Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Oki, now for all the random cuttings. . . .

Original idea/plot: The two sides have worked long and hard to keep the secret. Both agreed eons ago that should humans ever find out about the creatures they share their world with that the fallout would be too terrible to imagine. To keep this secret, they've had to do terrible things, and they blood on their hands never seems to dry. However there has grown rumors of distention within the organization itself over the acts they are forced to perform and all the agents are now under close scrutiny. Each team, consisting of one human and one from the other side, undergo rigorous examination on a regular basis and very little slips through the cracks. However, one team has become rather adept at hiding their sympathies for those lost in the enforcement, and their front of hating one another is unquestioned. They work secretly to try and figure out a way to make the organization fall so the killing can stop. Years ago there was a child born of a human and one from the other side. They were killed for their “Crime” when he was still a baby, but they managed to hide him where the organization could not find him. Now, as a grown man, he too seeks to bring down the organization, by any means necessary. Despite his split parentage, the only of his kind as far as he know, he manages to find a couple from each side to help him on his mission.


Things Jiskastya Likes: I tend to enjoy stories that have some note of a darker element. I don't do particularly well with a story that has no supernatural aspect in it, simply because I tend to find it a little boring otherwise. I enjoy pairing the extraordinary with the average, although only if I don't have to play the average. I like characters that have a little bit of a messed up psychologically, although I can easily work with normal psychology and some really, really messed up mindsets.

I'm not opposed to having two guys getting together, but I don't want to set it up with having a romantic relationship as an aspect. If they fall in love naturally I can go with that easily. But I don't want to force it. And we will certainly have to fade to black.

By realism, I mean that once a rule has been established, everything else follows it.

My plots are usually nowhere near that established, as more often the moral or "correct" thing to do is highly subjective. Because of that, I do like the plot about the organization that has harsh rules in place to keep a supernatural population in place, although my character would probably be stuck somewhere in the middle about whether it is better to leave the organization in place, or potentially release the world into chaos. I also like the one where a character who can't remember what is going in is being hunted, although I almost never do humans with single animal-like characteristics.

As much as I love the idea of a war (and I really do enjoy things like that)

I have always believed in taking a look into the minds of anti-heroes, and most characters with the standard "good motivations " I do not find as interesting.

I prefer giving plots the chance to be completely re-directed, so that, if we plan something and find that it doesn't work out, it isn't impossible to redirect without completely starting over.

As far as which of us gets the more ordinary character, one of the best ways to work around that may simply be to have characters who are extraordinary in completely opposite ways. I’m not entirely sure how those opposite ways could be, but I’m sure you know what I mean.

It was most noticeable in the plot about the Organization, where “their front of hating one another is unquestioned,” but it ran fairly recursively through several ideas. That is something with which I would absolutely love to play.

. . .but just the general idea that there are people who have to pretend to be enemies, or act a certain way, and underneath they are an entirely different way, but no one knows that. Somehow, playing a few characters like that just sounds very interesting.

The other idea that I would absolutely love to play around with is the idea of a multi-sided war. Where groups of people are all in a free-for-all against the other groups. It is possible as an idea, although more limited in motivations than a two-sided war, but if you have any inspiration on that I’d love to hear it.

Something else that came up multiple times is the idea that someone has hidden knowledge/abilities inside of them that are starting to grow, and it is causing problems/people are hunting them for it. Depending on what you want to do with that first idea, it might fit well.

I’d rather perhaps lose the global focus and keep the plot a little bit more freeform.

Again, I’m not looking to get another series of plots. Perhaps it is my own controlling nature, but if I’m going to build a story from scratch with a partner, I’d like to be in the basic creation process as well.

What if the two different sides have gone to war for some reason? And, if the war keeps up, as it looks like it is going to escalate, it is almost certain that, after centuries of hiding, the human race would finally figure out about the other races hiding among them. Our characters were on opposite sides of the war, but were friends before it started. Now they have to pretend to be enemies, while being forced to fight in the war, and... stuff. Dunno. Random thoughts. Maybe we go ahead and take it to the extreme. Maybe the war does escalate too far, and the humans do find out. Then.. mass hysteria, plus three-way war.

Ok. Dividing line... I would rather not have one side be the undead, simply because (as far as I am aware) that side is a lot more limited than the other side. We want it to be something that would have an about balanced number of species. And there are enough shapeshifters that we can't use form as a category. Right now, Daywalkers and Nightwalkers is seeming like the best bet, but I'll keep thinking.

