Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by PrincessVampora
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PrincessVampora The Princess of Vampires

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Lyida dose not react at all....Shes used to having to hold her breath for long periods of time when shes gone swimming. She Bites her tongue to keep herself from being the smart ass she is. She gave a soft barely audible growl. She waits for one of the other men to say something.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Jasper19
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Jasper19 Sarcastic

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Max shrugs when the wizard says his bit about nobody caring it he kicked them out. "Yeah that's pretty true but uhhh I don't think you will." Max tells the master. He then claps his harness fully again. " So why don't you teach us ehh? It will give you something to do besides whatever you were doing. " he says. "Besides it's not like anything crazy will happen if you will teach us just it will just mean some new wizards have been made."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Staying bowed leon would be surprised at the attitudes the other two had. One having a super laid back attitude and the other one seeming to want to snap at him. "I want to learn sir! ssso I can help my village!" he will state as his reasoning, he wanted to help his home and it's surroundings but he wasn't strong enough and trying to hire a wizard would cost more money than the village had.

The Master

The master would rub his forehead with his fingers in annoyance and look towards the kids in front of him. "it seems you don't understand" he states his annoyance seemingly disappearing and becoming that of a stern figure, like a parent looking over their child. "only one of you gave me a proper reasoning, though you all gave me an idea of your character" he states as he walks towards them stopping in front of Leon "you seem to be of kind heart since I detected no lies in your voice" The master's appearance would seem to be changing in front of them becoming older, his hair growing longer until it reached his hips, looking like one in their 30s now.

He'd move to the next person, Lyida "your attitude needs work, seeming to not understand my warning" he states before suddenly putting his hand on top of her head, his face becoming soft like a parent worried for their child. "If you acted this way in front of a different master they would of killed you on the spot and turned you into one of their experiments" he tells her, clear worry and caring in his voice. as he'd rub her head softly in a caring manner. "my actions was an attempt to teach you it's better to lower your head at times than to be killed" he tells her "at least until your strong enough to where no one could do anything against you" shaking his head his face would return to that stern face as he moved on to max

He'd shake his head at max before starting to walk back towards the front and turning towards them "it seems your laid back attitude is actually the worse of the bunch since it seems you don't understand a single thing" he states before sighing. "First off you barge into my home, even if my butler let you in that doesn't mean you had my permission and you act like I should teach you because there is no harm to it" he tells him. "how about adding more blood to my hands!" he'd nearly shout his clear anger in his voice "it seems the method to activate magic in a person has been lost to the public.... you see to even start to learn magic I would have to use high density magic to remake your bodies, from the inside out.. this process is incredibly painful and is often deadly" he tells them.

Shaking his head "over 90 out of a 100 students will always die" he tells them. "just from the awakening.... even if you survive that you have already given up your life to your master, you'd go into the process of learning magic... something that can take hundreds of years" he tells them. "meaning you may never see people of your old life ever again" he'd twirl his finger and his chair would suddenly flip around letting him sit back down. "there is also the constant risk of you dying during training because of you making a stupid decision during experimentation, or try to take on something far beyond your capabilities not to mention even cause the death of a fellow student" shaking his head "why do you think there isn't millions or thousands of wizards running around" he state.

He'd sigh as he would attempt to relax himself which would cause his age to reverse back to how it was before, taking a deep breath he'd look towards them. "now I'll ask you again... why should I bother teaching you now knowing that against all odds it'll end in your death" he asks them once again as he watches them. as this was simply a test, if they couldn't convince him then he wasn't going to lift a finger to help.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by PrincessVampora
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PrincessVampora The Princess of Vampires

