Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Callie listened as the Coven leader, Aleida spoke. She was use to Aleida's long, often windy speeches, and she played with her charm bracelet as Aleida went on and on. Callie could be doing something more productive, like searching for a shop front, but she pretended to be interested. With Aleida, it was often the wiser coarse. She listened just enough to know what the head witch was going on about, but not enough that she would be utterly board.

Suddenly, something caught her attention.

"...We are now answering to the vampire, styling herself the Queen of this city, and with rights, she is beco-"

"Woah!" Callie said suddenly, sitting up straight, and laying her hands on the table in front of her, "I don't agree with that! There's no way I'm letting a vampire dictate what I can and can't do!" WHile Callie's magic was more focused on potion making, she did use spells on occassion, and she didn't want to be regulated by what a Vampire thought the Witches should do.

"Callie, please, its the only safe-"

"You mean you're too much of a coward to say no, that we can rule ourselves" Callie said, angry now, not even knowing where her words were comig from as she rose smoothly, glaring at Aleida,who pursed her lips a moment, as if deep in thought. The black haired woman was quite beautiful, but right then Callie thought she was the ugliest person alive. She shook her head, even as Aleida began to speak again. "Perhaps i over estimated you, Callie. Maybe you aren't a good fit for this Coven"

For a moment, Callie didn't know what Aleida met, and then all at once she did. Dread filled her heart, and her body when shockingly cold. It was hard to get into a coven, when you were an outsider, and Callie's parents had been apart of the coven, until their death a few months prior. Callie had been apart of the Coven practically since birth, and if her mother had lived even a little bit longer, she would have been the head witch. And then this wouldn't have happened. Callie gritted her teeth, and said, "Perhaps you're right. I'm so glad my parents aren't here to see how you have messed up their coven" Callie turned on her heal, walking out slowly as if unworried, as if she had all the time in the world, onto the busy street of the town, walkign out of site of the Coven's meeting house, she stopped, and stood, wondering what the hell she was going to do now. She had lived in that house...she had no money. Swallowing, she realised just what a mess she had gotten herself into. Feelig sick to her stomach, Callie looked about, as if searching for a life line.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kyrisse
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Caius, the newest addition to the Crimson Keepers pack, stepped into town. He was there for his first mission issued by the alpha wolf, Darric Shadowforge. It seemed easy enough. Scout the area, make sure no supernaturals were causing any disturbance, maybe grab something to eat and then slip back out. The scent of vampires, werewolves and witches was in the air. His strong sense of smell easily picked it up. The humans looked pretty much oblivious to what lurked in the shadows though. And everything looked peaceful enough.

Maybe just grab something to eat, hang out for a bit... and then grab some sleep? I don't think there's gonna be much of a happening here anyway. Or at least none at the moment. He thought idly to himself as he made his way to a small cafe across what looked like a city hall of sorts.

Chimes tinkled as he pushed the door open. A cheerful blonde girl looked up and greeted him. When he walked towards the counter and smiled at her, she blushed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Callie stood where she was for a moment, drawing in a slow, deep breath. She approached the cafe she normally frequanted, figuring she could maybe get something on a tab, and that she could wait there, before sneaking back and getting her things. What she'd do then, she had no idea. But she needed her things, she knew that.

Entering, she shifted awkwardly, and waited behind a guy at the counter. A charm on her bracelet glowed for a moment, and she glanced to it. werewolf She thought, not really concerned. It would be odd to not interact in anyway with a supernatural, and mostly, they were harmless, unless enraged. She had some good patrons with supernaturals-well, use to.

So she waited patiently, and unconcerned. She knew that the werewolf would be able to smell her-their enhanced senses allowing them to pick up the slight difference between witches and humans-but she figured as long as she wasn't threatening, she wouldn't be in any harm.

She ran a hand through her hair, frustrated, and worried.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kyrisse
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Caius had already ordered and was conversing lightheartedly with the blonde girl when the door chime tinkled. As soon the door opened, his nose picked up a strange scent. Cinnamon and peppermint. Must be a witch. he thought to himself. Witches were strange creatures to him. Humans with the ability to weave magic. Not as though being a werewolf was strange. He smiled at the girl when she excused herself to prepare what he ordered and then glanced behind him.

A pretty girl stood behind him. And the moment he laid his eyes on her, a jolt ran through him. He frowned. Did she cast some sort of spell on him? "I--" his words were cut short when he looked into her eyes. The world seemed to turn upside down then right side up again. It was a strange, confusing sensation. Nothing made sense but at the same time everything did. "Oh," was all he said. And when he saw that frustrated look on her face, he immediately felt the need to make her feel better and to protect her. "Are you okay?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Callie watched the man glance behind him, to her. His frowned made her a little self-conscious. Did she look like crap? She reached up to touch her cheeks and make sure she wasn't crying. No. for a moment she wondered if the werewolf would attack her-it almost seemed like he was ready to do that, and she shifted slightly. It would be such a shame to hurt him. He had such a pretty face. Yet attacking her didn't seem to be his intentions. Why was he staring at her like that?

