Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Thread Generator SIN
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Thread Generator SIN

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The doberman turned up a nose at Gharn as he sneered and flexed. The display of power was dismissed just like the many other threats and impetuous requests that came to the doberman. What did surprise him was the sight of lion like features as they subtly flashed across the scantily clad man's figure. The momentary glance of awe was just as quickly replaced with disinterest as the small showcase which only lasted as long as Gharn's attention span served only to explain the feline scent the bartender had distastefully picked up on. He dragged a minimal scowl over to Aedre, somewhat aloof as she made her request. It took a moment, but the doberman finally digested what she requested, and managed a slight chuckle.

"I dig your taste doll." With a sly wink and a haughty grin, the bartender snapped his gloved fingers, triggering ripples of motion to surge through the shelves of liquor and spirits. Fluid danced in the rainbow of various bottles, all different sizes and shapes, as they rattled and spun. Subtle chiming rang out in a gentle harmony of clinking glass. Several pieces of shiny metal glimmered dimly in the muggy light, scattering out from the drying rack into the air above the bar. A swift right hand smoothly swept across the mahogany counter top and the young hooded woman's coins disappeared between nimble fingers. She felt a brief breeze of crisp and frigid air kiss her skin, brushing across her cheeks and over her shoulders. An ice chest slammed behind the doberman. In that moment the coins became three ice cubes, misting faintly in the tepid air as they were juggled across gloved knuckles. With his other hand, the doberman procured a tall icy highball glass clouded by a thin layer of frost from behind his back.

A trio of knives shuffled up from a suddenly open drawer, flashing through the air. Dry scratching hissed from the bottom of the straw basket of produce as a grapefruit and a lime chased each other around its edges until they were a blur of green and yellow gravitating into the air like a halo. Metallic clangs and clatters chimed out from the flurry of levitating blades as they seized into motion, carving through the fruit spinning in the air in a whirl of chrome and citrus until several disc shaped slices as thin as a coin spun out like a tornado of greens, pinks, and yellows. The rattling of the dancing bottles clattering against each other on the shelves gave way to the sound of a resounding clang as a bottle of liquid clear and pure fell forward. The cap spun off and the aroma of vodka wafted through the air, tickling at Aedre's nostrils as the pristine liquor defied gravity, snaking through the air. Iron taps protruding from the gnarled wood of juice baring barrels behind the bar clicked open, giving way to streams of juices from cranberries and grapefruit.

All the liquids swirled into the air, sealed away as the pieces of shiny metal came back together, closing around the rainbow of juices and vodka in the form of a shaker. A sound similar to maracas hissed out, accompanied by the acute tings of the bartender flicking each of the ice into the frosted glass before setting it down on the counter in front of Aedre. Knives bobbed away, filing into the sink and then onto the drying rack while the shaker tumbled down into gloved hands ready to catch it. After a quick twirl, the shaker's end popped off, and a sweet smelling amber cocktail poured out through a chrome grate and into the glass, spinning the cubes of ice around its insides as they floated up. Four paper thin fruit slices, two of each grapefruit and lime, slide onto glass's crystalline edges. "One Sea Breeze. Enjoy." The drink was presented and with a quick lick of his snout, the bartender moved on. However, before he reached the next customer, there was a sudden halt in the dobermans motions as his ears perked up, pointing into the air and tuning through the sounds of the bar like antenna. His eyes narrowed, shifting toward the entrance as he passed a muddled, smoke filled growl under his breath.

Shadows crowded the sunlight peaking in through the front doors as a gathering of silhouettes loomed in front of them. Sounds of merry died into curious awes and confusion as several men uniformed in white, blue and gold marched in, boorishly pushing passed the crowds of patrons. Soldiers that bore the mark of the World Navy across their coats and shoulders. Sheathed sabers and flint lock rifles rattled amongst the men, accompanied by the clatter booted footsteps. Seeking eyes studied the tavern, gazing over the clientele until one of the soldiers eyes locked on something toward the back of the bar. "There!" Not wanting to be shoved out of the way or to the ground, the crowd cleared a path for the navy troopers as a hasty advance was made toward the darker recesses until they were all gathered around a single table at the back of the room. The same table everyone else steered clear of.

