Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Shard
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

January 1st, 9:55 AM.
Streets, New York City.
Interactions - None.

With the passing of seconds, Nello was able to deduce that he no longer maintained a sense of import for the scene at hand. He had indeed been the catalyst, but once two massive minotaurs stepped onto the stage, attention was quick to shift. Where Nocturne watched the upcoming battle play out with glee clearly visible on his face, otherwise hidden beneath a hood, Nello stood sipping his drink, appearing less than amused.

This was what happened upon leaving Pricetown. On the border of 'Monsterville' as Nello had dubbed it, gang wars were prevalent, and he was caught up in the crossfire more often than he would like. Of course, he was somewhat biased, and maintained his loyalty to the less human side of the line. Even so, Nello had once been a human, and his father still retained the biology. They had recently moved into Pricetown for Nello's sake, to spare the boy hardships he would do better without. Nafir, his father, was treated well enough within the monstrous community, one might add. Others thought that he had adopted Nello, and the presumed gesture was enough to allow the man some semblance of appreciation. Equally so, Nafir had never shown an issue towards other species. His job as an antiques dealer put him in the position of dealing with other races, frequently. It was worth noting, however, that moving Nafir's years worth of gathered books into their new home was an ordeal in itself. A living room transformed upon their arrival.

As for Nello, the boy managed to pass as non-demon, as long as his eyes and horns were hidden. If they came into view, it could cause issues. Demons were not the most trusted sort, even among monsters, and found themselves on the very bottom of the list. Without these hellish features, he was frequently mistaken for a lizard, or more accurately, a kobold. The boy's size did manage to warrant a desire for protection from other beasts, as well, where they saw him as a young cub in need of assistance. It was what prompted situations like these, where Nello stood watching two large minotaurs beating three humans to an inch of their lives.

Despite knives in the possession of human hands, one would be foolish to exchange blows with a minotaur. A bull on two legs, they punched harder than any ordinary homosapian on their very best day.

The battle reached its conclusion within moments, where the human aggressors scurried away with bleeding noses and swollen limbs. Going further would lead to serious crimes committed, and the monstrous community did not need to have charges of murder hanging over their heads. "You okay, kid?" A minotaur asked, his eyes falling on Nello.

"Uhm, yeah," the demonic boy began, "thanks," he managed a soft smile, Nocturne laughing at his side. He found the fact that others thought Nello defenseless quite hilarious, but it was a wonderful cover. It meant that no one except Makaya and the boy's father knew that he was Raven. It was a name Nello had adopted due to simplicity and a lack of creativity. He had considered Calamity, the name of his sword, but it sounded far too dramatic, and he wanted to maintain a low profile. With a handle like Calamity, the hero would surely attract attention.

"Why are you out here alone, anyways? It's dangerous for kids." The other minotaur stated, raising a brow.

"Was going to my friend's house." Nello offered. It wasn't a lie, and he had been ironically truthful throughout the entire ordeal. Due to Nocturne's presence, or rather, his merging, Nello had grown to enjoy combat. He enjoyed the rush of battle, but exposing himself like that in bright daylight was stupid and foolish on several levels. One could also mention the consistent annoyance he was forced to deal with from above, as if fighting beneath a constant shower of acidic rain. Nello was additionally forced to find shade if he aimed to heal from any wounds he happened to suffer. All in all, it was not a calculated decision to raise his fists in his most immediate surrounding.

"Your friend a human?" The minotaur asked, motioning towards the border of Pricetown. He did not sound pleased by the notion, to be sure.

Pausing for a moment, Nello shifted his attention from one beastly man to the other. "Woo! Let's fuck up the barn!" Nocturne exclaimed, rising his fist into the air. The demon's lust for battle was inexhaustible. Remnants from his time before merging with Nello, surely. It was, understandibly, a part of his nature, as well.

"Yeah," Nello stated, cautiously. A short pause lingered, where one heard no more than the passing winter breeze which came to blow past the group

"Just be careful," came a grunt from the minotaur before he turned on his heels, and started in the opposite direction. It left Nello breathing a sigh of relief. So far, so good. Hopefully he wouldn't run into more issues, today. At least he was nearing Clio's home.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 21 days ago


Location: January 1st, 9:37 AM.
Local Restaurant, New York City.

Jo-Vaughn eyed his plate. Before him sat an enormous platter of food; eggs, ham, and piles of fried potatoes. A tureen of fruit sat in ice to keep it chilled. A basket of rolls so full it could keep a family going for a week was set against the edge of the table. And an elegant glass of orange juice completed the ensemble of morning hors d'oeuvres.

"Christ." he marveled, his plate an awe-inspiring work of art to a man as hungry as he was.

"Watch yo damn mouth boy! I didn't take you here to put the lord's name in vain over ma food." his grandma snapped harshly.

Jo-Vaughn smiled sheepishly and returned to admiring his plate. Grandma Livingston was a nonsense kind of woman and unlike any grandma to ever walk the face the earth. While most could imagine their snow-white haired grandparent knitting, over-cooking, and planting wet kisses on their faces, Joey grew up with the image of a vile, jet-black haired disciplinarian who took no shit from anyone or anything; never cooked, sure as hell never knitted, and the only kiss he ever received from her was the painful kiss of a leather belt on his ass.

Yeah, she wasn't the picture of an ideal grandma. But Joey wouldn't have it any other way.

"So nana, Joey began, swallowing a potato chunk before he went on. "You heard back from mom yet?"

Grandma Livingston cut into her eggs with a fork and popped them into her mouth. "She called me this mornings'. Told me she made it Naija safely.

Joey nodded and swallowed another potato. His mother, Nina Livingston, had flown back to their hometown for a little R&R with the rest of the family. That left Jo-Vaughn in charge of the oldest Livingston. Which meant treating her to breakfast and dropping a third of all the cash on him for extra bullshit. That coupled with his mother's demands to do something with his hair before she got back or she would, quote: "cut that shit myself with a knife.", left him dipping into what was left of his endorsement money.

The young Livingston let out a silent sigh and glanced out the window of the cafe. The hustle and bustle of New York never ceased to amaze him, even though his entire life had been spent milling about the maelstrom.

"Awww, shit, that news-conference was this morning." he exasperated as he leaned heavily into the backrest of the booth.

Joey had been planning to go, it was something small in the Brooklyn neighborhood but it would have been a great moment to gather awareness for his youth-league fundraiser. Unfortunately, with the last two days activity, that with his mothers sudden vacation, today's concert and breakfast, the event had totally slipped his mind.

"And why in God's name would you want to do that?" Grandma Livingston asserted, finishing off the last of her eggs.

Joey grunted. "I mean, these kids need some kind of support? Any extra money we can get to get this youth-league running again would be great for em."

"Joey, you know people ain’t so charitable these days, and especially won’t be for a monsta’ inclusive league." she pointed out.

"Nana, everyone deserve a chance. We going right back to the 50’s the way we treating these people. I’m not gonna let kids miss out on an opportunity to grow, get off the streets."

Grandma Livingston chuckled disappointedly. "Baby you got a big heart, that vigilante work got you thinking grand, but people ain’t quick to change, Jo-Vaughn. You done a lot, but you can’t keep funding this for long. Don’t tell ya mama I said this, but stick to playing hero.

With that, she grabbed a napkin, cleaned off her mouth and lifted herself up and out of the booth. "Well, thank you for treatin' me this morning, Tokunbo."

Joey cocked his head to the side, his lip curling slightly at the use of his african name. "Oh, where you goin?"

"Oh, me and the girls gonna get the nails done. Nina can't have all the fun. Go do something." she said, waving him off as she showed herself out.

Joey watched her leave, a frown dancing accoss his face. ...playing hero. Well, here he was again, alone with a whole day ahead of him and with plans that didn’t require his attention till later. After a pause, he simply shrugged and dug back into his meal. Shit would come up.


Location: January 1st, 5:07 AM.
Madison Square Guardian, New York City.

“Are you kidding me?”

Spittle flew from the tomato-faced manager as he fumed into Jermaine’s broad chest. Yet his bleating only earn him an opaque silence that only seemed to feed his into growing tantrum.

“I’m her fucking Tour Manager! Let me through the damn door!”

A thin paper blunt hung from Jermaine’s bottom lip, a small trail of smoke escaping from the corner of his mouth danced its way to the ceiling above him. Slowly he took it from his mouth and blew a puff into the mans’ face for spites sake.

”Does it look like a give a fuck? I’m genuinely wondering, does it look like I give a fuck?” he sighed.

Before he could continue the green-room door opened, revealing the casual form of Karen. “It’s okay, Jones, you can let him through.”

Returning the blunt to his lips Jermaine graciously stepped aside and almost mockingly bowed and gestured him forward. He had no beef with the man, but damn if he didn’t enjoy the entertainment he provided in between the dull moments of this job.

As the door closed behind him he blew another puff and took out his phone, he’d gotten a message earlier. It was from an old friend off the block. A third baby? A baby shower invite?! Jermaine didn’t bother to stifle his sigh as he dialed the number and put the phone to his ear. In moments, the line went through.

“Yoooo, JJ what’s good?!” a gruff voice answered.

”Ey nothing much, Keem. Heard bout the baby, just wanted to congratulate you.”

A chuckle. ”Oh man I appreciate it, you been a real one since day one I just thought I’d let you know we’d be having a baby shower. You know, barbecue, music, dancing, em gifts. I know you out here making that KAREN MONNNNEY!”

This time Jermaine stifled a sigh and smoothly imitated a his laugh. ”Ey you know it’s ight, just a lil something something. I can’t say imma be able to make it, but I’ll see if I can get y’all something small.”

