Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by deia876lat
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Eilis felt something gnaw at the back of her mind, something was stirring in her heart and she wasn’t sure what it was.
Her bindings flared and pulsated but no punishment came forth, as if its power was too low to sting.
Something WAS terribly wrong, normally the punishment was instant.
Fear crept up, that feeling of having a stone filled gut, heavy, hard and immovable and she felt it now all too clearly.
It was then for a brief moment her eyes caught a flash of another sight.
An another light, a similar day and her being suddenly surrounded by smoke. A thick curtain that obscured her sight as the onslaught of battle raged around her, merely seeing shadows and lights flare up from within.
Startled she blinked and looked behind her, no longer seeing Arn there. Looking back in front of her the wyrm she was riding on was gone too, in fact she was no longer flying.
She was standing on the ground alone amongst the the smoke and her fear now fully gripped her heart as a large explosion went off beside her.
Diving to the side, she expected the pain of landing on the hard ground to follow, but as her closed eyes opened she found she was back on the wyrm again as if she never had left.
Arn's strong arms still surrounded her and she wondered if he even had noticed something had been amiss.
Turning her eyes and mind back to the battle she saw Arn had turned them around and was heading back to the battlefield.
She wondered if he had seen something too, but she held her tongue for now, thinking she wasn't even sure if she understood enough to explain what had happened to him.
Figuring she could do her own tests in the meantime she tried closing her eyes again to see if she could invoke whatever it was tha had happened, but as she opened them again they were still there, the Wyrm’s head in front of her and Arn's secure warmth behind her.
Flying and diving through the clouds they hurried to rejoin the battle.
Eilis shooks her head unconsciously as if to shake herself back to focus.
Find Tyrhallan, she mentally told herself.
As soon as she connected with his spirit again, she helped Arn find him.
“There he is on the left,” She said pointing him out, her arm stretched out exposed and pointing at the red armoured knight.
Before something made her turn to her right before reacting almost instinctively.
Her tattoo’s glowed again this time brighter as the Wyrm barely avoided a large stone ball that the Belisian’s had set on fire and flung at the enemy frigate.
Eilis trembled at the shock she received afterwards and Arn could now witness the bindings at work from up close.
They hissed and cracked as Eilis smothered a painful cry.
Her instinctual magic had saved them, by force pushing the wyrm they were riding on downwards, but because she had no chance to build her magic up, she had to release such amounts that her bindings triggered even harsher too. She felt something wet drip down from her nose and quickly wiped it away, knowing what it probably was.
Her eyes caught sight of a blood red smear and stubbornly she ignored in trying to forget her pain and focus on their surroundings again, before her scenery changed once more.
She was on the ground now, covered in dirt and Earth, watching as the smoke that obscured her vision seemed to part way for a moment before she rolled out of the way as a fireball was hurled at her, striking the ground next to her.
Terrified she gazed back at where this attack had come from, whilst trying to scramble back on her feet again. Horrified she watched as a large silhouette formed, its form morphing and changed, grower smaller as it grew near but its appearance no less terrifying as it stepped out of the smoke and into view.
Black armour obscured almost all of the individual and a great deal of power oozed forth from the individual.
A low rumbling sounded as he raised his armoured gauntlet towards her and she felt being pulled forward, her struggles no match for the strength and raw power of the magic that was used against her.
It started to tighten and constrict around her. Holding her into a vice like grip that started to squeeze and crush her slowly, bit by bit.
“You traitorous viper,” A deep voice spoke with barely contained anger.
“Your treachery and sacrilege is over and done with.”
Eilis felt her very breath catch, before she felt the power fall instantly, as she was released and fell back on her knees onto the ground.
“The world needed answers…” She heard a voice speak, she frowned it felt as if it came from her, though her lips never moved and the voice that spoke wasn’t hers.
“You needed your high you mean! You selfish bastard. How many did you offer up? How many did you sacrifice? How many?!”
To Eilis the silence felt deafening, sensing a feeling of guilt and yet at the same time a strange sense of justification.
She heard the voice answer again.
“Your brother’s sacrifice showed me we can still stop the undoing of this world. His life offered me that small inkling of sight that I needed.”
“No.” The black armoured figure spat in fury and Eilis felt herself being violently strung up as the invisible chains around her returned forcing her off the ground.
Choking and feeling the pain of such strong force magic, made her feel powerless. It felt like her very back could be snapped in two and her muscles simply turned limp.
“I will carve the very soul out of your miserable carcass! It is only right after what you did to my brother!”
“It…will…not bring…him…back.”
“I know. But at least I will have justice. Revenge for him and all the others.”
Eilis suddenly noticed more figures in the smoke, surrounding them, as the squeezing continued she felt her breath stop and her sight grow dark, as a pitch black darkness clouded her vision.

A loud explosion next to her however startled her and made her gasp for air in shock and further confusion.
Her sights returned to the familiar battlefield, their wyrm and her dependable Arn that had shielded her from the incoming attack.
How long had she been out of it? Had she been out of it? What the hell was happening to her?
She gripped her head in worry and fear.
What exactly had she seen?
A memory? A premonition?
She realized those all the questions she had would have to wait, they were in a bloody battlefield and the last thing they needed was for her to become a liability.
They were all risking their lives, she couldn’t let Arn down not now.
“Arn, do what you do best…and don’t worry I’ll be fine.” She spoke with more confidence than she actually felt.
Her eyes focused again on the battlefield, taking in the sights and sides.
She noticed how the Dragon knights swooped in on the opening that Tyrhallan created for them. How Tyrhallan had shot up the bridge and was making his way to the edge, leaping into the air as an explosion went off behind him, blasting the guns to disuse.
The winged knights had mages riding along, taking down all that they could before they focused on the large frigate. She assumed that they were hoping that by stopping that frigate the mental blow would be enough for the Vaimese to retreat and re-strategize, buying them some extra time.
Sensing someone familiar her eyes turned to single out a blonde dragon rider and her mage.
She remembered the young man from the ship…he was one of Arn’s. Toby.
She gripped Arn’s arm as she noticed how a smaller ship was slowly aiming its gun turrets at them, they wouldn’t be able to escape its fury…
They would be blast out of them skies.
As she watched Tyrhallan somersault through the air using his ki and his armour to leap the distance to another frigate…if they went after him they would condemn the other two to certain death.
Making a rash decision and praying the All Mother that she was right about this she grabbed the reins from Arn without explanation before she send them plummeting towards Arn’s former pupil.
Quite literally forcing their Wyrm in front of them, she raised her left hand out towards the guns that were now facing them.
An unearthly scream erupted from her as she called upon her force magic. Her bindings hissed violently and cracked her skin even further as her eyes whitened out and pure light and force wind surrounded them.
A blinding light covered them just as the rumble of the guns thundered, as it released its fury upon them.
The large bullets clashed against her shield and were hurled back violently, striking the ship that had launched them due to its proximity.
One of the guns was rendered useless from the impact, the other two however halted its fire realizing the error they had made.
But the protection was not without cost, Eilis’s arm showed completely cracked skin and her eyes cried blood as she maintained her shield and spoke with the same unearthly tone.
“You will pay for your insolence…”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by deia876lat
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Scylla dried herself off from her bath, her supple skin once again smelling like the usual concoction of oils and lavender.
The Teryn’s heavy musk and sweat was rinsed off and she at the very least felt somewhat clean again.
The man himself was resting for a moment as he regarded the ivory board in front of him. His eyes taking in the positions of the pawns of both sides whilst dressed in nothing more than a simple robe.
Like father like son Scylla supposed.

She remembered the old days when Avitus still had been alive, how she had quite the upper hand then, she had beguiled him and worked her way into his bed, giving her master all he desired and more...
The act itself wasn’t particularly terrible, in fact with a well versed lover it could even be pleasant, but she had to be rather clinical about it.
Feelings would obscure her reasoning and only caused more harm than good.
Whilst she had a tender sort of affection for the old Teryn, she had to focus on the future now.
The young Teryn ruled now and unlike his father was power hungry and eager to prove himself.
The son wanted to be better than his father and to prove it to the world, he had torn down two important Vaimese families, bringing them to ruin and destitution.
The only survivors were the young daughters.
He made them think he was their savior and their protector, whilst he had murdered their fathers and thrusted the rest into slavery.
He used their trust in him against them, seducing them so they would willingly do everything he told them to.
After all what young maid could resist a handsome young and powerful lord that had saved them from calamity?
Naturally, they gave themselves up willingly….
Many times Scylla would pass the Teryn’s chambers only to be met with the cacophony of moans and lustful cries as the familiar rhythm would echo the very halls.

