Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Isilfarrel Mornelis


"Special present?" Isil questioned. Well, it wasn't likely to be something special as far as she cared...but she couldn't exactly say something that rude out loud. That would be a rather embarrassing mistake to make in that regard. She'd get to that later though, for now she might as well start with the lesson. She wasn't looking forward too it too much, though. It wasn't likely to be something she didn't already have knowledge of. With a friendly smile, Isil moved towards one of the empty work tables.

"Very well then Mistress Liyva." She replied. "I am looking forward to getting started."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Spirit
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


The master giggled to herself before speaking, "This class as the name suggests focuses on magical application. The usage of magic in creative and useful ways. It also covers methods of using magic that are... A tad more complex? Focuses, puzzles, interesting and less conventional enchantments etc. As well as methods of casting that could be considered unconventional." She extended her pale fingers and carved a light brown character into the air diagonal to the table, then immediately behind it a light pink character. Both glowed mainly a palish blue white color, but had a distinct outline of the colors that defined them. She then placed her hand behind them and weaved a new character slightly off in a new direction that glowed a pale green. She took a deep breath and began to flow the magic through the characters. Fine sand began to pour out of the brown character as an intense heat was felt from the pink, the sand turning into flakes of white hot molten earth as the third green character blew an intense vortex of wind confined to the molten earth. The material began to spin in the vortex as she sliced the sand and heat characters from the air and maintained the vortex. When she had pulled away and struck the character, a vertically long crooked cup like glass sculpture was left in it's place. She then weaved a pale blue character in the air above the hole of the figure, and flowed magic through it to produce water. What was left of her performance was a simple glass of water.

"Utility is the primary focus of this class. Performance, usage, application. Here you are encouraged to think outside the box my youngling. You will learn skill like making a focus, creating unique magical items, and odd spells that don't really seem to serve too many purposes, to an uncreative mind at least. If the class name strikes you as broad that's because, well, it is." She looked at her student as if waiting for anything more.


"Oh and we will! You seem like a fine young lady, I'm sure this class will be right up your ally don't you worry!" The teacher gave out a laugh before her face melted into an awe of excitement and she ran over to the door to repeat this process with a few more students now beginning to enter the class. Nothing too unusual, a few boys and a few girls, some young and some a bit older. But curiously enough, Isil WAS the only High Elf in the class. One figure to stand out though was an older student, one not on the list previously taller and much more well equipped than the other students to wander in. He seemed to have purpose, and confidence. But most unusually he bowed to the teacher with a smile and a greeting as if he had known her before. This was clearly someone with more experience than a first year student.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MULTI_MEDIA_MAN


Member Seen 3 days ago

Garanin Stonehewer

Giving his fellow dwarf a nod as he felt Dolvin slap him on the shoulder, taking another bite of the sandwich he'd been given. It reminded him of home, and that was quite a welcome feeling. He'd have to come back at some point, if only to share stories with the other dwarf.

"Understood. Thank ye for the food, Dolvin. 'Preciate it!" Shuffling over to the seats and sitting a respectful distance from Vale (he'd clearly put himself in the back for a reason, and Garanin didn't want to get too close anyway, to be perfectly honest), Garanin managed to finish his food and take a seat.

Here it was: day one.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MadManMoon
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MadManMoon Where Stories All Ring True

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Silias Aeson


So in other words, Silias had ended up in the 'miscellaneous' section. He supposed that, all things considered, it was probably for the better that he hadn't gotten assigned to an illusion-centric mentor.

Indeed, there was one thing in her opening monologue that he found particularly interesting.

He capitalized on the pause to get the Rune Weaver's attention. "You mentioned a powerful illusion over the ocean between this continent and your homeland. If it truly does appear as the edge of the world, then how did you manage to arrive at the Arcanium?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Isilfarrel Mornelis


Isil was definitely not thinking this was going to be 'right up her alley'. Ugh, healing magic wasn't her forte to begin with. Oh sure, she was a high-elf and objectively probably would be if she was good at it...but still. Isil shook her head. She could do this, right. She could definitely do it. As new students filtered into the room, Isil mostly kept to herself, but greeted each of them with a friendly smile, having already been introduced a bit to a few of them. Curiously though...she was the only high elf in the class. odd. She was expecting at least one or two more.

