Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Rabidporcupine
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Rabidporcupine Depression Tree.

Member Seen 24 hrs ago

Jeremy Lindall

@Polaris North@Akayaofthemoon@Majoras End@AmpharosBoy
"Yeahyeahyeah! It's me!" Jeremy said as he rocked back and forth on his heels from excitement. "I know right? I used to always have to look up at the kids who were younger than me! Now though? Now I can probably lift those kids with one arm! It's great! And I only got here yesterday night, so I just had to get settled in."

He grinned when Amelia suddenly stopped signing and blushed. He was pretty sure he knew what was going through her head, so decided to go ahead and act on his guess.

"Wonderin' if I still remember how to sign, huh? Well no need to worry, it's a little rusty, but I think I remember most of the important stuff!"

That and he'd been sure to study up on American Sign Language again before he left Hawaii in preparation for this very reunion... However, before he could display this fact, he saw another old friend enter the diner, and it just so happened that said old friend noticed him at the exact same time.

"JACK!" He shouted, no longer caring, or even really paying attention to how loud his voice was getting. His old friend said something about not being sure whether to marvel at his new height or hug him, which was understandable, given his awesome growth spurt, but he still ended up smirking.

"Well, let me save you the trouble then!" He said happily, scooping Jack off the ground in a bear hug that only felt like it could snap his spine. "This is great! I thought I'd have to wander around town for a few more hours before I'd met back up with everyone, but look at us! Ami, Jack, Sid and Garfield!"

As he spoke, he saw Amelia writing something, and realized with surprise that he'd basically forgotten the other guy she'd arrived with was there. Honestly, he would've apologized and greeted him anyway, but it turned out she was writing an introduction for him. Apparently his name was Ludwig, and he was something of a mystery hunter, just like the rest of them were. Grinning, he leaned over to take the guys hand in his own, shaking it vigorously.

"Hey man, it's nice to meetcha! I'm Jeremy Lindall! I used to live here 'til I was eight, so I'm an old friend of all these guys! Still, I'm pretty sure I know a lot of the weird stuff that happens around this place, so you just come to me with any questions you might have, yeah? I'll see what I can do to answer 'em for you!"

And then he spun back around to face Mr Garfield, who had asked him about playing the ukulele for them some time.

"Hey yeah, definitely! I've actually been practicing a few of the old songs Uncle Greg used to sing when I was a kid. Hell, back when he was a kid, the way I hear it! So yeah, I'll play 'em whenever you like!"

As if it were even possible, Jeremy somehow managed to perk up even more when Mr Garfield mentioned the Mystery Shack. Memories of running around the building with either Ami and Jack or Sid when she wasn't getting politely banned for accidentally breaking stuff returned to his mind. Actually, why were they always separate? Is it somehow possible that he'd never actually hung out with Ami, Jack and Sid at the same time? Because if that were true, he'd have to rectify that, and what better time to do so than today?

"Yeah, that sounds like a great idea! Let's all go to the Mystery Shack together! The whole gang, all five of us! And then after that, you guys can come with me when I go say hi to the Manotaurs again! Oh man, they're gonna be so surprised by how big I've gotten, it's gonna be awesome!"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Potemking
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Member Seen 1 yr ago



The way Amelia lit up as he accepted her offer was enough to comfort and reaffirm his decision: Admittedly this had been a bit more exciting than he was expecting, and despite all the suddenness he wasn't exactly going to be doing much else, so why not take up her offer right? Without much hesitation he was following after her; Squirrel in tow as he locked up the room as to not have any unwanted intruders while he was out. He actually had to put in a little effort to keep up with Amelia as she was speeding along, seemingly desperate to get to the diner for breakfast. He couldn't really blame her as he was hungry too; Hopefully by the time they arrived breakfast would still be being served.

As they made their way into the dinky diner, a somewhat nervous Ludwig following behind the energetic and enthusiastic Amelia found themselves at a booth to sit down at. He took her table patting as a signal to join, so he sat across from her and got comfy. Moe was snug against his neck, simply looking cute and innocent... Probably to try and get food. He paid it no mind; Instead figuring he should focus on addressing Amelia as they had things to discuss.

