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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SilverPaw
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“Of course. I apologize for tackling you, but you seemed…Well. Rather irrational and hysterical,” she answered calmly, releasing the pixie and backing away a step or two. “Do you really have that much of a problem with zombies? I’ll grant you that they’re unfortunately stupid, overprotective of the cave, and not exactly harmless either, but they listen to Jason and he’s an ally. As long as those prerequisites are fulfilled, I don’t believe there should be a problem. Or does the…morality of undead still concern you?” she asked curiously. Honestly, this was the kind of problem she wouldn’t have thought might occur. Have all the horror zombie movies rotten these people’s brains? Or is it because what’s dead shouldn’t get to live anymore or something? A silly belief if anyone were to ask me…

Asteria waited for Ardur’s answer, but regardless of what was said, eventually said her goodbye. “Well, I must be off now,” she glanced at Ed, having heard his distressed cry nearby, but he didn’t seem in danger. She still wanted to make sure he was fine, however. Of course, he would also have some kind of a problem with the undead. She huffed, displeased, and after the conversation with Ardur was finished, made her way towards him.

“Ed?” she addressed him cautiously. “Ed, c’mon, there’s hardly to fear these pathetic sacks of rattling bones when you’ve faced the likes of the Goblin Boss. You remember him, right? He was way scarier and you faced him head on! I know you’re brave enough to handle this,” she cajoled. She gave him some time to think about this and respond, meanwhile taking the opportunity to try and find Mother Rat with the help of her sharpened sight. She was tense, ready to grab Ed and bolt if she had to in the case that Jason and Asura really had their all-out fight, which seemed a likely possibility just then.

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

This was getting so tiresome.

"Dammit, what the hell causes flames like this?"

Orchid just wanted to survive. This was suppose to be some sort of second chance. Or maybe... This was her punishment?

"Fire's out, everyone we should-"


In her past life Orchid did nothing but give everything she had. Her time. Her patience. Even her life. One would think, with a fair and just god, she should be allowed into heaven. But no... Instead she's here. A dirty goblin, scrounging for survival. Scared, desperate. Everyone is so violent too. Orchid wished she could say she was better. But no... She had already killed and eaten other goblins. How quickly she fell. Orchid hated it.

Always with the killing. Seemed like almost everyday there was nothing but killing. She thought she'd get used to it by now. But now... It just made her mad. She couldn't even go one morning without some sort of massive event going on causing craziness. She just wanted to make some equipment. Maybe hunt a little. Make a home. Possibly even return to a life of farming. It was a simpler life. She just wanted to live. Was that so much to ask for?

"You really don't want to try me right now. But if you really want to test your luck, feel free. I could use a hearty breakfast, and you all look absolutely delicious."

"...I'm not sure about delicious, Mourn. But perhaps I can grind that halfwit's bones into seasoning. I heard goblin eyes are quite useful in Alchemy. Maybe I should confirm that theory."

These people. Orchid wanted to hate them. In a way, she did. Orchid hoped maybe among these monsters was someone who was kind and human. Someone who would show her mercy and have helped her live a peaceful life despite the situation she was in. But no, that couldn't happen. Orchid threw that chance away a long time ago. Now she was just praying for something that will never happen. Despite being in a world with magic and monsters the fantasy of living a normal life was never an option for Orchid. If this was her afterlife, it wasn't a heaven. It was hell. A place where Orchid would be tortured for her sins no matter how much she begged, prayed, and groveled. Crispy was right about one thing.

Kindness was a weakness. She had been too kind for too long. She had hoped for too much and now she had to pay the price for it. Her kindness in life killed her, and her kindness in life brought her here. More kindness would just mean that Orchid would have to constantly pick up after the messes of others, until it'll finally kill her. Again. In the end it was just like her old life. Nothing had changed. She may be a goblin now but she was as much of a tool and a fool as she was when she was human.

"Is taboo a skill? Is it something I could activate? Time to see for myself."

Droping her sharp club for a moment, Orchid slung a stone towards the knife-wielding goblin without warning. She wasn't going to bother trying to disarm him; she aimed straight for his stupid head. "ENOUGH." Orchid's voice rang out as she activated her Charisma skill. She stood before the goblins facing them, her back towards the monsters. She made it clear where her alliance was, but this was going to be her final mercy. She'd have to keep this simple for these halfwits. No more vague nonsense, no more sophistry. "Goddamn tired of you and your stupid face. You're a shit boss! You're going to get everyone killed because you're weak and stupid! So I'm taking over." Orchid cracked her neck and looked at each and every goblin. She growled and gritted her teeth as she wrapped her sling around her dominate arm, binding it so that even should she end up getting cut and bled, it won't hurt as much. It was something her grandfather told her to do if she ever gets a deep cut. Then she picked up raised her sharpclub towards Crispy.

"Crispy! I challenge you to being the boss of the goblins! Just you and me, whoever wins leads the goblins! And if anyone else wants to get involved, than we can all fight. You will all die. So stay out of it... This is between me and him."

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The Mighty.

Member Seen 1 day ago

Ardur The Pixie
I'm ok > Need to refuel /// Adventuring day 4 // Morning / Location - Cave

The pixie fluttered into the air quickly after he was released by the big female rat. She then spoke to him. Questioning him on why he acted like he did toward the undead who were still attacking his slimy friend. He watched them, the undead for a little while before answering her.

“Before I died I was a paramedic. I spent a great deal of my time and effort saving people or making their last moments easier. I can not morally justify not being opposed to these things, in nature everything should die and stay dead. That and I know Sara wouldn't approve...” Ardur trailed off for a moment. “I won't attack them anymore unless provoked to do so but I won't work with you for as long as they are here.” that was really all he could say without wanting to further press the issue.

Looking back toward the friendly slime and the undead who were still locked in combat. “Yo! We should get out of here and check in with the others. I have a bad feeling that more of these things are coming. So let's regroup with the others and see what's happening outside." watching the slime fight and then take damage the pixie felt slightly useless. His mana was drained and other than using his strength and raw melee ability he didn't have much else to work with.

Looking to the undead then back to the slime once more he sighed and took off toward the roof of the cave. Using Lesser Flight III, he would make sure to keep himself close enough to use the stalactites and other cave outcroppings for cover if he needed it while moving as quickly as he could. Right now he needed to find mana crystals, so he could be useful again.

Ardur was aware that they regrew after some time and with the goblins away and Asura more than likely taking up their attention. The buff pixie felt that this was the best time to search for a few. He wasn't going to be greedy about this, 3 should bring him back to full and 4 would be enough to have one left over for someone else or for later.

@Lucius Cypher

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Ash, Danny, Digbie, Mourningstar, Oberon, Reoth, Torrent, Orchid, and the Goblins

You used Monster Analysis II!
This is a new monster to you! Corpselight - This monster came to be by feeding on the ambient regrets, negative energy, and stagnant mana in environments suffused by the essence of death. It often hovers above such places, sucking out what little of the souls remain from corpses littering the ground. It prefers dark places and moonless nights, so that its glow can lure more unwary victims. This one is unusual. There's something uncomfortable you just can't place about her, but oh well.
---Analysis Complete!---

As Mourningstar used Mana Shape to change the color of the mana, her black aura caused the goblins to shrink back in surprise. Crispy, especially, seemed shocked--but there was another look in his eyes, one of...recognition?

