Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Charlotte LaChance~

At first, Charlotte didn't respond. She had indeed started to drift off, though it was of her own accord. As much as she didn't like sleeping, she had to at least have a small nap. At Cait's words she cracked open an eye, though she didn't seem too tried nor very emotive. At least, until Cait went and very obviously flirted with her. On one hand, it was nice. On the other hand, she should shove such mental images from her head. She gave a somewhat defeated sounding sigh, shaking her head.

"I'm fine. A mild one-hour nap is enough for me." She replied with a grunt. "The human body can do many things, with training." She didn't touch on the sentence at all, deciding it'd be best to ignore it. Right now she had something to do. She gave Cait her usual cool gaze before speaking.

"Your...'Great Mothers'..." She began, sounding a little unsure. "You say they could help me?" She questioned to confirm Cait's words. "Take me to them. Now."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 5 days ago

The native frowned slightly as the other woman simply insisted on napping, but refused to comment on it. Unless these people from the tower were different, Charlotte needed to sleep at least a third of the day like everyone else. Still though, the girl listened as Charlotte commented on the 'Great Mothers' and visibly gulped as it was obvious such an idea made the orange haired girl nervous. "Charlotte ... it may not be wise. At least for a few weeks, but preferably after two moons pass in the night sky." Especially for herself, and Cait didn't want to be responsible if Charlotte went to her people on her own. How would they react to such a wolfish person who felt compelled to eat the strong creatures of the world?

She could always ask, but then the initial problem was run into once again. Caitriona eventually came up with an explanation for the other woman. "Our people ... are affected by the season like many other creatures." As the native spoke, she gave the other girl a cursory look. From a certain standpoint, she was attractive. Obviously intelligent. With time, even strong too. Perhaps she was a bit too tall, but overall Cait wouldn't mind enjoying a ...

A blush ran across the girl's face before she shook it off. It would be much worse with one of her own. "Can you afford patience?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Charlotte LaChance~

Affected...by the seasons? What that even meant, Charlotte had no clue. With a frown, she studied Cait. She had no reason not to trust the native, but...waiting made her annoyed. Always did. She could never sit still if there was something to be done about something. Its one of the reasons she disliked sleeping. Time could be better spent doing something else productive. This, was worse though. Made her annoyed. More than a little irritated as well.

"If I wait too long," Charlotte replied with a sigh, shaking her head. "I might not have a reason to be impatient. But fine. You know your people better than I." She looked towards the ground, frowning. Arguing likely wouldn't get her anywhere. If this was back in Astril she'd just waltz up to the deacon himself and make her demands easily enough. If that failed, she'd do it anyways. But perhaps she was being impatient. She was content to take her time, if a little once she had landed here. At least, enough to make a few things and get acquainted with the weather here. Sturdy rope, things to help her keep warm, illuminating fluid, preserved food...things like that. A few...specialty items to deal with any threats. She had all of that by now.

Another...month or so wouldn't hurt, but the waiting was going to kill her regardless. At least one could never be too prepared.

"I'm going to look for some plants." She needed to take her mind off things. Something, anything as long as she wasn't doing nothing. She started to walk off. Constantly being around this native was starting to become a drain, just a little. She really needed some alone time with some of her books or...well...

She missed the both of them.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 5 days ago


Cait would pout slightly as the other woman left, but used the time to clear her own mind as she walked back into the cave for a bit. Charlotte would find herself moving through the local area, finding various herbs and plants blossoming through the season as she cut them down for ingredients. A few animals seemed to come nearby her as if curious and would give her a surprisingly small space as they seemed to observe her before hopping or running away.

A mile went by as Charlotte continued to look around as the forest grew thicker near a stream, where various prime ingredients were in various stages of growth nearby. As she reached down for one of them however an object swung straight towards Charlotte's face before stopping only a few inches away.

"It's Aislinn!" Less than a foot away from the front of Charlotte was a woman with hair similar to that of Caitriona, although slightly lighter in tone overall. The girl had a slightly more youthful face, and a linen dress dyed pink fell downwards as the girl was inverted. Like Cait, the girl wore a small pack on her back likely containing various useful items that the girl required for day to day usage.

