Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Crystal Sea
Gender: Female
Age: 17

Personality: Elsa is generally a kind and caring person. She is a little afraid of her powers as she nearly killed her younger sister when they were playing in the castle. She has recently learned to control them realizing her emotions were the key. However she still a bit of a loner and doesn't easily allow people to get close to her. However even though she is a bit of a loner, and tends to avoid other people she still a good person who can't turn her back when others are being oppressed or bullied.

Bio: When Elsa was ten, her and her younger sister, Anna were playing in the castle, her younger was climbing, running and jumping on the piles of snow Elsa was creating. Elsa began to panic asking her sister to slow down, her sister was having so much fun, she didn't hear her and instead sped up. Elsa slipped on some ice and accidentally hit her sister in the face with an ice blast. Anna fell unconscious. Elsa ran to her side to try and wake her up, her parents heard her screaming and ran to them. They took her to a troll chief who healed Anna but removed all her memories of her sisters powers. The chief explained how Elsa's powers would grow and how fear would be her greatest enemy. After talking for a few minutes the chief realized that her parents were not understanding his warning and were in fact terrible parents, even if they had the best intentions. The chief decided to take Elsa and her family to meet Stone, he explained the situation with Elsa and introduced Elsa and her parents to Stone. Elsa's parents realized this was the best place for her and decided to let her stay.

Power 1: Light Manipulation
Power 2: Water /Ice Manipulation
Abilities: Inner love and Inner rage: Her powers are connected to her emotions, love helps bring out a purer and more beautiful side of her powers while rage produces a more dark and destructive version. She can draw strength from both of these emotions.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Leona Lionheart
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Species: Neko
Room Number:

Personality: Leona is a proud, strong willed and serious person she is kind, respectful and caring to others and will often put others fist before thinking of herself and will regularity put herself in harms way to shield others from danger she is well trained martial arts thanks to her power to adapt to any situation she is very tough because of this she is generally unafraid of danger not because she is pertinently brave but because she knows she can adapt to survive anything


Power 1: Adaptive Evolution
Power 2: Ninjutsu/ Ninja Magic
Sentimental Attachment:
Other: Knows parkour, muay thai and jiu jitsu
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Teacher Cs
Name: Luna Kiyiya
Gender: Female
Age: 140
Human Appearance:

Wolf Appearance:

Werewolf Appearance:

Personality: Luna is a overly aggressive, short tempered, stubborn woman with great instincts. She is a bit of a loner and has no interest in forming a pack unlike most wolves. She has spent most of her life on her own doing things her own way. The rest of her family don't every know if she is still alive.

Bio: While growing up, Luna was always a bit of a handful. She was always hyper and very aggressive towards others. As she got older the only thing that changed was that she became less hyper. She never really liked spending a lot of time with others. When she was forty, she enlisted in the military and fought for America in the first World War. This was not because of some sense of duty but rather it was an excess to kill. Luna has full control over her inner wolf, but instead of retraining it, she enjoys embracing it. Making it difficult to tell the two personalities apart. Luna's fought in every war since the first World War big or small so she can enjoy the thrill of the hunt and kill. Lately, Luna had been getting quite bored living in the wild. When she came across a school for young mutants and was asked to became a Head Master, she decided to give it a shot thinking it might be more entertaining than hunting hunters.

Power 1: Magic
Power 2: Weather Manipulation
Abilities: She is a werewolf and like all werewolves she is immortal and she has enhanced physical abilities and senses.
Markings: Scars, cuts, and general markings.
Sentimental Attachment:
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Alex Mercy
Gender: (she appears Female most of the time as most people understate a teenage girl)
Age: (Physically she is 14)
Species: (she appears human most of the time to blend in to the crowd)
Room Number:
Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Personality: Alex is a loner who hates most people believing that humans nothing are a plague on the earth they kill and torture each other for pleasure they destroy forests at an ridicules pace drive entire spices to extinction and they fear what they do not understand and and destroy what they fear. Alex has met a few humans in the past who she has not hated who she could get along with and she dose like other races and can be quite friendly at time but she tends to keep to herself as most people don't like her darker side


