Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Old Amsterdam
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Old Amsterdam Coven Witch

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Rain hissed in irritation as the fucker ate a healing herb, letting his warm blood spill over her fangs before she was picked up and unceremoniously slammed into a wall.

She could feel the damage. The pain. The force.

Warning! Your HP is low!
System: Rain

No shit, she thought in annoyance.

Then he yelled at her and her anger bubbled over.
"NO YOU'RE NOT, YOU PIECE OF SHIT ASS FUCKING DIRTY ASS BASTARD!" she screamed before filling her maw with venom. She spit it at his eyes as soon as a Glob was ready. "I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU, YOU FUCKING RETARDED HAIRY FUCKER!"

She struggled harder, knowing full well that she was likely damaging herself, as she used her claws and fangs to rip at the hand holding her, holding back absolutely nothing. Each bite was accompanied with venom as she hissed in pain.

"I'll take you down with me, you fucking twatmuffin." The threat was more of a growl, but clearly audible.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Zeroth @Rune_Alchemist @ghastlyInc @Kangutso

Danny did his best to oversee as much of the battle as he could, while hoping to stay unnoticed, in hopes of getting ideas for new skills. After a while he spotted something interesting namely a Goblin with partially red skin. Curious he got as close as he dared too and used Monster Analysis I.

Hi curiosity grew even more when he heard the Goblin gear Fireball and did his best to somehow figure out what was happening as somehow a fireball appeared in Crispy's hand which he threw at a bright pink wisp. Just as he decided that this was a monster he should study carefully he heard someone yelling. "NO YOU'RE NOT, YOU PIECE OF SHIT ASS FUCKING DIRTY ASS BASTARD!"

Not wanting a repeat of the Lorek incident he reluctantly and stealthily using the stalactites for cover made his way closer to where the sound came from and saw a giant hairy Goblin smashing against the cave wall.

Even though were another wisp, a pixie and strangely enough Goblin nearby and also fighting the gorilla like monster he refused to watch idly. Leaving the cover of the stalactites to get a better shot he once again tried using mana shape to force his mana into the form of a dart and carefully aimed. Rather than risk missing and
still being seen he decided to make sure he hit at the cost of increasing the risk that some Goblin would notice him.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Guy0fV4lor
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Guy0fV4lor Retaker of The Holy Land

Member Seen 8 mos ago

@Zeroth@King Cosmos@SilverPaw@Searat

From the sound of it, Rattlescrote was even more pissed off now, and was about to take a beating from all sides. However, there was a far more immediate problem at hand, as Oberon was fighting three goblins all on his lonesome. Reaching out with [Telepathy II], he spoke to his ally, 'Oberon, toss me that mana crystal you have while I distract the goblins. I need you to grab the flame-touched crystals, and a few normal ones. Bring them to me! Quickly!'

Launching his last stone spike via [Stone Shot II] at the temple of the Brawny goblin, Jason emerged from his foxhole, stretching his body to appear as large as possible as he activated [War Cry I], his golden streaks lighting up as he forced psychic energy into his terrible roar. Before the goblins loomed a large slime; covered in glowing golden streaks, quivering with rage as it bellowed forth a psychically charged decree:

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~The cavern~

Certainly, her approach wasn't the best, but what else could she do? Wasn't like she had books or manuals to teach her magic theory. Perhaps she could find such a thing somewhere in the world. All she could do now, was to try and 'feel' it. Bend it forcefully to her will. But perhaps there was a better method. Until she learned more about magic in general - this was the best she could work with. Or at least, she thought. She didn't have complicate formula, books to reference, notes to write to work with.

The night began to drag on, with Ash not sparing a second thought for anyone else around her. Perhaps she should have taken a break, said something to Danny or Reoth. Perhaps they could offer insight, but she wasn't quite used to being able to have others around her to help so she didn't think of it. Instead, she did what she did best. Tackle a problem alone until it was solved, whether it took her a day or an entire week of sleepless nights. It wasn't like she didn't know what she was doing. This magic seemed incredibly simple, in theory. She just needed to do it. Frustrating, when you used to be able to name chemicals and do complex problems in your sleep to have something so seemingly simple elude you.

A familiar feeling this was. Loneliness. Working on her own, sleepless and even forgetting to eat at times as she worked tirelessly. That's all she was good for, after all. Didn't have friends. Didn't have a life, outside of work. Her family was no better, always measuring her by her achievements. At least this was simple. Feel the magic, attempt movement. Nothing else too it. She just needed to keep her growing frustration under control. The familiar exhaustion was shoved to the back of her mind. In a way, it was familiar even.

Skill Gain: Magic Analysis I
You may now analyze magical energies or objects to learn their most basic magical characteristics. Less effective on Materials and Monsters unless they are magical in nature.

Skill Gain: Lesser Force I
Use a type of magical telekinesis to manipulate objects a short distance from your body. Objects cannot be finely manipulated, and the strength of this Spell is comparable to your physical ability. It works better if the object is also within your sight. This Spell has low MP consumption.

And suddenly, it seemed she succeed.

"Aha, yes!" She opened her eyes, letting the focus slip from her mind as she made a rather comical attempt at doing a victory jump, only to wobble over and fall face first onto the ground. "Urf...oh I haven't been this tired since I was studying for college exams..." She grumbled, panting lightly and catching her breath, letting her body rest on the ground. Lesser Force and Magic analysis! How useful! That would be an excellent skill to study and understand more forms of magic. Hopefully she could opt for a less tiring approach in the future the more magical skills she developed and understood.

Skill Rank Up: Overwork I > II
Stamina consumption increased. Self-Buff increased. When Stamina is fully consumed, this Skill can be kept active by sacrificing HP. This skill will automatically deactivate when HP reaches dangerously low levels.

You have no MP remaining.

WARNING! You have run out of Stamina! You will be Exhausted until you recover through rest--abilities are significantly decreased. You are Thirsty.

"Ah...thank you...I couldn't tell that myself." She moved her mouth, smacking her lips a bit to try and get rid of the dry feeling. Overwork leveled up too, huh? No surprise there. The skill would be useful later on, in both combat and study. Now that she had Lesser Force, she could manipulate objects fairly easily. More importantly though, she should find something to drink. The pool was a fair ways off, and from the continuing sounds of combat echoing through the cavern she'd probably not want to go that way. First things first then. Get her stamina back up, then find a source of water, but the system wasn't done quite yet.

Another level up?

And seven skill points this time, too! How nice. What skills should she put points into? Taking a moment to consider, Ash scrolled down the list to the bottom until she reached the next section. Her body was beginning to change? What?

