Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Spade
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"No word from Strawberry yet, Mr. Cervantes, but anyone coming from that way may experience some significant delay, what with the sudden Pinkerton presence after that situation in Blackwater. I'll send word round to the saloon should I receive any information pertaining to your business associates. Also, sir, the gunsmith sent word last night your pistols were ready."
"Much appreciated, take this for your trouble."
"Far too kind Mr. Cervantes, much obliged, sir."
"Don't mention it, in Saint Denis, we take care of those who help us."

Diego's fine boots knocked the porch wood as he stepped outside, scanning the crowd that bustled up and down the main street of Valentine. His spurs chimed as he made his way to the gunsmith, his bulky frame used to weaving through bustling walkways. The bullish man reeked of fancy, his burgundy frock coat draped over his fine vest and french dress shirt. The bright white of his cuffs poked out from under his tailored coat sleeves as he walked.

As he walked, Diego pulled his fine leather gloves on, because even though he would never admit it, Valentine was a lot colder than what he was used to. Last time he was in Valentine, he was just a boy. The cold mud between his toes made them numb, and he fumbled whatever English he could. That was a long time ago, and now, the people of Valentine stared because the of his dress, not his skin, because of the pomade in his hair and the way he strutted down the street, like it was Saint Denis and everyone knew who he was, what he could do.

He tipped the gunsmith handsomely, his mauser and volcanic pistol were as clean as a whistle. Both pistols were ivory gripped, black steel with brass. Back in Saint Denis, he was known to use the volcanic as a hammer when he needed to, but there wasn't much construction being done in his line of work. He was from the city, the cobbled streets of Lemoyne's biggest urban sprawl, revolvers and bullwhips were not his forte, nevertheless, the man knew how to fight. Growing up in the city as muscle for gamblers made him quite the brawler.

'Send the Mexican' Claude would say, and debts would practically pay themselves. Other than skin tone and name however, Diego was pure Saint Denis city stock: Fine clothes, slicked hair, tough beard, and an eagerness for money and violence. The people of Valentine were to slowly find out just who he was. Being in town a few days, he had attracted enough attention with the money he was spending at the saloon, but the recreation was superficial, a way to kill time until business was handled. Yet there was Diego, still in Valentine walking through the mud every morning just to get around. With no word from Strawberry, or Saint Denis, Diego was ready to kick his feet up with sincerity.

With his horse comfortably stabled and his room booked through the next week, Diego strolled into the saloon for a haircut and to finally mix with the locals in earnest. The bartender poured him a shot of whiskey as they conversed, Diego wanted to see about getting tequila shipped to the town. Meanwhile Annie, the saloon girl he spent his first night with made her way over to him.

"Well Mr. Cervantes, long as you need to handle business here in Valentine you are more than welcome to unwind here, sir."
"Barkeep, my good man, I knew you'd say that." Diego smirked as he raised his glass.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Hari


Member Seen 23 days ago

"Now, let's go through this again.."

"I got it. I won't look at anyone, I won't incite any kinda' brawl - I won't flirt.. I will just stand here like a good little girl and behave."

"You don't know the meaning of the word.."

The girl's accent was a strong drawl, but unlike some - it wasn't unpleasant on the ears. "And I don't know why you still hold that against me. One tiny argument is enough to brand a girl trouble.."

"Ruby, the damn bar got shot up." Arthur shook his head. The bulk of a man wasn't sure whether he should show his amusement, or simply try and maintain his unwavering impression of a firm hand. Ruby, the daughter of his older sister Marie, had been placed into his guardianship at the tender age of fifteen. A handful woulda' been an understatement - but he worried slightly less now that he'd seen her safely into adulthood. Well, to nineteen at least.

"Where's Charles? I thought that he was gunna' be here.."

"Aye, he and Mrs Adler are on their way. Let's get a drink, and then I'll see if I can find me a card game." Arthur weaved his way through the crowd, and Ruby followed. With a head of blonde curly hair, she cut through the dingy light of the saloon. A dark purple dress worn above a white blouse, pulled in deliciously at the waist, and a pair of fancy brown riding boots flashed as she walked.. A petite height and build, but with curves aplenty, she was certainly easy on the eyes.