Power: Organic Manipulation
2: Magnetic Manipulation
Sentimental Attachment:
Other: Thanks to her power she dose not age and she can become anyone or any race
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Kai Morningstar
Gender: Male
Age:Looks 16
Species:Human/Dark Angel Hybrid

Personality: Kai is a arrogant, cocky, over confidant, smart ass who thinks he is pretty much unbeatable he is disrespectful to just about everyone believing respect should be earned not given he will often underestimate his enamels which can get him in trouble lucky for him he is a skilled and powerful fighter and can get himself out of trouble almost as easily as he gets himself into it


Powers: Dark Element Mastery, Demonic Infusion and Demon Physiology.
Ability: Inscription Magic
Sentimental Attachment:
Other: Kai has a number of enchanted items and weapons his boots channel his emotions into elemental energy the amulet around his waist is used to focus and enhance his powers and his other enchants his orbs are used to capture or absorb energy and his guarnlets have the power to rip out, destroy or channel the souls of others the amulet around his neck protects him from light magic as well enhance his own he also uses two demon swords that can transform and fight by his side



Infernos Mount: Blaze
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DragonKingUk
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Tyson
Gender: Male
Age: 19

Personality: He is kind and smart, he is good and bonds with animals easily, and able to train them. He is also quite smart. He has always been brave and confident his his abilities and his work. He always believes everything will be fine. He is always serious about his work and doesn't play around too much. People say that he can be a little too serious at times.

Bio: Tyson has always been able to bond with animals ever since he was young. Animals had always felt at ease around him, he was able to calm them down and get them to trust him easily. After he reached the age of fifteen, he got a pet Eagle who he trained well. The eagle was trained to bring him things that he needed or forgot. When he hit nineteen, the CIA noticed his abilities to bond and train animals easily. They decided to recruit him and put him in a team with Jake and Kusuna. Afterwards he was trained to help the team better and was given skills to help him break into anything, lockpicking, cracking safes and he even gained access to several ways to escape when their mission was complete. So, to the team, he was their way in and way out.

Friends: Jake and Kusuna
Sentimental Attachment: His pet eagle.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by DragonKingUk
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Jack
Gender: Male
Age: 35

Personality: Jack is kind and very smart. Kuro is quite calm at all times. He has never once lost his cool. He always thinks things through first and tries to do the right thing. He will do anything to teach the students and help them become strong. He enjoys a good challenge. The harder it is to train somebody, the more fun it is. He is very patient and understanding.

Bio: Stone recruited him for the academy, seeing his skills and knowing he could be useful. He became on of the main staff members. He was happy that he became a head teacher, he loved teaching and helping students with their abilities. He has never failed Stone, he has always worked hard and done his best.

Power 1: Magic
Power 2: He can see and control souls. Binding them to items and weapons as well as using them to heal himself by absorbing them.
Sentimental Attachment: His Tank Sniper Rifle
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by DragonKingUk
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Angel
Gender: Male
Age: 15

Personality: Angel is kind and will do anything to help another. He can see when somebody is lying, but he believes that there is always a reason behind a lie, and soon or later, the person will speak the truth. He hates people who are arrogant and think themselves royal when they have no auritivity.

Bio: I will do later.

Power 1: He controls Fire, Water and Wind.
Power 2: Body Manipulation.
Sentimental Attachment:
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DragonKingUk
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Slade
Gender: Male
Age: 14

Personality: Slade has little respect and confidence for himself but no matter what, he vows to do his became the best he can. He has never really let anyone see his face, as he believes he cannot trust anyone, and so avoids them like the plague. Although, Slade is a kind person, he hates the fact that he is weak, and cannot control his power. He finally decided to join an academy to better himself, even if it meant letting people see his face.

History: Slade was brought up a thief, he knew nothing more than to steel. It was all he ever did. He never got caught, living off others, and taking only what he needed to survive. It wasn't a easy life, but it was his only life. When he was young, he was always being used, so much so, that it eventually resulted in his parents death. He now resents the thought of being used, and he no longer believes that he can trust anyone. He has only ever wished to become stronger, but he has never got that chance before. He eventually heard of an academy and decided to join it so he can finally use his power.