She hesitated, as he asked if she was okay. Clearly she did look annoyed or upset, if a perfect stranger was asking that. She let out a breath and shook her head. "No. Ever feel like your worlds been turned upside down?" she said, then shook her head again and gave him a smile, "I'll be okay, though" she wasn't going to spill her heart and soul out to someone she'd just met, no matter if they looked like they would jump in front of her to stop a bullet.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kyrisse
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Caius chuckled at the question. "Yeah, I've definitely experienced that. I think describing it that way is a little of an understatement in my case." All traces of the frown were gone and its place was a pleasant, gentle smile. "Can I get you anything to eat or drink?" the girl behind the counter had just come back with Caius' brewed coffee. She looked expectantly at the wolf for any additional orders. "My name's Caius Aluredes."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

That enticed Callie's curiosity, "How is it an understatement for you?" she asked, relaxing slightly at his chuckle, the smile. There was just something about him that tugged at her. "oh, um, I was just going to see if I could get something on a tab, until I can get my things out of my...groups house" she couldn't very well say coven, not around humans.

"um. I'm Callie" she said, hesitating, before looking to the girl behind the counter, "ah, maybe just a muffin?" she blushed hating even the few dollars of having to owe someone, and a little upset over her exiled status from her coven, starting to get just a tad overwhelmed at thinking of what she was going to do now.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kyrisse
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Caius shrugged. "I can't really explain it. It's not something humans have," he lowered his voice. "Nor do witches." he winked at her and then turned to add Callie's order to his. A few minutes later, he was sitting across her, watching her as she ate. The way she moved made it clear to him that she was in some sort of trouble or at least an unfortunate situation. The need to protect her flared in him again. "Would you like to talk about it? You don't need to tell me but I can listen if you just wanna let it out."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Ah. A werewolf thing. Not that that cleared it up for her. She puzzled that a moment, but couldn't come up with an answer. She supposed that would have to be a puzzle to figure out later. As he watched her, she found herself more and more self conscious, and was sure her cheeks were turning red under his scrutiny. She gave a soft sigh at his question, and set the muffin down.

"I just essentially got kicked out my coven for not wanting to be a vampires play thing. I'm...I want to help people, not be controlled" she said softly, glancing away. "the Covens meeting place was my house...so now I pretty much have nothing"

She sighed, once more unsure what she was going to do.'
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kyrisse
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"Well, I suppose that's a good enough reason to leave. But yeah... having no home to return to sounds pretty dire," he took a drink from his coffee mug. "I can't offer you much since I'm not originally from here. But I can at least offer you a place to stay until you're able to find yourself a place or until I need to leave, whichever comes first. I'm renting a small apartment a few blocks away from here. It's not a big place, mind you, and you'll have to tolerate me popping in and out sometimes. Mostly just to use the bathroom. The rest of the time I'll stay out to give you some privacy."

He leaned back, drained the rest of his coffee and then signalled to the blonde girl for a refill. "You sure you don't want coffee to go along with your muffin?" he asked.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Callie frowned. People didn't normally offer someone to stay at their place, did they? Not a perfect stranger surely. She shook her head at the offer for more, trying to figure out why he would do this. "but...you don't know me" she said, confused, breaking off a piece of muffin, she watched him, trying to figure him out.

"I mean" she popped the muffin piece in her mouth, chewing quickly, "I could be an axe wielding murderer trying to lure you in with a sob story or something" her tone was light, joking although she was still bemused at his offer.

Could he just simply be the most perfect guy about?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kyrisse
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Caius shrugged. "That's not entirely true. I know you. Your name's Callie and well... you like muffins, you have no place to call home at the moment and I think you think I'm a little amusing," he winked. "And I really don't think I need a lot of reason other than wanting to help to extend a helping hand out to someone who needs it. Besides, I think you know what I am. If ever you turn out to be an axe wielding psycho that's out to get me..." his blue eyes studied her for a moment. ...which I think you're not but let's assume you are for argument's sake, I can pretty much take care of myself. And along the same line of thinking, no, I'm not some pervert preying on pretty girls like you. I'm actually a pretty decent guy." he shrugged again. "But it really depends on you and it all boils down to your decision. If you don't wanna take up my offer, that's fine. If you don't trust me to be the decent guy I claim to be, I won't hold it against you. If you take up the offer then that's cool."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

For some reason, Callie thought that had a double meaning, but for the Life of her she couldn't figure out what. She frowned at her muffin. It was a very generous offer, and she didn't have anywhere else to go. It was either that, or living on the street. She bit her lip, and then nodded "thank you" she said softly, greatfully.