A moment of silence. ”...something small? Fam you is rich come on now. Get the baby, ion know, a crib, maybe a car, something man.”

”The fuck a baby finna do wit a whole ass car?”


”FUCK YOU ME-“ he paused a moment to breathe. ”Bitch you got me mixed up. I feel like if you on yo third baby bitch you don’t deserve a baby shower anyway! I ain’t gon be showering you wit gifts just cause you like to fuck. Shit there’s a lot of people that like to fuck, I ain’t never bought em a gift. Fuck outta here.”

Inside the faint sounds of a budding argument could be heard, but it wasn’t shit to interfere with. There was no hostile intent being thrown around, so he could rest easy. Ol’ tour manager was off the shits anyway, he was probably heated about her being slow to dress or something like that. It really wasn’t any of his business.

“See bruh bruh, money dun changed you.” Keem retorted but Jermaine had long since disconnected, finally having enough of the bullshit, and observing that Karen’s tour manager had finally left in a huff. Karen followed not too long after.

“It looks like it’s showtime.” she intoned, seemingly prepared for her preformance.

Jermaine’s eyes took in her visage beneath his sunglasses, but only for a moment. Tiny denim shorts, shoulderless top and stilettos. She was bad, but fooling around with the client was a sure way to fuck up the money, not to mention she was still Disney Star age despite her build.

”Damn sure looks like it, ma.” he chortled as he took point and led the way. ”You ready?”

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Blazion
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

January 1st, 10:27 AM (Eastern USA)
Justice Station, Space

"Operative Grim, it appears we're being attacked." Well, there was a shrieking alarm sounding out. Not to mention the flashing red alert lights, the way her screen had instantly been taken over by various different angles of the speeding projectile and their automative defenses' response.

"...Noted." She was too tired for this.

Surging to her feet with a barely muffled sigh, Zoey scooped up her helmet and quickly affixed it once more to her shoulders, expecting a shaking impact any moment from how the small nova of a thing was racing towards them. Plus the dodging around their own anti-missle defenses, going to a specific place with purpose...

Yet there was no detonation.


"Grim!" The Gotham hero didn't even bother to turn around at the sound of his comrade, instead reaching out to touch a screen hovering before it. Instantly the camera zoomed in, focusing on the ... 'man' hovering outside the Justice Station. A thoughtful hum built up in his throat, deepened to an almost animalistic growl thanks to the voice synthesizer. Finally he turned, taking note of Masquerade behind him, a portal glowing purple at the edges already opened.

With a small noise of thanks Grim stepped through the portal without preamble, Masquerade following behind. They stepped out beside Kraken just in time to see the Lantern appear. Once more another thoughtful hum bubbled in Grim's chest, allowing his teammate to send the message out to the rest of the Justice League.

"Paparazzi will really do anything for a photo these days." He finally commented dryly. Masquerade coughed into his fist and gave Grim a pointed look, the armored hero finally shrugging. "I'll keep comms open so you can listen in. Prepare to grab suits if necessary." Without more warning Grim opened the airlock and stepped in, the door closing behind him immediately. Alfred was already activating the room, oxygen being sucked out and a familiar weightless feeling beginning to take over. On the visor of her eyes a small blinking count appeared as the Iron Fang armor took note of its oxygen levels - plenty, still.

Finally the door being knocked upon opened, and Grim stepped forward. His boots rested on the edge of the airlock, arms crossed as he looked upon these two intruders to his Station. A man of obsidian, and a man of green light.

It made him miss Morgan, a little.

It didn't appear that the 'man' that caused so much chaos had any comms on him, so while Grim may have been able to broadcast to the Green Lantern he couldn't say if the creature would be able to hear in the vacuum of space. With that being said, the hero tilted his wolf-style helmet a bit as he gazed upon the two, clearly waiting.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Mr Nim
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Mr Nim Neverhood's Klayman

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

January 1st, 10:30 AM
Abandoned Building, Gotham City

As the rubble kept piling into the apartment, Jean could feel some shaking around her intensify. She had no idea if this was the building that was beginning to collapse into itself due to her actions, if it was an earthquake or just her shaking from all the incoming rubble. Either way, she was in a bad position. Looking around, she tried to see if there was anything that could be affected that would release her from her predicament. Unfortunately, with the incoming rubble it was impossible for her to spot anything. Things kept shifting from being possible to affect, to not, to possible within instants.

Deciding to shift her focus, Jean started to try and pull her leg out of the hole in the floor. It took her a bit of effort due to the way it was stuck, and the need to still defend herself from the incoming rubble, but after a couple of minutes, she successfully pulled herself out. Rolling out of the way of some more debris, Jean managed to get to the bathroom door frame, where it appeared to be semi secure for the time being.

From her new position, she could spot the arms of one guy, presumably the one who was trying to get to her bag before. While they had been trying to get to her before, Jean figured that he probably wouldn't care who helped him now. And she didn't want to have any lives on her conscious. Using her Telekinesis, Jean started to levitate some rubble from above the man, clearing it out as fast she could. As soon as she saw his head begin to show, she jumped towards him, grabbed his arms and began to pull him out of the debris. It took the effort of both of them, but she managed to rescue him from the debris, before kicking him over to the door frame. She herself jumped back to there as well, where the man simply looked at her, clearly terrified from the thought of being buried alive, along with appearing terrified from the thought that his rescuer is the one who started the whole mess.

"I'm really sorry. But for now, I'll make an escape for you." Jean told him, before focusing her telekinesis on the bathroom sink. After a bit of effort, she managed to pull it out of its place, and then sent it crashing against the wall. This created a hole in the wall, with the sink appearing to have become stuck in the neighboring building. The hole was clearly not big enough, so Jean focused again, grabbing a hold of the sink and then flinging it back inside, expanding the hole further, making it big enough for the man to squeeze through. Unfortunately, the sink went through the inner bathroom wall, which began causing the bathroom to start collapsing as well. Without much option, Jean made her way out as well.

Once outside, Jean watched with some horror as the building was, in fact, completely beginning to fall down into itself. The man stood next to her for a moment, before looking at her and then running like hell. It was clear he was beyond terrified by this point. All Jean could think about, at the moment, was how she was the cause for the building's collapsing, and how she likely caused the death of the other guy who was in there. Leaning against the wall of the building, next to the sink-shaped dent in the wall, she allowed herself to slide down, not making any attempts to walk away.

She felt both mentally and physically exhausted. Just how many lives could she potentially further take by misusing her powers? Jean moved to lean her head against her knees, unsure of what to do next.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Blackstripe
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Blackstripe That superhero/magic/pirate person

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

January 1st, 5:56 PM
Madison Square Garden, New York City

“Ready as I’ll ever be,” said Karen, smiling.

Getting changed had given her a chance to cool down a bit after her heated argument with her tour manager. She really couldn't stand that guy—a company appointee. She had tried many times to explain the importance behind the tour, but all he ever saw were the dollar signs. Not that the dollar was worth a whole lot.

Things were getting a little better as people began adjusting to the status quo the world had fallen into, but a cup of fairly plain coffee still cost nine-fifty at any corner shop. A lot more if you went to a more upscale place like Starbucks.

Pointing her eyes forward down the hallway, Karen took a set of steadying breaths. In just a few minutes she would be stepping out onto the biggest stage of her career. In addition to the more than twenty thousand people in attendance, they were also streaming it live to many millions more.

She couldn't afford to mess this up.

As they neared the entrance to the main part of the stadium, the low roar of the crowd became apparent. They weren’t even really cheering yet, but their endless natter nevertheless carried through the walls. It only grew louder when they neared the doors themselves, a pair of armed security guards nodding her a silent acknowledgement.

Swallowing the lump that had formed in her throat, Karen glanced to Jones. “Wish me luck.”

The guards pushed the doors open, and the undiluted screams of her fans hit her like a wave crashing over the rocks. Raising her hands to greet the crowd as she walked down a lane between the ascending rows of seats on either side, she couldn’t help but note the half-dozen additional guards that flanked her path.

As she passed, hands would occasionally reach out for her. Security was quick to—rather gruffly—shove these people back into their seats and issue them a firm warning.

But none of that mattered; she wouldn’t be afraid.

Slowly ascending a short flight of steps, Karen stepped onto the wooden stage where her instrumentalists and backup dancers were already waiting in the darkened parts towards the back. Being passed a tiny headset microphone by a stagehand, she fastened it to her ear and carefully adjusted the mic until it was just in front of her lips.

Blue, purple, and green lights burst to life all around her as she took center stage, and Karen once again raised her hands to acknowledge the almost deafening cheers of her fans. Although she made certain to sweep her gaze across the entirety of the arena, it was perhaps inevitable that she would settle on the row of seats directly in front of the stage.

Harpies, ghouls, gorgons, Cynocephali, and more were seated in attendance there, along with precisely one hundred Mages. These were the thousand seats she had purchased for Terrans that weren’t baseline or metahumans. Many of them were far too poor to ever afford a ticket themselves, and she had wanted to prove to them that she wasn’t all talk.

Taking in another breath, she offered the arena her very best smile.

”Who here is having a Happy New Year?”

The crowd’s enthusiastic response hit the stage with enough force to nearly bowl her over, a forest of hands whipping about in a disorganized frenzy. Sharp, piercing whistles and indiscernible screaming stabbed at her ears, but her smile remained unbroken.

”And who here is ready to rock?”

Again the roar of the crowd was deafening. Her ears would certainly be ringing after tonight.

