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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 28 days ago

Raven looked at him when he finally came down but felt weird when he took her hand and kissed the back of it. “it is nice to see you again your Majesty.” She said to him but felt her heart beating fast again and her weird feeling resisting a bit. But she choose to try to push the feeling back and follow him. She wondered where he was taking her but just followed.

But once she found herself in a garden she as in shock for she did not expected to be taken into a garden at all. Looking at all th plants and animals that lived in the area also only brought her back to her past. How she used to play in her mothers garden with her mother learning about plants or playing games. Then her father would sometimes come and join the fun with her and her mother.

As she looked at the garden around her she started to feel tears fall down her face as she remembered her past before it was lol taken from her in a blink of an eye. Seeing the garden only made her miss her parents more and wished she could get the times she had with them back.

Raven soon heard Eliezer talking to her and tried to stop her tears from flowing and looked at him and knew this is what he wanted to talk about for he could not understand at all for she saw things was different she was used to being around a family and loved everyday of her life he she believed did not have that.

Once he was done she let out a long sigh before looking out at the garden again. “Seeing how you act and how you see things reminds me of the stories my mother told me about my father for my father used to be from the high class world she told me he held a high title in basically the noble world but I don;t know the title she never told me.” Raven started to explain and pulled out the pocketwatch so he could look at it.

“See this was my fathers it was passed down on his side of the family for years and before my parents were taken from me permently he passed it on to me.” Raven explained. “A simple woodcutter could never own this so it was my first clue that my father was not always a commoner.” SHe explained and once she held the pocketwatch out to Eliezer but the craftsmanship was from the other kingdom the Lunar Kingdom but it was also the same pocketwatch passed down in the royal family.

“My mom told me how she was a simple common women that sold flowers and herb and meet my father a couple times herself.” Raven smiled as she rubbed her thumb on the pocket watch. “She told me how he looked so stiff and dead in the eyes doing things that he was suppose to do to play the part of the title he possessed pretty much like you Eliezer.” Raven looked at him a second before looking out at the garden.

“My mother soon had an appertunity to meet my father face to face and she got the full feeling of how doll like he was and could see how unhappy he truly was for his heart was in the right place wanting to do right to his title and do what was right for the people under him.” Raven clicked the pocketwatch to show the detail inside. “My mother used every trick in the book to finally break my fathers shell he was so stubborn until finally he basically just yelled at her all his fears and cried in front of her basically breaking down you know what my mother did then.” Raven smiled touching the glass dome covering the watch arms. “She just smiled and hugged him asked him do you feel better letting that out of your system.” Raven smiled for she remembered her mom laughing at that part.

“From then on my father saw my mother more and more everyday he still followed his duties of course but then started following the most important duty and that was to his heart and his heart started to want my mother but it was unfortunately forbidden between a high class man like my father and a very low common birth like my mother.” Raven then looked up at the sky wanting to remember the rest of the story but it always made her well feel upset. “Father tried to convince my grandfather to allow him to marry my mother but he refused to do so saying he had to marry someone in the same class or a lot high then my mothers but my mother was what my father needed and in the end he left a letter for my grandfather saying he renounced his title and said he was going to run off with my mother to elope and they did then years later after moving near the forest hallways away from this kingdom I was born.” Raven then looked at Eliezer and smiled a bit at him.

“And do you know what my father told me when he walked in for he heard my mother telling me this he told me that he never regretted giving up his title for my mother and when I was born he felt complete and felt that he truly did his duty to his heart and from then on he was happy as a woodcutter, husband and father until.....” Raven smile faded and looked away and down at the ground. “Until my parents were killed before my eyes.” She said as tears fell and she gripped her pocketwatch tight.

“I am not telling you to give up your title as the crown prince or to do what my father did but you and eye are similar we grew up basically with no parents mine were taken yours I am sure were always gone doing their so call duties.” Raven explained to him. “But I am just trying to prove that your needs are just as important as the needs of your kingdom my father did prove he could do both he just left it all behind because his father disagreed with the marriage to my mother.” Raven finished explaining to him.

Raven then just looked at down after she finished speaking but soon Mathazar out of the corner of the eye spying on them and she knew he was watching her to make sure she was going to do her job. SHe knew she was going to have to sneak back tonight and talk to him.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Eliezer had not expected the lady to cry. He froze for a moment, at a complete loss as to what to say or do to alleviate the situation. He only listened as she started to speak, practically revealing most of her life story to him. When she brought her pocket watch out to show to him, it crossed his mind that he found its aesthetic to be rather familiar, though, he was unable to remember where exactly he had seen similar designs. He did not ponder over it for long, for his mind was on Raven's emotional state. He now understood the feelings she was struggling with whenever the both of them met. Their relationship brought back memories of her own parents, who were no longer with her. What he still did not understand, however, was why she still desired to be with him, if doing so was giving her so much grief. Was it all because she was determined to do for him what her mother did for her father? Was this... love?

He was curious about who exactly was responsible for her parents' deaths, but again, this was no time to inquire about such a thing. He had distressed her with his words due to his own worries, and it was up to him to rectify the situation. However, it was one in which he had not been given any instruction on what to say and how to act. His mind went back to what she had said her mother did to comfort her father when he had broken down, and not thinking any further, he stepped forward and put his arms around her, pulling her close. Right after the action, he immediately questioned what he had just done, and wondered if it had even been appropriate to do, though, he was able to find words as he continued to hold her.

"Does this... make you feel better? Do forgive me, my lady, I did not mean to upset you."

He then pulled away slightly so that he could look her in the eyes, and reached up to wipe her tear-stained face with the cuff of his sleeve. "An embrace. Such a gesture is performed to induce positive emotions, as well as to express affection, is it not? Regretfully, it is not a way in which I am used to expressing myself. For the longest time, I have only received them from my brother. At times, it would be to offer me comfort when he senses that I am troubled. Usually, it would be to assure me that I am valued and appreciated. By embracing you now, I wish to do both. I do not want you to be sad. I also want you to know that I am immensely grateful for the care you have shown me."

After removing her tears, he subconsciously proceeded to twirl a lock of her hair around his finger as he continued to gaze at her. "Is love... actually possible for me? Could I truly have it all? You have given me an example of what a powerful force love can be. I have always been too afraid to pursue it, to hope that things could be better for me if I would just push myself to find out more, but here you are, giving it to me straight. You have shown me what a coward I've been to resist it all this time. Beneath the front I've been putting up, the front I had always thought was who I truly was, has been somebody simply too afraid to take a chance at happiness."

He then let go of her and took a small step back. "This realization... perhaps I haven't fully accepted it yet. It all seems so absurd at this moment that I know not whether to laugh or cry. My brother would jest that I am incapable of either, but I'm willing to admit that it might be true. Again, I understand your difficulty in finding me 'normal'. Considering the fact that you had met Mathazar first, it is a wonder that you did not fall for him instead of I."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 28 days ago

Raven did get a bit shocked when he put his arms around her and pulled her close. It had started to make her heart race a bit and she did not expect but maybe her brother was right...could she really be falling for Eliezer like her mother fell for her father. Two people from two very different classes and lives that were so far apart. Though when he wiped her tears away she listened to him and she knew that kind of gesture was going to be foregine to him but what she found interesting was he wiped her tears himself and that was a start with what he was doing. Raven continued to listen and felt bad for his brother wants his dead and that was why she was there after all.

THough once he twirled a lock of her hair she did blushed at that for she did not expect that at all. But as she listened to him she moved some of her hair behind her ear. “Everyone is scared and wish to always hid behind something to help protect them.” Raven started to explain to him. “But in my honest belief you deserve to be happy and do you think I am not scared in all honest I mean remember how we meet I tried every trick in the book to get your attention.” She explained to him but the question was brought up at what she did not fall for his brother since she did meet him first.