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Lydias ears lowers as he nears her she was used to being beaten and closed her eyes as she waited for the stinging that she thought would come. When he gently pet her she looked up at him and gave a soft happy noise her tails starting to wag inspite of herself. She watched him and her ears flattened on her head when he yelled. She frowned as his explanation. She sighed. "Forgive me for this but....your so scared some one might die that what happened if we did not....what if we ened up surviving against all odds? What if despite our tomfoolery and dumb ass choices we make it we become grate mages like you....we get you dont want to take the rick...but some times the rick is worth it! We are prepared to die for this....we are prepared to spend hundreds if not thousands of years to learn....we want to take a chance on you...but your not willing to take the chance on us even tho we are ready to sacrifice EVERYTHING even our lives for this...." she said to him.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The Master

The master would look at Lydias with a raised brow at her "so your willing to die for something that could ruin your entire life" he states and sighs "...fine it's your death" he states as he snaps his fingers. All off a sudden the world would spin for Lydia, Leon, and Max. They would feel like they are all falling through the sky before all of a sudden they would find themselves outside in the courtyard again with massive nausea, the master still in his chair sitting before them.

The courtyard now wouldn't be overgrown, the stone paths would be entirely fixed, a fountain behind them in the center of the courtyard, with dragon statue shooting out water. The plants would be cleared and there would be a beautiful garden of unknown plants surrounding them. The castle itself would look like it was as good as new, and painted a mixture of black and grey colors.

The master would raise his hand, palm pointed upwards as a visible magic circle appears hovering slightly above his palm, then three more would appear between him and the three. Magical particles would suddenly start to gather together before them, the magic energies taking the shape of various things, from animals to monsters, to plants to stone. As they gather above the three magic circles before the kids.

They would from into the shape of eggs, bigger than their heads. "I'll let you make your final decision... press your egg into your chest and accept the magic" he states as the glowing egg shape creations float before them.

Should they do so the energy would enter their body through ever pore on their body... at first nothing would happen but then a heat would begin to build through their bodies as suddenly extreme pain shreds through them. Their senses nearly overloading in an instant, but stays where they can still feel the intense pain. As they feel their bones crack and their organs rupture as they are rebuilt inside them. Yet no matter how strong the pain they wont be able to escape it through losing consciousness, the pain keeps them awake. This would continue to happen over and over for hours on end. It would take over four hours of going through this pain before the pain would finally begin to fade as the heat in their body condenses to the center of their body before the feeling seems to fade.

When it was all over their entire bodies would be numb and unresponsive, as unconsciousness would soon take them.


Leon would gulp at the masters various warnings and would look at lydia when she spoke. He would raise his brow at her little speech. and look forward but before he could speak he felt the entire would shift around them. Nearly stumbling and trying to stop himself from puking. He'd glance around seeing the entire place around him having suddenly been changed, not only was they back outside but the place no longer looks run down and ruined. He'd watch the magical spectical that happen before them. He'd gulp at the master's final chance for them to give up. But Leon would solidify his resolve and grab the egg pressing it towards himself. Then all he felt was pain he couldn't even scream from how painful it was.

Leon never could of imagined it would feel like this, he never thought that there was such a pain. Feel it destroying him and rebuilding him just solidified the pain even further. By the end he would finally just collapse on the ground as he passes out.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by PrincessVampora
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PrincessVampora The Princess of Vampires

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Lyida looked at him and sighed. She was about to speak when she felt the wold around her spin. She quickly ducked her head and and crouched down. She was feeling nauseous at least she was not going to puke. She slowly looked up and smiled as she saw the castle around her. She was suddenly thrown back into a room with him she watched as he formed the eggs she then looked at it. She took a deep breath and then slowly ran her hand around it. She caused the magic to swirl around. She smiled as she did. It was going to be worth it. She took a deep breath and gently took it in her hands she then pressed it to her chest. She waited a moment and suddenly felt an intense indescribable pain. She curled up on the ground whimpering as she did. Her tails wrapped around her and her ears flat against her head. She was going to beat this....she panted as she bit into a wooden rod she often carried in cases like this. She did not know how ling it was but she soon felt the pain ebb away. She went limp and passed out. Her last thoughts where "im not going to die....im going to make this...."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Jasper19
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Jasper19 Sarcastic

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Max had looked at the master with interest as he got angry , truly he was an interesting one max thought. After the master did that weird magic Max held up a finger "Exuse me" mad would say before throwing up on the nice floor. Maybe magic didn't really seem to agree with him after all , he thought wryly. Max then frowned as he looked at the egg and really debated his decision he was the last of his tribe did he really want to take a chance at death? Then he thought about the other side, well magic is pretty cool and he did want to learn really badly. Deciding to take a chance max grabbed the egg and put it into his chest.

