Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EldarionI
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EldarionI Future King of Arnor

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Buzdrem stepped between the knight and the young lady, casually knocking the sword away from her neck with one of his axes.
"Listen, Tin Man," he growled, his patience wearing thin with the fool in the tin can,
"I obviously didn't come for a fight, you seemingly did," he said as he gestured to the man's slightly rusted armour.
"And this young lady here didn't come for a fight. It actually seems as though she came here to lay with you. Now as only an idiot would turn her down, why don't you put that table back as you found it and crawl back to whatever hole you came out of before me and the rest of these..." He paused and looked around the room at the patrons of the tavern and shouted,
"FINE GENTLEMEN rip that armour off you and see what the man in there is made of!" He was quite pleased with himself and chuckled as the rest of the tavern rose to the feet and cheered. Buzdrem wasn't usually one for dramatics or necessarily a crowd pleaser. But this was Hal's tavern and Buzdrem had been staying here for a few days now and felt the need to intervene. He wasn't prepared to fight this man, who seemed an able combatant, so used the tactics of engaging the crowd to dissuade the man in full armour.
"Now, I don't want to see you hurt, there's no need for it. And I'm sure that you're a nice enough guy as well. So what do you say we drop this, you head back and I'll take this young women away from you and to my room upstairs."
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Flightless_Soul
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Flightless_Soul The Lusty Argonian

Member Seen 3 mos ago


Just perfect.

Her eyes lit up the moment she heard the dwarf stand up to that intolerable knight and proclaim that it would be he who took her to his room for the day. Just wonderful. Her snare may have failed to grasp that fool of a man, but now she had the mouthy dwarf, and that precious silver he boasted so proudly of, all to herself. Now, all Ashana had to do was bide her time till they were alone.

Oh, that knight, how he must be boiling with anger beneath his layers of cold steel Ashana thought, the very notion enough to paint a satisfied sneer across her beaming face. She had to admit while stealing their wealth was the main goal here, it was always a pleasure to her to see a man riled. The knight she would not forget however, oh no, for once she was done with the dwarf, she would come for him once more. Only the next time, instead of a lusty maiden, under the cover of night, the true Black Rose would blossom...bathed in the blood of her enemy.

But for now, Ashana waited, slipping an arm around the dwarf and shooting the knight a condescending smirk as her mark laid into him.

Shinji Takemitsu


Snow fell like cherry blossoms upon his armor and horse through the thick pines of the forest, as he and three other men rode along down the winding path back to the camp. The chilling winds howled dicing through his armor, causing him to shiver a tad. This place, so strange. Winter came for but a season in his homeland, but here, it had seemed to be perpetual. The snow was so dense here, it was a challenge to see far beyond. A veil of white and gray was all that stood before him, and that made him weary.

No vision. The enemy could ambush them at any moment. As he rode, his hand remained upon his blade, eyes vigilant. He continued to scan and survey the area around him. The enemy may have the first blow, but it would be he who struck the last.

Eventually as they soldiered on through the snow and ice, they passed through the forest, and a small sliver of flame appeared deep in the sundered valley below, surrounded by makeshift tents and tattered banners flapping in the snowy breeze. A sigh of relief Shinji exhaled. They had made it to the camp. Men scurried back and forth. Horses bucked and neighed, their hot breath a mist upon the frosty air. Meats and vegetables roasted on spits over crackling campfires and blacksmith hammers beat against scorched anvils with a resounding clang as the armorers and weaponsmiths were hard at work to arm their brothers for victory.

As Shinji rode down into the camp, a solace befell him despite the bustling nature. It was a solace that overcame him many a time after bloody battle, the solace of returning home. He hopped off his horse and tied him to the post. By that time, a man, slightly younger than he, emerged from one of the larger tents, a fur cloak wrapped around his heavy plate armor.

"My brothers, you return!" He greeted them over the wailing winds. "Tell me, what news bring you from the front?"

"Our men have cut off their supply lines from the north, captain." Shinji replied as loud as his voice could carry. "They will starve to death before they reach our camps to the east."

"Ha, good!" The captain said. "Come, my comrade. We have more to discuss. Your efforts in this war have been a godsend. Soon we shall breach the walls of the capitol and bring the king to his knees. A new day shall dwan for the people of this land, my friend! Freedom and equality for all!"

"That is well and good, captain." Shinji returned walking beside him. "But a throne without a monarch to sit upon it breeds anarchy. The people are in need of a ruler, one who is fair and just."

