Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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"Death Weapon Meister Academy, More commonly known as DWMA, stands as a defense against the forces of evil, which would plunge the world into chaos and drag humanity into the very depths of fear and madness: the demons known as Kishin, and their eternal hunger for destruction. To ensure that the Kishin never regain their hold on this world, this Academy was founded by the Grim Reaper, Death himself. So basically we're an organization that serves to protect and preserve peace! I guess it's not exactly a typical school. Oh well, that isn't important! For now, let's roll up our sleeves and get to work!"
-Grim Reaper

May walked up to the school wearing her typical outfit which consisted of a black tank top that shows her stomach paired with black jean short shorts, black boots that reach to her knee and have red on the sole and a red line on the top. She then paired it with a red jacket that is gray on the inside and has tight sleeves to the elbows before loosening and ending with a black strip. Her silver/ white hair was up in a ponytail with a black ribbon holding it up.
Unlike most people, this was her first day ever. As her family knew, she had problems with madness and the black blood inside of her and she had to learn to contain the demon inside her before she could come to school but at least she had already found a partner a long time ago thanks to her parents childhood friends. May looked around for anyone she recognized like her brother, meister, or any other friends.


Kat walked to the school in her normal witch type outfit until she remembered that this was a school who hunted witch/magical beings so she chanted to herself. "Pum- Pum- Pumpkin.... Halloween Switcheroo!" Her clothing glowed an orange color and when it was gone her hair was in two loose ponytails with purple ribbons. She wore a purple cropped tanktop that was really tight and hung low, it was paired with a black miniskirt with an orange belt, black heeled boots reaching to her knees, and a black leather jacket. Kat was just like her mother, everything she wore was very, appealing to the male population. Sometimes she went a little overboard but what could she do, she was a Cat Demon after all so she was comfortable in her own skin and nothing else. But not only was she a Cat Demon, she was also a meister and has attend DWMA since she was 10 and first began learning about all of the things needed of a meister. She soon had met a boy her same age who was a male witch and a weapon. They had the same problem, both were slightly outcast by the students because of their magic and not being just a normal weapon and meister. They learned their soul's matched and decided to work together. They have made friends with the children of Blair's friends and are accepted by them but others still doubt them. But at least the two have eachother.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by solamelike
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solamelike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 17 days ago

Flint sat at the bench he sat on everyday just before entering the academy. He looked to the watch on his wrist "He's late" Flint muttered to himself "She is always late..." He sighed. Flint was waiting for Ilya to arrive so that they could go to their first lesson together. It then dawned on Flint that today was the day his sister was enrolling. "I should look out for her make sure no-one does anything stupid with her...." Flint thought to himself as he continued to look over the main entrance. "Where the hell is he! He's 2 minutes late" Flint murmured. One of the many pet peeves of his was time keeping and so it always winded him up when she would do this. He looked to his watch once again as he let out another sigh. It wasn't even as if he or Ilya where actually late for a lesson or anything. It was just that Flint prepared for them both to be here ten minutes early and for her to not be here at this time meant that Flint considered himself and Ilya to be 'late'. He checked his watch once again. The hand ticked to the side " Three minutes late!" He thought annoyed. Tapping his foot on the ground gently
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 7 days ago

Ryan was walking around was wandering around the school in search of his meister, a box of homemade cake in hand (triple chocolate of course). While he wasn't suffering from the same level of prejudice as before, he still got a few nasty looks from time to time. The only person in the world he felt safe with was his meister; Kat. She was a shameless flirt, but he really didn't mind that much. Despite being quite shy, when ever she teased him, it made him feel wanted, regardless of how much it flustered. He was starting to lose hope that he would find before class started...then he saw her "Kat!" He called out excited as he ran to his meister
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Kat turned and smiled her cat fangs showing. "Ryan-Chan, you finally arrived ~nya!" Kat said hugging Ryan. "How is my favorite witch boy!" She said her cat ears popping up because she really only felt comfortable showing them around Ryan. "Oops" She said covering her ears with her hands as people began to look. Her cat ears dissappeared and she continued smiling. "Now that the strong man is here we can head into the school." She said flirting slightly cause it was fun to make him flustered.


