Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 3 days ago

Perri Guthrie
Lo Town - Pokemon Sanctuary - Morning - Interacting With: Lisette, Ryan, and Sid


Perri got a really obvious hint over which direction this conversation was heading, especially since she outright ignored his question, but tried to take control over this whole situation. Looks like it was heading in that direction... oh well. You can't win em' all... or befriend em' all, that's for certain. But regardless...

Perri's expression darkened a bit, a still smile still lingering on his face as the girl prattled on about being socially inept and all that jazz. He nodded, still keeping an eye on her irritated face, pondering on if he should see how the girl might react if he just spoke up, saying "oh wow, you look even cuter when you're angry," but nah, his intuition was telling him that it was currently a bad idea.

So, he just simply kept his mouth sealed.

... for now, anywho...

Even so, during her "verbal beat down," he kept smiling, closed his eyes, and nodded constantly to each of the girls words. Mock sentiment, or not, one thing always went through his mind - "you don't need t'fix it if it ain't broken."

Eventually she ended it on a hollowed high note with a vague threat... or was it a warning... maybe both? Regardless, he didn't dwell on it too long, crossing over his arms over as she just called him off as a creep... and he chuckled, musing over that word as if it was a part of a greater schematic for life.

... but regardless, it was funny that she was calling him a creep when he immediately noticed the provocative view she was giving him. It only caused him to tilt his head in a quizzical matter, muttering something under his breath as he pressed one of his index fingers across his lips, as if to hide the fact he was speaking. "Hmm... not so different."

Soon enough, she left with a threat that actually wasn't vague, oh wow! An even larger smile crept up onto Perri's face, slowly and surely. He was playing should he or should he not with an invisible daisy in his head before coming to a conclusion... that was interrupted by a sudden tugging at his pants. Of course, that was the only thing to give him much pause and immediately turn that smile down just a notch.

Perri saw the way Lumino was glaring at him - it was a mixture of fear, but also a mixture of seriousness that told Perri to end this whole game. If anything, this kept him from properly shooting back an answer at the silk hiding steel cutie, but also gave him some time to consider what he was thinking.

"Lumino, come on, y'know I do all the time," the pokemon pouted at his response, albeit in an angry sort of way, shaking his head as if to deny Perri's chances of having more fun. The Roserade did his best to sty stoic, before Perri just shook his head and shrugged, inadvertently causing some of his white hair to obscure one of his eyes.

"Eh, fine, fine, I'll let this time go, buuuuuuut," he held up an index finger, wickedly grinning and squinting down onto Lumino, causing the small pokemon to tremble a bit.

"The next time an opportunity like this rises, I'm grabbin' at it, but only if Iiiiiii don't cause it... but jus' this once," he chuckled, silently battling against his fathers pokemon with their determination... which ultimately lead to Lumino leaning their head back, groaning a bit, and shrugging.

And to the victor, went the spoils.

"Yay, awesome," he shouted out, that devilish demeanor disintegrating as he cheerfully fist bumped into the air with a smile on his face. Letting his arm swiftly fall, he put a finger up to his lip, looking around, analyzing the area.

He already went that way, but there were a lot of people... sooooooooooo.

"Thattaway we go," he exclaimed, inadvertently walking in a path that was similar to the girl he tried to fluster.

As he began marching down the invisible path, Perri twisted and turned his head at every angle, scanning for any signs of trouble he could jump into. Machinations filled his head as he took note of two handsome fellas sitting under a tree... and that same cutie he tried to fluster.

Perri paused for a moment, pondering on if he could try to mess around with that chickadee again. Taking one step forward, he was stopped by Lumino, who quickly sped up from behind him and stared up at him, shaking his head as he crossed his arms. Perri smiled weakly at the Roserade and nodded, clenching one of his fists and slapping it on his hip.

... but then of course, there came that golden opportunity in the midst of a forlorn sea. As soon as Perri heard a couple of words escape from each of the boys mouths from a decent distance, all he could do was laugh.

At first, it started out soft, earning his father's Roserade a quizzical raise of his flowery eyebrow. Over time it began to rise up, before growing to be loud enough to resonate around the vicinity, and turn a few heads... but what of the twins and the chickadee?

If they were to gaze over, they would see Perri slowly sauntering over to them, placing a hand on his hip as he traversed closer and closer to them. If Perri was asked to describe how he was walking right now, he would say it was similar to a woman at a fashion show in Kalos.