Even today as she had gone down to report to him she had entered upon such a very scene.
Though such things hardly fazed her, she had seen the embarrassment radiate from the young noble girl.
Another freshly plucked cherry to add to his collection.
Scylla had almost felt sorry for the girl were it not for the fact that a well bedded Teryn was more tired and thus less able to grow angry beyond reprieve at her.
She taken her position off to the side, awaiting her turn silently as they were but playthings to be used and abused by those who held power.
She had watched the young blonde dress again quickly before leaving the Teryn’s chamber, not sparing Scylla a second glance.
The Teryn however had gotten up and lazily poured himself some wine, not even bothering to cover himself up.
Something his father would have done, Scylla thought.
No, the young Teryn knew very well that he was physically fit and handsome and would even use it as a weapon against those who were weaker of heart.
After downing a first cup he commanded her to start her report, whilst he poured himself a second.
She had explained to him exactly what had happened and who she had faced.
Her inability to capture Eilis and apologizing again for her failings.
He regarded her silently with eyes that showed a malicious glint, similiar to burning embers.
Scylla knew that her words were never going to be enough. And so she decided that to escape a fate worse than death she had to give up what little pride she had left once more.
She raised her head, her eyes full of promise and passion and did what she did best, using his very hunger for pleasure to escape punishment.
She still felt his strong hands on her hips and how he had thrusted her down upon his bed, barely allowing her to slip out of her garments and in between the sheets.
She had bought herself some time with it, making sure to exhaust him.
Afterwards, when he had finally released her, he had regarded her with calculating eyes and a terrifying grin. Features that would be able to ensnare anyone that wasn’t familiar with his cruelty and manipulative ways.
As he had ran his fingers up and over her curves it had felt hypnotic and pleasurable. A absentminded gesture, but Scylla knew better.
She knew those were the moments you had to watch out for, those tricks lulled you in a false sense of security, until he decided to strike.
“Tell me my sly little fae, what do you think my father was planning to do with her?”
“Replace me, have a new pet to experiment on… Whatever your father’s plans were they were not privy to me. The Tahjai orders your father received were not shared with the likes of me.” She answered knowing his innocent sounding question wasn't just that, he was testing her.
She couldn’t let him know the truth, heavens forbid, if the Teryn would ever find out about the machine he would make a terrifying dictator, he already had intentions to become the most powerful man in the Empire, if he got his hands on whatever that machine the entire world was at risk.
The man seemed to think for a moment before he smiled bringing his hand up to cup her face and steal as kiss from her lips.
Obediently she offered all she could, tasting the traces of the rich vintage that still was there.
As he stopped and withdrew his eyes turned cold and his fingers squeezed her jaw painfully.
“You’re certain he never spoke of it? Knowing how intimate the two of you were…”
Scylla’s eyes had panicked regarding him with fear.
“Yes I know about how you warmed his bed sly little Scylla, about his regard for you and I must confess after tasting your delights I can see what had enraptured him so.” He spoke carefully and with weight to his words, making her wonder if she had underestimated him all this time.
“I am as much your loyal servant as I was your father’s.” Was all she meekly could say.
His eyes turned malicious once more hovering over her dominantly before he uttered softly.
“Don’t disappoint me again.”
Scylla held her tongue, she held it long enough for him to grow bored and release her, clearly seeming to accept her fear and passiveness.
Or at least Scylla hoped that was the case.
She had taken her bath after that, after he had insisted ofcourse. It was poor manners to refuse a Teryn's generosity. She knew she had merely been allowed to do so so he could watch her.
The nobles always like to watch and so she had willingly obliged him.

She moved over to the Teryn, draping the extra towel over his shoulders as she regarded the board.
It showed a representation of the battlefield, maybe it was even accurate to the events that were happening at the Belisian border.
“Scylla, what do you make of her? This farmgirl.”
“Desperation is always a rather hardy motivator. I’d say desperation and willfulness are attributes I would ascribe to her judging her by the predicament she finds herself in.”
“How long do you think she will last?”
“That is difficult to say, they used a forbidden ritual on her, she’s an abomination now and if she continues to use her magic she will either burn herself out or have the other soul overtake her completely.” Scylla stated as she watched him pick up a pawn from the board.
“And what would be the outcome of that?”
“Well no one truly knows since the ritual is forbidden for a reason. The old days of when it was used are long since gone as well as the knowledge to what would happen to the individuals, but my best guess would be she’d either combust or be taken over by the other soul and since we do not know anything more it is hard to say what 'its' motivations are.”
The Teryn stroke his chin as he rolled the pawn between the fingers of his other hand calmly letting out a soft hum.
“The Tahjai want their little prey back, but politics demand I focus on the war with Belisio first. I want to get to her before they can. You and your sister will go and capture her for me, I suggest you take one of the Threaders with you, should she prove difficult again.” He said as he placed the pawn down in front of him.
“But my lord my sister is still weak…” Scylla started knowing that she had to tread. “The ritual to find her demanded quite a great deal of energy, she still needs to recover from it.”
The Teryn grimaced in displeasure and as he made a throwaway gesture he said.
“Then procure some of that poison she requires, you can forward the bill, I need you both at your best so you may strike when they are the most distracted.”
“Also my Teryn, the Threader is still an experimental device… I do believe it would not be wise to test it out on her, considering all the other things already put upon her, it might ruin her completely.
“Are you saying you wish to be its tester Scylla? Or your sister?”
“Nnno my Teryn. I just wanted to ensure your success, if you were to lose the girl because of some experimental device I doubt the Tahjai would be pleased with that." She stated quickly hoping she hadn't overstepped her boundaries.
“Very well, don’t use it on her then. But take it with you as a precaution, should you find a fool for it test it. For the interest of science.”
Scylla’s eyes held a saddened glimmer, before she nodded.
“Of course my Teryn.” She uttered and moved away from him, her hips swaying as she walked, intending to keep him distracted before she would strike.
Feeling his hungry eyes following her she picked up her dress and slipped it back on.
“I will do as my Teryn commands.” Was her reply as she bowed more excessively and adding.
“Would you be willing to gift me a boon upon our success?”
Now the hungry eyes narrowed and the glimmer of intrigue lay cast within them.
“A boon?” The inquiry almost sounded amused, as if he hadn’t expected it.
Naturally Scylla knew that this was merely a façade that the Teryn was good at.
“Your father once held some knowledge on someone who was very important to me.”
“Did he?” His response and tone was light and of curiosity, but not for the sake of curiosity itself.
No he was, much like all the other nobles only interested in it in order to see how he could benefit from it.
How it was advantageous to him…it had been one of the earliest lessons Scylla had learned.
“Yes, I would be more than grateful if you would offer me that knowledge when we return with ‘her’.”
Silence followed as Scylla awaited his reply. He kept her waiting a little longer on purpose, for the sake of manipulating her.
“I would be a cruel master if I did not reward a faithful servant for their hard work… Very well, upon your successful return I shall gift your desire.” He spoke rather easily as that handsome smirk graced his face again.
“Of course you will still have to succeed first.” He added with a rather demanding finality to his voice, one that made Scylla bow and leave quickly.
She knew she shouldn’t press her luck any further and moved away from his chambers with a quick step and a new promise.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Omni5876


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Through their connection, Arn could feel that something was bothering his protégé. But he figured it could be distress from riding in the back of a wyrm charging head long into an aerial battle as munitions and lighting flashed all around them. Also, he was too concentrated on helping his pride inflicted friend.

If he master mage had paid more attention, he would have been able to perhaps sense that there was something tainting the Aether. He was too focused on navigating the battle that when he felt her jump he thought it was due to the loud explosions around them. He noticed her look back at him. Leaning close he called out to her. “Worry not, we will gather our Knight Captain and be gone. The Imperials have the Belisian troops to deal with and our mounts are fast.” Noticing the fear in her eyes he leaned even closer and told her in a reassuring voice. “I will protect you.”

“There he is on the left,”

He sweet voice rang out just barely over the loud battle. He felt her guidance and he maneuvered their mount in the direction he felt led to. The master mage wondered how she was able to do that. He would have many questions for her when they had the chance. For now, he just steeled his face and kept them moving forward as fast as they could. He noticed the red armor of their benefactor and dove towards it.
In his eagerness, he neglected to check his surroundings. Had it not been for Eilis reaction, they would have certainly been knocked out of the air from the flaming boulder. He felt the pull of magic and looked down to see the effects of that manipulation on the binds of the fair lady. He cursed himself at his folly that the young lady paid in pain. He heard her gasp. His worried voice tried to call out to her.

“Eilis, what is wrong?”

The anti air craft explosion made the Wyrm screech as the contusion of the burst almost sent the riders flying off the saddle. “Fuck!” Arn growled as he held Eilis close trying to keep her in the saddle. She seemed to have spaced out, which worried the master mage. He could feel energy flowing in the Thread but he could not sense anything else.

“Arn, do what you do best…and don’t worry I’ll be fine.”

Her reassurances did not really reassure him but he could not falter now. She was right, he needed to get Tyrhallan and get them all out of there. So he nodded and offered her a reassuring smile. She was trying to be brave and the mage would not dishonor her attempt.

Again the Master Mage caught sight of their red armored target and was stirring their mount towards the Knight Captain when all of a sudden, his charge all but pulled the reins from his hands. “What the hell!” Arn exclaimed looking down at his partner. He felt the strong manipulation of the Thread. “Eilis!...” he was calling out but it was two late. It all happened simultaneousl in slow motion before his eyes. He recognized Tobi’s sandy blonde hair and saw the nearby small ship firuing upon them all. He saw the flash of light and instantly remembered it from the night before.

“You will pay for your insolence…”

Arn’ stomach clenched in horror. The great amount of magic that Eilis had manipulated had seemed to once again released whatever hidden persona lived inside his charge. He wondered what he should do. He needed to get Eilis out of her trance but how? He knew their connection was not strong enough for him to just shut her down. Instead, knowing that she was an asset at the moment, he concentrated hard providing a suggestion into he mind of his protégé. He would let this persona take her revenge on the Imperials, hoping that the exertion would also weaken her enough for him to apply more pressure.