Once the pain hit him max quickly walked backward into a wall and slid to the ground gritting his teeth. The old magician wasn't kidding it really did hurt. He grunted from the pain making a wheezing sound as he tried to catch his breath but to no prevail. Seeing black spots in his vision max at one point just stopped thinking entirely till he slipped off into blackness.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The Master

The master would watch them through their hours of pain, he'd rub his chin with his brow raised as he watched their progress "...interesting.." he would say, somewhat surprised as all three make it past the painful hurdle. He'd grin as they finished "they all have the talent.... this is extremely rare... looks like I will need to prep the study room..."

After they've passed out he'd snap his fingers teleporting the children again, but this time to individual rooms. He'd look towards the golem "I'll leave their care to you, inform me when they awaken" he states before vanishing with his chair. The golem would seem to be happy even though his expression is fixed, he heads off upstairs to take care of the children.

One Week Later

It would be a full week later before the children start to regain consciousness, their minds slightly groggy, yet there is no pain. Their bodies would quickly feel full of energy and vitality. They would find themselves in very royalish rooms, they be in giant beds 18 feet wide by 20 feet long, making them feel tiny in the beds. There would be a canopy draped from the top of the bed covering the sides like royality would have. after leaving the bed the rooms would be fairly huge about 35 feet by 40 feet. There would be just about everything one could need, a work table, a study table, a dresser, book shelves, even though their empty, and much more. (I'll let the specific design be to your character's likings, plus required things, even color and such would fit to their liking)

This is when they'd probably notice their clothes of different, they would be wearing simply yet almost royal in design clothing. made with pure cotton, the boys would be wearing a White Tunic, like a T-shirt, it would have golden etching across the openings to the sleeves, neck, and bottom. Also what seems to be a pair of black cotton trousers that also have the same golden etching. While lydia would find herself in a white dress, it would also have golden etching at it's various openings, along with a few plant designs at the bottom.

Off to the side of their beds on a bedside table there would be a tray of fresh food, it would look like Elder tree ent soup which is fairly rare and known to be a great herbal food, with a side of bread and Pig Demon pork. Once noticing the food they would start feeling extremely hungry. There would also be a note next to the trays stating "once you've awaken and eaten, head out of your rooms and head Right (left for Lydia) down the hall and down two flights of stairs, head down the next hallway and enter the room on right side at the end. Also P.S. if you feel as if your current attire is unsuitable or dirty there is multiple other designs made from same material in the wardrobe, you'll be given back your old clothes later. -Alfred The Golem".

It would be directions towards the class rooms to begin their lessons.


Leon when he wakes up would glance around at the canopy, slowly getting up. He'd stare at the bed which had a verity of colors mixed into it, he'd rub his own neck worried if he made right decision but what done was done and he was glad to be alive. Getting out of the canopy bed he'd be shocked at how fancy the room was, he wasn't use to this kind of lavish place. Instead of focusing on the room he'd smell the food fairly quickly and without a second thought start devouring it rapidly. He'd only regain his senses when he finished and let out a big belch. He'd sigh and look at the note before nodding and leaving his room.

