Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

As Simo drew closer to the source of the explosion, he began to see less and less people running for their lives, For him it was a good sign; it meant less non combatants to worry about. Before he reached it though, he saw something far more interesting; the giant armored monster "amazing...I have to kill it!" And like that, Simo switched to battle mode. Climbing up to the roof of a nearby building, he observed his pray through the scope of his rifle 'it's limbs don't seem to be physically connected to it's torso, and based on how easily to can swing it's arms around it's body like a buzz saw, I doubt there's some kind of super thin string linking it's pieces together. That begs the question; how far away can it's arms and feet be from the main body? Also, is attacking the feet even worth it? It looks like it should be able to just float without them. Such a strange creature. Despite it's long range of motion, it's movement's seem rather clunky, kind of like a puppet. I wonder..." Simo quickly checked above the metal monster, but found nothing "yeah, I should have guessed it wouldn't be that easy. What I wonder now, is if attacking the head is the place to go...or should I aim for that heart shaped mark on it? Normally a head shot will kill just about anything, but I'm not sure about this thing. Is it's mind even in it's head? I should wait a little while, see if I can find out anything else before taking my shot"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 23 min ago

The gigantic Heartless could sense prey approaching even as it formed. They were strong hearts indeed, stronger than most others. This would be a "meal" to remember. The dark pool that had produced the Guard Armor didn't disappear, rather it lingered and started producing several Shadows alongside their armored commander. The Armor's torso hung in midair, swaying in a motion reminiscent of a ringing bell. It's clawed hands each flipped over once, returning to their original positions like a warrior brandishing his blade.

It observed as three of its prey attacked all at once: two boys and a girl. The first boy's blade nicked at the Armor's feet, damaging them but only slightly. The girl and her nunchaku attacked with speed and ferocity, but the bamboo of the weapon seemed only to bounce harmlessly off the Heartless' iron body. Finally there was the other boy, brandishing some kind of spear as he thrust it into the Guard Armor's other foot twice before adding a third slash with added momentum thanks to a quick rotation of his body. Like the other weapons, the spear clanged against the Heartless but didn't seem to have any effect. To add insult to injury, the spear actually broke into pieces upon the impact of the third blow, now leaving the boy helpless to the Armor's counter strike. Its hands lashed out, seeming to fly around its body in a circular, sweeping motion. The sweeping blow came at an angle that targeted the now unarmed boy first, and he could not react before the Armor's iron hand knocked him a good few feet away, his limp form crashing into a barrel, breaking it open and spilling it's contents, freshly caught fish, all over him.

All at once Jared seemed to feel his hope come crashing down upon him. It was bad enough that his spear seemed to have no effect on the big Heartless, but to make matters worse the thing broke on its body? Then of course came the counterattack, targeting him first because he was no doubt the easiest target thanks to his new-found lack of a weapon. He didn't get a chance to see how any of the others fared, as soon as his body crashed into a wooden barrel, he felt himself slip in and out of unconsciousness, laying there dazed in a pile of smelly fish.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renose
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

What was this monstrosity? It was literally like a floating suit of armor and his blade seemed to harmlessly bounce off of its steel skin. No, this beast seemed to be stronger than steel as even a well placed sword slash could still put a dent into steel armor. Elim had done it before during her year of wandering Ithelia while searching for the group that killed her family. Not sure of how to take down a beast with his blade Elim tried a different maneuver. Instead of just slashing at the feet Elim leaped backwards and aimed his palm at the large, armor like monster. "Fire!"

With that one shout a burst of flame shot out at the beast from Elim's palm, aiming at the creature's torso, mainly the symbol on its chest. Elim was not done there though as he jumped up onto one of the feet and then did a leap towards the torso of the armor from the foot, stabbing his blade right towards that same symbol as he hoped that this would take the monster down, Elim unsure of how the her enemies could get their hands on such strange beasts, but regardless of this creature's origins it was in his way and thus Elim was going to kill it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Thundercat
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kasus attempted to floor the opponent by attacking it's metal footing, but every slash only knocked it's moving foot around, and didn't appear to be doing any kind of significant damage. His confidence dwindled as one of the boys was knocked away by the monster's arm and into a barrel. Immediately after this counterattack the monster spun its torso and arms 180 degrees, and it was much too late when Kasus realized the arm used to knock away the other boy was now aiming straight for him.