“DO not take this wrong your majesty about your brother but he does have a bit of an Ego or that feeling of one.” Raven explained. “Sure he is handsome and can express more then you but there was just no spark between me or him.” Raven explained to him. “I mean he can be sweet but something about him just does not well give me that feeling like I am right now with you.” Raven said as she blushed dark red.

“When you embraced me I felt like my heart was going to leap out of of my chest for a second.” Raven had admitted and she was saying the honest truth and Mathazar heard her and he as not happy to hear that at all.

“Hmpf I know yous saw me little assasin and you will be paying me a visit to talk and I am not letting you back out because you stupidly fell for my brother maybe a little motivation will help.” He siad with a smirk and walked away after he finished spying on the two for now.

Raven looked out the corner of her eye and saw that Mathazar had left but hoped he left before she basically admitted she fell for Eliezer but she even started wonder was Raven looks for a path to avenge her parents or just someone to pull her out of her little dark world she had engulf herself in.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Eliezer nodded at Raven's response. "It is a pleasant surprise to be told that my attention was worth such effort, especially by somebody like you, who does not believe that status and wealth define happiness. You did everything in your power to convince me that you were the right lady for me, but what if I had not been convinced then? Like myself, you fear unhappiness, and it would seem that my attention was key to your happiness, at least on the night of the ball. If not for the attempted assassination, there would have been a high possibility that your methods would not have worked, yet you still dared to set yourself up for rejection, to hope that everything would fall into place. The courage you possess is one that I can only admire."

He then raised an eyebrow at what she had said about Mathazar. "An ego? I see..."

It made no difference when the princes were seen and heard from afar, but up close, Mathazar had always been the more confident of the two. Eliezer had always acted on head knowledge, while his brother often acted on his own, and was sure of himself every time he did. Eliezer had thought that it was a strength Mathazar had, yet it had been a turn off even for a lady who valued the expression of the heart over the head. He found himself perplexed by Raven once again. Where was he to begin in understanding her or what was going on in her mind? The allure of her mysteriousness was something he had resisted before. Perhaps the time had come to step right into it.

Spotting a flush on her skin, he then paused his thoughts. He recalled it taking place a couple of times the day before in the village. He had assumed that it had no significant meaning, though, he could tell that she seemed slightly wary at the moment.

"Is everything alright, my lady? I cannot help but notice that you look a little flustered. A meal has been prepared for us indoors this afternoon, perhaps a drink might help?"

He plucked a small white flower from a nearby bush and stuck it into her hair for entertainment's sake, hoping it would distracted her from whatever was worrying her, before taking her back into the palace. He brought her down the grand hallways of the royal family's home to an extravagantly-decorated private room. The carpet and walls were a rich velvet red. Lush, heavy curtains framed the large windows that let in the Sun's rays which lit the room up, and the intricate furniture was lined with gold trimmings. Atop a table in the middle were freshly-cooked, sumptuous meals for the both of them.

After pulling his lady's chair out for her, he proceeded to take his own seat, turning his attention to the portraits of his parents above the unlit fireplace. "It has occurred to me that I never got to ask the king and queen how they met and why they fell in love. Then again, such a thing was never of importance to me, not until now."

Eliezer then turned back to Raven. "You have explained to me that how the both of us are now remind you of your father and mother, but all I can see such memories giving you would be grief if we continue to see each other. In addition, my ignorance has caused you frustration that you could do without. What do you see in me? The persistence you have displayed is something I do not understand. Perhaps the elusiveness of my love is appealing to you. It is so simply because I know not how to give it. Love is such a... baffling phenomenon. You see, everything that I have learnt, I have done so with instruction. However, I do believe that this is something I would have to discover on my own, and I know not where to begin."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 28 days ago

Raven looked at him a bit Nd knew that Eliezer would have a hard time believe in the Ego part but even here she could tell Mathazar had an ego issue acting like he knew his brother better but yet she was trained to see people for who they are and what is in their hearts. That was the way of the assasin so they coul find their weaknesses or use them against their targets. But when he brought up the question about her flushed cheeks it was obvious he has never been embaressed, nervous or had someone they liked that’s they could not help but blush when they think of them or are in there presence.

“I am fine Eliezer.” She said to him as he placed the flower in her hair and she blushed a bit from that for no one has ever done that to her. “You obviously never been embaressed or nervous enough to make you blush.” Raven said to him with a small smile before she followed him back inside to get something to eat. AS they walked Raven did look at all the things the palace posed it was decorate nicely and all but in her mind it felt empty to her and lonely.

As they made it to the dining area and she thanked him with the help of her chair though when she saw the portrait of the king and queen she could not help but glare at the kings face. THe man that ended her families life and took away what a child should never loose unless to old age.
“I wouldn’t be shocked if they told you that their marriage was arrange or something like that.” Raven said to him she knew it was a bit insensitive but a man that was so cold hearted to kill her family had no way or actually loving anyone and had to be put together with someone to keep the royal bloodline going.

Raven then looked about him and listened to his questions before she rested her elbows int he tabled with her fingers intertwined with each other. “Hmmm the past.......it may cause me pain and sorrow when I thing back on it how my folks meet and what they went through but my father always told me that even though the past may chew you up and spit you out the past means its behind us now and its there for us to learn from and that sometimes we have to go through grief and pain to learn and do better for the future.” Raven explained to him. ‘ANd for what you can do instead of basically isolating yourself in the palace waiting for the people who only a small handful can get in come to see you why no do what I did with your yesterday go to the village yourself.” Raven explained to him.

“If you go into the village yourself and talk to them, see what their problems are, to see what you can do what is best because you can see it with your own eyes.” Raven explained to him. “Maybe just being to put yourself out there as in the wise words of my master he always said to understand another you must walk a mile in there shoes.” Raven gave an example. “Meaning you need to get out there and see and maybe who knows try it yourself to fully understand th world and the kingdom your fathers hopes for you to rule one day.”
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

An arranged marriage? Eliezer pondered over Raven's theory for a moment, finding it to be highly possible. His father and mother hardly spoke to him or Mathazar about each other. Such details were not important to their children as far as they were concerned. Anything that they felt was of no value in the upbringing of the princes was not spoken of, and Eliezer and his brother were raised not to care about such 'trivial' things. He had always thought that he cared sufficiently for his parents, though, as his lady had implied, a part of caring for somebody would be taking the trouble to find out more about them as a person, would it not?

He proceeded to cut into the steaming piece of meat on his plate as he continued with the subject. "You would most likely think it tragic that, if it were true, I would have found such a thing to be normal. That would have been the case, if I had not met you. You speak of the involvement of love and happiness in a marriage. For the longest time, I had accepted that this was a privilege not to be enjoyed by those of royal blood, that we were simply granted different entitlements. I truly am fortunate to have a lady as... special, as yourself granting me what I thought I could never have. Although it is still unclear why you seem to have developed feelings for me, I am convinced that those feelings are sincere."

Raven then brought her village up again in response to his next point. Thinking back to the day before when he had been under the guise of a commoner, he found her to be right. He recalled how much more he had learned about their struggles and their way of life being among them as compared to addressing them as a member of the royal family. What they were willing to share with the crown prince when he would engage them in conversation did not come close to what they were comfortable with discussing around somebody whom they thought was a fellow villager.

"You seem to think highly of your companions back at the village, and rightfully so. I believe I have much to learn from your people regarding these new, perplexing subjects."