Well, that was fine.

She'd just have to work hard to be an exemplary member of the high elf race. That meant she'd need to be better than any of these humans whilst not being too proud about it. The only other student of note, was an older one. He was well equipped, and he hadn't been previously on the list. This filled Isil with a number of questions. There was the possibility that the headmistress had just straight up lied to her, but there was also the possibility this man was someone of importance.

Hm, she'd keep him in the back of her mind. Wouldn't be very nice or good to stare. So the elf settled in, and waited for lessons.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Spirit
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


The door towards the wall, shorter than most and mostly hidden behind the forge opened and shut very gently. The Dwarven Mastern forgeman turned to his Dwarfkin with a smile then turned towards the and spoke. "AH here he is. Master Rovi we have a few students eager to meet you today." He turned back to Garanin and spoke to him, "Brother, this is Master Rovi. The Grand Enchanter of the great Arcanium. Magical artisan of every enchantment that touches the metal of my forge." He stood with his arm extended at the door, a great awkward silence filling the gap in conversation as he awaited Garanin's reaction.



The teacher's eyes lost their luster and her gaze lowered downward. "That is..." Weakness was present in her voice, pattering into a very gentle soothing yet melancholy tone, "That is a story very, the phrase being, a very personal one for me. I'm sorry, I would prefer not to speak more of it." Her silver hair fell down to her shoulders as she began to make her way back to her desk. "Take your seats younglings, The class will begin in precisely 15 minutes." Her hand gracefully weaved a character into the air, beginning to shift it's shape into others as if it were counting down in some other language. The teacher sat in her chair and began to prepare her lesson in silence. Leaving her students to commune among themselves.



The students made their way to open seats, but the older student stood closer to the front of the room and made conversation with one of the male students that made their seat close by. He seemed friendly and calm, removed a pair of fine leather gloves he had on his hands, laying them down neatly on the table, and began to tell the conversation partner something about hand placement in spells. Soon Master Liyva made her way to the front of the room with a Jolly smile, "HELLOOO MY STUDENTS! GOOD MORNING AND GOOD DAY!" She made her rounds looking at each and every one of her students extruding an aura of overly enthusiastic happiness into the room. "I am very pleased to see you all here today, and welcome to the first year of Restoration magics. Now this school is not like most you see that have curriculum lessons or grades, you will be expected to learn and seek the knowledge yourselves outside of classes. But today, we have a simple lesson I enjoy teaching! The use of a Crystal of Wound Sealing. Waylin, if you would please?"

The Older Student took a basket from the window sill and began to pass out Large mostly clear crystals with the only impurity being a very unique and uncommon milky pink substance that seemed to float in the crystal like ink in water. Isil was the third of the students to receive it, and while this sort of crystal was fairly common in her home country as this was a elven technique she could very easily tell this was masterwork quality that was considered rare even among the nobles of the high elven cities. The crystal was far larger than Isil's hands, and as the Student called Waylin gave it to her he told her briefly "You don't want to drop this one." before moving on to the next student.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Scarescrow
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Scarescrow Sociopath

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Isabel nodded as her headmaster answer was exactly what she was looking for. The word “unconventional” echoing in Isabel's mind and surprised her. The thought of unbound by mortal thought somehow intrigued her and forced her to form a faint smile on her face. In Isabel's eyes, her headmaster seems to resemble her father in some way. Ms. Lunilia’s skin appeared to be paler while the rune on her skin began to glow in a light blue color. For moment, Isabel's headmistress becomes something absurd and surreal. Her hand action coordinate with the word she spoke and form a perfect harmony. And as usual from a master, the headmistress clearly demonstrated her specialty by creating a cup of water using a few runes that she weaves from the air.

Adding a note for herself to pick up some books about “Focus",”Basic Runes", and “Jiayun Continent", Isabel looked forward to what her headmistress will teach her. Afterall, Isabel left her home with a clear purpose.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MadManMoon
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MadManMoon Where Stories All Ring True

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Silias Aeson

Silias reflected upon the Rune Weaver's reaction. I see. There's an element of tragedy to her story. The question is... how to go about retrieving it? Clearly she isn't intent on sharing it in the next fifteen minutes, or at least lacks the time to properly explain it in detail. Or perhaps she could, but prefers not to in order to better control of her emotions. Either way, it seems I should investigate that later.