May saw her brother and headed over to him. "Flint... What do I do?" She asked him. "I want to have a cool day at school, but not knowing what to do is not cool." She said before waiting for her older brother to answer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 7 days ago

Ryan smiled brightly when Kat pulled him into a hug. Only she could make a derogatory term like 'witch boy' sound so warm. He did however frown briefly when she hid her ears, it was such a shame to keep them out of sight. Ryan thought they were just so cute; so fuzzy and soft. It would feel so good to just reach out and-

-Gah! Bad brain, don't go there. Before he could even think of something else, Kat said "Now that the strong man is here we can head into the school."

"Meep" Ryan squeaked at the sound of her rather suggestive voice, his face as red as a cherry. "O-o-okay" he said
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fuzzy-mellon-lord


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Tabitha had a wide smirk on her face as she walked towards her school. That morning her father had attempted to convince her to remove the tattoo that she had on the back of her leg, she made sure he knew that she didn't appreciate that by wearing a pair of pants that she had modified. Originally they were just a normal pair of jeans, now one leg went down to her ankle and the other stopped at her mid thigh which showed off her tattoo. Needless to say she was pleased with herself this morning, but she was also looking to avoid her big sister who also didn't seem to pleased with her, then again her sister never seemed pleased to begin with. Now though she was looking for her partner, Aoi, she was hoping to tell him of her latest victory.
Sakura dashed around her house, struggling to get dressed. She had once again woken up late and was rushing to make sure she got to class on time. She had stayed up a little too late trying to make a present for Kiel, but unfortunatly for her she wasn't blessed with good cooking skills and so it took longer than necessary to make the cookies taste right. She quickly pulled her thigh high tan boots on before grabbing the bag of sugar cookies that she had made and running out the door "Bye Mum!" Her dad was obviously still alseep so there was no need to say goodbye to him. She just hoped Kiel wasn't waiting on her, that would suck. "Why did i have to wake up late!?" she exclaimed as she pushed herself to run faster
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by jorthon
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jorthon That Random Zombie

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ron walked up the stairs to the main gate. He yawned as he walked he was tired because he didn't sleep well last night worried about his partner's first day. As he got to the top he looked around then saw May next to her brother. He could understand that since Flint could help her out on such a day. He walked over to them and said "Morning."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Member Seen 1 day ago

"Hey Ron, how's it hanging?" May asked keeping a cool tone just like her father. She grinned showing her sharp teeth as she turned her head, eyes no longer focusing on her brother but now on her partner. "Hopefully both of you will help make this day a cool one."


Kat giggled as her partners face turned bright red. "You are sometimes too easy to tease." Kat said as she walked towards the school with her partner at her side. Even the way she walked was bed appealing to the opposite sex so she received a lot of looks from male students who then gave Ryan a glare. Kat noticed and took Ryan's arm in hers. "Just ignore them Ryan-chan. I know that you have a hard time being magical and witchy and everything like me and I hate that they all give you mean looks just because they are jealous that you are my awesome partner. I bet they wished they were your partner and they are just angry with you because you chose the cat Meister." Kat said serious until she added the cat part to the end and she have a slight giggle. Obviously she was not good at seeing that she was wrong in her statement but she often did overlook the obvious things in life but what could she do, it was just who she was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 7 days ago

"Um...I think you have it b-backwards Kat; they're mad because I s-stole you away" Ryan said in a rare display of forwardness (although he was still blushing like crazy), most likely because his ego just got a good stroking, something Kat did frequently. In fact, she was the first person who made him feel like he was good for something. When he first came here, he was afraid no one would want him, just like his mother. Then Kat came into his life, and for the first time ever he felt needed,...it was a wonderful feeling, one he never wanted to lose. "You're the one everyone wants. All the guys are just mad that you chose me. I've heard stories about your mom and how she didn't mind being seen naked. They were probably hoping you were the same"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jivusa


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Kiel was sitting in his usual spot that he sat, on a bench, alone. Well, for now, anyways. He was waiting for Sakura, his partner, his weapon. He sat there, expressionless, seemingly focusing on nothing. But, he was focusing on something. He was listening to a group of males poking fun at him from afar. One, obviously the ringleader of the group, had his hand over his right eye, imitating him and laughing. The male's back was turned to Kiel, but he could still see it. But, he did not change his expression, nor did he say anything. He never did.

