Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by LuckyBlackCat
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LuckyBlackCat Cats Will Rule The World

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Gabrielle Angouras

Gabrielle was fuming. The journey hadn't even been supposed to take that long, but it had been just her luck for the limousine to have inched along, stuck in traffic. "Finally," she muttered as the vehicle stopped outside the venue, its fluorescent sign glowing against the night sky.

She climbed out, striding towards the entrance as fast as her high heels would allow, her caramel-coloured dress swishing around her legs. "Well this is going to look just great," she moaned to the bodyguard accompanying her. Her answer to her father's earlier phone call - just another ten minutes - had been wishful thinking. Now she was going to let him down as he tried to celebrate his company's expansion.

"Please, madam," came a voice. Gabrielle turned, looking round to see a withered old woman sitting on the ground, huddled in a raggedy cloak that may once have been purple but now looked almost grey. "Can you spare any change?" The hag stared up, hope in her eyes.

For just a second, despite her ever-growing irritation, the poignancy of the woman's expression made Gabrielle hesitate. No, there was no point, she told herself, remembering what her dad said about people like that. The hag would just spend it on drink, and besides, there wasn't exactly time to spare.

As the bodyguard reminded her they needed to make a move, Gabrielle scowled down at the crone. "If you don't mind," she huffed, "I have somewhere to be right now." With that, she turned up her nose and continued along her way.

Angry mumbling from behind her brought on a pang of guilt, but she tried to ignore it. What was the hag even saying anyway? Was that some kind of chanting? Was the crone already drunk? As the young starlet stepped through the doors, thrumming music drowned out the mutters.

Her attention instantly fell on the person at the centre of the gathering, a man in a cream-coloured suit, frown lines emphasised by chandelier lights as he looked her way. "Ah, so you decided to turn up after all," he commented as he stepped forward, radiating eminence. "That's a rather odd definition of ten minutes you have."

Gabrielle put on her best fake smile, even though she knew her father would see right through it. "Well, I made it here, despite a few... annoyances." Two heavily made-up faces sneered at her from the crowd, and she tried not to visibly cringe. Of course her explanation wouldn't be good enough for her father or sisters.

"Annoyances?" said a voice in her head. An all too familiar one. Gabrielle gasped and flinched as the speaker continued. "So that's what I am? Just an inconvenience? Tell me, is that how you view everyone who isn't part of your little elite circle?"

With a little shake of her head, Gabrielle edged back from the many pairs of eyes that turned her way. "Ehh... Excuse me..." As she glanced around for somewhere private she could head to, the voice continued. "What's the matter? I thought you wanted people to stare? That's all you care about. Style. Attention. Fame. Well, you're in luck. You're about to get what you want. After tonight, you'll be the talk of the entire region."

Both her sisters muttered to each other, the amusement on Barbara's face turning to concern. She advanced as if to check on Gabrielle, only for Suzanne to step in front, arms folded as she smirked. "There's a strange one in every family," the older sister mumbled, leading Barbara back into the crowd.

Gabrielle tried to straighten her back, tell her family she was fine, but for some reason she couldn't move or speak. All her muscles clenched as if she'd overdone a workout. Then, as her entire body squeezed in on itself, the only sound she could let out was a strangled scream.

"What in the name of Arceus...?" she heard her father gasp. He seemed to grow taller and taller before her eyes, as did everyone gathering round. Her skin tingled all over, and what felt like fur brushed against the inside of her dress, the fabric pooling on the floor as it swamped her shrunken form. Pain flared through her ears, which felt as if they were being stretched, wrenched down by weights. Pale fluff filled the corners of her vision. Forcing her limbs to move, she grabbed a cottony mass and gaped in shock as she took a closer look. A rabbit ear, gripped in a pair of paws, more puffy fur sprouting from the wrists like stuffing spilling out of a broken toy.

As the pain subsided, she wriggled out of the dress, staring down at her new body. She shook her head, ears swinging from side to side. "No... no, no..." she tried to say, but all she could utter was "Lopunny..."

The deathly quiet in the room erupted into chaos. With her suddenly sensitive hearing, the cacophony of shouts went right through her. Cameras flashed. Turning and dashing through the crowd, Gabrielle fled outside. She ran across concrete that grazed her paws, past buildings that looked much too big. Her centre of gravity thrown off, she found herself falling, yelping as she thudded to the ground in a heap of dirt-stained fluff.

At the sound of storming footsteps, she propped herself up. Her father towered over her, face contorted with anger he only unleashed when out of the public eye, yet she'd never seen him quite this furious.