The Uncle took a seat on a bar stool, but Ruby preferred to lean as her dark green eyes scanned the room. The same old crowd. Drunks and whores, and more often than not, the two overlapped quite spectacularly. The scent of Whiskey mingled with sweat and blood dangerously in the air. It wasn't pretty, but it was home - well, at least for now. Bandits and all.

"Double whiskey." Arthur growled with a nod to his companion, "And she'll have.."

"A double rum, please.." The retort was delivered with a charming smile that settled itself upon her lips.

"A double?" Arthur's eyebrow perked so high it was almost lost amongst his hairline, but he merely waved an exasperated hand and cleared his throat. "Hell, get her what she wants. It ain't worth the earache.."

And with a smirk, Ruby nudged her Uncle on the arm, "Ah, come on. You'll miss me when I'm gone.."

"Sure, the same way I'd miss a hole in the head Ruby.. "

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Spade
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Spade Sound The Charge, Cut Me Loose

Member Seen 3 days ago

"Well you said you were on your way, friend. So what's holding you here?"
"You took my money, sir."
"No good man, you lost your money at this table now good day to you." Diego responded as he waved over another shot of whiskey. The fella who had busted out at the table snatched his hat, stewing in his anger a little too long before turning around and walking out with some of his friends. Annie glared at their backs as she draped her arms over his shoulder and watched him play. He had been busting people out well into the afternoon, leaning back and letting the ivory grip on his off-hand mauser catch light.

Annie got up and took his empty glass to the bar. Diego began shuffling with one hand as he looked around, "What this place needs barkeep is some of that tequila I was telling you about," he yelled towards the bar, "Perhaps then we can have some big bets at the table, wouldn't that be proper?" he smirked, cutting the deck and reshuffling. Annie came back and returned to her position behind Diego, rubbing his shoulders as he stared at the empty chair. He could hear Claude's voice as if his mentor was whispering in his ear, an empty chair is a lost opportunity.

"Would you like something to eat, honey?" Annie ask him in her thick country accent.
"I'm fine Annie, thank you." He quickly responded, staring out of the window bored of the day already. Maybe it was time to start lending money, or set up a craps game of his own since the Strawberry affair is taking so long. What he really wished was that he could open a restaurant, one that serves more than lamb's fry and cooked rabbits meat. The dinner clubs in Saint Denis seemed like they were on the other side of the world, all Valentine knew was game meat and muddy whiskey. Diego caught himself getting irritated, cleared his throat and redetermined himself to get comfortable. Who knows if he'd leave Valentine any time soon. "We got us a card game over here gentlemen, a mans game, let's turn some cards." He pitched at patrons who walked in and over to the bar, or the girls. After a few more moments of silence, Diego got up and raised his voice.

"Shot of whiskey for any fella in here with the stones to sit down and play some cards, let's make some money." he bellowed. If there weren't any takers, the Mexican was prepared to get soggy and take Annie upstairs.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Hari


Member Seen 23 days ago

"There you go, why don't you go and play whilst we wait?" Ruby pointed in the vague direction of the bellow, although admittedly the voice was somewhat familiar. Not that she could place it. It was so damn frustrating when that happened, wasn't it? The blonde started to daydream as she cocked her head to the side absentmindedly..

Arthur by this point had decided that a quick hand before the rest of party arrived sounded like a good idea. When wasn't it a good idea to make a little money on a wager.

"Come on Ruby." The man pushed himself away from the bar and stood to his full height. His companion finally broke free of her dreaming and blinked.

"Do I have to? I was going to go and look at that lovely dress shop.." Ruby's voice trailed off under her Uncle's gaze, and she rolled her eyes and followed him - albeit reluctantly.

"I'll play." Arthur declared as he stopped at Diego's table. The one thing that Ruby hated above all else was card games. They were just painfully mind numbing. Still, she supposed that it beat being stuck at the camp with Susan barking orders all day long like some deranged blood hound.