Turning to face the greater stage, the darkness that had shrouded it up till now was instantly swept aside to reveal the instrumentalists and dancers. Karen pointed to the sky. ”Hit it!”

The sharp screech of a guitar pierced through the cacophony of enthusiasm pouring from the crowd, and it was soon joined by the thunderous beat of the drums as “Blood-Stained Pelt” began to play.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by praxitilies
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

December 21st, 2020, 12:00 AM.
McMahon Woods, Chicago Outskirts.

The woods were quiet, even as snow drifted down over the trees and deer paths. Animals lay silent in their burrows, save for the occasional winter fox or hunting owl that prowled through the foliage seeking their prey. The Winter Solstice was cold and the feeling of Winter's chill pervaded a small glade within the trees, far from the prying eyes of modern society. The silence was complete, and the feeling of isolation lay heavily on the ground. Suddenly, the silence was shattered by a sound, barely more than a whisper in the dark.

"V etu samuyu dlinnuyu noch' goda, vysotu Sily Zimy, vyydi i otvet' na moi vyzovy--"
The cold wind carried a faint white dust down through the snow covered trees as a voice echoed through the woods. Quiet yet powerful, the words seemed to carry a deep bass reverb to them, and the sounds of the surrounding wildlife gained a muted quality.

"--Vyydi, boginya zimnego kholoda, kotoraya stoit kak Khranitel' etogo mira--"
The wind began to rise, powder becoming a flurry as a cloaked and hooded figure stood at the edge of a bonfire, arms raised and outstretched. The cold wind bit into his skin and bone, even as the blazing oak logs burned hotter and brighter. A goat, young and pure white, lay bound at his feet. A circle of woven holly and mistletoe surrounded the fire and the figure, whose voice grew louder and more booming with each word uttered.

"--prezirat' ne moy prizyv, sdelannyy v smirenii i otchayanii--"
The wind shook the trees and the animals of the forest approached the edge of the firelight. Their eyes shone brightly in the gloom, reflecting the now towering inferno of flame from the bonfire. They stood eerily still and held their gazes upon the chanter who raised gloved hands towards the sky even as the wind blew back his hood, revealing a young man with silvery hair and piercing dark eyes that were fixed on the space above the log which blazed brightly without being consumed by the flames. His cloak flapped wildly in the sudden blizzard, as did the long coat he wore beneath it. The chain of his pocket watch rattled as it shook, and the snow began to find its way into the protective warmth of his coat. Sparks of blue, green, and purple began to flash from the flames, like an aurora that erupted from the ground into the sky. The wind reached its height, roaring through the trees and sending snow spiraling into strange fractals in the air around the circle. Tobias' breath turned to frost before him, even as he shouted the final phrases of his chant over the din of the wind and flame.

"--Poyavlyayutsya! O Koroleva fey! Poyavlyayutsya! O Koroleva Zimy! Poyavlyayutsya! O Koroleva Dikoy Okhoty!"
The wind stopped as abruptly as it had started, and the log's light was extinguished to mere embers. The moon illuminated the glade with a pale silver glow, which cast strange shadows through the trees. Lights were visible within these shadows, the eyes of the animals that had gathered. Their luminescent gaze remained fixed upon Tobias even as the light of the fire faded to nothing. The faint flutter of wings as small faeries made themselves known, each one glowing in a faint color of the rainbow. The sound of rocks moving as small gnomes and dwarves emerged from these weird shadows cast into the clearing and seemed to stretch around the circle of evergreen boughs without entering. Their eyes all fixed upon this intruder even as a voice, cold as a frozen river spoke.


"Hope and desperation, O Queen." Tobias responds, careful to keep his eyes directed at her feet. The Queen of Winter stood before him, arrayed in all her terrible majesty. Her face was as a statue of finest marble, white as polished porcelain. Her hair, long and flowing and dark with blues and purples and greens of glacial ice. She wore a long white gown, regal and elegant, and bore a crown of ice upon her brow. Her face was beautiful and graceful, with high cheeks and plush lips that were stained a rich violet. She stood, imposing and statuesque, across the smoldering log from Tobias and his circle.

Hearing his reply, the Winter Queen's gleaming golden eyes like those of a hawk watching its prey, focused on his. Tobias froze, paralyzed with a sudden terror, unable to tear his eyes from hers. With a sudden force of will and a shout of authority, the evergreen boughs seemed to breath a sudden surge of hot air into the glade. Then Winter's chill returned with such vengeful force that Tobias could feel the ice forming on his lashes even as he tore his eyes from those of the powerful Fae.


"I cannot depart yet, o Queen, without first hearing an answer to my question." Tobias could feel the eyes of the gathered creatures around him harden as their stares turned to glares for his impertinence.


"I do not dare offend the Queen of Winter on this, the night of Her greatest power. I offer this sacrifice of an unblemished goat, fresh in the vigor of its youth and white as the driven snow, in exchange for the knowledge that I seek." Tobias drew a ceremonial dagger from his coat, taking a knee and holding the sheathed blade out towards the Queen.


Tobias rose and held the gaze of the Queen of the Winter Fae, surrounded by Her power in the longest night of the year. He kept his voice steady and his stare unbroken, no risk of a Soulgaze with a being that lacked a soul.

"How may I purge the Despoiler from my heart that he may finally be destroyed? Can I be free of this burden, and return to my home?" Tobias asked, even as he felt a boiling hot rage that was not his own bubbling up into his throat. His eyes gained a faint red glow before he squeezed them shut, forcing down the feeling.


Tobias opened his eyes, shining a violent scarlet as rage of his own joined the black rage that leaked from the darkest corner of his soul. "That's it?! All this preparation and risk for nothing? The mighty Queen of the Winter Fae is powerless before--" he demanded, his shout catching in his throat as the sound of shattering glass filled the woods. Searing agony wracked his body as his vision was made dark. He could feel talons of ice piercing his throat as his feet were lifted from the snow covered sod. The Queen, her raiment and hair suddenly as black as coal while eyes blazed a wrathful amber like the coals that burned in the bonfire's pit. She had crossed the distance between the two in a single instant, and the evergreen boughs had turned to ice and shattered. Tobias writhed in her frigid grip even as he felt the fluids of his eyes freezing. His skin burned as frost crept from her hand across his throat and the breath caught in his lungs as the chill infused his being.


Tobias' blood ran cold even as steam rose from the ice at his throat. He extended his arm back towards the wood and gathered what little willpower he could muster through the growing agony. His cane whipped through the air to his hand, and he swung its metal head at the wrathful Faerie that held him in its grasp. The Queen released him with a hiss as the metal made contact with her arm, recoiling as though burned.

"Otkhod!" He shouted, turning on his heel and vanishing with a pop and a slight rush of air. The Queen Recovered quickly, her hair and dress returning to their former color. She sneered down at the goat that had been left behind, along with the athame that Tobias had abandoned in his haste. The animal bleated once as the cold claimed it.

Tobias staggered through the halls of his home, blindly bumping into furniture and knocking over piles of books and mystic artifacts as he rushed from the doorway towards the stairs.

"Opeka!" His voice trembled with cold and terror in equal measure as he willed his defenses to rise. The candelabras and chandeliers suddenly flared to life, the flames a vibrant green even as the entryways to the house shuddered and hummed. Arcane sigils flashed to life in the lintel posts of the doors and chains of runes blazed to life on the glass of the windows. Tobias reached his arms out, dropping his cane and staggered up the stairs, clinging to the handrail for support. He fell to his knees when he reached his room and collapsed entirely a few moments later, body shaking with cold.

"Not here, not like this." His thoughts raced as he struggled to control his breathing and gather what little remained of his power.

"Zazhigat." He whispered, forcing the last of his strength into the dry wood of the hearth in front of the bed. There was a faint spark, then darkness. His magic failed him, and he drifted off into the black.

"You are our last hope, my son. You must be strong and endure this burden for the sake of our world."

Tobias heard his father's voice, heard so many years before, echoing through his mind. He found himself standing in a cold, empty cathedral with stained glass running along its vaulted walls. The ceiling vanished into the darkness above, and standing before him in the place of an altar was a colossal crystal that rose up into the shadowy depths. The crystal was chained to every surface in the structure by shining silver chains that shone brightly in the red light that emanated from the crystal. Inside the crystal was a swirling black smoke, and from that smoke, burning red eyes glared out at him. He could feel the rage and the wrath of the Conqueror, and watched with horror as the crystal began to crack. Immediately chains shot forth from the walls, grabbing hold of the splintering crystal and pulling them back together. The eyes flashed angrily, even as the feeling of pressure increased.

"It cannot end here." Tobias' mind surged and light bathed the dark cathedral.

Tobias gasped and sat bolt upright, his eyes screamed with agony, and water leaked from them as he blinked.

"Z-Zazhigat." He stammered, teeth chattering from the deep cold he felt in his very marrow. Another, brighter spark brought the logs bursting into flame, whose blessed heat began to thaw the tired mage. His shivers felt more like convulsions as he stripped out of his soaked clothing. Morning sunlight was drifting in through the gap in the window's blinds, and the sound of birdsong could be heard. Tobias lay on the hardwood floors of his room for several hours more as feeling slowly returned to his limbs. His eyes began to thaw and his vision eventually cleared. He slept beside the fire, kept burning through the night by shaking hands and numb fingers until the following morning. He would spend several days more recovering from his ordeal before he felt healthy enough to dress again. He had a show that evening, and he had to look his best.

The show must go on.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by DELETED jdl3932
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DELETED jdl3932 Sok Il-Seong / (Second Initiation)

Banned Seen 18 days ago

Date: January 1st, 2021.
Time: 6:10 PM.
Location: East Flatbush, Brooklyn New York.