"Indeed, my friend." The captain nodded. "There will be such a king, and he shall rule over his people as you have said, fair and just, but for now, we must turn our sight not towards the throne but the battlefield. Our victory is at hand, but the king's men continue to press us from all sides.
We must continue to make our push to the capitol one city at a time."

They walked into the main tent. A table sat in the middle, a map of the land sprawled out upon it. The captain strolled over to the map and leaned over it. Shinji stood on opposite side and removed his helm.

"See here." The captain unsheathed his dagger, pointing it at the map. "We have taken much of the land in this area. Faelstad and Carthis are under our control. We receive fresh supplies from those cities daily, and our men garrisoned there will serve as a first defense against a push from the king's men towards the west." Slowly, his dagger slid across the map.

"While they hold our position east, we can resume marching our men forward to the capitol. Only a few cities stand in our way."

"Gideon, Elanol, and King's Stead." Shinji muttered. "Cities surrounded by great stone walls, one of which is guarded by the king's elite and four towering golems."

The captain looked up, his brow furrowing. "You doubt the strength of our forces? Why?"

Shinji bowed his head. "Apologies, captain. I did not mean to offend, but we must consider bolstering our ranks before pushing west. The king's men are great in number and strength towards the capitol, and the land is far more open. Here east, we may have a foothold, yes, but pushing west with our meager numbers will only thin our ranks and leave us vulnerable."

"Ah, so you say we need more men. Is that it?"

"Indeed. While our men may be strong, we are few. The strength of the king lies in the number of his men and the breadth of his land."

"And the fact that half these buffoons won't open their eyes to the tyrant he has become. They would rather throw their lives away for the bonds of slavery than fight for their freedom." Gruffly the captain sighed. "So be it. It will be a stretch, but I will gather as many men and women as I can. We will also need to increase our supply to better suit our swelling numbers.
Until then, I want your men to continue their push to the capitol. The throne will be ours soon enough, then we can change this kingdom...for the better.
You are dismissed."

"Captain." Shinji bowed again and left the tent. He thought of the young man, ambitious, but ambition without guidance was folly. It was good that he had come along.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Roughdragon1
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@EldarionI @Flightless_Soul

Saga, I’m beginning to think that words aren’t exactly your strong suit. Why don’t you just kill them? It’ll be easy enough, and I’m sure that woman’s got a bounty on her somewhere. No honor among the wicked, remember?

Seele, there is a big difference between the lack of honor and mindless slaughter. Also, tell me how I’m to fight the entire city guard once they discover I’ve killed an entire tavern?

Good point.

I swear, even the dwarf’s got better sense than you! If I ever find the man that put you in my skull, he’s going to have a very painful death.

Oh, thanks, love.

Saga let his attention completely fall away from the woman, now turning to face the dwarf. He put his sword down, resting it against the overturned table. At this point, he was fairly confident that there was going to be no fight.

“You’ve got some balls to threaten me, dwarf. Then again, that goes for your whole kin, stupid as ever. You want to rip off my armor? I’d like to see you try.” He directed that last line to everyone else in the tavern, ensuring that they didn't get any ideas.

Saga put on his helmet, ensuring that no axe or knife would pierce his skull that day.

“That woman’s a viper. As soon as your door closes, she’ll gut you with that knife of hers. I know you won’t listen to me, but one warrior to another, just keep your wits about you, if you’ve still got any left, that is.”

He turned towards the seductress, his eyes hidden by the helmet, but still glaring nonetheless. She had the dwarf in her web, and it looked as if he wasn't going to get out. Still, he had some things to say.

“Now, I can save this dwarf right now by cutting you down where you stand. You cannot fathom the strength it takes for me to stay my blade. It would ensure his safety, but being the dwarf he is, he’ll just come swinging at me with those axes. Now, on the other hand, I can leave you to your victim, go back to drowning myself in ale, and I’ll be safe, albeit with a bit of a guilty conscience. But the ale takes care of that anyway.”

Saga chuckled to himself, feeling the alcohol burn its way down his veins.

“You know, woman, I’m really feeling the second option. I’m getting quite drunk, actually. I’ll just excuse myself.”

Saga bent down in a mocking curtsy, and started for the door.

Wait, Saga! What are you doing?

A woman like her is used to getting what she wants. She won’t appreciate it much when her target walks away from her. Also, I’m fucking tired.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by NewShoesForever
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NewShoesForever Now is the Winter of Our Dis-pun-tent

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

No sooner did Dukhan finish paying for the barely edible fruit than did the young woman he had planned to talk to disappear into the crowd of the market.