After finishing his meal, he took a sip from his glass before standing. "It is interesting that you would mention isolation. You are correct about this tendency of mine, though, I never 'wait' for anyone to come to me. You see, I take pleasure in solitude. I find that those are the only times when I can truly rest and take my mind off my duties."

Eliezer then made his way over to the corner of the room, where a beautiful, intricately-carved violin was placed, and picked the instrument up. "During those times, I would either be in the garden where I have shown you before this, or I would be up here, relishing a few melodies by myself. The sound of the violin tends to calm me."

He instinctively positioned the instrument at his collar and took the bow that was beside it, as if preparing to play a tune right there and then. However, he stopped himself just as the bow touched the strings of the violin, remembering that he had company. It was not that he had forgotten that his lady was present, but he was unsure if he wanted to share this particular pursuit with her. He did enjoy her company, but playing the violin was something extremely personal to him, for it represented the few moments when he was actually allowed to be 'free'. With a nearly-inaudible sigh, he set the instrument back down and sat with Raven again.

"You mentioned wanting to know more about me. I believe that was an appropriate start."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 28 days ago

Raven just pushed her food around her plate for she was not really that hungry but listened to him talk more but when she brought villagers up she actually still hated them for how they treated her when she first arrived as a kid after her parents were slaughtered. But she just created a facade to fool those to get what she wanted like information and other little perks. “Of course the village it basically one big family and you have to help your family.” She siad with a convincing smile towards him not letting on anything.

But when he brought up the isolation for him who he liked it for it only showed how different it wax for them. She was eft alone no family shunned by the whole village as soon as she stepped one foot into it and treated as if she did not exist for a long time. But she thought that he must of been surrounded by tutors, royal adviser, performing royal duties and other royal things he had to do. “I guess that does show the different worlds we live in.” Raven said to him.

“I have been alone for so long when I was little no one to help me, one to be there for me, and most of all no one to love me.” Raven explained to him. “I didn’t start meeting my brothers and sister until 4 years after I arrived and that was also when our master took us all in and raised us as his kids.” Raven said as she pushed the plate of food away from her. “So the thought of being alone is not something I wish to endure again....I rather end everything then suddenly be thrown into isolation.” Raven said trembling a bit remember how her master would punish her by thrwing her in a small dark room with no one.

It was his tactic to know all their weaknesss and use it to get them motivated to train harder and to get it right or if we failed at their task given to them. “I guess that is why I take in the orphan children of the kingdom at least do not feel alone and it gives the kids a stable place to live, food, and we all are like family at least.” Raven finished explaining to him. “I know it seems childish but it is one of my greatest fears.”

Raven soon shook off everything from what she said and looked at his violin and it made her think of all the lessons her mom gave her with that one strange instrument she cant remember the name of and a flue. Music was a big thing in her parents lives it was how they were brought together one time and lead to them falling in love. “My mom actually taught me how to play the flute but I have not played one in years not even sure if I can recall how to play one again.”” SHe said trying to change the subject not wanting to reveal anymore of her past to him.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Eliezer said nothing about Raven's decision not to eat, but wondered if it was because she felt uncomfortable. Recalling how he felt when he was with her at the village the day before, he figured that just as he was not used to the atmosphere then, being at the palace alone with him was something unfamiliar to her. It was likely that she felt more at home in a simpler environment, surrounded by other people and the sounds of their activities. What she said next only confirmed how much she desired not to be alone, and also seemed to be an attempt to explain to him why.

"I would not judge you for such a fear, my lady. Although I may not fully understand it, I am still grateful that you think enough of me to share it with me."

In fact, he appreciated the mere fact that she would step out of her comfort zone just so she could speak with him. He had promised to repay her on the night she had saved his life, but she owed him nothing, and had inconvenienced herself to fulfill his request. It had come to the point where love seemed to be the answer to everything she did. The very concept was still puzzling to him, but that conversation could be continued at another time, for it was clear that she wanted to talk about something else when she switched the subject to musical instruments.

"The flute, I see. Would you consider playing one again?" Eliezer could think of a couple of possible reasons why she had stopped the pursuit, one of them being that it might remind her too much of her mother. "That is something to ponder over, is it not? For now, however, I believe you must be eager to return to your companions back home and attend to your own duties. I apologize for keeping you away from them this afternoon."

He took her back down to the entrance to the palace, where a carriage was waiting to take her back to the village. "As with the day before, I have had a lovely time with you, my lady. You have given me so much more to think about today, and I'm glad that I have gotten to know you better. You are most welcome to write to the palace at any time."

Remembering how she had kissed him goodbye the night before, he brushed her fringe aside before leaning in and lightly kissing her forehead. He then helped her up into the carriage and turned back into the palace as it left.

One of the hallways leading to Eliezer's personal room was the grand hallway of Dainia's history. One would practically travel through time as they made their way down the corridor lined with dates and writings telling of the kingdom's milestones, enriched by the glass casings displaying relics associated with each event. It had come to a time when Eliezer would simply walk through this hallway without giving these features a single thought, but on this day, his attention was caught by a display at the very end - a royal emblem of Lunar, along with a description of the Dainia-Lunar Dispute that had taken place less than two decades ago.

His mind flashed back to the pocket watch that Raven had shown him, and he only then recalled where else he had seen a similar aesthetic.

“This was my father's, it was passed down on his side of the family for years and before my parents were taken from me permanently he passed it on to me. A simple woodcutter could never own this so it was my first clue that my father was not always a commoner.”

The pocket watch bore such iconic features that there was no denying that it was of Lunar. Overwhelmed by the realization, he stood in stunned silence, staring at the display for a good while. It could not be true, could it? Was Raven really... an enemy of the kingdom?

Eliezer was suddenly jolted back to a state of awareness by a firm hand on his shoulder. He spun around to face his twin brother, who appeared to have a mixed expression of confusion and concern.

"Your behavior worries me, Eliezer. Tell me, what plagues your mind this time?"

Still getting over the shock, the crown prince stuttered out a reply. "I- I have reason to believe that Lady Omrea is of Lunar, and of no less than noble descent."

Mathazar's eyes widened. "Surely you jest?"

"I wish it were the case, Mathazar, but she bears an heirloom of a noble family of Lunar."

The younger leaned in closer to his brother and lowered his voice, speaking in a cautious tone. "You cannot allow a noble of an enemy state to be by you on the throne of Dainia, Eliezer."

The elder let out a sigh. "I am well aware, though, it also seems... wrong, to reject what I have with her now."

Mathazar chuckled in amusement. "Why brother, was that your heart speaking? At least I am now assured that you actually have one."

At Mathazar's words, Eliezer was caught off guard by another realization. He knew that he had a duty to do what was best for Dainia, but was cutting ties with Raven truly the correct decision? All his life, what was right or wrong had been clear for him, but now, there was no way to tell, for he did not know enough. This time, he was not going to simply act on what he had been given. He was going to dig deeper, and whether or not this was motivated by his feelings for Raven did not matter. It was something he wanted to do.

"I merely wish to make an informed decision, Mathazar," he responded after some time.

The younger only nodded. "I cannot advise you on what to do this time, brother, but know that you will always have my support."
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 28 days ago

Raven looked at him when he suggested about playing the flute again. “I would not mind playing the flute again but unfortunately I do not posses on anymore it was destroyed in a fire years ago.” She explained to him and did feel bad she did not eat the food that was provided for her but she had unfortunately lost her appetite for the day.

When he brought up about her wanting to go back to the village she did think it was for the best and nodded at him and followed as he lead the way. She smiled at him from what he said about him having a good time with her. “I had a great time with you also and I will admit you are the first person I revealed a good chunk of my past too not even my own siblings know what I told you.” She said with a smile but soon blushed when he leaned down and kissed her forehead.

