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Hidden 6 mos ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Location: New York City, First Floor
Skills: N/A

Verity checked herself in her phone's camera as she made her way down to meet the tow truck people. As she maneuvered, she noticed a few interns watching a video. She would have to chastise them later for being on their phone when they should be working, but she also remembered that this was their generation. Everyone was connected now with their phones. It was a way to spread information easily and was almost as vital as water to live in today's society.

The video itself garnered attention. A man who looked like he was literally falling apart was shot by a cop, but the man still went after him. She shook her head. We were living in crazy times.

Once she got on the ground floor, she saw the men, who greeted her. "Yes, thank you so much for coming so quickly and so early! I do not believe I need anything, so feel free to take it in. I'll sign whatever I have to. And again, thank you both." She gave them the award-winning smile she was known for. Once this was done she had about 100 other things to take care of, but at least she had a minute to breathe.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Hermes had just gone into the locker room, making his way towards his locker as he put in the combination. He could hear the showers going off in the back, though it seemed a bit too early for that if you asked him. Maybe someone had to walk to school and felt a bit sweaty? He'd ignored it for now, though the silence of being one of the only two people in the locker was a bit unnerving. Causing him to look over his shoulder once or twice as he got dressed, like someone would come up behind him to scare him or pants him if he wasn't careful. He'd quickly changed into his gym shorts, taking off his shirt when suddenly he'd heard some groaning. It didn't sound pleasurable at all, and after a few moments it had continued.

Hermes looked around the locker room, checking to see if anyone else was around to help the kid out. But it was only him. ”Hey man you ok in there?” He called out, though no response came. His shirt still in hand, he began to make his way over towards the showers, trying to see what was going on. Maybe the kid fell, hit his head. But what he saw was a streak of red washed out by water as it flowed to the drain. The only sound as the water hit the tiled flooring, steam curling from beneath the stall as the groans continued. ”Shit. Is that blood? Look, I'm gonna come in to see if you're ok.” All that came back was more sounds. Whoever was in there must've been seriously fucked up or out of it.

Hermes slowly opened the door to the shower, and saw his crush standing before him in his birthday suit. His cheeks flushed red, he closed his eyes briefly, covering them with one hand as the other was held out. ”Shit, Elio sorry! Are you ok? Can I look?” He asked as he slowly spread his fingers covering his eyes and spied the bite mark on his neck. ” Che Palle! Your neck! Who the fuck did that?! Uh, shit ok, hold on, let's get you a towel and then to the nurse's room right away. Seriously bad hickey my guy”
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by ArticBeaver
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ArticBeaver It's not what you think

Member Seen 5 days ago


Location:Coffee Shop
Skills: N/A

As the officer spoke, Becker maintained her composure, nodding in understanding. "Understood. We'll handle it," she assured them, her gaze shifting momentarily to the reporters filming the unfolding events.

Becker stood with her hands on her waist, her gaze shifting between the two bodies covered by white sheets. Becker begins to understand then the urgency of the situation and the necessity of Flynn's decisive actions. "I guess desperate times call for desperate measures," she remarked.

Becker glanced at Flynn, her expression a mix of mild scrutiny and understanding. Becker nodded at Dave's comment,"Yeah, interesting would be one way to put it," she muttered dryly, glancing at the chaotic scene around them. She then turned to Dave and Flynn, managing a faint smile. "Let's just hope the rest of the day isn't as eventful."
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Kuro
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Kali Nordstrom

Location: Subway Platform >> Twin Seasons
Skills: N/A

"You as well." Kali replied, watching the woman leave after they had both disembarked the subway train.

Although she would've thought no more of it and carried on her way, Kali wanted to ensure that the pregnant woman was able to make it on her way without being mugged again. She didn't have Kaitlyn to "kick ass" this time around, so keeping a friendly eye out was her next best option. Once Kali was certain that the woman was safe, she turned around and headed up the flight of stairs onto the city streets. Thankfully, the Twin Seasons wasn't that far away from the subway station, and after mere minutes of walking, Kali arrived at the restaurant on time.