He'd find himself in a long hall way, that was a mix of magical and lavish. What was lighting the room was strange orb like objects in the ceiling, double checking he'd find it was the same for his room. He'd look at the other doors to find a room marked as 'Max' to the right of his room and room with 'Lydia' marked on it across from theirs.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Jasper19
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Jasper19 Sarcastic

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Max jolted away breathing heavily and holding his chest. After feeling himself and pinching his cheeks to make sure this was real he sighed with happiness. "So glad that worked " he said to himself as he got up and looked around. Naturally with his animal senses max smelled the food right away and ate quickly wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. Looking at his clothes he frowned a bit " ewww" he said as he looked at his clothes. After reading the golems note he would look in the dresser and choose more deserty clothes frowning when he couldn't find his leather harness. Then remembering the golems words he would open his door " bye nice bed" he says then walks out. After walking out he waved when he saw leon, " hi" he then walked to class.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by PrincessVampora
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PrincessVampora The Princess of Vampires

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Lydia gives a soft moan as she slowly sits up. She shakes her head and her ears twitch. She looks around and blinks. She cant help but what to jump on the bed. But as she looked around she smelt food. She lept out of bed and running across it got to the food with in record time. She devours the food quickly and smiles as she looks at the note. She looks at herself in the mirror. She sighs. "I hope they have kimonos here..." she mused as she looked through the wardrobe. She smiled as she found one and put it on. She then headed. She found her way quickly and looked around.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Leon would nod to Max and followed him looking around, he'd glance back seeing Lydia was out so he'd wave at her before looking back forward.

The Master

When the three arrive to the class room, they would see three desks with a massive book on each desk and a pile of papers and a quill to write with. The book would have the title 'Created Runes of Magic' it would have thousands to millions of runes. To the front of the class room the master would be sitting in his normal chair behind a big desk. On the wall behind him would be a big chalk board. He'd turn towards the three "take a seat so we may begin" he states. After they Sit down The Master stands and walks over to the chalk board. "Now Magic is a complex creature" he states as he starts to go into teaching mode "I would suggest you copy down what I tell you all" he tells them "After becoming the magic capable, you have a sphere of magic in the center of your body" he tells them "This energy can be used to cast magic, but only have you learn about runes, now you can probably only handle three or four basic spells" he would turn towards the chalk board "with your current supply of magic, how ever more you flex your magic the more you work it like a muscle and improve the amount of magic you have.... you can also expand it by meditating and channeling your magic through your body but that is a much harder method."

The master would start drawing three strange runes on the board in triangle formation before turning back around "To use magic you must learn to project a magic circle from your mind or create a physical magic circle to channel your magic through" he tells them "using the projection method allows you to use magic anywhere without needing to make one yourself, but this requires a lot of mental training so you can create these projections quickly. Now the appearance of the magic circle doesn't matter, as long as you have the basic design it'll work" he states as he looks back on the board, he'd circle each individual rune before putting a circle around all there "this is the basic design of a magic circle, you have the outer limit of the circle and then the runes in a rune holder" he states "the rune holder can be many different forms but we are going with circles because it's easiest to mess with" he'd look back at them then hold out his hand in an upward palm and a small magic circle would appear above his hand and magic would condense into a sphere floating above his hand "this is the first spell you'll be learning" he tells them

He'd dispell it and scratch his chin before looking back at them "Each spell is like a sequence of commands for magic... and the runes is how we input the commands.... each rune means specific things, now tell me what do you think these three runes mean after seeing the end spell?" he would ask them.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Jasper19
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Max thought for a while on what the master asked. " Sir I think the three runes are Compress ,shape, and levitate. " he says and leans back in his chair with a smirk. 'simple enough his whole spell said it all' he thinks to himself thinking he was right. He then even puts his feet up as his ears twitch showing he was that confident he was right . " So master did I get it right? " he asks the master and sits forward awaiting the answer eagerly as he smiles and shows his sharp fangs.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by PrincessVampora
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PrincessVampora The Princess of Vampires

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Lydia looks at Max and sighs. She had taken down note and was now biting her lip. She wanted to answer the question thoughtfully and Unfortunately the only thing that came to mind was something along the lines of nature. She sighed as she shock her head. "I think i interpret it differently...." she said slowly. She gently pulled her ear a sigh she was nervous wound her fingers throw her hair. She bit her pen....she was scared she was going to get it wrong.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 2 mos ago


After hearing the other two Leon would think he didn't know if it was a trick question, if it was simple or complex. Leon would sigh saying "I'm not sure myself sir" he'd state, he wasn't about to take a guess when there was already hefty guess from another of the apprentices. He'd look downwards unhappy with himself a bit.