"Heh, I bet the reason he doesn't talk is because he doesn't have any friends. I wouldn't expect him to, anyways. He's a weirdo, nobody likes him!," the ringleading male said, laughing. The others joined in as well, dissing Kiel. Though, they stopped as soon as they saw him. Just behind their group head. Instantly, their expressions turned to one of fear, while Kiel's expression was void. "Wait, what's wrong, dudes? You two look like you just saw a ghost." One of the two just pointed with a shaky hand to Kiel. The ring leader turned around with a smirk on his face to look, but his smug look was instantly wiped clean off as he came face to face with Kiel. The male jumped back and fell on his behind, screaming in a feminine fashion. "S-s-s-stay away f-from m-m-me!!," he said as he stood and backed up, before the three ran away. Kiel's face remained the same, and just went back to sitting in his spot, staring into nothingness, saying nothing, face void of expression, waiting for Sakura.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fuzzy-mellon-lord


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Sakura hurried to the place that Kiel would usually wait for her at, if he was waiting that is. When she got there she saw three boys running away fromm Kiel. She frowned and hurried over to him as they sat down, her face showing that she was worried. "Sorry i'm late Kiel! They weren't talking bad about you were they?" she questioned "Just let me know and i'll go after them and make sure they don't do it again." Sakura hated when people talked about him, it really made her mad. If they just got to know him like she had then they would know that he was a really nice person. That's when she remembered the reason that she was late. She held out the bag of cookies that she had made for him, there weren't that many in the bag but that was because that was all she had left of the batter. A bright smile plastered onto her face before she spoke up again. "These are for you! If they taste a little burnt that's cause i maaaay have dozed off while this batch was in. opps" she said with a laugh. Truly she didn't even know if he would like them, but she was trying and it was the thought that counts after all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by jorthon
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jorthon That Random Zombie

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Ron smiled then said "I sure hope its a cool day for you." Ron sat down next to Flint then asked May "Are you excited about today?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Kat made a face of realization as he spoke, "Oh yeah... that makes sense. Yeah my mother is like that but I am too and it is hard to resist the urge but since it is school, it just has to be kept inside. You should know that about me though, you and all our friends have all seen me naked in cat form and this form." She said with a giggle. "I can't help it, I'm just so used to it when I am a cat that I don't really think about it that much when it comes to being in my normal form you know." Kat added to help explain herself better. "Oh and don't worry Ryan-chan, you and me were meant to be partners. I remember when I got her, a lot of male weapons who didn't have partners yet had me try to wield them but our soul wavelengths didn't match. Then I met you and not only did our wave lengths match perfectly but we were both were similar. Your mother was a witch and my mother a Cat Demon with strong magical abilities that made her categorized as a witch in a sense. With this being our lives we are ridiculed and looked down upon by most of the students here because in a way we are the enemies of the school but both of our different father's blood in us caused us to be a weapon and a meister who just happen to use soul protect and magic if we want." Kat said all of that to reassure Ryan even though he knew all of that already.

"Speaking of cat form, I really wanna take a cat nap ~nya!" She exclaimed happily before frowning, "but I can't cause we have school and I already have gotten in enough trouble for falling asleep in class or skipping to shop at a store with huge sales or when I do cat stuff." Kat then cheered up again and held up a cooler type box that was small and made out of styrofoam. "Want any raw fish? :3" She asked her weapon partner pulling out a fish that she had gotten this morning that was only one of many in her little box that was her lunch/ snack box.