The soldiers were twelve in all, as was common to most World Military squads, lined up and rowed next to each other in a disciplined formation as if they'd done it a thousand times. "Just as we suspected! Looks like our intel was right." Stepping forward from the ranks of soldiers was an imposing man decorated with badges and medals across the front of his coat and a gold pin at the center of his cap. The symbol of a World Navy Imperial Vice Captain. "So you finally decided to show your treasonous faces after all this time Red Fang Pirates? Quite a severe mistake." Wooden rattling and clicks hissed out from amongst the soldiers as they readied their rifles, training them on the darkened figures sitting at the table. "Now you'll be coming with us peacefully if you know what's good for you, and you'll be telling us where the Goddess Shard is too. Or it'll be the last mistake you've ever made!" With a deft motion, the vice captain rose a hand, ready to signal an execution.

A wicked smirk, filled with stained and crooked teeth, stretched across the mulish grimace of the pirate with the tattoo. Wiping some foam from the corner of his bristled maw with an ample forearm, the pirate turned over his fist slowly, revealing with a slight of hand trick a massive brilliantly gleaming pure blue sapphire almost as large as a skull. The precious stone rested in the scared palm of the grinning man, striking awe into the soldiers as they let out a concurrent gasp. "Dis be what ye lookin' fer mates?" he asked in a deep ragged voice that riled forth like an engine. "Well? Come an get it ye dogs!" An irritated scowl replaced the vice captain shocked expression. "You fools! To carry it on you...now we need not take you alive! Execute them! Don't hit the shard!" Flashes of igniting gunpowder and a rattle of rifles going off filled the tavern as the soldiers fired upon the table of pirates.

As the smoke cleared, the vice captains scowl quickly reverted back to shock as his jaw dropped in disbelief. "Wha...what is this?" In spite of the assault from the firing squad, there was no damage. Not to the pirates, or any of the furniture. Instead, something drifted in the air above the table. Glimmering faintly in the dim light of the tavern as they hung motionless in the air were several small led balls. It wasn't that the bullets missed, but rather that they had stopped midair. "Gyaaahahahahaha! Whassa matter mates!? Ye look upset that I took yer balls! Don't worry ye heads, I'll give 'em back to ya. 'Ere ya go!" By the will of the laughing pirate, the bullets shot back out, returning to their original owners and striking each of the soldiers, piercing through the front of their skulls with sickening thunks before sending the formation quickly toppling to the ground. "See? Aren't I a nice bloke?" The vice captain, the last remaining, took a step back as his gazed darted over his fallen troops desperately. "Y-you...b-bastard! You'll pa-" Blood spurted from his throat and nose abruptly cutting of the vice captain mid sentence as something pierced his chest, stabbing through from his back after ripping through the symbol of the World Navy across his coat, quickly staining it with a stream of blood. Looking down with pain stricken eyes, the soldier looked down at the black blade that had cut through his innards. His gaze followed the edge of the weapon down until he was gazing over his shoulder to the floor behind him, as the slender black painted man with violet eyes and a malicious smile that was impaling him snaked out of the shadow at his feet.

Death took the vice captain as the blade was ripped out of him, sending him falling into a bloody heap against the floorboards. The slender figure disappeared from the shadow of the decorated soldier and reemerged next to the tattooed pirate. "Thass the way Logia. Now go find the rest of those navy rats...an show 'em to the locker." Tucking the shard back into the recesses of his worn lambskin coat, the tattooed pirate kicked over the corpse of a soldier in his was before taking up his mug of ale and resuming his drinking, as if nothing ever happened. Papers scattered from the jackets of one of the soldiers, spreading across the floor. Painted across the front of each were marks identical to the tattoos across the burly pirates chest and rewards in gold marked at the millions. A kings ransom. Nodding and finishing off his own drink, the black painted man sank into his own shadow below the table. Silence plagued the tavern as the crowds of patrons and waitresses gazed in awe at the scene.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dealdric
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Dealdric Essence of Purgatory

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

...The sea was angry, and I dismaying it. I wouldn't give for the town on shore was ahead. The sea was angry, for someone had angered her and stole from her...