Ash and Digbie added their own contributions, while Danny sneaked up behind the goblins so far unnoticed. Digbie's MP was restored to full by the Mana Crystal--even if he had increased his Max MP, compared to Wisps and Pixies it seemed a Goblin's natural mana pool wasn't large. As his spike of compressed soil formed, the normally kind and gentle goblin gave off a menacing air almost as effective as Mourningstar's, despite the lack of visual flair. The goblins began to look uneasy--Bigs and Wej readied their shields and stepped in front of Jezee. Crispy's minions glanced at their leader. The female hadn't drawn her knife yet, but the male who had kept his in a tight and wary grip. Crispy's eyes narrowed, and the fingers of one hand near his belt flexed.

Then Orchid interrupted the tense moment with an even more shocking action. Her thrown stone struck Crispy's unnamed minion on the side of the head, dropping him to one knee with a cry of pain. The others stared wide eyed, and now Crispy looked truly surprised.

"Crispy! I challenge you to being the boss of the goblins! Just you and me, whoever wins leads the goblins! And if anyone else wants to get involved, than we can all fight. You will all die. So stay out of it... This is between me and him."

From up on his perch, Oberon could see the fiasco down below--and he could also feel that his Mana was recovering faster than it normally did when he meditated. Again, as his pale skin reflected the sunlight, his Sprite sparkles intensified. There was probably no way he could do anything stealthily in the daylight now, but what was this? The Sprite information he had seen when he first transformed had implied a connection to the Light element, so maybe that was it. At this point his MP wasn't full, but he might have enough for a single Rank III or II spell, or maybe two of his Rank I abilities at most...

While all of this was happening, Torrent tried to escape the pain suffusing her entire body. Her scales peeled, her skin split open, she pushed herself forward...Her head split in half, and then a new head forced its way out. The rest of her followed, as she escaped her shell, and the dead skin quickly began to lose its color and sheen. She was coated in something like sweat, her skin itched, and she could feel herself growing light headed from exertion--but aside from a few black splotches where it seemed the burns had gone past the surface layers of skin, her wounds were almost gone!

Skill Gain: Minor Recovery I (Lesserwurm)!
A unique version of the Minor Recovery skill. Minor Recovery is normally a passive HP recovery ability. The Lesserwurm species possesses a variant in which their recovery is triggered all at once by shedding their skin. As a result, the healing-over-time effect is accomplished all at once, giving it the superficial appearance of being more powerful. Unlike other forms of Healing Spells, only wounds are addressed and the natural healing/immunity of the body is not boosted. However, all wounds, no matter how deep or severe, can be healed with multiple uses or higher ranks of this ability. If the damage is significant, this rank of the skill will not be able to heal them with one usage. A drawback of this version is that shedding the skin and healing the body requires the Lesserwurm to use a great deal of its body's nutrients.

You are Starving.
You are Parched.
Your HP is not quite full.

"Orchid da Youngling!" Crispy shouted, pulling his Stone Knife out of his belt with one hand and his torch with the other. With a small Fireball--likely his first rank--Crispy engulfed the torch and held it aloft. "I, Crispy Bitz, accepts yore challenge!"

It was well known by this point that Crispy was cruel. He was mean, he was powerhungry, he was a bully, he had some modicum of intelligence, he had lived longer than the other goblins, he had a fair bit of experience, he wasn't a great leader. However, by this point many of the others had likely written him off. He was a goofy, pyromaniac, tribal dancing, tantrum throwing, pesky little goblin, right?

If the look on Digbie's face could have given Crispy a heart attack before Orchid challenged him...

The look on Crispy's face as he stepped an equal distance from Orchid could remind Digbie of his father. Not Rattleskull. The other one.

The Flame Touched Goblin was, perhaps for the first time since the group had seen him strutting around his bonfire and bossing younger goblins around, coldly, completely, deadly serious.

The other goblins immediately moved away, in a semi-circle around the combatants. Their eyes were locked onto Orchid and Crispy.

It might occur to Ash, Mourningstar, Torrent, and the others that now could be a good time to skidaddle...

Ardur, Asteria, Asura, Ed, Jason, Mother Rat, Momma Slime, Skelebois

Skill Gain: Muffle I!
This skill grants you the ability to be just a little bit better at being stealthy, with a focus on reducing the sound of your movements.

Skill Gain: Slime Whip I!
A unique ability for slimes. Create a sturdy tendril from a pseudopod and lash out at the enemy. At this rank, your range of reach is 5 feet. -Skill Synergy- You possess Limited Shapeshift III. Range is increased to 10 feet and adding a shifted blade, bludgeon, etc to your Whip is more effective.

Skill Gain: Magic Analysis I!
You may now analyze magical energies or objects to learn their most basic magical characteristics. Less effective on Materials and Monsters unless they are magical in nature.

Skill Gain: Bounce I!
A unique skill to Slimes and certain other monsters. Upon taking an impact, the user’s natural elasticity allows them to compress their body further and bounce back. This will even work if an attack slams the user against a wall or other object. The bounce can be used evasively or to return the attack. However, the damage dealt will only be equal to the original attack. Using this skill without being attacked first renders it largely ineffective.

"Undead don't work for anyone but whoever raised em. I know for a fact you don't have necromancy, boy." Asura yelled as Jason, before forcing some his attention back on the skeletons in front of him. Leonidas had half stepped back to put more weight into a spear thrust while Gawain was going for a home run swing. Focusing on the pair, Asura's pseudopods snaked out and he tried to Counter their attacks.

"Leonidas! Gawain! Get out of his attack range! Focus only on dodging and defense!" Jason called to his remaining soldiers as he summoned a [Rock Spire I] in front of Asura, aimed not to pierce his gelatinous form, but to block his attempted attack.

However, things weren't happening so slowly.

Gawain swung. Leonidas thrust. "Leonidas--" The spearpoint and the club struck Asura, and his slimy tendrils lashed out. "Gawain--" The skeleblins had been addressed, they paused to receive orders, Asura's Counter struck. "Get out of his--" Gawain was knocked down, rolling over, and Leonidas's cracked sternum broke in half. "--attack range! Focus only--" The ground began to glow as Jason collected power. "--on dodging and defense!" The Skeleblins stood up--Gawain walked with a limp, as falling seemed to have dislocated one of his ankles, and Leonidas was still functioning, albeit his arms didn't move with quite as much coordination. Jason's Rock Spire sprang up in front of Asura, blocking his vision and entangling his tendrils as they started to draw back and found a new stone in their way.

The two skeletons clattered angrily, but only began to circle Asura from further away as they followed Jason's orders.

Up in the air above the group, something flickered. A green light appeared, first somewhat transparent, then becoming brighter by the moment until it could be clearly identified as a wisp--though not a normal one.

A crackling Mana Orb shot down at Asura!

And immediately after launching the rock spire, Jason would notice Momma Slime bearing down on him.

"Mother Slime ignore it, come over here!" Asura hollered. Jason compressed his body, and popped one of the remaining Mana Crystals, bringing his stash down to 4 as he used up the last of Ed's gatherings.

Momma Slime barely slowed, already having too much momentum to stop.

Jason tried to launch himself into the air with a chant.

"Let this--"

Not enough time to chant a full spell in the midst of battle. Momma Slime hit him just as he came off the ground. As they bounced together like two gooey pinballs, Jason was sent flying with a distinctive sproing. It felt like getting walloped with one of those dodgeballs that make that ever-so-memoriable THWUNK sound in middle school--it wouldn't kill him, but it definitely hurt. Perhaps of more concern, however, was how high he had bounced thanks to Momma Slime's contribution to his momentum. He hit the ground and bounced again, unable to stop himself just yet, and by the time he did so he was much further from the entrance. Even with his maximum speed it would take several seconds to get back to the battlefield...