'Course, things weren't always simple. A voice startled him; Loud, but kindly enough sounding. He turned his head to find the source; And felt like his neck could retract to allow him to turtle his head between his shoulders with shock at the sight of the large man in front of him. Ami? He quickly glanced back at Amelia then shot a look back at the large lad himself, piecing the nickname together quickly. They knew each-other? Or had, in the past, if his words meant anything. He would have spoken, but really, it wasn't his place to interrupt.

Attempting to awkwardly look away from the situation, his eyes made contact with the entrance as if he had intentions to run; Instead, he saw it open and a blonde kid come through. He thought nothing of it, until their eyes momentarily met, causing Ludwig to once again look back at Amelia, before the blonde boy in question caught his eye again. They looked similar, in a lot of ways. That must've been her brother. And maybe it was the paranoid boy inside of him, but he didn't seem terribly comfortable with a stranger sitting across from his sister? This left Ludwig's legs becoming a tad shaky; Even if he wanted to run, he wasn't sure if he could. Oh, jeez. He wasn't going to be mean, was he? He wasn't going to take this the wrong way, right? Oh man, oh man... Ludwig swallowed hard as he sat down next to Amelia; And truly, he attempted to croak out a reaction... But this guy was already going off about Mr. Tall, who was apparently a lad named Jeremy. And dear god; There was another person too. But he didn't seem like a kid; Rather, an adult. Mr. Pollard, that blonde boy called him. Noted.

Of course, this whole situation grew a bit weirder as Amelia's sign language got thrown about. Ludwig knew nothing about that; But these guys seemed to, so that was good enough for him. It figured that friends and supposed family would have learned how; Heck, if he had known, he would have prepared! Maybe he'd ask Amelia to teach him a few things sometime. If it was more comfortable than writing for her, of course.

Speaking of writing, Ludwig's eyes sank to the table as Amelia began to write something. He saw the clap but it still startled him into reading; And what he saw made him sweat bullets. Oh no, no, no... She was putting him on the spot like that?! This was ten times worse than Ein; No, twenty times! A hundred times! There were so many; Sheesh, where would this even start? He figured he didn't have much of a choice but to go through with it since his legs weren't ready to work, and if he didn't address it and calm down he was on the route of a heart attack from sheer panicking.

Mr Pollard's words kind of ended up in a void as Ludwig was presented with Jeremy; Laughing nervously as they shook hands due to the sheer difference in size. The guy was like a bear; A big, admittedly friendly, bear. And honestly despite his eager tone kind of upping Ludwig's level of anxiety, at least the guy was nice. Ludwig could appreciate that.

"Ludwig Blanchard: It's-- Uh, a pleasure to meet you, Jeremy. If I have any questions I think I need answered, I'll definitely let you know." He darted around the booth, noting he should probably address the others...

"Heya, buddy!"

Sidney was still busy being amazed by how tall Jeremy was; But found herself laughing at his response to her. At least, until he mentioned her hair. The dots that were her eyes enlarged slightly at him noticing that detail; Nobody really brought that up often, that her hair was dyed. The only reason she ever noticed was due to it being mentioned as 'weird' in the past which drove her to make an aesthetic change to avoid that. But Jeremy was never mean about it; And his support now was pretty heart-warming. "Oh yeah? Thanks, Jeremy! I did think it was nice, but hearing that makes me way more confident!" She responded, allowing Jeremy to go on his own friendliness warpath; First with Mr. Pollard, then he got all excited when he took notice of Amelia.

Sidney went quiet, just letting things unfold. It wasn't truly her business, as he was just trying to say hello to everyone. Sidney did note that Amelia was sitting with a boy she hadn't seen before; New faces were always exciting. But then it just seemed to turn into a pile of people at Amelia's booth: The new kid, Jeremy, Mr. Pollard, Amelia herself, and some blondie that came in and sat right next to Amelia! Wowza, what a crowd! She was staring at them, but was sort of nervous to make any sort of move. Jeremy was nice though, and so was Amelia, so surely their friends would be nice, right?