"Darwin would be rolling in his grave if it was this easy..." The lizard mused to herself. But what was this? How should she go about this? The options to choose from all seemed fairly standard. There was the adult Fanged Lizard. An obvious choice, and likely one that could get her a pack of lizards easier than the others. A kobold was up next. Hands and feet would be very useful, though now that she had developed lesser force, that was much less of an issue. The tailed frog was the most unattractive option. Seemed like a strength based option. Hm. That left the Pygmy Drake.

"Slight increase to base stats...Increase to MP, Gain lesser flight, and gain Mana Orb and Dragon Affinity..." By all accounts, that seemed to be the most attractive one of the options. She could continue developing Lesser force to achieve more fine manipulation, and with Mana Orb she could easily gain a better understanding of how magic worked with Magic Analysis. The more magic she learned - the better off she'd be. Perhaps she could even find a mage? According to the system info, mages kept them as pets sometimes. She wouldn't mind finding such a person to learn under. It'd be an excellent way to gain a better understanding of the world.

"Hmm, what to do..." Should she do it now? It said it would leave her temporarily vulnerable. How long was temporarily? She cast a glance over to Colchain and then towards the direction of the cavern entrance. "...hm, put Five points into Alert, and two into Charisma." Muffle, while useful, wasn't going to be doing much for her at the moment. Perhaps later, it could be something useful but for now it'd be far better to be aware of the people sneaking up on you, and it was difficult grinding Charisma in a place where no one even understood what she was saying. Deciding that for now it'd be best to rest, Ash walked over to the other fanged Lizard, feeling at least safe enough to rest near the other as she let herself lay on the ground near him. "Pygmy Drake."

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The Mighty.

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Ardur The Pixie
Time to fight >>>> On Time, On Target /// day 8 // Evening / Location - J11

Direct hit. The large stone found its mark as more shots came in from his friends. The pixie looked on as a momentary flash of red light went off in another part of the cave. Before too long Rattle skull had picked up on of the lizards and began to try and crush it against the pillar. Hesitating only briefly, Ardur quickly grabbed a hand full of dirt and darted down towards the goblin boss.

Reaching his destination rather quickly, he attempted to throw the dust in his eyes after being spat on by the lizard. This was really just a fly by attempt and didn’t expect much as he flew toward the lizard. Touching her for just a moment and casting Lesser Heal II. Ardur quickly made his way back up the pillar and to one of his stashes using one of the mana crystals that was hidden.

One Mana Crystal used.
Mana Fully Restored.
0 Mana Crystals in inventory.

Taking a moment to breathe and regain some of his stamina. Ardur picked up another stone before yet again attempting to drop it on the goblin below.

@Old Amsterdam

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 28 days ago

The goblin stared at Rattleskull.

For a moment, time slowed down to Digbie. He slowed, too. Everything ground to a halt in his mind.

He realized, at that moment, what he wanted to do. He was disrespected by the Goblins of this cave for far too long. He was treated like the dirt he dug up and moved around to create his tunnels of self-loathing. He wasn't about to let that happen any more. He was tired of being everyone's insult source. He was tired of never eating anything but what was left on the bones after everyone else. He was tired of having to find a path on his own to explore.

I̷t̸ ̵w̴a̶s̵ ̸t̵i̵m̵e̵ ̸t̵o̸ ̷c̶l̸a̴i̶m̷ ̸h̵i̶s̴ ̶r̶e̵v̸e̵n̶g̵e̶.

Digbie grabbed a mana crystal from his Ratskin Pack and clenched it, absorbing the amazing power from it and feeling himself refueled. He was going all in on his attack.

One Mana Crystal Consumed.
Mana Fully Restored.
Two Mana Crystals in inventory.
System: Digbie

Next, Digbie dropped everything and darted towards Rattleskull. His plan wasn't going to go well, but there was always the chance that it would end spectacularly. When Digbie saw Rain's venom slosh right into Rattleskull's eyes, he knew he had his opening. He had his time to strike, and he was going to do it as best as he could.

He hurled himself into the air towards Rattleskull's head, and coated his hand in a glowing golden light, He was using {Stone Shot I}, of course, but he had no ammunition! How was he going to use it?

It might not have been a projectile attack, per say, but Digbie was going to ram his fist into Rattleskull's head, using it as the projectile that was being affected by {Stone Shot I}. If it worked, it worked. If it didn't, at least Digbie got in the punch that he had wanted to get in.

His cheeks were clenched, to all those who could observe.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by King Cosmos
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King Cosmos

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Well, all things considered things could have gone better. Whatever that Goblin had just hit him with had blown through his Shield in one hit, though the fact he was still live and not currently skewered on the end of her weapon like a kebab meant it had at least somewhat protected him. His attempt at a surprise attack hadn’t gone as well as he had hoped and he’d ended up being caught off guard instead; whoever had fired that rock at the larger Goblin had given them enough reasons to duck that his own attack was only half effective.

At least he had managed to take down the Goblin carrying the torch.

Oberon picked himself up off of his back with a groan, feeling more than a little shaken up, and found himself sitting on the ground with an angry female Goblin advancing towards him with a spear in hand. Behind her he could see the larger Goblin back on his feet and even the one he had managed to hit directly had gotten back up, albeit a little reluctantly. Things certainly could be worse, but they could have gone a lot better as well.

Scrambling backwards across the ground Oberon fired another Mana Dart with one hand at the spear-wielding female Goblin as he did so. Managing to push himself back to his feet he got his wings moving again and began to lift off of the ground until he felt he was high enough that another leaping attack wouldn’t reach him. He was about to retreat further when he felt a familiar voice call out to him; felt was the right word in this case as the voice did not reach him through his ears but rather made itself known inside his head. He had experienced this before when he had healed that green Slime earlier and he began looking around until he spotted the creature in question nearby.

“Got it.”

Flying in that direction Oberon dropped the mana crystal he was holding as he passed over the Slime, the item landing on the ground directly next Jason, before continuing to head in the direction of the bonfire. It didn’t take long for Oberon to make it back to the bonfire and even less time for him to gather the crystals, as he simply grabbed the little bundle that Mourningstar had made before she had tried to leave and added in the small pile of crystals that he himself had left next to them.

6 Mana Crystals added to inventory
2 Flame-Touched Mana Crystals added to inventory

Having completed this little fetch-quest Oberon took to the air and flew as fast as he could back to Jason’s location, flying over the little trench that the Dire Rats had dug for themselves as he did so.

Oberon arrived a few moments after Jason’s War Cry had died down, dropping down to the ground and lowering the bundle to the ground. “Do you have something planned?”

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

And so Orchid kept running. Torch held aloft, making her easy to spot. Try to draw the attention of the enemy. Or possibly friends. It was hard to tell who was who here but she knew one thing for certain, she can't stay. Rattleskull has no brains for any sort of commanding and she wasn't interested in joining a new gang of brigands to take over the cave. True, she needed friends, but not like this. There was a better way they could have gone about this but everyone was so gung ho that no one was going to talk until the bodies piled up. Orchid couldn't say she's innocent; she got swept up by the madness too. But all the more reason she needed to get away from here and figure things out in relative peace.