Enigma came ashore, water moving out of his path as he walked on land for the first time in twenty years. He walked into town, people hurrying out of his imposing path. He went into the tavern, damaging the door in the progress. Everyone looked at him, for he was strange, an enigma of life with a angry presence. He walked towards the bar, water soaking the boards underneath his 7ft bulk. The boards protested with his thudding foot steps. THUD-RRRRR.....THUD-RRRR.....THUD-RRRR

He removed his helmet and sat it on the floor, revealing the scarred and gray husk underneath. [breaths heavily]...beer....cost?" he said holding up some gold coins.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dealdric
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Dealdric Essence of Purgatory

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

As Enigma finished his pint, he put his helmet back on, re-attaching the tubes. He left coins on the bar and surveyed the room. He saw no one of consequence to him, till he saw the dead soldiers that he had ignored. He saw the artifact, and it was causing chaos. He looked at the pirate, allowing his hateful energy to hit the pirate as well as the thought of being watched. He saw one of his friends had a electrical machine on him. "Heh hehe heeh..." he cackled with a reverberating tone.He flicked his hand and the pirate underling was shocked, non-lethal amount sadly. The underling hit the floor stunned, making patrons and staff snicker or laugh. He walked towards the door, remarking "I..take pleasure..in the sim..ple things", for he had an idea.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rekaigan
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Rekaigan Rolling Sushi

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Yeva Darbinian


Yeva could understand such a bitter feeling that the Otterkin must have. She was someone who lived life as a mercenary and a gunsmith, so such emotions were commonly seen within her trade. Whether it be from others who hold contempt for her family or just a failed experiment. The silent woman nodded slightly as he bought out his crossbow. She personally didn't see the crossbow as an efficient weapon, but this was coming from a gunsmith with some of the rarest weapons in the continent, of course she'd see it as primitive already. It had it's merits, but it was completely out-classed by any form of steam-powered firearm.

The mute's gaze turned to the door as the World Military marched through the door. Their movements and formation seemed more mechanical than her own machines, which made her chuckle inwardly. As any mercenary would be, she disliked the World Military. Too dogmatic for her tastes. Interestingly, her family usually has weapon deals with them because they make good patrons with their endless money pouches. Yeva raised an eyebrow as one of the men at a table was identified as a Red Fang. As she caught a glimpse of the Goddess Shard, her hand instantly fell onto her pistol, ready to draw. However she didn't. The gunsmith wasn't going to start a fire fight with the Red Fang and the World Military around. If word got to them that a Darbinian was around, they'd most likely pounce. While Darbinians wore their crest with pride, they also steered clear of direct contact with the World Military.

Yeva watched in disbelief as ever shot that the soldiers fired was stopped by an invisible force that the pirate controlled. Could it be the power of the shard or his own? She had heard rumors of such powers in the grapevine, but to witness it was something else. It wasn't long before all the soldiers in the squad were peppered by their own bullets. Although she kept a hand on her pistol, she knew that there was nothing she could do to that man unless she could assassinate him from a fair distance. A position not available to her at this moment, so the waiting game had begun. The killer of the Vice captain seemed familiar to Yeva, but she couldn't quite place a name to it.. 'Logia' she heard. Ah yes, now she remembered. Unfortunately she had very little information beyond the name and their association with the Red Fang.

When she thought that the excitement had died down, a hulk of a thing walked into the tavern. All 7ft of it. She blankly stared at the... Deep sea diver.. thing.. as it ordered a pint and gulped it down in a single swig. Even though it may be a hulking mass, it was a foolish beast. 'How idiotic..' She thought as it started trying to antagonize the Red Fang. It's actions confused Yeva to no end as it's arrival was seemingly as random as it's actions.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by GrizzTheMauler
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GrizzTheMauler a real bear

Member Seen 29 days ago

Hayden stiffened as the soldiers entered. Could his father have already known where he was going? Their actions proved two things. These were you're everyday soldiers, and that man held the key to his freedom. Hayden's tail flicked softly behind him as he watched in horror as the men were slaughtered, clenching his fists. He knew better than to get involved, they were no doubt more of these men... Then that... Creature entered the scene. Hayden was convinced at that point that the only thing he had yet left to see today was an actual god because this was borderline insanity or the inexperienced otter. His eyes flicked rapidly across the room as he leaned over to Yeva and whispered to her softly.