“There, take those out” He pointed and showed her with his mind’s eye the location that would be most damaging to the weapons and the small ship. He turned then to Tobi. “Tobi! It is not safe near us right now. Go and get Tyrhallan. I will join up with you once I have this sorted.”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by deia876lat
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Eilis was a terrifying sight to behold, not responding to Arn’s words or giving any indication of having heard Arn mentally, but her actions did show that some of it connected.
As she made a slow squeezing motion with her arm, the ship stopped moving, before alarms started going off continuously as the deck started to creak and groan, almost as if it somehow was bend into one another. The cannons attempted to fire again in desperation, but its charge couldn’t even leave the cannon itself as the nuzzle was folded shut and bent off to the point of breaking.
All the while Eilis had not reacted anymore or spoken, she let her magic do the talking and despite the terrible damage she did to herself, she continued, bring in her other arm.
Light cracked around and through the skin as blood started dripping down the other arm too, the electricity sizzling around them.

“Your arrogance and impudence will be your demise even if it means I will have to break you all. There will be no comfort for you, only I can grant you a rest everlasting.” She spoke, her voice still distorted and it was clear whatever was controlling Eilis, her threat was a promise she would most certainly keep.
“For I am eternal and you…you are but flies to be swat.” And with that she motioned the grabbing of the ship. It shook and alarms and cries of panic could be heard, before she threw her arms in a downwards motion, slamming it down into a larger bigger vessel, causing its engine to blow up and engulf the other ship’s deck.
The screams of horror and pain cried out, but were only met with the cold condemning stare that Eilis gave them.
“Your battle ends here…” She uttered before a magic spell was flung at her, it hit its mark engulfing her head and slowly drawing the oxygen out, making her rapidly turn towards the mage in question.
“Foolish was your act of defiance, it will be your last.” Was her soft reply, before sending force magic down upon the poor mage. It flung him off the ground, bouncing with such force that his neck broke upon impact with one of the obstacles he bounced against, slumping into a small heap of man.
Eilis however didn’t even bother to worry about it, as the spell disappeared her head turned around to look at Arn with empty white eyes, taking measure of him.
“You’re the one she wants…” She didn’t finish the rest as she narrowed her eyes. “Firemage…you’re the one that defied me before…” The tone sounded threatening.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Omni5876


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Master Mage was conflicted. On the one hand, before him stood a terrifying visage of a person who he had bonded with and who he care for very much yet was not truly Eilis. This visage was a darker manifestation that overtook the poor girl and he knew was something that probably frightened his protégé at not being able to control it.

On the other hand, his inquisitive mind wanted to find out more of this alter ego. How had it come to be? Was it perhaps the darker nature of the beautiful and kind lass he knew? Was it perhaps the thing that needed to be bound by the magical tattoos covering his charge’s body? All these question begged to be asked and answered. Yet, all he could do was look on.

The sheer power that this dark Eilis wielded sent a shiver of fear and excitement down the spine of the mage. A small part of him was jealous, another marveled at the feat as he saw the destruction of the frigate in front of them as it was nothing more than tin foil. The magic energies around her screaming as the Aether was manipulated and the Thread itself could do nothing but bend to her will.

What finally got Arn out of his trance was the wet speck of blood that was running down the delicate arms of the lovely blonde girl. The strain of both commanding such powerful magic and the binds etched on her body, very much damaging his companion.

When dark Eilis, though was this a proper description seeing how bright she was glowing as the Aether itself coated her, spoke it was not with the same melodic voice he was used to. The dissonant sound appeared to him as if two people were trying to talk at once and the sound was clashing. It also sounded somewhat distant as if the speaker was in a sort of long corridor.

Destruction, different than the normal battle carnage, was right before him. Even the Archmage would be hard pressed to wield such might with such ease. Indeed, it would have taken a group of powerful casters to toss around a frigate as the shadow of his companion had just done. The words that the being spoke also sounded so alien to the usual caring and shy Eilis.

This Eilis knew its power and was not afraid to use to a deadly effect. Arn, having witnessed countless deaths, some at his own hand, could not help but wince as the poor offending mage broke like a rag doll.

“You’re the one she wants…Firemage…you’re the one that defied me before…”

Arn returned her stare, though in his eyes tender concern could be seen. His voice was calm and confident but also caring. “I do not defy you. I am just trying to protect her, Eilis. You, whomever you are, command a power that is too much for such a fragile vessel. I do not mean you any harm because I want no harm to fall on Eilis. Look…” he slowly lifted up a hand that had some of her blood that had collected in his palm. His other hand was still wrapped around Eilis’s waist. “I am not sure what would happen to you if Eilis dies or her body is damaged. I care not what happens to me, just please let me help her and by extension, help you.”
It was the Master Mage’s turn to look at this bright persona. This was the second time he had witnessed her. What made it appear? Was Eilis somehow unconsciously summoning it? Why and how was it able to wield such power? Did that dark haired witch and her coven were somehow responsible for this? So many questions which Arn hoped he would live long enough to ask much less answer.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Omni5876


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Toby was surprised to see his former master of all people in the chaotic skies above Olysium. He had to blink a couple of times as he saw the fast approaching wyrm. His mouth was open as he made the motion to signal him. It was at that time that he noticed too late that he and Alexa were in the line of fire. He was just able to utter a half fearful half angry “OH Shit!” and gripped the blonde Knight in front of him tight not knowing what else to do.

The young girl half turned her head and asked exasperated and surprised. “What the F..” The sound of the weapon firing and the loud explosions near them as the force field that alter Eilis put up protected them extinguished anything further she had said. The pair blinked a couple of times as the air around them burned and flashed.

The young mage felt the immediate pull on the Thread as if his very being was being tugged. He looked at the bright manifestation of Eilis and he could not help but shudder. As if in answer to his unasked question and growing premonition, he heard Arn’s strong voice through the din of battle.

“Toby! It is not safe near us right now. Go and get Tyrhallan. I will join up with you once I have this sorted.”

Toby gave his master an annoyed look but he also knew Arn enough to know that he needed to trust the man. He tapped the lovely knight’s shoulder and said. “We need to go help the Knight Captain.”

Alexa looked back at Toby and then upward at the spectacle of crackling magic that was Eilis and made a disgusted face. “You mages and your secrets. I was already going to go help Captain Venray. A Brightwind is a bannerman of the Venray. We will always come to their aid.”

The young knight the spurred her moutn ahead. The greenish Wyrm beating her winds strongly. “Come Emerald, come on girl faster!” Alexa urged her mount as they zipped by other Dragon Knights and evaded both fire and magic. The closer they got to the frigate that Tyrhallan was on, the more opposition they faced. Suddenly, the pair spotted the crimson lord. “Captain Tyrhallan! We have come to your assistance!” Shouted the blonde girl.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by deia876lat
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

“I do not defy you. I am just trying to protect her, Eilis. You, whomever you are, command a power that is too much for such a fragile vessel. I do not mean you any harm because I want no harm to fall on Eilis. Look…” he slowly lifted up a hand that had some of her blood that had collected in his palm. His other hand was still wrapped around Eilis’s waist. “I am not sure what would happen to you if Eilis dies or her body is damaged. I care not what happens to me, just please let me help her and by extension, help you.”
It was the Master Mage’s turn to look at this bright persona.

The bright glowing eyes narrowed further at his denial.
“I seem to recall you choking me out, you pressumptuous little matchstick.” The voice cut back sharply before he noticed her form grow a little more still at his words.
“But you speak true when you mention the frailty of this body…” The voice spoke as Eilis held up a hand and regarded it for a moment. The calculating cold eyes watched the tattoo’s and the cracks in the skin and more specifically the blood running down it.
“She is rather weak…” The unnatural voice remarked as he dropped it again looking away. “As to what happens to her well... All bodies are but living dust. We burn up, for that is what Life is. An ever consuming flame…The form dies and the soul returns to the All Mother.”
A silence fell as the battle raged on around them.