Power 1: He can control darkness
Power 2: He can control energy.
Markings: None.
Family: Dead
Friends: None
Personal Attachment: His white cloak, it is what remains of his mother.
Other: Nope.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by DragonKingUk
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Dante
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Species: Humam
Room Number:
Rooming With:

Personality: Dante is a carefree person. He doesn't care about anyone, including himself. He is also cocky. He loves a good challenge. He loves the chance to become stronger whenever he can. He will do anything for power. He is very short tempered and when he loses his temper, he won't hesitate to show his enemies fear.

Bio: Dante killed his own parents simply because they angered him. He then stole his fathers watch, which was actually armour when the watch was activated. He later heard of an academy which would make him stronger. So, he quickly joined the academy so he could become even stronger than he already is.

Power 1: He is psychic.
Power 2: Magic.
Markings: None
Family: Dead
Friends: None
Sentimental Attachment: The watch which can become powerful armour.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by DragonKingUk
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Yoshihiro
Gender: Male
Age: 500
Species: Werewolf
Room Number:
Rooming With:

Personality: Yoshihiro is quite a relaxed person. He's kind and friendly and acts very human like but that is because he is out of touch with his wolf side. He cannot control his inner wolf. He warns people to back off and move away as he feels himself turning but not everyone listens to him, and when that happens he rips them apart and eats them for dinner. At times Yoshihiro can resist slightly but it is extremely difficult for him and for him to be able to do so he must have a reason such as wanting to deeply protect somebody. When this happens he becomes a normal wolf, a half way point of full werewolf and human.

Power 1: Lunar Manipulation
Power 2: Thunder/Lightning Manipulation
Sentimental Attachment:
Weapon: His sword.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Teacher Cs
Name: Damien Dark
Gender: Male
Age: (looks 25)
Species: Angel/Demon Hybrid

Angel/Demon Appearance:

Personality: Damien is a calm cool and collected as well as logical, cunning and a little manipulative He can come off as cold and uncareing at times and can pretty blunt but he is exceptionally observant and cautious of his surroundings and quick to addapt to any situation that develops he never acts hastily always thinking things though fist


Ability: Aura Manipulation (limited to Nen from Hunter X Hunter as full Aura manipulation is to OP)
Nen Abilities:

Damiens Specialist ability is anti magic allowing him to immune to the effects of magic cast on him and allowing him to use attacks that disrupt magic.

Likes: Teaching are made from materials that amplify aura)
Other: Demien is a former student of The Ordinary Mystical Academy and has returned as a teaching assistant.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DragonKingUk
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Teacher Cs
Name: Kreia
Gender: Female
Age: 300
Species: Witch

Personality: Kreia is a kind person. She wants to help the students control their powers, although, she can be strict and rough at times. She doesn't really care about the other teachers much. She is serious, and hardly ever makes a joke or cracks a smile. When she fights, she holds nothing back, even if it is a student because of this, she can be considered harsh.

Bio: Kreia was training alone when Arkan came to her one day. He told her that he saw great potential in her, he offered to train her personally, as long as she would become a teacher for his school. She agreed and went under his wing. Learning everything he taught her, and becoming stronger, able to control her powers more.

Power 1: She can enchant and unenchant any item she wants with anything she wants. Such as fire, wind or water magic. This also gives her the power to create anything she wants from thin air.
Power 2: Lunar Manipulation
Markings: None
Sentimental Attachment: He duel wield swords.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DragonKingUk
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Foxy
Gender: Female
Age: 10,000
Species: Angelic Spirit Fox
Room Number:
Rooming With:

Personality: Foxy is kind and loving, she will do whatever she can to help another, no matter the cost, even if it means sacrificing herself although, it is very hard to kill her anyway considering she is a Angelic Spirit. Foxy will do whatever is right without a second's thought, and hate those who want to cause death and destruction. Being an Angelic Spirit, she always believes in giving everyone a chance to prove themselves before she actively tries to stop them from whatever they are doing.