As he prepared for impact, the monster was suddenly taken aback as fire burst into it's torso whilst a small blue haired boy, (or girl) plunged his (or her) sword into a crest in the middle of the monsters chest. This attack appeared to have done some actual damage. "The body!" Kasus exclaimed in his head, and immediately dashed towards the monster, jumping across it's back and slashing it's torso from behind.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sezir


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

It took a moment for Serene to come to but as she did looked to the metal creature. It spun and swung it arms around taking its victim to the ground. One of the young boys crash into a barrel of fish beside her.She watched the others fighting the creature still in a daze. One of the boys had changed there strategy. Instead of taking the creature by the feet He started attacking the chest. As She came to Serene scanned the area looking for Moon In-Sun but could not find him. She got up slowly feeling her lungs up with air in a deep breath preparing her self to battle. The chest seemed to be more effective then the feet. In a running leap she followed in suit and attacked the chest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Simo watched as the four strangers attacked the metal monster. After having watched it fight long enough, Simo felt safe in assuming that it's limbs couldn't travel far from it's torso, which was great news for him; it meant that while the others kept this thing busy, he could target it's main body with much fear of retaliation. It seemed to be a creature of pure instinct, fighting without much capability for strategy, which was just fine for Simo. Quickly taking aim, Simo fired a shot in the center of the strange mark on it's chest, which judging by how it recoiled after getting hit seemed to hurt it. Now with a reliable target to shoot at, Simo kept on firing at the monster's chest mark
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 23 min ago

The Guard Armor did indeed recoil from the sudden blast of fire it took in the torso. And when that spell was swiftly followed by one of the girls delivering a jumping blow to its chest, it reared back a bit, and right into the slashing of another's blade. This time it did seem to take actual damage, indicating that its torso was where it was most vulnerable. It swung its arms about, flailing them wildly in an attempt to keep the attackers at bay. About that time, it felt the sting of another direct attack, this one from a bullet coming from someone's rifle a distance away. The group was indeed damaging the creature now, but made a potentially fatal mistake. In their decision to focus solely on the Guard Armor, they ignored the Shadows pouring up from the puddle of Darkness where the creature stood. Now that they were being commanded by something, the Shadows moved in a strategic manner.

They spotted the lone shooter on the nearby roof and were practically stampeding in the direction of his sniper perch. Along the way a small girl made a break from an alleyway into a nearby shop door. Most of the shadows ignored her, choosing instead to continue after what they perceived to be the larger threat, and the stronger heart. But one chose instead to designate the child as its prey, making a pounce toward her now scared stiff form.

Meanwhile, Thatch sat in his spot in a daze. When he started hearing whispers in his ears, he thought he was losing his mind at first. "Don't be afraid." Afraid? Afraid of what? The Heartless? That seemed a hard thing to accomplish when he knew he was now completely unarmed. "Don't forget." The whisperer followed up with. Forget? Was there something he was meant to remember? If so, he never knew about it. It was the gunshot that snapped him out of his daze, Jared now staggering to his feet and throwing the fish off of himself. As he did so, an apparent stampede of the smaller creatures had passed him by, racing toward a location somewhere behind. He turned to look, eyes widening as one of the critters stopped to attack a small girl, "Oh no you don't!" he shouted, screaming at the top of his lungs and running toward the girl in what seemed like slow motion.

"Don't be afraid..."

"I'm not! I'm not afraid!" Jared cried, seemingly answering the voice he was imagining.

"...and don't forget."

At this point Thatch had reached the girl, now taking a leap of his own at the Shadow attacking her. He made a swing his hands, unsure of how he expected to defeat one of these things without a weapon. "You will be the one... to close the door." As if being saved by a miracle, a small cylinder of light formed his hands during the swinging motion, materializing into a mysterious, key-shaped object that ended up being the weapon that slammed into the Shadow. Despite looking entirely blunt, the object was somehow able to cut the creature asunder as if it were a wickedly sharp blade.