As Ardur sought out a nearby cluster of Mana Crystals, he found three of them growing close together and then another not too far off. As he gathered them, he would soon notice Steve making her way along the ceiling towards him at a hurried pace. Perhaps she had been drawn by the sounds of battle?

He would find that it only took two of the four Mana Crystals to bring him back to full MP. Although his Max MP had increased some due to levelling up, it didn't seem like he had a huge pool just yet.

However, just as he plucked the last crystal, a green light came flying towards him! As the Ghost Wisp neared, it fired a Mana Orb at the buff pixie!

Asteria immediately saw Mother Rat catching up to them, and the other Adult Dire Rat immediately sniffed and squeaked around Asteria and Ed, especially the smaller male who seemed absolutely terrified. Putting one paw protectively on his head--and practically standing on him in the process--Mother Rat raised her hackles and growled at the other monsters in the distance.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Kazemitsu
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Kazemitsu The Dragon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Asura huffed as he took the two blows, but the skeleton goblins didn't fare much better. The spear wielders sternum was destroyed and the others ankle seemed to be dislocated. Which was strange considering they had no cartilage or sinew to hold them together. Either way he wasn't complaining until a Rock Spire popped up in front of him. Snorting he surged around it, flowing like water on either side of it as he went after the skeleton goblins. Of course he was interrupted once more by a Mana Bolt.

"Leave him be for now, Mother. Take the other Skeleton." Asura called out.

It struck him, giving him that familiar burning feeling. So he ate a Healing Herb, he had taken five hits so far. But a good tank didn't take risks when it came to health. Ignoring the ghost wisp he surged towards Gawain, the slower of the pair due to its ankle. Instead of becoming a slender tendril he used his whole body as a stretched wall. His entire mass glowing as he went for a Smash that would hold all of the power he could muster. His liquid nature gave him a good spread but nothing was perfect.

So as a follow up, in case he missed, a pair of bludgeoning pseudopods would lash out towards Gawain since Asura wouldn't have taken his 'eyes' off of it. He had been aware in this body for roughly four days and he had gotten used to his jelly nature. His mind was adapting quickly to the slimes way of sensing things as well so his movements were less erratic.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The part about the Corpselight being unusual had to mean she was a former human as well, part of him wanted to talk to her and see if she knew any useful skills she might be willing to share. The uncomfortable feeling he had wasn't something he couldn't ignore. Before he got his change though something else happened that seemed more important. A Goblin, female from what could tell, challenged Crispy who accepted.

He even missed Torrent shedding her skin entirely because his attention was focused on the the battle. Despite realizing that if he was seen floating near them Crispy probably wouldn't let him leave unharmed, he stayed where he was. As for as he knew the Flame-touched Goblin was the only monster in the cave capable of using Fireball, which he want to learn. On top of that knowing more about how the victor of this battle fought could only be useful. With that in mind he tried his hardest to conceal his presence while also analyzing the female Goblin.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Forest outside the Cavern~

Well this was just getting better and better.

Anger still wanted to make her just tear out that stupid goblins throat, but no. That would be stupid, and she was not stupid. Ash hissed lightly before snapping her head back to Mourn and the others. She hopefully didn't need to tell them to get out of here. Ignoring what Torrent was doing, Ash decided to give a bit more directive.

"Leave now unless you want to deal with them yourselves. You, goblin! Take Torrent and get out of here. I'll cover us in case the goblins decide anything funny." Immediately, Ash gave her wings a flap. Learning to fly using them would be a boon she couldn't overlook from here on out now that she was out of the cave. Hovering low over the ground, the Pygmy Drake waited for the others to make their moves. Hopefully they had some brain cells left to not attempt something incredibly stupid. Again. If they didn't follow...well, that was alright too.

She wasn't planning on sticking around any longer.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Guy0fV4lor
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Guy0fV4lor Retaker of The Holy Land

Member Seen 8 mos ago


As Mama Slime sent Jason soaring through the air, the dungeon boss grunted in frustration as he watched that fucking idiot Asura continue to attack his men, completely ignoring a warning that was VERY clear. Did that bastard not care at all what the consequences of his actions would be? He and that self-righteous zealot Ardur were DESTROYING SOULS, meaning no rest, no afterlife, only eternal suffering as they were devoured by the core. It. Was. SICK.

Trying to keep his body as rigid as possible with [Limited Shapeshift I]; holding his body into a semi-sloppy cube (to reduce further bouncing), Jason managed to stop himself from continuing to bounce away. Quickly forming back into a ball, he raced back toward the fight as fast as he could-- small pseudopod ridges taking shape along the outside to increase Jason's traction, (hopefully) increasing his speed further. It seemed that despite his best efforts, Asura's absurd level of confidence in his 'omniscience' made such an attempt impossible to pull off.

Very well, Asura had brought this upon himself.

As he barreled toward the fight, Jason knew he had to end this quickly; as Ardur would likely be back soon with full mana. With Ed and Asteria seemingly hesitant to take part in such a fight, he needed to end this quickly. Using [War Cry II] and [Spell Chant I] together, Jason intended to use his 'warchant' to attack Asura's biggest vulnerability-- to show him, that ACTIONS. HAD. CONSEQUENCES. "LET THE PILLARS OF THY MIND QUAKE-- AS MY WILL CRUMBLES AWAY IT'S VERY FOUNDATION!!! WITH YOUR FINAL MOMENTS AT HAND, FACE MY MIGHT AND BE NO MORE! MIND WAVE--PSIONIC DESTRUCTION!!!!"

With a heavy heart, Jason loosed his [Mind Wave I] at the very slime that brought him into this strange new world; Asura's largest vulnerability, Mother Slime. It was time that Asura understood the actions had consequences, and if she needed to die in order to teach him that-- so be it. Though he hadn't wanted it to come to this, Asura's campaign of indiscriminate slaughter had forced Jason's hand.

Sometimes, sacrifices needed to be made in the name of the greater good.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by King Cosmos
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King Cosmos

Member Seen 38 min ago

As he come out of his mediation Oberon was now certain that the sunlight was having a positive effect on his mana recovery. It was hard to tell exactly how much, but the process was definitely being sped up to some degree; the question was, was his new body absorbing sunlight and converting it to mana in the same way he opened himself up to the ambient mana in the surrounding air, or was the sunlight simply making his mediation more efficient and would it have a similar effect on his other abilities.

Looking down at his arms and chest he could see that the sparkly substance on his skin was shining brighter under the sun; was the effect just visual, or did it signify an effect being active? Curious, he activated Magic Analysis on the sparkles and then for good measure Monster Analysis on himself, hoping that perhaps the skill would give him more information than the general knowledge he had gotten on levelling up. Whatever was happening it was surely tied into his Light Affinity in some way and he would have to check later to see if the skill had earned any experience when he had the chance.

For now, he had more pressing matters to attend to, as the reason he had awoken from his mediation was due to a commotion on the ground below. From listening in it appeared that there was some disagreement among the Goblins and one of the younger members had challenged Crispy to a duel. From his elevated position Oberon used Magic and Monster Analysis on both Crispy and Orchid, seeking information on the Flame-Wielding Goblin now that he had more skills to work with and examining his fellow Reincarnator with the Monster Analysis skill he had lacked on their first meeting.

While the biggest threat was distracted the Sprite dropped down from the branches and came to a stop next to Torrent using Lesser Flight. He was surprised to see that the Lesserwurm had mostly recovered from her injuries, shedding her skin in order to rid herself of the burns that she was suffering from even after being healed. “Are you okay to move? We should leave while they’re distracted.” Turning to the two people he had known the longest since waking up, even if it was only for a few hours more, Oberon called out to try and get them to follow Ash’s advice. “Digbie, help Torrent move. Mourn, we need to leave before they remember we’re here.”