She had not expected that but she did not hate it at all she had actually liked it and smiled at him. She siad her goodbyes to him after he helped her into the carriage and she rode him thinking a lot.


Raven thanked the coach driver and watched him leave. She then let out a sigh and walked back into her home to see Andy there still. “Hey Raven welcome back how was it?” He asked as he was playing with the kids.

“It was interesting.” Raven said as she walked over and sat down. Once she did a little girl came up with her arms up and raven just smiled, picked her up and then placed the little one on her lap.

“Interesting how?” Andy asked as one of the boys talked his back and it caught Andy off guard.

“I got to learn more about him along with opening him up more but....” She said as she sighed a bit. “I started to open up about bits and pieces of my past.” Raven explained and Andy poked at her concerned when she said that.

“Raven be careful you can accidentally reveal why you are there and that is to kill him so you can get close to his father to kill his father for revenge.” Andy said to her as he got one of the kids off his back.

“That is the thing thoug....what if.....” Raven said and looked down. “What if I don;t want my revenge anymore?” Raven said to him and Andy’s jaw just dropped when he heard those words come out of his sisters mouth.

“Whoa back up did I just hear you correctly Raven ou are starting to consider not wanting to revenge?!” He said shocked and watched Raven nod her head. “Ok I am confused Raven for as long as I known you the only thing we hear come out of your mouth is revenge against the king for what he did to your parents.” He said to her and Raven sighed.

“I know Andy I know but after spending time with Eliezer and get to be with him along with watching him open up so much.......” Raven said and looked at her brother. “I.....I think I am actually truly falling in love with Eliezer.” Raven explained and that caused Andy to fall over freaking Raven out.

“Little miss black heart actually has a heart to love someone and not just anyone the prince and son of the man that killed your parents and also the oldest brother of the younger brother that also wants him dead?!” Andy said as he sat back up looking at his sister as if she was nuts.

“I get it ok I am heartless except with kids but its not just me opening him up he has opened something up in me that I thought I had sealed off years but he brings it out of me.” Raven finished and Andy sighed looking at her.

“Man I do not fully understand it but I guess as long as this is what you want and it makes you happy you have my suport sis but I do have one question....what about Prince Mathazar?” Raven just looked away.

“I will talk to him tonight I am thinking of calling the deal off.” Raven explained.

“Want me to go with if he tries something?” Andy asked and Raven shook her head.

“NO I will be fine.” Raven said with a smile.

Once night time came Raven was in her assasin attire and had once again snuck onto the palace grounds making her way to Mathazar’s room. While on the way Mathazar was sitting in the chair thinking. “Hmmmmm I wonder if Raven even knows she is from that kingdom she never mentioned or showed signs shewas from that kingdom.” He said to himself as he was thinking until he heard the window open and saw the very women he was thinking about.

“I am glad you came to visit me dear Raven I must say I am disappointed in you my brother should be dead now instead I am still seeing him walking around breathing just fine.” He said angry as Raven took her hood off.

“Forgive me but a......complication happen even one that I could not even predict would ever happen.” Raven said to him. That caused him to raise an eyebrow and noticed that she had a mall blush on her cheeks and was a bit fidgety and he knew her well and was not the type to do that and it hit him why she had not killed him.

“Oh my you are in love with my brother that is why you can not kill him I can not believe this.” Mathazar said mad and got up walking towards her. “You better get those thoughts out of your head I want him dead so I can take over this kingdom.” He said to her approaching her and grabbing her wrist.

“Do as I say or I will send all forces into the village to hunt you down and they will not spare those orphans you care for so dearly.” Mathazar said and Raven looked at him.

“YOu would not dare my siblings will help protect them!” Raven said mad

“No if I send my best forces and I know where you all live I can have you all taken down at once and have you put on trial for treason towards the royal family.” He said and threw her down. “YOu will do the job before the coronation if not say good bye to your family and the stupid pathetic orphans.” He said as he pointed his sword at her.

Raven may have been the best but she knew when to stand down if she was not mentally ready for a fight and just bowed her head down. “Alright ....alright I will get the job done.” SHe said wanting to protect the orphans on the village.

“Good now leave.” He siad and she jumped out his window and into the night. “Hmm just to make sure I better get things ready to frame her t might help with a little motivations for her.” Mathazar said with a smirk watching the Assasin return to the village.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

While the tense exchange was taking place between Mathazar and the assassin, another cloaked figure made its way down the dark streets of the Dainia’s slum district and into a notorious tavern known for its devious patrons who offered shady deals and accepted bribes. Even the tavern’s own staff members were involved in such trades. The loud, rowdy crowd barely took notice of the figure as it walked right through the establishment and out the back door into an alleyway that was deserted, save for a sharp young man known in the area as the eldest child of the tavern owners.

The dark-haired youth took a puff of the cigar between his fingers, his eyes locked on the cloaked figure as it approached him. “What do you want from me?”

“What do you know about the battle in the Wynton Forest during the Dainia-Lunar Dispute?” The figure began.

His lips widened into a smirk. “There is some word still going around, regarding the subject. I could provide you with the details, but it will cost you, unfortunately.”

“Name your price,” came the reply.

The man’s eyes then widened as he continued to stare at the figure, as if coming to a sudden realization. He swiftly reached up and pulled the individual’s hood back before shoving him against the wall of the alley. “There is a certain air that one of royal upbringing simply cannot hide, Your Highness. I am not certain if you are aware of how many inside the building would thank me if I were to slit your throat right here and now.”

Eliezer could feel the stinging blade edge of a dagger pressed against the flesh of his neck and fought to keep his composure as he assessed the situation, beginning to think that this was another big mistake. It would seem that he had been making too many of them ever since he had met Raven, but had they really been the wrong decisions to make? The lady had practically opened his mind to things he would have never considered on his own, and as the line between right and wrong continued to be further blurred, he could not help but concur that ignorance truly was bliss. However, knowledge was necessary, was it not? Regardless, there was no turning back for him.

“Would what you have just said continue to be the case if I am the only member of the royal family who would care to offer aid to you and the patrons of your family’s business?” The crown prince enquired as he made a conscious effort to hide his fear.

Suddenly, the back door opened and a female called out to the young man. “Warin, are you finished with- Oh, what do we have here?”

“Apparently, His Highness is here to help, Natalia,” Warin told the woman in a sardonic tone as she stepped out to join them.

Natalia shook her head. “So, it’s the other one this time. The King and Queen truly are too occupied with being aggressors to realize that their boys have too much time on their hands.”

Eliezer was distracted from his fear as he looked to her in confusion. “The other one? What do you mean?”

“You really were not aware, were you?” She responded with a scoff. “Your brother was here some nights ago, announced who he was out loud like a fool. He wouldn’t have walked out alive if not for that fierce tigress of a lass he approached keeping the brutes away – dark hair, rather easy on the eyes, but I wouldn’t get in her way. Don’t ask what they were speaking about, we could not hear them.”

Mathazar… was here? Eliezer knew that his brother had the habit of leaving the palace without informing anybody, but this tavern was one place he would have never expected him to be at during his time out. He was unsure if Natalia was simply attempting to turn him against his brother, but that could be addressed at another time, for Warin had started to speak to him again.

“Look, I know you are here for information on the whereabouts of the true heir to the throne of Lunar. That is something that none of us know, and would not tell you even if we did.”

That statement confused Eliezer even more. “The heir to Lunar’s throne is missing? I would not even have known to ask about such a thing. I have only come because I was told that the people here were the residents of the Wynton Forest who had survived the battle over territory. I desire to know what truly took place.”