Cue a shift in Battle Music

"Go! Get inside!" Jared shouted to the stunned little girl behind him. She hesitated but nodded, darting into the shop door she had originally ran for and into safety. Now was when Jared got a better look at the object (or weapon, apparently, given the effect it had against the Shadow) and was as stunned as the girl was. But he quickly shook it off, sprinting toward the Guard Armor and, using his running for momentum, lobbed the weapon as hard as he could at the creature. The weapon spun rapidly as it sailed in the air, eventually sinking the tip of the "blade" into the emblem of the torso. This particular blow seemed to really sting the Guard Armor as it staggered harder than before. Jared could only hope that this would give his apparent comrades a good enough opening to maybe finish the brute off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

When Simo saw the small dark creatures scamper away from the battle, he briefly followed them with his eyes to try and see where they were going. He watched the run in a seemingly random direction before Simo decided that they had gone far enough. He wasn't sure where they were going, but he wasn't going to let them get any closer. Taking aim, he fired at the one in front, it's body exploded into darkness before fading away without leaving a single trace. However, the odd thing was that the others didn't seem to notice it, they just kept going on-and they were after him weren't they? 'Crap!' Simo thought to himself as he began to pick them off even faster. However, one of them managed to get up to the roof and jumped him...only to end up kissing his Reflect spell. After it fell to the ground, Simo did a quick sweep for any more of them. Not seeing any, he returned his attention to the massive iron monster
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sezir


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The blast of Serene's nunchuck to the creatures chest seemed to weaken it. Serene scanned the area. There amongst the alleyways where more of the creatures with the yellow eyes as she stared at them they seared her heart. She quickly looked around in search of Moon In-Sun. As she prepared to take another hit at the creature. She could not see him as she jumped and hit the creature in the chest. Painic surged through her body. She prepared for another jump. She had to focus on this creature. Maybe if it was defeated those yellow eyed creatures would go away? She thought in her head Moon In-Sun please be safe.

Moon in-Sun had gotten into one of the buildings. As he treated to the wounded. It had gotten silent as everyone heared the scream of a young girl. Moon In-Sun instinctively ran out to help the girl. As he slammed the door behind him he watched a young boy emit a bright light from what seemed from what seemed to be his hands and as the light faded he wield a key like sword. The young girl & Moon In-Sun stood there and watched in amazement as the young boy slashed the creature asunder. The young boy told the girl to get inside and she ran toward the door without even noticing him. The thought came to Moon In-Sun maybe he has seen Serene? And ran after him.

There in the midst of them was a gigantic creature and there fighting it was Serene. He knew she was a fighter. With the state she had left the her attackers but it was hard for him to a imagine for the soft nature he had know her for. There beside him was a long broken stick. With out thinking he picked it up and ran to help her fight. But as he took a step forward. He became surrounded by the creatures with the yellow eyes. He said aloud. "Heartless!" and before he could even lift an arm to attack he was enveloped.

Serene had heared Moon In-Sun's voice and quickly turned around. They others keep on fighting the metal creature. As she walked away watching Moon In-Sun be enveloped by the creatures. She was frozen. Not able to do anything but stand there and watch as her lover disappeared in the darkness. Tears ran down her face and she yelled "MOON IN-SUN!" A pain ran through her head and she fell to the floor.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Thundercat
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As a strangers bullet pierced the monsters chest and a girl wielding nun-chucks bashed away, the creature was obviously taking significant damage. The help from others and gaining the upper hand sparked something within Kasus, when he took a small moment to realize the situation, the fear and confusion that overcame him before transformed into confidence and excitement, adrenaline surged through his body. He had never felt this way before, and as he looked upon the giant monster reeling from the damage it had taken, he knew what to do with this new-found state of mind.

The monster was a bit far from his position now, so Kasus began sprinting towards it head on, as he did so, a few of the smaller creatures from before made their way towards him. He slashed away at them individually as they came within striking distance, refusing to slow down. Kasus began approaching the giant monster, and it noticed. Lifting one of it's arms high into the air the monster brought it down ferociously, aiming for Kasus who rolled to the side just in time before the arm smashed into the ground, cracking the cement beneath. The attack could have been fatal if it made contact. The monsters arm remained lodged into the ground due to the force of the impact, and Kasus countered by sprinting towards the creature, jumping into the air and slashing it's torso from the side before rolling forward and onto his feet behind the monster.