Stereotypical, but still.

"Hopefully I'm not interrupting anything, buuuuut I couldn't help but hear such a hi-laaaaarious joke," he spoke up cheerfully, punctuating the hilarious in an overblown fashion. Raising up a finger, he brandished his canines, smirking widely as he raised up a finger... all while Lumino just managed to finally make it to them after standing in shock over the way Perri's laughter escalated.

"A joke made at my expense to be precise," he sniggered a bit, beaming brightly as he closed one eye and set an index finger under his chin. He then proceeded to snap and point a finger gun at the redhead, opening both of his eyes, squinting just slightly at her.

"Also Missy, if you wanted to be a little more... accurate, then you would'f said guys as well," Perri put a hand to the side of his mouth as if telling the girl a secret.

"Regardless, the worst possible scenario for me and that tidbit of info asiiiiiiide," he drew the whole phrase out a bit, whirling back to look at both the twins. Despite the faint smell of trouble (and what he thought was some drink), he decided to continue indulging in this all, as opposed to leaving.

"What's this about a 'Pokemon Party' one of you said?"

When those words escaped his lips, his grin became more devilish, and his eyes twinkled with interest, his curiosity unsatiated. Even with his attention focused on the twins, Perri made sure to keep tabs firecracker, in case she wanted to stay true to her threats... and Lumino?

The Roserade just kept his eyes to the sky.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by KremeSupreme
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KremeSupreme im here

Member Seen 15 days ago

Arthur groaned, nearly falling over from his lack of energy being predated by the massive backpack hefted on his shoulders. He really wondered how hard Atlas had it. His dad had decided it would've been best to "walk" the entire way to Lo Town from Celadon City, with massive backpacks carrying camping gear, despite it being only a six hour walk... Which his dad rebuted with it being a "character-building exercise." At the very least, Rampart, his dad's Machamp, had been forced to participate... Even though the Pokemon was arguably the strongest to date.

By the time they had set foot into town, Arthur finally collapsed onto the ground, groaning at the top of his lungs. To his exhausted state, the ground was equivalent to a king-sized bed. His brief respite was unfortunately interrupted, unfortunately, by the massive hand of Rampart, which pulled him back onto his feet by his heavy green backpack.

"Hang on, Arthur. We're not out of the woods yet. I mean literally, we are out of the woods, but-- You get what I mean," His dad said.

"But dad, we've been walking all day! Are we atleast going to hit a hotel first?" Arthur rubbed his eyes.

"Not yet. We still have to get your registrations ready for the event at the Sanctuary. I've heard they're nearly impossible to get into unless you register beforehand." His dad removed his backpack, and reached through it, pulling out a handful of papers.

They hadn't arrived too late, thankfully. They were only the 15th person in the registration line at the town center. For an event so large, did they really only have one line? Arthur slapped his heavy backpack on the ground as they stood in line, stretching out his back while they stood. It moved at a steady pace, and Arthur was forced to constantly drag his backpack along the ground with them as they were forced to move.

Finally, Arthur and his dad had reached the front of the line.

"Welcome to Lo Town home of the Official Pokemon Sanctuary. We’re so glad you’ve chosen us as the place to begin your Pokemon journey. Can you confirm if you’ve preregistered," the elderly man at the desk asked.

"Nope, not us," his dad said as if it were something to be proud of.

He handed Arthur his own registration card. He stood there for a few seconds, before taking the hint and handing it to the old man. The old man smiled at Arthur as he took his card and stuck it into a Pokedex. Several lights flashed on the small red device, as a voice buzzed

“Welcome, Arthur. You’ve caught 0 pokemon, you’ve seen 0 pokemon.”

“it’s always a tense moment that," The old man nodded, "Well thank you Arthur. You'll be the 15th to enter the Sanctuary.”

“Now finally to lock in your spot and claim your goody bag including your very own pokedex--sponsored by Sliph Co- Innovation through Experimentation--and a voucher for some brand new pokegear--sponsored by the Celadon Game Corner--we need you to sign this form.”

The man presented Arthur's dad with a long form of paper, which he signed his way through. After finishing, the woman standing by the old man's side handed Arthur his pokedex and goodie bag.

“Thank you so much. Please note we’re holding a little party up at the Sanctuary tonight with a special talk by former Indigo League Champion and our very own Keeper of the Keys”

The man pointed over to a larger old man in the town square.