The girl seemed initially disappointed and then surprised as her eyes ran up and down Charlotte's form, as if some outlandish tale she had been told had mysteriously come true. The girl swung forwards slightly, sniffing the air around the black haired woman as a smile crossed her face. "Hello stranger! What brings you into the domain of the mighty Aislinn, Queen of all the lands you have ever seen?" It was hard to tell if the girl was being serious, but her arms gestured to the wide world as if she was claiming her domain.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Charlotte LaChance~

At least the walk helped her clear her head a bit. Being away from everyone - and everything - else always made clearing her head easier. So much easier to think without so much useless noise buzzing around. A few plants were picked up, placing them in her satchel with care after examination. For the most part, she ignored the animals. Fuzzy, little balls of fleas. At least there wasn't any dogs. She hated dogs most of all. Large, furry, mongrels...that liked...licking everything. Ugh. Eventually, finding a small stream she hadn't been to before she found a few plants. As she reached down to pick one up, something quite unexpected happened.

And whoever this 'Aislinn' was, was quite lucky she left most of her self-defense concoctions back in the cave. One does not simply 'surprise' someone out in the middle of a forest! Queen? Of all these lands? While not impossible, this particular queen didn't look very...queenly. Not that she didn't exactly have ever met any queens, but the barbarian tribes sometimes had queens, and that one nation to the south had an 'Empress'.

Standing up, it was clear from her look she didn't entirely believe her.

"I don't have time for you." Charlotte replied, ignoring this...woman completely. She was younger than even Cait, was, wasn't she? No way she could be queen, and even if she was, wasn't like Charlotte had any obligation to be overly nice to her. She walked past her, walking over to a fruit bearing bush nearby and plucking a few berries from its leaves.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 5 days ago


The native watched as the black haired woman simply ignored her, pouting as she swung around on the branch and landed behind the other woman with a backflip displaying amazing agility. "H-heyy! You must have time for the Queen! Bow before me!" Aislinn seemed frustrated as the other woman continued to ignore her however, and after tapping her foot on the ground impatiently for a few seconds the girl practically jumped over Charlotte and landed before her, once again demonstrating her impressive agility.

If the other woman bothered to look, she would see an additional detail the short girl seemed to have: painted markings running along her body the same color as the 'average' hue of her hair. And as the girl landed, they seemed to maintain that color for a few seconds until they faded to almost being the same pale as the rest of her skin. "The great mothers told me of an alchemist in the woods who had the teeth of a wolf! That's you, isn't it! Awww, they are so cute!" Aislinn was close to the other girl's face, seeming to peer into her mouth as if this was the strangest thing in the world. "They said you had Cait with you, right? Can you tell your Queen where she is, please?"

The girl was practically bouncing up and down as she asked again though in a rather childlike and excited manner - if she was royalty, Cait's people had a strange expectations for it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Charlotte LaChance~

Charlotte stopped walking as Aislinn spoke. It became increasingly clear that perhaps this person was at least being somewhat serious, or at least she believed herself to be queen at the least. Cute comments and odd markings aside, a few things here were certain.

1. This 'Aislinn' was of the same people as Cait.
2. She was looking for Cait
3. Cait said returning for a few months might be a bad idea
4. She had no clue what this Aislinn was capable of.
5. The rabbit...said someone named Aislinn had started a search for something.
6. Conclusion: Aislinn was looking for Cait for some reason, and Cait likely didn't want to be found.

"First, you're not 'my queen', so I have no obligation to do anything for you." Charlotte placed both hands on her hips, leaning over slightly to put herself more on level with the smaller woman. Blue eyes stared at her in a somewhat cannoyed manner as she spoke. "Secondly, I don't know where Cait is." She continued. Not a lie - she didn't know where she was that exact moment. Lying completely about her would be bad though, since she seemed to already know. "Thirdly, I am busy," She poked Aislinn on the forehead with a single finger. "So I am not entertaining you." That said, Aislinn did mention the great mothers that Cait did. Maybe there was something she could do here? And if she went off wandering again, she might find Cait. Hm...Charlotte started walking again.

"Maybe if you help me though, I could finish earlier."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 5 days ago


Not ... not her queen? How could this woman? A look of frustration crossed Aislinn's face. How could this woman see through her disguise - didn't royalty just declare themselves 'divine privilege' or something like that to rule? Had she done it wrong? The native contemplated for a moment as the other woman told her to buzz off, earning a sad pout from the fire haired girl as her head was forced backwards slightly by Charlotte's forceful finger.