Kasus turned around and prepared for another attack when one of the smaller creatures caught him by surprise by attacking him from behind. He fell to his knees but immediately stood up and retaliated, slicing the creature into darkness, and then nothing. This distraction allowed the giant monster to pull it's arm from the ground, using the momentum to repeat its attack from before. The monsters arm sped downwards at a high speed towards Kasus, and would've destroyed him, but to his luck the monsters chest was suddenly struck by a key causing it to stagger backwards. The key remained in it's chest and seemed to wound it. Kasus used this opportunity to dash towards the monster and launch himself into the air, impaling his blade into the monsters back. He balanced himself on the monsters torso by placing his feet on it's back and gripping his blade tightly.

Kasus tightened his grip on the blade and began to pull in a sideways motion. He pushed his feet into the monsters back, giving him leverage, and eventually ripped the blade from the torso of the creature, doing a heavy amount of damage and launching Kasus backwards onto the ground. The combination of the key lodged into the monsters chest and the blade being ripped from it's back left the monster stunned. Kasus stood up, and prepared for a finishing attack.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renose
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

It was beginning to fall now! Especially when suddenly a key shaped blade flew through the air, embedding itself within the thing's chest. That blow seemed to be especially effective, the beast beginning to stagger and topple under both its blow, someone's bullet, and blows from other people as well. Clutching his sword tightly it was time to end this, and Elim knew just how. He put one hand on the blade of his sword, focusing his energy into it before it suddenly, in a flash of blue light, changed its shape. It was no longer a sword, but a war hammer. Elim knew just the way to put a end on this beast, by driving a nail into it.

Elim ran forward, newly transformed war hammer in hand as he dodged past Shadows or hit them with his hammer to get them out of his way. Once close enough first he blasted the creature with one more burst of fire from his palm before jumping up and, with one mighty swing of his hammer, smashed it onto the end of the Keyblade lodged in the creature's chest. This weapon seemed to have some powerful affect on the creature, so Elim figured if he drove it further into the creature's chest then it would kill it, Elim smashing the end of the Keyblade with all of his might to drive the thing further into the beast's floating torso, hoping that this would finish this monstrosity once and for all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 23 min ago

Jared watched in amazement, his sudden attack seeming to giving others a sort of second wind against the creature. Someone hacked at the creature with swords, while another continued shooting at it from their position on the roof. Finally, the last one seemed to transform his weapon somehow. Jared could have sworn that it had once been a sword but now it was somehow a hammer. The youth charged the creature headlong and made a strong leap at the creature's floating torso. It then hit Jared what he was targeting. The key-thing! Since it was apparent that the key-shaped-thing had more effect on these creatures, they must have figured that striking the key deeper into the torso would allow a greater amount of damage to the creature.

And for the most part, it did. The Guard Armor reeled again, all its parts trembling as if in great pain. Slowly, but surely, the creature looked like it was beginning to... dissolve, or melt into darkness. It looked like it was finally defeated. Even the Key-weapon vanished from its place in the creature's torso, doing so in a similar flash of light from whence it first appeared. Thatch was ready was cheer for a hard fought victory, and he even started to, "Yes! We did it! We-" but his eyes widened, and he stopped himself mid-sentence. He looked in horror as the puddle of darkness began moving around the nearly dissolved armor parts, filling them with dark energy and restoring their forms. In a single, terrifying moment, the creature they had fought so hard to defeat seemed to be alive again. Its body parts floated around, spinning as they seemed to reassemble the creature. Something was different this time, though. For one thing, the torso was now upside down, and what was once the legs were now the arms, and vice versa. Was this the same creature, or was it something else entirely now?

Now, staring at the young people (Jared especially seemed to be the center of its glare), the creature gave a roaring warcry, intending to crush the group in one fell swoop if not for a bit of intervention. Just before it could attack, a streak of light struck the thing from behind. It reeled in pain and quickly turned to face the new threat. There, staring down the creature like a couple of saviors, were two white robed figures. The Judges! The one who had cast the spell, the woman, was holding out her staff and making it glow with power, obviously she was preparing another powerful magic spell. The man standing by her side whirled his glaive into a stance and then shouted, "Why don't you bastards try fighting someone your own size!" he then looked to his partner with a confirming glance, "Seraph." to which the woman responded with a nod.

"Of course, Raiden. Protect!" she commanded, the light from her staff vanishing and then reappearing around Raiden's body as he charged the creature. The creature swung a hammer-like arm but the man just stood there and took the attack, blocking it head on with his weapon. How this one man had that kind of strength was anyone's guess, but obviously the magic spell of the woman named Seraph was a likely factor. After the block, the man named Raiden just wailed on the creature, relentlessly hacking at it with his weapon and showing no signs of weakness or fatigue. It was obvious that these two had fought many battles like this before, and were not to be taken lightly.