Silas rubbed his gloved hands together briefly to help keep them from freezing in the cold night air as he reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a cigarette. Placing it between his lips, he pulled out a blue plastic lighter, ignited it, and held it up to the small white stick of nicotine until the end flared bright orange in the darkness. Taking a long draw from it, Silas leaned against the grocery store's brick supports, which were painted a bright yellow color that had since grown faded and dirty with the passage of time, before placing the lighter back into his coat pocket and mulling over what he should do with the large amount of funds he had, acquired, from that bank back in central Flatbush a couple hours ago. He knew most people would have gone on a spending spree, blowing the cash on pointless things that they didn't even need like the idiots they were, which would eventually lead to their capture by law enforcement. Whereas he would simply keep the money to himself, spending it only on what he needed and small luxuries until he got enough to afford a place outside of this shitty neighborhood.

Once that was done he could finally rest easy.

Exhaling a small cloud of white smoke into the air, Silas checked his watch. It was 6:10 PM. More than late enough for him to begin his long trek back to the small rundown one story tenement that served as his home for the time being. Taking one last draw from the cigarette, Silas let out another puff of smoke, this time from his nostrils, and tossed it onto the ground before putting it out with the heel of his shoe. Stuffing his hands back into his coat pockets, Silas gave the surrounding area one last look before pushing himself off of the store wall and striding off down the street, deeper into the night.

All the while blissfully unaware of the hooded figure silently observing him from a dark alleyway nearby.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

January 1st, 10:28 AM (Eastern USA)
Justice Station, Space

Before the man could answer his question, the air lock opened, and a figure presented itself looking quite unamused. Presotn' didn't exactly know what was going on, but was caught quite off guard by the person that wore armor that almost reminded him of home. Cutting edge for earth standards, he presumed, and floated closer to the figure.

"I'm Preston, the green lantern of this sector. I would like to live on your planet and develop me abilities, protecting your people also."
His ring translated his natural Vespasian into whatever they needed to hear. Preston vaguely remembered the language being called English. With a nod of his head, he presented his ringed fist as if it would mean something, waiting back at either of the two silent people next to him while he stood there with his ring out.

"I know your Earth has a history with a Green Lantern. I am his Successor, his son."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 21 days ago


January 1st, 5:56 PM
Madison Square Garden, New York City

Jermaine responded with a curt nod as they took another turn towards the venue, the sound of the crowd like an auditory volcano. It was all quiet one second and then deafening the next, rising to a crescendo that would refuse to release. Sold out show in the Madison Square Garden and a few million more watching online. He couldn't imagine the kind of pressure Karen was under.

With a small gesture he signaled a contingent of six well-built bodyguards all dressed in black t-shirts and jeans to silently fall in step around them. Jermaine had hand-picked each himself, rigorously screening Karen’s security force until those left could offer no less then exemplary service.

As the doors to the main arena opened a cacophony of cheering, whooping, hollering, clapping and stamping of feet, along with the palpable buzz of excitement in the charged air hardened Jermaine’s face. This was where the real work began.

With some excessive force along the way the the contingent guided Karen to the stage and he took his place back stage, close enough to keep an eye on her and the audience, but far enough to avoid cameras or somehow distract one of the dancers.

Blowing out a puff of smoke he breathed as Karen took command of the show and Blood-Stained Pelt began to blare through the speakers. A classic catering to the sensiblties of the non-humans, highlighting the media’s disregard for their lives and humanity’s blatant callousness in general; something the nine-hundred inhumans and one hundred mages seated in the front row would no doubt be fans of. The soundtrack of a movement.

Yet a creeping apprehension took root in Jermaine’s gut. 1000 non-humans and mages was a recipe for disaster if shit actually went wrong. Despite advice against it Karen was adamant about the decision to have them here, right in front of her. If one so much as dared to attack he was prepared to shatter bone, but the press would have a field day. If Karen meant well by putting them where they where, she may have been unwitting adding fuel to the fire.

Nevertheless, it wasn’t his job to consider the ramifications of a teenagers political statements, he just had to keep the Disney princess safe.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 15 days ago

January 1st, 10:27 AM (Eastern USA)
Justice Station, Space

Zeka did not have a chance to respond in any way to the glowing green man that flew up alongside him next to the space station before the exterior airlock opened. Waiting within was the most curious thing; a man wearing some sort of metal suit that resembled a dog. He had always been told that Americans were extravagant and eccentric but this seemed to push beyond even that.

Stepping into the still-spaced airlock, Zeka noticed the green man speaking to the dog-head-man. Did he have some kind of communicator that Zeka could not see? He was reliant on speaking normally, as he couldn’t carry a communicator of his own. Hopefully he could get that across to the two of them.

Looking between the two other men, Zeka tapped at his throat, trying to indicate that he could not speak in the vacuum of space. To emphasize this, he mouthed some meaningless syllables. The vocalization did not carry, but the small burst of radiation from his open mouth caused a brief electromagnetic feedback over their communication channel, sounding like harsh static.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Blackstripe
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Blackstripe That superhero/magic/pirate person

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

January 1st, 6:04 PM
Madison Square Garden, New York City

“Broken horns, scattered feathers, cracked fangs, what’s it matter?” sang Karen as she danced across the stage in a series of fluid yet powerful motions, her own style of self-taught freestyle.

She reached a hand out towards the seats immediately in front of her stage, staring into the eyes of each terran in the front row, regardless of their species. ”Your fur is wet, with bones that ache, they’re waiting for your will to break.”

Spinning on her heel, her dance continued, her movements become wilder, even wrathful. Sharp, aggressive stomps and harsh cuts through the air with her hands served to emphasize the anger pouring from the lyrics.

“A cold laugh pierces your ear, just give in, surrender to fear! You’re just a Demon, just a Mage, just a Monster, you can’t cry for help. No one will see your Blood-Stained Pelt!”

Karen could feel her heart pounding against her chest as she neared the end of her first song. Blood-Stained Pelt was easily one of the darkest, and certainly the angriest song she had ever written. It had been born of the disgust she had felt whenever another terracide had been ignored because the victim hadn’t been human.

“Don’t let them win, fight back the pain, listen to the fire burning in your veins! You’re just a Demon, just a Mage, just a Monster, you don’t need their help! We’ll make them see your Blood-Stained Pelt!”

A final scream from the guitar behind her extinguished the lights as she fell into a crouch. As the music went silent, the bone rattling cheers of the crowd once again swept over the stage unopposed.

Breathing heavily, Karen subtly grinned. That was one song down, with eleven more to go—not counting for encores.

Her one thousand guests in the front row roared, screeched, and barked their approval at her performance, and she slowly stood to offer them her warmest smile. They all looked so very different from the rest of the people in attendance, and from each other, even. But on none of their faces did she see malice or cruelty.

“You know, even if they don’t see you, I do!” said Karen in between shallow pants. “And anyone who believes in my music sees you too! Who here believes?”

The arena trembled with the crowd’s affirmation. Karen allowed their cheer to linger unopposed for several moments in other to fully regain her breath. She would need it. No amount of cardio would let you dance your heart out for five minutes straight without being at least a little winded.

“Then show me! Throw your hands in the air!”

The beat of the drums behind her heralded the start of “Tear Through the Doubt”, a decidedly more upbeat song than the last about finding the courage to not bow down to sorrow and oppression.

And so she continued to work her way through her latest album. One song after another was completed, with her taking an occasional intermission to have a glass of water and freshen herself up. Before she had even realized it, Karen was already on the tenth song of the night, the one immediately preceding the album’s titular “Fighting the Hate”, which she usually saved for last at live performances.

It must have been past seven-thirty by that point, easily.

“Guess there’s no sense putting it off any longer,” said Karen, offering a wry smile to Jones as she sat backstage sipping from her water jug. “Just two more songs, and I can crash for the rest of the night.”

Just two...but the first of those had been mandated by Sterling Records as a part of the “new look” they were pushing for her.

Originally, the company had presented her with a song they had written—the only one she hadn’t composed herself since her professional debut. There was no substance in it, no message, it was sleaze. She wasn’t even certain how they had planned to show it on any mainstream site. They referred to the idea behind it as being “shock therapy” for her fanbase.

She rejected it out of hand with some very choice words, and made it clear that while they might own her name and image, they weren’t going to own her beliefs or message. After a lot of back and forth arguing between them, Sterling Records finally agreed to a compromise. That was when Karen wrote “Work Your Fur”, a song that sought to prove that all terrans were desirable in their own unique ways.

Exhaling sharply, she stood from her seat and offered a quick wink to Jones over her shoulder. “Seems like the night was a success, huh? Not even a thrown bottle.”

“See you after the show!”

Stepping out onto the stage amid the bright lights, she raised her hands to greet the crowd for the last time tonight. Her usual backup dancers had been partially replaced with a rather distinct group consisting of three harpies, a female minotaur, and a couple of rakshasa.

“Hey! Who out there’s got a tail?” asked Karen.

A number of enthusiastic roars and barks rose from the one thousand seats before her, with several long and slender tails whipping about in excitement.

“How about tail feathers? Or fur?”

Screeches and lower growls were this time her response. Several very large and hairy terrans of various species stood proudly from their seats, while a dozen harpies eagerly squawked.

“And who knows how to work what they’ve got?” asked Karen, her lips parting into a grin, the whole arena now on their feet. ”Then show me how you work that tail! Show me how you work those feathers! Show me how you Work That Fur!”