“Congratulations, your very own Pokemon adventure is about to begin”

Arthur might've been more excited upon hearing that, if the old man sounded like he was. Arthur's dad placed a hand on his head, and said "Alright; The festival isn't until later tonight, so go off and have fun."

Arthur walked off in his own direction, after giving Rampart his heavy backpack. He felt light as a feather now, without such a heavy load on his back. He first held his Pokedex in his hands, fiddling with it. He never saw one of the devices before, so he had no idea how it worked. After it "activated", he noticed it had lenses on the back. Curious, he pointed it at a random pokemon nearby; A ratticate.

"Ratticate. The Mouse Pokemon. It uses it's whiskers to maintain it's balance. It apparently slows down if they are cut off. Buy a Revive Pack today!"

His "Brand new" Pokedex buzzed out the words, sounding like a muffled mess of static. Arthur checked the back of the machine, and embedded into the casing was a message that read "Silph Co.--". He couldn't read how old it was, but he knew it must've been pretty old, considering that the production date was crusted in some dirt that he couldn't scrape off. On top of that, it'd been reprogrammed to constantly spew advertisements. He sighed. Maybe the rest of his goodies were good?


In his bag was just a voucher for Pokegear, which would be useful once he got to a Pokemart. The other item was a regular red and white Pokeball, that had a yellow S engraved in the top. Well that kind of ruined the aesthetic. Suddenly, his Pokedex clicked to life without being aimed at anything.

"I'm Donald, a Pokédex gifted to you by Sliph Co--innovation through experimentation."

Arthur sighed. He'd be able to upgrade it if he got to Saffron City. It'd also be another reason to go, along with seeing the old Fighting Dojo.

But right now, he just wanted to rest for the event tonight. He saw a small gathering of people, mostly younger kids, around a standing man he realized was Ken Adams. The gathering was bordered by multiple colorful banners. Arthur got on the grass next to two younger kids; One was wearing a blue jacket, the other wearing a bright red one. He laid on his back before he even knew what they were talking about, already starting to drift to sleep, when he heard the man around the herd of practical toddlers.

"Not many people know but I got into the Pokemon league through the Pokemon exam. These I got for fun but I never got the Marsh Badge. Sabrina is a master of the Psychic Pokemon and I never could find the right Pokemon to beat that damned Kadabra of hers. Then I got old and badges just didn't seem that important anymore. I've heard rumours of a cave just a little way north into the mountains. In there is a pack of Pokemon that might just give you the strength that you can leave Saffron with more than just a Pokegear! That's all I'm saying."

The blue kid next to him started writing a note, and handed it to the speaker, then looked at the ground. Arthur didn't want to appear like some bum with Ken speaking just to him, so he raised his own hand and asked.

"Wait so, what type of Pokemon is in that cave?"

Arthur's own father didn't even make it to Sabrina before he threw in the towel. If Arthur planned on going there first, he'd need any edge he could get.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by deathbringer


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Apologies all round for the delay. As you all know my personal life is in a little bit of a state right work and work decided to join it in the crapper this week!

Nevertheless an update for you all!

@wxps350 Arthur and Kaleo @tenma tendo

Ken looks round and seems a little intrigued as you start to scribble. He looks at you quizzically but there is warmth in his eyes as he watches you. Even as he reaches out a hand to take the note to Arthur puts up his hand and speaks up.

Ken brielfy looks up from the note with a mischevious grin

“Oh no that would be telling. All I’ll say is that it will help you in Saffron and be a valuable addition to your team. Don’t take my word for it…. Go see for yourselves! Maybe you’ll have an adventure or maybe you’ll meet your doom.”

He gives another little grin before reading Kaleo’s note. He looks thoughtfully before speaking up and you can tell he is choosing his words carefully wanting to bring the topic up without putting you into the spotlight.

“This lad brings up a point about advanced training techniques mainly non-verbal communication. I very much doubt any of the trainers you meet around Saffron will have grasped such advanced techniques. It’s complicated and takes years of practice and a unique bond between Pokemon and trainer in order to use. Very few trainers, even in the Pokemon league opt for such a complicated style of commands to their Pokemon. Nevertheless it is possible and the sooner you start the better. You might make mistakes but so long as you learn from them there is nothing that can stop you.”

