Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Lurking Krog
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Lurking Krog Caffeinated Lurker.

Member Seen 35 min ago

"They should be harmless. Most stories I've heard from the locals state they tend to hide when threatened. Capture is another thing I'm unsure about. My best guess is to treat it like a nervous animal, calmly and non threatening. The woman placed the lantern on the table with two pints of oil.

"This should be enough to get you started. As I said before i was unable to find any here in Good Mead but there might be some near Easthaven or one of the other nearby towns."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Metal Head
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Metal Head White Skull 💀

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Jitter yawned, not because he was bored, but dog gone tired.
"Hells bells, no rest for the wicked, no money either."
The halfling stood up, and dropped down to the floor safely.
"If y'all decide to grow a pair, come find me, and we'll make some real money, killing a giant."
"But, i aint going ona wild goose chase for soemthing called a Chwinga, which I still say it not real."
The halfling walked back over to the fireplace, to warm himself up, before heading out in the cold.
"Crazy talk, damn knucklehead trout! It's all yer damn fault!"
" I could be in a nice warm city with the richest of the rich, but no...I am here, in this horrible cold town with no money, and no marks."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by The Large Dumbo
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The Large Dumbo Duke-King-President of Candyland

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Kythor blinked. He'd gotten lost in nostalgia while the others had talked. Fortunately, his period of reminiscence was not too disruptive; he'd still heard everything that had happened. As he sat up, he decided to address everybody at once.

"First of all, as Kendra and the human have said, I can assure you chwinga are real - my father's seen them, and I myself have caught a few glimpses of 'em. Trust me when I say that our tribe and I don't have much interest in making up myths to spook the locals off." With that, Kythor paused to take another swig of his mead and pick up the bowl of soup to slurp up what was left. Following that with another swig of mead, he set it down and clasped his hands together to continue. "Second of all, this lantern will be helpful in our search. You see, you're not gonna find any chwinga searching in the towns. They're shy little things and don't take to civilized areas much." Can't say I blame 'em, Kythor added to himself.

"Thirdly, I hate to break it to you Jitter, but no matter where you go you're gonna end up freezing something off. Places like these are nice, but if you want to get anything of value done you're going to have to learn to live in the cold. As for killing the giant, you'll have to do that on your own - I'd much rather take this job, get paid, and maybe learn a thing or two 'bout the creatures that live here. If you wish to die a lonesome death out in the colds where the wolves'll pick you apart before anybody comes across your body..." The tiefling shrugged. "Well, I can't say I didn't warn you. As for how we capture one of these things, I figure we can think up somethin'. As for how we can capture it, I believe we may simply have to either convince it to come with us, or lure it into a false sense of security before we pounce on it. Should be much easier than a verbeeg, at any rate." He stood up and nodded to the half-elf woman. "I can't speak for sure of the rest of my company, but I'll gladly try to see if I can't scrounge a chwinga up."

He then turned to look at the other two still within the mead hall. "What say you two? Interested in doin' a little bit of good old-fashioned hunting?"
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Alarielle
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Alarielle Everqueen

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kendra Serrana

Eating terrible stew in a tiny mead hall in the frozen wastes, surrounded by mercenaries and wild men. How did it come to this?

Kendra swallowed another spoonful of her stew, the flavor still masked and improved by her magic. Jitter seemed strangely intent on dying alone, but Kendra had said her piece, and if he didn't want to see reason, that was on him. These other two seemed to have more level heads, good enough to stick with them. She trusted they wouldn't ask too many questions, so long as she didn't do anything stupid.

"More gold for the rest of us," she said, shrugging beneath the comfortable weight of her cloak. "I'm guessing this Easthaven is more than a ten minute walk away, though. Maybe we take tonight to rest here, and set out at first light tomorrow?"
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Metal Head
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Metal Head White Skull 💀

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Jitter Fishing

Jitter grabbed his coat with hood, and bundled up.
He needed some time alone, while the others rested, he would do some late night ice fishing.
Grabbing his pole, he bid everyone a good night, as he walked out into the cold crisp air.
Immediately, goosebumps traveled down his spine, and the little man shook all over.
He walked down to the water's edge, and tested the ice with the toe of his boot.
Then slowly he stepped onto the ice, then jumped back, he did this several times before reassuring himself it was safe to walk on.
Jitter walked aways to the middle of the lake, and pulled his crowbar out from his backpack, and began to chip away at the ice.
Once satisfied, he used his shortsword next to finish digging the hole out.
Jitter put his mittens back on, letting the warmth come back and take away the stinging tingling feelings.
A few minutes later, and he drop the baited line into the water below.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Lurking Krog
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Lurking Krog Caffeinated Lurker.