He grabbed her by the ears, earning a squeal as he yanked her to her feet. "Oh, shut up. You've caused enough of a scene," he growled, bending down, spit flying in her face. "I invested everything I could into you, and... and now I've got this scrap of fur for an heiress? Just when I'd almost stopped doubting your usefulness? I don't know who you are now, but you're not my daughter. Not any more."

The words struck like a blow. As her father skulked into the distance, Gabrielle tried to plead with him, but even if she could have made herself understood, he wouldn't have listened. Curling up in a corner, she wrapped her arms around her knees, the damp and muddy fur bringing little warmth.

Hearing a cackling noise, she raised her head to see another figure she recognised, a grin spread over that wrinkled face. "Happy now?" the old hag taunted.

"What...?" Gabrielle shuffled back, wincing as her tail pressed against the wall. "What did you do to me...?"

The crone's eyes glimmered with mirth, indicating that she'd understood every word. "A favour. You're pretty, you're stylish, and you were the centre of attention just now. Too bad fame can't last." She gave a raspy chuckle. "Plus it was rather fun. You have to amuse yourself in any way you can, when you've been dead as long as I have."

With that, she rose into the air, cloak trailing. Gabrielle watched, open-mouthed, as the woman's image rippled and changed. In her place, a purple spectre floated, red gems glinting on her cloak, matching the malicious eyes that peered from under what looked like a witch's hat.

"You..." Gabrielle's bewilderment gave way to rage. "You thief! You cheat! You try to con me out of my money, then you go and do this to me? Give me my body back! Give me my life back!"

The Mismagius shook her head. "And why should I do that? I never really wanted your money. I just expected what I get from most people. Indifference. But that little comment of yours, that was a whole other level of condescending." She loomed closer. "Want to know how I died? Because of people like you. People who had plenty to spare, but preferred to flaunt it instead of give it to someone starving right in front of them. So, consider your request denied. Unless you give me a good reason to grant it."

She vanished into the shadows, leaving the human turned Lopunny quite alone.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by fer1323
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fer1323 Roamer of the Internet

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jean Ambiphian

-Few weeks ago-

Lord Jean Ambiphian was doing late reading in his library in his red evening sleepwear and dark blue gown while listening to the downpour outside. He heard the front door bell ring. He goes and answers the door. He sees a winkly old woman standing on the front door step, clenching her raggedy cloak in the wet cold. "Please, sir. Let me stay here for the night or until I have dried off and warmed up." Jean looks at her intently before saying. ”I am sorry to say that I am not entertaining any guests tonight, especially riff-raff like you. So, would you kindly please move on?”

The old lady gives a angry snort and walks away and mumbling something as she left. It was so incoherent that even in a more favorable environment, Jean would have struggled to understand what she is saying. He closes the door and makes his way back to the library. On the way, he comes across Alexander his Butler and right hand man. ”Who was at the door, sir?” Jean waves his hand dismissively. ”Another gypsy wanting to steal anything she can pocket. She already took some precious time away from my reading. Sometimes, I wish I could be separated from the outside world.”

In his head, a voice speaks to him "A stealing gypsy, am I now? Fortunately for you, I know some actual magic and will be able to grant your request.” Jean spins around to locate the source of the voice."Don't worry, After the spell has done its work, no one from the outside world will want to bother you as you don't want them to see you in your new repulsive form." Alexander has a look of concern on his face. ”Is something the matter, Sir?”

Holding his head, Jean says in a tired voice. ”I think I am getting too sleep deprived. I am going to off to bed.” Jean and Alexander say their farewells for the evening, Jean heads to the master bedroom. In the bathroom, Jean splashes his face to clear his head. As he looks his face in the mirror, Jean sees the single most disturbing thing in his life. His eyeballs have completely changed to yellow spheres. His skin starts to tingle as his hair starts to fall off his scalp. Jean lets out a blood curdling scream.

The skin at his throat changes to a deep red and starts to expand like a beach ball. As Jean breaths in and out, it inflates and deflates accordingly. Most of his body turns dark blue with many band of black. His digits on his hands and feet turn from five to three with the middle toe on foot being red and a red spike on the back of each hand erupts a red spike. His robe and sleep no longer fits him properly.

As the staff could come and check on him, what they find instead is a Troxicroak in his place. As the staff try to get near him, the poor scared creature tries to warn them to stay away but It lands on deaf ears. As the staff touch his skin, instead of a deadly posion, they all too start to change into Pokémon. The list includes the maid Mira, the chef Porscine, the gardener Alyssa, the personal guard Florentine, The handmaid Simone and finally the butler Alexander.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by LuckyBlackCat
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LuckyBlackCat Cats Will Rule The World

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Gabrielle Angouras

She was dreaming, Gabrielle told herself. This was nothing but a horrible, elaborate vision. Ghost types, particularly Mismagius, were notorious for their illusions. She held on to the thought, trying to push some of the stories she'd heard from her mind, stories of old, vengeful spirits whose curses went beyond mere nightmares.