If we are going to go through the time to create our own world, there is little point to using a modern setting, unless for some reason you are fond of gasoline and black powder. The only really good thing about a modern setting is that everything has already been set up and established and Google has all the answers. If we are going to be changing things anyways... lets just make something up completely.


Things PopeAlessandros Likes: I normally work best with a central group of people in mind(Be them a lover pair, a fighting team, or an organization) and while I have a strong love of Yaoi(M/M) romance.

I'm best with Fantasy and Sci-fi, but I can do any genre fairly well.

I have this thing about a central figure that is either feared, respected, or loved, or all three :P

Well, that comes from hanging around people who have a distaste for the gray I normally operate inside, and who don't root for the bad guys like I do : (I'm not kidding, as a kid, the villains were almost ALWAYS my favorite characters in Disney, with Scar at the top of the list :P) When making a lot of my own personal plots, I tend to have a character thateither has, or converts to, very non human based morals/habits/views of the world.

Maybe I do go a little far. I think it may come from my controlling personality and a subconscious desire to ensure that the plot has the potential to go in a direction I would like and in a way that won't have me quitting because I find it no longer interesting. . . .

We could have them live in the human world, and need to undertake human fronts, but both of our characters would be “Different” :P That could play to adding a third side, the humans, or even a fourth side, those rebelling against the system(From all three sides).

They all live on an earth like planet, with humans being the most prolific, hence dominant, race, and also the race that, for the most part, has NO idea the other two are real. The non human races would live around humans, mostly as humans, but yeah, have their own customs and lifestyles on the DL. I would say that, at some point in the past all three sides knew of one another and were at war, but now the mystical and undead, while still hating one another for the most part, decided to live peaceably among the humans. Also, since both those sides live longer, and humans for the most part tend to try and forget the unpleasant parts of their lives, have all but dismissed the two other sides as fantasy entirely.

Yea, team. I like the idea of the two secret sides having to work together to keep the peace, and to keep humans from finding out. It would give that touch of moral ambiguity and would have both characters with "Blood stained pasts" of a sort. Also, it doesn't have to be mystical/undead. I had a thought that it could be as simple as Daywalkers(Fairies, elves, ect.) and Nightwalkers(Vampires, Weres, ect.) or some other dividing line you like :P

I try to avoid using "Our World" at all cost. I am terrible with historical/geographical accuracy, so more often than not if I have something set in "Modern" I like to say it's more a world LIKE ours, but not ours. That way we can make up our own histories(Changing as much or as little as we want from out own history) and our own geographies of the cities, towns, countrysides.

I'm kinda stuck on the idea of our guys working together. . . If they are actually at war already, then the interactions between our guys will be few and far between, and that doesn't sound like much fun in a one-on-one RP

. . .could we keep with the idea of them seeing each other on a regular basis?

We can even have the war come in later when we've established things in such a way that we can figure stuff like that out better, or ways around my bad habits :P

I like the Nightwalkers and Daywalkers. We don't have to strictly use races that already exist, making our own races for either side to keep it balanced. I do think before hand we should go through the races that we want to use that already exists and put them into either category.


And now we just have to find a way to hack it all together :P In the immortal wors of the plumber in the red hat, "Let'sa go!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jiskastya


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Right. Let me think...

What is creating the conflict between the Daywalkers and the Nightwalkers. I mean, they are different, and that is naturally going to create tension. But usually there is a reason/justification for them to hate each other. That seems like a really good place to start.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Reasons long forgotten" Is always fun, and gives the option of a side road/goal for the characters/RPers.
But if you wanna go with something more "Known". . . . . There are three gods, but two of them have been fighting since the beginning of time, and those who worship them/were born of them mimic their gods' actions down on earth. The only reason for the peace was because a strong enough groups of non devouts on both sides managed to take power and forced the more religious fanatics to stop killing each other for what they saw as such a foolish reason?
Both sides are part of a grand experiment set forth eons ago by some higher powers and have always been born with the innate need to fight one another. However as part of the experiment a generation was born without that innate need and when they came of age they sought peace because they did not feel, even with how they were raised to hate the other side, that all the killing was worth the price. However, now the children are once again being born with the need to fight, and the higher powers want to see if the peaceful generation will be able to keep the peace or if they will be overthrown by the older and younger generations seeking an all out war?
For generations the Nightwalker(Or Daywalkers) were used as slaves . . .Need I say more? :P

I think that's all I can come up with one the spot . . . .Well, sure I could do more, but I wanna see what you think, and what ideas you might have :P OH! And did I get all the pertinent information down up there, or did I miss something?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jiskastya


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Yeah, I think you did good. Most of our planning is still pretty abstract at the moment, so it doesn't matter too much. This is the important part.