Member Seen 35 min ago

"It is. There is not much here by means of lodging either. I do have a small abode that may accommodate you. Otherwise you may try to find a place to sleep here in the mead hall or maybe a small shack. If you take this up and find one I'll be here in the mead hall every evening or you can find me at my home. It is the last house heading out of town towards the Eastway, the road heading to Easthaven. I'll leave the lantern here since you all seem interested in the job. I'll see you all soon hopefully." She starts to head for the door stopping just before. "I cannot believe I forgot to introduce myself. I am Dannika Greysteel."
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Alarielle
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Alarielle Everqueen

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kendra Serrana

"Right, well, I'm going to leave this with you," Kendra said, setting the magic lantern down on the table in front of Kythor. "You seem like a responsible sort, at least, so better you than me." Finishing her soup she returned the bowl, perfectly clean already with a quick swipe of her magic. She then fastened her cloak tightly around herself once more, bracing for the cold. "I'm going to clear my head for a bit, but I think I'll come back to find a corner here to sleep tonight."

With a nod, she stepped outside. It was getting late, getting dark, and the streets were even emptier than when she'd arrived. Kendra made towards the stables she'd seen on her way through, or at least what passed for one, where she'd noted the presence of an axebeak, a rather impressive and feisty avian mount. When she was reasonably confident no one was looking her way, she quietly whispered an incantation in Primordial and made the necessary gestures beneath her cloak to activate the spell, enabling her to communicate with any animals she encountered for the next ten minutes.

Upon reaching the stables and feeling that she had privacy, as well as a space where the nearest axebeak could make eye contact with her, she allowed the words to form in her mind, words that the creature would hear in its own head with perfect clarity, and understand them too given her magical assistance in communication. Kendra's eyes took on a more violet hue as she thought.

Hey big guy. Don't be alarmed, I'm a friend. You must know these parts pretty well, right? You travel all over?
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Chro2
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago


"Nice to meet you Dannika and I appreciate the offer for the place to stay, ain't got many better options out here" Theodorick says finishing his drink and heading towards the door. "I guess we'll meet up here in the morn and head out in search of that sprite, I might do a bit more wonderin round the place but I'll be at Dannika's if ya need me for anythin" Theodorick walks over and waits next to Dannika, either for her to lead the way to where they'll be staying for the night or Kythor to add anything before his departure.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Lurking Krog
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Lurking Krog Caffeinated Lurker.

Member Seen 35 min ago


The ax beak cocks it's head to look at Kendra. I don't know you so you not friend. Yes travel much carrying what man put on back. Not know area much just what way man take me. Why you here?


Dannika nods to Theodorick then turns to the rest of the group."I am going to go home now. The offer for shelter is still available to any of you who want it I may not have bed space but there is plenty of floor and a warm fire. She turns and leaves expecting those who wanted to come would follow.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Metal Head
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Metal Head White Skull 💀

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Three hours pass by, and still no bite, Jitter sighs as he pulls up the line.
"Too damn cold for fishing, keep the darn ring, ya jerk!"
Jitter stood up slowly, and crept back to shore with each step as if walking on egg shells.
Once he made it back to the dock, he thought of returning to Mead Hall, but knowning his luck, it would probably be locked by now.
Shrugging his shoulders, he walked thru town, looking for the barn.
Suddenly! Jitter heard this awful sound, and whirled around to see one of those big bird animals squawking at him for disturbing his sleep.
"Aaaghhh, stop that, you scared me, you silly bird."
Jitter made sure to walk on the opposite side of the bird's nesting area, as he entered the darkened barn.
He found a lantern, and tried to light it (survival roll 13).
Jitter fluffed up the hay, and laid his winter blanket down upon it, before snuggling up for a little sleep.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Alarielle
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Alarielle Everqueen

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kendra Serrana

Chilly greeting. It was another thing Kendra still wasn't used to, speaking to animals like this. Somehow the big bird's series of small squawking sounds made sense to her, and that just didn't make any sense at all. She doubted she'd get any useful information out of this, but it was worth a shot. Maybe the reclusive forest spirit liked animals more than people.

I'm looking for something, a small forest spirit creature called a chwinga. Don't think I'll find any here, but maybe you've seen one? Near the road maybe, or possibly sneaking around town? Supposedly there might be some in or near a town to the east. That's... towards the rising sun. Know anything about them?

She checked briefly to see if she was being watched. Not that it looked like she was doing anything strange, though.

