Name: John Miles
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Appearance:Just under six feet tall at 5'11, his muscular (but not too bulky) physique makes up for that inch. You can tell he works out hard by the visible definition of his arms and his abs (when he removes his shirt.) Short hair that was dyed blonde sits on his head, as brown roots are beginning to show. He has quite a handsome face with high cheek bones, brilliant green eyes, pearly white teeth, and sin kissed skin. There is a small, barely noticeable scar on the right side of his lip.

Personality: When he meets new people and is just trying to have a good time, he is outgoing and friendly, though there are times when, in the company of many people he will be silent. This is because he is reviewing things he learns in his head, and maybe plotting. When he is working on a task, he is very focused on getting the job done quickly and efficiently.
As stated in his abilities, he is mentally strong. In a fight, he remains calm and focused on killing or incapacitating his foe.
While he will do a favor for a person in need, he is ultimately out for himself.

Weapons: 9mm glock and machete that is serrated at the bottom.
Positive Attribute: John fights aggressively without fear and without hesitation if necessary.
Negative Attribute: John's self centered tendencies makes him a shitty team-player
Combat Training: John has trained up to red belt level Kung Fu and dabbled with Muay Thai.

Brief History: John grew up on the east coast, where people tend to look out for themselves more often. It was here that he studied Kung Fu as well as studied "Game" chasing tail in his youth. He also managed to have a small business going on in his early days of college. It went so well he thought he could do well in Colorado: the Green State.

It didn't go so well and he went back to college, while taking some Muay Thai classes to stay in shape and going to gun ranges as a hobby. He dropped out a second time to become a Hunter, which he researched and figured could be a lucrative profession.