The young woman sighed and pouted out her bottom lip a little as she peered around her uncle. Who she saw on the other side made the Ruby blink. No. It couldn't be. Could it?

It bloody well looked like it...

Oh crap..

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Spade
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Spade Sound The Charge, Cut Me Loose

Member Seen 3 days ago

The rub of the wooden chair against the floor was felt through the table as Arthur took a seat across from Diego. He was an oak of a man, just a bit thicker around the frame than Diego himself. The young gambler cleared his throat and sat up, smirking as his brown eyes met the striking blues. This fella, whoever he was, was the genuine article. Diego could see it in his eyes, he had seen that look before. Diego had only seen a few true gunslingers in his life, he had seen them ride into town on their dusty horses, covered in the kinda grime that living that life gets you. Nobody gets the look Arthur Morgan had on him by just pretending. Diego's smirk grew at the prospect of playing poker with an outlaw.

Diego took the book of matches out from his vest pocket, offering them to Arthur in a gesture of good faith. He kept his focus on the table as he shuffled the deck one more time, presenting it for Arthur to cut after shuffling for a few seconds, "I'm not very subtle when it comes to picking fights sir, so I say this meaning no offense: I've been in this town a few days now, and it's been fine but all I've met were miners, farmers, laborers, country types I ain't used to," he began to deal, "But I haven't been as interested in getting to know a fella until I seen you."

Diego stopped in an instant, mid-sentence. His open mouth turned into a smile as he laughed to himself. "Your whiskey, sir, let's get you that drink. Annie, please, a shot for this gentleman." he finished, letting out a deep breath and sitting back. Looking up, his eyes met a face he was not quite prepared to meet. He smirked again, this time his eyes focused on the blonde beauty behind Arthur, "Looks like I'm gonna need me another drink as well. What do you say, Ruby?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Hari


Member Seen 23 days ago

"If you're thirsty, perhaps you should..I mean, there are plenty of girls around here to help you.." Was she referring to Annie? Possibly. There wasn't alot of time to dwell on that thought.

However, before she could continue, her Uncle spoke uo. "Ruby?" Arthur repeated, "How'd you know her name?"

The blonde shrugged innocently, which was always a dangerous sign. "We met in Blackwater."

"You met in Blackwater?" He asked suspiciously, he knew only too well that his niece had an eye for trouble. One might claim that she was attracted to it, one way or anther.

"You're very suspicious Uncle." Ruby purred as she dusted off her dress, "You should be focusing on your hand, not my acquaintances.." The young woman flicked her eyes up to Diego. Now, she wasn't one to swoon. A tough upbringing had ensured that she knew no good came from swooning for superficial charm - however, with him she just couldn't help it.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Spade
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Spade Sound The Charge, Cut Me Loose

Member Seen 3 days ago

Annie returned with the drinks Diego had asked for, taking quick notice of the blonde that he hadn't taken his eyes off of since seeing her. The saloon girl placed the shots down in front of the men before walking back to her usual spot behind Diego. She wasn't dumb, she could smell some sort of chemistry between them, maybe even some history. She had been enamored with Diego since his arrival, his stories of Saint Denis and his lifestyle gave her vicarious illusions of grandeur. She would keep a watchful eye on the one Diego called 'Ruby'.

How could Diego forget that quick wit of hers, the way her eyes lit up when she smart-mouthed him. The large fellow at the table was apparently her uncle, or at least that's what she claimed, whether he would believe in that had yet to be determined, circumstances given. Diego kept dealing, "I had business there when I found myself in a situation, Ruby was generous enough to lend her expertise and ensure my time in Blackwater was much more accommodating. I come from Saint Denis though, that is where the majority of my business is, that's home." he finished, giving an embellished smile towards Ruby.

Diego put his cards down after putting his chips in the middle, Arthur had spend his time listening to Diego and looking back and forth between the two trying to read what was really going on, "So, Ruby, is your uncle playing for sport or on account of the money you owe me?" He asked, holding his cards in one hand as he picked up his shot of whiskey, raising it at the blonde.