With any luck, Orchid would find that lizard before the slime catches up. Even if he did, Orchid would rather face him somewhere she knew well, than where the rest of his buddies were. And if he left her alone so be it; she'll be back later. She did wonder what would happen to the other goblins but she had a lot of mixed feelings for them; she stuck with them because she thought they could help her, but they were all just a bunch of tools. Tools to her and tools to Rattleskull. None of them questioned, none of them really thought for themselves. Sure they aren't mindless, but they're ignorant. Instead of trying to take over the Bonfire immediately, they go after literally everything else in the cave so they'd have to fight everything without having a base to run back to. Orchid was no military mastermind, but even she knew how stupid an idea this was. Rattleskull might've thought they weren't unified enough to fight back, but the fact they were was why the goblins got pushed out in the first place. The fact he couldn't realize that hammered in the point that he was all brawn and no brains.

Soon Orchid would see the large growing crystal she had rested near the night before. She didn't know who else was here but she slowed down, high alert. She called out to anyone who could hear her. "Hello? Lizard lady? It's me, the goblin from yesterday! I never did get your name. But I need to speak to you!" She called out, hoping her voice would be recognized.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by SilverPaw
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago


The sudden and surprisingly loud “SKEWER!” shout from somewhere further up was, even among the general din of nearby battle, rather distinct. Asteria felt her fur bristle in reaction and spent a short moment to consider whether to go check out the situation, since none of the goblins seemed interested in trying to take back their bonfire. She was just about to consult with Ed, when Oberon flew towards and over them, grabbed a crystal or two from the pile and flew back. As far as Asteria could see, the pixie headed in the direction the shout had come from. So, whoever Oberon was trying to assist probably wouldn’t mind the Rats’ backup.

“Hey, Ed,” Asteria whispered “let’s go help Oberon. The enemies are apparently too preoccupied killing off our allies to worry about their home-base.” She then nudged Mother Rat and nodded towards the pixie returning into the fray of battle, intending to once again gesture to the older Dire Rat to come help them, both because she’d be helpful and safer fighting in a group than waiting somewhere alone, even if hidden. Hopefully, she was intelligent enough to differentiate between enemies and allies when it came to others not of their species, because otherwise her involvement could have some undesirable consequences. Still, Asteria felt confident enough that Mother would simply follow Ed’s and her lead in whom to kill.

That decided, Asteria once again climbed out of the hole, already feeling more practiced at performing the task than when this whole skirmish event had started. Then she proceeded to follow the pixie, close enough to keep Oberon just within her sight yet hopefully far enough that the opponents wouldn’t immediately realize there were other reinforcements. Once she was close enough to the battle to see both Jason, Oberon and the three enemy goblins, she veered off just a bit to the side, hoping to once again catch an assailant unaware. She aimed to jump out of a short dash directly at the weakest seeming goblin, one that was cowering in the back and clutching at a club and a torch, one that was also already injured. Whether Asteria managed to topple the bleeding goblin or just came close enough to bite at him, the Dire Rat intended to grab onto the closes part of him with her front paws and try out her new attack of simply tearing off several chunks of flesh in quick succession.

(Note: Travelled from J-11 to H-10.)
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Searat
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The sounds of battle raged on from the surrounding area near the bonfire. Though there were distinct commands and orders he could discern with his beast like hearing. "SKEWER!" a feminine voice roared, slightly startling Ed. 'Christ...they're already here.' He thought to himself before hearing a more familiar voice roar out: "SUBMIT. OR. DIE!!!!" It was Jason's voice, no mistake about it. Ed was about to peek out of the hole to see where Jason was when he noticed Asteria looking at something.

He tries to look at what she was looking at and saw the pixie, Oberon he thought his name was, fly over the foxhole before retrieving some crystals and flying back. “Hey, Ed, let’s go help Oberon. The enemies are apparently too preoccupied killing off our allies to worry about their home-base.” He herd her whispers to him before nudging her mother to communicate something to her before climbing out of the fox hole. Not wanting to be left behind nor let his companion fight alone, he follows after her. He was unsure if Asteria's mother was following their lead, but he hopes she does.

It did not take long for them to reach where Oberon and Jason were. There were only three goblins but the sight of the brawny goblin sent a twinge of fear through his whole body and could feel himself take a half-step back. 'Focus, Ed! Focus!' He mentally berated himself as he tried to drown that twinge with desire to keep living, determination to help his comrades, and the small bout of courage he felt when he heard Jason's [War Cry I]. Sticking to the shadows and letting the camouflage to do its job, he stalked and eyed the goblin trio. One was bloodied and scared, another was the brawny goblin that was probably the leader, and finally there was a female goblin.

He could see, on what he could assume to be, Asteria's silhouette approaching the wounded torch bearer and opted to target the female goblin. As he saw the silhouette getting ready to dash towards the torch bearer, he too set his plan into action. Sneaking quickly from shadow to shadow, he moves into a more optimal flanking position and springs his part of the ambush. With his body's natural agility and speed, he quickly aims for the Achilles tendon on the female goblin's leg with both his teeth and claws; intending to cripple her ability to move and rob her the option for escape when they realize they were outnumbered. If the sneak attack were to succeed, he would disengage and return to the shadows.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kazemitsu
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Kazemitsu The Dragon

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Asura would have tilted his head if he had one. What was she running towards? Whatever, it was one less goblin in the fray. He heard M.S. gurgling behind him and he just put a reassuring tendril on her while he got hit by a slings flying rock. "Really?" He questioned before shaking himself.

Turning towards all the fighting he decided it was time to move. Apparently everyone had moved further ahead of his ambush point. "Lets get goin." Asura said to Mother Slime. Shaping into a sphere he started to roll towards all the fighting that was going on. As he moved he looked to who would need the most help. A lizard was being strangled by Rattleskull, but a lot of people were focused over there already. A pixie was being targeted by multiple enemies.

Assuming Mother Slime was following he went for the goblins attacking the pixie who was tossed away like nothing. As he rolled he geared up for a Smash while also using all the momentum he was generating rolling forward. A quick observation and he started going for the better equipped goblin.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


It all happened so fast. The big one healed all it's wounds, it ducked her attack, it crushed Rain. The warlord screamed in the background, attempting to break the will of all around him. As Digbie charged up his punch and went for the face, Mourningstar knew what she had to do. It was a synchronized attack, all of them in unison going for vital areas on the massive goblin thing, but they had forgotten a crucial factor in this assault. The monster could still dodge, and if he did all of their attacks would hit each other most likely.

"Bask in the light of the Mourningstar!" Her job was to make sure that didn't happen.