"What are ye waiting, for, lad?" called a familiar voice, Dion running onto the scene from the same direction the Judges had come. Instead of fighting he just roughly grabbed Jared's arm and took off down the street and away from the big brute of a Heartless, "All of ye, follow me!" he said to the others who had fought the previous creature, "You're all in terrible danger if ye stay here! Come!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sezir


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As Serene passed out she had something that seemed almost to be like a dream. She was in the midst of what seemed like a bar. She looked around and there she saw her self dress as a game master she was dealing cards and there was the man that the young boy had shown them on the scroll with a gang of men around them. Serene was out of her body watching her self but nothing was tangible. As she looked around she saw a little monkey picking the pockets of the men that where playing the game. Serene watched as she saw her self yelled at the monkey "Stop Theif!" As they looked away she grabbed the money on the table and ran after the monkey. The men at the table did not notice until she was gone and did not look very happy. She followed herself and there in the alleyway she had seen earlier was the monkey and herself counting up the money. She laughed and said we got them good didn't we Stan. As she hi-fives the monkey they looked very pleased. She knocked on the door which was the back of the bar they where in. It opened and there was the bar keeper. "I am sorry, they said if I did not tell them they would kill me." Serene watched in anger and sadness because she remembered what was going to happen. But she could not look away as one of the men wrapped his arm around the neck of the bar keeper and sliced his neck. Blood splattered on to the white dress shirt she was wearing and she could remember the rage that ran through her body. They laughed as her friends body fell to the floor and they moved in on her.

Serene woke at that moment and saw her comrades running away from where they had previously been fighting. She looked over and there the creature had changed there was also two people that she had not seen before fighting the creature. Sounding the creature was the dark mass that she had seen envelope Moon In-Sun. She instinctively followed the other as they ran the other way.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Seeing his (or his group's) kill revive itself made Simo a little upset "When things die, they should stay dead" However he was confused by it's new appearance.The strange people that arrived to deal with this monster clearly knew what they were dealing with far more then Simo did, something the boy understood. Deciding to leave the rest to the pros (and to trust them when they said that it was dangerous to remain there any longer) Simo climbed down to the ground and hurried after the others, his sniper rife safe on his back. As he ran past the inverted suit of armor monster, he couldn't help but be impressed by how easily the man seemed to be handling it. Once he reached the others, he said "sup?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renose
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

It was over, a hard battle fought and won as Elim fell to the ground, landing on his feet after driving the strange weapon further into the creature's chest like a stake through a vampire's heart. Elim was about to change his weapon back, but then something else occurred. The creature seemed to change and inverse itself and thus acquire a second wind as it now roared at them. Elim raised his hammer, getting ready to fight while also thinking that a hammer would be more effective right now against this type of creature. Fortunately another group showed up, these people seeming much more experienced in terms of combat ability and looked like they had dealt with whatever kind of creature this was.

Elim wanted to run past the creature instead of away from it. His targets were in that direction, but doing that would distract those currently fighting it. Elim may have wanted revenge, but he wasn't so low and so desperate to use and endanger others for his revenge. Not only that, but Elim knew that he had no chance of fighting this creature as well if he decided to try and go against it to make the path clear. With one fist tightly clenched around the hilt of his hammer and his other one balled up tightly at his side, Elim began to go with the others quite begrudgingly. He was so close and now his targets were put out of his reach once again as they were probably leaving this world as this all happened, or so Elim assumed.

As Elim moved with the others his hammer glowed for a moment before turning back into its original sword form before the boy sheathed it to allow him to move a little faster since a hammer was harder to run with than a sheathed sword was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Thundercat
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kasus stood up straight from his offensive stance as the monstrosity reeled from the boy/girl's attack and began to dissolve. It was safe to assume the group had defeated the thing, "Woohooooo!" he exclaimed, his body was on fire, part of him wanted to take on a million of these things, but he knew if it weren't for the aid of the others, he would've surely been killed. Still, he couldn't fight the urge to fight.