Like a massive heart at the center of the arena, a hard and rhythmic beat swept over the crowd, who could doubtlessly feel it in their feet. It was a sound not typically associated with Karen, more Hip-Hop than rock or R&B.

7:36, Madison Square Garden

“K-Karen…” panted Timothy Vanz, staring at the distant idol from his seat, which was about as close to the stage as non-monsters and mages could be. It wasn’t fair that they got to be closer to her.

His breaths came out wet and sickly. His nerves burned like his blood had been replaced with magma. He didn’t care.

”You hear some say that fur can’t twerk, but fuck that shit, we’ll make it work! Scales, feathers, tails, and fur, you can shake it with the best of us, that’s fo sho!”

Timothy stretched one hand out towards her, even as the other clutched at his heart in a futile effort to suppress the sharp lances piercing through it with every beat it forced out. Coppery drool fell from his lips as he watched her every movement with his bloodshot eyes.

The pain meant nothing to him. It was a gift. He had been given power by them, and all they wanted in exchange was for him to claim what was rightfully his when the time arrived. Said time was to be during her last song, “Fighting the Hate”...but the wait was maddening when all he could do was watch her.

The subtle ripple of her bronzen thighs as she danced across the stage throughout the night had been tortuous enough, but with this song it was ten times worse. Twerking...it was like she was beckoning to him with every clap. She wanted him as much as he did her.

“Grrr…I...c-can’t…” he snarled, squeezing his chest tighter. The symbols that had etched across his body felt like they were going to melt straight through him. It had proven a welcomed distraction from his own desire. But it wasn’t enough anymore. “...c-can’t take it…!”

Timothy shot from his seat, unleashing a scream that easily rose above surrounding cheers. “KAREN!””

With a massive leap, he easily cleared the distance between his chair and the stage—a good twenty feet at least. His metagene gave him the ability to leap up to twenty-five feet, but was otherwise rather unimpressive, just like he was.


Starting towards Karen, his eyes began to glow with a crimson hunger.

“W-what are you doing?” she asked, backing away. “Stay back!”

He had only just managed to make out what she had said in his haze. It didn’t matter. She would be his, they couldn’t stop him. She couldn’t stop him...he would make her understand that they were meant to be together.


He felt a strong arm wrap around his throat, his left arm being forcefully pulled behind his back as a large security guard tried to throw him to the ground. But he would not move. This man was nothing to him—nothing but another obstacle between him and his Karen.

“GET OFF OF ME!” he screamed, a pulse of crimson Chaos magic expanding from his center to blast the security guard back into the half-dozen men who were right behind him, the guard’s flesh now marred with sickening burns. His cries of pain forced a smile from Timothy.

Good. That’s what he deserved for trying to keep them apart.

Stalking towards Karen again, who had started towards the backstage, he reared back for a powerful leap. He would seize her, and then flee the arena quickly.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by DClassified
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DClassified Kung Fro Killa

Member Seen 2 days ago

January 1st, 5:45 PM
Madison Square Garden, New York City

"Sheesh...Uncle J wasn't playin when he said this place would be packed..." A young man lamented as he, his little sister, and his best friend returned to their seats from busying concession stands.

"Of course it is! It's KAREN!" A little sister exclaimed ecstatic. Ricky merely shrugged his shoulders with a chuckle.

"Well, she isn't lying." The nerdy blonde agreed.

Yeah it may have been Karen, but one thing he hadn't anticipated was what this concert would be like in New York. The City of Lights, and even more than that, at Madison Square. Crowds were gonna be thick as thieves in here when they opened the other doors in a few seconds.

Guess the 80% of his rent money that Uncle J made him pay to get the express tickets before the masses did was worth it. He didn't want to have to walk Sharon through the crowd that roared and excitedly chattered just outside, especially considering the fanatical compilation of cult-followers that she attracted. No pun intended.

Virgil could see the reason for the appeal. Hell, he was a fan since she was coming up. She could sing, had a great message. Plus, she was actually...kinda hot. Though, they didn't have this problem back in Dakota. They weren't as hype on her music there as they were more self-contained.

Pops warned him that coming here might be a bad idea, having heard that her fans could get a little rowdy. In honesty, and hindsight, Virgil wouldn't have brought her here. Though, just sending money to Cherry as a Christmas gift wouldn't cut it in Dad's eyes. It took some convicing but he was assured that everything would be fine.

Hopefully. Virgil thought as they made it to their seating section.

Still, he was anticipating this show, wondering if she'd pull out something new for the New Year. Yeah, what was he worried about, this was gonna be awesome!

7:35, Madison Square

Those two hours went by fast somehow. Her performance was, as always, electrifying, and it got the crowd fired up with each new song she brought out. It was like time stood still as her voice possessed the stadium. All the while, from this supposedly new album, Sharon was singing all of the damn words. Yet, as offkey as she was, it didn't seem to be out of place in the crowd of misfits.

Though it was with checking his watch, that he noticed the aura of the place had very much changed from the intial tone in the place. It was a lot more lax and the intensity seemed to have grown as well. Especially now with this new slightly out of character song she was doing.

Folks were dancing, roaring, shouting, it was like a switch flipped in Virgil's head that snapped him out of focus on Karen. One glance at some bared teeth made him think more and more about making his way out of here before it was too late. Foot traffic was already bad out here, getting out of this concert would be a nightmare. He was soon to say something, when he noticed someone up front fly from his seat to land up near the stage.

That was a red flag right there and Virgil didn't like the looks of this. So, he turned to look at his folks to tell them that it was time to jet, but they already were staring him down.

"Oh my god...V...You've gotta do something!" Sharon yell-whispered at him.

"Ain't no way. They've got people deal with this." Virgil quickly replied in a low growl.

"Yeah, and the people dealing with it are getting dealt with." Ricky pointed past Sharon and back to the stage. Virgil quickly turned and saw some security guards try to restrain the guy but get tossed aside like some empty bags of potato chips. Shit...

"I'll never forgive you if you don't go!" Sharon interwhispered, shaken and furious. Rick held his sister's other wrist, giving Virgil a hopefully solemn nod.

Virgil sighed and glanced at the stage. There was no telling what he'd be up against going up there, but seeing Uncle J be in the mix of those thrown aside, meant that this weird dude was no joke. He zipped up his purple amd yellow Killer-Bees jacket and pulled the hood over his snapback to cast as much of a shadow as he could.

"I'monna do it, but you both better get the hell up outta here." The former Kilowatt Kid demanded and quickly looked around.

Noticing that one of the security guards had left behind an all-metal folding chair, Static sprung into action. Using the headrest of a chair in front of him as a base, he jumped into the air, summoning the folding chair to close and fly beneath his sneakers.

With it as a makeshift board, Static swiftly flew over the crowds. Electricity began to coarse up his arms visibly as he neared the stage and approaching assaulter. Though first impulse would have been to hit this guy with a quick shocker, thinking about what the stage was comprised of seemed to work better in his head.

As it appeared that the guy was going to superjump again, Static extended an arm and open hand down at the guy as he zipped past. The thick metallic alloy of the stage's framework unnaturally bent upward out of place. They then, under Virgil's will, snaked and molded around Timothy's legs in an attempt to keep him from jumping.

"Something tells me that this wasn't her idea of a meet-and-greet, big fella." Static jested instinctively, almost immediately snapping back to his previous persona. He positioned himself between the deranged super fan and where Karen was heading. Virgil got the feeling that this guy wasn't going to go lightly.

Yet still, he prayed he wouldn't have to do too much more, but if it came to that, then he'd do what he had to.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Shard
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

January 1st, 10:55 AM.
Streets, New York City.
Interactions - None.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by MsMorningstar
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MsMorningstar Momo

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


January 1st, 4:30 PM - 7:37 PM
Madison Square Garden, New York

Interactions: @DC The Dragon, @Blackstripe, and @LokiLeo789

As Clio entered the apartment complex, she waved a hello to the concierge, who she had known since arriving in New York. They exchanged smiles, and she was almost able to ignore the harsh throbbing in her head. She climbed the stairs, all the way up to the eighth floor. She took her time, finding the climb relaxing. By the end, her head was still an aching mess, but her body felt broke in. She shuffled to her door, and summoned her keys. Unlocking the apartment, she stepped inside, pleasantly surprised to see Starfire.

Dropping her keys back into their bowl, she smiled over at the girl. ”Hello there. Did you have fun in the city?”

Starfire was holding two kebabs.”Yes!” She nodded. ”Perhaps I should have told you more about my language learning trick. I can not read the English. I did not want to make a very bad mistake, but the people of New York seem to be very kind. Some of them are very furry and have horns, did you know that? I bought these for us. The man told me what the cash was for, and then told me they were fifty dollars each. I know not what they are for, but do you want one?” She extended the kebab out to Clio. Clio would notice about half of the money was gone and had been attached to her belt loop.

Clio took the kebab from Starfire, taking a bite out of one of the meat cubes. It was tasty, but it certainly wasn’t worth fifty dollars. She should have sat Starfire down and had a talk about scammers beforehand. Well, it didn’t matter much anymore. They had things to do, places to be. The concert was going to start soon enough. ”FIfty dollars each, huh? Interesting. They’re meant to be eaten...you do eat, right?” Clio cocked her head in wonder, but the instant she did it began to scream. Groaning, she readjusted. ”Well, you can put it on the counter for now, let’s head to the concert.”

Forcing a smile, Clio beckoned Starfire forward. ”It’s in Madison Square, and there are a few ways to get there. I want to introduce you to public transportation, it’s important. We’ll get you a bus and subway card...soon.”