“You wish to help her?” The glowing eyes focussed on his, contemplating the offer. Suddenly Eilis’s hand grabbed his the wrist with strength of a vice, unable to be torn from, whilst the magical bindings activated again. Clearly whatever had taken hold of Eilis was trying to connect with him, the Thread within the Aether hummed, almost singing and pulsating, as if it was a chord that had been struck correctly.
A sharp pain was felt in his heart, as she continued to hold his wrist.
“She trust you a great deal I can sense it in her.” The voice rang through his head as they somehow now had some sort of connection, a way of communicating without Eilis needing to speak.
As the war rages on around them, the voice spoke again demanding Arn’s full attention a his open eyes now saw within the Aether.
“Her body will wither and die, such is the effect of the ritual, my presence… and ultimately the outcome.”
A figure formed in his mind’s eye walking towards him, a tall humanoid shape, cloaked in shadow and flame alike. It was almost as tall as him and whilst his form was in constant motion due to the nature of how he chose to show himself, the shape was clearly depicting a male individual.
“My presence and reawakening should not have happened within her.” It lamented almost sounding disappointed.
“When they placed me inside of her they must have miscalculated, she after all is clearly not strong enough to deal with the bindings. Yet, for all intents and purposes they chose to do so and here I find myself.” The figure held out a hand to Arn’s form within the Aether as he stepped aside showing him the sleeping form within of Eilis, clearly unable to fight back or notice anything of their conversation.
“Her Aetherial form is a rarity, a delicacy in any case.” He form spoke and despite having no face, Arn could see the invisible grin form.
“I send her to sleep, it is the most merciful thing I could do for her, after all the soul can only endure so much… ultimately when I’ve consumed her being entirely her body will be broken, there will be nothing left. So I suggest you do not get attached to her. It will only end in misery.”
The skin on his wrist started to burn within the Aether, a mark formed a glowing symbol.
"If you wish to save her I suggest you start looking in the right place. Your path lies within the ruins of Sensaridh. This mark will help you find answers.” The voice promised. “It also allows you to contact me, without our little fae paying for it.” The figure regarded him for a moment.
“It should have been you… You would have been a far better choice for the bindings.” It remarked clinically.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by deia876lat
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Uilles felt his Ki force lessen quickly, spend due to the swift and powerful attacks of Ravros. The man was relentless, not giving him a moment to catch his breath.
The wound in his side was dripping blood over his armour, causing him pain and concern.
If Ravros kept this up, he would drain him of Ki completely and there would be no graceful noble end then.
Uilles dared not think of it, but he was experienced enough to know Ravros spoke truthfully when he said he would break him. In his currently state Uilles would be powerless.
He desperately caught the blade coming down for his head, feeling and trying to push off Ravros’s enhanced strength.
He saw the madness mirrored back to him in the reflection of Ravros’s eyes.
The delirious grin of expectation broke through as the other hand holding the smaller sword found another weak spot. He slammed it into the side of Uilles’s thigh, making him buckle and roar out in pain.
“Yes, scream, feel my retribution.” He snarled pulling it out with such force that Uilles feared might have done more damage than just stabbing into his flesh.
He watched the man step back for a moment regarding him.
He towered over him as Uilles barely could remain standing, as his poor leg had suffered more injuries than it could handle. His strength was fleeing from him and Uilles knew that this would very well be the end.
Exhausted, breathing hard and trying to ignore the pain he maintained his defiant gaze.
“Tell me Uilles, tell me truthfully how is it to stare your imminent death in the face.”
“Last time you told me I would perish too…I proved you wrong then didn’t I?”
“Ha, still hopeful you’ll worm yourself out of this? If it wasn’t asinine I would almost commend you for your stubborn will to live. But you won’t make it out of this Uilles, not this time…” Ravros promised as he regarded his own blade, looking at his own reflection in his lemmet, before looking back at his rival.
“I suggest you make your peace, for I won’t give you long, your city will be forced on its knees, just like I will do to you."
"You may try take and sack the city, but my people will fight on. Whether commoner or noble, knight or mage, they'll not forsake their beloved home." Uilles answered back as he forced himself to stand straight once more, the wound on his leg made it tremble, but nevertheless he stood proudly, defiant to the last. He brought his blade up in a defensive position, attempting to hold him off.
Ravros smiled.
"Oh naieve honourable Uilles, your countrymen will do no such thing, after all who will lead them? Who will they look to when I am done with you? I will show them exactly what defiance will wrought them...your rotting corpse will serve as a proper example." He said as swung his blade again, this time knocking the great sword from Uilles’s grasp, before kicking him down on his back.
He planted a heavy boot on top of his chest as put his full weight on Uilles.
“You’re out of options, Uilles, there’s no reprieve anymore. I hope you said your goodbyes for they have been your last ones.” Ravros said as he turned the blade around, its tip down aimed at the exposed neck of the old Knight.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Omni5876


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Arn stood quiet, the aura of the bright Eilis abating him with radiation of raw Aether magic. Though his face was calm, worry filled the master mage wondering what such manifestation of power was doing to such a delicate vessel. Another part of him however basked in the wonder that was such demonstration of power.

Mages tended to train hard to control such raw energies. The slight distortion in the space around them the culmination of their efforts to minimize the effects of their magic on those around them. Too much exposure was actually harmful to normal humans. Another reason for the minimal field was power conservation. Just as fighters strive for economy of movement, so do mages strive for a tight coating. Yet here stood a being who was practically radiating Aether at alarming rates. Even the poor wyrm, a magical creature, was distressed.

“I seem to recall you choking me out, you presumptuous little matchstick. But you speak true when you mention the frailty of this body…”

Arn’s voice was calm but firm. “Aye, I did. Then just as now, Eilis’s safety was my motivation. I was not sure if your manifestation had been something triggered by the attack of the dark haired witch or if it was some sort of possession by the same. My aim was never to harm or be presumptuous.”

He watched the being study the blood dripping from the striations made by the wild magics. It was hard to detect if there was compassion, disdain or understanding. If nothing else, it at least acknowledge that what the master mage said was true. The wounds looked painful and Arn wondered IF the burning Eilis returned to slumber if his protégé would be riddled with pain. A concerned look softly crossed his face.

“She is rather weak…”

At this statement, the master mage narrowed his eyes. His voice was still matter of fact but in his heart, there was a different emotion. “She is stronger than you think.” He wanted to tell this being how this small framed girl had managed to kill her tormentor, had somehow made it to the border of the Viem empire with little to no help. Had offered her body to pay passage in a smuggler ship, had saved the passangers of said ship, and bravest of all, had asked him to end her life to keep the figure that now burned in front of him from being used against people she owed no allegiance to.

While Arn agreed with the detached statement of the being, he did not see Eilis as just a body. It was quite revealing and alluring that it would hold the same beliefs as the master mage. Before his awakening and connection to the lovely girl, he had a similar clinical outlook. Perhaps this was his way to deal with the many young lives of young Shooting Star mages who were extinguished in the execution of their duties. Perhaps this was his way of dealing with the death of his mother. Perhaps this was his way to not feel like a butcher as he himself took many lives. Now, thanks to the blonde haired lass, he saw each life as not a flame that would eventually extinguish, but as a light that held back the darkness of death. Or like one of the many stars that hung in the heavens.

“You wish to help her?”

The master mage nodded immediately. There was no consideration no delay and no uncertainty. He would do anything to help Eilis. His own eyes fixed firmly into hers. Despite the glazed over look that her beautiful blue eyes. Arn endured the sudden pain with a slight twinge of his left eye but otherwise did not react. At least not outwardly.

Inwardly however, he felt the strange energy much too cold compared to the warm flow that usually came from the connection with his protégé. However, despite the difference in the feeling, there was no rejection. Almost as if the connection was not only possible but familiar. It was almost as if he was meant to connect with it.

Could the connection he shared with Eilis have occurred only because he was supposed to connect with this being? Was his connection to Eilis only a byproduct? Why was he not repulsed by the different energy? Perhaps it was this sad realization that made his heart hurt. The pain in his wrist the only thing keeping him from retreating into his mind and chase the answers to those questions.

“She trust you a great deal I can sense it in her.”

The voice was loud and clear inside his mind. It was almost painful how clear and close it was. It was as if Arn himself was the one speaking. The world around him faded and he found himself in the spiritual side of the Aether. Normally it took meditaion and control to enter such state but the connection to bright Eilis had effortlessly achieved the same effect. The shadowy flame that appeared before him did not elicit any fear from Arn. Instead, it begged his curiosity and attention.

The Master Mage listened intently. Catching every word and analyzing it. Try as he might, other than the masculine shape of the figure, Arn could not distinguish any other feature. Even the voice was distorted even if it was now clearer. When the shape showed him the entranced Eilis Arn almost ran to her but his mind objected against it. No the key to her freedom lay in understanding and dealing with the shadow man.

Arn did not like how he spoke of Eilis. The grin earned a scowl. The scowl then turned to a slight grimaced of pain as his wrist endured the pain of being held by such radiation of magic from the shadow man that branded him with the mark. The master mage looked curiously at it. It seemed oddly familiar as if he had seen it somewhere a long long time ago.

“It should have been you… You would have been a far better choice for the bindings.”

The comment made Arn snap his eyes back to the shadowy figure’s face. Neither knew how accurate that statement had been. Something about it resonated in the master mage’s mind. He calmly addressed the shadow.

“If transfering your to me was the only way to save Eilis. I would gladly do it. Even now, I would bear the marks. I would be your vessel if I could to free her of this fate.” He lifted his brand to have a better look. “I will call upon you. Of that have no doubt. However, for now, I ask that you recede. As it stands, Eilis has endured your presence far too long.”