It took Kasus a moment to realize the odd pool of darkness that began to surround the creatures body parts. He didn't know much, or anything about these things, but he knew that dark aura was bad stuff, and his theory was proved correct as the defeated creature seemed to come back to life in front of the group. The body parts were all mixed up but it was definitely just as deadly as before, and even felt bigger for some reason. Kasus tightened the grip on his blade as he thought of a new attack strategy, but he was too slow, the thing was just about to attack when some kind of white light struck the thing from behind. Kasus looked to his right and saw two white robed figures, their faces shrouded in darkness, but even so they seemed to be the good guys here. They exchanged words, and one of the hooded warriors began to attack the creature with ease. This was certainly not their first encounter with these things.

"All of ye, follow me! You're all in terrible danger if ye stay here! Come!" shouted the old man that had saved Kasus from before. It was obvious the two hooded figures could handle themselves against the monster. Kasus sprinted in the direction of the old man.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 23 min ago

Without much chance to speak or argue, Jared was roughly dragged into a sprint by Dion. The old man also seemed to wish for the others to follow but... why? He obviously needed to get them to safety, sure, but Jared could see it in the man's expression. He had other motives for bringing the others along, but what were they?

After a few moments of running, and cutting their way through Heartless stragglers, the group found themselves in an old hanger, not used in many years. Jared recognized it as home, where he and the old man lived. Once inside, he looked quizzically at the older man, "Hold on, what's this about? We could have helped back there!" he said, only now protesting to being brought back home and out of the action, "Those Judges need to know that this..." the key-weapon appeared in his hand, "...is the strongest weapon to use against it!" the sight of the weapon garnered a pause of surprise from the old man.

"...Keyblade?" he asked, staring at the weapon in awe, "Could it really be...?" he then shook his head and got back to the point, "Never mind that, for now ye lot need to get off this world, and I mean now." without waiting for any response or argument he walked to a door, one that led into the main bay of the hanger, "I don't know how. And I don't know why, but those Judges are convinced that ye all are to blame for what happened. Even showed me images of ye sneaking right into the control center." as he said this he was undoing a series of locks on the door. Whatever was behind it was surely valuable to him for it to have such security measures, "But I know you're innocent. Ye must be. The lad," he said, referring to Jared, "doesn't know a thing about computers, much less how to hack them or sabotage them. So you all must leave before the Judges finish off that brute outside, because ye will be next on their list."

Jared was stunned, "But how?" was all he could say.

"You're only hope to find the ones responsible. I wasn't sure how you could do it... but then you showed me that Keyblade. Lad, that weapon is the stuff of legends. Saved all the worlds from those creatures outside, it did. But that were a long time ago, before our time, before even the Judges," he paused, as if unsure how much he should say, "but now's the time. Take the Enterprise, boy. I know you've always wanted to, and now she's yours. Use her to get off Lunaris and hunt down the bastards who are truly responsible for all this."

The name he spoke, the Enterprise, was a ship's name. An old exploratory gummi ship from an age ago. It was built for long distance travel, and for accommodating her crew during long trips. Jared knew this from the stories he'd been told, that Dion had once been the captain of it once upon a time. He stood in stunned silence as Dion pushed open the door, showing the group a sizable vessel, an older gummi ship but a reliable one, and one that could just as easily be a home away from home for the crew. Its hatch was already opened, and Dion gestured for everyone to board it, "I'll be staying behind. Got to buy ye as much time as ye need to escape." before he left, he tossed his spear to Jared, "Here, just because ye have that Keyblade, it doesn't make ye invincible. A backup weapon is never a bad idea." And with that he left, leaving the group to take the ship.

Minutes later, the ship known as the Enterprise blasted off from Lunaris. An unauthorized launch, to be sure. And now its crew would be known across the worlds as the outlaws who sabotaged Lunaris' WDS system. As Enemies of the Light.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Thundercat
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Everything happened so fast, Kasus felt like he was dreaming, but as the Enterprise blasted into the sky, his entire body was going crazy with joy. He had practically shoved his face into the window and watched as Lunaris slowly began to fade in the distance. "Wooohooooooo!!!!" Kasus began jumping with joy, "Yes! I can't believe it! Oh man, i've been waiting my whole life for this." With a determined smile, he punched the window. Keeping his fist placed on the glass. "Bring it on universe."