"What the...?" Dukhan muttered incredulously.

"What's that?" said the old woman "Is your cousin not here after all?"

Panic gripped Dukhan's heart. He had fought sandwurms and survived deadly puzzles in ancient tombs, but this was the greatest terror he had ever felt.

Before he knew it, he had said something about seeing his landlord and sprinted away from the fruit stand, into the bustling crowd.

Pushing his way through, he saw smoke rise from a chimney nearby. His heart swelled.

Of course! A tavern! That's where adventurers always met in the stories! How could I be so foolish!

With renewed confidence, Dukhan strode toward the busy tavern. As he opened up the door and stood in the doorway, he was greeted with the all-too-familiar sight of barroom commotion. Fortunately, Dukhan had other plans. He walked toward the bartender and sat down serenely on the first open bench, preparing to inquire about the opportunities for adventure and heroism in the area.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Avali
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Avali "Simple Girl with Simple Thoughts."

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"He certainly has an odd get up Muglin," Rose tells her crow, who just happened to be pecking at her forearm. She didn't recognize the kind of attire he wore, but that wasn't what interested her. His weapon, the gun he carried with him, was what caught her attention. "Steal it and kill everyone in here!"

Rose ignores the advice, instead nonchalantly sitting a seat away from the man. She didn't say a word, merely looking opposite his direction and deciding what to say. Her social anxiety always got the best of her, always making her worry if the voice in her head will speak for her. She became visibly nervous, tugging at her scarf and eyes darting around.

"Quit being a wimp and just kill him already!" Rose frowns at her "friend's" comment, setting her head on the table in front of her. Why did socializing have to be so hard?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EldarionI
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EldarionI Future King of Arnor

Member Seen 4 mos ago

"It's not a threat, knight, it's a promise," he called to the man as he headed for the door. He turned to Hal and asked,
"Can you send a barrel of beer to my room, Hal? Put in on my tab, you know I've got the coin to pay you," to which Hal nodded and spoke to another man behind the bar who proceeded to carry a barrel of beer up the old wooden stairs to Buzdrem's room.
"The name's Buzdrem, m'lady, but you may call me Buz," he said to the young women on his arm as he walked over to his seat at the bar. He took a final swig of his drink and offered the stool next to him to the young lady.
Would you like a drink or shall we go to my room?" he asked politely. He already suspected her plan so he was quite confident he knew what the answer would be. She'd be in for a surprise when they got there though, Buzdrem still unable to shake the images of the girl he knew that looked exactly like her from his head.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Flightless_Soul
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Flightless_Soul The Lusty Argonian

Member Seen 3 mos ago


And just when she thought things couldn't get worse...

While she was busy working her magick upon the dwarf caught in her web, Buzdrem his name, that man had to walk in and sour her good graces. That man, from the desert no less. Yazarian, Ashana could tell by his brazen, tanned skin and the turban wrapped around his head, traditional headwear of their men. He had a scimitar on his hip, a musket on his back. Only one word came to mind for her, eyeing the man with the utmost suspicion.

Bounty Hunter.

She bit her lip but remained calm, the same sultry grin she displayed to the dwarf.

One of the Sultan's men possibly, come to ferry me back to the desert to await the headsman's axe. Not that I fear it, but getting caught would be most problematic. I'll need to evade this one as much as I can, ah, but ol' Buz here still hasn't caught his buzz yet. It would be folly to rob him while he's sober...no...

She giggled, taking a seat beside the dwarf, her back turned to the man beside her a few seats down. "Oh come now Buz, you handsome thing! Why not enjoy a few more drinks before we have a little fun together? I would love to hear all about your amazing adventures~"

As much as I would love rolling this little bastard for every piece of silver he has. Just need to get him drunk enough so he doesn't expect a thing.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by NewShoesForever
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NewShoesForever Now is the Winter of Our Dis-pun-tent

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Dukhan was preparing to give his usual spiel about being "a traveling adventurer, looking for wrongs to right and good deeds to do", when he happened to glance to his left, completely missing the sultry woman glaring daggers at the back of his head. There, sitting in an exhausted, miserable position, was the girl with the bird from earlier. She looked like she knew something. But more than that, right now, she looked like she needed help.

"Oh, hello!" he said abruptly "I'm just a traveler, but you look like someone to talk to."

He smiled warmly.

"My name is Dukhan, adventurer and explorer. What's your name?"
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Avali
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Avali "Simple Girl with Simple Thoughts."