Her urge to join in was presented with an opportunity; Mr. Pollard giving her a hint to throw herself into the mix. Without hesitation she took a big gulp of the water at her table, before bringing her coffee and plate with her as she approached the booth; Climbing up behind Ludwig and plopping down in the seat beside him for a peaceful invasion of his personal space. "Heya, Squirrel-dude!"

"S-Squirrel dude?" Ludwig questioned, glancing down at the new girl who took him by absolute surprise; He almost yelped from her sudden entrance. Moe irritably glared at her, but ended up with a look of confusion as the girl stared in an adoring way; Almost making the green squirrel uneasy.

Sidney was temped to grab the squirrel but simply admired it instead. "Aren't you the cutest little fella ever? You shine like the stars, don't you? Dooon't you?" Figuring the fact the squirrel went into hiding was enough of a sign to quick, Sidney simply offered a big nod to Ludwig as she sat her food and drink on the table. "Name's Sidney! Good to meet'cha, Ludwug!"

"Ludwug? Oh, eh... Likewise?" Ludwig managed as a response, blinking momentarily before adjusting his glasses. What was he about to say? Her appearance made him lose track... Oh, right. "It's good to meet all of you, really! I really didn't expect such a welcome, sorry if I'm a bit overwhelmed!" He tried to offer a small laugh, but it was more of a semi-weird croaky as his voice didn't permit it: These people were a bit too much to take in all at once, but he figured he'd survive. The introductions were mainly out of the way, anyhow.

Sidney, attention turning from Ludwig, instead met with the boy sitting next to Amelia; At least, before she leaned across the table, arm wrapping around Amelia before questioning her in a quiet but aggressive whisper. "Where'd you find these two guys? That one even has your hair-color. I kinda like it!"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Greasy’s Diner

Amelia gave Gar her full attention as he spoke of a tour bus that was set to arrive today which meant a huge flux of people. It would be a good revenue for the Shack and it would also mean all hands on deck, at least for the time being. They did just hire a new person named Yancy to help with the register when she wasn’t around or another person to help around the place period but that would not be enough to let the two of them off. She put on a serious face before giving a salute to the older man but it quickly fell into a smile. She wouldn’t be letting the Shack or Gar down if they needed her. The adventures would just have to wait but it wasn’t like they couldn’t have fun. It would be even more fun if the whole group tagged along.

Jeremy seemed to be on it though as he was already on board and excitedly talking about everyone joining in. She was so happy that he expressed the same feelings she had. He was still the same sweetheart she remembered, always friendly and welcoming to all. She kept silent, not that she could do much else since this was such a large group and just decided to listen. It was nice hearing all the different conversations and introductions with each other. It made her happy that all the people she cared for or who she was getting to know were all getting along. Suddenly, she felt like a pair of eyes were on her but before she could react, she felt an arm around her.

Amelia’s snapped her attention forward, glad she didn’t have her breakfast yet since she found herself having to lean a bit on the table while Sidney was doing the same. It was startling and she probably would have yelped in surprise if she could have done so. The shock was clearly expressed on her face and her eyes were wide at being pulled forward. The aggressive whisper had her feeling shy, like she had messed up but she wasn’t really used to ‘girl talk’ so maybe that was what this was? It was just kind of weird to be having girl talk about her brother. Not that she would be against the relationship. She looked at Sid nervously held up a finger to signal, ‘one moment please’ as she leaned back into her seat and scribbled a note. She ripped this one out of the book, folding it up and slipping into Sidney’s hand with a small smile. The note read as followed:

𝓞𝓱, 𝓾𝓶...𝔀𝓮𝓵𝓵, 𝓘 𝓶𝓮𝓽 𝓛𝓾𝓭𝔀𝓲𝓰 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝔀𝓱𝓮𝓷 𝓘 𝓮𝔁𝓲𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓮𝓼𝓽 𝓷𝓮𝔁𝓽 𝓽𝓸 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓫𝓾𝓼 𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓹 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓫𝓸𝔂 𝓷𝓮𝔁𝓽 𝓽𝓸 𝓶𝓮 𝓲𝓼 𝓶𝔂 𝓫𝓻𝓸𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻, 𝓙𝓪𝓬𝓴.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KiwiTime


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Huginn and Muninn

Honestly, it was pretty nice to be pet birds, all things considered. Free food, safe place to sleep, somebody to scratch at the annoying itches you can't reach. Persephone was about the best companion the two could have asked for, Hera on the other hand...

'So, I guess they are getting back together? I can't wait to see Persephone smile like before.'

'I wouldn't count the eggs before they hatch Muninn, Hera has plenty more time to mess things up again.'

'Aww cmon now Huginn, I doubt Hera would do anything to mess this up, they really do care for each-other you know!'

'Sure she does, I won't deny that OUR human cares, but the other? If they cared, they would have stayed.'

'Whatever sourpuss... mind your head, human ahead...'

The birds sat motionless, staring up at the seemingly clumsy human trip over the air around them. Neither flinched, both seeming utterly bored by the situation. One, A raven with a small blue ribbon tied around it's right ankle, hopped closer to the fallen human, almost seeming concerned for a moment before pecking at their hand and taking flight. The second bird, a crimson ribbon to it's name, following close behind. The pair moved swiftly, and with purpose, landing at the other end of the street and dashing into the diner under the feet of another patron as the door opened. The raven with the blue ribbon stopped for a moment to look at the person it tripped and pecked before following it's brother.

Once inside they took flight, immediately drawing attention as they took the straightest path to Persephone and Hera, unfortunately this path also took them right over the heads of several other people as well. Eventually the pair stopped, locking eyes with Persephone and Hera as the one with the blue ribbon hopped forwards to steal a fry out of the food the two had finally ordered.

"So I guess you two are done terrorizing the local populace huh? What am I talking about of course you aren't"
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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Member Seen 1 day ago

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A soft smile played on her lips as she watched the group form. It had been awhile since the diner had seen so much commotion and honestly, it was a needed welcome from the lazy ins and outs everyday. Sadly, they were starting to take up the aisle which could eventually cause a problem. The brunette waitress had noticed Amelia’s desperate attempt for a server when she first arrived but with Jeremy’s arrival, she had made sure to wait for this reason. Suzanne remembered the infamous trio from back in the day and would have been more surprised if a reunion hadn’t happened at some point.

She moved her way around the counter, hazel eyes sparkling with amusement at their banter as she stepped behind them before clearing her throat. “As amusing as this little pow wow is, I am gonna have to ask that you all take a seat or move this to another location. We have to be somewhat respectful to those walking in plus, I know a few of you haven’t had breakfast ordered just yet.” She said with a gentle smile, waiting until they cleared out or took seats. “Now, what can I get started for you all?”

Once all the ordered were taken, she gave a nod and worked her way over to the other individuals in the diner. Already setting to work on the fact that she was gonna have to deal with the wild life that had wondered in. She wasn’t gonna let it be acceptable like the woodpecker had been allowed in the distant past of this place or at least that horror story she had been told. Who would honestly marry a woodpecker? She didn’t want to believe it but if you look up the town laws, it was absolutely okay. No way did she want other birds added to the list. People can have whatever kinks they want just as long as it didn’t have her restaurant coming into the mix. Why did she even stay in this town? The world may never know because she was still asking herself that's for damn sure.

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•╔════◄░░░ ▵ ░░░►════╗•


Breakfast had gone off without too much of a hitch but she was kind of glad it was all over so they could get back to the Mystery Shack. It probably wasn’t the most exciting location, not when you have things like the mall or arcade but it was still one of her favorite places in the world. Okay, so maybe she was a little bias since she grew up there but that didn’t change the fact that it was awesome. Gar was completely amazing with his tales and they always tried to throw in some flare of their own to make it more fun. They even hosted parties and carnivals at different times of the year! It was a main focus in the town since it added to the weirdness.