A Mana Blade was shot directly at the leg of Rattleskull, crippling him even further to make sure he couldn't get out of the way of this assault. Mourningstar then went for Digbie's bag, grabbing a Mana Crystal to quickly restore her power for her next attack.

One Mana Crystal Consumed.
Mana Fully Restored.
System: Mourningstar

After her mana was restored, she went for her next target, Rattleskull's belt. She needed to make sure he didn't get his hands on anymore healing herbs. So long as it hit, she would dash for the belt to grab it and carry it away from Rattleskull with maximum speed, pushing her Levitation to it's limits to try and make sure he didn't heal up again.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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Member Online

Ash’s Party and Orchid

Skill Gain: Alert I!
Though this skill is limited by the strength of your senses, and does not sharpen your senses on its own, it allows you to become more aware of your surroundings. Without conscious effort, you will pick up on signs in your environment more easily, especially if they present some form of danger to you. Essentially this is an anti-ambush skill.

As soon as her decision became concrete inside her mind, she suddenly felt a deep and powerful sleep come over her. It was too fast, and there was no fighting it--just like going under before a surgery.

And as she went under, she rose up and up and up. Ash's body gave several jerks as her consciousness faded, and each time she seemed just that little bit bigger. Then, after becoming somewhat bloated, her skin began to change. It rapidly began to dry out and lose its color. And somewhere deep inside, something began to pulse...

Ash suddenly saw EVERYTHING.

Not in crystal clarity, of course. But she drifted upwards, out of her body, rising high enough that she could look out across the cave. And sometimes it seemed as if she saw through it--into the small nest where she had been reborn. And into an odd cavern that didn't seem as if it had been naturally formed--there were even signs that someone had tried to start a garden of some kind here. And deeper in this odd cavern was an entrance into another chamber that held a large, deep green colored stone...and inside this stone was something red that pulsated, a sphere of light. As she watched for just an instant, two smaller pinpricks of red appeared and were absorbed by the first one, which grew to accommodate their sizes.

Then she could see nothing but the layers of rock, and then daylight, but before her eyes could adjust she was rising higher. Now she saw a deep forest, and gently rising cliffs growing ever steeper until they became mountains to the immediate west. She rose higher, drifting through clouds that stretched over the cave and further beyond, over curling smoke trails and unnaturally shaped structures of wood and stone that could only be civilization. Somewhere to the east, a large body of water sat glimmering with the last rays of the setting sun.

She rose higher. To the south, deserts and canyons, windstorms sweeping over the dunes. Further to the east, a bright light cutting a path to safety for those in need of guidance. Over the mountains, to the southwest, a grand city stretching for miles. Still in the west, but far further north, a tower like a mighty tree reaching up to the heavens with roots stretching deep, deep into the earth. So far to the east that it became west again, a lonely, cold, desolate island where red lightning split the sky. Further beyond that, marshlands and mountains and untamed, wild lands.

She rose higher. A world, a planet, rotated thousands of miles an hour, yet from this distance appeared as no more than a soap bubble, as if it would pop if she but brushed a fingertip against it. The city lured her, cried out for her. The island's red skies held her in sway.

E̡̢̱̠͍̤̰̪̣͂̏ͥ͒̓̓̒ͅͅŖ̆ͫͬͥ̍̑̎͑̚͏͈̖͈̜Ȓ̭͎̦͖̣̣ͨ̔ͮͭ̑̎ͮͦ̕Ò̷̡̜̭̘̯͈ͭŔ̺̬̬̦͕̞̅̀̓̽́̓͟͟͡.̰̫̭̝̬̠ͭ́͐ͮ͊̆͒̅ ̸ͫͫ̈́́ͨ͏̮̩̼͝Ĕ̷̗̣̼̙̙̈͐́͢N̡̪̣͉͈ͬ̓̑̃̍ͭͪ͞ͅͅC͕̹͂ͤ͡O̺̺̳̤̼ͬ͗͊̃̈̾U̪̜͌̽ͨN̝͚̹̪ͫ̄̓ͧ̍Ţ͔̭̞̳̤̗͇͈̀ͩ̓͌Ê͇̤̱̹̟̈̉͌̎̎͋R̶̨͍̳̤̬̬̃̃͆͠Ẹ̴̶̸͈̲̱̹̭̻̪ͨ̈̐ͣͤ̂̇ͅD̉̑̃ͦ̈̒͡҉̯͓͔̭̱͉̟͕͡ ̸͒ͮ̏̿̂͝҉̭̦F̢̫̦̝̖̲ͯͪͭ̈̽Ơ͇̪ͯͭ͂ͫ̔̃ͣ̌͜R͇̟̖̜̗̜̘ͫ̕E͓̫̦͓̒͐ͮ̋̎̓̂̚Ȋ̡̳̹̑ͦ͐̋̓ͭ̓ͣG̜̤̳̯̥̹͈̺̈́̒͡Ń̶̤͙͖̝̠̝̈̂͑͑̚͡͝ ̻͉̺͍̂̅͊̓̌͛̇O̧͈̼̤̦͕͇̥̮͉̔͂̋̊B̻̄ͭͯ̏͒̒̃̈́͜J͂ͯ҉̥̼̙̘̖͜E̸̺͔̪ͩ͒C̨͓̘̺̝͓̦̮ͤ̑̓ͤ̂͠T̡̮̯̭̚͟ͅ.̨̞̙̍̌̚͢
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Ash plunged earthward...

Meanwhile, Orchid came upon her former camp and found it inhabited once more. Hidden at the back of the cave was the form of her friend...or perhaps the Lizard Lady's corpse. It looked bloated, and the skin was dull and lifeless. And there were signs that other creatures had been here, just recently. And standing near the body, peering at it intently, was another Fanged Lizard that Orchid was unfamiliar with. It seemed to be trying to decide something for itself--then as Orchid approached, Colchain turned and hissed defensively at her! He raised his tail and lifted himself up on his front legs as if raising from a pushup--it seemed he was trying to make himself look larger and more intimidating. The lizard bared his fangs, and seemed like he was about to make a rush at Orchid if she didn't back off soon...

Bonfire Battles

11 Mana Crystals Remain

Ardur, Digbie, Mourningstar, Rain, Danny VS Rattleskull

As Rain spat her Poison Glob right into Rattleskull's face, the advanced goblin barely managed to raise his other hand to try and cover himself. He wasn't fast enough, however, and while some of the glob coated his hand--and the haft of his weapon--the rest of it splattered across one of his eyes and the side of his face, and even down his neck and shoulder. Unlike the Poison Spit, the Glob was too concentrated and heavy to simply splash off, and where it clung to his fur and skin steam began to hiss in the air.