Help though? It wasn't as if Aislinn had much to do aside from search, and if the other woman went back to her place Caitriona would be there too, right? The short girl placed a single foot ontop of a small rock, smiling off into the world. "As Queen, it is my job to help with my subjects troubles! Especially if it guides me further on my valorous quest!" Did Queens speak like that or the heros? She wasn't really sure, so she just continued going with it. "Tell me my lady what you require so I can aid you!"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Charlotte LaChance~

This girl.

Was ridiculous.

In a somewhat charming and endearing way, but also annoying.

Well, there was something she could do here to alleviate all problems.

"You want to help, then? Fine." Charlotte said with a huff. "You probably know these woods better than I. So go find me some things. I need a basic fire-based solution. Some sort of red colored flowers should do nicely. Some of those purple berries that grow around here should be useful for the second. Lastly bring me some," Well, normally she'd ask for meat but considering what would likely happen if she did. "One of those coconuts from the beach. For an ingredient and something clean enough to use as a mixer."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 5 days ago


The native listened to the lady's requests, taking note of them. Of course, those things were easy to find for the queen of the forest! How could she deny such an easy task?

Puffing up her chest slightly and standing taller than before the supposed monarch simply nodded. "Wait here my fair maiden. I shall return from this quest as swiftly as possible." With that the girl's hair bounced as she began to skip into the woods as she looked around for the various ingredients. The tattoos on her arms lit up, giving her a slight guide in the direction of the various plants as she looked at a compass-like tattoo on the back of her right hand.

After about thirty minutes, the ingredients were gathered into her backpack aside from the coconuts which were in her arms. Beads of sweat dripped from her brow as she had practically jogged around the entire area, but if it meant getting to Cait it would be worthwhile, right? As she went around a tree back to the stream the girl made an announcement out loud. "I've completed your quest, my damsel in distress!" She seemed fairly excited about it, feeling like as if she had made good time on the task.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Charlotte LaChance~

Her? Damsel in distress? Hardly. That position was about to be shifted to Aislinn.

"I see." Charlotte said, from her seat upon a rock she had taken while Aislinn searched. "These are certainly fairly good ingredients." She picked up the coconut, taking the stone knife on her belt and cracking it open in the fashion Cait had shown her. She downed the contents, in a few quick gulps before hollowing out a hole large enough to pour things into. Reaching into her cloak, she pulled out half of a coconut and grabbed the other ingredients from Aislinn.

"So, answer a question for me? I'll share." She said, indicating what she was currently making as she put the berries and flowers into the half of the coconut. It might be best to get some more information before she did anything too rash here. She started crushing both of them into a fine paste with a stone pestel as she continued. "Is there any...ruins, in this land? Old places. Places that people don't visit much any more?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 5 days ago


Aislinn watched curiously as the woman continued her work. She didn't question her divine authority this time, so perhaps the subject was starting to believe her? Glorious! Still though, she needed find Cait. Though it wasn't as if there was a rush to do so. "I'm sorry my lady, but there are no ruins in my domain." She wasn't exactly sure what Charlotte meant by 'old places' but she had a guess on her mind. Although places where people didn't visit a lot? "Though if you are ever looking for a quiet walk you can always just try to find a darkwood. The places are dangerous though ... giant spiders and such." For a moment Aislinn shook until she realized that is not what a queen did, at which point she stood taller and tried to seem more impressive.

"Anyways, what are you making?" The fire haired girl was clearly curious about what exactly is going on here.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Charlotte LaChance~

Giant...spiders? Likely had some potent venom. Hm, could make for excellent self defense methods depending on the concentration and effects. She'd have to find a 'darkwood' at some point. Maybe ask Cait. Would be a good way to spend her time. While she waited for whatever it was Cait was afraid of to pass. That said, there was no ruins? Odd. Perhaps the entire civilization that had supposedly been here had completely been swallowed by the shifting land, then. She might have to look deeper to find something.

...Come to think of it, if the land shifted, then a chart of sorts wouldn't even help, would it? Even if she found the place it used to be, it wouldn't be there would it? She had to wonder just how far the shifting lands reached. With a frown, Charlotte poured a clear mixture into the mixture, causing it to bubble.

"A small and simple mixture to help with ones beauty." A complete and total lie, but Charlotte felt no remorse. "It makes one skin silky smooth, and frees it of all blemishes." She reached into her cloak again, pulling a small piece of cloth out as she covered the coconut and started to shake it. "Certainly your highness would love to have beauty that could make even the spirits jealous?"