He turned towards the sleeping form of the young lass. He took a few steps and then could not help but stop and turn around. This time his face was confused and questioning. “Who are you?” His question was loaded with a yearning to know.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by deia876lat
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The Knight Captain was rallying some of those that had gotten themselves pinned down on one of the larger frigates, dealing with Knight and Mage alike that had attempted to take the particular target.
Seeing the myriad of different emotions, Tyrhallan had fallen back into his Captain's role, taking command and using his speed to connect and relay new orders on the fly.
This way the enemy would be facing a proper group instead of scattered and scared individuals.
He demanded name and specialty before telling them to not give into despair and fear.
He had asked the mages for 'suppressing fire' to draw the enemy soldiers attention, whilst he rallied the few knights that had accompanied said mages but had had no clue how to work together with them. Many of them were juniors, barely finished with their rites of initiation.
When Alexa and Toby joined him he smiled warmly at them, glad for their assistance and seeing a pair of familiar faces amongst the rather 'fresh men'.
"Glad to see you both, I hope you pardon me, but I'd rather not waste time. We need to get to the bridge and take control of the vessel or disable the guns and take out the immediate threat." He said cutting to the chase.
"I normally would say no heroics, but we currently don't have the luxury of playing it safe. Master Tobhias what I want you and the other mages to do is create a cross fire, preferably take their sight if at all possible, but I'll settle for their attention. Brightwind, I need you to give them hell with one of these..." He said handing her a harpoon-mine.
He noticed her incredulous look as she held the short javelin with a good deal of care, how the hell had Tyrhallan gotten hold of one of these?
Harpoon-mines were nasty little bastards that would stick themselves to whatever surface they were launched at and explode but mere seconds later. They were incredibly dangerous and they technically were forbidden by all regulations, ever since the incident with that poor particular recruit.
Bits and pieces had been left of him...very small bits and pieces.
Tyrhallan merely smiled wryly at her before stating.
"Desperate times Brightwind, besides these are not ours, I took this one from one of the Viemese gunners that I send to All Mother earlier. It hasn't explode on me yet, so it can handle some stress, but remember this isn't one of ours, so we don't really how sensitive it actually is." He spoke in a detached manner, before turning to the rest.
"If you're without a weapon and you find one in the hands of a dead enemy take it, we can use all the advantage we can get and take any away from them." He reminded the knights, before turning to the three mages at his side.
"You'll be exposed for a moment and I know that what I am asking you isn't fair, but we can't rush them from this distance without a small miracle, consider yourselves that small miracle. You'll only need to buy us seconds...That's all I ask." He promised before he finalized his plans.
He would take the center, whilst the younger ones would flank him, and Alexa was told to hide in his shadow. Zigzag. He told them. "Zigzag, because your life depends upon it."
As the guns continued to thunder around them he closed his eyes for a moment listening to the song of the cannons, before lifting up his own sword and pressing the sword guard against his forehead for a second.
Almost as a sort of prayer.
In an instant he turned, dashed around the corner of his hiding spot and used his ki to speed rush the enemy and cross the distance, followed by the brave young knights behind him.
The mages cast fireballs and windgusts to back the knight Captain and the others up, but it was still a long way to cross, with bolt and blast fired at them in return.
Still it would not proove enough.
As soon as he reached the lines of Viemese soldiers he heard their cries of horror and panic.
"Stop him! Hold firm!" Their words meant nothing as his sword sang and cut them short, leaving behind only silence as the blade was thrust into flesh and life.
"Bring him down!" Cried another before receiving a swift response.
Screams of fear and anger flared up, but the Knight Captain cared not, he was defending his city his people.
Duty demanded his obedience and in order to safeguard their kingdom there could be no parlay no surrender.
Victory was the only option, the only desired outcome.
As they cut down many of the Viemese soldiers, the knights and he finally managed to free a path that would lead them to the bridge.
"GO! GO!" Tyrhallan ordered as he dashed forward. "Brightwind! don't dawdle!" He commanded expecting her to stick to him like a shadow, before her opportunity would come.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by deia876lat
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“If transfering your to me was the only way to save Eilis. I would gladly do it. Even now, I would bear the marks. I would be your vessel if I could to free her of this fate.” He lifted his brand to have a better look. “I will call upon you. Of that have no doubt. However, for now, I ask that you recede. As it stands, Eilis has endured your presence far too long.”
He turned towards the sleeping form of the young lass. He took a few steps and then could not help but stop and turn around. This time his face was confused and questioning. “Who are you?” His question was loaded with a yearning to know.

The figure regarded him sharply, calculating, wondering how far Arn would be willing to go.
"Things are not so easily done I'm afraid, you currently lack the needed the tools for it, the proper incantations and ofcourse our little kitten here will have to relinquish me.
Soulbinding is a rather painful experience, you cannot quit the process half way through, since the transference has to be completed in order for both to live. The disjoining has never been attempted as far as I know. There is no guarantee she will live or at least no promise that I could comfort you with." The voice continued, before it continued to watch him with some amusement as the mage barely could keep away from her, before eventually the expected question came.
The figure spread his arms wide, in a show of 'I have nothing to hide'.
"I am a Revendahli mage, once one of the most promising Firemages in all of Sensaridh, possibly even Ith." He made a flourish and bowed.
"My name is Tourmaline, Master of Flint and Flame, Keeper of the Sacred Mysteries and Terror of the Empire."
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Omni5876


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Tobi was in awe of the red armored Knight. True to the young mage’s image of what an honorable knight should be, the man had battled against overwhelming odds and managed to rally and lift the spirits of soldiers who had all but almost dropped their weapons just seconds before. The knights obediently listened to his orders. A strong voice that provided structure and direction amidst the chaos of battle. The mounted knights followed his orders without question.

All knew who he was, especially Alexa Brightwind who had fantasized about meeting him since she first had seen him in a parade on their home town. Her family was subservient to his and though they were a small house, the Brightwinds were proud. Indeed, the ancestral sword had been given to her ancestor by a Venray after the man had lost a hand and three quarters of a leg defending their wounded Lord.
The blonde girl’s eyes filled with a fire that sincerely scared the young battle mage. The tailor’s son did his best to protect and work in sync with the now battle drunk young knight. She moved like an emissary of death and for a second, the cohesive and concentrated battle line that Tyrhallan directed was holding its own. There was no doubt that the knights were skilled and well trained. The pride of Belesio for sure.

Now wanting to be left behind, Tobin dug deep into the Aether like Arn had taught him. He had the benefit and honor of being able to bug and annoy Arn enough that the master mage taught him some things. It had helped him stay alive on more than one occasion. He suddenly caught sight of Lornias to his right flying a grey colored wyrm with a red haired middle aged knight. The chubby mage had anger and fear plastered on his face as he manipulated the Thread.

Lornia’s specialty was magnetism, and he was using it to deflect bullets and other munitions and at the same time using the torn pieces of ship’s, debris and shrapnel as deadly missiles against the enemy. Other members of the Shooting Starts also fought gallantly and ferociously. Arn would have been proud if he saw them. After all, just like the knights were following their role model, the young mage’s were channeling their inner Hell Spawn. Currently, the mages were using their various skills to suppress or obliterate the firing positions to enable the knights to rally and form ranks.

When the young pair reached the white haired Knight Captain he quickly briefed them on his plan. Tobin wanted to interject at various instances but he could not and dejectedly sighed. He understood why Arn did not really like working with these armored brutes. Their love for battle was reflected even in their plans. Standing in for Arn and knowing that the Venray would not leave until his duty was performed the young mage started to formulate a plan that would satisfy the requirements of this hastily drawn and balls to the wall plan.

In contrast, Alexa all but brimmed with excitement. In her view, the white haired lord all but glowed as he spoke defiantly in the face of certain death and overwhelming odds. Despite the few seconds were she looked at the object thrust into her hands questioningly, there was no questioning in her mind. Tryhallan was right. Desperate times called for desperate measures and she was more than happy to give her life to see Belisio protected.

Looking around Tobin saw that he had Lornias, Valan, and Frer with him. Valan was able to command mist and water and Valan was able to produce gales of winds and even lower temperatures. Only high master mages were able to communicate telepathically so lower mages such as he and the other juniors wore transmission devices that activated with mana and basically used the Aether as the conduit. The young mage tapped on the device and relayed his plan. Being the one closest to Arn, somehow people always thought he was in charge….and Tobin seldom did anything to dissuade them unless his perceived authority was not a benefit to him. In this situation however, it came in handy that his squad mates listened and trusted him.

All watched as the Knight Captain said a small prayer and they all raised their own. Knights touching their swords to their foreheads and mages touching their third eye and then their heart, the sources were mages believe mana originates from. There was a slight atmosphere of camaraderie and unity amongst knights and mages.

Suddenly, that moment was gone and they dove head long into the fray. The small group moved behind him in an upside down V, with Tyrhalland taking the lead. Mages and knights alike covered him. Bullets and magic cutting into them taking a few down. Tobi gritted his teeth as he saw a mage be almost cut in two by a high caliber bullet. He saw knight scream in pain as a ball of fire cooked him inside his brilliant armor.

Rage and fear mixed together as he rushed behind Alexa. His battle which were shorter and more like wide pants than actual robes, still felt heavy compared to the quick moving Venray and the blonde girl. “Fucking robes, somebody should really change this damned design” He cursed as he used his magic in way that Arn had been working with him which basically converted his radioactive ability into lasers. It ate a lot of mana but he was able to basically shoot short distances small bursts that tore through all but the thickest of armors.

Following his directions, Valan conjured mist and Frer pushed it towards the bridge to cover their approach. Lornias having more than enough object to convert into ammo, showered the nearby area with fast moving shrapnel just ahead of the knight captain. For a second it seemed that they were going to truly be victorious until out of the corner of his eyes Tobin saw a spear catch Frer in the face almost decapitating the poor lad.

