Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Thokk's blade cut through one of the trogs who had been trying to use the remains of a statue to protect herself, but evidently it wasn't enough. Bleeding out with broken bones the trog screamed in pain, causing the others to scream back, hoping their combined cacophony may scare the adventurers away, or summon more allies. Either way however, the trog, blinded by pain, fought back furiously. She lunged at Thokk's neck with her jagged teeth, then slashed out with her claws, aiming to rip at his face. The other trogs continued to scream loudly, annoyingly.

Until it started raining.

It was a light rain at first, but what mattered wasn't that it was raining, but that the clouds had covered the sun. It became dim, still visible, but not bright. Suddenly the trog's small, dilated pupils grew as their vision cleared. Their screeches became hisses as they attacked. One trog joined the female in attacking Thokk, going to bite his sword arm while trying to sink it's claws into his legs and groin. The other two went after Roy, both of them attacking from different angles aiming for different parts of his body; one went to his head, the other went to his legs. Biting, ripping, tearing, like they were doing to the sea beast.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

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Surprised by the trogs ferociousness Thokk decided to back down. He moved back fifteen feet and took several breaths to calm down a little, he had underestimated his enemies but at least it was in a situation where his mistake wasn't immediately life threatening. The storm admittedly made a prolonged battle a daunting prospect but neither rushing in nor keeping his abilities hidden was the way to go here.
Eventually his wounds started to hurt less and he prepared his next move

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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Angus MacAlister

With the javelins retrieved, Angus drew his claymore once more and charged the pair of troglodytes attacking Sir Duncan. As he reached the first troglodyte, Angus let loose a mighty battle cry, leaped into the air, and brought his claymore down on the creatures head, splitting it like a foul smelling log. As the troglodyte fell to the ground a lifeless corpse, Angus wrenched his claymore free and then rounded on the second troglodyte. With a mighty sideways swing, Angus cleaved his foe in two with as much ease as the first. By the time both halves of the troglodyte had hit the ground, Angus was gone. Charging towards the troglodytes that had been attacking the half-orc.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Riaxh
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The wind was picking up now, and what had first been drops of rain intensified into a proper drizzle. He hadn't expected the Troglodytes to understand him but they seemed to respond with a great deal of screeching and yowling. As the sun disappeared behind the clouds they found their aggression, suddenly pouncing on the soldier and the orc, seeking to overwhelm them. Seeing the barbarian run to aid the newcomer, Raugar advanced to reinforce the latter, who had backed off a short distance.

"Over here you dogs" he growled as he engaged the pair of creatures, to prevent them from pursuing his ally and give him a chance to rally himself. A creature's hissing was cut off abruptly as he brought his greatsword down in a diagonal strike. He filled it with his power as he swung, the blade searing the flesh as it struck, cleaving through the monster like a hot knife through butter, spilling its ghastly innards on the ground. the dragonborn stepped to the side, revolted, before raising his sword towards his remaining opponent.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Searat
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

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@Lucius Cypher @Riaxh @rush99999 @Duthguy

Roy had anticipated that the beasts would have been ferocious. As he dashed past the corpse of the sea creature they were feasting on and straight towards the temple. It was then the two of the creatures decided to lay their assault against Roy. It didn't surprise the musketeer that the beasts would resort to such tactics, though their somewhat simultaneous attacks caught the man off guard. While he managed to nimbly dodge the maw of the monster that aimed at his head, its claws found it's way to his neck. Had the hard leather armor protecting his neck not been present, surely the damage would have been more severe. He had no time to let out a pained grunt when he felt the second's jaws upon his right leg, while it's teeth were too dull to pierce the hardened leather, its claws found its way to Roy's thigh. It then the adventurer with the strange instrument arrived to aid him. In a flash of flesh and steel, the two trogs that attacked him lay dead.

Roy then took a lungful of clean air before the miasma could and ran past the dead troglodytes. There were few troglodytes that remained. He targets the wounded one and readied his rapier. With a quick lunge aimed straight at the wounded troglodyte's chest, Roy drove the steel rapier through its heart at full force. It struggles slightly, but goes still within a couple seconds. With a sneer of disgust adorning his face, he casts aside the dead troglodyte away from the group. Not wanting to deal with it's miasma. "Many thanks, adventurer. I owe you my life." He thanks the adventurer with the claymore. "Had you not cut them down, my situation would have proven difficult."

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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With the last trog dying, a gargling in her throat, it would seem that the immediate danger was over. But surely before the storm had arrived they heard the screams of other trogs coming to assist, and if they didn't act fast, there was no doubt they would be attacked by those very same trogs. Worse still was that the rain was picking up; not only was it getting darker but it was getting louder as well. Within a minute the rain and thunder would get so loud, that if they wished to speak to one another outside they would need to shout. The dark clouds also brought a thick mask of rain and mist that would sever one's vision, even for those who can normally see in the dark. Their only bastion was the massive temple that laid before them; it's stones seemingly unerring even to time and weather. The doors did not seem barred nor did the windows seem broken or damaged, and only the decorative stonework appear notable damaged; everything else was still standing.