Before he could even finish his scream, Ardur threw dirt into the boss's face, not only blinding him but also setting off a bout of hacking and wheezing. At the same time the pixie cast Minor Heal II on Rain, and the System told her that she was back at Full HP--just as Rattleskull furiously threw her in order to stop her clawing his arm apart, as well as free himself to clean his face without dropping his weapon. As the blue lizard hit the dirt she saw stars flash in her vision as the taste of blood filled her mouth.

WARNING! Your HP is Low!

As she lay vulnerable for those few moments, Rattleskull's huge figure loomed overhead, stone club held high--

But as he coughed and spluttered, rubbing at his eyes with only one good hand that still bled from multiple wounds, the furry brute also began to look pale and haggard. Blind, wounded...and now Poisoned, finally?

Digbie came charging up, and Mourningstar was right behind him. Ardur had gone to grab another stone. But Rattleskull still had his turn to take. He turned, blinking through teary vision as Digbie jumped up and drew back his fist. The other goblin was too close for a full, arcing swing with Rattleskull's club. The Boss's only option was to throw his own punch--but his fist was much larger than Digbie's, and shone with a familiar red, crackling light. Rain would see, from down on the ground, as Rattleskull's feet dug into the dirt, his lower body tensing as every muscle--even his buttocks--clenched.


Time seemed to slow down. That red, sparking fist was going to cross under Digbie's as the smaller goblin's leap apexed.

But then Digbie's fist began to glow with a bright, metallic gold light.

Skill Synergy has increased the power of your attack.
You are experiencing a Rapid Skill Progression.
You are experiencing a Fast Skill Progression in multiple skills.

As each shining blow struck home, time rushed back to its proper flow. The cross counter ended in Rattleskull's favor thanks to his longer reach and greater muscle. Both of Digbie's nostrils spurted blood as the bridge of his nose snapped out of place, and two teeth flew free of his jaw. His neck turned so far it seemed to stretch unnaturally before the impact caught up with the rest of his body. The young goblin was sent flying, bouncing once before he came to rest in the dirt.

WARNING! Your HP is Low!

But Rattleskull did not escape unscathed. He too reared back, his own nose spurting blood yet again as his upper lip also split and swelled. His eyes were unfocused for a moment as he lost his balance.

Then Mourningstar's Mana Slice spell struck one of his legs. The boss went down to the ground with a heavy thud, blood spurting from a deep wound on his shin just below the knee. He screamed--less fury this time, more pain, real pain. But as Mourningstar went to grab a Mana Crystal from Digbie, Rattleskull grabbed something of his own--one more Healing Herb! But before he could eat it, once more Ardur came flying in with a heavy stone. This time, however, the evolved goblin managed to bat the projectile away with his stone axe. When Mourningstar attacked with her second Mana Slice, he did the same as he sat up. But her magical cutting force struck the wooden haft of his weapon, near where Rain's Poison Glob had begun to eat away at it. With a crack the haft of the weapon began to split and splinter--it remained intact for the moment, but the stone head was beginning to wobble in its setting...

Just then, a Mana Orb--somewhat differently shaped than usual, and well-aimed--struck Rattleskull in the chest. Instead of detonating in a small, crackling explosion, it instead seemed to pierce into his wooden armor, driving deep enough to push him onto his back again even though it didn't draw blood. The Boss took notice of Danny floating up above, and roared his fury once more.

But it was certain Rain hadn't spent all this time down below idle. Would her next course of action, or that of her comrades, manage to stop Rattleskull from eating his second Herb?!

Jason, Oberon VS Brawny Goblin, Bitchy Goblin, Brawny Minion

Jason's next Stone Shot hurtled through the air with a golden flash, but this time the Brawny Goblin had eyes on his opponent this time. He hurled himself to one side to avoid the projectile, literally hitting the dirt. This same process virtually repeated itself as Oberon shot another Mana Dart at the female, and she too moved evasively. She managed to stay on her feet, however, as she wasn't wounded like her team's leader. The brawny goblin's minion, not being attacked at the moment, lunged forward as soon as Jason emerged from his foxhole. His Wooden Club and Torch both struck Jason from either side, and while he felt a sharp and sizzling pain from the flame the club only produced a dull throbbing sensation--as a Slime he already had the skills for damage reduction, and his evolution had slightly increased his defensive abilities. These two blows, even though one of them had a form of damage that wasn't entirely physical, barely had the same oomph as a single normal attack he would have taken in his previous form. Still, damage was damage--could he really afford to let himself be attacked?

Skill Gain: Limited Shapeshift I!
By practicing the manipulation of your body, which Slimes are naturally predisposed for, you gained this skill. You cannot alter the total size, texture, or consistency of your body. You also cannot alter your body’s primary qualities--you cannot become “sharp” or “hard,” for example. At this level, complex structures are too difficult. But making yourself into a rolling sphere, a flat puddle, or shaping your pseudopods would all be possibilities, plus more. This skill consumes Stamina, not MP.

As Oberon flew back to the Bonfire at top speed, the female goblin started to pursue him. The Brawny Goblin got back to his feet. Then Jason unleashed his War Cry, and all three goblins immediately turned towards him with their weapons raised defensively. Every instinct they had cried out that the source of that sound couldn't be ignored. They weren't exactly afraid to fight back against it, but for this single instant they had been distracted, and their relative lack of battle experience despite this "war" caused them to freeze up for just a moment longer.

Skill Gain: Muffle I!
This skill grants you the ability to be just a little bit better at being stealthy, with a focus on reducing the sound of your movements.

As the fastest of the three Dire Rats, Asteria came in like a furry bolt from the blue. She leaped onto the dual-wielding minion and began to chomp away, tearing into him like a dog. He yelped in pain and went down, and with all the blood he had lost thus far thanks to Oberon's Mana Dart he wasn't in much condition to keep fighting. As Asteria tore at him he grew weaker and weaker and finally stopped moving.

With the rat's attack, now the goblins were shocked out of their temporary surprise. The female goblin turned towards Asteria and raised her weapon, only to suddenly be forced to her knees with a scream as Ed bit into the back of her leg. It wasn't clear whether he'd succeeded in permanently crippling her, but he had certainly managed to get her down for the moment as he savaged the back of her calf and ankle with his fangs...

Skill Activated: Rabid Fit I!
You have previously gained this skill. Conditions have been met to activate it. It is not currently active.
Fly into a mindless rage, and destroy the enemy! A sudden burst of fury grants you increased strength and damage, but you’ll become more vulnerable to damage yourself.

And in that moment the female was down, Mother Rat took her own opportunity. She leaped up at the female's face, and the goblin only barely managed to get the shaft of her spear between herself and the angry rodent. Mother Rat's fangs seized the wooden pole and she began to shake her head back and forth like a hound, snarling and growling all the while. Locked in this struggle it seemed neither had an advantage, but for the moment the female couldn't use her weapon...