"Nervous, excited. A mixture of both but I can't show them or else people will think I'm weird and that is uncool" May said as she continued standing there observing everything and everyone around the school with her crimson eyes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jivusa


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

As Kiel sat, he scooted over to make space for Sakura, his Weapon and his partner. He looked over to her, no expression or speech as per usual. It would be odd if he did show emotion or spoke. He then looked at the bag he was handed, looking inside and seeing sugar cookies. He set the bag in between him and Sakura, taking two out. He then handed one to Sakura, waiting until she took it before trying the cookie. He bit into the cookie, waiting until he finished the bite he had taken before pulling out his notebook and writing in it. He simply wrote "They taste good" on the paper, showing her the writing. He then took another bite from the cookie he had.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 7 days ago

Ryan was indeed well aware of her dislike of clothes, and was very familiar with her naked form, more so then he felt he had any right to be. Then again, neither Kat or her mom seemed to mind at all. So was it really such a bad thing? Bah, that was a thought for another time. Right now he had other things to deal with. "Um, no thanks. I don't like to eat food raw, remember? I'd much rather cook it first. I did bring some cake though" he said holding up the box so she could she it. It was then that he remembered something "oh, that's right! Remember that old spellbook your mother brought back? Well I found a spell in it that makes a magical puppet. I could make one of you while you take a nap in your cat form. That is...if you want to."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by solamelike
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solamelike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 17 days ago

"Hey don't worry about it" Flint said smiling at his younger sister "If you want to know how to be cool its to always be on time.." He said annoyed as he glanced to his watch once again. "But seriously don't worry about it. Just be you" Flint said smiling softly. Seeing his sister always cheered him up. He then looked to her clothes "Are you trying to attract the male gaze?" He said a little angrily as his brotherly instincts began to kick in "What happened to pants! Everyone loves pants!" He said grumbling to himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Haru, or rather Red Star, was fast approaching DWMA. "Alright definitely gonna make." He said as he ran across rooftops. Why was he in a rush? He needed to meet his meister. And maybe a few friends. But if she was anything like her father Red Star would need to be on time. And hope she didn't freak out about symmetry as he'd heard about her parent. Regardless though he'd made his mind up. He wanted to be the perfect weapon for his meister and make her the best in the academy. Not even just the academy. He wanted to make her the best in the world. "Last jump. It's a far one." He thought as he jumped from the last roof. As he 'flew' through the air he did a back flip his eyes closed to avoid damage from the wind. And soon he braced himself for a landing. He came down landing in a crouched position in front of Flint and may. He opened his eyes and glanced up. "Hm? Oh hey." He said with a big smile as he stood up straight. "How's it going you two?" Normally that keep of jump might hurt a normal person. But it was quite obvious that like his father and mother, Red Star was far from normal.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fuzzy-mellon-lord


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Sakura sat next to him as he took a cookie out and smiled when he handed her one. When he showed her his words, her smile seemed to brighten. For Kiel that was a good sign. She finished off her cookie, knowing that it wasn't anywhere near the quality of her mother's, and stood from the bench. "Come on Kiel, we don't wanna be late!"
Tabi sighed as she stood outside of DWMA waiting for Aoi, That's when she noticed a group of familiar people. One who had just jumped off of a rooftop. She laughed, "Nice show broski." she greeted as she walked over. She decided she might as well talk to people while she was waiting for her partner.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jivusa


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Kiel would finish his cookie as well before standing up and nodding. He would take the bag with him, and would share them with Sakura later, at lunch. Kiel would gesture for Sakura to follow him as he began walking, going into the DWMA Main Building. Kiel knew his way around by now, having walked to classes every day. He stopped walking as soon as he got to the door of the classroom. The door was open, and there were others in the classroom, but he would wait for Sakura. He knew that they usually sat together, so he would wait for her so she could choose a spot. Besides, people didn't make fun of him as much when she was next to him. Sakura got flustered and angry with people who mocked and made fun of Kiel, and if he had any normal emotion, they would probably be hurt at what people said, and they would prefer Sakura and her protectiveness.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Member Seen 1 day ago

"Not cool flint. This is my style, I mean mom and dad were a little iffy about it but that's why I have the jacket. So don't be uncool!" May said crossing her arms glaring at him slightly. May then look up at Haru and frowned, "not cool dude, not cool"


Kat smiled at him, "no I need to learn or else my D+ will drop lower and I'll get kicked out. And if Proffessor Stein finds out he will try and disect me again." Kat shivered remembering that day. "Oh well as long as I have my fish then I'll be fine."
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