Hidden 6 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Even though you weren't expecting to, you had a good evening. Usually movie nights with your cousin Dale are a bit of a chore. Although he is nearly 29 his enthusiasm in the cinema is that of a 12 year old, especially when whatever cookie-cutter horror movie you are watching has a 'jump scare'. But tonight was a pleasant surprise, the movie was 'so bad it's good'. And you felt you and Dale were actually able to bond over the experience. Your mothers would be both be proud of you, keeping what's left of the family together...

Another stroke of good luck is that your crappy car has functioned perfectly tonight, no malfunctions or stalls like usual. So driving back from the cinema made a good night even better. Dale's happy munching of popcorn is an oddly soothing background noise and you feel somewhat disappointed when he stops chewing to ask you to pull over so he can get some cash out of the ATM across the road. You tell him to be quick, as cops are extra vigilant about illegal parking on a Saturday night, and your pitiful cash flow can't survive another ticket.

You check your phone as Dale exits and crosses the road. You have no messages.

Pretty typical actually, there is a reason that you and your only cousin spend every fortnight together, you don't really know anybody else. You decide to check your emails too when suddenly you are shaken to the core by the loudest sound you have ever heard.


Your brain seems to 'skip a beat' as if it momentarily shut down and had to reboot to process not only the sound but the sight from your car window. There was a crash and an explosion, and it seemed to be between multiple vehicles...your brain is just able to process the next sight without your sanity completely leaving you.

Within the network of the wreckage there are people....very badly hurt people who look like they shouldn't have survived what ever accidents they were in....and they were walking. There are sounds of screams and other crashes that seem to be coming from a short distance away from your car, but the main sound is the boom and crack of a shotgun. A man in a tattered shirt is firing wildly into the crowd of the walking injured. But something is wrong....the bullets are hitting them... but not killing them.

Your mind snaps into panic and worry mode, time to think practically. There is no time to speculate on why those people seem to be shrugging off bullets or why they are walking towards that man so slowly when he has a gun pointed at them......Dale! is he still across the street? A large fire from the crashed cars is blocking your vision of where the ATM is from your car. Before you have time to think about it for too long, you notice that some of the walking injured are now headed towards your car, albeit slowly. Some that were stalking the man with the shotgun have also noticed you in your car, and about 6 shambling people are making their way over.

As they get closer you see that the injuries are more than severe, these people literally look like corpses. Bone and flesh exposed, whited out eyes and missing limbs. The sound of burning wreckage and increasing screams are slowly being blanketed by heavy moans from these corpse people.

The man with the shotgun stops firing and turns towards your car, finally seeing you. He begins to yell out to you, his arm is waving you over. You are gripped with confusion and panic over what these things are, who that man is, and where your cousin might be. It's time to make a decision.

Leave the Car and run behind you towards the man with the Shotgun.

Leave the Car and ignore the man, running toward the side of the street Dale was last.

Stay in the car and attempt to drive through the crowd of people in front of you and look for Dale on the next turn.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Make a run for it, back towards the direction you thought Dale was.

You had heard enough from this man, and was beginning to feel uncomfortable. Now that you were away from the slow walking abominations, you started to remember the true danger of the world you live in; regular people. Without trying to look too panicked, you cleared your throat as if you were about to answer, and then you darted off to the door and sprinted out, not looking back. Just seconds after leaving you could hear him give chase for about 6 steps before giving up.

Not wanting to run back in the direction you came, you spotted a side road that took you through a market district. Now armed with a hammer and in full sprint, you felt a lot more confident to pass through. With amazing luck, you encountered none of the corpse like stalkers on the way back to the road you came from. You felt pride in the fact you may have ran past them too quickly for them to notice.

Coming from a different direction, you see the wreckage you initially came from across the road. And make your way to the ATM that Dale was at without drawing attention from a couple of the scattered corpse people who seemed to be wandering aimlessly.

Continue to the Dale's last known location.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dale's ATM Location
Hidden 6 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Stay in the car and drive through

You decide to not take any chances outside your vehicle and hit the gas as hard as you can. Whatever these things are, you doubt they are normal people and won't feel too guilty about knocking a few over to get to your destination and find your cousin. Your car's usually impotent engine roared with determination to match yours and your got off to a speedy start. Though you could hear the man with the shotgun screaming

"NOOOO! DONT DO IT" behind you.

Your car easily plowed through the first 4 or so, with sickening snapping and crunching sounds as their tattered bodies bounced off the hood. However as you were about to make your first turn, you realized that the few in front of you were basically the 'tip of the iceberg' and you found yourself driving into a crowd of at least 3 dozen, which caused your car to come to a halt after an initial heavy collision.

The impact caused you to bang your head against the Ssteering wheel as you were not wearing your seatbelt.