A figure appeared in the alleyway, snapping her from her thoughts.

"Who'd have thought it?" came an excited cry. In a flash, a Herdier appeared by the young man's side. "A Lopunny in a place like this! Alright buddy, soften it up a little, then it's mine!"

As a blur of shaggy hair barrelled towards her, jaws snapping, Gabrielle ran for it. A Herdier wasn't quite so cute when it was only a foot shorter than her. "Aw, don't let it get away!" she heard from behind her. The growling and scampering sounds drew closer, and her pace picked up. A red and white object whizzed past her, missing by an inch and bouncing off the concrete. A Pokeball. No, no way would she let this happen. No way would she go from classy socialite to some trainer's pet bunny.

She didn't even know where she was running. All that mattered was getting away. She sprang into the air, squeaking as she landed painfully hard, but she had no choice but to keep jumping until buildings and streets became trees and grass. Misjudging a leap, she careened right into a tree. Pain jarred through her head, stars exploding across her vision. The ground spun as it rose up.

With a whimper, Gabrielle curled her bruised, muddy and unfamiliar body into a ball on the grass. Even in her dazed state, the situation began to sink in. This was no dream.


Mira hurried along the hallway, the images still fresh in her memory. They'd only come in brief flashes, but had been clear enough for her to know all too well what they meant.

"Florentine!" she called out, looking this way and that. The hallway was empty apart from her, the other servants starting to wrap up their duties for the night, but she could sense nearby people behind walls. She reached up, rubbing the bow-like feeler at the back of her head, which tingled from the presences and the recent vision. The disc around her wrist caught on the ones protruding from the sides of her head. Working her arm free, she grumbled to herself. This would all take a lot of getting used to, and not just for her, or the other residents of the castle. Somebody else needed help.

The problem was, would Jean - the one who'd gone and gotten himself and all of them into this mess - actually see past the end of his snout for once and agree to help? Some people just never learned their lesson.

She called out again, not with her voice, but with her mind. "Florentine!" She hoped she'd reach him. Her abilities would take a while to get the hang of, but her telepathy worked better with Florentine than with anyone else, possibly either because he was also a Psychic type or because of their friendship.

"We're not the only ones," she continued. "Someone else went and got on that witch's bad side. Someone who now needs our help."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by fer1323
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fer1323 Roamer of the Internet

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Florentine is in the library when he hears Mira call out for him in his head. He is trying to make a confession love poem for Mira but was having trouble finding the right words but is unable to find words to express Mira’s outer and inner beauty. Being a Gallade, it is also difficult to write with his current hands. Florentine opens his mouth but remembers to use his head. He responds to Mira with his mind ”I am in the Library. I will meet you in the front foyer.”

Florentine hides his notes in a book and puts the book on a shelf, He knows that no one is interested in the particular book so he is fine leaving it in plain sight. Florentine goes to the main foyer. On the way to the foyer, Florentine sees Alexander, who is now a roserade, looking out the window at the Florges outside, named Alyssa.

”Greetings Alexander. Enjoying the sight.” Alexander looks at Florentine in a daze. ”Oh, greetings Florentine. Indeed I am.” Florentine smiles at Alexander. He knows the look and body language as signs of love. ”Mira and I are possibly leaving the castle to get another ill fated person. Inform the other for us please.” Alexander nods in agreement and bows before he walks off. Florentine makes his way to the foyer and while there,he wants for Mira.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by LuckyBlackCat
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LuckyBlackCat Cats Will Rule The World

Member Seen 3 mos ago


Heading into the foyer, Mira greeted Florentine with a little smile, then her face became solemn once more. "Well," she said, "it looks like this one caused quite a stir." She recalled the scenario in as much detail as she could, focusing on making it visible to others. The foyer rippled, scenes flashing around the two like a movie that kept freezing and jumping forward. A finely-dressed crowd staring in astonishment. A chase through dingy streets. A canopy of trees. The images faded, the room reappearing. A slight frown creased Mira's face as she rubbed her forehead. She hadn't been able to manage anything clearer, but what she'd projected had been enough to get the girl's situation across - and, hopefully, her location.