"What is even going on right now... I know that's the Shard... but what exactly just happened here... As much as I hate to leave the crystal behind could we just.. get out and trail him, or do we go on the attack?" He slowly reached for his shield, feeling his enchantments flicker which filled him with some comfort. Keeping his eyes on the Pirate and the creature he was ready for pretty much anything that came his way.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Thread Generator SIN
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Thread Generator SIN

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Slight irritation lingered across the tattooed pirate's bearded grimace as the large deep sea diver struck down one of his more common looking lackeys among the table with what appeared to be electricity before haplessly walking off toward the exit. An aggravated voice roiled from the pirate. "An' jist where d'ya think ya be goin ya massive tin can?" Faint screeches and creaks eked out of Enigma's suit as the inner workings began to lock up. "Ya think ye can jist barge in 'ere an rough up me men." Overwhelming weight dragged on the metal aspects of the massive armored suit, locking in place as a powerful magnetic force took a hold of the diver. Pushing the wooden bar table into the corner with a loud clatter, the pirate stood up and began stepping toward Enigma. He clumsily tucked the large sapphire behind his back as he moved passed the other patrons. "Tha'd be my job...bein the cap'n an all."

Yeva and Hayden both got an eyeful of the massive blue rock, as well as the pirate's hairy lower backside which peeked over his slightly sagging trousers as he sauntered passed. The shard was barely able to fit beneath the mans belt, but appeared as though it could be taken without notice if done very carefully and quickly while he was distracted. "So, I see ye be wearin quite a bit o' metal huh? Thas' convenient. D'ya wanna guess what they call me on the seas?" Enigma felt himself turn, the metal in his suit taken control of and rotated until he was facing the mulish visage of the tattooed pirate. A wicked chuckle escaped him as he drew his saber from a leather scabbard hanging at his side as he neared the diver. With a swift stab, the sword connected, impacting with a piece of paper on the ground at the divers feet. He lifted the paper on the edge of the blade and brought up into his grasp. With a vile smirk, he turned the page, showing the wanted posters sketch of his own face and a fifteen million gold bounty below it. He read off his name with a brimming arrogance about his bellowing raspy voice. "I'm Captain o' the red fang pirates, Tychus G. Cutlass, the magnet marauder. I've been gifted by the great gods with the ability to control metal."

The other pirates sitting at the table all stood, gathering around Enigma. Each face came to light, sharing the visage with the many wanted posters that were scattered across the ground. Fendel Black, the dancing dagger; A man in strange patchy mismatched clothing with wickedly curved blades and a fluidity in his step. Y'val Ishir, the mad mind reader; A man with fair ebony skin and billowy eccentric garnets of blue and purple, carrying a staff tipped with a small red jewel. Haze, the venomancer; An old pale hunchback with a long white beard and wiry hair that leaked a thin green mist from the corner of his mouth. Logia, the living shadow; Just left the tavern. There were a couple other lesser pirates among the group, not counting the one laying on the ground still seizing from the electric shock he received. Tychus let a devious chortle rumble out of his belly, before pointing his blade at Enigma. "Yer gonta make a good figurehead fer me ship."
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Tybalt Capulet
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Tybalt Capulet Honorable Heretic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Mira was nothing if not quick-witted. At the arrival of the soldiers, she shifted immediately from her tired, somewhat closed-off facade to an image that fit what would be expected of her: the classic whore. She let the straps of her dress fall nearly free from her shoulders, and practically draped herself against the bar, drink held lazily in one hand. Her mouth shifted from a firm half-frown to a soft pout, and she carefully pulled a strand of her fiery-red hair free to dangle in front of her face. The transformation complete, she hoped to blend into the background of the bar, appearing at once appealing and beneath the notice of the guards and pirates alike. It was a dangerous balance; if she took the facade too far, she'd draw attention rather than avoiding it, but it was her best shot at the moment. Better to be dismissed as just another harlot than to be seen as a lovely bystander, worthy of the attention of the pirates or guards.