Lornias shouted in rage “You fucking bastards!” His yelling must have given him away as he was suddenly showered with a barrage of bullets that tore into the young mage as if he was attracting them himself. Tobin and Alexa passed his bloody body, the eyes that had once held a shy and happy light now reflected only a glazed look.

Tears began to escape Tobin’s eyes. Valan concentrated but he was exhausted, the mist began to clear just as Tyrhallan was close enough to the Bridge. He fell and it was unsure if he had been hit or he just passed out from exhaustion. All around them, their small group was slowly being picked apart. His breath came in ragged gasps as the young mage tried to keep up with the two knights. Alexa seemed to have eyes only for Tyrhallan as she was true to her word and stayed only a two steps behind the Knight Captain.

She ran so efficiently that the mine clutched to her chest did not even seem to move. It was here that Tobin saw the skill that gave her family their name sake. Infusing, her Ki into her blade and enhancing her muscles, she was able to move ever so slightly to block an incoming bullet or move out of the way a magic attack as if she was nothing more than a beam of light. A slight glow enveloped her. “Brightblade…”whispered Tobin. The trio made their way towards the bridge. Behind them lay nothing but carnage, of their own people and those of the Viemese. Ahead….probably lay nothing but death.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by deia876lat
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Tyrhallan cleared a path with such terrifying ease that the Vaimese soldiers barely had time to cry out.
Fatebringer gleamed and sang a song of blood.
He rarely sidestepped, in order to at least offer some cover for Alexa and Tobias who he knew were close behind him. His limited movement however did not make his dance any less lethal.
He moved with such fluidity and speed that he almost seemed he disappeared only to reappear up close, becoming a white and red blur.
He deflected blow and bullet, showing his skill and mastery of not only his reflexes and ki, but of his swordsmanship as well. Either pushing the offensive weapon aside or making sure the enemy didn’t get a chance to fire.
When the braver of the Vaimese attempted to charge him, Tyrhallan’s eyes barely changed offering them a cold predatory, one that promised only pain and a gasping end as his sword buried itself deeply in their chest or throat.
A higher ranking officer rushed in, hoping to catch Tyrhallan off guard.
Tyrhallan blocked him as he pulled Fatebringer out of its latest victim, smoothly pressing on, pushing the officer back as he quickened the pace of his attacks. The terror quickly displaced the anger on the officer’s face as he started to realize how outmatched he truly was, barely keeping up with Tyrhallan before his sword was knocked to the side leaving him open and the instantaneous pain followed as he received a pommel to his face, dazing him and thereby only seeing a shaky blur stab upwards.
A boot to the chest kicked him to the ground, death cold fingers embracing him as he lay in an ever growing pool of his own blood. His body still struggling, convulsing as fingers grasped desperately at the fading light as the light in his eyes dimmed slowly.
Tyrhallan however had moved on, mowing down several others like him securing the stairway on the outside of the frigate leading to the bridge.
After he had made it to the stairs he ordered Alexa to go up and allowed himself to cast a look back behind him.
The deck was littered with bodies, but his eyes were merely looking for movement and potential danger. When it seemed clear he told Tobias to keep their path of escape free as he dashed up the steps catching up with Alexa and telling her to set the mine against the glass and activate it.
In front of his eyes he watched her place it against the glass timer facing towards them, stepping back.
Panicked shouts sounded from inside as Tyrhallan pressed the switch for activation before he grabbed her and threw himself off the platform.
These things had a short fuse and a wide field of destruction, it was why they were officially banned and deemed to dangerous to be used.
He activated the boosters in his armour so he would not break their legs as they descended down to the deck again.
“To the edge!” Tyrhallan ordered as he urged Tobias onward.
Mere seconds later a huge explosion shook the ship and the metal screamed out as it was torn to shreds. The ship after that started to slant rigorously as those on deck grabbed a hold of something to remain on it as the metal beast lurched and ran straight into one of the other frigates that was in the battle formation.
“Hold on tightly!” Tyrhallan said looping his arms around the mage and fellow knight before leaping off the ship before his jetpack and boosters fired up again, making them soar for a short moment, before he made his way to another ship.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Omni5876


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Tobin held a perpetual grimace as he came in third behind Tyrhallan and Alexa. Both knights, have almost similar battle styles, though to the mage all knights just swung their swords around, cleared the deck of possible enemies. The efficiency and deadliness of the silver haired lord was jaw dropping. It made sense why the Knight Captain chose to wear the crimson armor of his. Any other color would have soon been stained with blood.

“Note to self….dont ever get on Captain Venray’s bad side” the young man said under his breath. He remembered how efficient at killing his own master was. They had different ways of sending people to their deaths but the aura that was projected by Arn and Tyrhallan was basically the same.

As it was, from his vantage point, the young mage could see the armor gleaming in spots where the few specks of blood had managed to land on the armor from otherwise clean kills. The deck because red with blood and gore. If Belisio had a battalion of people as skilled as Tyrhallan, the Viemese would have been hard pressed to invade.

Movement to the left of him made Tobi shoot another concentrated beam of light. The would be sniper yelled as his eyes were literaly seared from his body. The young mage knew that battle and death went hand in hand but he had never seen such loss of life. Their skirmishes with bandits and pirates ended very quickly. Probably because Arn cleared entire decks by himself. Seeing the dead bodies of his squad mates, Tobin understdood the master mage’s commitment to be first, to be the best and to keep every one safe.

The young mage uttered a silent promise to Lornias and Valen and Frer. “I promise you boys, I will make sure your sacrifices were not in vain. I will get stronger. Lend me your strength”.

Alexa’s view however, was one of fanatical adoration. Her lovely blue eyes took in every move the blade dancer made. At least the ones she could see. Even with her training, he was as much a blur to her as the unfortunate soldiers he dispatched. She felt she was seeing an artist. So beautiful were the movements that she started to tear up.

She shook her head, clearing her eyes of the crystalline tears. Just in time too, as from a depression to her right, a soldier stood up and jabbed at her with a long spear. She parried the blow using the flat of her blade and spinning into it, she allowed the long shaft of the spear to roll along her stomach. With a back hand swing, she caught the man at the other end just under the helmet slicing his neck and throat.

The move cause her to loose some ground and she had to rush to catch up to Tyrhallan who had must reached the stairway and was calling for her. In a fluid motion she sheathed her sword and got to him as quickly as she could. Using one hand on the railing and one hand to secure the mine, she climbed as quickly as she could, felt a few bullets swish by her and she instinctively ducked but made her ways up the short flight of stairs.

Tyrhallan tasked the young mage from ensuring that they all would be able to retreat. “What the fuck am I supposed to do, blind them to death?” he thought to himself but obediently and efficiently picked up a weapon from the deck and a few other magazines and barricaded himself behind some debris and shot at any approaching from behind them or to the sides. He was a decent shot, all mages underwent weapon’s and close combat training. After all, there were times when the mage could not just rely on the Aether.

Alexa did as the Knight Captain commanded and placed the mine against the glass. She saw the look of horror and the panicked retreat of those inside. She hand only heard about the poor fool who had made the mistake of messing with such a mine and had managed to be immortalized as a regulation in the rules and regulations of the knights. Based on the reactions she saw from beyond the glass, maybe the mandate the prohibited such weapons was well founded.

The Knight Captain forcefully grabbed her off and they both jumped off. The distance would have been too much on her legs if the white haired man had not utilized his booster pack. She had planned to jump off anyways and infused her legs with some Ki and tucked and roll but maybe that would not have been enough. She might be young and barely out of being a cadet. In fact, she still did not even haver her own insignia, her shield rank still bare, but she was a capable fighter.

All the Brightwind’s took their training seriously. Their motto was “Trial Through Arms”. This meant that for them, being proficient was a way of life and the only way to uphold their honor. Having the honor of fighting and learning next to the Venray’s they were bound to made her feel ecstatic. It could also be the adrenalin running through her veins.

“To the edge!”

Tobin heard the strong commanding voice of the Knight Captain shout. Even if he did not know the man personally and trusted him, the command would have still made him abandon his firing position and run like hell next to them. A few shots rang out and one grazed him on the shoulder. The young mage hissed but he did not stop.

The explosion that rocked the ship was made him stumble. Strong arms closed in around his waist. Tobin weighed next to nothing for a young man. In fact, it was possible Alexa had more muscles mass than the lad.

“Hold on tightly!”