It wasn't anything spectacular as that, really. In truth it was a simple quick-acting knockout drug if ingested. Simply made and while not harmful would make most any human-sized assailant feel more than a bit woozy. Would make most of your average human completely knocked out unless they had some sort of resistance to drugs. She could make something like this fairly easy with just a few ingredients, water, and a bit of her own little.

"Requires a bit of knowledge about certain chemicals and properties plants have, but its effects are easily seen after drinking it." She poured it out into the other half of the coconut after making sure it was well enough mixed. The resulting liquid was a pale orange colored, and smelled vaguely of plums. "Might feel a bit tired at first, but that's the medicine doing what it does."

After handing it off to Aislinn, Charlotte simply waited as she drank it, watching. After about ten seconds the effects started to take effect. Aislinn would find her vision blurring and sudden, extreme fatigue overcoming her as her body slowed. Her thoughts would become sluggish, and any movement attempted to be made would feel as though she was fighting a current of water. As soon as she was completely knocked out, Charlotte gave her a few experimental pokes to make sure she was in fact, completely out.

Grabbing a few lengths of rope from her belt, Charlotte started setting about tying the girl up. Arms tied behind her back, Legs tied and forced into a kneeling position. A few extra lengths of rope had been tied around the woman's chest and stomach area. A single length of rope had been left trailing on the ground, and with a single tug Charlotte could make all of the ropes temporarily tighten.

To say she had some experience in this sort of thing, was an understatement.

As she waited for Aislinn to wake, she crouched in front of her. She probably wouldn't be out for long, but as soon as she woke she'd find herself face to face with Charlotte...who was chewing on a piece of dried meat and giving the native her usual cold stare.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 5 days ago


A mixture for her beauty? She was already pretty, but anything could be improved upon according to the great mothers! And besides, it was tribute from her first self admitted subject! Exciting! The moment she was able to, she drank the entire potion in a single gulp. A couple seconds of drowsiness past. Then the world suddenly went dark.

Her hearing returned before anything else ... the sound of someone chewing on something. Eventually she was able to open her eyes, and Aislinn looked up to the black haired girl chewing something. She knew what it was. She had seen animals hunt eachother before. For a few seconds she simply processed the scene with similar disbelief that Cait had.

Then she immediately tried to run, but only managed to fall onto her side as her legs wouldn't move and her arms were bound behind her. Several tattoos lit up, but they required plentiful breath to work with and a rope around her stomach made it hard to breathe. For a minute, the girl would struggle to escape without any sort of rationality. She slammed herself into the ground. She tried to tear the thick bonds. She was simply a trapped animal looking to escape.

But the fight made her tired, and her breath was hard to come by. She was left laying on the ground looking at the meat eater in front of her in a complete panic. Her eyes teared up and her voice instinctually let out the small whimpers of a scared animal. Charlotte would see the girl's wide eyes looking up at her as it was clear she was utterly terrified of this entire situation. Aislinn simply forgot what words even were, and hoped her pitiful display was enough of a communication that she was in fact very helpless and in no way a threat at the moment.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Charlotte LaChance~

Well, she probably should have expected that level of fright, eh?

Charlotte simply let Aislinn do her little panic attack as she snacked on some dried meat. Plan to scare her: Successful. Perhaps a bit much, she hadn't really intended that level of panic but eh. She wasn't here to make friends with the girl. With a sigh, she stood and swallowed the last piece of meat, standing up and walking behind Aislinn. With a huff, she managed to sit Aislinn upright again and walked back around to her front, crouching again.

"Done acting like a scared rabbit?" She asked coolly. "I have no intention of harming you so, get your senses back." If Aislinn didn't recover Charlotte would simply sigh, and shake her head, taking a seat in front of the other girl. She'd let her sit quietly for a bit and get her senses back if that was the case."I just want to ask you some questions." She poked Aislinn on the head. "Why are you looking for Cait? She told me she didn't want to return to your village for a bit." She supposed she could have asked this question without all of this, but it'd be troublesome to directly fight something if it came to that.

One could never take too many precautions.

"So...What do you want with Cait?" She asked simply. "And don't worry, I have no intention of leaving you tied up here."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 5 days ago


It took a while after being asked 'done acting like a scared rabbit' for the native to finally calm down enough to hold an actual conversation of some sort. She of course was still a little frightened about the entire ordeal, but being set back upright helped her sort out her mind a little bit more and the promises of safety helped her relax a little. But the poke although teasing was a sign of her predicament.