"To memories returned." he smirked and toasted.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Hari


Member Seen 23 days ago

"Money I owe you? You should take better care of your belongings." Ruby widened her eyes in feigned shock at Diego's statement, before her expression slipped into something far more serene. A charming smile returned as she flicked her attention to Annie. Atleast she didn't have to whore herself out to earn money like a saloon girl.

Arthur had to repress a chuckle, but he still had no real idea of what had transpired between the pair. Nor did he feel like he wanted to know.

That's my girl.

"I don't play anyone on account." He asserted, "I'd recommend you play Ruby, but she's terrible at cards." A far more dangerous smirk crossed Arthur's own features as he settled a full house in front of him. "Would ya look at that little hand."

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Spade
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Spade Sound The Charge, Cut Me Loose

Member Seen 3 days ago

Diego was too busy watching Ruby's eyes do that thing to notice the full house Arthur played right in front of him. He remained still as his eyes shot down to look at his hand. Three of a kind, not four, I'm fucked he thought to himself in that instant. For the first time since riding into Valentine, Diego lost a hand at the poker table. He set his cards face down and stared blankly before looking over to Arthur and slowly bubbling into a laughter. He had been at it since morning, but he had finally felt like he was gambling again. Annie, worried that she was the odd one out at the table, tried to join in on the laughter, but Diego had damn near forgotten she was even there. Diego banged the table with joy as he smiled at Arthur, "Sir, you just took some of my money, I'm buying your drinks tonight. If this isn't the most fun I've had since getting here."

He stood up from his chair and waved over more drinks before reaching his hand out for Arthur, "Diego Cervantes, Saint Denis. I met your Ruby in Blackwater while I was casing a saloon for my boss, nearly got gutted by a posse out there until she saved me being sent back to the city in a box. That isn't what brings me to Valentine however. How about another round?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Hari


Member Seen 23 days ago

"Does she have to laugh so loud?" Ruby grumbled, rubbing her ear as though the drum was about to pop. Annie had the sort of shrill laughter that was alarmingly similar to nails being dragged along a chalkboard. The showgirl frowned, "Your Mother was a whore." She spat angrily as a cat. Of course she'd never even met Marie - it was simply a churlish insult - but Ruby took an irritated step forwards.

"Why I oughta'.."

"Ruby.." Arthur warned, "You play nicely." He raised his eyebrows at his niece in warning, and the blonde threw her hands up in surrender. "WHATEVER, I'm going to the Bar." And with that, she sauntered off towards the booze, with one not so subtle look back at Diego. Perhaps the day hadn't been a total loss after all.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Spade
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Spade Sound The Charge, Cut Me Loose

Member Seen 3 days ago

Diego finished his drink and followed suit, picking his gloves up from the table and tucking them in his back pocket. As he walked, he patted Arthur on the shoulder before heading towards the bar. Annie tugged at his arm so as to take him upstairs but he resisted, so she pulled him close and reached for his other gun. Diego pushed her off, giving her an annoyed look. She stomped off into the crowd as he fixed his cuffs, bumping through the crowd and taking a spot over by Ruby at the bar.

"Barkeep, lady here drinks on me." It's like he couldn't hide how excited he was to see that face again, that innocent frame and deceiving smile that sent all of his memories rushing to the front of his mind like a drunken stupor. He turned to face her as he leaned against the bar, "You can tell me what you're doing here you know, I'm not someone you have to worry about." His shot was brought to him, he picked it up and took a good look at Ruby.

"It's good to see you, hermosa. I was serious when I said I owed you a favor, now is as good a time as any, cause I don't know when I'm going to leave."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Hari


Member Seen 23 days ago

"Owe me a favour, do you?"

A small chuckle escaped the blondes lips as she looked back at Diego. He was handsome - well, if the whole tall, dark and mysterious style was your preference. Which for Ruby, it undiniably was. Blackwater seemed like a lifetime ago. In fact, she missed home - and she despised Dutch for getting them all into this mess in the first place. Living in a shoddy camp wasn't her idea of a rewarding lifestyle.

