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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

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Name: Doyun Kimba

Age: 41

Gender: Male

Appearance: Doyun Kimba stands nearly 5 feet 5 inches tall, with deep tanned skin that's been weathered by sea spray for many years now. His eyes are a light green with golden flecks around the edges. His hair styled into a long black mane down his back, smooth with the tips curled slightly. His voice is mostly clean, and well shaved, mking him look a lot younger then someone his age would normally look. He's got a very stocky build to him. Somewhat short, but very powerful looking. Normally when he's on his ship, he wears brown and gold dyed clothing, made up of a heavy cotton tunic, over trousers and heavy leather boots. He will often wear a leather cuirass studded with iron rivets when needing too during combat. When off his ship he tends to keep that same brown and gold coloration to his clothing but it is far more casual, choosing just long sleeved shirts and long pants with the same leather boots he often wears on the ship.

Personality: Doyun is very thought oriented. Experimental and creative. On his off hours he's often drawing, or pursuing art in some way or form. He values intelligence and logic in many things. When this comes to his ship he's often thinking up ways to throw off the opponent, doing this in a way that's completely original, new tactics, new ways of approaching a situation. Making him very independent.

Background: Doyun had been born to a family of fishermen many years ago. It's almost like another life entirely really. It had started quietly really, as soon as he was old enough to walk, he was taken on the deck of his father's fishing vessel. So he grew up on the deck of a ship. At first he was fine with his lot in life. He'd tend the nets in the evening, ready to boat to leave in the dawn hours, then spend all day on the water, casting nets, picking about shallows for clams and scallops to supplement the catch of the day. He spent about 14 years doing that, and he was quite happy.

he didn't get aspirations for naval service until he as about 15 or 16. While on the deck of his father's ship and he was pulling in a net, the small fishing boat suddenly had a huge shadow loom over it. His father came out, laughing and waving. A Tawaian navy ship had pulled up near to the ship. The captain and his father begun to bargain for some of the days catch. Doyun looked up at the immense ship, fully 8 to 12 times the length of his fathers fishing ship, and towering above the fishing ship by far. Half the day current atch was bartered away, for fine silver and gold rather then goods and services like at home. At the end of that day after pulling into port. Doyun told his father that he wanted to enroll in the Navy. His father chuckled and nodded. Doyun was given a portion of that days gold, some food for his journey to the nearest city. And set off.

What followed was many years of training, being assigned to a navy ship and working his way up the ladder. He started as a sailor, working the galley, he took part in patrols, minor actions against pirates and the like. Gaining experience. And worked his way up through the ranks. He gained support from other sailors, so the admiralty advanced him on merit and ability, rather then who his family was. Which to some wasn't a great thing really. Other Captains were from famed families, rich and powerful, while Doyun was a fisherman's son. Finally the admiralty gave him a command. It was a small galley, a recon vessel really. Designed to move fast and quick and find out where the enemy is. He was there for five years. Before he got a new command. An older ship, something he intended to turn into something amazing. It already had a name, known as the Slick Blade. A slim, trim and fast vessel. That's where he was when the fleet he was in previously was fallen upon by Nerynan armada. Only a few ships managed to make it out of that situation, many of the others who got caught in the ambush were sunk or took as prizes by the enemy. He his crew and the Slick Blade fled back to the capitol. And that's where the admiralty found him and told him about a effort that needed his attention.

Equipment: Drawings of opposing force ships that he quickly made during the last fight, a saber that was given to him when he ascended to captain, and a heavy arquebus that he uses that when his ship is close to the enemy. A heavy duty bamboo fish pole with high end fishing line, something he made for himself, you can take the fisherman away from the fishboat, but you can't take the fishing away from the fisherman, he has used the pole in many a water, having once fought a large bluefin tuna for almost an hour, before entering a pirate battle. He's had the pole since he father passed away 5 years ago.

Name of ship: Slick Blade

Type of ship: Fast and Agile Artillery ship

Armaments: Two forward facing long cannons of atleast 18 pounds each, seven naval mortars at 150mm calibre each, three on either side of the ship port and starboard,and a seventh placed fore between the two cannons. All the mortars have a 90 degree swivel system that allows them to be aimed to bring as many mortars to bare at once. A single light swivel gun at the aft. Also has a contingent of Naval Marine Marksmen on the ship.