As he stared out the window, Kasus recalled the white robed figures from before that had took on the monster. The Judges. He had never heard of them, but they sounded awfully familiar for some reason. He didn't quite understand why though. Turning around, Kasus looked to the others, excited to get to know them. It took a moment for him to realize the situation they were in. The excitement from boarding a gummi ship for the first time made him forget, we're outlaws. Everybody thinks we're to blame for the monsters. He recalled what the old man had said, that those Judges. "So you all must leave before the Judges finish off that brute outside, because ye will be next on their list." The thought of those two coming after him made Kasus shutter.

Looking around, he realized that the group were complete strangers. It definitely wasn't a coincidence that the lot had all been framed for what happened. He knew he was innocent, but Kasus had never met these people in his life. He had no idea who they could be. It felt somewhat awkward in the ship. Best thing to do is at least talk about it. Kasus placed his hands behind his head as he spoke. "So, ummmmmmmm. None of us have anything to do with the WDS exploding, right? I mean, i'm not saying you guys do, it's just, don't you think it's kinda weird how we all ended up in the same place randomly, and someone had already put the blame on us?" Kasus crossed his arms. "Sounds like all kinds of fishy to me." He declared.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renose
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Why was he running away? Why? His enemies weren't in this direction. The ones that took everything away from him. All of the talk of Keyblades, Heartless, Judges, the WDS, and all of that other talk went right over Elim's head for multiple reasons. One Elim's world was a more backwoods world and thus was way behind the times on all of this world traveling stuff and the legends and lore that came with it. Number two Elim was just looking at the gorund the entire time, his fists clenched. Those people were strong, those Judges or whoever they were. That monster was strong. Even the enemy she was chasing after was also really strong according to rumors in Elim's world.

Elim wanted to go that way, but there would be no point if it meant getting killed or fighting people not involved in Elim's own situation. Plus this all opened Elim's eyes as well at how powerless she was right now. So without much of a word Elim boarded the Gummi Ship with the others. As the ship blasted off and the others conversed while it traveled the cosmos Elim only did one thing. Suddenly with all of his rage he punched the wall of the ship, teeth grit together tightly before a sign caught his eye. Holo Deck. Elim remembered seeing one on the ship that transported him from Ithelia. Apparently it was a large space meant for all types of things. That could also include training.

"It doesn't matter what all of this is." Elim suddenly spoke now after Kasus did. "All that matters is that we are weak. If we want to survive whatever the hell is going on we get stronger, that's all there is to it." That was Elim's two cents as without much of a word he went down to the holo deck to begin training to sharpen his skills and build his strength. If the Holo Deck could lock to keep others out to prevent them from disturbing him Elim would lock it if the button to do so were an obvious thing since this technology was still a bit new for Elim. Otherwise Elim just focused on training and practicing with his weapon skills and magic in hopes that the others would leave him alone. He was not in the best of moods right now, especially since his quarry had, once again, managed to slip out of his reach.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sezir


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The old man knew on of the boys it seemed like. Serene did not know why she was following them but thought that it would be better than where she was. A part of her though did not want to leave. Because that was where Moon In-Sun was what if he was still back there? Even though her heart did not want to leave her body was still moving.

The old man spoke to us all when we where at there home he told us we had to leave Serene's heart stop but again her body moved with the rest. As she stepped into the ship she felt an overwhelming since of .... She did not know what it was but it was to late to back out now. The ship jetted off and Lunaris soon became nothing but a dot in space.

One of the boys spoke up while Serene was lost in her thoughts.
"So, ummmmmmmm. None of us have anything to do with the WDS exploding, right?" Serene sincerely thought about that question. She realized she could not tiredly answer that question. He continued on.

"I mean, i'm not saying you guys do, it's just, don't you think it's kinda weird how we all ended up in the same place randomly, and someone had already put the blame on us?" He crossed his arms.

"Sounds like all kinds of fishy to me." Serene though about that why was it them there where being blamed. They all where just trying to help? What would have happened if they did not help?

Then another boy spoke. "It doesn't matter what all of this is."
"All that matters is that we are weak. If we want to survive whatever the hell is going on we get stronger, that's all there is to it." And with that he left the room. Eaton realized that she recognized him. That he was the one that had showed her the scroll. That he was the reason she got in this mess. If she had not gone and looked for him that she might have been able to protect Moon In-Sun. She may even still be with him. She had emotions that she was not quite sure about and also walked out of the room. She did not know where she was going but she could not be in the room any more.
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