Young and stubborn as she was, she wasn't about to tell Diego why they were in town. No, naive certainly wasn't in her remit.
He probably could be trusted, but she wasn't about to test that yet

Ruby turned to face her old acquaintance from where she stood against the bar. A whole host of emotions swept through her. Of course she was pleased to see him. Why wouldn't she be? That small time the pair had spent together had been nothing but light hearted and fun. They had an easy sorta' chemistry, no doubt the type that could get two people into trouble.

"It's good to see you, I suppose." She teased with a good natured wink, pushing a few stray curls away from her face. "Although, I'm surprised to see you in a place like this." He was far more refined than a country dive. Hell, that was none of her business.

"Where's your little friend?" Ruby's lips curled into a smirk as she subconsciously leaned a little closer. "Gone to spread the love amongst the other patrons here?" No doubt the woman had some sorta' venereal disease.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Spade
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Spade Sound The Charge, Cut Me Loose

Member Seen 3 days ago

"I remember that laugh," Diego replied before looking around for Annie, hopefully the girl moved on or called it a night, "I wouldn't worry about her, not too many from Saint Denis make their way out here and she stuck to me like the mud out here. I still work for Claude back home, I'm here supposed to meet some of his associates from Strawberry, we're supposed to set up a high stakes table here. I'm just killing time until they get here, when low and behold the closest thing I've ever had to a guardian angel walks in," Diego returned his attention to the fine woman in the purple dress, "ain't life funny?" he asked, speaking that last bit in a terrible cowboy impression. The whiskey had begin to be felt a little as Diego continued to be nosey with his old fling, "So how long you've been running with your tio? He know about you and Blackwater?"

Suddenly, one of the fellas Diego had beaten at the table earlier returned and got in between Diego and Ruby. That was all that was needed to set Diego off. He grabbed the fella before he could even get a word off and tossed him towards the center of the saloon. The piano player banged the keys a little faster as tabled scratched across the floor in an attempt to make a clearing in the middle. At the bar, the barkeep retrieved a small chalkboard from under the bar and bets began being yelled from throughout the saloon. Diego was finally in a fist fight, that didn't take long at all.

Growing up in the Saint Denis slums, a kid has got to be able to defend themselves or die. The conditions in which Diego had to survive at a young age turned the kid into a natural brawler and dangerous pugilist. He lowered his opponents hands with body shots and threw hooks aimed at the drunkard's head. The man tried to tie up Diego but he was too slow, Diego delivered a vicious blow to the body, forcing the guy to keel over. Diego shoved him to the floor where he stayed and removed his coat, handing it to Ruby as the man's friends rolled up there sleeves.

"Give me a minute Ruby, I've got to handle a few things."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Hari


Member Seen 23 days ago

"I've been with my Uncle since I was fifteen, my Mother was a whore - she got killed on the job." Ruby had very little sympathy towards the drunk that raised her. Well, if you could call it being raised.. "No doubt the man did me a favour."

When Ruby had first met Diego in Blackwater, he'd gotten himself into some kinda' trouble. Luckily, Ruby was used to running in that crowd, and it didn't phase her. In fact, it was simply a way of life - and it always had been. She herself wasn't above the law. The female had thieved, conned, extorted, distracted - but never once had the woman sold herself. Ruby had too much self respect for that.

With an animated sigh, Ruby held Diego's jacket and waited patiently. Naturally the blonde had one more teenie tiny shot of rum to pass the time, and after that she just watched on

Back in Blackwater, Ruby had helped the Mexican outta' a tricky situation. Created a distraction some might say - that's what Ruby was best at with her curls and dark green eyes. Naturally, one thing had led to another and they had wound up spending the following two days together. In truth, she'd never thought that their paths would cross again, but here they were. Life had a funny way of doing that..

"What in hell is going on here.."

