His feet were sweaty and sore, his boots no doubt full of squealing blisters. He had been wandering for days, traveling by the light of day for as long as he could keep himself moving forward, through a vast sand-filled desert. He winced as he picked up his right foot, then his left, continuing on his treacherous path. The sun was beginning to set, and he knew that he would be able to rest soon, if only he could find a place of some shelter. The sky was filled with gray clouds, and so he knew it would be a frigid night.

After a while longer, he reached a small clearing which was surrounded by cacti and palo verde. He knew that the pear cactus and its fruit would be a source of both food and drink, and luckily so, as he could feel himself starting to give in to the dehydration of the blistering weather that reflected off of the sand during the day. When it got so hot he could hardly stand it, as his eyes focused on the false mirage of water ahead. He was glad to put his pack down, made heavy with an extra set of garments, some bread and a canteen, a dusty map and a small dagger. There were also a few other items, like flint and steel, which he used to make a fire in the middle of the clearing with some bramble. He then detached his mat from the top of the pack and laid it out smoothly under one of the fuller trees, preparing to sleep.

Eating the fruit and taking a swig from the canteen, he enjoyed the warmth and light of the fire in the dark, fearing the impending cold of yet another desert night. ~Only a few more days,~ he thought, ~I will surely be there by then.~ He continued to eat and as he did he gazed upward, admiring the stars in the heavens above him. Suddenly, he heard a noise off behind him and to his left, and it sounded like the snapping of a twig; the sound of a human, and not a beast. Startled, he stood up and began to look around, dagger already removed from his pack and unsheathed, ready to meet with whatever awaited him…