Half of her worries disappeared as quickly as the bullets flying into the heads of the guards. It was down to the pirates and the tavern's inhabitants, and Mira didn't fancy her chances if it came down to an altercation. She slowly began trailing one hand towards her plunging collar, resting her fingers lightly on the handle of the tiny steam-powered pistol tucked inside her garments. She hoped it wouldn't come to that, as the Pirate captain had apparent invulnerability when it came to anything metallic, which all of her weapons were. With a frustrated, though quiet, sigh, she let her arm fall back to her side. She had little to no chance if it came to a fight; it was better to stay in the background.

Her careful consideration was cut off by the arrival of the metal-clad... whatever it was. Apparently ignorant of the threat before him, the man (creature?) was suddenly the center of everyone's attention... and Mira was afforded a glimpse of the gem which had until now been hidden from her view. It was a lovely thing... well worth risking a chance at theft... But no. There were simply too many pirates. She sighed petulantly and whispered, soft as a breath, to the mute girl seated near her. "Is there any chance that you know a secret exit... maybe a trapdoor in the cellar or something? This has to be the best time to get out of here..."

@Rekaigan@Thread Generator Sin
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Overlord Thraka
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Overlord Thraka That Which is Hateful

Member Seen 18 min ago

Gharn stammers come to a halt as he notices the soldiers burst into the room and surround the pirates. He watches curiously, then nearly jumps out of his skin at the crackle of rifle fire. He's never so much as heard of a gun before, so seeing so many fired at once in such an enclosed space spooks him badly. His body cracks and begins to expand. His ribcage bursts outwards, his legs crack and reform and a tail sprouts from just above the waistband of his pants. Golden fur grows quickly over him as his mane of dirty blonde hair turns into a literal mane as the lion takes control.

He roars in anger, ears still ringing. He ignores the pretty woman at the bar, despite her exposing even more of herself on account of the action surrounding her, and bellows at the closest perceived threat, that being the Pirate Captain before him. Gharn strides forwards, his massive form knocking aside anyone in his way, grabs a table and hurls it like a frisbee at the Pirate. "You stop! Leave metalman alone! You make much trouble, and I want to fight now!". His massive muscled form roars in a terrifying manner before grabbing another table to throw.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rekaigan
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Rekaigan Rolling Sushi

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

It would seem that Yeva was suddenly the 'go-to' gal for information on what to do in a situation like this. Naturally people trusted a Darbinian to know what to do at all times. Unfortunately for them, Yeva was still a greenhorn among such a family, but not so inexperienced that she had no idea how to proceed.

Gunsmiths were known for their skills with handicrafts... This also included sleight of hand. With a quick movement Yeva leaned forward, acting like a drunkard, and snatched the blue stone as the pirate sauntered passed them, pocketing it hopefully before anyone could notice. With the stone in pocket, it was high time to leave. The lion-man had begun his rampage and such a distraction boded well for them. She glanced at Hayden and the.. woman, tapping the side of her nose and giving them a smirk. There was no 'secret' door in this tavern. None that she knew of. There was a closed skylight above them, but getting to that was a chore in itself and it would attract too much attention.

Cellars tend to lead nowhere, especially in taverns. The only time a cellar would lead somewhere is if the place was run by someone Underground.. Which wouldn't be the more farfetched thing in this neck of the woods, but prying eyes and enemies lurked everywhere. Trust no-one.

The gunsmith got up from her stool and slowly started toward the tavern's main entrance, simply weaving passed the scatter chairs, bodies, and tables. Her hand still on her pistol, ready to draw.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Saquira
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Answering the bartenders comment with a smile, Aedre watched with interest as he prepared her drink with a proficiency that she’d never even imagined seeing. She was so entranced by the show that the freezing breeze over her cheek came as a shock, and she tried to mask her slight jump by shifting slightly backwards. Her amused smile was quite a bit wider when he placed the glass before her and she thanked him for the drink.

She raised the glass to her lips for a drink and didn’t notice how the doberman stilled until she lowered the glass again. Then she turned slightly from the bar to watch the entrance as a World Military squad marched in. She watched them carefully as she nursed her drink and leaned back on the bar, then stiffened when every bullet they fired was stopped in the air. What followed was a slaughter, and Aedre placed her glass back on the counter before reaching onto her back to release her staff and hold it. She didn’t recognise the Red Fang pirates, but with the bounty on their heads and the large gem their leader carried Aedre figured other people were likely to attack them at any moment.