Sure, there used to be other things in the past that had just as much attention but the Mystery Shack had won out in this area. The legends being too much to resist for many a person. Some were obvious fakes for laughs or enjoyment but there were some that just tempted. She had even tried a few times, only to be caught by Gar and instantly shooed way to handle or do other things. It was fine really, it gave her more time to explore anyway and now she could probably do more since she wouldn’t be the only one at the register. Heck, today she would hardly be alone at all. She looked to the group around her and smiled brightly.

She went to the doorway to the shop, expecting it to be locked even though Jack or Gar had probably stocked or set up for the day but she found it open. Amelia gazed in confusion, poking her head in and glanced around before a soft shrug and stepping inside. It could have been a simple mistake or maybe their new employee was here. Either way, she waved them all in and plopped down behind the counter as she watched them filter inside. She couldn’t wait to see some of their reactions to the place. It was forever changing yet some things always seemed the same. She didn’t know why but she kind of felt a comfort in that kind of thing, that no matter how much something changed that you could always find something that didn’t.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Once the kids were done with their breakfast, Garfield had proceeded to usher them back to the Mystery Shack but made sure to head off behind them so that they wouldn't feel uncomfortable with him practically chaperoning them when they really didn't need it. It was mostly because they had the same location to go to anyway and he'd rather know where they are within the Mystery Shack just in case they decided to test something out that they shouldn't really touch.

He held some good memories inside the Mystery Shack. He had encountered various things before he had started to work there but it was always a good time whenever he visited the place. It drew people in and he always tried to guess which was real and which wasn't. He found out later that everything in there was fake - or at least, doesn't work as intended. Which was rather saddening because he had been kind of excited in utilizing some of them.

So when he had taken over being the Man of Mystery, he had taken it upon himself to put things he had found in the Mystery Shack. Originally, he was worried that things might go wrong - and it almost did as Amelia and Jackson are very curious children who would willingly try out whatever he said - but everything worked out well in the end. He'd never give the full instructions in accessing certain artifacts or else, he'd be dealing with a zombified town. Which wasn't exactly an ideal lunch break. They were good kids though and they didn't try them - as far as he knew at least.

"If you kids want an advanced tour of the place, I can probably give you one as soon as everything's clean and fixed up." He ran a hand through his hair as he looked around. Could use a bit of sweeping but the dustiness of the place did help a bit with the air of antiquity they were usually going for. "In any case, Amelia if you could recheck the cash register and tally up the amount and Jackson, can you run a check at the back room. If you want to add something to the current collection, feel free too just tell me what it is alright?" He gave the orders smoothly and without hesitation. It was usually how the day started after all. As soon as they were done, he was going to let the little ones do what they wanted to do for the rest of the day. This was just an opening routine.

Garfield gave them all a nod and rapped his knuckles on the tank of their resident fish - called the Infinifish. He made his way to the changing room to change into the Man of Mystery's clothes and then began to check through the items to see if anything was amiss.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Majoraa
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Majoraa Oyasumi~

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Timeskip brought to you by Time Baby~

Finally, time to start working! Jack kept an eye on everyone as they made their way to the Mystery Shack, but mostly on Amelia and Ludwig. The latter he had noticed was nearing a panic attack when everyone had gathered around the booth before. So the guy wasn't anxious due to his presence, he's just a bit socially inept.

But atleast Ludwig was searching for abnormalites too! So Jack decided not to probe him.


But he still tried to calm him down, anyways. Probably didn't work.

“Here we are, Casa de myth and mystery- Oh crap, did I forget to lock the door?!” Jack half-joked once they arrived, but quickly became a bit dumbfounded when his sister opened the front door, confused. “Heheh, my bad...” He chuckled, scratching the back of his head as he stepped inside.

When Garfield gave him and Amelia their orders, Jack nodded in understanding. “Alright then.” he grabbed a notepad and pen, and headed into the back room.
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