@Zeroth@Gardevoiran@Old Amsterdam@floodtalon
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Old Amsterdam
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Old Amsterdam Coven Witch

Member Seen 1 yr ago

At last, she was free. Swinging her head experimentally, her gaze took everything in as she hissed in displeasure. But her hunger was overwhelming, so she turned her muzzle down to devour on the Topapo at her feet until she was full.

The goblins were having some kind of challenge, which irritated her. She opened her mouth, summoning a Fireball like before, before Ash spoke. Quickly she banished the flames licking at her mouth, watching as Oberon came down to repeat the instructions.

"I'm fine. Digby, bring the Topapo and my skin, please. Those bastards don't deserve to put their grubby hands on it. I need water." She spoke slowly, switching thoughts as a new one came. "I'll have to assassinate them another day," she muttered as she turned away to follow Ash.

"Fucking beetle..." she spat as she moved away from the scene. "I'll be stronger next time. Not gonna almost die to some scummy insect..."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The Mighty.

Member Seen 1 day ago

Ardur The Pixie
Need to refuel > Under attack /// Adventuring day 4 // Morning / Location - Cave

2 mana crystals used
Mana Restored to full
2 mana crystals remaining

Ardur couldn’t help but notice his arachnid friend crawling her way in toward him and the action. She was probably curious as to what all the commotion was. That and she more than likely saw him fly in, being consumed in a self-made fire ball wasn’t hard to miss. He was also relived to find out that it only took him two mana crystals to get back to full MP useful knowledge for sure. That and the new skill should help, the pixie was curious to know it worked with his flight. Now he just needed to figure out what his next move was.

He did give the rat his word that he wouldn’t go after those things for now unless provoked. Perhaps going back down and making sure the slime friend’s get out safe then go check on the gob-. His thought process was cut short due to a searing pain in his left thigh by a mana orb. The pixie let his guard down for an instant and he got hit. “Son of a bitch that hurts!” finding cover and casting Minor Healing II on himself while Steve continued to make her way toward him.

Taking a look at his opponent from cover he could see a rather large wisp with a sickly green glow making its way towards him and Steve. Looking back to his friend Ardur called out to her, “Steve! Start spinning your webs for a trap. I’m going to lure this thing in toward it so we can deal with it.” He knew that even with his strength and his flying ability he would be hard matched to out run this thing while carrying Steve.

Giving his friend a moment to prepare her webs, Ardur peaked around the corner with his hand held up toward the wisp. “My soul is fire; my heart is of the sun. Mighty sky father guide my shot, So they may rest i your everlasting light. Fireball.” Ardur spoke these words while still trying to remain mostly in cover. His leg was still stinging but he could feel the pain numbing. All he could do now was hope that his shot hit or at the very least kept drawing the thing in.

Ardur was ready to move. Perched in an almost crouched position to leap and fly towards the webs when the wisp got too close for comfort. Just in case he needed it the buff pixie used one of the two mana crystals he still had with him.

1 mana crystal used
Mana Restored to full
1 mana crystal remaining


Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SilverPaw
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago


Asura was still hell-bent on getting rid of all the skeletons, but at least Ardur had agreed not to initiate any purges anymore. And of course, that was why, exactly then, some ghost-wisp attacked the pixie. Fuck’s sake. If these things are so stupid, why protect them? And then Jason attacked Mother Slime! What? Why it? It’s smarter than the freaking skeletons, goddamnit.

I have to stop this madness…I should intervene, but how? Asura’s just attacking the stupid skeletons, and he may have a point, but Jason is getting rid of the monster-slime…Is this whole zombie fiasco worth killing a human over? Although yet undecided if she should try to prepare to help Jason in getting rid of Asura, convinced the latter was bound to attack the former with lethal intent, or if she should simply drag both Ed and Mother Rat outside to escape, Asteria was aware there was no time for long ponderings as second by second, the situation escalated. She had to act, and she had to do it now.

Asteria decided on an entirely different alternative, a rather desperate one. “Ed, wait here, don’t get damaged,” she hurriedly told him. “Mother, stand guard, but don’t provoke an attack,” she addressed her, though doubted Mother truly understood. Then she ran.

She ran, and ran, speeding back into the cave, towards the lake. She still clearly remembered the mysterious dream. Now or never, she knew she hadn’t yet managed to manifest any magical ability property, but was aware of her potential. And this was a dire enough of a situation for her to concentrate fully on her task, leaving no room for doubts, her intention unwavering, her mind sharply focused on this singular purpose. Asteria put both her paws inside of the lake, and called loudly: “Water spirit, heed me! It is I, Asteria! Hear my call! AEGEUS! Let thy whispers resound! Grant us calmness of heart, clarity of mind, and tranquility of body! May our souls know calm, peace, and acceptance! SOOTHE!"

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Ardur, Asura, Ed, Jason, Momma Slime, Mother Rat

"Leave him be for now, Mother. Take the other Skeleton." Asura called out as Jason was sent flying. Momma Slime burbled something in response, and headed towards the fray between the red amorphous slime and the two skeleblins.

Trying to keep his body as rigid as possible, shifting into a somewhat rounded cube like a dice, Jason managed to stop himself from continuing to bounce away. Quickly forming back into a ball, he raced back toward the fight as fast as he could. With the addition of extra traction, turning himself into more of a tire, he could definitely feel that his speed was better--and his course could be controlled better as well.

“Son of a bitch that hurts!” Ardur took cover and healed himself, restoring his HP to full. As Steve continued to make her way towards him, he got a better view of his opponent. The Ghost Wisp's glow was that of rancid flesh stretched over a spotlight, or perhaps something like radioactive waste. Looking back to his friend Ardur called out to her, “Steve! Start spinning your webs for a trap. I’m going to lure this thing in toward it so we can deal with it.”

Forced to make a decision, Asteria gave a hurried order to Ed and Mother Rat to stay put. Mother Rat didn't seem to understand the words, but she was already protectively huddled over Ed, so it seemed she wouldn't do anything to endanger him. The other rat dashed off, her swift speed carrying her across the cave...

Asura felt the burning pain of the Mana Orb; thanks to his Magic Resistance it was significantly less than it had been before, but he still didn't have as much of a tolerance for it as physical damage. He could feel that he had taken some solid damage overall, but he still had plenty of HP--however, choosing not to take risks, he quickly digested a Healing Herb and was back to Full. He chose to ignore the Ghost Wisp for now and surged towards the injured Gawain. The Ghost Wisp fired another Mana Orb, but missed due to Asura's movement and slowly began to descend...

Momma Slime lunged at Leonidas, but the Skeleblin had been ordered to focus on defense. With its lighter frame and greater speed, it was able to dodge aside as Momma Slime's big blue pseudopod smashed into the ground--quite similarly to what Asura had been showing her to try and get her to use Smash.

As the Ghost Wisp moved to try and get a better angle at Ardur, Steve turned her backside to the enemy and used the large orange eye on her abdomen to aim a [Web Spit] at the glowing creature. When the ball of partially-liquid silk struck it, the creature was weighed down heavily and struggled to maintain its levitation--holding it in place as Ardur began to chant.

"“My soul is fire; my heart is of the sun--" Ardur's palm began to heat up quickly, and the red glow began to spread up his veins...

As he barreled toward the fight, Jason knew he had to end this quickly; as Ardur would likely be back soon with full mana. With Ed and Asteria seemingly hesitant to take part in such a fight, he needed to end this quickly. Using [War Cry II] and [Spell Chant I] together, Jason intended to use his 'warchant' to attack Asura's biggest vulnerability.