As another person stepped through the entrance Aedre stayed carefully reclined at the bar, and the sight of the hulking man in the deep sea suit surprised her far more than the military. As he drank his beer and then attacked the pirates she could only shake her head in disbelief and stayed seated even as the pirates went on the offensive. Talk of a secret exit attracted her attention to some other people at the bar in time to see a young brunette lean forward when the pirate captain walked past. As well as the gem was on display it wasn’t hard to guess what she was going for.

When one of the men suddenly transformed into a lion and the woman who’d grabbed the gem started to make her way out of there, Aedre used the commotion the pirates and the werelion both contributed to and stepped away from the bar, in amongst some of the tables where people were only getting more and more agitated. She used the noise of the tables being thrown to knock over a couple of chairs with her staff and making their occupants come up swinging for a culprit. She kept out of their sight lines just enough that they didn’t notice her and instead went after the patrons closest to them.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by GrizzTheMauler
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GrizzTheMauler a real bear

Member Seen 29 days ago

Hayden watched as Yeah nicked the Shard, holding his breath. He watched the pirate not notice the theft and start dealing with the metal man. Oh gods...
This isn't good... If he finds that we nabbed it... What did you get yourself into Hayden...
Seeing that another had joined into the fray, a lion man, he shook his head. Hopefully nothing would get thrown his way....

He was too busy in his thoughts to notice Yeva decide to get going but once he looked at the empty chair and noticed she was on the move, Hayden collected his things, clicking the inset in his sword to blunt it since he didn't want the Pirate Captain to use it against him. He followed after Yeva, trying not to attract attention, using the chaos of the pub to get outside unnoticed. "Gods help us..." He looked toward Yeva. "So... That was exciting...." His tail was flicking nervously behind him, betraying his calmish demeanor.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dealdric
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Dealdric Essence of Purgatory

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Thread Generator SIN

"It's not a suit, it is me, and that is no gift" Enigma says starting to stand up with strain. "And only the lady of the sea and a child of power controls me human" he remarked. He pulled his left hand and gave them a mean gesture, and turned and got out of the artifacts range and left the tavern.

"no good mortal scum, if he didn't have the artifact, I would rip his puny face off and make him eat the skin. Then who would be having the last laugh? Me Damnit! he said headed towards the docks. "Let's see how his boat looks with a few drill holes in the port side hull. HEHHEHEH-metallic cough-. With that he jumped into the water and went to work.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Thread Generator SIN
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Thread Generator SIN

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

A cool sensation grazed Yeva's fingers as she took the large blue gem into her hands. It glimmered faintly, the glistening light seeming to call out to her. A gentle tingle spidered up her arms and the hairs on the back of her neck stood on end. The feeling passed as the stone disappeared, stashed away while the nimble young woman made her escape toward the exit. She might have been spotted if it wasn't for the sudden imposing form of a large table being chucked through the air.

"Wha-wait a min-!" Tychus yelped, raising a hand in the air toward the incoming piece of furniture trying to evoke his powers, but to no effect as he was smacked by the wooden table and sent hurtling back. The grip of his ability loosened, allowing Enigma to escape. A clatter of noise knocked about as the pirate crashed against the wall an landed in a heap of chairs and tables. A unanimous shocked gasp rose from the tavern, followed by a brief silence. Some rustling escaped the pile, jostling a chair aside as the pirate's hand emerged. "Don' just bloody stand there ye scurvy ridden idiots...Kill that overgrown cat!!"

A jolt shocked through the pirates as the command of their infuriated captain bellowed out, but before they could scramble to engage the lion man, a commotion began to ring out through the crowd near the bar. "Hey what's wrong with you?!" "What are you talking about?!" "You got a problem?!" A harsh exchange of words quickly became an exchange of punches as drunken fists went flying in every direction. In a matter of moments, the aggression spread like a wave as fighting spurred out through the tavern's patrons, sending them seizing into an inebriated brawl.