You would be unconscious for most of the time as the corpse people slowly surrounded your car and began to break their way in. Tragically you will only wake up in time to experience being slowly devoured by the horde.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Run towards the man with the shotgun

The view of the man waving to you was beginning to become blurred as the thick smoke from the burning cars began to coat the air with a dark grey, like a reverse tint on your window. You knew that you had to abandon your car and make a run for the man now, you were unarmed and based on his body language he seemed to have an idea of what was going on, more than you at least.

As you took a deep breath and said goodbye to your cheap car for the last time, you mind went to your cousin Dale. You were determined to find him, but you also knew that he was a star athlete in college and had experience of dangerous situations when he went backpacking through the south pacific. If anyone could handle themselves in a crazy situation like this, it was Dale. You vowed to catch up with him later.

You tried to stay focused as you ran towards the man, didnt want to trip up, didn't want to run into any of those people and didn't want to run in the way of his line of fire. Luckily the moment you came sprinting out of the car he lowered his weapon and began steady jogging pace further in the direction you were already running. Signalling you to follow him.

My name is Hayes, dont slow down until I do, these things are pretty sluggish, but once they have a target, they wont stop....unless they find another. Lets go!

You had no reason not to follow this man, he seemed to have the interest of your survival in mind as well as his own. As he could have easily run off without you. Keeping your sprinting pace you both dissapear down the end of the street, trying not to be distracted by the screaming coming from all directions. Very quickly, things had gotten bad.

Luckily you didn't have to run for too long, the man Hayes seemed to know exactly where to run to, a little one way street off of a major junction. At the end of the street there were a number of small stores, including a protein shake bar which you could swear you had heard Dale talking about once. After scanning the area quickly and with none of the stalking horde in sight, Hayes invites you in to a side entrace of one of the stores, a key cutting shop.

The shop was tiny, just enough room for a counter and for a few people to stand either side of it. It was about half the size of your childhood bedroom. It was littered with seemingly useless trinkets and a few small tools. Also a lot of shoe polish for some reason. Your instincts tell you this would be a good time to take something to use, and without Hayes noticing you steal a Hammer from the counter and pocket it.

Hayes was able to get himself comfortable pretty quickly and leaned his shotgun against the wall next to him. He checked his watch and then craned his neck to look out the window, he was appropriately cautious. Seeing him up close you noticed he was actually an older man. In his late 40s at least despite being in pretty good shape. His face was weathered and slightly sunken, like someone who had seen too many horrors in their life, even before the events of today. His entire body with slick with sweat and his white t-shirt had patches of blood and grease. You cant determine if the blood belongs to him or not, at this moment.

Looking at you with his steely light blue eyes he scratches his chin before speaking.

I don't think they will be coming for a little while, thank god I was able to get that cop's shotgun. He didn't want to give it up. So what's your story? You heading out of the city? Already manage to get some loot? Don't be keeping secrets from Hayes now.

Something about the way the man mentioned acquiring a cops gun and his inquiry about your loot made you feel slightly uneasy, but you were wrestling with the idea of giving him the benefit of the doubt. Once again, you had to make decision about what to say or do next.

Answer him honestly and tell him about you and Dale.
Simply make a run for it, back towards the direction you thought Dale was.
Attack Hayes with the hammer you just pocketed in an attempt to get his shotgun.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Agree to go with him to the clinic.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Run to the side of street where dale was.

You could feel the slimy heat of fear in the pit of your stomach, your inner ears throbbed with panic and you could hear your own pusle loud and clear. But your brain kept you in reality, as scared as you were you had to find Dale, he was the only family you had left and you promised your mother and auntie that you would never abandon him.

You had no reason to trust the man firing his shotgun of shambling people and even if you did, your cousin still took priority. Wrenching open the car door and making a for a sprint across the road would be a difficult task as the path was blocked by flaming vehicles and a good few of the walking corpse people blocking the direct route across the wide road. You feel like you could probably get through okay, but you'd need to be nimble about it.

Alternatively you could take the longer way around by walking to the end of the car pileup where there seem to be a lot less walking corpses, but you of course have no idea what is at the dark end of the street where a street lamp has been hit by one of the cars.

Make a dash across the street through the wreckage.

[url=http://]Walk the long way around the traffic jam.[/url]
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Answer him honestly and tell him about you and Dale.

As you tell the man your story you are somewhat unerved by the lack of his emotions. He stares at you without blinking and doesn't at all seem sympathetic to the fact you lost your family member and can't find him. After you finish he makes a 'hmph' sound and tells you that your cousin is probably dead and we have no time to mourn. He grabs a rucksack from behind the counter and throws it on. Telling you that He needs your help investigating a clinic which he thinks will have some useful medical equipment and possibly some pharmacists in need of aid. His tone is commanding, as if this plan has already been decided. He let's you know that this is not a request, but an order.

Agree to go with him to the clinic.
Decide it's best to run after all.
Attack Hayes now you are convinced he's crazy.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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