However, this left the Brawny Goblin unattended, as Oberon simply moved to Jason's side with his newly acquired crystals rather than attacking again. Hefting that Wooden Spear in one burly arm, the goblin grinned maniacally as he took aim at Ed from behind...

The male Dire Rat was struck...by an odd sense of deja vu.

Skill Synergy has increased the power of your attack.
You are experiencing a Fast Skill Progression.

Asura's Limited Shapeshifting had improved, allowing him to turn himself into a tightly condensed, smooth rolling mass. His Faster skill allowed him to fairly hurtle along like a kickball being pitched down the lane by one of those kids too big for their grade because they're dumb and get held back. His Smash skill allowed him to, well, smash things. Like this slightly bigger than average Goblin in his way.

The Brawny Goblin let out a distinctive "HIDEBU!?" gurgle as the rolling red mass barreled into him. Something meaty crunched, then there was a loud snap as the goblin hit the ground under all that weight and momentum. Asura kept on a-goin', bouncing a few times as he began to slow down. Behind him, the Brawny goblin lay relatively flattened, especially across his ribcage and face. Slowly, painfully, the creature began to lift his one good arm, and then began to plant his feet back on the ground...

Then Momma Slime rolled over on top of him and came to a stop, her upper mass twisting slightly as if she were looking around her at what was going on.

"Weeeh hurr? Eet naoow?" she burbled. The Brawny Goblin didn't say anything.

Other Goblins

With Orchid's three shield bearers standing guard against the Wispmother's Mana Orbs, the two younglings bearing torches and the two remaining members of the hammer team began picking up rocks. Crispy's two team mates ran here and there, swinging their own torches wildly to try and draw the large wisp's fire. As she once more dodged Crispy's Fireball, she wasn't fast enough to dodge all of the rocks that soon flew her way. Of the four stones in the volley, two of them struck home. The Wispmother wobbled with a squeak...then turned and started to float off with as much speed as she could muster.

"Ha! Wisps is weaklings!" Crispy cackled. But then he frowned. This one had lived long enough to know that it was better to run from a fight it couldn't win--but if it healed up, it might just come back stronger later.

"Quick, afore it gets away! Chuck everyting ya got!" he ordered, pointing at the retreating Wispmother as he jumped up and down. The torchbearers grabbed more rocks, and the shield bearers readied their spears. Soon a volley of projectiles flew through the air, and by sheer numbers the Wispmother was overwhelmed! Bleeding and bruised she was knocked to the ground. As the goblins descended in a howling horde she managed to get off one last Mana Orb, blasting the Hammer goblin directly in the chest. He went down with a scream, the energy blackening his skin--but that was the last of her MP. And in mere moments, the Wispmother was simply a bloody smear on the ground. In the last fleeting moments of her life she flickered...then the light went out forever.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Guy0fV4lor
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Guy0fV4lor Retaker of The Holy Land

Member Seen 8 mos ago

@Zeroth@King Cosmos@SilverPaw@Searat@floodtalon@Gardevoiran@ReusableSword@Old Amsterdam@Duthguy

Taking the crystals from Oberon, Jason hastily refilled his mana as he lunged forward onto the female goblin to assist mama rat. Grappling the green bitch, he activated [Telepathy II] and forced himself into her mind. 'SLEEP.' he commanded as he poured forth all of his psychic might at once, attempting to crush her failing will.

-- If that didn't work he'd just [Rock Spire I] through her midsection.

Regardless, there was one final loose end to clean up; Rattleskull himself. Forming himself into a ball with his newly developed [Lesser Shapeshift I], he barreled toward the furry menace, the moment Jason got within five feet of the bastard he would quickly use [Telepathy II] to tell his comrades 'I'm here!', following up with another psychically boosted [War Cry I] to draw Rattle's aggro.


Once grabbing Rattleskull's attention, Jason quickly used the [Source Crystal] to scan the cave boss before; as promised, rapid casting [Rock Spire I] continuously (popping mana crystals as needed) until the furry fucker was dead.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kazemitsu
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Kazemitsu The Dragon

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Asura was surprised that he got the drop on the Brawny Goblin. It made the strangest noise as he crushed its face and what sounded like a couple ribs. Knocking it flat he bounced and rolled to a stop to observe his handy work. It seemed that the older goblins had more hit points since he was starting to get up, although much slower than he should have. Momma Slime rolled over the goblin before it could fully rise, she had likely been following him which was good.

She asked if they could eat. "Tear off what you can or just grab the whole thing. We got more to hunt." He stated as he bounced a couple times. Testing his rubberyness really. With that said he rolled off once more to find a new target to Smash into at full force. It seemed to do really well for smaller things he could knock over and break up.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Searat
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Zeroth@King Cosmos@SilverPaw@Guy0fV4lor@floodtalon@Gardevoiran@ReusableSword@Old Amsterdam@Duthguy

The all too familiar metallic taste of blood filled Ed's mouth as he sank his teeth into the goblin's vulnerable calf. As if driven by instinct he set his sharp claws to work upon her calf or her ankle. The already physically powerful attacks were even further enhanced by the passive [Stronger] skill. The tough muscle and sinew of her leg gave way with terrifying ease with every bite and slash he delivered to her as the young dire rat brutally savaged the female goblin. Whether or not he was able to sever the tendon mattered little now, the barbaric and almost animalistic manner he had torn into her calf and ankle gave her little hope of standing up again; what more the option to escape. As soon as he tasted the blood of his target, the feeling of the animalistic rage filled his being. A system message popped into his head while the goblin girl was contesting against Asteria's mother.

Skill Activated: Rabid Fit I!
You have previously gained this skill. Conditions have been met to activate it. It is not currently active.
Fly into a mindless rage, and destroy the enemy! A sudden burst of fury grants you increased strength and damage, but you’ll become more vulnerable to damage yourself.

Ed could feel his facial muscles twist and contort into a twisted, gore filled grin. His most powerful ability was at the ready at a whim. The hairs on his back suddenly stood on end as he suddenly felt a wave of killing intent, glancing behind him. His eyes widened as he saw the brawny goblin readying a spear to impale him. Time seemed to slow in Ed's perspective as he was just anticipating the pain that he was surely going to be in. Ed could swear that he saw the brawny goblin's grin widen as he could see the distinct fear in his eyes. That grin was easily wiped from his face, along with the rest of his body, as Asura came rolling in and plowed into him. A sense of deja vu struck Ed suddenly. A blur of a slimy mass. Palpable shock. The sound of a body being crushed under tremendous weight and force. The feeling was all to familiar to the young dire rat. Though now was not the time to reminisce.