"LET THE PILLARS OF THY MIND QUAKE--" As Jason's voice boomed, two spinning violet circles appeared in the air in front of him.

Gawain struck out at Asura as the slime spread over it like a net--despite Jason's order, it couldn't dodge or defend with its current injury, and so it seemed some form of basic preservation overcame the logic that couldn't be executed. The Ghost Wisp threw itself against his back in some form of tackle. Asura barely felt the impacts as they rippled along his spreading form, which began to glow with red light--

Using her own shapeshifting ability, Momma Slime tried to imitate Asura again, shooting a pseudopod straight out instead of swinging it like a haymaker--

"Mighty sky father guide my shot--" The fireball igniting in Ardur's palm grew brighter, just like when he had cast it into the cave before.

"AS MY WILL CRUMBLES AWAY IT'S VERY FOUNDATION!!!" As language and linework began to fill the circle, Jason's booming voice would forcefully draw Asura and Momma Slime's attention at the last moment. But they were already mid-attack...

Asura's mass was spread far enough that even with his focus elsewhere, he collided with Gawain and rolled over the skeleton like a tidal wave. Smash's damage had been decreased because of the larger surface area, but with Gawain's ankle already injured this attack slammed it into the dirt hard enough to destroy the joint. The skeletal foot went flying, and the injured skeleblin was left to crawl on the ground as it tried to get away. The Ghost Wisp once again tried to ram its body against Asura, but its attacks were little more than slaps.

Momma Slime's attack was thrown off center by the Warcry, and once again Leonidas was able to dodge it, leaping back to get some space between itself and the blue mass...

"WITH YOUR FINAL MOMENTS AT HAND, FACE MY MIGHT--" Jason could feel a strain within himself as he continued to use Warcry on the words of his Chant, and the spell circle had been split into four quadrants. One sigil had appeared in a corner and another was beginning to form--

"So they may rest in your everlasting light. Fireball!" Ardur let loose his spell, and it hit the Ghost Wisp head on! Steve's web proved quite flammable, producing a sort of napalm mix that clung to the Ghost Wisp as flames began to consume it. The creature screamed out, and suddenly seemed to disappear--the flaming web fell towards the ground. However, the magical flames seemed to remain floating as an empty sphere in space. In a blink the Ghost Wisp reappeared--then seemed to dissolve into ash.


Forcing his attention back with a grunt of will, Asura followed up his attack on Gawain with a pair of bludgeoning pods. The skeleblin was unable to get away, and as the blows rained down the magic of the dungeon could no longer hold the bones together. Gawain's skull chattered before his spine and ribcage were crushed. The Ghost Wisp rolled slightly downhill on the uneven terrain, seeming to bob partially in and out of the stone. It seemed tired.


Mother Slime, once more drawn by the Warcry, rolled up into a ball--tighter this time--and once again charged at the mage slime...

"--AND BE NO MORE! MIND WAVE--PSIONIC DESTRUCTION!!!" The second sigil was fully formed and a third had just begun to flash when Jason unleashed his spell. His voice was full of power, his magic surged throughout his being, and rage filled him like magma beneath the volcano. Asura had to learn that actions had consequences! How dare Ardur destroy souls like this! He would protect his Monsters--protect his Dungeon--and destroy whomever he had to! Even his own mother!

Like heat waves coming off the asphalt on a hot summer's day, only sped up tens of times, an unseen force rippled through the air towards Momma Slime. It struck.

The blue blob was hurled backwards--or rather, it almost seemed as if she, herself, had recoiled with such strength as to throw her body back. Her entire form shivered, and she sank down as if she were deflating--she was hurt, badly. Something, this thing, she couldn't see it, but it HURT--

Momma Slime screamed, her voice distorted with liquid blurbles and deep echoes--and then began to rock back and forth, gurgling in pain. Her membrane seemed like it was leaking as she sobbed in shock, seemingly unable to even react. Slimes were not used to taking pain--especially THIS kind of pain, that resonated deep within the mind.

"AHHHH, UUGH, AAAAAHSSSOOO!! AHHHHSOOOOWAAAAAH!" Momma Slime writhed back and forth, trying to collect her body--and failing. "AAAAAHHHHGH, AHHHSOOOWAAAAAAH!" She seemed confused, as if she didn't know where he was--

Your Stamina is Low.
You have no MP remaining.
You have overdrawn your MP again. Mana Burn has upgraded to Mana Disorder again. Natural MP Recovery has stopped. Item MP Recovery reduced by 50%.

Leonidas's teeth chattered as it glared at Momma Slime. Right now it seemed Jason's order was still holding it back...


Asteria, ???

As the sounds of battle raging behind her grew less over the distance, Asteria returned to the pool. She ran, and ran, speeding back into the cave, towards the lake. She still clearly remembered the mysterious dream. Now or never, she knew she hadn’t yet managed to manifest any magical ability property, but was aware of her potential. And this was a dire enough of a situation for her to concentrate fully on her task, leaving no room for doubts, her intention unwavering, her mind sharply focused on this singular purpose. Asteria put both her paws inside of the lake, and called loudly: “Water spirit, heed me!"

Asteria might have heard a splash as she approached, before she called out. The water near Torrent's ill-fated tunnel was rippling as she leaned over the bank. That small stream seemed to have been enlarged--now it was more like a proper creek, spilling shallowly towards Jason's cave.

"It is I, Asteria! Hear my call!"

Something down in the depths of the pool glimmered.


The glimmer suddenly darted, disappearing. As Asteria continued to plead, thrusting her paws into the water, she felt...a current? But it wasn't pulling her into the pool, or flowing towards the cave. It was something coming up.

"Let thy whispers resound! Grant us calmness of heart, clarity of mind, and tranquility of body! May our souls know calm, peace, and acceptance! SOOTHE!"

Like a pressurized tank of air, something blasted up from the depths. With a waterspout as if from the back of a whale, it burst forth into the open air. What little light reflected from Mana Crystals and broken shafts of sunlight glimmered on a surface of steel. It spun through the air--then landed in front of Asteria point first, sinking at least six inches into the ground.

Suddenly, the Dire Rat felt as if an icy grip had taken hold of her heart and lungs.

Your Mana is being Drained!
Temporary Excess MP has been Drained!
Your MP is Low!
You have no MP remaining!

The MP she had taken from the Dungeon Core, and from Ardur, had overfilled the Dire Rat's tank to the point that it might actually have started to be too much for her body. However, all of that, plus her natural amount of magical energy, had been drained--and it felt like a drop in a bucket.

The phantasmal hand withdrew from her, and within the blade's reflection she saw a pair of blue eyes.

You, who have called my vessel's name...I remember you. But you cannot wield me--and I do not think I can accomplish what you wish. However, through this slight link, you have allowed me to restore a very small piece of my power. If you are willing to take the risk, I may be able to destroy the core of this place, and release its hold...
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Kazemitsu
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Kazemitsu The Dragon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Asura's mind was filled with glee as the skeleton goblin was finally destroyed. But his happiness was short lived when he heard a horrendous scream from behind. His 'attention' was drawn to Mother Slime who seemed to be crying and brokenly calling his name. Something had hurt her and quite badly.No no no nonononono Like a snake he slid over to her and immediately shoved his remaining herbs into her membrane. He absentmindedly sent a wide tendril to brush away the other skeleton that lurked near her, strangely not attacking yet. "Eat them, consume the leaves! They'll heal you!" He exclaimed, genuine worry showed in his voice. During the whole four days the people had been conscious he had mostly been monotone, emotionless. Mother Slime had helped him loosen up somewhat, but more importantly she let him teach her. He was more her parent than the other way around as this point.