Warin and Natalia glanced at each other, the both of them eventually convinced that this puppet of the king honestly knew nothing. He released Eliezer and put the dagger away.

“A territorial dispute. Is that all you know the event to be? You believe all that took place in that forest was a battle between Dainia and Lunar troops, do you not?” Warin shook his head. “Or rather, that was what you were taught to believe, and you are here now because you doubt it. You are right to do so, Your Highness. You see, what we witnessed was not a battle, but a raid. Yes, a raid on the Wynton Forest and its residents. Dainia troops destroyed homes and murdered peaceful civilians, forcing the survivors to flee to this miserable place. This was done in search of the heir to Lunar, for the King of Dainia desires to put an end to the bloodline of Lunar’s royal family. We do not know the reason why, but word is going around that the King is searching for the heir even to this day.”

His words caused Eliezer to recall something that Raven had said to him during their day out in the village.

“Do you know many have claimed that he has sent guards into the night to kill innocent people in their homes and burn them to the ground to try to hide evidence or get rid of witnesses?”

It would seem that she was right about the claims of the brutality of the Dainia troops. Was Raven a survivor of the Wynton Forest Raid? It was all coming together. She had mentioned that her father had left his family, which he assumed was a noble one of Lunar from the heirloom she had shown him, and settled in the forest. That would mean that her parents were killed by order of his family. Logically, after suspecting such a case, her motive for getting close to him should be questioned, though, her display of sincerity had convinced him that her feelings for him were there. All she had said and done for him… could not have been a lie, could it? He could only hope in all honestly that it was not. Besides, there was no reason why she would tell him all of this if her intention was truly malicious.

Confounded by the details that had just been made known to him, Eliezer managed to mutter a word of thanks to the two who had provided him with such information and toss them a bag of coins before promptly taking his leave.

“I cannot help but feel that this was a waste of an opportunity,” Natalia admitted when the prince was out of sight. “Was it the right decision to let him go?”

“We may never know,” responded Warin, throwing and catching the coin bag in his hand. “But as for now, nobody is to know that he was even here tonight.”
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 28 days ago

Alister watched the little assasin leave the palace and sighed a bit as he walked down the dark hallways. “So far no luck I have been here since it was learned that the heir is still alive.” He said as she walked and smiled at the maids making them swoon and he walked and thought of his man mission. “How is it so hard to find a girl with Raven black hair, fair which skin, crystal blue eyes and also carried the heirloom pocketwatch but then again the stupid king keeps me in this pathetic palace to wait on him hand and foot.” He said angry for he truly hated the king of Dainia after what he did to the Prince of Lunar and almost killing the princess.

“Once I find that her I will finally be able to leave this horrible place.” He mumbled as he went to the kitchen and got tea for Prince Eliezer for he has noticed he seemed on edge and thought tea would help him relax. As he walked with the tea set he sighed for the Eliezer did remind him of Prince Aster for he was very doll like until he meet Lady Ophelia. The women that broke the prince out of his shell to where they fell in love.

Aliester sighed and soon made it to the prince Roma and knocked on it. “Prince Eliezer I brought you some tea to help you sleep may I come in?” He asked through the door but heard nothing not even movements if he was in bed or in his room. “Eliezer?” He opened the door looking around and sighed. “Oh he pulled a Mathazar he snuck out then again he did it yesterday to go to the village with that assasin girl.” He said and placed the tea set down and left the room.

Once back in his room and took out a paper and quil and was writing down his weekly report about what the king was planning and still had no leads on where his granddaughter was at all. “Man the only clues we had about the granddaughter is the letters Aster wrote to his father about him eloping and then later how they had a daughter ugh but no name just that she has the first born gene and his plan on handing over the pocketwatch to her that is is.” He sighed and finished his report and went to a cage where an owl resided and he tied the note. “Take this to the king and be swift my feather friend.” He siad as he let the owl out to take flight and deliver his message. “I better find this grandchild soon I hate being here.” He groaned and went to retire for the night.

The next day Raven was As normal dealing with the orphan children when Aruthur came in. “Wow busy as usual.?” He asked and she nodded and Arthur laughed. “Well I might have something to help you get by.” He siad and pulled out a box and handed it to Raven and she raised an eyebrow at him and opened it before letting out a gasp. AHat her brother had given her was a flute. “I know you miss playing the flute so I got this one specially made for you.” he said with a smile.

Raven smiled at him and gave him a hug. “Thank you Arthur I love it very much.” He said happily as she took the flute out. “WHy don;t you go out and play it get a feel for it.” He said with a smile and Raven nodded and went out and started to play her flute and it was a fun tune that caught the villagers attention making them smile and wanting to dance. Raven felt happy and was glad to be playing the flute again it made her forget being Threaten by Mathazar and how she might have to kill someone she truly loved.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Eliezer returned late that night to find a tea set on his bedside table. Had Allister been looking for him? The prince felt the pot, finding the beverage inside to be lukewarm. It had definitely been some time since the butler had come in, and Eliezer hoped that he had not alerted anyone else of his absence, though, he could simply claim that he had been elsewhere in the palace during that time, could he not?

"Eliezer, thank goodness you're safe!" Eliezer turned at the sudden voice of his brother. "I suspected that you had left the palace when I could not find you. Did you really?"

It would seem that apart from Allister, Mathazar, too, had been missing him. However, his twin was the only one he had nothing to hide from, and he nodded at the question. "Do Father and Mother know of my absence?"

Mathazar shook his head. "Thankfully, they do not. I was truly alarmed, Eliezer. I could only think of the possible dangers you might have gotten yourself into."

"I would expect that you are now aware of the similar apprehension that you put me through whenever you leave the palace unannounced, brother," Eliezer pointed out.

"I... understand," the younger sighed humorously, before changing the topic. "I assume that you left to obtain information. I am unsure if I am comfortable with what Lady Omrea is doing to you, Eliezer."

"It is my duty to know the state that our people are in, as well as to ensure the safety of Dainia and our family. I wish to tread carefully with regards to our suspicions of Lady Omrea."

"What are your findings this night?" Mathazar asked.

At his brother's enquiry, Eliezer remembered the startling information he had recently discovered. That is, if he decided to believe what he had been told. "The people whom I have spoken to tonight claim that Father ordered a raid on the Wynton Forest in search of Lunar's heir during what we know as a mere territorial dispute. It is difficult to believe that the King would be guilty of such a thing, but it would make perfect sense if I refer to Lady Omrea's account of her parents' deaths. I am unsure of who to trust at this point. Even as I am speaking to you, I..."

He trailed off, also remembering what the woman at the tavern had told him about Mathazar and how she had described the lady he was with. It was too accurate for it to have been a coincidence. He was certain that the lady was Raven. His lady had made her own claims about how she had met Mathazar, and he was now curious to know the entire story. "You were seen approaching Lady Omrea at Gloomvale Tavern a few a nights ago. Is this true, brother?"

Considering what Eliezer might know, Mathazar figured that his presence at the tavern that night was something that he should not risk lying about. "That is true. You see, we were already acquainted before, and I owed her a debt."

"She has told me about how she had defended you from attackers," the elder recalled from his conversation with Raven. However, something about all of it still disturbed him. "Although, it is common knowledge that the patrons of Gloomvale hold deep animosity towards the royal family. Did you not suspect a thing when you were to meet with her there to return the favor?"

Mathazar was relieved that the initial part of his side of the story had matched with Raven's, but he could tell that Eliezer was becoming suspicious. "The decision was mine. I sincerely hope that you are not truly implying what I believe you are. Is it so difficult to believe that I care for our people as much as you do? If I had knowledge of Lady Omrea's bloodline then, I would have never let her near you."