I think I would rather avoid making gods the main reason for the conflict. Unless the gods are very significant in everyday life (which is, of course, a possibility), we might as well go with "a reason long forgotten". It has the same amount of significance. Most conflicts in our world have reasons to have begun, even if they are different for both sides. People tend to keep track of reasons to hate someone else.

The problem with slaves is that the conflict would be over a lot quicker. A fight for freedom is good, but after that point it goes back to "business as usual". American history as my evidence.

Cultural reasons/ differences in customs are usually a good one, as is supposed assassinations, if the supernatural populations has kings/emperors. Or, if we want to make gods very significant, we could go back to some godly reasons.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Just as a side note, the "High Powers" were not intended to be gods, just beings working on a grander scale of things, or even aliums!

But anyways, "A reason long forgotten" will let us work out what happened as we go along, if we feel like even looking in that direction. *Recalls the war that had something to do with tulips that lasted 300 years* Ah, so funny. . . .
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jiskastya


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ah. You mentioned gods in the first one, so I naturally assumed that your second set of higher powers were gods as well.

My main concern with an unknown reason is that the way the different sides act towards each other would be fairly dependent upon what happened in the past. If it was a betrayal, the latent hostility is going to be a lot more extreme than if it was something that happened in a war. It would also be important to know how long it has been since they actually got along. Is it something that came about right at the creation of the world, or is it a more recent development? Since our characters are going to be on opposite sides, the way they would have viewed each other when they first meet is pretty important. Unless you want to pick general reactions, and later build a reason from that?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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I would say a basic reaction to one another would be like "Oh, you're a ***. . ." with varying levels of mistrust/hostility depending on background of the individual. Basic negativity on the soft end of the scale, and a knee jerk reaction to attack on the harder end. I'd say it's still fairly common for one side or the other to "Take revenge" or something like that, but that's mostly a generational "Your kind/family killed my great great something, and my father, blah blah blah" giving a level of basic bad blood and specific reasoning for many characters, while over all it's mostly rumor and innuendo for those not directly linked(That they know of) to negative happenings between the two sides.

That way our two guys could get along, but still have the background of knowing ll about blood feuds that just compounds the issue of whatever happened in the past to make them hostile to one another. As for when the thing happened, I'd say so long ago that maybe only really, REALLY old fogies have any idea what it is, and for the most part, they ain't sharing. :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jiskastya


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ok... but if they are at the point where they can basically tolerate eachother's presence, why is the war so close to breaking out again? Is there something specific that had happened/ is about to happen?

Did you mention something at some point about making up species? Or was it simply picking some of the more eccentric ones to add in? If we are going to make some up are we going to want to use some that have already been created as well?

Did we ever begin to touch on how they could conceal themselves from the humans?

I tend to plan by asking questions of my partner, and then just continuing to ask questions until I reach some sort of satisfactory explanation. If you ever want me to contribute a bit more, especially if it gets to the point where it seems like I'm just asking questions to be annoying, feel free to ask some of your own. :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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One could always say perhaps that there has always been a resistance to the peace, which is what makes our kind necessary, and now they have found something, or have created something that will help them to bring back the war, and hopefully, wipe out the other side. The resistance would be on both sides, so only one side would get the (Fill in the blank) and this would rile the other side up, causing a rise in incidents, which is what could lead out guys into whatever mess is about to erupt.