Starfire followed Clio’s beckon. ”Okay. Thank you again, Clio. Soon, I will get a house, and invite you to concerts.” She set the kebab down on the counter as she walked forward. ”I’ve never tried eating before. I will do so when I return. Bus cards, subway cards, concerts...this is all so exciting. Have you ever been to a concert before? I have not.” Starfire was talking almost as much as Mayaka would. Thought Starfire’s speech had a hesitant, staggering staccato pattern to it.

"Nope, never! It'll be something new for the both of us." While Clio had wandered the streets of New Orleans watching sidewalk bands as a child, she had never been to an actual concert. She'd always put away money for other things, so it had never been a top priority. Still, Karen was a good artist, and she had been considering it for a while.

Clio took Starfire to Madison Square Garden, getting there in record time. There were already hundreds of people, but when Clio explained that she was a mage and that Starfire was a new variety of monster, they were escorted to the front of the stage. It wouldn't be long now, until Karen was out and singing for at least a thousand screaming fans. Clio was shoulder-to-shoulder with a bulky man with horns. On her other side was Starfire. "Are you feeling...claustrophobic? Because I can get us some more space."

Starfire was looking bewildered, anxious, but excited, as if she had not seen this many people in one place before. There was also that primal pit of fear within Starfire’s heart as she had no space to maneuver or use her powers should they come under attack. She leaned into Clio and spoke loudly. It was a strange activity to stand so close together with so many other people, but Starfire was giving it a shot. ”We are all quite closely huddled together, yes. It is a little scary and loud. Do you want more space, Clio? Are we waiting on something to happen? Is this like a trunesza’nfa?” There was a word that did not quite directly translate into English, and in Starfire’s anxious fluster, she flubbed her words. Her green eyes were wide with anticipation and she stared at Clio.

Trunesza’nfa? She’d ask about that...later. For now, it was more important to make Starfire comfortable. Since it was getting dark, there was very little she wasn’t capable of. Summoning the darkness, she formed a cage around them, made up of bars rather than a solid construct so people could still see through it. Expanding it, she pushed people back from them and gave them their own little space. There were shouts of protest as she did so, but Clio paid no mind to the flustered monsters and metas. The show was about to begin, after all. In fact, she could’ve swore she saw Karen out of the corner of her eye. ”You ready?” She asked Starfire, a dazzling smile on her face from a burst of vigor.

Starfire gasped and looked back at Clio. ”Clio! That was not very nice!”

”Sorry...sorry!” She said through the bars. Still, it did make her feel better. No one could grab her. She looked over at Clio and the criticism of her words did not match the somewhat grateful look on her face. Clio asked her if she was ready, and she was.

Suddenly, the lights dimmed. There was a burst of color that lit up the path of a woman. There were others on stage, but the colors all focused on her, signifying her importance. She spoke, speaking of the new year. It seemed like every word she said made the crowd louder, so much louder. The frenzy of the audience reminded Starfire of a Warcry, but instead of anger and hate, it was passion and excitement. The woman began wildly dancing and singing and it was unlike anything Starfire had ever heard. It was a song of rebellion, defiance, and pride. She hardly had an opinion on the rhythm, it was the atmosphere of the place that sent shivers down Starfire’s spine. Her head sunk into her shoulders and she placed her palms over her ears, but she was not having a bad time. It was just very, very loud. Starfire glanced over at Clio to see what her friend was doing in all of this happy madness.

The music pulsed through Clio, ripping through her already aching head and causing her to cup her ears. It was agonizing, but she attempted to force herself to enjoy it. She knew a quick fix, but she couldn’t. It was her time with Starfire, she wanted to be happy on her own. She couldn’t let her magic rule her, she wouldn’t let it ruin this moment. Tearing her hands from her ears, she let the music race through her mind. The sound quality was amazing, the way Karen hyped up the crowd was even better. It was okay, it was pleasant. She could continue to tell herself this, but it was getting harder and harder to believe. Looking over at her companion, she had to bite back a frown.

Starfire was counting on her, was it really that hard to be a good friend? They both looked miserable, she was sure. Starfire with her hands over her ears, Clio...being Clio. Looking around, she saw that everybody was enjoying themselves. They were all focused on the stage. No one was watching. With a frustrated sigh, Clio began to dance. She had done enough freestyle floor routines in gymnastics to remember a few moves, and she whipped them all out in an effort to impress her friend. After a while, she simply moved her body to the music. It was embarrassing, it was horrendous, but she felt herself having fun. No magic, but just as blissful.

”Star, you gotta dance!”

Starfire watched as Clio began to dance. Or, at least, human dancing. The only dancing Starfire knew was the kind that involved a lot of flying and big jumps. She would have to learn human dancing.

”Okay, Clio! I will try to dance!” She took her hands of her ears and leaned forward in the protective cage, watching the woman on stage move her body in such an artful and graceful way without even leaving the ground. She was embarrassed, as she could not dance on the ground as well as Clio or the performer.

After a moment of hesitation, Starfire came up with something. She placed a diamond formation of Starpoints all around her, floating green glowing orbs. She took her feet off the ground and floated in between them.

”I used to do this back on Tamaran. Except I would be flying high, high in the sky.” Leaning forward and curling into a ball, Starfire began doing a stationary cannonball. Frontflip after frontflip after frontflip, she rotated forward in time the beats of the music. It was very odd, but it was the closest thing Starfire could get to a dance that she knew how to do. Soon she would be very dizzy, but that was part of the fun!

”Clio! How is this? Are you having fun?” The spinning ball said, her voice barely audible.

Clio stopped her dancing for a moment to stare at the rotating ball that was Starfire. She grinned, a laugh bubbling up in her throat. It escaped against her will, coming out choked. ”You’re doing great!” She remarked, before beginning to sway once more. Her head bobbed to the beat of the music, the throbbing nearly imperceptible. This was great, she loved the selection Karen had chosen. They were songs with a message, songs she sang along to in the privacy of her home. Now, everyone was getting into it.

When a new sound took over the stage, Clio cheered. This was Hip Hop, something extremely different for Karen. Clio mumbled along to it, continuing to dance, though her movements weren’t nearly as wild as before. Her eyes widened as Karen began to twerk in front of them, wishing she could cover Starfire’s eyes with a hand. This was certainly new. After a while, she found herself getting into it. She twirled, shaking her own hips in a less provocative way. She was sure the set was almost over, so she was going to enjoy it with all she had.

It wasn’t until a man jumped on stage that she froze. He was certainly not supposed to be there. She watched the struggle that ensued, her heart pounding rapidly in her chest. Another man in a hooded purple and yellow jacket engaged. It seemed like he could take care of it, but her soul screamed at her to join in. Closing the bars around the cage to form a solid barrier on all four sides, she summoned her Makaya outfit and quickly stripped, changing into the costume in less than a minute. She snapped on her mask, and was ready to move out. ”Star! C’mon, we gotta do something!”

Without waiting, she turned the shadow barrier into a catapult. Crawling up the device and settling herself into the cup, she hurled herself onto the stage. Flying through the air was a rush, but she was intensely focused on sticking her landing. Twisting in midair, she slammed onto the stage upright, knees bent. The force of the landing slammed through her knees, but she was otherwise unfazed. With a wicked grin, she summoned up her twin daggers, moving to stand beside the man in the hoodie. This villain was corrupted by chaos, giving her and her kind a bad reputation. She wasn’t going to let that slide. Her first move was to cover his chest, something the other hero hadn’t thought of. His powers were focused there, at least, it appeared as such.

Summoning up the man’s shadow, she attempted to wrap it around his form like a suit of armor. If all went well, the darkness would suffocate him and render him unconscious, then she could deal with his limp body.

Starfire had stopped spinning. A man had gotten onto the stage, and Starfire had thought it would be like the trunesza’nfa. The time for the dancer to engage in combat had arrived, surely? But no, for Clio had left Starfire’s side and was already doing some impressive magic, and the dancer woman seemed very uncomfortable.

”Is something wrong?” Starfire called out, moving forward. A security guard attempted to stop the intruder, but was burned alive in a very horrible way. Starfire gasped and then focused. If this man liked to burn people, she will see how he likes trying to burn someone who cannot be burned.

Starfire converted her Starpoints into stepping stones, and rotated them in front of her as she took large, bounding steps over the head of the crowd. Landing on the stage, she saw Clio restrain him with darkness, and another man protect the back of the dancer as she retreated. Starfire got the closest out of all of them and physically placed her hands on the intruder, attempting to restrain him. ”You should not have burned that person.” She chastised. Starfire attempted to grab him by the shoulder and left forearm and pull his arm up into a painful, restrictive position. With Clio’s help, the intruder should surely be no issue.

Makaya stared at Starfire, her body tense. What the hell was she doing so close to this man? In a rash decision, she took the darkness surrounding Starfire and attempted to wrap it around her body before the man could fire off an attack. Nearly all of her focus went into strengthening it, to the point where the man’s shadow began dripping back into place. She could only pray it would be enough to battle back the Chaos magic he was channeling. ”Star, get out of there!”
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Shard
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Blackthorn Investigation, Part One

January 1st, 8:00 PM.
Dark Alleys, New York City, Pricetown.
Interactions - None.