It was at this point when Eliezer started to wonder if he had gone too far. What he had learned seemed more than he was ready to handle, and there was too much to properly think about. "In all honesty, I do not know anymore, Mathazar..."

"All this time, Eliezer, have I even once given you reason to distrust me?"

Eliezer could tell that his brother was slightly upset at what he had said. Mathazar might just be right. What was his situation doing to him? Mathazar had been his support and closest confidant all his life, and it would be wrong for that to simply change based on any speculations his mind could come up with.

Eliezer shook his head. "No, I... I should not have suspected you of anything. Forgive me, brother, I did not mean to hurt you. You mean the world to me, you know that-"

Mathazar took his brother by the shoulders. "Calm yourself, Eliezer. You are weary, and deeply troubled, I understand. Please rest, we shall speak again in the morning."

The younger then pulled his twin into a comforting hug before leaving the room.

The following day saw the crown prince alone in the palace library, or shared study of the royal family. He had gone through several books available in the room until he had found one that told of the Kingdom of Lunar. He looked through the list of Lunar's noble bloodlines, and as expected, the name 'Omrea' was nowhere to be found. It was understandable that Raven's father would have wanted to change his family name upon elopement, and even if he did not, that Raven would have wanted to change hers when she moved to the village. Thinking back to the pocket watch, he proceeded to flip to the list of Lunar's noble and royal treasures, only to find that the few relevant pages were missing.

"Oh, for goodness sake..." he muttered, nearly inaudibly as he leaned back in his seat in frustration.

However, it then struck him how suspicious it was that the exact information he was looking for had been taken out. Someone in the palace was trying to prevent others from knowing such details. To confirm his suspicion, Eliezer turned to the pages that would tell of Lunar's involvement in the Wynton Forest Battle. As he had expected, they were torn out as well. Could it really be that the king was hiding something? Hearing footsteps approaching the room, he slammed the book shut and slid it under the pile of literature on the desk before opening something else to read.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 28 days ago

It was Allister that had entered the room with a tray of tea and snacks. “Eliezer studying hard I see.” He siad as he placed the tea tray before him and say the corner of the book about the history of Lunar along with the bloodlines or the Royals. It made him glad he snuck in already and stole the pages of what the Royal Family’s heirloom of the pocketwatch look like when he first started working here years ago. But the pages about the the so call dispute was not his doing at all. “I brought some tea and snacks to keep your energy up.” He siad with a smile even though his scar across this face wa seen by all he never mind.

He then grabbed the book the Prince had hidden and smirked at the prince. “My my my are we reading up on the people or Lunar now?” He asked showing that not much get past him. “Now what go you so interested in the Lunar kingdom all of a sudden?” He asked as he opened the book looking trough it again just for fun but had the heirloom pages hidden in his coat pocket. “Come now Eliezer you know you boys can not hide a lot from me for I know pretty much all I just let you get away with a few things for you Prince’s need some fun and to do something to make your lives interesting.” Alister said with a smile.

“So want to talk about it or you just going to talk the word of your father like you always did when you were younger.” He said fr he did remember when he first arrived and got associated into the status of Butler in the palace he watch Eliezer ask questions about certain things that had great concern but the king would brush it off telling him he a story or something making him believe it. “Or would you like to talk to that lass you been enfatuated with ever since that night at the ball.” He said with a smirk at the prince seeing how the two have grown a bit close but he did know she was an assasin hired by Mathazar bu decided to see how it plays out between the three. And also he did not care what happened for he was just here to find the missing grandchild heir to his king back in Lunar nothing more.

Raven was stilly playing with her new flute after she found an open field to just play her flute for she was also trying to get out the rusty kings with her playing. She did remember how Eliezer wanted to hear her play the flute and she wanted to get better at it like she was a long time ago. Bt it felt better to play the flute again then her mothers interesting insterment.

Though after a bit she did stop playing and eat the wind blow through her hair letting out a long sigh. “What am I going to do I am the toughest assasin around and look at m so confused along with wanting to follow my heart over everything else.....like what dad did to be with my mother.” She said and looked at her flute before getting back up and went back to her place and getting some paper out and started writing to Eliezer telling how one of her brothers had bought her a new flute along with how she has been practicing with it and hoped that she could come by or if he could come. Which every he wished to do so she could play for him sometime soon or when he was available. After she finished writing it she got it sent off to the palace and hoped to get a reply from him.
The messenger gave the letter to a servent and the servent to it to Eliezer. Once at the door the servent knocked before walking in seeing the prince with Alister. “Your highness a latter has arrived for you it is from Lady Raven Omrea.” The servent siad as she handed it to the prince before taking his leave. ”Omrea? That was Ophelia’s last name Asters true love as he claimed.....Did Aster take on their Ophelia’s last name and if she could this girl be the missing granddaughter also heir to the kingdom....it would explain why the prince is looking up the Lunar kingdom Nobel’s but Ophelia was common birth so it was good at covering tracks.” Alister thought as he let the prince read the letter.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Eliezer looked up from his book when the butler walked in with refreshments. "Oh, thank you Allis-"

He then flinched ever so slightly as Allister reached over and snatched the book about Lunar, startled by the sudden action. It all seemed rather peculiar. The missing pages, coupled with how quickly Allister's attention had turned to the book only reaffirmed Eliezer's suspicion that something dubious was going on. He took a short moment to decide if he could trust the butler to answer the questions that he had in his mind, before considering the fact that he was unsure of Allister's true intentions. In spite of him being a closer acquaintance to the princes as compared to the other servants, he still served the king as far as Eliezer knew.

"I fail to identify what it is you assume that I am attempting to hide from you, Allister," he responded, acknowledging that the stoic demeanor which he had subconsciously trained to display all his life might currently be of use. "Although I do find it interesting that you would single that book out from the entire stack of reading material. Might you happen to possess knowledge regarding Lunar that cannot be found in this library? Or perhaps you know that the King is aware of details that he has not disclosed even to his family?"

Eliezer's questions were inspired by his discovery of the missing pages in the book, as well as the Allister's mention of his father. Even with neither party being outwardly aggressive, the tension between the prince and the butler still grew heavy with their suspicions of each other. Thankfully, it was broken when a servant entered with a letter from Raven.

"How fitting that you should mention my lady right before a letter from her arrives," Eliezer commented as he sliced the envelope open. "She is rather alluring. She never fails to intrigue me when we are together, and every memory that I have of her holds... such significance. Perhaps you are right when you mention infatuation, though, I am unsure of it myself."

At sunset, a royal messenger would look for Raven in the village. Once again, she would be handed a letter bearing the royal seal, and would read the following message upon opening the envelope:

My dearest Lady Raven Omrea,

I am glad to learn that you are well and happy, and I hope that your companions at the village are also doing well. I would be pleased to meet with you again, for it is a joy of mine to be fascinated by your words and tendencies. As I have been made aware of your discomfort with being isolated indoors, perhaps we could meet by the lake west of Dainia Palace. It is another beautiful, peaceful location that I would like to share with you. Do inform me if noon tomorrow would be convenient for you. I eagerly await your response.

Best regards,
Eliezer of Dainia
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 28 days ago

Raven had gotten the letter reading it over in her place looking at the it thinking a bit. She was very confused on things for she wanted to be like her father and just Fowler her heart and instincts by giving up the hit but with Mathazar threat it made things even harder. But at the time she decided to not let it get to her and just at least enjoy her time with Eliezer and just wait and just wait to see what will happen next.

She got out more paper and a pen and started to write her response back to Eliezer.

Dear Eliezer,

Thank you for getting back to me so quickly and for wanting to meet me once again. I would love to meet you at the lake at noon tomorrow. I Can not wait to see you.