Jason had latched onto the female goblin and grappled her. That seemed to be the final nail to the coffin of the female goblin and Ed was sure that this was the end for the female goblin. Satisfied with the result, he disengages from combat and heads straight to the direction where he could see the massive figure of Rattleskull. Slinking back into the shadows, he sneaks behind of his figure. Once he was sure that he was too distracted by fighting his allies, he breaks to a sprint. 'Activate [ Rabid Fit I ]!' Ed thought to himself to activate his skill. Blood quickening, eyes blurring slightly, and ferocity increased tenfold...and he was in full control of his actions. Ed used his enhanced strength combined with his innate strength to launch himself to the bastard's exposed back; intending to carve a path of carnage all the way up to his face and throat, hoping to blind and maim.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Zeroth @Guy0fV4lor@ReusableSword@Gardevoiran@Kazemitsu@floodtalon

Danny had no idea how much mana he had left, though the fact that he hadn't gotten a system message yet was good news. Still he decided to conserve what he had for now since he had no desire to fall the ground from the height he was at, even less so since he had drawn Rattleskull's attention. He briefly wondered how he could help in the fight with that handicap when he remembered what he did to the last Goblin he fought.

Roughly the same time he got his idea an angry Dire Rat jumped at the huge Goblin which might make things harder but he didn't know what else he could do. He prepared his Lesser Force and used the telekinetic skill to poke at Rattle's eyeball with all the force he could muster, hoping that the pain would at least create an opening one of the other monsters could use to land a really good hit.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Old Amsterdam
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Old Amsterdam Coven Witch

Member Seen 1 yr ago



For a fraction of a second all she knew was darkness. That damn notification about health again.

Fuck that.

Things devolved quickly as she opened her eyes. Rattle was being put on the defensive, even if he was too stupid to understand that.

She watched the odd magic as if in slow motion, already moving herself as she pushed through the pain, and hissed in pleasure as it tore through the armor and flesh of the bastard.



She had seen his muscles work, she had seen him pull out the leaf.

He was distracted.

He was her's.

She pushed herself to her limit, moving as fast as she could along his legs before he could stand. Stealth didn't matter, awareness of his actions did, he'd feel her anyways.

She snapped for the leaf, and if he made it impossible to steal then she'd just poison it with a Breath.

And then...

If she wasn't thrown off she'd continue the assault, attempt to put a Glob in his open wound, and bite and rip and tear at any skin she could reach, calling him every vile thing she could think of when her mouth wasn't busy.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~The cavern~

Ash welcomed the sleep - whatever it was, she needed it. What came next, was an out of body experience she could only describe as trippy. She floated upwards, higher and higher drifting up from her now bloated body. She could see the entire cave, and even through it. The nest she had been reborn in. Some sort of odd cavern - a creation of another human after being reborn here? Deeper still, was a large green stone, inside of it another red crystal. Two smaller red lights appeared, and then were absorbed and quickly grew to accommodate their sizes.

Then nothing but rock as she was taken higher, followed by daylight. A deep forest, and slowly rising cliffs growing steeper and steeper until they were mountains. Higher still, she was above the clouds now. Smoke trails rose into the air, buildings of wood and stone could be seen in the distance some ways from the cave. Civilization? And somewhere to the east, a large, glimmering sea beat against the shore. Higher and higher, to the south was a vast desert and canyons gouged into the earth like an old scar. Windstorms swept across the sand, sweeping up everything in their path. Further east, a bright light shone the way forwards. A grand, massive city stretched for miles could even be seen, and the north a mighty tree grew far into the heavens.

Was this the world she had been reincarnated in? She was high - so high now, she should be in the vacuum of space. It was so beautiful, this world. So pretty, and ripe with life...and filled with the same humans, no doubt. Would it be any different from her previous life, she wondered?

E̡̢̱̠͍̤̰̪̣͂̏ͥ͒̓̓̒ͅͅŖ̆ͫͬͥ̍̑̎͑̚͏͈̖͈̜Ȓ̭͎̦͖̣̣ͨ̔ͮͭ̑̎ͮͦ̕Ò̷̡̜̭̘̯͈ͭŔ̺̬̬̦͕̞̅̀̓̽́̓͟͟͡.̰̫̭̝̬̠ͭ́͐ͮ͊̆͒̅ ̸ͫͫ̈́́ͨ͏̮̩̼͝Ĕ̷̗̣̼̙̙̈͐́͢N̡̪̣͉͈ͬ̓̑̃̍ͭͪ͞ͅͅC͕̹͂ͤ͡O̺̺̳̤̼ͬ͗͊̃̈̾U̪̜͌̽ͨN̝͚̹̪ͫ̄̓ͧ̍Ţ͔̭̞̳̤̗͇͈̀ͩ̓͌Ê͇̤̱̹̟̈̉͌̎̎͋R̶̨͍̳̤̬̬̃̃͆͠Ẹ̴̶̸͈̲̱̹̭̻̪ͨ̈̐ͣͤ̂̇ͅD̉̑̃ͦ̈̒͡҉̯͓͔̭̱͉̟͕͡ ̸͒ͮ̏̿̂͝҉̭̦F̢̫̦̝̖̲ͯͪͭ̈̽Ơ͇̪ͯͭ͂ͫ̔̃ͣ̌͜R͇̟̖̜̗̜̘ͫ̕E͓̫̦͓̒͐ͮ̋̎̓̂̚Ȋ̡̳̹̑ͦ͐̋̓ͭ̓ͣG̜̤̳̯̥̹͈̺̈́̒͡Ń̶̤͙͖̝̠̝̈̂͑͑̚͡͝ ̻͉̺͍̂̅͊̓̌͛̇O̧͈̼̤̦͕͇̥̮͉̔͂̋̊B̻̄ͭͯ̏͒̒̃̈́͜J͂ͯ҉̥̼̙̘̖͜E̸̺͔̪ͩ͒C̨͓̘̺̝͓̦̮ͤ̑̓ͤ̂͠T̡̮̯̭̚͟ͅ.̨̞̙̍̌̚͢
̦̹ͬ̇̓̎̿ͦ͟S̫̟̜ͦ͑ͫ͊̽͑C̷̖̼͎͈̖̘̫̝̅̔̑͘͞A̶͕̮̻̜͇̹̗̬̤ͦ̾̇͗Ń̲̞ ̙͉̖̞̤ͥ͑ͬͧ̍Ç͈̻̮͈͛̓̑̕O̧͛ͥ̐͐̀̏̄̕҉͇̬̰M̊̈͛̅̅͒͏̪͙̜̹̥͖P̡̬̗̥͈̋͌̀ͩͤ̀ͅL̜̠͎̫̹̟̭̱̂ͪͩ͑̔͂͑̀̈̀͘͝Ḙ͎̹̤̯͈̥̍̑̀ͤ̈̓ͬT̬̂ͣ̑́̑̀͞E̷͓̯̒̐ͫͩ͋̑̊͢.̠̘̼̹̙̔ͨ̔͋́͘͢ ̛̺̣̫͉̦͈ͬ̌̿͜͠T̨̢͚͈̮̞̔̄̐̃̍̐ͬͯH̯̘̋͋͛̓̿̏̀R̶̫̫̱̗̐͂́̃̿ͯͣ̌̂Ĕ̻̞̯͕̬͔͞A̴̯͓̎ͭͨ͝Tͥ͑ͫͮ̂̀̍͐҉̫̞̗͖͘ ̞̑ͭD̷̾̇ͤ͆ͧͯ͗͏̝̹E̸̘ͫ̀̄͆̍ͥ̑̚ͅT̫̦̭̦͍̤̣͊͋E̛͇̠̻͈̹͍̙͖ͯ́͐̿ͩͧ̈̓͌C̷̟̹̪̬̄̌T̻͙̝̰̻̟̞̗̈͛ͬ͒̚E͔͔̟̰̍͌͆͝D̲̫̖͖̬̝ͪ̃͛́̎̅̒̔.̛͖̤̫̅̽̈́̓̚ ͚̼ͬ̇͒̄M̛̝̲̿̅̑́Ǫ̸͈̲̻̩͕̼̜̓ͧ̈́̑͟V̮̭̪̖̪̖̠̼͛̓ͭ͘Į̛͚͓̘̺͕̹͊͘N͙͆̀̏Gͭ̒͏҉̶̺̱̮̥̞̻̞̫ ͔̬̱̱͈̄̆ͦ͐ͬT̨̧̼̞̔ͭ̋ͨ͗O̼͖̜ͭ͌̈̿̈̋̀̒ ̡̠̮̣̘͌̍͌̎̓Q̼̮͖̣̙̟͌ͦͮͫU̴̲̙͚͓̝̻̬̭͋͊̅̆̊Ḁ̗̫͉̭̼͎̗̥ͭ̒̄ͥͣR͉̟̦̥̮ͧ͛͌Â̜̆̌́̀͠N̵͕̺͖͈̰͍̯̤̠ͬͭ̒̍̾́͞-̧͚̐̾̾-̜̮̠͉̩̖̤́̈́ͫͧ̽̔͌́̚̚̕ͅ
̴̛̜̫̦̩̜̜̳ͯ̐̍͌̋̓̀̕ͅŐͫ̎̒́͞͏̜̩̱̟V̘̗̙͖̟̙͌ͦͭͬ̓͋ͨ͘͜Ê͇͎̺͉̟ͫ̈́̾̃͡͠ͅŖ̣͔̬͙̙͚̤̹͂̓̒̑̕R̒̓̂̐҉͉͇̕Į͈͚͔̬͕̦̬̽ͩͨ͑̔̃͜D̜̩̲͂̂ͣ̔̂̈ͤĘ̸͔̱̩̼̥͌̓̓̈́̐͘ ̶̳̯̫̟́̑ͨͫ̒Ḯ̷͔́ͣ̃͠N̢̛̫͒̏̾̊͛ͣIͬ̚҉̸̵̞̱͙͈̩̞̹̥T̮͚̒͊ͮͪ̚͢͝I̷͓̥͙ͤ͂ͤA̡̧̩͈ͨ͌̿ͦͣ̇͆̃͝T̞̜̻̠̠̋̈E̴̦̭̅̓͌͜͡Ḑ͊͛̊͒̌ͪ͡҉̱̺̥ͅ.ͤ̀̒̽͂͆͛҉͚̳̠̙͢ͅ