Yes, I have the idea of making new species, but this would be done to supplement already existing species that we like and would want in the story. So, we'd pick the species we like from existing one, divide them into the two groups, then add our own creations to either side as we see fit and hopefully provide a balance of power. Ex. Daywalkers got dragons, and not much can argue with the kinds of dragons I like RPing with :P

As for concealment, I would see base level enchantments that each side can learn at a certain age, but p until that point they have to be hidden away, or the family lives in the countryside until the child can use the concealing magic. But that's only for the non-humanoids. I'd say the human shaped ones can also use the concealing magics, and do, but they also can just put on the right clothes if they are feeling daring. I was also thinking of establishing a few places kinda like the MoM from HP, which would be safe places for the non-humans to just be themselves. Like bars and hidden playgrounds for the kids :P

I always like feedback on the ideas I pose, in case my partner doesn't like them or have a different idea. The only thing I can see about you asking a lot of questions is that I may feel eventually that I'm taking too much control in the set-up, so please be sure to speak up if something I put forward isn't what you want, or if you have ideas of your own. I too like posing questions, and will do so like this:

Are there any particular cliches you'd like to avoid?

Any particular races you definitely want/don't want?

I remember you saying something about not doing modern. For me, using a semi modern earth setting as a base and building from there, or any base really, is a good way for me to start cobbling together my worlds. So, if not a modern base, what kind of base do you want? The world we come up with may end up completely different from the base, but a baseline helps my thought process. :P My own psychologist(I am a psychologist by the way) tells me that my thought patterns, when left to roam go, "From A to B to. . .L, and Z!" when I'm communicating to people my ideas. We start off talking about carrots and end up with me spouting off something about the Indy 500, which will make perfect sense to me, but no one else will get the connections. . . .And I ramble :P So yes, a building block, can be as simple as one of my favorite ideas "Everything is powered by a very interesting kind of plant that glows" That world looks, so awesome. . . . .
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jiskastya


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Our kind"? Are we going back to the idea that there is an organization that tries to preserve the peace? I wasn't quite certain if that particular element was carrying through, but it does make sense. If so, how did the organization get created? Or maybe I misread what you were trying to say. Anyway. I would like elaboration on that first paragraph all the way around. :)

Sounds good. Supplemental creation is always a lot of fun. It will also be nice to have some... odder things in the mix. But I do want to make sure to include Raksasha, I'd rather avoid some of the random, creepy vampiric creatures from the Philippine and surrounding area, since they are mostly just repeats, and I think we can come up with some other cool things. Are we going to want to do "light" and "dark" versions of certain creatures? Like elves and dragons? Or do we want to pick one species for each type, give them a side, and leave them there? Because there are often numerous varieties of a single "species".

I'm not too sure what you mean by cliches in this case. Do you mean in terms of species and attitudes, or in terms of plot elements?

Hmm... A basis. I would be really fascinated about doing a world where the potential for a long fall is always hanging above everyone's head. I'm not quite sure what I mean by that, only that people have to pay attention to where they walk. I suppose that could mean living in giant trees, or having a world that is entirely made up of really jagged mountains, with narrow, steep paths and everything going up, or even floating islands. It is just a place where you have to pay attention to how you are moving, and if you closed your eyes and walked randomly you'd probably die within a minute. Unless you had wings.

Sorry it took me a bit of time to get back to you. I lost the bookmark, and kind of forgot to check in. I'll try not to do it again. :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Yes, I would like to keep with the "Organization" idea where both sides work together. I really liked the idea of our two guys working together but having to pretend to hate one another for the co-workers :P I think the Organizatsia(Bad, bad me:P) would have been set up soon after the war ended when it became clear that even if a peace was called, that the fighting between individuals or smaller groups would be harder to quash, and make it nearly impossible for them to hide their existence from the humans.

I has no idea of creepy vampiric Philippine beings, however I was going to limit myself to only two blood drinkers is that's what you mean :P I'm drawn to the darker side of things myself, so for the most part you may see me coming up with Nightwalkers :P I suppose we could have a few Riba(Reversable) creatures if you really want them, but when it comes to stuff like that I think they should be the less evolved creatures who act more on instinct since most things with at least human intelligence have learned for themselves what side of anything they want to be on. This also fits in with my idea of no one deciding factor making one Night or Day. I want 2 blood drinking creatures, but one a Night and one a Day, so as to not follow the stereo type that if id drinks blood, it's a "Creature of the night", y'know? As for stuff like Elves and Dragon. . .I'm a D&D Dungeon Master :P I know some races of elf seem on the permanent dark side, and that half the breeds of dragons are evil, but I want to ask a question first: How many breeds of each were you planning on and from what base? The D&D base would provide us with an already established line(Plain colors vs metallic for dragons, ect.) for most creatures, but if we're going strictly mythological then things could get way complected real fast. I'd like a mixture of both, but meh *Grin* However, if we do have more than one breed of dragon, I may begin being a little selfish when it comes to what side they are on. All elemental dragons are said to be neutral :P

All the cliches, all of them :P Kidding, sorta. Yes, I was wondering if you wanted to avoid all dwarves being loud and heavy drinkers, or the vampires sleeping in coffin(I want to scrub that one out myself :P) and also as far as plot goes I know you like more morally ambiguous sets for it, so which in particular of plot devices would you like to avoid?