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Rose slowly picks her head up, her face an odd mixture of frustration, shyness, and anxiety. Muglin hopped around on the barstool on her other side, pecking it ever so often.

Make him stop talking. Rip his throat out. Give me CONTROL!" Rose shakes her head, fighting to shut out the obnoxious voice. "Um. . . I'm Rose. At least, that is what I call myself. Who might you be?"

So far so good Rose. . . So far so-

"Conversing is for WEAKLINGS. Gouge out his eyeballs!" With that comment from the roommate in her head, she sets her head back down. The last thing she wanted was to start talking to the god, and this was her way of censoring herself.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EldarionI
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EldarionI Future King of Arnor

Member Seen 4 mos ago

There was no harm in another drink. Being a dwarf of his physical state he'd need at least a barrel to be drunk, but he was hoping that the seductress didn't know this.
Ok, one more, but then we go to my room. There's a barrel of beer there already waiting for us," he said to her smiling. He knew that if he acted drunk after another tankard she be happy enough to go to his room.
Two tankards of beer please, my darling," he said to the barmaid. As she handed him to tankards of warm dark beer he took a few mouthfuls from one and sat the other down in front of the young women.
For you, Miss..." he left it hanging as he had yet to learn the beautiful maiden's name.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by NewShoesForever
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NewShoesForever Now is the Winter of Our Dis-pun-tent

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, Rose. Like I said; my name is Dukhan. I'm a traveler from a far off land."

She was stammering like she was reading from a script or something, the poor kid. She definitely needed help, and it did indeed look like he was the only one that was willing to provide it, even if he wasn't exactly experienced with this sort of thing. Maybe he could at least give her a shoulder to cry on?

"Are you alright? Would you like to talk about it?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Bluetommy
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Bluetommy Disastrous Enby

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Unfortunately for Lorne, the argument didn't accelerate to violence, he would have enjoyed watching that. He sighed as he finished off the last piece of bread. He supposed it was fun to watch them yell at each-other a bit. He did notice the exotic weaponry of many of the people in the bar, who all seemed heavily armored and armed despite being in a simple drinking establishment. The most intriguing man was the bronze-skinned man who carried a weapon that he hadn't seen in quite some time, a black powder thing. Those cost a ton.

In fact, if he could sell that, he could get a crap-ton of money. First he needed to get the guy to somehow misplace it. That sword too, those would be pretty big objects to just lose, good thing he had a full arsenal of scrolls and rings. He placed a ring of illusionary magic on his right pointer finger and invisibly pointed at the musket on the man's back. A small flash being the only noticeable effect of an illusionary copy assuming the same space as the real weapon.

Slow and steady, he thought as he slowly placed a hand on the real musket, avoiding any contact with the man's body. The musket faded into invisibility along with him as he drew a knife and deftly placed it against the harness that tied it to the man's body.

Then he flickered back into sight.

Oh no.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Avali
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Avali "Simple Girl with Simple Thoughts."

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Oh right. You did say your name." Rose's head remained down, the small mistake already embarrassing her beyond belief. She needed to leave, and she needed to leave now. She couldn't do this. No doubt the man already saw her as strange. But her body remained still. She would stay, if only to hide her bright red cheeks. "You are pathetic. Give me control."

"I'm not pathetic," she murmurs quietly, voice muffled by the scarf and hood. This was too much. As soon as her cheeks felt less hot, she would be out the door.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Roughdragon1
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Saga was out of the tavern by now, relieved by his luck. The fact that he got out of there without a scratch was an accomplishment in itself, and especially so with the dwarf looking to fight, and the lady waiting to jab him in the neck with her dagger. Though it might not have turned out like he wished it would, since the dwarf’ll probably be dead by sundown, at the very least, he was safe for the time being. That is, until he noticed a weight missing from his hip.

Hey Saga, I don’t know if you noticed, but you left your sword on that table back at the tavern.

You have got to be fucking kidding me.

Saga spun around and began walking back to the inn. He’d already been out for a few minutes, so it would take some time. Hopefully, no one stole his sword. If they did, he’d make sure they'd never steal anything ever again.

Nope, just marvelling at your stupidity. Seriously, what knight forgets his sword? Also, did you see that strange man walk in? The one with the musket? Seems dangerous.

A drunk one Seele, a drunk one. Also, I don’t really care about him right now. Those lead balls couldn’t even scratch me anyway.

Actually, that thing could make quite a dent in your suit. And considering its… condition, it might just get through. Just don’t piss him off, that’s all I’m saying.