but her thoughts were interrupted by the system, startling her. Threat? Quarantine? Override? That didn't sound the least bit good.

Y҉͞e̶ą̸͢h̡ t̶͟h̕í̛ś͢ ̕i͠s̀҉ ̕g͟ó͟͡n̨n͞͝a̸ ͡͞͠b̢͘͠e ̕an̨͞n̴҉o̢҉͞y͠͠i̵n͞g̨ į͞f i҉́͢t͜ ͟h̷͢͞à̡p͢p̢҉ęǹ̷s̷ ̷̛e͡v̵̛͜e͟͝r̴̡͝y̶ t̴̡ì̛͢m̷̸e̸.̡̕ ͠D̴ąm̸n,̸̨͜ ̧wh̴į̷ch͡ G̨u͏à͡ŗ͞dį̶a͜n̸ ̶do̸͘͜ ̧̧̀I͡͏ ͢͞n̶̛ȩ̡e͢҉͞d̛́͞ ̵̢t̢͟o̴͞ m̡u͝͠r̶d͜e͏̡͢r͏ ̸̕t̵̛͟ơ͘ ̵̶͜d̨͟i̸̢̕s҉e͞n̵͠g̶̕aģe̷͢ ̨t͞͏h̛͏͜e̡͟ ̧͝S͟͝o̵̡ư̸͟l͘͠w̛à̴͜ll͡͝.̴̛.̸͘.͡͏͞
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What? Predictable? Her? Says the one speaking with the - before she could finish the thought, the dream was over. The trip ended, and she plummeted down towards the earth.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The Mighty.

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Ardur The Pixie
On Time, On Target >>>> Don't mess with the white mage /// day 8 // Evening / Location - J11

His rock barely did anything except annoy him. The dust he used in his face seemed to disorient him. Still even with the mighty blows from the others Rattle skull still drew breath. What other challenges awaited them if this goblin was still considered a weak one? What other creatures lay in wait to challenge them? Thoughts that would have to wait for another time.

Shaking the thoughts from his head, Ardur was quick to return to his pillar and grab two more crystals. He only had two stashes left now. Dropping as quickly as he could to the floor. Before pushing himself to go faster towards the lizard that charged at Rattle skull once more. The last blow she took must have taken a chunk of her health from her. Following an intercept path, Ardur was able to run his hand across her back casting Minor Heal II before flying off.

Following a wide arch around Rattle skull as he lay on the ground trying to eat something. The pixie quickly flew up behind Digbie brushing his hand across the goblins shoulders casting Minor Heal II and Shield I. he followed this up by using one of the two mana crystals he had with him. Skirting along the ground to pick up another handful of black dirt and ash.

Warning: Your Mana is Depleted.
One Mana Crystal used.
Mana Fully Restored.
1 Mana Crystals in inventory.

Again the pixie began to climb in altitude before doubling back towards the wisp that fired the mana bolt into Rattle skull’s chest, once he gained enough altitude he began to get close to Danny. Obviously the healer had chosen to make a supply run as well as heals. Tossing the crystal toward the wisp, “Catch!” he yelled while doubling back down towards Rattle skull with the dirt and ash he collected earlier.

He was diving at an angle toward the big goblins face with the attempt to further blind and disorientate the goblin. Ardur did this while also trying not to interfere with the others and their attacks. If it worked or didn’t work the pixie would try to return to the pillar once more, so he could rest and catch his breath.

Warning: Your Stamina is low.
Rest to regain your Stamina.

@Old Amsterdam

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