Crew: 20 Naval Marine Marksmen 12 of which use long bows while the remaining 8 use arquebus rifles, 60 rowers, 30 port, 30 starboard, two rows each side one atop the other. 47 sailors who man the sails and rigging, 14 will man the mortars while in use, 3 each to the cannons, and one man on the swivel gun. Leaving 19 for repairs, rigging and other duties. Quartermaster Roam, who looks after the provisioning and crew, Gunnery Master Tadi, who commands the gunnery crews, Naval Marine Captain Uots who oversees the Marines, Sailing Master Jin, who oversees the maps, and navigation of the ship and assists the captain in piloting the ship. Two pacers, men who are assigned to drum the pace for the rowers, and who also are in charge of feeding and tending to the largely volunteer rowers, as Captain Doyun would rather use people who have an interest in their countries safety, rather then men who had been press ganged or are convicts to avoid the potential of mutiny.

Appearance: The Slick Blade is a slim ship about 42 meters long and 18 meters wide. A single sail admidt ship for sailing when there is a favorable wind, The rowers within are stacked one row atop the other, offset so the rowers have a little bit of room. The far front position of the ship just under the cannons has a reinforced gun magazine, where 70% of the ships ammo, powder and other items are kept. Right below the main rear tiller is another lesser magazine, where the arrows, crews personal weapons, and naval marines weapons are kept. The bows and handgun ammo as well as the handguns themselves along with swords and melee weapons are kept in the rear as well.

The Slick Blade painted a green, blue and brown along the outside of the hull. The giving it a profile that makes it slightly harder to see in some scenarios, a form of camouflage. The ship is designed for more open water engagements, where it can turn and bring to bear the mortars on the opponent, or square off and use the two long cannons. The ship is designed to make fast cutting runs, along the edges of the fight, firing the mortars during the run, pulling out then repeating again and again, dropping high explosive rounds onto the decks of enemy ships, or using shrapnel bombs, thin ceramic cases in essense, that when they land explode and send out clouds of nails and glass to kill the sailors.

Slick Blade is built to be quick and agile. The time it takes to turn 90 degrees is very nearly half that of other ships. It's built of lighter materials, but with all the iron and metal aboard, it still has a normal draft in the water. But it's lighter build with thinner walls, make it easier to slide through those waters. The Slick Blade can reach a fairly high speed, but it doesn't use this speed to ram, it uses this speed to get in close, strafe a position then get back out before an enemy ship can get in close and attempt to board. This lighter build and thinner hull made the Slick Blade highly susceptible to being breached if struck by an attack with a high enough force.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TheSeriousJoke
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Haneul Bak

Age: 36

Gender: Female

Appearance: Skin tanned and speckled from the sun, Captain Bak has spent many years on the sea. Her brown hair is cut short for convenience, and her rather simple face is completed with a smile and a pair of warm brown eyes. She has a relatively fit build, and stands at 5’5”, but she’s a bit of a slouch in comparison to other commanders. Assuming she’s given a uniform, she wears that, but otherwise she’ll often wear something simple and comfortable- though if at sea she’ll sacrifice her comfort for practicality, wearing boots, gloves, and thicker, more protective clothing. However, she still wears clothes that makes maneuverability easy, believing that she can dodge a hit better than she can take one.

Personality: Haneul is, admittedly, a bit aloof. She’s often in her own head, or her head is in a book. Even intellectually, she doesn’t have a whole lot of interest in military affairs (though she studied up anyway, as she has a strong sense of responsibility), but despite her disinterest she puts all her energy into the work day, and with the recent war has been spending a lot more pouring over strategy, and invests her everything into the war effort.
Haneul is both caring and honest, and spends a lot of time talking to and learning about her crew, as she considers creating a strong bond with and among her crew to be the most important part of the job, and just might be the thing to ensure their survival. However, this often leaves her seeming soft, at times, but while lenient, she’s no pushover, and will get angry if she believes that she is not given the amount of respect she deserves as a leader- after all, she wasn’t given this position for nothing. She might not be the best captain ever- she’ll admit to her own shortcomings any day- but she’s intelligent and damn well dedicated to her job, and will fight for her people until she has nothing left to fight with.

Background: Haneul was born to a farming family in Tawai to her loving mother and father. Though she proved to be a poor farmer, her six other siblings (3 older, 3 younger) were sufficient in carrying the family and their business- as such, Haneul was able to pursue other interests. She studied a lot- mostly through books, never having enough money for schooling- especially in the areas of math, literary analysis, and language acquisition. However, as she was making no money, but still wanted to be able to spend a lot of time studying, she eventually joined the navy, under the impression that she wouldn’t see war before she retired and would be able to live her life comfortably.
What she lacked in genuine interest she made up for in a can-do attitude, competence, and a blatant refusal to slack off. She gained notice for being able to do her job well and without complaining. Eventually, she started to go up the ranks as she gained experience in her profession, leaving her in command of one of the last remaining ships. Now having to truly be a commanding leader, Captain Bak will admit that she was kind of ignorant thinking she could spend her life in the navy and not see combat. However, she also understands that she simply can’t back down now, especially with a whole crew counting on her. She put herself in this mess, and rather than finding a way out, she intends on sticking through the war until the very end. Besides, she’s still incredibly experienced, and that experience can be put to good use.