And when have I ever done that?
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by NewShoesForever
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NewShoesForever Now is the Winter of Our Dis-pun-tent

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Dukhan heard the girl's murmur couldn't help but chuckle a bit. Things were looking up! He was sure that he would be able to cheer the girl up with a rousing pep talk. Just a little something to help her pick up her self esteem.

"You are most certainly not pathetic! I'm sorry if my questions came across as patronizing earlier. It's just that everyone has the potential for heroism, and nothing makes me sadder than seeing someone that has given up on-"

Dukhan stopped short. There, standing right behind him, was a man with a knife inserted cleanly between him and his gun, attempting to sever the two.

Dukhan smirked.

Depression is hard to address, but this! This is something I know how to deal with!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Bluetommy
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Bluetommy Disastrous Enby

Member Seen 1 yr ago


As the man turned around to look at him, Lorne could do nothing but pull his hands back and dispel the illusion, attempting to get distance from the obviously incensed... smiling man. Why the hell was he smiling? That was actually terrifying. Lorne placed the knife behind his back in a vain attempt to hide it from the man, while placing a hand on his mask and offering a bow.

"Sorry sir, I noticed that your harness was a little tight so I was attempting to fix it for you," he lied politely, hopefully he'd be able to do some damage control, though that was looking less likely. Nervously, Lorne fingered the amulet that rested on his milk-colored and scarred throat, carrying a long and hideous scar from when he died. "My apologies if you mistook it for something else, I'm just trying to help out."

He also noticed the woman that the man had been talking to and offered her a tip of his hood, it was always good for a prince like he had been to be polite, though his wife probably wouldn't have agreed there. Not to say he wasn't loyal, even two hundred years later he had honored her memory, and had never taken another to bed, it was the least he could do.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DragonofTheWest
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Within the capital's keep Arathion paced back and forth in silent frustration, the silence uncomfortable to the other military officers who privately wished to escape the wrath of the frustrated elven prince. The tension was high as it obvious that the rebels, these so called Freedom Fighters were more than just a nuisance but instead a legitimate threat that was capable of marching against the king's armies. After what seemed to be an eternity for the aggravated officers council room's doors opened as an older man stepped through... and it was not the king.
"General Rowan." Arathion acknowledged as he eyed the older man who appeared roughly in his mid fifties. The golden armored warrior turned almost immediately in anticipation but despite his knowledge and respect for the general, this was not the person he wanted to see.
"Crown Prince Arathion of the Asur." The general replied. "My apologies, the king is not well so he trusts me to represent him in this council"

Arathion's face inched to one of disapproval, it was painfully obvious that Aradia was not ready for him and the the king himself whether he truly was ill had no intention with meeting with the renowned war lord. Could one blame him? It would be hard too. Arathion may have been charming to other elves but was notoriously difficult with even other kings and such blatant disrespect could never go punished considering nobody willing crossed swords with the famed Asur.
"How unfortunate." Arathion replied though he he little to hide the disapproval in this tone "Very well, let's speak on this matter... your nobleman gave off one impression, your officers here, another. So what what exactly are you dealing with?"
The general nodded slowly as if to compose his thoughts before he placing several sheets of paper on the war council's table. "These are the latest reports, scouts spoke of a possible incoming attack from the north. We've had no contact since then and we are assuming the worst" The others officers swallowed upon hearing this news with faces. They knew that the enemy was for real and gradually getting closer.
"These rebels, they appear to be far more organized and equipped then I was led to believe"
"We have yet to determine an actual number. With the way this winter has been everything has been delayed, reports... provisions, troop movements, everything. If I had to guess? At least 10,000 if you take into account all of the rebellious outside regions. Their numbers are likely growing everyday"
"Even if that was doubled, is the winter that harsh that your forces can't properly march a force to counter it?"
"Like I said, harsh winter. Our men had been chasing ghosts initially and now we are disorganized, chain of command is ruined. We have deserters and rebel sympathizers, wild monsters ravage the main roads and bandits picking at the scraps. We're losing"
"Give me an opportunity to meet their army in full force with mine. If they meet me in the open field I'll crush them and win this war for you." The arrogance was infuriating but General Rowan knew that Arathion was probably correct considering the Asur's legions world renowned reputation.
"With 3000 men? You have no siege weapons, your lacking in heavy cavalry, not a single dragon..." A questionable response? of course but Rowan needed all the help he can get. If Arathion was disrespectful to the cause then it was only fair to question the Asur's commitment to this war effort.
"My soldiers are far different then yours. Had I brought a real true elven army I might as well have snatch this land from you entirely. My father, my king insisted I only act on policing duty but it seems you have a full scale civil war on your hands and now I'm forced to try and win it for you" Another stab to the gut to the men in the room but again nobody dared to speak out in disapproval.