A testament of mankind's unending determination against the forces that conspire to end them, or was this place protected by the very eldritch forces that it once warred against? The answers, surely, are inside.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

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After the other adventures finished the trogs off Thokk relaxed a little thinking they had a while to regroup and discus their next course of action. Almost that exact moment the sound of the other group of humanoids reached him. Given the size and ferociousness of the group along with the storm and and his already sustained injuries the halfork had no intention of facing them in combat, if it could be avoided.

Despite realizing the temple might be very well hold even greater challenges Thokk decided to take his changes and dashed towards the door, but he didn't enter yet. He watched what the others were doing since as reluctant as he was to face the second group of troglodytes he felt it might be more dangerous to go inside the temple on his own.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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Angus MacAlister

With the troglodytes dead, Angus took a breath and sheathed his claymore. "That went well" Angus said "Now let's get out o' this soddin' rain before any more o' those buggers show up". With that said, Angus walked over to the temple's entrance, opened the door, and stepped inside.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Riaxh
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The last trog collapsed in front him. With a nod to the soldier, Raugar scanned the area around him as he lowered his weapon, though he did not stow it. Blast it was getting dark, but it didn't look like the rest were upon them... yet. By chance he spotted the javelin he'd missed earlier and scooped it up. Listening closely, he could still hear the monster's cries over the now torrential rain, frantic now that they had ceased to elicit a response from their fellows.

Finally he turned his gaze to the strangely undisturbed temple. The orc stood urgently at the door, as the barbarian casually strolled inside. Raugar had expected it to be barred, instead it was oddly welcome to receive them. He spared the edifice a nod of respect and thanks as he cautiously crossed the threshold, calmly opening his inner senses as entered it's gloom, listening and watching in a different way to try and uncover what whispered secrets this place could tell.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Searat
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

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@Lucius Cypher @Riaxh @rush99999 @Duthguy

"Storm's here. Its going to get worse any second now..." Roy mused to himself as he flicked away the blood off his steel rapier while observing the steadily worsening by the moment. The rest of the group had moved into the temple rather quickly, Roy follows in suit. Upon entering the building, it is unnervingly untouched compared to the ruined state the rest of the town. Roy quickly scans the inside of the temple to observe anything out of the ordinary as well as possible hiding spots for an ambush.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

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The temple was dark and vast; even those with darkvision would notice the darkness extending well beyond the range of their sight, with the stainglass windows doing more to dull any light coming in rather than extending it. Not that there was much sunlight anyways considering the storm that was now brewing outside. As the last of the four came in, a ghostly voiced called out to them. "Please close the door." Walking calmly towards the four came a tall, skeletal looking warrior. Their voice was a mix of a man and a woman, as if two were speaking at the same time. "Please, do not be alarmed. This is a safe place. A sanctuary. Rest here, if you would, but do not brandish your weapons in this holy place. To defile this hallowed ground with the violence that permanents these lands..." The lone figure stood there watching for their reactions, and after a few seconds introduced themselves. "I am merely a wraith... A dark shadow of what I once was. Now here I serve. I am afraid that beyond the shelter of the walls and the pews, there is nothing to accommodate you with. The food has long since spoiled, and the only water would be the salt rain outside. But if you simply require rest, than you are welcomed... So long as you keep the peace."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

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Thokk was surprised that anyone would just open the temple doors but he also understood the barbarian's reasoning. After all they would get nowhere just waiting for someone else to go first. Not long after he followed the others in some kind of skeleton appeared, the half-ork was about to draw his blade but it started talking, despite it's words he wasn't sure if he could trust though and as such he paid great attention trying to discover any possible lies.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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Angus MacAlister

Angus was glad to be out of the storm and possibly safe from the troglodytes. It was very dark inside the temple though. Angus in the process of lighting a torch when the skeletal warrior appeared from the shadows. Angus' claymore was halfway out of its sheath in the time in the blink of an eye, but soon moved back in when the warrior made it clear he wasn't an immediate threat. When the warrior claimed to be a wraith, Angus raised an eyebrow. He'd heard stories about wraiths before, but Angus couldn't quite remember all the details since they only appeared in the less interesting stories. But he did remember a few things. "A wraith ye say?" Angus asked as he finished lighting his torch "Ye seem a little solid fer a wraith. And not nearly as 'ostile either" Angus shrugged "Either way, ye kept yer head when ye came back an' didn't just start tryin' to kill anyone who crossed yer path" he added "So good on ye fer that, lad...Or lass. It's 'ard to tell, what with ye havin' two voices an' all". Angus then remembered that its generally a good idea to introduce yourself when you're a guest in someone's home. "I am Angus MacAlister" Angus said before pointing at Raugar "He's a dragonborn who can make javelins glow" Angus then pointed at Thokk "He's a half-orc who cannae make javelins glow" Angus then pointed a Roy "And he's a daft sod who spends so much time sayin' 'ello that the fight's already over by the time he's finished his yammerin' and drawn his sword".