Sincerely Yours,

Raven Omrea

Raven finished her letter and got it ready to be delivered. She handed it off to the messenger to be delivered to Eliezer.

Once she was done with that she looked out her window looking out at the night sky for it had been a long day but soon let out a sigh until she heard a knock on her door and wondered who that can be and made her way down the stairs. When she opened the door Alister was standing there right before her.

“Hello Miss. Omrea I am ALister the royal family butler may I come in I would like to talk with you?” He asked and Raven raised her eyebrow for she did not like the look of this guy.

“No please leave.” Raven said as she closed the door but Alister stopped her. “Now now miss asssasin I think you do have time to talk.” He said with a smirk and Raven looked at him shocked. “Talk to me and I promise to keep your secret from Eliezer and how his brother hired you to kill him.” Alister said and Raven just glared at him but let him into her home.

“Ok talk now I want to get to bed and be rested for tomorrow.” Raven said to him.

“Ah yes going to see his majesty tomorrow tell me do you truly love him or are you just trying to get close to him to make it easier to kill him.” Alister said with a smirk and Raven just glared at him. “Alright moving on I just wish to know what your parents names were is all.” Alister said with a smile. “I am just researching you for my own reasons and there is very little history on you.” He explained and Raven crossed her arms.

“I was not born or raised here I just remember living near a forest all my life before my parents were slaughtered by the royal guards of this kingdom and I fled here with the rest of the people that also lived near the forest.” Raven explained to him. “That might be why you have not really any information on me.” Raven explained and soon Andy walked in.

“Hey Raven you got the time the kids are complaining its not bed time.” He siad and Raven sighed pulling out her pocket watch opening it to check the time and Alister looked it and looked in shocked.

”That......that is the royal families pocket watch of the lunar kingdom I recognize it anywhere....could....could this girl be Prince Aster’s daughter?” Alister thought.

“It is their bed time Andy get them to bed now.” Raven said and andy nodded and went off.

“That watch you have there its not something you see well someone of the low class possessing.” Alister said knowing Raven took care of the orphaned children of the kingdom.

“That’s because this was my fathers he belonged to the high class word but left it to be with my mother.” Raven explained to him.

“Who was your father I might of known him?” Alister asked trying to keep his cool.

“I never knew his title or last name he and my mom changed their last names after he gave up his title.” Raven explained and Alister looked at her strange.

‘What do you mean by that.” He asked and Raven looked at him. “My mother was not always Omrea she used to go by Ophelia Cornell she did it so if my fathers father asked around they would not kno who she was and they could not find them.” Raven explained and Alister looked shocked for he thought this was another Ophelia and his sister had gone missing or was kidnapped.

“And....what was your fathers first name at least.....?” He asked Raven looked at him and sighed a bit.

“My fathers name was Aster that’s all I know like I said they both changed their last names that they told me at least so that that my fathers family could not find them he wanted me to live freely and not be like how he was before my mother.” Raven said with her arms crossed while holding the pocketwatch. “All I got that clued me in as his high status was this pocketwatch that he passed down to me before he died.” SHe finished and ALister was in our shock for not only was this truly the missing heir but this girl.....was also his niece.

“I see then........I am sorry for taking up your time I just wanted to extr information for the prince safety I just like to be wel infomred on those who intereact with I will leave you then.” Alister said as she stood and left for the night.

Once he returned and quickly rushed to his room and got a quil and paper out about ready to write but then froze.....”Why am I hesitating I did my job I found the missing heir I need to report this...” He siad but then again he thought of his sister for he did remember how she was acting weird after the prince broke from his shel and was fighting to marry this mysterious woman he had fallen for then how they both vanished. ‘Or am I stopping after now learning that she is my sisters daughter.......my niece........what....what do I do?” ALister asked himself before he sat and drifted into a deep thought.

Raven as just confused after Alister left but just sighed and went to be for she wanted to be ready to meet Aister tomorrow for she wanted to be able to play the flute for him. She soon turned in for the night and was in a deep sleep.

The next day it was getting close to noon and Raven was getting ready to leave to meet Eliezer at the Lake and she smiled while getting ready and gripped her flute. She was excited for she liked being out in nature and cant remember the last time she was at the lake. Once she was ready she told ANdy she be back later and left towards the lake and played her flute along the way.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

The still waters of the lake glittered, reflecting the light of the midday Sun. The sense of peace that the area brought about was familiar, and the meadow was as green and fresh as Eliezer remembered it to be. He and his brother had often requested to be brought out to this place back when they were boys, for they enjoyed its liveliness as well as its tranquility. It had been one of the few places where they felt that they could do anything they desired to. However, as the years passed, coming out to the lake grew increasingly... inconvenient. He had nearly forgotten about it, until he had decided to search his memory for a pleasant location to meet with Raven.

There had been silence apart from the occasional chirping of birds, until the faint melody of a woodwind instrument reached his ears. He turned to see Raven approaching from a distance, happily playing the flute she had mentioned in her letter to him. He nodded to the guards on both sides of him, signalling for them to leave him. They complied, albeit rather hesitantly. Being familiar with how they worked, Eliezer knew that they would be around and just out of sight. He kept in mind that he had to be cautious due to the fact that she was of Lunar, though, he assumed that if Raven had wanted to kill him, she would have already done so, considering the multiple opportunities she had. However, he had been questioning what she truly wanted from him ever since he had found that detail out. Was it only his love, like she had said, or was there something else?

"That was a lovely melody, my lady," he commented as he walked up to her.

Once again, he took her hand to kiss it as a greeting, but this time, he continued to hold on to it after. He could find no reason as to why, except that he simply did not want to let go. At that point, he realized that there was something about her touch that... warmed him on the inside. It was a pleasant feeling. The meaning of physical contact, the touch of another human being to him had always been cultural. Such gestures were merely the convention for people to express certain feelings towards one another. However, he had only just discovered that it was so much more. He would have gotten lost in thought trying to makes sense of it all, if not for the sudden realization of the awkwardness that currently lingered between them. At that, he quickly let go of her hand.

"Oh, I... apologize. I simply find your touch strangely comforting, but why, I cannot explain..." he trailed off, wondering if Raven was able to tell him about what he had just experienced. After all, she seemed to have all the answers to anything that baffled him.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 28 days ago

Raven smiled as she approached Eliezer and blushed a bit when he took her hand and kissed it like he normally did. ‘Thank you for inviting me to this place I can not remember the last time I was at a lake.” She said with a smile and had not mind that he was still holding her hand for she had really liked it a lot. “And thank I love playing the flute it brings good memories back from the time my mom taught me how to play the flute and dad would listen even when I was bad playing it for the first time.” Raven said with a small laugh remembering how she could tell her father was uncomfortable with her playing but endured it and told her that she did great for her first try.

But when Eliezer apologized for hold her hand still she just smiled at him. “Its because you fell comfort hold the hand of someone dear to you.” Raven said to him with a smile and griped his hand a bit. “I will admit it feels nice to hold your hand brings me happiness and comfort knowing you this close at least.” She said with a smile. SHe knew Mathazar was her to kill him but for now she was going to stall it for as long as she could or if something weird were to happen. For now she justed wanted to be close to Eliezer.

“When you start to grow close to someone you start holding dear to your heart you start to crave a bit more if that make sense.” Raven tried to explain. “My parents they loved each other so much father woul tell my mom how he hated when one or the other had to leave for a long period of time saying how he would miss being able to hold her and be with her at all time for he had that need and love to want to be close to her even if it was just hugging her or even a simple kiss on the cheek.” Raven said to him. “For you it looks like you just find comfort with us holding hands at least like I do right now.” Raven finished explaining with a smile.