"If I hold on to that last image, do you think you'd be able to take us there... once we somehow get permission, of course?" It was in a flat mumble that she added on this part, with emphasis on the word "somehow". She rolled her eyes in the direction of the master bedroom, where Jean spent much of his time hiding away. "This is one tough task we've got ahead of us."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by fer1323
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fer1323 Roamer of the Internet

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Florentine observes the swirling images as fast as possible. Florentine lets out a ‘hhhmmmmm’ as he is asked about the location. ”That would be most helpful, especially if you can give a landmark or two from above the trees.” Florentine looks to Jean’s room door and says in return. ”I know that he had a hand in our….. new appearances but I am sure he did not wish that on us at all. The guilt is probably eating him away. If worst comes to worst, I can always challenge him to a due bet.”

Jean Ambiphian

Jean is indeed in his room, drowning in his own guilt and anger. His servants suffer the same fate as him and many still stick with him. He has sealed himself and the others from the outside world so that no one will ever found out the horrible truth has happened. He doesn't care about the possible rumors that might spawn out of being sealed in his house, whether he is suffering from a deadly disease or that he might be mentally unstable. Either sounds better at this point.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by LuckyBlackCat
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LuckyBlackCat Cats Will Rule The World

Member Seen 3 mos ago


Mira nodded. "I know." She recalled what she'd seen with her newly developing senses during her transformation - a dark cloud of leftover cursed energy, seeping from the baron to everyone else as it seemingly reacted with his poison. "It's just... Let's hope it means he's learned a thing or two. Enough to let someone in here, at least." She glanced towards the room again. Jean hadn't deserved what he'd gotten, but nonetheless wasn't the easiest person to reason with, especially while dwelling on his own misfortune.

She made her way up the stairs, hitching up her skirt-like lower tier as she did so. That incident a few days ago when she'd tripped and nearly fallen down the steps wasn't something she wanted to repeat. Before she even got to the door, she could tell Jean was in there, his presence hanging in the air like the heavy dampness of an overcast day.

"Sir." She knocked on the door. "There's something Florentine and I wish to ask of you."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by fer1323
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fer1323 Roamer of the Internet

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jean Ambiphian

The knock on the door and voice snaps Jean out of his current depression. He goes to open the door and sees his two psychic servants standing in front of him. The two that give him the hardest time yet still stay loyal to him. He does not deserve them or any of the others. With heavy heart and sigh, he says, ”What is it that you ask of me?”

Although this is a rare reprieve from his own depression, he knows that this is about something important. Only important things are come to be consulted with him. It is to be expected and it doesn't anger Jean at all. Florentine explained in a simple yet informative manner. ”We are here to request you if you can provide shelter for another person that has cursed in a similar way that we have been.”

Jean grits his teeth. As much as he wants to be shut off to the outside world, Jean knows that the two most likely will go do anyways despite his orders not to. Either that or they will not let him forget it so easily. ”You may bring the person here but on the condition that you do so without getting noticed or followed back here. It is hard enough to keep a low profile when I have to keep humans out but not Pokémon. I also want to see you two at dinner with the new arrival.” After that, Jean says farewell and closes the door.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by LuckyBlackCat
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LuckyBlackCat Cats Will Rule The World

Member Seen 3 mos ago


Mira bowed her head. "As you wish, Sir." Despite Jean's obvious reluctance, that hadn't been as difficult as she'd feared. Of course, maybe his quadruple weakness to Psychic types had something to do with it. It was a particularly good thing that no duel between him and Florentine had been necessary - not only would it have wasted time, it wouldn't have improved Jean's current mood any.

"Well, that's another reason to hurry," she mumbled, leading Florentine down the hallway. She sensed the figure scurrying up the stairs before she saw a pink and cream head pop up, blue eyes wide, ears twitching.

"What... What's going on?" the other housekeeper squeaked, her grip tightening on a cloth and a can of wood polish. "It's just... I-I'm sorry, I couldn't help overhearing... Is it true? There's someone else?"

Nodding, Mira gave Simone a slight smile of reassurance. "It's alright, no need to be nervous. We're just about to bring her here, so could you please prepare a guest room while we're away?"

Simone bobbed, the curly extensions of her ears bouncing. "Right on it!" Once the handmaid had tottered towards an empty room, Mira turned back towards Florentine, her face becoming serious once more.

"Ok, here goes." She tried to summon clear mental images from as many angles as possible, ones that she could project to the Gallade, but the details kept evading her. It was like trying to look at a spot on a grid that disappeared when focused on. Breathing deeply and exhaling with a soft huff, she sent the few scenes she could swirling around the area.

Hopefully they'd be able to get there without trouble. Given how quickly Florentine had adapted to his Pokemon form, she didn't doubt his teleporting skill, but it all depended on whether he had enough idea of the location to work with.