Equipment: She carries a sword and a pistol, though she doesn’t use them until necessary.

Ship Name: The Unwavering Courage

Type of ship: Medium sized war frigate


2 front long ranged cannons, 8 side cannons (4 on each sides), 6 short ranged mortars using fire bombs

The front of the ship is covered with reinforced steel, allowing the ship to ram the enemy ships if necessary.

Beneath the ship is storage and crew resting area, containing spare ammunition and gunpowder.

20 pikes and naginata which can be used by soldiers in case of the ship being boarded.


60 rowers, 30 each sides. 1 main rudder operator.

54 soldiers, including 32 marksmen and 22 bowmen. Each soldier is equipped with either a one-handed double blade sword, small axes or maces for close quarter combat situation.

23 sailors to assist in manning sails and repairing damages.

1 weapon officer, 1 lieutenant to handle the soldiers

Ship captain

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

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Name: Captain Minjun “Stone Breaker”

Age: Your character's age. 39

Gender: Male

Appearance: Rough and ready, with a dark beard and close cut hair with flecks of grey from a lifetime of hard duty, calculating and strong dark flint eyes. Some scars and signs of shrapnel wounds originally serving as a Gunner, then Deck Officer, finally promoted when his captain was slain taking over command of the venerable Iron Dragon.

5’3 and stocky built from years as serving the heavy duty of the gun deck, he is physically strong and with a slight limp from a accident when his carriage broke one its mounting ropes.

Dressed in heavier studded leathers and the golden marks of a captain on his sleeves, but also a gunnery officers battered breastplate for protection from shrapnel, despite weighing down in water, he never intends to need to test that one in combat.

On normal duty he wears darker colours to not stand out on coastal duty, dark leather boots, and a black heavy jacket with badges of rank and honours over a simple shirt often makes him one of the more plainly dressed and plain captains.

On formally and winter duty he has a thick formal coat of a Naval officer oiled against the sea for bad weather even if he gets some jokes from the other Officers in there finery and golden trimmed attire,

Personality: cool, calculating and often overly direct the captain has rubbed up with some degree of friction with the Officers in the sea going fleet. Years of river patrol, siege command have tempered the man’s patience and does not mind playing the long game to achieve victory and quick to detect weakness in both stone and wood structures and guide his ships powerful guns to target.

Background: Born in a small coastal town he soon was working aboard one of the numerous trade vessels that took supplies from the coastal areas deeper into the peninsulas main rivers until he was in his teens quickly learning the trade of navigating the winding rivers of Tawai's and its rugged coasts.

His enlistment into the Navy was first during a local rebellion when the Lord conscripted the local river men to man a new generation of river boats, heavily armoured and armed they were used to quickly crush the towns that broke tribute.

Recognizing his skills he soon earned his way from the oar deck to gunnery deck, and his progress began on patrol duty his skills learned in teens saw him well to promotion to the Officer of deck after taking charge during an minor mutiny and bringing the gun crew to loyalty with strong leadership and a carpenters axe.

Later in his career he earned his captaincy when he was forced to take command when the captain was killed, leading the ship to victory against an enemy warship and bringing the nearby town back to the Lords fealty he was promoted the Iron Dragons captain which he has held for the past 4 years.

Heavy war axe for combat, a remaining trait from the act that brought him into Officer of the deck.
rough and heavy pistol for range combat, made at local smith it incorporates and a iron butt plate for bringing those who break post quickly into line.

Long Glass. The yearrs have weakened his eye sight and now uses a long glass to sight and see weakness in enemy ships or defences from afar.

Breastplate, metal. Rather a odd trait for the naval officer he wears in in battle after years on the gunnery deck seeing many more men die of shrapnel than drowning.
now old, solid but still effective it is simple steel, and without ornament.


I would prefer it to be galleys, since it does not rely on nature and rather on human power, but if you want an exception, you can notify me. If you do not want to make your own ship, then you can use the default ship, which I will upload if anyone want that.