The young mage was not too proud to secure himself against the taller stronger knight as the trio jumped into the air, a burst as the contusion wave that followed the explosion propelled them forward at break neck speeds. They all could probably feel the heat of the explosion as the mine decimated the ship which was already on a collision course with its nearby neighbor.
“Arn was right…fucking knights are crazy!” The young man thought looking back at the ball of fire and sounds of warning bells and whistles.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by deia876lat
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As he landed on the deck of a smaller vessel he released Alexa and Tobias, allowing them to stand on their own two feet.
He looked them over for a moment making sure they were all right.
“Well done you two. Glad to know the both of you are not worse for wear.” He said attempting to give them an encouraging smile, though it seemed somewhat lackluster. He soon mentioned why.
“Master Tailor I am sorry about your fellows, I fear I owe them an unrepayable debt for following me into this madness.” Tyrhallan spoke before he noticed the torn clothing at Tobin’s shoulder.
His expression softened and while inclining his head he said.
“Brightwind, take care of our mage and take a breather as well. We need to regain our bearings before we throw ourselves into the fray again.”
He raised his eyes to survey their surroundings.
They stood on a smaller Belisian vessel giving them a moment to catch their breathes, as the captain was not mad enough to take on a Vaimese frigate by himself and acting more like a support vessel for the separated and wounded and there were many of those there already.
The enemy to their credit hadn’t attempted to shoot it out of the sky yet, so they still seemed to retain some shreds of honour.
As Tyrhallan was scanning the battlefield it was clear he was looking for something…or someone.
His eyes widened as he locked on two individuals.
A sight he had hoped to never see. Two warriors facing one another with one having the upper hand over the other.
An almost inaudible “No” escaped his lips, turning away from Alexa and Tobias as he watched a Vaimese soldier have his Uncle at his mercy.
With his sword raised and at the ready moving to the side of him.
A thing only reserved for executions.
Before the other two could stop him, Tyrhallan sprinted across the deck.
Clearly moving towards the scene unfolding, he powered up his ki becoming nothing but a vague blur, before his boosters came on to support the gained speed and launch him across the chasm that was between the ships. That was before the skies rumbles and several guns fired in such ferocity that whatever was in their way would be completely obliterated…

Ravros eyed his old enemy with a look of utter satisfaction. They practically gleamed with glee.
Having his old nemesis on his knees was something that felt almost too good to be true.
So easily the defeat had been it was almost a shame to kill him so early in their victory.
After all, had he not yearned for this day for years, having spent many a night on how much more could he humiliate and break him? To have it all happen so easily was rather anticlimactic.
Now Ravros was no fool, he knew the danger of letting this man live, in fact he relived that old slip up over and over in his mind that there was no mercy left anymore inside for his enemy.
But perhaps the humiliation would be even more profound if he allowed him to live long enough to see the destruction of all that he held dear. Of how his beloved country and city would fall and the Empire would prevail.
How his fellow knights were slaughtered before his eyes.
As he placed the cool tip of his blade against Uilles’s neck forcing him to look up he spread his arm wide.
“Do you remember Venray? All those years ago? Our first skirmish? You were but a knave then but the surroundings should be able to jog your memory.”
Uilles eyed him with contempt, though he kept a stern face despite the blade scraping along the skin of his throat as Ravros walked and moved.
“Oh I seem to recall we fought and your side had underestimated us, you thought you could take our water on a whim, sadly though we were better prepared than you thought.” Uilles cooly replied as he kept himself from staring at the crazed madman.
“Even now you still can’t win unless you cheat!” He cut sharply, feeling the blade press a bit tighter.
“You think this is cheating?” Ravros asked venomously.
“How desperate do you have to be to be swallowing Dursa’s Poison?” Uilles clapped back.
“Sacrifices have to be made, such is the life of a soldier…What can be more noble then to die for the hope of a tomorrow?”
“Hope of a tomorrow? Your Empire has brought this world nothing but misery, slavery and death. We have beaten you time and again and we will do so this time around.” Uilles argued hearing the exasperated gasp of indignation coming from Ravros.
“We have your backs against the wall. Look around you Venray! Look at how well your people can die!” He said taking the sword and pointing in a wide arch around them. “How many more of your knights and mages must we slay? How many have to die before you bend the knee and admit your defeat? Are you that proud, is your pride of that much worth to you?”
He pointed to the many that lay slain, the lifeless eyes staring back at them. Stained by debris and blood marking them amongst the lost. Those were still somewhat recognizable at all. Unlike the poor sods that had met their horrible ends by magic, they were simply too ghastly to gaze at for too long.
Charred, burned skin and fingers contorted in terrifying ways. Purple or blue pale skin with the veins as clearly visible and mouths agape in the endless scream that remained forever stuck in their throats. Then there were the incomplete ones…gods…those poor bastards.
Vaimese and Belisians lay amongst one another forever silent, their lives cut short as they would never return home to their loved ones.
Never give birth to new generations or creations of their make. Their lights snuffed out before they truly had time to burn.
“How many of these lives could have been saved? How many died for a cause not of their own making? For an offence they never committed? All because of duty.”
“They died for King and Country.”
“They more than likely died because they were ordered to go into battle, for the good of Belisio and all that.” He snorted. “And unlike you and me, they had no idea what they were in for...sad really…and all for some outdated fool wearing a crown and the bitch sits by his side.”
Uilles glared at Ravros now.
“Finally, there it is…a sliver of malice and hate towards me. I was half expecting you to stay indifferent until I lopped your silver haired head off.”
“IF you want to kill me than do it already, instead of monologing like some pedantic villain from a bed time story.” Uilles barked in annoyance.”
Ravros moved his sword back as he motioned with his other hand.
“All in good time my dear Venray…I still have something to show you.” He turned to face the bridge for a moment, making sure they watched as he brought his hand up next to his head, holding his fist closed.
Uilles tried to stand during this moment and attempt to grab a weapon that lay close by, but it was kicked away by Ravros’s speedy return to attending his captive.
“Tut, tut, Venray, a little patience…your time to die will come. First I want to you bear witness to the greatness of our Empire and…your defeat.” He said as the guns on the ship suddenly turned and their turrets turned skywards and away from the battle lines. Several other frigates did so as well and Uilles realized this had been preplanned all along.
“What do you hope to gain from this?” He asked as his eyes followed the path the bullets would take, before horror filled his eyes.
“Blow it from the skies!” Ravros laughed as he brought his arm forward, stretched out towards the Castle of Olysium. “Fire!”
The roaring of the cannons seemed louder than anything else to Uilles as he watched the impact the shells made and the destruction it caused.
One of the towers was cut in two instantly, with the heavier top tumbling down to the poorer sections of the city below. The high walls and great Fort blasted at so many times that only crumbling pieces remained as the rest too was launched, raining debris at the city below.
The royal tower remained standing the longest, before an exploding charge was send at it forcing it to collapse on itself. Huge chunks that had fallen down had cleared a path, turning half of the lower lying area into nothing more but dust and rubble. The screams and cries that echoed through the streets of the city even reached them there on the battlefield and Uilles felt tears sting in his eyes as he watched the destruction wrought by the frigates.
Ravros smiled pushing Uilles’s chin up with his sword to face him.
“Do you understand now that there can be no victory? What is there left to protect? The time of your precious little knights are over…your little king and queen are gone…stop fighting the inevitable.”
Uilles squared his back and glared at him.
“I’d rather swallow pigshit! You will pay for this Ravros…maybe not by my hands, but if the Gods are merciful it will be by a Belisian!” He snapped making Ravros smile.
“Always the obstinate…fine have it your way!” He said as he took his stance again and raised his sword once more to end it all.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by deia876lat
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Tourmaline turned to Arn with purpose and speed.
“I fear we have no more time to converse…for the now at the least…your presence is required as the Empire is closing in on its victory. Take my advice…take the girl and leave…there will be nothing but death for you and her here in this land.”
He started to fade back as Eilis’s form within the Aether started to move again.
“She’ll come to in a minute, there is one more matter we must attend. You cannot tell her of your plans to free her from me, she’ll think you a fool and would want to keep you safe. Softhearted creatures that women are, she won’t allow you do attempt it if she knows. She’s stubborn like that.
Just thought I should tell you in case you’re one of those idiots that thinks sharing everything with your friends and those you care for is a good thing.” The being’s tone dripped with sarcasm at that last particular point.
“Now I will refrain from stepping in again, so she won’t bleed to death, but you’d better keep her alive. There is still a war going on after all and innocent casualties can happen.” The being ended as he returned their sights to them as Eilis’s glowing stopped. Both were back in the chaos of the warzone, still on the back of their wyrm and just in time to watch the horror unfold in the distance as the palace was blown to pieces.
Eilis cried out in horror at the sight wondering what the hell was happening to her as the guns smothered the silence and roared around them.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Omni5876


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Tobi was used to free falling from the carrier ship unto their target like any other Shooting Star. However, this was usually done with jet packs or even fast roping. Being manhandled by the silver haired Knight Captain was not something he would call enjoyable. Alexa on the other hand was living the dream. Not only had she been able to fight alongside her hero on a daring and deadly assault but he was not holding her in his arms. The explosions and exploding salvo around them only seeming like spotlights for Tyrhallan's splendor.

The young mage uttered a grunt as the trio landed. He stood up shakily and nodded at the praise and apology from the Venray Lord. “We are all warriors Captain Venray. My lads knew what they were doing and the price that is often paid. It just sucks we they could not take more of those sons of bitches down with them. I guess that falls on us”

Alexa looked in Tobi’s direction and he made a face and shook his head. He might be cut and bruised but he would be dammed if he let the haughty blonde nurse him like some pup. He had his pride and he was also a bit jealous of the way she looked at the Knight Captain but he would not allow himself to acknowledge that.

Rolling her eyes at the rude grimace the young mage made the young lass popped tall and spoke clearly with a hint of happiness in her voice. “Captain Venray, we are both still able to perform. Please lead on.” It was Tobi’s turn to roll his eyes as he mockingly repeated what the girl said below his breath as he made sure he did not have any serious wounds. Other than some burns and flesh wounds he seemed to be ok.