Gabrielle Angouras

At the sound of a distant howl, Gabrielle scrabbled to her feet. The bruise on her head throbbed, and the woodland became a spinning blur of trees and shadows. Trying to steady herself, she stepped on one of her ears and fell back down with a yelp.

Cradling her ear with one paw and clasping the other over her mouth, she listened out. There it was again, the cry of what sounded like a Mightyena. Her heart raced. Great, she'd evaded the trainer, only to have put herself in the way of another danger. What if wild Pokemon had heard her shriek just now? She recalled the nature documentaries she'd seen, about how Mightyenas hunted in packs of around ten. Not exactly what she wanted to come face to face with.

Half staggering, half crawling away from the sound, she wriggled into the shrubbery, curling up under a canopy of leaves. Next to her, something rustled. Forcing herself not to cry out, she pulled back as a Spinarak scuttled into view. The spider ignored her and wandered off, but if there were Spinaraks here, there also had to be Ariados. And they'd be almost as tall as she was.

Through the growing darkness, she stared this way and that for a place to hide.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by fer1323
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fer1323 Roamer of the Internet

Member Seen 1 yr ago


After leaving Master Jean alone and talking to the audino handmaid Simone, Mira shows Florentine the general location. It is hard to get a general sense of the place. It is already hard for Florentine to teleport himself, let only two, but trying to teleport blind is risky and dangerous. Once Florentine is happy that he has enough information, he takes Mira’s hand. Florentine holds back a smile and being flustered. Florentine teleports the pair to the forest within the general area of the target.

”Lead the way. I will protect you.” As Mira leads Florentine, Florentine keeps an eye out. It is his duty to protect all under his charge but Mira is more than his charge. She has always been but all his bravery escapes him when it comes to love.

Florentine hears some noise in the bushes. Florentine takes a battle stance and exclaims. ”If you are a friend, come out now and surrender. If you don't and decide to attack, I will fight back with full force.”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by LuckyBlackCat
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LuckyBlackCat Cats Will Rule The World

Member Seen 3 mos ago


Despite her concern for the cursed girl and the way Jean might react to her arrival, when Florentine held her hand, a warm feeling spread through Mira. A smile twitched at her lips, a blush creeping across her face. She gripped back, and with a sudden jolting sensation, found herself surrounded by forest for real this time.

The forest buzzed with presences, adding to her disorientation. While she searched around, images of recent Pokemon battles in the area filled her mind. She frowned, blinking as if it would dispel the visions. This was just confusing - and a reminder that she and Florentine would have to hurry up and find the woman turned Lopunny before any wild Pokemon could.

One presence stood out from the others, one that felt rather like those of the castle's residents. A former human. As Mira led Florentine closer, the shrubs in front of her rustled, prompting the Gallade to take a defensive stance and announce a warning.

"Florentine, it's alright, that's..." Before the maid could finish the sentence, the Lopunny popped her head out and instantly pulled back, confirming what she'd been about to say.

Gabrielle Angouras

When she heard footsteps and voices, the first thing Gabrielle did was dash into another thicket. Peering out, she noticed two Pokemon she hadn't expected to see in a forest. What were a Gallade and a Gothitelle doing here? Did they belong to a trainer, looking to battle or fill up their Pokedex?

Her stomach plummeted at the Gallade's threat. From the sound of it, that was her suspicion confirmed. She stepped back, only to freeze as the Gothitelle turned her eerie blue gaze on her. Too late to avoid notice now. Even though it would probably be a futile attempt, she did the only thing she could think of. She bolted.

Still not having completely shaken off the dizziness, she tripped over a branch on the ground. Twisting round, she looked up, eyes wide with terror as the Gothitelle approached.

"Like hell am I going to be your trainer's newest pet!" she yelled, trying to disguise the tremor in her voice. "Or your training dummy!"

The Gothitelle's expression became one of confusion, then she shook her head. "No, no, that's not what we're here for." Her tone was surprisingly gentle. "We have no trainer. You see, we weren't always Pokemon. And we know you weren't either."

Stunned into silence, Gabrielle stared. Was this the truth she was hearing? She wasn't the only one under this curse?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by fer1323
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fer1323 Roamer of the Internet

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Florentine drops his guard and walks next to Mira. He speaks in a militaristic bluntness. ”She speaks the truth. We were once simple human servants to a human lord. It was so until the lord was cursed and cursed us servants in turn. If you don't believe us, you will meet all the other servants and they will tell you the same thing.”