She soon like at the view before them and was in awe with everything. “This place truly feels magical its almost we left the crazy world of the kingdom and came to a place filled with peace and tranquility.” SHe said loving how peaceful it was and it felt like it was the two of them even though she new the guards were near watching them.

Allister was also watching with the guards with his arms crossed. He was still in shocked with the information he learned for the more he watched Raven the more he saw his sister in her. The way she smiled and her way of thinking was very much like his punter sister. But also the fact that she was the missing heir also completely shocked him that this girl acting sweet and kind to Eliezer was also a cold hearted killer. But he could even tell that his sisters traits was in her with how she acted. She could tell that Raven was indeed falling for Eliezer it was why she had not stroked him down, killing him on the spot with all her past opportunities.

Allister suspected she at first did it to gain his trust but things must of changed the more she spent time with him.”Ophelia she truly is your daughter she is so much like you personality wise but I fear for her life now I want her safe but I know just like how you and the prince fell in love she has fallen for the prince of the kingdom that to you and the prince away from this poor child.” Allister thought as he watched the two standing by just in case he was needed for anything but to also keep his eyes out for Mathazar.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Eliezer nodded at what Raven told him about her learning to play the flute. "It would appear that you have done well since then, although one who picks an instrument up does not necessarily have an obligation to be a performer."

He said this while he thought about how he only played the violin for himself and nobody else. Raven, on the other hand, had been keen to play for him since the day before, as mentioned in her letter to him. In spite of her lack of practice, she seemed sufficiently confident as a performer already. As for Eliezer, it was not that he lacked confidence in his own musical pursuit, but it was because it held a different significance for him. Perhaps a day might come when he would decide to share it with her, the day when he would fully understand this 'love' that she had spoken of.

He flinched slightly when she gripped his hand, and then relaxed as she began an explanation on the comfort of someone's touch. Although pleasant, he could not help but be slightly disturbed by the details that she went into regarding the phenomenon. She spoke about a craving, and what it had done to her parents. The way that she had just described the love that they had for each other almost seemed like… an addiction. There appeared to be some danger involved in it. It enchants and captivates. Its appeal would leave one desiring more. What then, if it came to a point when it would no longer suffice? What if it was lost? What if one had to turn back from it? As such questions ran through his mind, Eliezer started to better understand his fears, and the fact that this was to be a love between him and a noble of an enemy state made those fears all the more valid.

"It is a relief that you find the touch of my hand more than appropriate," he responded. He then looked away and spoke as if thinking out loud. "To want to be with somebody all the time... When does this 'love' become an obsession? Where does one draw the line, and how do they keep from being dependent on it?"

However, his mind was taken away from such thoughts when Raven turned his attention to the scenery. "It is interesting how what you refer to as the 'crazy' world is the one that we are so accustomed to. This place on the other hand is... truly something else. Prince Mathazar and I used to enjoy being taken out here. It feels almost surreal, to be back here after all these years."

He proceeded to take her to a small pastel-colored pavilion nearby so that they could continued to enjoy the view of the lake while seated, and then took out a tiny velvet-coated box. He opened it, revealing a gift that he had for her - a silver brooch adorned with a blue sapphire gemstone that sparkled like her eyes.

"As a prince, I can provide you with many things. As your companion, however, I still question what is sufficient and what is right. I hope to continue learning as I embark on this journey with you, my lady."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 28 days ago

When Raven listened to him she reliazed she goofed a bit at how she explained love and the want to be close and fell someone specieals touch. “Hmm well that’s how my parents were I am sure everyone expresses their love differently I only know from what I seen of my parents me and my family were well isolated from everyone else.” She said to him with a smile. “I am sure some do take it to that obsessive level while other stil show it but not in such an agressive or obsessive way.” Raven said and thought for a minute. “And I think it just looked and sound obsessive with my parents for when they went to market at different times so one could watch me they could of been gone for 4-5 days sometimes almost two weeks and it always worried them fearing something bad happen to one or another so once they would return they could not help but show their love and how happy that they were safe.” Raven finished explaining before stretching a bit taking in the beautiful scenery.

Soon she felt him guid her to a pastel colored pavilion which she thought was beautiful and wish her mother had one of these to view her garden back when she was little. She sat with him and was at peace for this place felt peaceful and felt like she could just be free to relax and enjoy her time with the prince.

“It was like time had stood still just for them to enjoy this beauty and she did not want it to end at all. But she son looked at Eliezer when he took out a small velvet box and soon tilted her head for she was sure he was not proposing since she could tell he was not sure about her.

But when she saw the brooch she was speechless. Raven was simple she was not big on getting fancy gifts for one she never really got anything fancy and two she was always happy with getting Flowers and other small little things that were simple.

She looked at him and listened to him as he spoke and once finished she smiled at him and placed her hand on top of his. “We will take this journey one step at a time.” She said with a smile and kisssed his cheek. “Thank you for the Brooch it is really beautiful but just so you know for next you don’t have to always get me something as nice as this I would also just be happy with flowers also.” Rave giggled a bit. “But I wil treasure this brooch>’ She finished with a smile. She only wanted to kiss him on the cheek for she felt like if she tried the lips it be pushing it and she knew he was a bit hesitant on wanting to be with her because of her birthright as a commoner not someone of noble status.

Allister watched from afar while leaning against a tree sighing he knew he had to report to the lunar king that he found his missing granddaughter and what was going on on this end but he also was haoping that maybe Eliezer would maybe truly love Raven and bring peace between the kingdoms. “I guess I will keep watching for now until I send my next weekly report next week.” He said as he smiled at the two watching them enjoy their time together but also wished for his niece happiness.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Eliezer pondered over Raven's description of what her parents would go through whenever they were apart. "The saying goes, 'Absence makes the heart grow fonder'. Now I understand. Is it not the time apart that prompts two people to realize how much they cherish each other? We have yet to determine if this is true for you and I. I would be lying if I said that I was not curious to put it to the test, but do not misunderstand, my lady, for I have never once been weary of your presence ever since we have officially started... I believe you call it 'dating'."

After receiving his gift, she touched his hand again. The kiss was also not a first, for she had done it after their day at the village as well. This time, these gestures were not only of affection, but also of gratitude. Although she was happy with the gift, what she said next then got him thinking.

"Something as nice as this?"

When she spoke about flowers, it was an expression of her preference, an aspect of who she was. Was it not so much more... sincere, to show an appreciation for somebody as a person through a gift, than attempting to impress them with one that was simply deemed valuable or precious by the standards of society? What if one did not see value in precious metals and stones, but in other things that hold significance only for them? Was it so wrong to appreciate things that were common or simple? Unfortunately, it would be frowned upon for somebody of his stature. It would be deemed 'beneath him' to present Raven with a gift that she would truly value.

The fix that her father must have been in was now understandable. He would have been shamed for valuing the love of a commoner over that of a lady born and bred of noble class, but he had to be his own person. He eloped because he could not take being told what he should value. Eliezer realized that all the while, Raven had been trying to show the same appreciation for him as an individual. He had unintentionally made it intensely difficult for her due to the fact that he did not know himself. All his life, he had been nothing more than the Crown Prince of Dainia. It had been his whole identity, and if that was to be taken away, who would he be? She once spoke about wanting to know 'the real Eliezer', and thinking back, he had hardly anything to offer with regards to that.

"Who... am I really?" He subconsciously blurted out as a result of his immense thinking.

He then turned to Raven, realizing that the question he had involuntarily asked out loud, together with the awkward silence which it had followed must have been rather strange for her. "Oh, pardon me, my lady, I was simply... lost in though for a moment. I truly am grateful that you seem to be enjoying our time together."
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