As the pair stepped up to stand next to the taller man, they heard his gasping no. Both looked up to see him with question in their eyes and looked back at the scene. At first it seemed just like any other battle that was being fought around them. At least to Tobi who could only make out two armored men going at it. It was not until Alexa echoed Tryhallan’s gasp that the young mage figured it must be somebody important.

So Important in fact, that Tyrhallan boosted away, the ripple of the Aether almost pushing the young mage away from sheer surprise. “What the fuck?” Tobin said as he caught himself from tripping. “Where the hell is he going?” the young man said trying to follow the blur that was Tryhallan as he jumped the great distance.

Alexa was stunned for a second as she realized who the man was. She had studies and read books about Uilles Venray and her father had regaled her with valiant deeds. To see him so pressed in such a manner stole her breath. Add that to the shock of seeing the Knight Captain disappear amid the barrage of weapon’s fire and she went white as death.

Thankfully, Tobin’s spunky attitude came to the rescue. Alexa felt a descent slap on the back of her head as the young mage wacked her to try and get her attention. “Hey love bird, snap out of it. What the hell are we going to do? Master Mage Arn needed us to bring him back. It seems the Knight Captain has a death wish.”

Alexa pushed the young mage away. “You insolent fool!” She yelled at him anger and concern mixing. “That man over there about to be killed was his uncle Lord Uilles Venray! What else can we do but try to help both of them.” She pulled out a small whistle and blew on it. Hopefully her mount had survived the incessant air battle.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Omni5876


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Arn returned the stare of the shadow man who had identified himself as Troumaline. The master mage’s eyes were devoid of any feeling though in the inside of him he there was confusion. History had recorded the man before him as a hero. There were a myriad of books in the library at the Academy that detailed exploits and even assumptions on the life of this mysterious mage who had appeared out of the shadows to become basically the savior of Ith.

The men who stood before him, however, felt nothing like the merciful hero that he had read about and even had courses on. One thing the master mage could not deny was the fact that the power that emanated from the shadow man lived up to the legends and stories.
The pressure he felt on the Aether was tremendous. It was almost as if the Thread itself was trying to escape from being too close to the man. What kind of fools or demented people would bind such a powerful being to a fragile girl like his Eilis, no matter how brave she was? He needed to find out more.

Arn did not need the ancient mage to tell him that they could not easily liberate his protégé. The warning regarding the danger of attemptin such a procedure weight heavily on the Mage’s heart. But he knew that perhaps it would be best for his blonde companion to die and be free than continue this life of slavery. She had on many occasions begged and had him promise that he would not allow her to become a tool of destruction.

He shook his head, no there had to be a way to ensure not only a successful transfer but also keeping the young girl alive. “Master Tourmaline” The battlemage said respectfully. Not because he wanted to sweet talk the shadow man but because regardless of the current situation of the man causing harm to his charge, Arn truly felt respect for the shadow figure in a professional level, especially if the shadow figure was truly Troumaline. “I will do all I can and all I must to see Eilis free…”

“I fear we have no more time to converse…for the now at the least…your presence is required as the Empire is closing in on its victory. Take my advice…take the girl and leave…there will be nothing but death for you and her here in this land.”

Arn was cut short by the shadow man. He nodded understanding and agreed that this chaotic battle sky was not the place to strategize or figure out how to proceed with liberating Eilis. “Very well, but you have my promise that this will not be our last talk and do not worry, I would not burned Eilis with worrying about the decision I already have made.”

It would hurt him to keep his lovely charge in the dark about transferring the shadow man unto himself but like Tourmaline had said, she would never allow it. Sometimes, it was more merciful to leave such things unsaid.

Through his connection with Eilis he felt the powerful presence slowly fade. The Thread stopped throbbing and instead resumed its even hum almost as if it was taking slow deep breaths after being frightened.

Regaining his senses, the din of battle was deafening. The mage even had to shake his head to shake of the shock. He felt the body of Eilis go a little limp. It made sense as the pressure that Troumaline had placed on not only her Thread but her body must have exhausted her. When she came to, her screaming reaction was understandable.

Arn leaned in close as she spoke directly into her ear. “Eilis, Eilis, its ok. You are safe. We need to get out of here.” The mage helped her sit back down and tried not to touch her open wounds. “WE need to get you healed up.
I know you are probably weak but are you able to draw power from me to heal yourself.”
He looked around not only to identify any threats but looking for specific people. “Where the hell is Tobi and Tryhallan…” he muttered under his breath as he prodded this mount towards the part of the sky that looked like it had the least amount of fighting on it.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by deia876lat
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As Ravros brought his sword up he watched the glare that Uilles cast at him.
Hate me. He thought. It is no more then you deserve.
A blur flashing in the corner of his eyes for a moment.
As Ravros flexed his might to decapitate Uilles, bringing the final swing down he was met instead by the incoming knee of a raging Knight Captain. Ravros stumbled back, trying to regain his footing as the red and white blur became visible as Tyrhallan stood in between his Uncle and Ravros.
Both quite surprised to see him.
“Tyrhallan? You’re supposed to escort…” Uilles started as he regained his composure.
“We can argue about this later!” His nephew snapped at him, taking him a back again.
Ravros however regarded the two with clear suspicion. They knew one another…that much was obvious and if the white hair wasn’t a dead give away their emblems surely were. The Venray crest.
“What’s this? A son? A little family reunion?” He asked with curiosity allowing the two their moment to catch up, though they didn’t bother to answer him.
“Tyrhallan go… I order you to go… This doesn’t concern you!” Uilles said as he attempted to stand up again.
Tyrhallan cast a glance back at his uncle.
The man could barely stand anymore and if the blood dripping from his armour was any indication the man was bleeding profusely.
“Don’t be ridiculous Uncle, you’re in no shape anymore to fight him nor to order me about, call it disobedience or mutiny I don’t care.”
Uilles eyes him with a pleading look, but Tyrhallan ignored it.
“I am not leaving you here so you can die for the sake of your pride! Not when Belisio still needs you. When I still need you.” He cut back.
“All my life you trained me to be worthy of following into your footsteps. You told me to protect the innocent and defend the weak. To bring hope when there was none. To do what was right. And right now that means keeping you from making a stupid mistake. My place is here between you and him.”
Tyrhallan’s words earning him a grin from Ravros.
“Well, it seems the boy made his decision Venray. You’ll just have to patiently wait your turn and in the meantime watch me rip his legs off of him, but rest assured, I will not forget about you. Your comeuppance will come.” He promised darkly.
Tyrhallan raised himself, taking his position and keeping a careful eye on the man.
“Well we’ll see about all that…After all you will have to catch me first.” He replied with confidence.
Ravros chuckled for a moment as he took his place, his large sword swinging about in order to loosen up again.
“Bring it boy.”
Before Uilles could stop him, Tyrhallan dashed at Ravros. He avoided his slow and heavy swings and instead dove underneath it to kick his legs from underneath him. This attempt almost succeeded were it not for the grab Ravros did pulling Tyrhallan down as well, making him smack his head against the metal deck. He quickly spun away and out of range despite the pain and watched Ravros get up as well releasing a tuft of hair he had torn off of Tyrhallan’s head in his attempted grab.
“Seems you’re not so fast after all boy.”
Tyrhallan narrowed his eyes and shadowstepped again, only to force himself to deflect and parry the blow Ravros send his way, allowing Fatebringer up close and nearly taking off his nose, but causing a proper cut across the cheek.
Angered by the new pain and drawn blood Ravros send his other fist flying into Tyrhallan’s direction, barely missing his face as he retreated and was forced on the defensive.
Ravros’s anger fueled the speed of his attacks and even with Tyrhallan’s speed even he was having difficulty keeping up with the big guy.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by deia876lat
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She had panicked at first but as soon as Arn’s voice reached her it instantly comforted and eased her. As Arn helped her she couldn’t help but tremble in his arms, not sure what had occurred or what she had done this time around. With memories and visions haunting her the only comfort she could find and rely on was the strong man behind her.
Even now amidst all this he worried for her. His words, his actions…how had she been so fortunate to end up in the same room as him. Had the gods finally taken pity on her.
If Arn hadn’t been looking around so vividly for threats and for their companions he would have seen the loving gaze in which she regarded him before she took a deep breath closing her eyes and feeling her way around the battlefield.
As she slowly exhaled in strain she pointed them out to Arn.
“They’re over there…” Her voice soft and strained as she attempted to keep her magic low enough so the bindings wouldn’t be triggered.
“He’s in pain…” She uttered as she continued to focus on their beings. The warriors shown through only the fleeting Ki that danced wildly about like a storm of leaves. Whilst the mages showed their light bodies and threads, such as the light blue pulsing thread that was attached to Tobi sticking out close by like a sore thumb.
She looked further ahead seeing two terrifying forces clash against one another whilst a third remained off to the side its energy weak and leaking ki.
“They’re in trouble…” She softly uttered as fear had crept into her voice. With the chaos still going on all around them, the larger war machines were targeted and obliterated. Voices screamed of mercy were cut short and sentences like ‘hold the line’ had been smothered long since. The Belisians were losing, all around them the Vaimese seemed to simply swarm them and take them down.
“We all need to leave…” As she uttered those words she realized the horror that it meant. No more safe haven, no more Belisio.
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