He had never had children when he was a human and he had adopted Mother Slime as his own. Little bouts of red electricity ran over Asura's form as he turned towards Jason. His shift was quick thanks to his more liquid body. He had arms, basic three fingered hands, and a torso with a massive red eye in the chest full of fury. All of it aimed at Jason.

"You will die, foolish child. You will die alone and in more pain than your pathetic mind can imagine." He growled out. His voice was colder than ice and menacingly, not matching the psychotic rage that laid within that great eye. It would remind anyone of how a serial killer would speak and the tone they tended to use from movies. But Asura wasn't a movie, he was very very real. Asura had clearly not been of sound mind while alive. His arms, each his maximum reach, lashing out. Pulling his body forward as fast as he could. Almost like a mad dog despite the smoothness of his movements. Whatever adrenaline slimes could produce was going, making him move faster than previously shown. Each time a hand landed it was with a rather loud thoom followed by the rapid slither of his base. The drums of death coming for Jason.

It had been a long time since Asura had felt something aside from control. Control to not kill someone. To not cave their head in with a single powerful blow. To not tear them apart with machinery or tools. Here though, he didn't need control. He just needed power and force. Which he had both of within this small cluster of beings. So he let his control go, let his old murderous madness rise to the surface, fed by his rage towards the stone slime, for harming HIS child.

Despite his rage, Asura was hyper aware. Like when he boxed, or got in the scraps at the bars, he was looking around for any signs of actual danger. That great eye flitted about, looking at the ground. But that wasn't the full spectrum of how Asura was operating. His whole body was an organ, slimes didn't have a central set of eyes like humans. So why think like one? His 'body' was looking right at Jason as he destroyed the distance between the pair. One great arm pulling back, soaking with the red lightning of Smash aimed right for his center of mass.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 25 days ago

Digbie froze. The resemblance was almost uncanny with Crispy and his father. The look of pure aggression and cruelty on Crispy's face was enough to have Digbie lose his focus, interrupting his {Soil Manipulation} and causing the dirt spike to fall to the ground. Digbie was petrified.

Voices rang in his head, telling him to leave with his friends. To grab the skin and take it with them. That the goblins were dirty and didn't deserve to touch it.

Digbie looked down at Torrent's shed husk and stared for a moment. Was he... also dirty and undeserving? He was a defect goblin, sure, but the only one who seemed to treat him with respect was Oberon. That didn't settle well for his feelings with the rest of the party. He shook his head. There was time to worry about this later. He just wanted to get away from Crispy.

Torrent's Burnt Skin added to inventory.
Item stored in Ratskin Pack.
System: Digbie

He nodded to his allies before working up the courage to speak up. "I-I'm not like those dirty goblins, right guys? I-I'm better than them... right?"

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Ash, Digbie, Mourningstar, Oberon, Torrent

You used Magic Analysis III! You used Monster Analysis I!
You are a Sprite. A highly territorial, but otherwise relatively friendly type of creature. Quite similar to Pixies at first glance, they are much more empathetic and even altruistic than other types of Fey. Unless an enemy presents a threat to their homes and families, they often prefer to flee rather than fight, but if something enters their nesting area they are known to swarm much like wasps. However, you have not felt compelled to follow all of this behavior due to your unique circumstances. Sprites are aligned with the light element and their wings have scales similar to some types of moths. When these scales fall they sometimes glitter, and the Sprite's body is often covered with them. You know that you possess the spells and magically oriented skills, Minor Heal II (2.65), Shield III (3.325), Magic Analysis III (3.675), Mana Orb I (1.3), Mana Shape I (1.1), Lesser Status Heal I (1.2), Mana Dart (1.3), and Meditation I (1.15). You know that you are developing the spells and magically oriented skills Focus (0.6), Mental Resistance (0.4), Wall (0.1), Minor Regeneration (0.6), Charisma (0.9), Spiritual Awareness (0.4), Minor Heal All (0.5), and Light Affinity (0.5). Recently you have begun developing the skill Fire Resistance (0.2) after healing from damage. Recently you have begun developing the skill Gather Light (0.3).
This is Crispy, an Adult Male Goblin with a Flame-Touched variance. Goblins stand between three and three-and-a-half feet tall on average, and they are much like human children. However, their natural cunning and viciousness is far more vile. They tend to form savage tribes with little in common save for the constant drive to survive. Crispy is longer lived and more accomplished than most Goblins. You know he possess the Fireball spell at at least Rank II, and that he has a higher level of Fire Resistance. He has a couple of other magically oriented skills and is developing at least one more. His MP is lower than yours but higher than all the other Goblins you've seen.
This is Orchid, an Immature Female Goblin. Goblins stand between three and three-and-a-half feet tall on average, and they are much like human children. However, their natural cunning and viciousness is far more vile. They tend to form savage tribes with little in common save for the constant drive to survive. You know Orchid is an avid crafter, but she currently has no magical spells. However, she is developing a large number of spells and magically oriented skills. Her MP is average for a Goblin, and is lower than your own at full strength. There is something off about her that you can't quite put your finger on...
---Analysis Complete!---

With the other goblins distracted by the declaration of a duel, and some commotion happening up in the cave, now was the perfect time to get away from all of this chaos. As the Pygmy Drake, Goblin, Sprite, and Lesserwurm headed into the woods, they made use of Oberon's observations from earlier. The smoke coming from the distant east likely meant some form of camp, or maybe the group had overheard the other goblins talking about the human farm. So they headed north, into the deeper woods...

Almost immediately after passing the treeline, they would see a couple of Kele shoots in the shadows of the trees. A few more steps, and a bush full of Blue Argeps came into view. Near this bush was also a pair of odd looking purple, waxy ferns. And, at quite some distance even given the fact that it had to be thrown by the explosion, they found a piece of the deadly Flak Beetle. One of its sharp mandibles had snapped off, easily four to five inches in length and still quite keen.

As they progressed further, it seemed that the explosion--and perhaps all the noise the goblins had been making--had driven some of the forest creatures away. Wild animals, even predators, often avoided loud noises. After all, trouble was danger to prey, but annoying to those trying to catch the prey. Some wide footprints near a shallow puddle from last night's rain could be seen heading off into the bushes somewhere. But the prints were spaced oddly, four of them in a perfect formation with each other, then again several feet away with no other prints in between. The back prints were larger--and looked like they had dug in deeper than the front. There was also a slight trace of slime around these tracks, as if whatever the creature was it had a sheen of sweat all over it. Another set of footprints looked like cloven hooves, and rather large ones at that.

Stuck on a bush nearby these prints was a tuft of stiff, black fur. It was no more than a handful, simply snagged on the branch as the creature no doubt rushed away from that loud boom. Still, it might make someone in the group sneeze, much like pet dandruff.

Still further the group went, passing by a large Topapo bush. There was also a broken piece of something that might have been a horn or spike, and the grass around it looked like some kind of chemical had killed it judging from its discoloration. After several minutes, it seemed they were getting out of the territory usually roamed by the Goblins. The trees stopped showing the signs of greenskin hacking and sawing, the ground stopped showing goblin tracks or hunting trails, and the plantlife grew thicker. Or at least, it grew more fully. While the Goblins had probably been picking various things in the immediate vicinity of the cave for some time, they had also been cutting trees. As Ash, Digbie, Oberon, and Torrent went further away they could see that this part of the forest had been left to its own. The trees had grown larger, without their branches being pruned away, and thus the canopy turned thicker. Without as much light reaching the forest floor, smaller bushes and thickets began to die back--but every so often a plant would find purchase under a shaft of sunlight, and with little competition it grew lush and hearty. The terrain became more uneven, however, as despite the forest floor being flat the roots of trees were spread across it like entangled spiderwebs. If the group weren't careful they could easily trip here--if they had to run from something they might be at a disadvantage.