The Master

The master would laugh loudly and smile at them shaking his head "you thought way to over the top there" he'd tell Max "you got one right.. kind of but the other two aren't" he tells them. He'd re-write the runes on the board but in a line this time, he'd draw lines from the bottom of each rune "this set of runes is for those new to magic to get use to how magic works.. it's probably the least dangerous spell you'd learn since it's chance for backfiring is less than 5%, and even then it wont do any massive damage... it'll just blow up in your face and it'll hurt is all." he chuckles about.

He'd go to the first rune "I'll tell them in the order the spell takes them.. the order in a magic circle isn't certain but as long as you put them where it make sense then it has a chance to work if you don't mess up with the supplying of mana.... or if the runes just don't work together" he tells them. "each rune has apart of the order your magic works, in this case... The first rune means Create" he says writing it down, "now this rune is not a required rune" he tells them "however the more specific you are in your spell the more stable the spell will be" he tells them, meaning it was a redundant rune that wasn't required but could help stabilize a spell easier. "the next rune... is a shape" he tells them as he writes Sphere under the rune "with these two runes you are telling it to create a sphere with your mana, how ever with just these two runes the mana you input can change the outcome" he tells them

He'd chuckle and go to third rune "this rune is a Size rune.." he says as he writes small "so the three runes are Create, Sphere, and Small" he tells them, it would seem insanely simple. "each rune is a command, for your mana to follow" he states again. "Runes are essentially a language all of it's own, just like you form a set of words to speak, you must form a set of runes for a spell" he tells them "the books before you are your study tomes, these have many runes in them... and just so you know these aren't every rune either, some wizards have found ways to make new runes... and some have even found ways to combine runes" he tells them.

He looks to Max "if it was the three runes you spoke about, then the object you make would be very unstable, though with levitate you could move your hand away and just let it float in the air" he states, as he hands out a paper with the magic circle he drew before on them "these will be a base line for you to use, I want you to practice drawing the magic circle and these runes to start with before you ever try to attempt the spell" sitting back down he'd continue "for if you even slightly mess up on a rune's form it'll increase the instability of your spell greatly letting it blow up in your face... also the fact a paper would be destroyed after the spell because of the material" he tells them

Sighing "granted you wont be able to since I haven't thought you how to channel magic yet" he'd say with a grin "I want you to practice drawing the circle for an hour... then I'll be taking you out for physical training" shaking his head he'd walk to the door "I'll be back, so make sure you practice" he states before disappearing.... as if his action of walking to the door was pointless.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Jasper19
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Jasper19 Sarcastic

Member Seen 3 mos ago


Max frowned in disappointment once the master had left he had been so sure he was correct. Sighing he began to draw the circle like the master showed trying to get each line as perfect as possible. " Drawing a stupid circle for an hour who is he to treat us like this . " he muttered to himself almost breaking his writing utensil when he messed up and had to start over. Over the course of the hour Max tried and tried to get the circle perfect as he could but messed up on the small details....which was really starting to piss him off. After to finally finishing the circle though it was far from perfect which irked him he decided to try and channel his mana. After Straining for the rest of the hour he sighed in disappoint when he couldn't unlock the secret to channeling his mana and flopped on his back waiting for the master to come back.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by PrincessVampora
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PrincessVampora The Princess of Vampires