The session goes on a little later but the numbers start to dwindle even after your question with parents dragging their kids off to other activities. The child surrounded by his family is swarmed by a gaggle of grandparents and lifted off despite his numerous protests of “just 5 more minutes”

Soon it’s just you two and Ken sat on the grass and though you can see the sun starting to go down and know he has a big part in the festivities he is in no hurry to rush you. If you have any more questions ask them and I’ll answer them for you in pm to make a post. When you’re all run out of questions he gives a small smile.

Nodding at Kaleo he grins even as he hoists himself to his feet with some difficulty and grins

“You should watch Elder Algenon battle tonight in the Elder’s battle at the Tournament tonight son! His rattata is ancient but their bond may give you something to think about!”

He reaches out a hand to you Arthur and shakes it firmly looking into your eyes

“Will your father battle at the tournament tonight son?”

Whatever your reply he nods and grins indicating how he hoped to/ would like to have faced him before wheeling round and leaving you both standing alone together.

Leaving it open to you guys. Interact… awkward nod and go find your folks? Very much up to you!

@savo Perri and Lisette @rune_alchemist

Perhaps it’s Perri’s attire, his revelation or the deliberate catwalk sachet but his appearance leaves a pregnant pause that seems to hang awkwardly in the air. Both twins seems shocked into silence. Even Sid who had been deliberately looking the other way with a sullen frown is suddenly looking at both of you with rapt attention his mouth curving upward in a definite smirk.

The silence stretches out until Sid gives a massive snort of laughter and both twins just collapse laughing. It goes on for a little while and you stand their awkwardly (I can imagine Lisette might just be on the point of giving someone a smack and walking off) but just before that moment Ryan (perhaps noticing) seems to collect himself enough to snort

“I’m sorry… I’m sorry” he’s wiping his eyes as he looks looking earnestly at both “It’s just…. I don’t know what we were expecting but that was not it”

He's smiling trying to manage the situation

"Look it looks we're all getting off on the wrong foot." He gives you an ingratiating smile and snatches up two bottles holding them out too you."

On closer inspection you find the bottles not to be alcohol but a sort of light brown colour (think energy drink like red bull or monster) though you notice no label or marking on the bottles. Ryan gives a small smile

"Home-brewed family recipe. Call it a peace offering... on all counts." He smiles " and you don't need to worry about getting entry to the Pokemon Party"

He smiles pointing to a window about 3 floors up on the window

"see that window in 2 hours that window will be wide open. I can promise you that"

It's your matrix moment do you take the brown bottle or run back to the festivities.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago



Lisette rolled her eyes at Perri's antics. Ugh. She really didn't like this guy. Flamboyant, unreliable, annoying, and nosy. The worst kind of man in existence. Not even cute...Listte frowned as Sid and Ryan seemed to watch them with disbelief before breaking out into laughter. She had almost socked Perri right in the jaw for almost ruining this for her, but she promised her sister she'd at least make an effort not to get into trouble. Besides, that would jeopardize what she's doing right now.

For a few seconds, Listte stared at the bottle. Two hours and it would be open? She wasn't one for festivities like this to start with. Still...there was a little thing in the back of her head telling her this was a terrible idea. A tiny little voice...just like last time. A gut feeling saying this was going to end badly. Unlike last time though, this was purely for selfish reasons...besides, if she wasn't here, then these two chuggnuts were going to likely do something regardless. She could at least keep them in check.

"Hm...you've got yourselves a deal." She replied with a confident smirk, taking the bottle. "The names Liz." She didn't drink herself, annnd usually accepting drinks from random people was a generally bad idea...but, she had to at least look friendly if she was going to be doing this. "So...two hours, then." She glanced over to Perri as she walked over to the tree they were sitting under, leaning against it. "You're coming with us, by the way, whether you want too or not." She said. It was obvious that if he went off and blabbed then things were going to get more complicated. He seemed like he wanted to at least help, but she didn't trust his pretty-boy type.

"Go watch the skies, Mal." Lis said to Crobat, earning a friendly salute from the pokemon before he zoomed up through the air.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KremeSupreme
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KremeSupreme im here

Member Seen 15 days ago

"Tournament? Tonight? I thought we were catching our pokemon tonight," Arthur said, confused.

Althought if there was a tournament, no doubt his dad would participate. His dad always was always eager for a good battle. Rampart too was a bit of a ham, always eager to show off his strength.