We could have a world that's a mixture of all those elements. This could actually be the base for the humans themselves having some sort of, I don't want to use the term "Cast system" but something like a rivalry between those living on the floating island, and those living on say, the shifting sands, and the tree dwellers. I can see us coming up with some fascinating modes of transportation on this world :P

I have a list of races I'd like to see in the RP, some of my own long time creation. If you want I can list them now, or later :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jiskastya


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ok. Somehow it never fully connected to me that the organization was sticking around, but that is alright. It is something I'm perfectly willing to work with. All that we need to do on that particular front is decide a little bit more how the Organization came about. It isn't something that would have sprung up by chance, since it would take a lot of effort on both sides to set up something that wouldn't fail within the first year or two. So we will just need to flesh out those details.

Two blood drinkers works just fine for me. So long as you mean creatures that must drink blood to survive, and drink little to nothing else. I'm trusting that a blood-craving won't be limited to only two?

I'm not quite sure what you mean by reversible creatures. You mean ones that don't necessarily stay on one side, within their same type? As in, a parent could go to the Daywalkers, and a child (cousin, brother, etc.) could go to the Nightwalkers? I'd rather not have any of those at all. If you mean something else by that, though, feel free to clarify.

Unfortunately, I am completely unfamiliar with the D&D system of categorization, for just about everything. I've never had anyone with which to play the game, so it was never something that I wound up doing. Because of that... I don't really have a base. If you want to choose something, I could probably be persuaded fairly easily. Otherwise,we could both just call it as we see it, and agree that we won't fight over what goes where. Or, if we do, it will be brief. But I don't think there should be any "neutral", mostly because I'm imaginignt he light and dark thing more as something racial and genetic (if genetics is a thing with these guys), than it is a species choice. Something that defines the Daywalkers and the Nightwalkers, and makes it impossible for them to switch sides. Which is part of the reason I don't think there should be any who can switch sides. The reason being, I'm not really ok with the idea that a personal choice, rather than something that "is", even if it has a lot of history backing it, would never have a single individual who decided to rebel and switch sides. Individuals do all sorts of wacky things. That would mean we would need a couple defining characteristics for each side, but it would also probably make it easier to sort things.

As far as the number of variations within a species... I don't think it is really necessary to define that. That is something that could easily change at the drop of a dime. But that does raise the question; How many humans are there in the world, and what is the ratio of humans to the supernatural? If there are a large number of supernatural species, that would mean that there is less for each type. I know what I'm trying to ask, but I can't seem to find the right words. Do you kind of get what I'm trying to say?

I am ok with any species cliches, so long as it isn't a hard and fast rule. Saying "all dwarves have beards," is like saying "all dogs have fur." Occasionally there is just an exception. Which is why I often drop a warrior monk elf and a fastidiously neat dwarf into the middle of a fantasy roleplay. Just to make a point.

My only major concern with plot is having our characters (or at least my character, I don't really get any say in yours) doing something because "it is the right thing to do." I don't mind if events do come up where they do do the right thing to do, but there needs to be a better motivation for it than that. :)

I'm fine with combining a lot of those elements. My only thought is, as soon as we start introducing different climates and different civilizations that live within those climates, we are also going to have to start thinking about the fact that not all of the supernatural species would live in each climate/area. And that is fine. It is just another layer of complication.

Umm... I'll definitely want to see the list, but I think we might want to get some of the other things I mentioned above sorted out first. Just because it might have a big impact on what winds up happening with these different species. So, later. But soon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

M'kay, to keep these from turning into marathon responses I think we should deal with one front at a time. That being said, I'ma start from the top, and we'll move on to the next one(In your post up there) when we've figured out this one.

