Name: Drake Halsey
Age: 25 (born 2005)
Appearance: A bit short for his age, it's not uncommon for others to think Halsey is younger than he actually is. What he lacks in strength, he makes up for with agility.
Information: A rookie fresh out of the Jaeger Acadmy, Halsey wasn't expected to actually become a Ranger. However, because of his strengths in knowing Kaiju biology and behavior, as well as his agility. However, his ability to Drift with others was hampered by past psychological trauma. Because of this Halsey was chosen to test the first single-pilot Jaeger.
Titan Sierra
Armament: Retractable wrist-mounted plasma blades (right arm), I28 Plasmacaster (left arm), Type-29 Anti-Kaiju Missile Launchers (shoulder-mounted)
Information: While most Jaegers designed for close-quarters combat with Kaiju are heavily armored, Titan Sierra is built for a combination of speed, agility, and quick, aggressive, close-quarters attacks. To assist with maintaining the Jaeger and helping its pilot in combat, Titan Sierra has been equipped with a next-generation AI named R.E.I. Curiously, "she" has been developing a personality of "her" own, prompting the PPDC to keep a close eye on both her and Titan Sierra.