But they didn't stop here; they wanted to find their own place, far, far away from all the stupidity they had dealt with thus far. And even if this was far enough, the ground between the trees was too open. They would need someplace to build or expand upon a shelter.

At one point they passed through a small natural clearing--barely large enough for something like a deer to bed down. In fact, judging by the way the sparse grass laid over and some dried out droppings nearby, that might actually be was this was. Still, as they passed through this open space, Ash and Oberon would feel a tingle at the back of their necks. If they paid attention to the subconscious alert, they might notice a shadow of something watching them from the branches of a nearby tree...but watching was all it did. That might have been a furry tail hanging down from the branch...or perhaps a serpentine body...or maybe it was just a trick of the light. If they looked directly, there was nothing there at all...

Three of the four group members were evolved, and they were obviously moving as a group. This, too, would dissuade predators as the unusual assembly of creatures wouldn't be easy prey even if they were alone. For a while they didn't see any new tracks, but they would soon pass another Blue Argep bush.

Then, without warning, it appeared!

Ash and Oberon's alert would only trigger at the last moment. By the time they looked up, it was already moving. The others would barely be in time to catch a glimpse as it leaped. It had a deer's shape, but its fur was a grayish blue the color of twilight mist. Its hindquarters were speckled with darker spots of green and a dash of black. Its horns had an elegant curve, almost like looking at a recurve bow drawn to full tension across its skull, but they had only four points--two near the "middle" on either side of the skull, and the other two at each tip.

The deer leaped away, and despite an initial crash its flight went silent. Such a creature would no doubt be far faster and more adept at moving silently through this habitat. The only trace it left behind was a handful of fur from where it had been scratching its backside against a tree.

Though they might like to bask in the majesty for a moment, soon everyone would probably decide to move on again.

They came to a creek bed now, and it seemed to be running from west to east. It likely came down out of the mountains, and at the moment it was merely a babbling brook. Again it had probably been filled a bit by last night's rain, but it looked like even in the wet season this body of water wouldn't have been more than ankle-deep for the average human. It had been running through these woods for so long that a few tree roots crossed it like miniature foot bridges, and here and there fallen straw and leaves were enough to dam it up.

From further down the creek, they would hear them before they saw them. Loud, gargling croaks--like an old man spitting up phlegm right after he wakes up in the morning. Two frogs--their bodies glistening like wet latex in a forest-green hue--sat on the bank of the creek. Their huge yellow eyes--made to appear even larger by the black eyespots on each side of their heads--blinked slowly with three eyelids at the four approaching monsters. These frogs had oddly round bodies, and their skin had a texture that reminded one of those distinct dodge balls from an elementary school gym class. What was more, they were the size of watermelons even without counting their beefy rear legs and sturdy forelimbs! They kept their feet tightly together underneath them, though obviously most of their weight sat towards the back.

The frogs croaked again as the group got closer to the creek, but otherwise made no move.

Just on the other side of the creek, nestled under a large tree, was a deep burrow of some sort. But even before they finished crossing the water, the group would hear a low, rumbling growl come from that burrow. Nothing came out of it to attack them, but it was clear whatever was in there was territorial. Still...they could probably pass by it or make a roundabout, as long as they were careful and didn't act in an overly threatening manner...

But then again, that burrow might make an excellent hideaway...

They had plenty of options. They might even head up the creek, towards the mountains, or keep heading deeper into the woods. Or they could go east, and see where the creek led. Or, if Oberon or Ash were to fly or climb up another tree, they might be able to get a further understanding of their environment...

As Danny remained somewhat hidden, he soon didn't have to worry about making too much effort to conceal himself. The Goblins were completely immersed in the duel about to begin between the female and their current leader. So far it seemed like the leader hadn't thrown any fireballs, but he would probably see Torrent start to charge one up before cancelling it and leaving with the others.

You used Monster Analysis II!
---Female Immature Goblin---
Goblins stand between three and three-and-a-half feet tall on average, and they are much like human children. However, their natural cunning and viciousness is far more vile. They tend to form savage tribes with little in common save for the constant drive to survive. This one seems to be an avid crafter. This Goblin is unusual. There is something off about her that you can't quite put your finger on...
---Analysis Complete!---
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


It didn't take long for Mourningstar to realize it was time to get the hell out of dodge. She followed the group quickly, leaving Orchid to whatever fate may await her. It was pretty clear she didn't really like them anyways, so Mourningstar had no problem with just ditching the female goblin. Maybe they would meet up again one day, provided she actually managed to survive against Crispy. She had written off the little bugger a while ago, but something in his eyes made her think twice. Those were the eyes of a killer, a real killer.

So they made their way through the forest, Mourningstar taking point as both sentry. She was also taking the time to try and use Blood Drain on basically anything living in their path. The Kele Shoots sticking out of the ground, any trees, the Agerp Berries, just anything alive and in their path. She had a feeling Blood Drain would be useful, she just needed to level it up enough for it to be useful. She also made careful note of her surroundings during their expedition, hoping to gain some kind of early alert system skill like Oberon had.

Then Digbie said something that stopped her in her tracks. "I-I'm not like those dirty goblins, right guys? I-I'm better than them... right?" Mourningstar turned to the young goblin and looked him in the eyes, doing her best to give off the impression of seriousness. She understood how he was feeling about now, she felt it often enough to know the signs. That feeling that you're pathetic, worthless, that since the moment you were born you were lesser. And while she might not ever be able to shake off that feeling herself, that feeling of worthlessness, she could make sure that nobody else settled into that defeatist attitude.

"Digbie, you are literally from another world. You died and were chosen by an all powerful Demon King to be reincarnated as a literal monster with untold potential. If that doesn't make you better than a goblin than we are all pathetic dirty monsters." An invisible weight settled on his shoulders, Mourningstar using Lesser Force to emulate her putting her hands on him. "Whenever you start thinking about how you might be pathetic or something, remember this. You saved Torrent's life. You helped kill a dungeon boss. You have unique magic that nobody else has."

A moment passed before Mourningstar turned away, mainly to hide her blush as her words finally caught up to her. "And most importantly, you have the great and powerful Mourningstar leading you! And I don't take dirty goblins into my crew, only the strong and mighty have the privelege of working with me!" A haughty laugh escaped her mouth as she pushed forwards past the Topapo plant.

Something dashed by them a little later, Mourningstar barely had a chance to even try and look at what it was before it was gone, but it wasn't attacking so obviously it wasn't that important. It left behind a handful of fur, which Mourningstar tried to attach to her headband by slipping it between the headband and her own body. Regardless of whether or not that worked, she would toss it aside and try to Blood Drain the tree that the deer had been scratching on. Need that life, need that food.

Soon they made their way to a creek, complete with babbling brooks and frolicking... frogs? Alliteration is hard. Options were presented now, Mourningstar had a few ideas, but nothing too complex at the moment. "So I'm thinking we should gank those frogs for food. Also the burrow looks like a good place to live, provided we can kill whatever the hell is in there. I feel good about our odds since it's 4 on 1, but I don't know what's in there so I'm not gonna say we can take it for sure." She paused for a moment to gather the rest of her thoughts, before continuing.

