Since the site came back online, I've probably posted in about 9 or 10 RP threads saying I would make a character and join up. Out of those, I've only made a character for 2 of them. One got rejected, and the other died along with the RP, which lasted only two freaking days. All of the other characters I've either A. never started, or B. never completed. I'm going to be honest, I hate doing Character Sheets with a bio, personality, shit like that. I already have a tendency to basically make my character a lot like myself IRL, which I know isn't really a good thing if I wanted to become a writer, but when it comes to roleplays, I try to play myself as I would in certain situations. I like to see "what if" statements in the form of a coherent story and then react according to how I think I myself would in those stories. Basically, I just hate doing bios and shit, because when it comes to a character, I try to hit more on some of the more physical things; strengths, weaknesses, items, shit like that. Not that I don't enjoy thinking about that sort of thing, but when I basically try to play myself in most every RP, I feel like the personality parts get monotonous, and the history is something that I have to both bullshit and integrate with my own upbringing to craft a believable past that fits well with a story, and I feel like it just gets old.

But I digress. Lately, I've found that I've lost the drive to make a CS, even when I am really interested in joining an RP. Sometimes I just lose interest completely. I'm not sure what it is exactly, but I feel like it has to do with a more deep-seated behavioral pattern, and that is that I tend to be shitty at dedicating myself to something. Aside from a few things, my interests shift around like crazy, and it makes it really difficult to focus on one thing in specific; particularly so when it comes to writing anything. Either that or I get tired as fuck and end up passing out at my keyboard, like I'm doing now.

I'm not really sure what to do about this wave of complete disinterest in shit. I hate it, and it sucks eggs, but it's not something I can just make myself push through. I'm not really sure what to do about it other than maybe take a hiatus and see what happens then.