Silias considered how to fill the next fifteen minutes. Already, his fellow scholars were mostly conversing among themselves, talking about relatively menial things. Fascinating in its own right, to be sure, but to be entirely frank he would have rather had that book at hand. Which reminded him... he should probably look into at least one spell useful for quickly drying things without damaging them. A basic fire spell would be great at the former purpose, not so much for the latter.

Biblio crawled out of his coat collar so as to casually sit atop Silias' shoulder, in plain view of anyone who bothered to look in his direction. Silias idly noticed this, and nonchalantly rubbed his fingers over the familiar's back.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MULTI_MEDIA_MAN


Member Seen 3 days ago

Garanin Stonehewer

Garanin's head perked up the arrival of the Grand Enchanter was pointed out to him. This was his first impression, best not to muck it up. Standing from his seat and giving a salute, Garanin bowed his head in respect to the Grand Enchanter, but only for a brief moment. He didn't want to look too subservient, after all. "It's a pleasure and an honor ta meet ya, sir. I've been itchin' to learn more about enchanting since I learned ah've got the Gift!"

Giving a smile to Master Rovi before taking his seat once more, Garanin took a moment to look the Grand Enchanter up and down a bit, trying to get a read on him.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Spirit
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There was no audible response while the forge still hid from view sight of the Enchanter. After a short amount of awkward silence a very small mouse sized creature hidden behind a cloak and cap made it's way up to the cluttered counter in the corner of the room with a bag over it's shoulder. The dwarven smithy spoke to the creature after clearing his throat, "Master Rovi, our student has greeted you with great enthusiasm for your arrival." The creature looked to him and perked up for a moment, looked at the student and then let out an sharp chirp noise as if shocked it had not noticed it's guests. Master Rovi removed his cap and to large rabbit like ears unfolded down to his back from under a tuft of long brown hair that covered his head. The Enchanter spoke through curved almost pursued lips in a barely audible shout from over the crackles of the forge. "L'rei cal ta. Ti a' Ra-vi." The language was highly unfamiliar and choppy.



As the rune floating in the room began to shift in shape and form, a few more students began to filter into the room. Not many more as was to be expected of a school teaching such a niche skill like magic. They mingled among themselves for a bit before finding seats at different locations in the room. They were trying hard not to be too audible, and on one occasion a shy looking girl stood and went to go speak with her new mentor. They exchanged a few words and bowed to eachother before the girl retreated back to her seat and returned to her own book.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by MadManMoon
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MadManMoon Where Stories All Ring True

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Silias Aeson


The more that Silias thought to himself, the more he realized the depth of his folly. Yes, he had raised a valid question. Yes, he had no way of knowing what had led her to join the faculty of the Arcanium. However, emotionally unbalancing a teacher right before her first class of the year was not only a possible detriment to his learnings, but to his relationship with said teacher. If she was less willing to tolerate his presence, it would be considerably harder to learn more about her native culture. And considering the context clues in her response, it was likely that getting past that barrier would be incredibly difficult, if not impossible for her to accomplish.

In other words, he could be screwing up his singular chance to learn about it.

Silias got up from his desk as calmly as he could manage and walked up to the Rune Weaver's desk. Upon reaching it, he spoke quietly and sincerely. "I'm sorry for my ignorance. I did not intend for you to relive what were clearly uncomfortable memories, but the fact remains that I have. If you require any assistance, I will gladly offer it to the best of my ability."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by MULTI_MEDIA_MAN


Member Seen 3 days ago

Garanin Stonehewer

Garanin's jaw practically fell to the floor when he saw the Grand Enchanter. He...was a Tavi! They were literally mythical creatures. How...how was he staring at one right now? "Yer....He's.....I havenae clue what ta say, tah be honest wit' yah, sir. I...dinnae quite catch what ye just said yerself, ackshully..." He was confused, a little embarrassed, and not to mention a little excited with this new development. It fit that the Grand Enchanter of the Acranium was a Tavi, but he hadn't even imagined that he might ever come across one in his life, long as it might be.

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