As Florentine looks at the pitiful sight of the lopunny, Florentine feels sorrow. What did she do to get this punishment? ” We need to get you back to the manor and cleaned up before dinner. If you don't come with us, I am sure the next Pokémon or person, that you will meet, won't be as pleasant to speak with.” Florentine hopes that he will be able to do this the easy way despite his scary blunt truth. Although Florentine prefers the sweet words of poetry, the job always demands to be forthcoming and blunt.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by LuckyBlackCat
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LuckyBlackCat Cats Will Rule The World

Member Seen 3 mos ago


More visions flashed through Mira's head as she looked at the Lopunny. One scene showed Mightyenas closing in all around. In another, a Noctowl swooped down. She shuddered, trying to focus on the present. "Florentine's right," she said, her tone urgent. As much as she wished she could comfort the girl, there wasn't time. "There's no easy way to say this, but there are wild Pokemon approaching..."

The shiver of nearing presences ran through her. "Watch out!" She gripped the Lopunny's arm and pulled her out of the way, nearly toppling. A split second later, a blue energy blade sliced the ground where the girl had been. Whirling round, Mira unleashed a psychic blast at a dark shape that glided down on silent wings. Hurtling backwards and slamming into a tree, the Noctowl fell in a flurry of feathers, before righting itself and casting a piercing glare at the group. Two more owls soared closer.

"Ugh..." Mira leaned against a tree, clutching her head. Using that much psychic power at once had taken its toll on her. "Florentine, now! We've got to get back!" Although she could hold the Noctowls off for a while, she barely knew how to fight, and as tough as Florentine was, a Fighting type would have trouble against three Flying types.

Maybe they shouldn't have waited for the baron's permission. Maybe they should have gone right away, whether Jean liked it or not.

Gabrielle Angouras

"And just what makes you think I can trust you?" Gabrielle snapped, folding her arms, or at least trying to. It wasn't an easy task with all that fluff. Deep down, though, she knew the Gallade had a point, his words stirring up an uneasy feeling in her. When the Gothitelle stopped spacing out long enough to back up the other Psychic type, Gabrielle groaned. As much as she hated to admit it, there wasn't exactly anywhere else for her to go. "Ugh... Fine then, if there really is no other choice. But if this is some kind of trick you're trying to pull, I'll have you know who I am..."

The next moment, she found herself hauled to her feet and dragged to the side. "What...?" An Air Slash narrowly missed, carving a deep groove into the soil. She stared in horror at the three winged shapes casting shadows over the clearing.

The Gothitelle's eyes glowed, and one of the Noctowls went crashing into a tree, but the Psychic type sagged, clearly unused to using her abilities. Gabrielle's blood seemed to turn to ice water in her veins as she remembered what she'd heard about Noctowls. They never let their prey escape.

As the Gothitelle called out to the Gallade, Gabrielle tensed all over at a distant sound. Another Mightyena howl.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by fer1323
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fer1323 Roamer of the Internet

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Florentine grits his teeth or what counted as his teeth. It is going to be difficult to battle three foes and protect the other two. He can deal with flying types quite well as he has a trick or two up his sleeve. The real bad news is the faint mightyena howl. Florentine hates complications because it means things get messy and he does not like dealing with the mess. ”Mira, grab the Lopunny and get out of here. I will catch up with you later. I need to get us some breathing room.”

Florentine turns his attention to the three owls. He looks at the three and judges which one is the more dominant one. It seems to be the middle, which has a beard and is slightly bigger than the other two. This Noctowl tries to go after the Lopunny and Mira. Luckily, Florentine uses quick guard and catches the Noctowl. Florentine smirks as he thunder punches the bird in the face, scoring a critical hit on the super effective hit thus fainting the Noctowl.

”If you want your prey, you better get through me first.” Florentine taunts the two other birds which are in a state of confusion and panic. It seems without leadership and facing a unusual brave prey, the two remaining birds can’t decide to flee, attack the gallade or chase the prey.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by LuckyBlackCat
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LuckyBlackCat Cats Will Rule The World

Member Seen 3 mos ago


Gripping the Lopunny's arm again, Mira ran as fast as her stubby legs would allow. Florentine had ways of defending himself against Flying types, she reminded herself, but that didn't stop her worry from growing the further she and Gabrielle fled.

Hearing a crackling impact, she saw the image in her mind before she turned around. The largest, oldest Noctowl fell to the ground and was still, feathers sparking. Thunder Punch, a move that was usually tutored, but could be self-taught with enough patience and adaptability, both strong points of the guard turned Gallade. The two other birds kept their distance, their heads flipping upside down. Even from this distance, Mira could feel their auras grow intense with deep thought. "Now's our chance," she projected into Florentine's mind. "Let's go!"