Without the sun blanketing New York's sky, which had now given way for a layer of soothing darkness, Nello could breathe a sigh of relief. With his most 'heroic' hoodie in place, the boy had been carefully stalking the investigative steps of a case he was infatuated with. Progress had been made, surely, but nothing quite like this, where he actually saw one of the cultists, and managed to follow them to a hideout in the dark underbelly of New York's ghettos. It had all began several days prior, where Nello had dove into the disappearance of orphans, the less fortunate dredges of society which no government would waste resources in attempting to collect. It was an atrocity kept on the down-low, as one might say, where those no one would miss were taken into a shadowy corner where nightmares soon came to swallow them. A task far too small for the spectacular heroes flying across New York City's skyscrapers, where newspapers were quick to present their cameras for a good view of the costumed gestalts. Rather, the scenario afflicted those none would notice were gone, those no one would care were ripped from the fabric of New York's cityscape. This was where Nello found himself drawn to the scene. He was an obscure hero, to say the least. Indeed, he had heard his persona spoken of once, a single time, at the supermarket in Pricetown. Raven, they called him. It was a name finding its way to the boy's lips through a vast lack of creativity, but it rang true, nonetheless. Simple, yet efficient.  

Yes, the mention of Pricetown would perhaps bring light to another issue. These disappearances involved monsters, inhuman freaks as some would call them. This, of course, warranted yet another layer of indifference from leadership. However, Nello was even more so drawn to the circumstances, because these people were his kin. Nello was not going to blame humanity for this. Monsters, as the word did not bother him, needed to look after one another. This was a task for one of their own. Additionally, it was an atrocity carried out by none other than his kin, as well. Monster issues were required to be solved by monster involvement, Nello would reason.

"How are we going to get in there?" The young demonic teenager took a knee, his eyes staring down at the hyena he had been following, while making his way across shadowed rooftops. It was an old, decrepit building long since abandoned, that the hyena soon entered. Pausing for a moment, it turned to view the surroundings, deciding that none was following. The creature banged on the door twice, before a slot upon its shape was slid open, only moments before the path was no longer barred.

"Maybe there is a way in from up top?" Nocturne offered, motioning to the adjacent building. It looked unused, forgotten, and derelict. This was, of course, the point. However, for Nello, the most pressing matter was how he was going to make his way into its rotting confines. 

"Yeah," came a response from the teen. With graceful steps, Nello slid down the water shaft of the building he was on, and slipped down to the hard concrete below with a nearly weightless thud. The eight o'clock darkness masked his shape from others well enough, which allowed for some freedom of movement as the boy evened the distance between himself, and the faltering, adjacent building. With a quick step sending him up a short distance on an old, concrete wall, the boy's hand extended and grabbed onto a brick. His claws were perfect for climbing, and it would not be out of the question to compare his quick stride with a scene from the Assassin's Creed games, which Nello had incidentally played. His opinion on the entertainment media was somewhat mixed, one might add. As Nello reached the flat roof, he carefully peeked over the edge to make sure that no one was there. Of course not, if someone were, it would have destroyed their attempt at remaining incognito. 

Nello pulled himself onto the roof, his body flowing across its shape with haste as his feet quickly padded across the ground. "Perfect," a grin made its way to the boy's lips. There was a small set of windows, long since coated by filth, on the roof. They undoubtedly lead to the attic, where Nello would continue this investigation. He attempted to pull one of them open, but was soon met by the realization that every window was locked. They had not been touched in years, to say the very least. If nothing else, they were likely rusted shut. "Noct'," the boy stated, his eyes meeting the demonic spirit. 

"You got it." Without another word, Nocturne vanished from sight, a dark mist forming around Nello's hand before his sword, Calamity, manifested itself. He pried the tip of the blade between a space in the hinges, and gently tinkered with the obstruction before eventually, Nello managed to force it open. He did this with care, and silently so. It did not matter that the procedure required more time. He would rather not be spotted by any cultists within. Not yet. Slowly opening the window, Nello's crimson eyes viewed the darkness within. It was, indeed, as he had expected. An attic. Like the windows leading to its long since forgotten interior, no one had been there for countless years. With a deep breath, Nello allowed his sword to vanish in a similiar manner to how it had come into being. Moments later, he was met by Nocturne, once more. "Ready for this?"

Though a pause struck at the young hero, he would manage to present an answer. "Yeah," the teen nodded, a small frown making itself known on his features. "Let's go," he finished, and slipped into the blackness. 
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Blackstripe
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Blackstripe That superhero/magic/pirate person

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

January 1st, 7:37 PM
Madison Square Garden, New York

@MsMorningstar@DC The Dragon

Timothy screamed when the metallic framework of the stage sprang to life and encircled his legs, thrashing helplessly against them. Turning his bloodshot gaze on the one responsible, he scowled. "KAREN IS MINE, BLACK LIGHTNING!! YOU WON'T TAKE HER FROM ME!!"

Reaching down to grasp the metal beams that had ensnared him, a red energy immediately split open a thin network of web-like fissures throughout Timothy's body, starting with his chest and ultimately reaching his hands. It hurt worse than anything he had ever felt before, like a hot iron had been ran through his every blood vessel. But that wouldn't stop him. Nothing would, until he had her.

"Grrrnnn..." Timothy growled through the pain, the metal soon glowing with the same red light he did. Twisting and deforming from the simple stage framework they once were, the ends split open into distinctly cobra-like mouths sporting a pair of shimmering fangs, the bodies having been sculpted into gleaming serpents with deep crimson eyes. Even he himself hadn't known what result using that power would have on steel; he barely understood what he had been given.

He was nevertheless pleased with the results.

"KILL HIM!!" Timothy shouted to the steel serpents, who immediately uncoiled from his legs and lunged for his attacker, tearing clean through the stage when it tried to restrain the lower parts of their lengthy bodies. "TEAR HIM--GGHK!"

For the second time tonight, somebody else had pulled his arm behind his back, and this person was strong! Too strong for him to ever have any hope of breaking under his own power. But he didn't have to rely on his own power anymore!

"LEAVE. ME. ALONE!!!" he roared, releasing a second, even more powerful omni-directional shock wave of Chaotic energy. While it would badly burn those who were vulnerable to such things, it also produced considerable kinetic force, enough to easily shatter bones and blast humans across the room.

But this wasn't to be the end of his suffering.

Before he could even think of turning back to Karen, Timothy felt himself yet again being restrained...and this time by what looked like his own shadow! It had encased him, and constricted his breath. What was this...? It felt...familiar, like the power they had given him. But it couldn't be them! They wouldn't betray him, surely? He was just doing what they told him to do...

He violently shook his head, trying to retain his consciousness.

Damn it...it couldn't end like this...not when he was...so close...!

"...GAH!" Timothy gasped, his shadow having released him. At the same time, he managed to glimpse more shadows wrapping around what he assumed was the one that had grabbed him just before. He didn't care, the one with the weird shadow powers was the other woman, the one that said--

”Star, get out of there!”

Narrowing his eyes on the costumed nuisance, Timothy screamed and slammed his fists down into the stage. Again, he had little idea what the effect of this would be, but he knew it would hurt them both, but hopefully her worse. As predicted, a thousand needles of searing pain shot through him. Tim threw his head back in agony as the red fissures in his body further parted, and from his fists flowed a dual channel of energy through the wooden surface of the stage, both heading straight towards the costumed woman.

All along these channels arose a most unnatural black fire that seemed to lash out towards the woman with a deliberate and malicious intend, attempting to encircle her and reduce her to ash.

Only briefly appraising his handiwork, he quickly refocused his attention back to where Karen had been...only for his eyes to widened in horror upon realizing that she was gone!

"NO! NO, NO, NO, NO!!" Timothy screamed clutching his head. Falling to his knees, he slammed his skull against the stage with enough force to knock a normal man unconscious and splinter the wood beneath the point of impact. "SHE'S GONE! SHE--"

He glared at the trio of "heroes" and pointed in their direction. "THIS IS YOUR FAULT!! IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!! I'LL KILL ALL OF YOU!!"
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Zoey Boey
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Zoey Boey better than the alternative

Member Seen 6 hrs ago


January 2st, 7:38 PM
New York City, New York

As Starfire attempted to apprehend the man he screamed at the top of his lungs.

"You are the one who needs to be leaving of the alone!" She shouted as she tried to wrestle him to the ground. There was a tremendous build up of power and he released an incredible amount of energy. A wave of heat over came Starfire, and while that no effect, the sheer amount of pure force was nothing to be ignored. Indeed, her eyes widened and she yelped as she was flung across the stage and landed with a heavy thud upon the surface. She managed to disperse her momentum and rolled onto her back. Thoroughly rattled, the orange-skinned woman stared up at the night sky and blinked a few times. Shaking her head to dismiss the fog she scrambled to her feet.

The man was insane! Angry as the Warkin but with none of the discipline. He turned and, seeing that the dancer was gone, did great self-harm and threatened to kill everyone in the place. Starfire's heart was racing and her palms were sweating as she ignited them with green energy. This was a crowded place. Never before had she experienced conflict so spontaneous and terrifying. There were no banners or chanting or frontlines, or even a clear objective. Civilians were everywhere. Starfire was the only Tamaran there, and the light of the moon provided her with a mere fraction of the power of the sun. Fortunately, her Stargem allowed her to store up energy and use it. She quickly checked to make sure it was okay, and thankfully it was. Her entire body took the brunt of the blast instead of just the shiny stone.

Starfire wanted to get back into the fight as quickly as possible. She had been knocked a considerable distance away and had been on the ground for a few seconds. She quickly ignited rolling Starpoints beneath her boots and began skating over to the crazed villain. She reached twenty miles per hour and popped the skates, launching her about five feet into the air. It was enough to get gravity on her side. Shifting her weight and hips, she span 360 degrees in the air and delivered a kick to his shoulder. If all went well he would be knocked out of the way and to the ground allowing Starfire to roll to her feet and keep up the pressure. If the man didn't budge, she would fall on her back and it would be quite embarassing. The kick was imbued with some energy, but Starfire had used most of her energy on simply getting back over to him fast enough to interrupt any schemes he was cooking up. Therefore she had only the brief moment in the air to convert the skates into additional power in her leg.