But, Ken had nodded and wheeled around with a grin, leaving Arthur alone with this kid who must've been at the very least 5 years younger than him. He didn't know what the heck to say to little kids... Especially when they're so quiet. Arthur decided to piece together how Ken responded to him, and start from there.

"You really asked him if you could communicate with Pokemon without being able to talk with them?" Arthur started, "That's kind of a dumb question; If that was impossible, then Pokemon Training wouldn't even be a thing, dude."

Arthur's eyes drifted to the small pokemon by his side; It was green, with a green and yellow leaf skirt, with two tiny fingerless arms and two flowers sprouting out of it's head. Just sitting there, it was swaying slightly. Suddenly Arthur remembered the thing he just received, and pulled out his Pokedex, holding the lens so it was scanning the young boy's pokemon.

"Bellossom. Plentiful in the tropics. When it dances, its petals rub together and make a pleasant ringing sound."

"That's a pretty neat Pokemon you got there. Is it yours, or one of your parents?" Arthur asked.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Tenma Tendo
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Tenma Tendo Thunder Pillar in Training

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Kaleo Sima || 10 || Lo Town || None || Authur@wxps350

Kaleo kept his gaze focused on the ground until another question was thrown out to the older man. He took a quick glance in the direction of the owner of the voice, only to see a boy that looked even older than Robin, with white hair and similar yellow eyes to the red boy. And although he could hear Robin sucking his teeth in the background, Kaleo thought it was a good question to ask, especially if it meant getting a head start from the others kids; he knew he would need it.

Kaleo simply scratched the back of his head to Ken's response, nodding slowly in understanding. Of course he couldn't tell them what they would find there, it would just ruin the secret! Once that was out of the way, Kaleo immediately brought his head back down again, hoping that the older man wouldn't put him on the spot too badly. Maybe he should have just asked Robin to ask the question in his stead...

While the child was expecting some kind of dejection in terms of a response, Kaleo instead received a bit of hope that it was possible, albeit time consuming, but he always read books for days on end, so what difference would training his pokemon be?Although not showing it on his face, Kaleo was glad that he was able to answer his question as Ken was immediately bombarded with other questions, mostly by Robin and the kid that had way to much family with him.

After a while and saying his quick 'see ya later' to Robin, it was only him and the white haired boy who asked the smart question earlier along with Ken Adams himself. He knew he had plenty of questions to ask the man, but that would probably take a few more years to actually formulate what he wanted to ask, so instead he claimed he had all of his questions answered, bowing slightly in thanks while Hana did the same.

“You should watch Elder Algenon battle tonight in the Elder’s battle at the Tournament tonight son! His rattata is ancient but their bond may give you something to think about!” Ken told him as he simply nodded. He already knew he was going to watch the Tournament tonight, so long as he wasn't too tired or anything; and this conversation was even more of an incentive to go! Seeing the man hold out a hand to both him and the white haired boy, Kaleo shook weakly before bringing his hand back down to his side.

When Ken brought up the other's father, Kaleo couldn't help but cast a curious glance over to the white haired boy, eyes wide with interest now. His father was a trainer too? Looking back to see Ken making his way off to his other duties, Kaleo looked back up at the teen he was left with.

Immediately, the older boy stated that his question was stupid, only making the child slouch in defeat. Was it really that stupid? With a frown, Kaleo readied his notepad and pencil and began scribbling down his statement, holding it up to the other when he was done.
"I can't communicate with words, so I was just scared that I couldn't become one. Sorry." Was what the note said, the boy slowly putting it down when he noticed the other hold up his pokedex and aim it at Hana. Immediately, Kaleo began writing again. "Thank you! It's my grandfather's. I'm getting my first pokemon at the Sanctuary." Was what he first wrote before retracting the notepad and writing more down. "Is it true that your father is a pokemon trainer too? Did he participate in the league?" As he finished writing, Kaleo shoved the note into the other's face, staring at him expectantly in the process.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Savo
Avatar of Savo

Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 3 days ago

Perri Guthrie
Lo Town - Pokemon Sanctuary - Morning - Interacting With: Lisette, Ryan, and Sid

Perri raised an eyebrow as he pressed on of his hands against his hip, his simper faltering, but not at all disappearing. His face meshed with complete puzzlement as he tried to figure out how they got off on the wrong foot. His hands rapped against his side as Lumino began fidgeting a bit, alternating between staring at the miscreants and back and Perri. However, despite this all, he kept his eyes firmly pressed on Lisette, waiting for her to actually try anything.