It helped with the immediate problem of having a roof over her head, but not with much else. And yet, she'd have a safe place and that was something. "but why? I feel like there's something else going on here"

Maybe if she could just figure it out, she'd understand.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kyrisse
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Caius sighed and figured he might as well tell her. "There's something called Imprinting for us wolves. It's a bit difficult to explain but I'll try my best. It's like love at first sight... no... it's more than that. It's finding your soulmate. It's an involuntary thing that we can't control. We can't will for it to happen and we can't choose who we imprint on. It just happens. I know it probably sounds weird coming from a complete stranger and I swear I'm not trying to freak you out. But it happened to me. On you."

He reached up and ran a hand through his hair in an embarrassed way. "It doesn't mean you have to return my feelings or anything. If you want you can even send me away."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

What? Imprinting? Like a duckling does to its mother? But no, it seemed different then that. Callie stared at this man, telling her that she was his soulmate. And seeming to be embarrassed about it. She wanted to ask questions, wanted to ask what would happen to a wolf if they never met their soul mate, what would happen to him if she rejected him...it was a lot of weight to put on her shoulders.

"But...I'm a witch...wouldn't it make more sense to...to imprint on someone of the same species?" Which was probably like comparing oil and water. He'd already said it wasn't a choice...Callie didn't know what to say. How could she...how could she understand?

"I...but...what does...what does it mean?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kyrisse
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I imprinted on you. Smart move, Caius, smart move. He looked at the perplexed look on Callie's face and he instantly regretted telling her. "It really doesn't need to mean anything," he assured. He reached into his pocket and withdrew his apartment key. He placed it on the table. "Here. This is the key to the apartment. It's three blocks away from here. Apartment 401. I'll swing by, take a quick shower and tell the landlady that you're coming. And the place will all be yours." He stood up, gave her a smile, excused himself and turned to walk out of the cafe.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Callie reached out,flinging out a spell, the door slammed shut as if by a wind. The wordless spell took little effort, and she rose, "You don't just get to tell a girl that, and walk awayu from her, damn it" She said, not particulary caring that she was probably making a scene. Why should she? It was certainly turning out to be a heck of a day.

"I mean...Gods, tell a girl she's your soulmate and you don't give her more then a few minutes to process that? Christ on a crutch, this is a heck of a day." She ran a hand through her hair, as if that could help clear up the confusion in her head. But maybe it wasn't her head she had to listen to?

"Will you just get back here?"@Kyrisse
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kyrisse
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Caius would have been content with taking care of her even if she didn't know. Heck, that was probably why he wanted to leave. But apparently, the girl he had imprinted on was headstrong and would not accept help without asking for a reason. He sighed and walked back to her. Whispers about the two of them having a lover's spat floated into his ears. He chose to ignore them. "This whole thing shouldn't be bothering you. It's not complicated... at least for you it isn't," he sighed and sat down. Somehow everything he said sounded pathetic as compared to the gravitational pull he felt towards her. And all explanations he tried giving her sounded lame. He tried all the same.

"I can't say that I'm a pro at this. This only happens once in a lifetime so I'm lost as you are. The only thing I know is that I have to look out for you, make sure you're okay. Like I said earlier, you have no obligation to feel the same way for me. You don't need to pay back anything. It's just something I need to do," he let out his breath, hoping that it was a better explanation.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

"Not bother me? You tell me I'm your soul mate and that shouldn't bother me? God, I've never even kis-" She stopped herself, and rubbed her hands over her face. Way to go, Callie. Blurt out you're pretty much the most inexperienced person about. She shook her head, sure she was blushing furiously. She dropped her head in her hands, and let out a slow breath.

Here was this guy, practically saying she was his one true love, and she didn't even know what to think of that, to feel of that. She remembered something her mother had told her, when she'd been obsessed with princess movies and true love. Everyone has that one person that just makes them stop and think, yeah. Thats it. Thats what I want. Callie, my dear, true love is never so simple. You can feel like you've been hit by a frying pan, a brick wall, or you can simply feel...better then you ever could. You can just look across a room at that person, and smile, and suddenly that's everything

She knew what her mother would say to her now. stop freaking out, and pay attention. So Callie drew in a few deep breaths, clearly her mind. She looked up when she felt calmer, Oh, jeez, her stomach felt like a bundle of nerves. Butterflies. "So...maybe you could walk me there?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kyrisse
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Caius nodded. "Yeah, you're right. I suppose I didn't consider you being confused about what I just said." He wondered if it would have been better if he didn't tell her in the first place. Well, too late for that now.

"I bet he's cheating with someone and his girl found out."

"Or she cheated and he found out. Can you hear what they're talking about? Maybe we should transfer to that table closer to them."

More whispers floated into Caius' ears. Great, gossip mongers. The world is full of them. He had half the mind to tell them to mind their own business. But he was sure that it was a complete waste of time. And Callie was requesting for him to walk her to the apartment. He turned his attention to her and nodded. "Sure."
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