The room remained silent for several moments as the other military officers knew that unless they had something of value to say, it was best to stay quiet. As Rowan reviewed the map of Aradia and the other reports, he knew he had to give in.
"So then Lord Arathion, what's the plan?"
"This rebel force will win the country with ease... you need a victory, I'll give it to you. I'm taking command and I expect there will be no objections?" Arathion paused to survey the room, there was nothing that indicated a disapproval. "Good. We will start with the provisions I've brought along. It seems that perhaps the food and supplies I've brought will be more valuable than my soldiers and fortunately for you I will have more in a fortnight." Arathion then stepped forward to glance through the reports once more before pointing towards the capital of Aradia on the map.
"We will start here, in this very city. The majority of the population is cold and hungry but there are numerous talents within this city. The provisions will go to them. Any individual that joins the king's army will be fed and properly equipped. They will be trained and mobilized to counter this rebel threat. To encourage smoother relations with your people, monetary rewards will be given out to any person who provides factual information on rebel movements, rebel names and so forth. False information however... is punishable by death. A fitting end for traitors." The crowd nodded at this statement, a good start.
"You really think you can achieve both things?" Rowan questioned though it was not like he had an alternative plan.
"Your king needs a victory. Without a victory the people will likely just open the doors to the cities themselves and let the rebels take it. We need to establish trust in the crown once more... have your men walk the streets let them know that fame and fortune awaits those who help restore order to the crown"
"If the rebels know you are backing us. It may complicate the situation if they know who you are" Rowan warned.
"If they know me, then they should realize this war is over for them and if they don't... they will, soon" Arathion shot back before walking towards the closest wall and opening the wooden windows to stare into the city's streets from his elevated position.

"They will"
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Avali
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Avali "Simple Girl with Simple Thoughts."

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Well this was certainly new. Rose lifted her head once again, surprised that someone took the time to try and cheer her up, however unsuccessful they were. "Heroism? Well I'm hardly a-"

Her naturally quiet voice trailed off, watching the would be thieve shimmer into view. The tip of his hood gave her butterfly's in her stomach, even if it was just a simple greeting. "You embarrass me Rose . . . JUST KILL THEM!"

"No," she murmurs out loud, quietly leaning back into the bar table to make herself seem smaller. Muglin pecked at the shoulder plate in her armor, making a dull metallic sound with each peck. She really needed to leave, but what was compelling her to stay?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by NewShoesForever
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NewShoesForever Now is the Winter of Our Dis-pun-tent

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Dukhan would've loved nothing more than to buy the thief a drink. Anyone with the skill, bravery or stupidity to try to steal something as large and conspicuous as his gun probably had some interesting stories to tell.

Alas, Dukhan new that priorities were priorities. The future of this child was on the line and he simply didn't have time to exchange tales with a bandit. Besides, Rose was obviously made extremely uncomfortable by the odd man. Perhaps some other time...

"Oh, well thank you for the assistance, then." Dukhan said, his smile unwavering. "But for future reference, you should probably know, it's actually the fashion in Yazara to wear straps like this loosely."

His countenance shifted to reflect just a hint of menace. "It's a message to errant cutpurses. Something to convey that I know how to protect my belongings."

In a moment, the menace disappeared. "Just thought you might find that interesting!"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by percius388
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percius388 The Journeying Mage

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Ilium watched everything happening with a smile. It was somewhat Entertaining to see everything unfold. The seductress and the knight, then the dwarf. The two adventurers and the thief. Maybe this small inn isn't that bad, she thought as she drank her ale. Ilium let down her hood to show her long black hair and deep green eyes. She leaned back in her seat and continued to watch as everything unfolded around her. She certainly hoped to do something eventually, but she was content to wait for it to happen.


Harvey walked down the street, the crunch of the snow beneath his feet, clutching the deerskin cloak around him. His eyes darting up and down the market corridor looking for the empty shop he heard about. An older building with a large chimney is what the old man told him... But a lot of these buildings seemed old. If he was ever going to find it he had to start asking people.

"Excuse me, can someone show me to the old smithery?" He looked back and forth to the crowd ignoring him "Sir? Ma'am? Can anyone guide me?"

He adjusted his cloak and bag and kept looking for a guide.
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