"Hiyah!" She cried out as she brought the kick down on his shoulder.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by DELETED jdl3932
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DELETED jdl3932 Sok Il-Seong / (Second Initiation)

Banned Seen 18 days ago

Date: January 1st, 2021.
Time: 6:35 PM.
Location: East Flatbush, Brooklyn New York, A Dark Alleyway.

Rayner let out a small tsk as he quickly sketched a simple yet highly recognizable symbol used by a local gang in order to cover his steps by making it seem like just another turf killing or dispute. Tucking the paper into the mans coat pocket, Rayner searched his corpse and took whatever cash he could find, along with what was left in his wallet as well just to make it seem even more convincing. Slowly standing up to his full height as he quickly cleaned his butterfly knife with a napkin he had stowed away in his pocket, Rayner's mind drifted back over the fight itself. He originally thought that both the stalking and the take down of his chosen target would have been more difficult given his innate powers, the ability to shift one's perception away from himself to the point of being able to slip by completely unnoticed by most people, and the man's seeming paranoia; but it had actually been much easier than he had first thought. All it had taken was staying out of sight long enough until he got into range and maintaining his focus.

From there it was a simple matter of wrapping a gloved hand around his mouth to silence any screams he might release, as well as to get a better grip, and then running the blade across his throat. Severing his cordic arteries and causing blood to gush from his neck like water from a fountain on everything in his immediate vicinity. Or at least everything he was facing anyway. Once that was done with, the powers faint and almost completely faded tones were released into his mind, allowing Rayner to see exactly how it functioned at its most base levels. All that had been left to do was plant some evidence framing one of the local gangs for the crime, that way the local law enforcement didn't ask too many questions or dig too deeply into the matter.

And so he found himself standing here, staring down at the corpse that had once been a living, breathing, human being. Back before he began his crusade, Rayner might have felt some small pang of guilt or remorse at his actions, but as it stood now, he didn't have the time nor the mental energy to waste on such things. Wasting life like this, especially life that could have been used for other, more productive things, wasn't something he liked doing. But he needed powers to reshape this fallen world. And he wouldn't be able to do that without causing some casualties. It was simply a fact of life.

Hopefully though, when he was all done, no one would ever have to experience such suffering like this again. Spinning the blade in his hand until it returned to its default closed position, he tucked it back into his coat pocket and turned away from the lifeless body, and tucking his hands back into his pockets, Rayner turned away from the corpse before striding off down the alley. Once he was a relatively safe distance away from the scene of his crime, he removed the mask he was wearing and hooked it onto one of his belt loops as he nonchalantly walked down the street and off into the night, which was still blissfully unaware of the atrocity that had just been committed.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by DClassified
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DClassified Kung Fro Killa

Member Seen 2 days ago

January 1st, 7:37 PM
Madison Square, New York

@MsMorningstar@Blackstripe@Zoey White

Yung Herbert

Virgil took a cool breath when the guy shouted the name Black Lightning. Really? A black slur now huh? Just how off the hinges was this dude? All this for a chick that Virgil could bet that this dude never met? Did he really believe that she found all this shit attractive?

"Pretty sure that name's been copyrighted. Nice try tho, ya young Herbert the Pervert." Virgil shot back verbally. Though, with the way that this guy was reacting, he wasn't sure if his jokes would be making it worse.

In the corner of his eye, he noticed at least two others jumping from the front row to help out im this situation. Though, he didn't recognize them as Justice League folks. Virgil was unnerved about the thought of civilians getting involved in the foght, but here he was, so he couldn't say shit.

Instead, watching the makeshift trap that he created start to contort because of some freaky red aura this guy was producing, Virgil could now make a better analysis. This guy had some kind of wicked demon magic. Sounded terrible, and the metal snakes charging at him looked the part as they tore through the stage to get him.

He immediately laid downward on the flattened-chair and dove directly towards the dual steel serpents. Static's body turned slightly to fly directly between them. With them turning back around to chase him as the guy commanded his death, Virgil used their momentum against them. Curling into a squat on his ride, he gripped the headrest with one hand to keep stable, coming to an abrupt stop. With his other hand though, he circled his fingers, causing one of the weird snakes to wrap around the other. This way, he tied and magnetized the metallic creatures into a knot of sorts to render them mostly immobile.

The guy's eardrum shattering shriek threw him off of his board for a second. The ringing of his ears and the pounding in his head was crippling for most, but Virgil couldn't afford to let this dude continue on his rampage.

”Star, get out of there!”

Turning back as he barely heard another voice, Virgil took note of the red-haired inhuman-woman get knocked back. Something about the way that guy's skin glowed seemed terribly wrong. To be frank, he was even screaming in pain. Whatever was possessing him didn't seem to care much about his comfort.

Although initially preparing to charge up some ball lightning, he noticed black fire lines in hot pursuit of the dark-skinned woman who seemed to be casting magic. Virgil somehow got the vibe that she could handle herself, but he was already wrong once tonight. Besides, just the notion of black fire sounded deadly.

So, without possibly taking the risk regarding the woman's life, Virgil darted back for his chair-board and zoomed to her rescue. Flipping upside down, but still riding the chair standing, he wrapped his arms around the shadow-lady's sides to whisk her out of the immediate area. Keeping his head on a swivel though, he noticed some people in the crowd fleeing, others lingering to watch how this fight went. He let the magician down once out of the danger zone, and flipped back upright with am arm raised for the jumbotron.

Throwing a blast of lightning vertically, the jumbotron cycled these words in a bold font: 'RUN! GET TO SAFETY! CALL THE COPS!'

The message was mostly for Ricky and Sharon if they were still over there for some reason. Shifting his eyes back on the guy in question, Virgil took note of his current position. The guy was clearly getting weaker from the extended use of this power. Maybe all it would take is a solid blow or two to take him down. As it seemed, the red haired woman seemed to tank the blast pretty well, at least enough to try attacking again.

Ultimately, instead of trying to go for a joint attack, Virgil didn't want to inadvertantly hit the lady with lightning. She may have been strong, but there was no telling how his powers would affect her. Conversely, he swirled his hands around in a move to create a ball of lightning for launch, should there be an opening.

This guy needed to be put down. And fast.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 21 days ago


January 1st, 7:37 PM
Madison Square Garden, New York City
@DC The Dragon | @Zoey White | @Blackstripe | @MsMorningstar

Jermaine took a long, deliberate drag of his blunt as the arena exploded into chaos. With a shril scream that seemed to almost slice through the bass boosted music, a pale man with legs as thin as stilts and arms like rubber bands bound from the seats to the stage in one fell swoop.

Damn during the twerking part too.. he sighed inwardly as he inhaled slowly, his system finally responding to the smoke. Taking small, slow draws of the swisher, he felt delighted, like he had never felt before, like it was his first time again.

At the same time security forces jumped into action, one successfully grabbing the metahuman before promptly becoming a human roast with a jet of supernatural flame.

Jermaine didn’t wait to see the rest. Karen was quick to make her way towards him and he promptly rushed her back stage, the voices of the security team blaring in his right ear as crowd control protocols where initiated and the saferoom was prepared.

”Don’t you worry ma, cheapo Harry Styles ain’t finna cop himself a feel tonight.” he intoned as he led her down a well-light corridor deep in the bowels of the arena.

Only a few steps later did they finally arrive at their destination, a comfortable room with a contingent of security already waiting.

”Y’all earn y’all pay tonight.” he warned. ”One hair on her head harmed and best believe you’ll see how quick these white Giuseppe‘s turn brown.” he said firmly, there was no edge in his voice but the intensity was palpable. He eyed each and every man in the room, before finally landing on Karen. ”Imma go take care of Harry, don’t do nothing stupid crazy while I’m gone, ya heard?”

With that he was off. Padding back up the way he came. ”What’s the situation upside?” he called to security via radio.

”We got multiple vigilantes engaging the meta, they seem to have it under control. We are providing back up and dealing with the crowd, sir.”

Jermaine stifled a grin. Heros were quick to do his job for him. What in god’s name was he rushing for. Slowing to a crawl he made a right instead of a left towards the green room. What kind of man would he be to fight a meta on an empty stomach? A stupid man that’s what.

With little in the way of consideration for time, Jermaine grabbed a paper plate and took from the buffet what he would. Donuts, chips, a soda, two club sandwiches and the last peace of cheesecake. ”Oh Jermaine, you dirty bastard!” he giggled quietly as he took a deliberate bite out of the cake and hauled his prizes along with a folding chair back to the stage.

An explosion of energy rocked the arena as the meta screamed in agnony and threw a red-headed girl near just arriving Jermaine’s feet. ”Damn ma you go-“ he started but could barely finish as she was back up and at it again, counterattacking the now fire-spewing meta.

”Harry really fucking shit up.” he breathed as he set up his folding chair side-stage, ashed his blunt on his gold watch, and ripped a chunk of his club sandwich with pearly white and shiny diamond teeth.

An arc of lightning caught his eye and he quickly spotted the flying form of one of his own setting another hero girl and throwing bolts within the same moment. ”Oh shit is that nephew?! EY NEPHEW! I AINT KNOW YOU WAS A HARRY STYLES FAN!” he jabbed, voice booming across the stage. He made himself laugh, nearly choking on a piece of bread before quickly regaining his composure.

The kids could handle this shit.
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