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Lydia Sighed and did as she was told. She practiced and Sighed as she took a brake. She was used to writing for long strenuous Hours, She hand been there to record her family's history Before she was left alone. Her tails soon shifted and swayed as she got up and stood for a bit. She needed a brake, Her tails swishing as she continued. She stopped and ran her long claw like nails throw one of her tails. She took a deep breath and sighed. The time was almost up....She continued getting the circle perfect....She smiled and then sat down again. She had no guarantee she would be able to unlock her channels of mana
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Leon would focus on the task at hand, repetitively drawing the magic circle with the symbols. Leon realize from what their master said if they messed up at any point it could end up with their own lives, this was going to be a much more daunting task then Leon ever thought this would entail. For the time period he mostly focused on the drawing, only stopping near the end of the hour, glancing at the others seeing how one seemed frustrated and the other one calm. Leon hoped things wouldn't be so bad in the future.

The Master

After the hour is up, the master would not show back up. Instead a few seconds later the floor would light up underneath all three of the students and suddenly them and all their attempts would be suddenly teleported. forcing them to experience the same sensation from the last time they teleported, when their vision would come into focus they would find themselves in a gigantic tunnel, lights on either side lighting the way. The master standing before them with their papers in his hands as he looks over them "hm... not bad... some work still needed but not bad" he tells them before looking at the three before him. "Time for your physical training.. for you see wizards aren't thin weaklings that a warrior could snap in two if they got close enough" he tells them, "you see to hold magic besides the ritual you already gone through, you also need properly toned bodies. You don't need to become muscle heads... though some go that far.. you need enough fitness so you can hold all the magic you need inside yourself" he states.

He'd look at the chamber "this is the training tunnel as I like to call it... today it'll be simple you just keep running until I say stop" he tells them "in the future I might add traps and other obstacles for you to deal with but for now it's basic physical exercise.. so chop chop get running!" he tells them.

The cavern would just seem like a constantly straight cavern when they would begin but the cavern actually slightly curved, unnoticeable to the naked eye but it essentially wraps onto itself, the tunnel being over 4 miles long for a single lap.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by PrincessVampora
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PrincessVampora The Princess of Vampires

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Lydia was a bit shocked when she was teleported to the tunnel. She rubs her eyes and blinks. She then looks up and then winces. She stayed quiet and looked at her hands. She clicked her nails together. The fluffy ears on top of her head purked up a bit as she heard him say running. She smiled as soon as he finished and took off her tongue slightly hanging out of her mouth. She was good at running....She soon was on all fours.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Jasper19
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Jasper19 Sarcastic

Member Seen 3 mos ago


....Max puked again , from the teleportation , It seemed like magic would have that effect on him constant!y , but he would get used to it he would have to if he wanted to be a wizard. After he had emptied his stomach and a little more Max stood up his ears twitching at the noise the air made in the tunnel or to be more precise the quite lack of noise and any other smell besides his puke. "Finally something I can do." he said once the master explained the PT they would do. He smiling confidently baring his fangs in a smile that never reached his eyes as he took off like a startled animal building up till he was at a full on sprint. 'finally something I can excell in' Max thought , being part animal had its perks such as running faster and getting tired not as quickly as the humans of the continent. Pushing himself to go even faster Max had done about two miles before he felt himself getting tired. Which he then promptly passed out on the fourth mile from the dehydration of puking combined with sweating from pushing himself too hard.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Leon would nod listening to the master, what he was saying made sense for the most part, he didn't fully understand how their physical ability can determine magic abilities but he would leave it to the expert. He got into a running pose and when they was talk to start running he would begin his run but unlike the other two he started with a jog, keeping a pace that is not hard nor incredibly draining. He would look weirdly at the other two who pretty much just broke out into a direct sprint like this was a race.

The Master

He watched as they took off, he'd look confused at how max pushed himself like a foolish kid and sighed when the boy finished behind the master as he was still standing in the starting location "...what the heck are you doing..." he'd simply state looking down at max's body, which the master would just flick his hand causing a magic circle to appear waking max up. "...this is training not a freaking marathon race..." he'd sigh shaking his head "just because you are a beastkin with more physical abilities than a regular human doesn't mean you need to act like an animal" he states to max while shaking his head.
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