Looking at the other woman's mouth again though, the native gulped nervously. She was eating meat, like a wolf of the night. And indeed, she was just a little rabbit. The previous interaction made it very clear that if things didn't go the way this woman wanted then ... then things might not be so nice ...

Aislinn looked around nervously as she was asked about Cait, unsure about how exactly to respond. Did ... did Charlotte really need to know? Wouldn't that be betraying the fluteist in some way. The young girl hesitated as she thought up of a response, instead choosing to be quiet for now. "... I ... I don't think ... you want to know. I-I just wanted to find her ..." The girl's eyes shifted around as it was obvious that there was more of a motivation than that, but she was reluctant to give it.

The woman in front of her hadn't eaten Cait, so she wasn't food for her either ... right?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Charlotte LaChance~

"I consider Cait to be...a friend of sorts." Charlotte replied to Aislinn. "In my experience, when someone says they don't want to go back somewhere and someone from there comes looking for them, the person looking doesn't exactly have the best intentions." She continued. At least, there were a plethora of similar situation she had been in, and she had seen others be a part of that it didn't seem odd to her.

...though, come to think of it...would these natives even have such notions? They seemed entire naive and innocent.

...meeeh. She was already doing it, and it was fun seeing her squirm a bit.

"So...do you have any bad intentions towards Cait?" Charlotte asked, tilting her head slightly to the side. "If you do and answer honestly, and I promise to give you a nice quick death." Her voice was much to calm for what she was suggesting. After a few more seconds of silence she continued. "But I suppose you don't have to answer." Charlotte said, standing up with a stretch. "I'll just leave you tied up here. Who knows, someone might accidentally spill something that would attract a giant spider."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 5 days ago


The native looked up as Charlotte talked to her, explaining how they were friends and guessing that she intended to cause harm. Aislinn looked around nervously, fright coming back into her as the black haired girl threatened to leave and attract monsters to attack her.

Did she intend to do anything to Cait? She may not like it, but it didn't exactly harm her, did it? "... Wait! I ... I promise I'm not trying to harm her!" There were the signs of tears falling as the girl instinctually struggled against her bonds, suddenly worried that wouldn't be enough to appease the other woman. Of course, her struggles were futile against the thick rope and as she continued to fight the constraints she found herself quickly out of breath as the rope around her stomach made it hard to get a full breath. "I ... please don't leave me here!"

This entire situation was completely outside the realm of experience for poor Aislinn as she looked up at the wolf before her like a scared little rabbit begging for mercy. But she couldn't betray Cait, could she? Even if this woman had the best of intentions?
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Charlotte LaChance~

Charlotte stared at Aislinn incredulously, obviously not entirely buying her words. Still, it wouldn't exactly be a good idea to leave her here. And if she wasn't, the Cait would probably be mad at her and interrupt her work with her incessant chattering. Charlotte sighed, rubbing the back of her head in a somewhat troubled fashion. Still, if it wasn't anything dangerous, then why wasn't she speaking? Ugh, she had gotten involved in something troublesome, didn't she? She shouldn't even care. She had other things to concern herself with.

"Alright, fine." She finally replied. "Since you won't tell me...I suppose I'll just let Cait decide what to do with you, then." She obviously had gotten into something she should stay out of, but ugh. She was already a part of it now curiosity be damned. She couldn't help but to be slightly interested in what these natives were like. Reaching down, Charlotte adjusted the ropes binding her legs slightly to allow for walking. "Alright." she said, pulling on the rope. "It's about a mile walk from here."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 5 days ago


The native nodded nervously as she rubbed her ankles together in an effort to get some blood flowing again, wincing as the rope was tugged on firmly and her breathing restricted for a moment until she sped up her pace to follow behind the black haired woman. Of course, she had intended on seeing Cait, but this wasn't how she intended for this to work out. Seems like she lost, again. Charlotte would see the other girl blush and look down embarrassed as she followed behind, the rope needing to be tugged periodically to keep her from slowing down from the sheer discomfort of the entire situation.

Honestly she was just happy to not be blindfolded at this point, peering up periodically to look at the scenery in case she needed to remember it. "... I ... I promise not to run away if that's where we are going. Could you undo the bonds before we enter?" Aislinn gave her captor the best pleading eyes she could manage, hoping her request wouldn't result in the other woman becoming too angry or tugging on the rope. It was already hard enough to walk without the balance of one's arms while shuffling along awkwardly with her feet. Being even more short of breath wouldn't help.
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