Name of ship: Iron Dragon

Type of ship: Heavy River Patrol ship, Armoured Siege vessel. (Oar powered with sails, mainly uses Oars in tight conditions)
3 low decks, Oars, Stores and magazine. Lower fighting and gunnery deck for big guns, Upper fighting deck for lighter weapons.

2 long barrelled cannon to fore, 4 port and starboard, 8 guns total plus 2 forward. (Mounted on heavy systems to bring the barrel back inside for reloading and back out, driven back by recoil, and worn mouths in the form of fanged dragons) (All on lower fighting deck)

Long range guns. Heavy calibre and good penetrative power.
Low reload time. Need 5-6 gunners to be effective even with modified systems.

One forward mounted heavy metal armed crossbow on upper fighting deck, firing from dragon head mouth at ships bow. (Replaces a siege morter or rocket system from land duties) (long range, limited angle traverse, forward some 45 degrees. )

Long range. Limited traverse. Needs 5 men to operate. 4 on winders, 1 master bowman to load and fire.
Fairly powerful metallic bolts.
Slower rate of fire.

4 semi auto magazine fed crossbows on the upper fighting deck each side, firing from protected slits for close in Defense when on river patrol, or attacking open decked ships.
1 of same mounted covering aft section off vessel.
(Shorter range, but gain higher rate of fire than gun powder, installed to defend against river ambush now turned against exposed crews)

Lower damage than aqabus
Faster rate of fire up to 20 bolts a minute.
One gunner, one loader for max fire rate. Magazine fed system.
(did exist in ancient China)

Crew: 35 Marines Manning upper decks, 2 per semi auto, 5 for heavy crossbow. Also stocked with bows and weapons for boarding, shore duty etc as needed.
30 Oarsmen per side, total 60. (under manned for a vessel of its class)
45 sailors, manning main guns, the sails, and the rudder. (can only man 5-6 of the main guns at once.)
3 Officers of the deck. Marine Comandor, Gunnery officer, and the Master of Oars.


Iron Dragon is a heavy river patrol boat and coastal vessel, painted in muddy and darker tones fitting its previous duty. The battered, older and more worn vessel has long been the butt of jokes of the more flamboyant and ornately decorated vessels of the fleet. She is undermanned for her size having been assigned the far less glamorous duty of river patrols, younger men often gravitating to the more exciting sea duty.

However its heavy guns, and armour have surprised the more arrogant captains soon finding Iron Dragons battered exterior is hiding a capable vessel of war, and her long guns give it a surprising range built at first to attack enemy land defences and river fortifications.

Built of thicker timbers its hull is well protected against lighter weapons fire and roof is reinforced with battered, repaired and scarred Iron plating from close engagements. All this armour and heavy guns have however slowed the old ship down and is one of the slower vessels in the fleet, taking more time to turn, move and get underway. Unlike its sea going sisters it can turn in a small area due to shallow draft but its mass has made this a slow and labour intensive exercise as its rowing crew is undersized for a vessel of its class.

Being a river boat its lower draft means it’s less stable in rough seas, and unable to deploy in open sea or coastal strom conditions. This also means though it can sail closer to shore and operate in areas sea going ships cannot.

Much like a Turtle ship, of a slightly older design than some of the ships in the fleet, its battered figure head though patched, repaired And scarred has never been replaced since its duty started and is considered a honour to carve your name into its timber for acts of heroism, Valor, and distinction.


How it got to battle.

Iron Dragon was a assigned to river patrol duty when the war broke out. During the invasion it supported a local Lords defense of several key fords and held off several vanguards before the main army arrived.

Outnumbered and vulnerable to enemy artillery in the cramp rivers she was forced back several times and despite inflicting heavy losses the ground war was quickly lost.

The captains skill and years of experience enabled him to evade the enemy for days and pick off a few enemy patrols, bridges and slow down the advance in his sector. Soon a captured group of river boats where put to hunt him down and despite beating the ill experienced troops who manned them they where only delaying the inevitable.

While holding up for repairs in one of the few remaining loyal river bases the call up for all ships to join the defence of the Strait.

Knowing it was a desperate battle, and that the war was going badly the crew voted and decided to join the fleet despite not being officially a Navy warship they joined a determined few ships willing to make a final honorable stand for there country.

Sailing into the gathering point the battered, bloodied but proud river boat joined its Navy cousins, its Armour dented, hull riddled with bullet scars and bolt heads still stuck in its thick timbers. No time to repaint her for coastal deployment she still sports her proud river camouflage setting her apart from the warships of the Navy.

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