"It's worth noting that we are a little hurt still. So that's something to take into account before we get into a fight with an unknown enemy. As she said this, Mourningstar hovered up a bit, trying to get an aerial view of their surroundings before quickly returning to the ground.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Guy0fV4lor
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Guy0fV4lor Retaker of The Holy Land

Member Seen 8 mos ago


As the the surge of psionic power left Jason's body, guilt already clung tightly to his heart, and Mama Slime's heart wrenching scream made him feel all the worse. A few slimy drops leaked from his membrane as he coldly watched Asura rush to their mother's side. It appeared there was a shred of humanity within that maniac; which for a moment, made Jason hesitant- as he began to doubt his conviction, beginning to whisper a prayer in repentance for what he'd done. A prayer not to any boisterous god that sought only to toy with the lives of those they saw as lesser, but to the spirits that truly cared for the world, and more importantly, the life upon it. "Spirits of the earth, forgive me-" Before he could get farther, Asura finally showed what he truly was-- a real bona fide monster. A man that had either rejected his humanity, or had none to begin with.

In a split second, Jason was once again absolute in his conviction to end Asura here, before his evil could mar this world further. Unfortunately, life seemed to have other plans...

Your Stamina is Low.
You have no MP remaining.
You have overdrawn your MP again. Mana Burn has upgraded to Mana Disorder again. Natural MP Recovery has stopped. Item MP Recovery reduced by 50%.


Quickly, Jason popped two mana crystals, bringing himself back to half mana, as he quickly turned tail to run, issuing a command to his other subordinates to follow suit as he ran from Asura. "ALL UNITS, RETREAT TO THE CORE AND RECUPERATE!" Quickly shapeshifting into the same tire-like form he'd tried just a few moments ago. However, despite Jason's best efforts, Asura was gaining on him, and in desperation Jason summoned the skill menu, nearly slowing to a stop as it popped up, giving the red slime an opening to strike. As Asura's mighty blow laid into the slime mage, Jason instinctively pulled off the ground and activated Bounce I, sending him flying over to a spot near where the goblins' campfire once burnt. Grunting in pain as he immediatly shifted back into tire form, speeding away from his foe, hugging the 'right' wall of the dungeon (when looking in from the entrance). Keeping his focus on the ground before him, Jason watched carefully for anything that might slow him down, he knew he couldn't fight Asura, all he could do at the moment was run.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Forest outside the Cavern~

Ash quickly took notice of the plants in her surroundings. However, that was not what immediately interested her. The first thing was the mandible from that creature that those were fighting. The explosion carried it quite the distance. After a moment of studying, Ash grabbed it with her lesser force, before storing it in her backpack. She could probably make something with it, given a long enough moment to rest. She also took note of the waxy fern looking plants, quickly picking one and using both Alchemy and Magic Analysis on it before stuffing it in her backpack.

"Mourn speaks the truth, Digbie." Ash replied, frowning only slightly at Mourns seeming assertiveness as the supposed 'leader'. "We have yet to be acquainted, correct? I am Ash, a pleasure. And trust me when I say from what it looks like so far, you are nothing like those goblins. You helped rescue Torrent, and for that I am grateful, and that is not something any other goblin would likely do." She ended it there, not having much else to say on the matter. She had to keep alert for anything else potentially wanting to kill them as they traveled.

Thankfully, it seemed the explosion had driven off most of the animals. Good, less chances for complication. Ash really didn't want to put up with fighting anything else. A chore, that's what fighting was. An unwelcome chore she'd much rather deal without. She did however, take note of some particularly wide footprints, and stopped only for a few seconds to take note of them and study. Judging from how they were shaped, and spaced apart...perhaps some sort of creature that moved solely by bouncing or jumping more than walking? Difficult to say. Ash moved on, quickly, taking only a moment to use her analysis skills on that tuft of Black Fur.

Finally they reached the part of the forest that seemed completely devoid of Goblin interference. That meant, at least for the moment they no longer had to deal with them. However, given how things were going they may only have a moments respite. If Orchid did win she could be reasoned with, at least, but Ash didn't like to take chances on unknowns. The only thing that seemed to be amiss was a small tingle, a small alert as though she was being watched, like earlier, but whatever it was left them alone.

For some time, it seemed as though they didn't run into anything interesting, until suddenly, her alert skill only seemed to give her notice at the very last moment. The creature, some sort of deer moved far to fast, far to quickly to completely register. Its fur, a beautiful blue, its horns an elegant curve but it leaped away before she could fully study it. Intriguing! Her first sign of truly interesting otherworldly, fantasy life. She couldn't help but to be curious.

Eventually they came to a creek bed, a good source of water if clean. Ash made a mental note of it. If they could make a good shelter near here, then it would be an excellent place to do so. Further down the creek, she could hear the frogs. Several frog like creatures that had a texture of some sort of rubber, and were as large as watermelons. They seemed peaceful, or at least immediately non-hostile, which the same couldn't be said for of the creature in the burrow.

Mourn then had to go and suggest something quite absurd. After using her analysis skills on the frogs, Ash turned to the Corpselight.

"...Mourningstar," Ash began dryly, in a tone a disapproving mother might use to scold a child. "Remember what happened the last time we tried to 'gank' something just now? You all almost killed Torrent. Food, while a priority, I have already found us some edible plants that are decently nutritious. It's what I was doing while someone was busy trying to kill themselves." Ash sat up straight, stretching her neck out to its full length as she observed the others. "...as well, that thing in the burrow does not sound like the friendly type. For all we know it might not take kindly to us killing things in its territory. You are correct in thinking we do need a shelter, but simply taking and killing what we want from everyone and everything makes us no different than the beasts or monsters themselves." Pausing a moment to gather her thoughts, Ash gave her own suggestion. "We build ourselves our own shelter. I have some crafting skills, and with the help of Digbie and Torrent we could very well make our own nest without needing to disrupt this forest entirely, and I would suggest doing it first before someone gets seriously injured and we have nowhere to return to recuperate. If we're injured, it will make us prime targets for another monster. If we work at it, we can easily have ourselves a decent base by the end of the day. I would suggest making it a little upstream away from this den."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Kazemitsu
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Kazemitsu The Dragon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Asura's blow landed, a nice solid hit. But the sound wasn't, no bones crunching or flesh tearing. Just an odd sproing like a sound from Sonic the Hedgehog. Snarling his body changed once more. His maddened lunging dash replaced with a solid wave of red. Eyes dotted his body as waves of slime crashed forward. "Your puppets will not save you, boy! I will destroy everything for what you have done!!! Asura roared. He wasn't as big as Mother Slime but his sentience and that all of that murderous intent was intimidating. It was rare to see such rage where Asura was from.

Jason was to far away to hit, but Asura still had shards of rat bones within his gooey body. He had planned to act like a porcupine at one point. But right now they would make good projectiles. He lined them up within himself, much like a bullet was lined up in the chamber, and applied Smash to them as he forcefully ejected them from his body. He didn't have many, but he was aiming as best he could in his mad surging dash after Jason.

Obviously the closer he got to Jason the more accurate his shots would get. And he was getting closer. The amorphous slime was much faster than Jason and he was working himself as hard as he could to destroy that distance once more. His body was lacing with lightning, his Overwork cranking high as he acted like a tidal wave. He wasn't stupid either, he knew he'd be using far more Stamina than he should be. So he was sucking up any lichen and mold that was on the ground. Along with any insects that just unfortunately crossed his path. He was a literal wave of mad destruction at this point.

It ddn't take long for him to run out of bone needles. So he picked up pebbles and stones. But he didn't apply magic to them, he used Smash like when he had engaged the Skeletons. Sending those rocks, which were much easier to aim, screaming through the air at Jason.
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