Bio: Foxy is a Angelic Spirit Fox, sent down from heaven itself to protect those who cannot protect themselves from those who wish to cause death and destruction with their newfound power. She looked into the world below, and found out a lot of people who possess these powers and going to an academy to learn how to control their powers. Foxy, having not lived long compared to most of her kind, hadn't had the chance to use her powers, and still had to train and become strong, and so she decided to join the academy herself, so she could do her mission but at the same time learn how to use her powers.

Power 1: Water Elemental
Power 2: Psychic
Family: None
Friends: None
Sentimental Attachment: None
Weapon: None

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Max Steel
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Age: 15

Personality: Max will lie cheat and steal in order to survive however he tends to only target those who have more then enough money with the exception of banks as their money is insured because of this he likes to try and blend into a crowd preferring to stay out of the spot light. Max is quite good at looking out for himself but he is very crafty, unorthodox and is good at thinking on his feet.


Power 1: Metal Manipulation
Power 2: Magnetic Manipulation
Sentimental Attachment:
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sekhemi and Crystal
Alex and Shade
Cyber and Jake
Dixon, Dixoz and Red
Kuro and Leona
Tyson and Viper
Rika and Kai
Kusuna and Max
Slade and Storm
Korta and Rogue
Ruby and Yoshihiro
Zero and Dante
Foxy and Sky

Just change the name of your Sky character.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Teal
Gender: None (Female
Age: None (10)
Species: Heartless

Personality: Teal is a heartless, she doesn't care about herself nor anyone else. Like some heartless, she has kept her mind. She isn't mindless like most. She is in full control of herself and is able to keep calm considering she has been a heartless for so long however she struggles to understand what is considered morally right or wrong. She is very emotionless which is usual for a heartless. At times she will show some emotion but it is rare for her.

Bio: Teal was trapped in the dark area for years, she refused to eat human meat, her parents had died because of their insanity. She was all alone. She believed somebody would come for her, she always believed there was hope, but sadly not. The darkness consumed her as she starved to death and soon enough, she herself became a heartless. Although, she kept her mind and memory, this made her even more dangerous. She became hateful and resentful at first, she vowed that she would make all those pay who refused to help her but she soon realised she was one of the miracles, that she was different.

Power 1: Demonic Force Manipulation
Power 2: Spirit Manipulation
Sentimental Attachment:

Pet Name: None, nameless.
Pet Gender: None (Male)
Pet Species: Skydren Heartless
Pet Appearance:

Pet Power 1: Darkness Manipulation
Pet Power 2: Energy Manipulation

The pet is an actual, full on heartless and so relatively weak compared to Shade or Teal.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Ignore this
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Teacher Cs
Name: Quote
Gender: Male
Age: 1000
Species: Human

Personality: Quote is a very serious person, who will do what he deems is right. Once he has decided on something, there is nothing that can change his mind. Although, he is quite an unusual person. He seems he has knowledge of his past life, as well as knowledge of outside world, breaking the fourth wall. There was another person like him, although, unlike this other person, he was never immortal, nor made stupid jokes which he found unnecessary. He often fought this person, about what was right or wrong.

Bio: Quote has always been a serious person, so much so, he deemed, that he would never rest in peace until the world was in a peaceful place. He swore, that he would never give up his mission to save earth, he died for his cause, and he did manage to save everyone, and bring peace, sadly, the earth was soon brought into peril again as it was conquered by the netherworld, and thus, his mission continued.

Power 1: Divine Force Manipulation
Power 2 Sound Manipulation
Sentimental Attachment:
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Teacher Cs
Name: Julia
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Species: Lalafell
Room Number:
Rooming With:

Personality: Julia is a skilled assassin, who may act cute and friendly but that is simply a cover she puts on when around others. She is a smart, devious lalafell who knows powerful magic. She will do anything to complete her mission, not caring who she hurts along the way. When she is off duty however and she has real friends, she can be rather kind to a point.


Power 1: Magic
Sentimental Attachment:
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