As one owl readied a pink luminous orb - a Moonblast - Mira reacted instantly. Fatigue, stress and inexperience meant her psychic attack only gave the Noctowl a slight push backwards, but its sphere of light disappeared as its concentration broke. Feeling a presence move in to the side, the Gothitelle spun round, mustering all the energy she could and desperately firing it at the other Noctowl.

This time, it worked, though not in the way she'd intended. A feeling of weightlessness came over her as she rose a foot off the ground to the swooping Noctowl's level, sending three glowing blue and purple blobs slamming into it. With a shriek, the bird plummeted and lay unconscious. Utterly drained, Mira was the next to fall. She staggered back upon landing, then toppled into the grass.

Was that Psyshock she'd just used, instead of Psychic? Whatever it had been, she most likely wouldn't be capable of much more for the time being.

Gabrielle Angouras

Spurred on through the dizziness by adrenaline, Gabrielle fled alongside one Psychic type, glancing back at the other. Her breath came in short, shaky bursts as her ribs tightened. How well would these two, still adapting to their forms, be able to fight?

Better than she'd thought, it turned out, as the Gallade blocked an attack and retaliated by throwing an electrified punch. One Noctowl fainted instantly, the other two standing rooted to the spot as their feathers fluffed and their heads turned upside down. Those owls had to flee, Gabrielle thought, furry fingers clenching. Surely they'd flee...

It all happened faster than she could process. Pink light welled, then faded as the Gothitelle's eyes flared blue again and one bird shuffled back a step. Taking advantage of the psychics' distraction, the other owl took to the air and tried to slip past the Gallade, but the next thing Gabrielle knew, the Gothitelle had begun to float up, a blue-purple glow surrounding her. Three orbs formed from the glow and shot at the descending predator, knocking it from the sky.

The outline of light faded from the Gothitelle, who dropped and stumbled before collapsing. Gabrielle hopped right over to her, trying to help her up. "Please get up!" she begged. The exhausted Psychic type attempted to stand, only to groan and fall again, looking ready to pass out. "Dammit, I said get up!" Gabrielle could barely speak through her dry mouth. She wasn't normally one to give others much thought, but people getting hurt trying to protect her... This was a different matter than usual.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by fer1323
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fer1323 Roamer of the Internet

Member Seen 1 yr ago


As the lopunny tends to the exhausted Mira, Florentine grabs the last staggered Noctowl’s head from behind before it recovers fully and shocks the Noctowl unconscious. Florentine swiftly goes to Mira and the Lopunny and takes a quick sitrep. ”We need to get out of here and we needed have done that five minutes ago. Now, don't be alarmed or be scared. You might be a bit dazed or stomach sick.”

Florentine holds the lopunny’s shoulder and Mira’s hand and focuses. He gets an image of the castle but before he can teleport, he hears a growl. He looks up and sees a mightyena. This mightyena looks smaller and skinnier than normal mightyena. It must be most probably a male and low one at that in the pack. He must have been sent ahead to scout out. He probably is hungry and is willing to risk somethings for a meal.

As the Mightyena brace to lunge, Florentine gets a surge of adrenaline and decides to teleport them to the castle. As the mightyena lunges, the trio teleport back to the castle. Sadly for the mightyena, he will be without a meal.


Alexander is waiting in the foyer for the new arrival. As Florentine and Mira arrive back with a lopunny, Alexander sees that Mira in bad shape. Alexander rushes over to the three. ”What happened? Please tell me no one got hurt. ” Florentine looks at Alexander with a weak smile. ”Just some Noctowls. that is all. Alexander, take the new arrival and clean her up for dinner. ”

Alexander nods in agreement and allows Florentine to take Mira to her room. Alexander watches them go and smiles. Love is a wonderful sight to behold. Alexander turns to the lopunny. ”Let’s run you a warm bath and see if there ain't a nice dress for you to wear. ”
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by LuckyBlackCat
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LuckyBlackCat Cats Will Rule The World

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Gabrielle Angouras

Once the last Noctowl had fainted, the Gallade rushed over. At his statement that they should have escaped five minutes ago, Gabrielle gave a short, breathless laugh. "Then why didn't you get us out?" she asked. Ok, maybe he'd had trouble concentrating, or was still getting the hang of his abilities, or both, but couldn't he have at least tried?

She supposed she couldn't really complain. He'd helped save her from ending up as the Noctowls' breakfast, even if he'd gone about it the risky and difficult way.

Before the Gallade could take her and the Gothitelle to safety, Gabrielle spun round at a growl. A short distance away, a Mightyena crouched - not a particularly strong-looking one, but a Mightyena nonetheless, fangs bared and eyes glinting with hunger.