If you can help me at all, maybe I can help you somehow. Favor for a favor.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by The Large Dumbo
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The Large Dumbo Duke-King-President of Candyland

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


"Take care," Kythor called out to everyone as they left. Once he was alone, he looked at the lantern. What a curious little device they'd been given. No doubt it'd be a powerful aid to them in their search. Slinging off his backpack, he opened it and deposited the lantern and oil inside. He didn't have much to do in terms of preparation, as he'd already packed up everything that was left of his old campsite. Among everything that'd been taken, whatever had raided it apparently didn't deem it necessary to pilfer most of his "essentials" - non-perishable rations, his tinderbox, as well as a bedroll among other things. In spite of that, there were a few things he still needed to recover, including a tent. He knew he wouldn't be able to find most of what he needed here, but it couldn't hurt to try to recover some of the more easily-replaceable things.

Standing up, Kythor slung his pack back on before taking the nearly-empty mug of mead and finishing it off. He dropped the empty mug into the bowl and approached the bar, setting the bowl down onto the bar. Waving the barkeep over, he leaned on the bar. "I've got a couple of questions," Kythor said. "First, how much does it cost to stay here for the night? Second, I can't help but notice Good Mead doesn't have much in the way 'a stores and the like. Is there anyone around town who'd be willing to spare a sprig of mistletoe? Strange question, I know," Kythor added, crossing his arms, "but if there's somebody who'd be willing to part with any, I'd like to get ahold of some."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Lurking Krog
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Lurking Krog Caffeinated Lurker.

Member Seen 35 min ago


Not know chwinga. See small things near road. Also near other towns. Most time to dark. Dark long time. Man might see chwinga.

There wasn't anyone else in the stable currently. The dogs seems to notice Kendra's presence as well but are quiet for the time being.

@The Large Dumbo

"A silver for the floor space. As for mistle toe, I think there might be some around here somewhere. I can take a look if you'd like." She starts to look around at the various decorations that have various evergreen plants as part of the piece.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Alarielle
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Alarielle Everqueen

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kendra Serrana

Well, that was... not really helpful. The axebeak seemed like the grumpy sort, so Kendra figured the best favor she could grant it would simply be leaving it alone. She supposed she could interrogate the dogs too, but they likely didn't leave town much, and the axebeak's help didn't inspire much confidence.

Well, thanks for trying. Let me get out of your feathers.

She let the spell fade, the animals no longer able to communicate with her. Not the most pleasant conversation anyway. The town seemed to have very little to offer, not even a place to trade for goods. Best thing would probably be to move on as quickly as she could. Kendra made her way back to the mead hall after a brief walk, paid her silver for the floor space, and settled in. The sooner she could be out of here, the better.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Lurking Krog
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Lurking Krog Caffeinated Lurker.

Member Seen 35 min ago

The next day arrives finding our adventures in yet another dim cold day. Those in the mead hall awaken to the smell of cooking food, and the shuffling of various citizens getting a quick meal before heading to the docks.

Jitter awakens to someone finding him in a stall near the dogs and shaking him awake asking why he was sleeping there.

Theodorick awakens to the smell of brewing tea and cooking good food.

Those who wish to eat at the mead hall dock a silver for breakfast. Simple ales and cider are another silver, two for mead or better ale.

@The Large Dumbo

Someone is able to provide the mistletoe for two gold. It seems there isn't much of it growing near here.

It is currently 8am.

The party will meet at the mead hall before departing.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Metal Head
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Metal Head White Skull 💀

Member Seen 3 mos ago


"Another five minutes...huh?" Jitter rubs his eyes, blinking them several times before slowly opening them.
"What am I doing here? , well I was sleeping, until you woke me up."
The halfling stood up, brushing the hay off his clothes, and outta his hair.
He reaches into his pocket, and lays a copper coin in the stable man's hand.
" A Meadowbrook always pays for his lodging my good man."
Jitter folded up his blanket and stored it away in his backpack.
"Thank you sir for the wake up call, have a nice day, as one can have in this miserable weather." said Jitter as he exited the barn, and walked to Mead Hall.
" I got three copper coins, wonder if I can get anything for that?" he thought to himself.
Opening the door, Jitter waved his hand to any patrons inside, as he made his way to the fireplace to warm up.
"Good morning all."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by The Large Dumbo
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The Large Dumbo Duke-King-President of Candyland

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Having taken a seat at one of the tables, Kythor sat with a bowl of stew, and a mug of cheap cider. Not a lot of variety, sure, but he wasn't looking for variety. He just wanted to eat his breakfast and, once the others were ready, begin their trek to the city of Easthaven. Admittedly, Kythor wasn't particularly excited at the prospect of trading one city for another. More of the same, he imagined, only likely greater in size and in annoyances. On the bright side, he figured that perhaps this new town would have more amenities, places such as stores and the like to get him back into the wilderness quicker. A new town would mean new opportunities, for sure.