The unmistakable voice was followed by the appearance of Sadie, who made her way over to where Ruby stood. The formidable widow pushed a fella', out of her way enroute, and was dusting off her hands by the time she reached the bar.

"Feisty temprement.." Ruby concluded, happy to see her friend. "Uncle Arthur is over there.."

"I know..Brandy, double." Sadie swigged down the liqor with a satisfied hum, "Charles found him just now, I came over to see what you were up to.."

"You mean you got sent over." Ruby teased and Sadie laughed. "Sorta' but I ain't going to nose around in your business..But I think Arthur has you pegged out as pregnant with a bastard and a soft spot for Mexicans.. And, I can see why that might be." And with a knowing eyebrow waggle from the older woman, the two laughed, despite the chaos taking place around them. What was life without a little brawling?

"I met him in Blackwater." Ruby offered up as the situation seemed to be calming a little. "Helped him out a little.."

"You can be helpful?" A playfully stunned expression crossed the elder's features as she teased her buddy.

"Oooh, you shush Mrs Adler." Ruby waggled her index finger, "Don't you go spouting off like Grimshaw.."

Sadie grinned, "You gotta' love her.."

"I'd love to shoot her.."

"Now, you behave Ruby Morgan." And with a wink, Sadie ordered them both another drink, "Atleast we're out of the camp - let's be grateful for that.."

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Spade
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Spade Sound The Charge, Cut Me Loose

Member Seen 3 days ago

Diego finished off the assailants two friends in the circle the crowd provided, wiping his mouth and getting his hair out of his face, he smiled as he stared down the last of the brawlers, "Now I'm gonna show you lot how we handle our business in the big city," he announced, raising his fists and stepping up to his final target. The yokel swung like a bullish madman, winging his punches as soon as Diego entered range. Diego was far from the cobbled streets of Saint Denis, but he felt right at home brawling in a saloon, albeit usually not the country type of place that lined the street in towns like Valentine and Rhodes. He slipped a winging haymaker and returned with a few hooks of his own. The gentleman hit the floor flat on his back, taking a minute to grunt and signify he was trying to get up, but he was cooked, he collapsed as he tried to get back to his feet.

Before the crowd could finish cheering and embrace their victor, Diego walked back to the bar and did his best to fix his hair and collar. Pats on the back and shifty eyes were offered from the various patrons throughout the saloon, perhaps beating up a few locals did more here than back in the city. It definitely earned him more attention, good willed or not. Swimming through the crowd, Annie appeared and attempted to approach Diego to nurse his wounds, but the other girls stopped her, she needed a cold bath and some time off. Diego approached the bar while still catching his breath, a sporting smile spilling across his face as he realized it was time to resume conversation with the beautifully mysterious Ruby. Diego looked and nodded to the woman who would be known as Sadie Adler as she took her shot, another hard type, one that wore herself different than the simple folk of the town.

"I don't think I'm much use to anyone looking like this, Ruby, what do you say we get out of here? I'm up at the hotel at the end of the street. Your people are welcome to drink up on my tab, barkeep fella thinks I'm alright, foolish bastard." he finished putting his coat on, fixing his sleeves and collar before his large frame leaned back against the bar.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Hari


Member Seen 23 days ago

Should she go? He was to all intents and purposes, a stranger...

A stranger that had previously spent two days with her, and had undoubtedly had every opportunity to pull something unsavoury. Hell, why not? You only live once. Life on the run was so drab and dull, that Diego offered a break from the grind of it all.

Sadie could read her young counterpart like a book, and rolled her eyes. "I'll look in the opposite direction and you can slip out. I'll keep the others sweet."