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Searat
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

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@Lucius Cypher @Riaxh @rush99999 @Duthguy

Roy's eyes widened and was taken aback at the sudden voice along with the reveal of the ghastly knight. He quickly goes to a combat stance and lays a hand on his pistol and keeps a sharp eye at the skeletal knight. It reassures Roy, along with the rest of the party, that this place was hallowed grounds and a place of respite in this wretched land as long as we were peaceful. Roy glared intensely at the knight. He couldn't possibly be considering trusting this undead? Was it not a lich, an undead conjurer of these mindless beasts, that cursed him and forced him to leave his home and family? Roy takes a quick look to the half orc and the barbarian, and sees that they were complying to the wraith's plea. "Absurd that I'm forced to trust an undead...damned curse deluding my reasoning." Roy muttered through grit teeth, as he reluctantly sheathes his rapier and withdraws his hand from his pistol before taking a more neutral stance. The barbarian then spoke and introduced the rest of the party. The snide comment made by the barbarian only earns him an irritated glance from the musketeer.

Though he had sheathed his weapons, he keeps his glare upon the wraith. Ready to take action if this was some sort of deception.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Riaxh
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Raugar peered intensely at the wraith. He could sense that it was indeed undead, something he was normally called upon to destroy wherever he encountered it, but in the walls of the temple he could also see written the truth of it's words. This was a hallowed place, untouched by the corruption outside, and it was likely this mysterious guardian who kept it so.

Lowering his weapon, he turned and closed the doors as requested, shutting out the ravaging rain and other horrors. "Then I thank you spirit, for the hospitality of your church." he said, allowing himself to relax a little now that the immediate danger had passed. Seating himself on one of the pews, he removed a cloth from his pack and proceeded to wipe down his blade methodically, as he turned his attention to the next point of interest: his new companions, who still seemed mostly on guard against their strange host. Now that the fight was over he found himself evaluating his next move. They had earned shelter here, but in the morning it would be time to move on. The question was, did he want these three to accompany him? Their trustworthiness was questionable, but they had made short work of the troglodytes together.

His lip curled in mild amusement at Angus's brazen descriptions of them. He might have looked down on the unsophisticated barbarian, but he had proved his might in battle, and so earned the dragonborn's respect. "I am Raugar, a paladin of the Serrated Spikes. I am here, as I assume the rest of you are, to plunder Nurn." he said, introducing himself to the group. "I know little of you, but you fight well. I have no doubt our bounty would be manyfold what we could muster alone if we work together. I propose an alliance. Which of you will conquer Nurn with me?"

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Searat
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

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@Riaxh @rush99999 @Duthguy

Roy turns to face the dragonborn paladin and grimaces slightly at the sound of plunder. 'Is this what I have become? A royal musketeer and noble turned into a petty looter of ruins? Pitiful how far the mighty have fallen...' He thinks to himself as a growing sense of shame and pity for himself. "I mean no disrespect, Ser Raugar. But I am not here to conquer Norn nor am I here for it's treasures. I merely search the ruins for something." He pauses slightly to ponder on the offer given by the paladin. "I am honor bound to see your journey through, adventurers. Though do not misunderstand, if any of you are to do a nefarious act or an act of blatant and severe disrespect towards my honor, I no longer will be your companion."

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

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"You don't seem to be lying, wraith. As long as nothing attacks me I won't fight in here." Thokk then turned to the others and decided that he might as well introduce himself as well. "You can call me Thokk. As long as we divide the spoils of this place fairly, I have no reason not to work with you. Make no mistake though try to cheat me out my share or enslave an intelligent creature and I will turn on you." The paladin had a good point after all and maybe he could eventually trust these strangers enough to ask him to help on his real quest.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

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The Wraith nodded their head and stepped back, vanishing back into the shadows beyond the sight of others m. Even if they tried to look for the Wraith, it somehow managed to vanish from the temple. The storm continued to brew outside, thundering and pouring constant rain onto the stonework. Occasionally they may hear something scratching at the door, but nothing would open it unless the others choose too.

Aside from the wooden pews which seemed sturdy enough to be used as benches or beds, there was an altar to the end of the temple, with a brazier before it. The brazier has naught but ash and dust, with nothing left to kindle even a small ember. And aside from the pews there was’t anything else around that could be used to start a fire. There was however two open cooridors slightly hidden behind some ruined curtains; where they led was a mystery.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Searat
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Riaxh @rush99999 @Duthguy @Lucius Cypher

Roy's glare only left the skeletal warrior when he disappeared into the darkness. He keeps his glare to the general direction of where the wraith was but soon stops doing so, the wraith was long gone and there was no reason to glare at empty space. Roy then walks towards a pew and sits down as he assesses the damage done by those troglodytes. For the most part, the hard leather armor had done it's job in keeping alive. But even then, the areas where the beasts had attacked him were still rather sore and Roy checks them to make sure that there were no further injuries, other than being sore and slightly bruised. "Gods above, those things hit hard..." he mutters to himself as he tries to massage away the pain.

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