Pushing chairs and broken bits of table out of his path, Tychus managed to stumble to his feet, bitterly grumbling in an incoherent dialect as he wiped away a track of blood leaking from his nose. Brushing himself off, his eyes grew wide and his jaw nearly dropped to the ground. "Th-th-th..." A bead of sweat trailed down the side of his awe stricken grimace as he struggled to believe what he felt, or rather, what he didn't feel as his hands brushed over his rump.


Looking around over the uproar of tussling patrons, Tychus' shocked expression contorted with rage as he noticed of everyone fighting or playing bystander, the trio making for the exit. "The door! Get after 'em!" Lost in the tangle of brawling patrons, the rest of the pirates struggled to follow Yeva, Aedre, and Hayden. The toil of drunkards managed to hold them back, but it wouldn't be for long. The attention was off Gharn, at least for the moment, as nobody was eager to involve the angry looking lion man in the fist fight...or get near him for that matter.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Tybalt Capulet
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Tybalt Capulet Honorable Heretic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The chaos supplied a beautiful opening, one not to be ignored or taken for granted. Mira peeled herself free from the bar and slunk sinuously through the crowd, each footstep landing softly yet surely on the boarded floor. If she was to make it out of this place, she needed to find someone who looked intimidating enough to keep away potential threats, yet not so mighty that she couldn't take her leave should she decide that she was tired of company. It was a half-moment decision, and she was in the melee almost instantly. A few careful ducks and sidesteps put her directly behind the now-fully-bestial lion-man. With a breath to steady herself, Mira firmly tapped the man's shoulder, sidling up to him with all the fluid grace of a serpent.

"Oh, dear. It's getting quite messy in here, isn't it? I don't suppose you'd like to get out of here, hmm, darling? I can think of ever so many things I'd rather do than watch a fight, and I wouldn't want you to get hurt in this mess." She trailed one slim-fingered hand down his muscular chest. "We wouldn't want to mar this..." With that, she took his mighty hand in her dainty one, and made a beeline for the door, taking the same path that the mute girl had just moments before.

@Overlord Thraka
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dealdric
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Dealdric Essence of Purgatory

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Enigma walked for awhile in the moonlight noticing a trail of a lone person's footprints. He wondered why somebody would be walking alone, and decided to make sure if the child was okay, thanks to his nature. If he found the person okay, he would be find, but he wasn't sure what was going on. But, now days, tracking for him has gone bad. He could hardly tell the difference between a rabbits trail and a coconut crab trail. How embarrassing... he thought.

He followed the prints for a while, not knowing what made them. He also saw a trial of energy now accompanying the footprints.
Then, after a while of following, he saw a young Darbinian and noticed the shard. If she has the shard, then she is in danger. I'm going to have to help now. DAMNIT!

I walked up to her and said"You..have lady of the seas relic. And since you seem to have a good self being, I will assist you. Whether you like it or not, Darbinian"

"That's right I know your name, particularly me meeting your grandfather. Very similar behavior. HAH..HAH..HAH."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Overlord Thraka
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Overlord Thraka That Which is Hateful

Member Seen 18 min ago

Gharn is enjoying himself immensely. Not a single one of these humans are a match for him and he's laughing gleefully at the displays of brutal violence he's unleashing. He picks up one pirate, hurls him through a window, then grabs another one by both arms and pulls until he loses one. He's currently stamping a man's head into a pulpy stain on the floor when he feels someone tap his shoulder. He turns quickly, roaring and ready to annihilate his target only to find it's the beautiful woman from before. He stops mid-swing, his huge paw inches from tearing her face off, and looks down at her in surprise. "What are you-" he starts, his jaw agape at the woman's... everything, her daring to get into the fight, her assets, her boldness to sneak up behind him, her assets and her flirting with him in the middle of a brawl.

"I-I-I-" Gharn stammers, and if he could blush in this form, his face would be beet red. "I c-can help-" he begins, only to be interrupted by having to block a pirate from slashing Mira by using his forearm as a shield. He roars in pain as a deep cut is opened on his arm by the man's cutlass, then swings a mighty backhand, sending the man into a table, splintering it.