"Well aren't you kind.." Ruby deliberately spoke in a heavy drawl as she pushed herself away from the bar, before switching her attention to Diego, "I thought you'd be occupied by whatever-her-name is.. You sure you want me?" The blonde smirked as she handed the male back his jacket, "I'm not anywhere near as obliging.." And she wasn't. Ruby had her own mind, and she certainly didn't run around like a lovesick kitten.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Spade
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Spade Sound The Charge, Cut Me Loose

Member Seen 3 days ago

Diego held the doors of the saloon open for Ruby as they walked out, a couple of drunk fellas had some bad timing and were met with Diego's open palm, "Lady coming out, fellas." he growled, and they offered chuckles in return.
"Ain't no body coming out of this here saloon any which type of lady, pard."
"See that's where you're wrong, good man." Diego retorted, offering a foreboding glare to the two townsfolk as Ruby walked by. Word had already spread down the street that the fancy Mexican fella from Saint Denis laid out three local scrappers in the middle of a conversation with a beautiful lady not employed to the saloon. News here almost spread faster than Saint Denis, no network of young kids running around needed. Valentine was experiencing a steady buzz of activity as Diego and Ruby walked over towards the hotel, Diego kept checking the collar on his dress shirt for wrinkles or folds that didn't belong. Saloon fights could be quite taxing on a gentleman's apparel. "So you're in town with your family then, or was that your gang?" Diego laughed to himself to show he was only kidding, but then it hit him, "Knowing you, your family probably is your gang. I'm just glad you're doing alright, Ruby."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Hari


Member Seen 23 days ago

Mud, Ruby absolutely hated God damn mud. With an irritated huff, the blonde gathered up her skirt and held it higher. There seemed little need to comment on the rednecks no-lady comment. Diego kept subtly trying to whittle away at the veil on Ruby, and she found it immensely entertaining.

"Determined, aren't you?" The young woman perked an eyebrow, "Determined and vein.." The latter was a playful jibe, delivered as the man once again fiddled with his collar.

"We had to leave Blackwater after a robbery that went spectacularly wrong." Arthur hadn't been present, and Dutch was admittedly vague with the details. From what Ruby could tell, he was just some jumped up idiot that fancied himself power. "So technically, we're now outlaws." She spoke low enough not to be heard by anybody other than Diego. "It's not much fun. We move - alot. Damn pinkertons get everywhere.."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Spade
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Spade Sound The Charge, Cut Me Loose

Member Seen 3 days ago

Diego kept an eye on the mud they walked along as they walked, as to make sure the lady didn't step into anything too messy, he laughed at her playful jab, her wisecracking was something he didn't realize he had missed as much as he did, he smirked as Ruby explained how she ended up in Valentine, "So you're leading the robberies then, I take it? Never took you for a stick-up girl, but I haven't forgotten how you are with a pistol. Speaking of, I have something you can help me with." He took her hand as they walked up the steps to the hotel, Diego met the eyes of men who took a long look at her, he didn't realize he was doing that either.

"Mr. Cervantes, just got word that the Pinkertons are done searching Strawberry and wagon departures have resumed, your wagon may be getting here sometime today, sir." The man at the front desk alerted Diego as soon as he held the door open for Ruby.

"Thank you, good man, thank you." he replied as they headed up the stairs, as they reached the top, Diego placed his hand on the small of Ruby's back, they walked down the hall "That's what I needed to talk to you about. These fellas may be more inclined to start a game here if they meet a local, or someone they believe to be," he smirked, "You up for it?" He held the door open to his suite for her, in the corner, his pump-action shotgun poked out of the trunk, there was pomade on the wash station and on the counter was a box of bullets and magazine strips for his mauser.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Hari


Member Seen 23 days ago

"I wasn't even there, let alone leading anyththing.." Ruby chuckled, she enjoyed Diego's playful side. The men that she spent her time with were serious, battle hardened. Of course the Mexican had clearly had his own struggles, but he'd somehow managed to get through it with his sense of humour in one piece. "You want to use me as bait?" The blonde perked her eyebrow as though she might be offended, but soon enough she rolled her eyes and laughed, "I suppose I could. It's not like I have a great deal of anything else to do."

The window caught the young woman's attention. It was quite a cute little visage to look out on, but it didn't hide the fact that it really was a slum of a town.

Ruby turned back to Diego, he really was a looker. For a lady that didn't swoon, she certainly felt his presence keenly and that caught her off guard somewhat.
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