As he thought about the wilderness, his hands reached for the sprig of mistletoe he had procured. The others likely weren't aware about the potential this small plant had. At one point, the Greyspears had a handful of shamans among their numbers. The man who'd taught them how to manipulate the natural powers of the world had favored Kythor, as it was he who saved his life, and taught him how to invoke the magic inherent in nature. With this mistletoe, he could conjure enough berries to keep the four of them fed for the day. This paled in comparison to some of the magic that the shamans of the tribe were capable of using - spells to split the earth, conjure water, a few could even create magical fire on a whim. Admirable powers to be sure, but Kythor never had time to refine his ability to cast spells of that caliber. Hunting left little time to sit and meditate upon the world around him. In fact, it was because of the fact that he was hunting that he survived what happened that day...

The tiefling's face darkened. That man had brought a lot of death and suffering with him when the Greyspears gave him shelter. Teaching Kythor how to weave the magic of the world to his whim was likely the only good thing he'd done in his pathetic existence. May his soul be condemned to an eternity in Avernus.

He took a lengthy swig of mead and, hearing his greeting, turned to address Jitter. "A fair morning," Kythor sighed, setting the mug down with a thud. His face started to slowly revert back to a stoic frown. "May as well take a seat. We've gotta wait for the others to wake up and ready up. Hope nobody's afraid to do a little bit 'a hiking for the day," he chuckled.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Metal Head
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Metal Head White Skull 💀

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@The Large Dumbo
Jitter walks over to Kythor's table, and takes a seat.
He props his head between his hands, making his cheeks puffy from the weight.
The halfling's stomach growls as he watches Kythor eat his breakfast.
Jitter digs into his pocket, and removes three copper coins, setting them on the table.
Raising his hand as if he were a schoolboy still, "Excuse me good sir, what can I get for three copper coins?"
Jitter kept leaning to the side, staring at Kythor before giggling.
"I'm sorry, I don't mean to stare, but I just noticed you have a tail."
" Does it do anything? Can you hang from a tree with it?"
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by The Large Dumbo
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The Large Dumbo Duke-King-President of Candyland

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


"My tail?" Kythor leaned back in his seat. He himself had almost forgotten about it. Coming into Good Mead, he'd half-expected to be on the receiving end of a few odd looks and pointed questions. While he was pleased about him being lucky in evading such here, he couldn't help but consider that he may not be so lucky in Easthaven. In any case, he could see that the halfling's question was legitimate enough and genuine enough to avoid earning scorn. Born of curiosity, not of malice. "By itself, it is of little use as an extra appendage. All tieflings have them- All tieflings within my tribe at any case had them," he corrected himself, "and nobody in the tribe could really use 'em to hang off of trees or anything like that. Instead, their true strength comes from what they mean."

"The Greyspears have long since lived on the outside of society, as we are typically not welcome in the world of the... 'civilized'." Placing heavy emphasis on the word, the contempt in his voice punctuated his disdain for the idea of 'civilization'. "Tieflings are creatures whose bloodline has been touched by a devil, our lineage 'cursed' by one of the lords 'a the Nine Hells. Our unusual appearance - the tails, the horns, the eyes, all that - often bring ire to the small-minded city dwellers. Instead of condemning our past or bloodline, our elders taught us to embrace it. These things may make us stand out, but they are also an inherent gift. This gift, an inheritance from our infernal descendants, grants us some boons that most could only wish they have."

"Some of my kin, who I call such only for their blood relation, foolishly wish to cast off their heritage. They hew off their horns and sever their tails, believing that this somehow makes them more acceptable in the eyes of the city dwellers. Needless to say, they left the Greyspear tribe and their names shunned. Whether they found a happier life in the cities or a brutal death at the hands of the wilderness, I cannot say."

"My tail stands for my people and the connection I have to them," he finished. "Not just to my immediate family, but to both my tribe and Fierna, who has touched my bloodline and made me what I am."
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Chro2
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Theodorick helped clean the scholars home before setting down for breakfast, since he wished to return her kindness even if she plans to pay him later for the job. Theodorick finished his breakfast with the scholar, wished her a good day, and headed out towards the groups meeting place. Ready for the day of work ahead of him he did not want to waste any time walking about the town and decided to head towards the Mead Hall.

Finding himself back at the Mead Hall Theodorick joins his two new associates at their table, only able to catch the back end of Kythor's speech. "If it stands fer somethin I think it's mighty noble to keep a'hold of it, touched bloodlines or not" Mathews says joining the two for their morning meals. "We seem to be missin one of our group, she a heavy sleeper?" He adds looking between the two.
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