He looks back down at the beautiful creature running her hand over his stomach seductively and is about to make a decision, when the decision is made for him. "I protect y-!!!" The woman grabs his hand and drags him towards the exit, he goes along willingly, knowing that if he didn't the woman would have upended herself trying to yank him like she is. Any ruffian who comes near them receives the business end of a set of claws, and more than a couple are slain before Gharn finally exits with Mira. Once out of immediate danger Gharn turns back into his human form, allowing him to be less awkward having to bend over so much to keep a hold on Mira's hand. "What now? Where go?"
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rekaigan
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Rekaigan Rolling Sushi

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Yeva didn't bother to look back at the bar brawl, swiftly leaving the building and walking slightly to the side of the door in case any random patron or debris flew out the entrance. She glanced at Hayden, giving him a playful smirk and a pat on the shoulder as if to tell him that he needs to relax. The Darbinian observed her hand for a moment, rolling up her sleeve to inspect her arm. The shard had sent a weird feeling up her arm when she had grabbed it, but it seemed that it didn't do anything tangible.

For now, they needed to get out of this town. The pirate is going to be searching high and low for his shard and there's no doubt that he had spotted the two of them leaving.. Unless the carnage in the tavern had distracted him that much. Suddenly, she heard a thumping noise close behind her; she took a step forward before pivoting her body, swiftly drawing her pistol, aiming it at the incoming giant. It was the walking tin can. She glared at him for a moment before he started speaking, her aim trained on the weirdo's wobbling head.

"You..have lady of the seas relic. And since you seem to have a good self being, I will assist you. Whether you like it or not, Darbinian" He said. She didn't really believe him in the slightest. This relic is something that everyone wanted and she wasn't about to trust a random walking, talking diving suit.

"That's right I know your name, particularly me meeting your grandfather. Very similar behavior. HAH..HAH..HAH."

Despite the giant's supposedly familiarity with her family, he still hadn't said her name, let alone her grandfather's, despite 'knowing' them. She didn't actually know much about her grandfather, but he was a legend nonetheless. What the diver said was partly true, however. Many a time has she been told that she was similar to him, not that it changed anything.

Yeva took another few steps back, away from the walking tin can, her trigger finger ready to blow his head off his shoulders.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dealdric
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Dealdric Essence of Purgatory

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Fine, be that way Yeva. I know you're mute, but that's just rude."

He followed anyway.

"You do know you're bullet is basically useless with my helmet on right? The last person who tried that now has a whole in his chest. A very big whole." He said with his helmet light turned red. He still followed, but kept his distance, cause he knew that even though he was basically bullet proof, Darbinians were smart, she'd figure out quickly that the relic she has can way him down as long as he is near her.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Saquira
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Once she was certain that most of the bar had gotten involved in the brawl Aedre made her way to the door, carefully avoiding anyone who looked likely to throw a punch her way. She looked back briefly before she stepped outside to see what was going on with the pirates and her eyes widened slightly as she found that they were heading in the same direction.

Aedre stepped into the shadows of the buildings as soon as she’d gotten outside and kept an eye out for the woman who’d stolen the shard and the man she’d left the bar with even as she made her way down the road away from the bar. Aware of how close behind her the pirates were, she kept her staff in hand as she moved, and it didn’t take long before she encountered the thief facing off with the man in the deep sea suit. That was a surprise, but not as much of one once she heard what he had to say.

“He’s a guardian, most of their purpose in life is to protect and help whoever they find worthy of it,” she stated as she approached the trio. “The pirates aren’t going to be stuck inside much longer, and you’re not all that hard to find at the moment,” Aedre said with a slight smile as she turned to Yeva and Hayden, looking them over and quietly taking note of their weapons.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by GrizzTheMauler
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GrizzTheMauler a real bear

Member Seen 29 days ago

Hayden stayed close to Yeva. He wasn't looking at her, but at the door with his shield up when he touched his shoulder so he flinched and swallowed. "This is why I didn't join the fighters..." Putting his stuff away he pulled out a piece of charcoal and started writing runes on the ground. A shimmering veil appeared next to where they were, acting as a form of cover. It wouldn't stop the pirate, but it would definitely give him pause. As he finished, he noted the two new people and blinked.

"Gods... This day is just a hell of a ride..." Hayden looked at the guardian with interest. He'd never seen anything like it this close before, and he didn't trust it. But he knew Yeva could handle herself so he went back to keeping watch. Putting the charcoal stick back in his bag he picked up his sword and kept watch.
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