Much to his disbelief and chagrin, no body language seemed to indicate that she want to try anything interesting against him. Calm and composed type to some degree, wasn't she...

Regardless, what broke his gaze from the girl was a bottle they noted as a family recipe... a... peace offering. Perri just chuckled a bit, brushing some of his white hair to the side before flipping his hand, palms facing towards the sky; it was as if he was holding a platter.

"No no, it's not exactly that," the white haired boy said, widely grinning as he gently grasped at the offering, slowly taking it back as he began inspecting the contents of the drink. "It was meant as a bit of a... jab," Perri continued talking, blinking as he continued to study the drink, as if trying to analyze what it is. He squinted, searching to find if there was anything he could be worried about... but eventually, he just gave up with a shrug and pocketed the item.

He couldn't bring himself to trust it.

"Regardless, thanks for the drink, I'll be sure to down it if I ever get parched," he announced, placing both of his hands behind the back of his head.

While he didn't exactly agree on this whole prospect, he was nevertheless intrigued at trying something new. Looking up at the window they pointed out, a quizzical look crossed his face as he tilted his head. How did they know that window would be open was one of the few things asked in the back of his mind.

Was this a sting operation to weed out a few trainers who tried to get a head start?

... oh man, that would be a great way to mess around with them.

"Sounds interesting," he murmured, letting his arms drop to his sides. The girl, Liz, made quick on her own name, cuing him to make his own grandiose introduction. Pressing one arm across his chest and having another arm erect towards the heavens, the boy began to proclaim his name.

"Perri's the name, dancin's my game; a pleasure to meet you both... and Liz."

Returning to a... relatively normal position, Perri promptly pressed both of his hands onto his sides, still grinning like an idiot... until he heard what sounded like a command being issued from Liz... or was that a threat? Honestly, he couldn't tell with this chick as he let one of his arms go limp. Placing his other hand across his chin, his friendly little grin started to fade away, replaced with something more impish.

"Oh? Will you miss me if I don't tag along on this little excursion," he mused out loud, stifling a small giggle, tilting his body to one side... "Or will you sic your pretty purple boyfriend on me if I stand you and the others up," and then promptly switching over to the other side.

Lumino tugged on the boys pants, but to no avail, never got his attention. His eyes darted between Liz and the other two, but mostly stayed on Perri as he tried to drag him away from this whole situation.

"... regardless, maybe I will walk out, maybe I won't.... I think I'll jus' keep y'all guessing," he shrugs, walking with a certain swagger, over to the other side of the twins that Liz isn't on, keeping a small smirk as he does a little pirouette before leaning on the side of the tree. Staring up through the branches, he lets out a small sigh.

"... regardless, all that matters is that we're stuck here for two hours with nothing else to do! Exhilarating!... then again, we aaaallll could stock up at the PokeMart," a thought that suddenly pops to mind as he remembers something. Shoving a hand into his goodie bag, Perri thus began shuffling through all the advertisements before producing a piece of paper which talked about buy one pokeball, get a potion free, or something like that.

"We could all prep ourselves for the journey and such; better than lazing around here for two hours waiting for that window t'open... whadya say?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by KremeSupreme
Avatar of KremeSupreme

KremeSupreme im here

Member Seen 15 days ago

Arthur thought the boy was just shy, and didn't want to talk in front of the crowd of toddlers. But instead of verbally answering him, the young boy just started writing another note, which he soon handed to him:

I can't communicate with words, so I was just scared that I couldn't become one. Sorry.

"Hmm... Can't, or wont?" Arthur asked. Was the boy actually mute? Or did he not have the nerves of steel to perform the soul-crushing task of having a simple conversation with one person? Just as Arthur finished reading the note, he scanned their pokemon, Bellosom. To the response to his statement, the boy wrote a second note, and practically slapped it against Arthur's face with enthusiasm. Okay, so it's probably not shyness:

Thank you! It's my grandfather's. I'm getting my first pokemon at the Sanctuary. Is it true that your father is a pokemon trainer too? Did he participate in the league?

Arthur felt his shoulders tense for a moment. He didn't let it get too deep at him though.

"Yeah, he tried... He didn't even get past the Celadon City Grass Gym. He didn't really branch out from his fighting types, so it was a brick wall all the way through for him... Doesn't mean he's not gonna kick it at the festival tonight!"
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