Gabrielle's breath caught with sheer terror as the wild Pokemon leapt forward. In less than a second, the strangest feeling besides that of having been turned into a Lopunny swept over her. As the scene became a blurring whirl, she went lightheaded, her stomach jerking as if she were falling, her body seeming to turn insubstantial. When everything came back into focus, she found herself in a grand foyer, standing in front of a Roserade.

Immediately rushing over, the Roserade asked if anyone was hurt. "I-I'm fine," Gabrielle insisted, even though the bruise on her head still ached, she couldn't stop trembling, and the room swayed nauseatingly around her from the teleporting. When the Gallade suggested cleaning her up, she took one look at herself and cringed. Mud dripped from her fur onto the floor.

She nodded at the mention of a dress. "There'd better be." Being naked shouldn't have been a big deal as she was covered in fur, but she couldn't help feeling somewhat awkward, and a stylish outfit was something she simply couldn't be without. The question was, though, how would there be anything around that would fit a Lopunny?

It still felt too unreal to truly sink in. In just about an hour, she'd gone from a famous face concerned with getting to a party on time, to a Pokemon concerned with getting away from predators on time. How could this be happening to someone like her?


"I'll be alright," Mira reassured Alexander. "It's nothing a little rest won't help with." She gave a wan smile, then leaned on Florentine as he led her towards her room. "You're ok, aren't you?" she asked the Gallade, blinking and squinting up at him. The light she'd been teleported from the darkening forest into wasn't helping her headache.

"Note to self. When using psychic power, restraint is key," she mumbled as she reached her door. Turning the handle, she looked back over at Florentine. "Don't worry about me. I just hope the new girl's going to be ok." With that, she staggered inside.

The other servants would help the best they could, she was sure, but it didn't take a psychic to predict what would happen later on. Jean and the Lopunny would undoubtedly clash.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by fer1323
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fer1323 Roamer of the Internet

Member Seen 1 yr ago


After carefully getting the lopunny to her feet, Alexander leads her to the guest room prepared for her. It take a few turns left and right before they reach the room. Alexander holds the door and lets the Lopunny in first like a gentleman.

The room is quite spacious with nice oak furnishings. There is an ornate four post double bed and nice table with a mirror with makeup drawers and more. There is no wall separating the bathroom and the bedroom. There is a large porcelain bathtub on nice tiled surface.

Alexander runs a hot bath for the Lopunny. ”Do you mind if I stay in the room and help clean and dress you? Or should I get a female to help you?” As much as being Pokémon might change a few rules and conventions, the ingrained human nature still runs strong in Alexander and many others in the castle. He is just well mannered and gentlemanly for the guest.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by LuckyBlackCat
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LuckyBlackCat Cats Will Rule The World

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Gabrielle Angouras

The sight of the luxurious room, complete with four poster bed and dressing table, gave a slight lift to Gabrielle's spirits. When the Roserade asked if she wanted him to stay and help her, though, she scowled.

"I'll be just fine cleaning and dressing myself," she replied, motioning for him to leave as she headed into the bathroom. There was no real reason for the awkwardness - she had no clothes to take off, her modesty preserved by fur instead. Still, having been human up until very recently, she couldn't let go of certain qualms so quickly.

Looking down at the mud she'd dripped onto the tiles, then at the fluff hanging in filthy bedraggled curls from her wrists and ears, she sighed. It would take forever to get clean and dry. "Oh second thoughts, go get someone to help me dry off afterwards. And to bring me a dress," she demanded. Even as a Pokemon, she deserved to be treated like the star she was.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by fer1323
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fer1323 Roamer of the Internet

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The Lopunny is not making good first impressions for Alexander but he is somewhat used to the attitude and can deal with it. The real question is how Mira will react and how poor Simone will react. ”Certainly. I will get the handmaid for you. Should be easier for a female to help you out.” Alexander bows respectfully and leaves.

Alexander stops by the kitchen first and talks to Porscine, the chef. ”Greetings, Chef. Have you heard about our new arrival?” Porscine laughs like jolly father Christmas. ”Yes, I have from Simone. She is setting the table for dinner right now. I am making my famous three course meal so the new arrival will be in quite surprise.” Alexander smiles, thanks Porscine for the help and goes to the dining room.

In the dining room, Alexander sees Simone polishing the candle stands and putting new candle sticks into the holders. ”Greetings, Simone. Is it possible for you to help the new arrival with drying off and getting dressed? “ Alexander would have asked Mira but she needs time to recuperate by the looks of it when Alexander saw her last. Poor girl but she has Florentine to look after her.
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