"All that we need to do on that particular front is decide a little bit more how the Organization came about. It isn't something that would have sprung up by chance, since it would take a lot of effort on both sides to set up something that wouldn't fail within the first year or two. So we will just need to flesh out those details."

I see this as kinda simple. Some of the more powerful fighters from both sides that have grown a faint respect for their equals on the other side of the line saw more and more innocents dying now that it is against the peace treaty for the warriors to attack one another, so they came up with the idea with one another, and together they brought it to the leaders/council/beings that drew up the peace treaty, on both sides and when the idea was approved the top warriors were given the duty to keep both sides in line. However, to make sure there was no ganging up on one side or the other, they came up with the two being teams, one from each side, so they could keep one another in check. So in short, all those in power put their backing behind it, and those chosen to work on keeping the peace within the organization were given licence outside the law to keep the peace as they saw fit.

Does that sound good?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jiskastya


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Right. The Organization...

I guess part of what I am stumbling over is how the peace even came about in the first place. I can see how the Organization would be a necessary by-product of peace, but it is a by-product of a lasting peace, as opposed to a peace because both sides are tired of dying. You know? How against each other are these guys? I mean, if it is like America vs Russia, from the cold war, even though nothing major is happening between the two countries, just skirmishes in smaller parts, we aren't about to pair up to protect each other.

Yeah. I'm just going to leave it at that before I tongue-tie myself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

How about something equivalent to a nuke drop that killed off half the population of all supernaturals? It would me more mystical of course, and maybe even very vicious, killing off most of the children? Children deaths are always a good reason to take a step back and realize that what you are doing just isn't worth it any more. However it MUST be clear that neither side can confirm that it's the other side that did it. That way it makes more sense that they would be willing to work together rather than one side being demonized for devastating the under 12 population.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jiskastya


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

But it wouldn't have affected the humans, I take it? From where could such a thing originate? If no individual is responsible for it, yet it is coming from the war?

The only thing I can think of is that they would need to have some sort of common interest or goal that fighting a war would interfere with. But I'm still working on it...

(Side question that will need to be addressed at some point, but can be added to the list: Do humans have any sort of magic at all? Would witches and wizards and warlocks be part of the supernatural population? Do those even exist?)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Well, not dying out would be a common interest. *Grumps* Yes, it wouldn't affect the humans in this case, and it would have been a group effort on one side or the other that made the terrible thing happen, but it should never be confirmed which side did it. I don't suppose that the simple fact that if the war continued they would most likely have killed each other off wouldn't work for you as a reason to stop fighting? It's always made sense to me, but maybe I'm being stupid and idealistic. It's hard to come up with reasons on a grand scale when you remove higher powers and gods from the picture my dear :P

As for that last little part, I've always thought it's more fun to hide stuff from humans when they themselves have NO relation to that which is being hidden, so for me, no magic as far as the human s are concerned. Makes fro creative explanations as to why some of the more public things that happen :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jiskastya


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Yes, I know. :) Isn't going to stop me from trying.

But, one dinner later, and I'm starting to get things a little better. This magic that caused such a disastrous effect is new, right? Kind of like how, now that we know that the atomic bomb is a thing, a WWIII would pretty much obliterate everything? The children are gone, people are dying, and if the fighting continues after the cease-fire necessary for both sides to heal, it is likely that the weapon, or, more accurately, an adapted and narrower targeting version of that weapon, would be used again. The leaders of each side would see this, and know that if they started fighting, ever again, not only might it alert the humans, but it would likely cause the complete obliteration of one side, or both, depending on who it was that created the new magic. Since no one knows, except for the person who set it off, neither side would be willing to risk it, since it might belong to the opposing side.

But that isn't going to stop the Daywalkers and NIghtwalkers from fighting. So they make the Organization the "bad guys," because they punish both/all members who participate in violent activity, not just the "victims". With neither side coming out on top, everyone just hates the Organization, and there is peace. At least, so long as both sides are balanced in power.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

*Applauds* Yay, you finally see my vision! *Pokes* Just teasing, but yes, that is the break down of my idea that I suppose I was just terrible at communicating. . . .If that works for you too, we can move on to the next section!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jiskastya


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

It took a bit, but I got it! I just needed to put it into some context that is better for me. :)

I'm ready to move on to the next thing, but at some point I'd also like to look into the leaders of each side. But that will probably be after we have the world all constructed.
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