice choices!! A saber looks really neat -- do you display them? My sister has a replica of Bilbo's sword (it's so tiny!) and we used to hang it on the wall, but we switched rooms, so now it's sitting in the closet. Boo. I need to hang that thing back up...

Noted! Thank you! :D If I manage to make it, I will let you know my thoughts. My youngest sis, she's obsessed with mangos. She'll sit there and eat an entire one...I have a feeling she'll love this frozen treat.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Riven Wight
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Riven Wight Insomniac Vampire

Member Seen 15 days ago

Yay for motivation! :-D Eh, don’t worry too much about the character sheet. I mean, I’d love to read the updated version, but it’s not like the world’s going to explode if you don’t get to it any time soon. And yep, knowing a character’s family life helps tremendously! My gosh, for the MCs in my major projects, the bio section of their profiles are basically their own novelettes.

If it makes you feel any better about Mr. Rabbit, he was once quite cute and fluffy. *Grins.* Also, I’m glad and quite flattered that you’re so entirely on board! :-D I look forward to the whole thing! I can’t wait until our guys meet some of the other iconic characters in this part (which I've probably already said. xD). Just as a reminder, while I have a good deal mulling around my head, if at any point in time, things seem a bit slow, or you have an idea/suggestion for anything, don’t hesitate to say so!

Thanks! Yeah, I have them all on my wall, but in a way that I can quickly take them down and play with them (or, you know, defend myself if needbe. Intruders beware!). That’s cool about having a replica of Sting! You totally should put it up again. If you can find it, anyway!

Do let me know! That’s awesome she’s obsessed with them. I love mangos. Hope you both like the milkshake!

So, I know this is backtracking a conversation, but I ended up trying to remember what bow I have to find out if its weight is adjustable (I have it set at 30#, but would like to work toward more, if my bow lets me), and believe I figured it out. Thought I’d share a specs page with you, and ask if the ones you used resembled that (a compound bow) or not. I think it’s the Apprentice 2, since the first only came in pink, and I have the regular camo. It's a youth bow, but it was in my rather dismal price range at the time, and had a good range of adjustments that work for my needs, especially since I mostly do target practice vs. hunting.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by kiiblade
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Heh, I'd love to read it too! I have a draft of it on my computer, I've been slowly but surely adding to it. I'll post it once I deem it worthy. :D

Once cute and fluffy...now...something entirely opposite, I'm guessing. xD
I can't wait to see them, too! Man, I'm so stoked about this entire RP. Honestly, it's already so good. I can't even imagine what is to come. Again, if you ever need me to pull my weight, just lemme know! I know you said you like to handle the plot, but I don't want it to ever become a chore or anything like that. :)

I think I've finally found a place for Sting, so that will be up shortly! This sort of counts as a bizarre weapon, but I have a replica of Captain America's shield. I have no idea how to hang the thing up without ruining it, though. So it just leans against the wall waiting for intruders. :D

The compound bow looks VERY familiar. I think that is the kind they had me use (I remember thinking how odd the bow looked, as I was only used to a bare bones bow, haha) thank you so much for that information! I really would love to try archery again, I need to get into better shape...since the winters here are SO long, I hardly get any exercise for like...half the year. I think that'd be a step in the right direction.

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