Walking towards the back end of the building, Kali set her belongings down in the small employee-only break room. "Hey, Jeff!" She called out as she tied her waist apron around her back. "What are the specials for today? Anything new or interesting? Or is it the same-old same-old?" Kali continued, then attaching her name tag to her shirt prior to grabbing a handful of napkin-wrapped silverware to readily place upon the numerous tables within the dining room.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 28 min ago

@Kirah The CDC site would be able to come up now, with some new information about the new virus that was going on which stated. "People have been seen exhibiting, rabid like symptoms if you witness anyone acting strange keep your distance from there and notify local law enforcement and emergency medical personnel. Mandy would also now receive a new text coming from her university notifying that said. "All classes were going to be cancelled for the time being and will update further at a later date." A vet tech had came by and took a look at the kitten and started to give it all of it's shots before turning towards Mandy and smiled. "The little guy is free to go now." He told her.

@Theyra Isaac would get a reply back from Jeffery pretty quickly which said. "Sounds good boss see you soon. But get here soon or i'll just take over the place." Was all that Jeffery would say in the text the last bit was a little joke however. There was still more tv ads that were playing and nothing else really was going on at the moment which was pretty boring really. However he would start to hear one of his neighbors from down the hall and some yelling was going on maybe some kind of fight was going on with one of the other residents and somethings being thrown as well to.

@PatientBean "Got it, just need you to sign this here and your cell number here that way we can contact you, and some insurance information from you and thats it." The tow truck driver said as he motioned for his assistant to go ahead with the towing process, Verity would see that some of the interns and other staff were watching the news in the lobby what was still going on. She would also catch a glimpse of Flynn the guy who had collided with her moments ago, he was standing by another tow truck with his bike on it the truck had the same tow truck company logo that was also doing Verity's as well to.

@Kuro Jeffery turned to look at Kali as she came in through the back and gave her a little bit of a smile he was in the breakroom as well to with the tv playing which was the Yankees team playing right now. "I believe it's yesterdays still but i'll have to wait and confirm it with Isaac whenever he gets his ass in, which should be soon hopefully." He told her as he headed into the kitchen and looked back at her. "If you could set up the tables that would be good." He told her.

Kaitlyn Carver

Location: NYC, School Hallway.
Skills: N/A

In the corner of the room Hermes would see the body of the gym teacher laying on the ground he looked very much dead, and had blood pouring out of his neck as well to. Elio's eyes looked very glazed over as his groans became much louder when he spotted Hermes standing there and slowly started to shamble his way over towards Hermes and would quickly tackle him to the ground knocking down a rack of hockey and lacrosse sticks down. His crush would start snapping at him trying to take a chunk out of Hermes he would be able to hold him back however a mixture of blood and saliva from Eilo would land on Hermes face with each snap of his jaws.

Kaitlyn would be walking down the hallway as she was headed over towards the nearby teacher's lounge to get something to eat, however she could hear something going on in the men's locker room and made her way towards the door and knocked on it. "Is everything okay in there?" Kaitlyn called out through the door, she didn't enter just yet and waited to hear a reply before just barging inside.

Flynn Price

Location: NYC Cafe.
Skills: N/A

Flynn watched as the cops did their thing as he turned to look at Becker he really didn't want to go for jail for doing what he thought was right, and the cops were incompetent in his opinion in this situation. "The cops have shitty stormtrooper aim honestly. I just did what I thought would be right." Flynn said with a slight shrug. One of the other paramedics then turned to get Dave and Becker's attention. "Mind helping me load up these bodies?" He asked as Dave turned to Becker. "I'll do it, just keep talking to your new boyfriend." Dave said jokingly as he wondered off to go and help with loading and securing the bodies.

Flynn rolled his eyes slightly at her partner's comment as he turned his attention back towards her. "Any information on whats going to happen next?" He asked, he really didn't want to go into a police station and answer a bunch of questions, he then turned to see a camera man aiming his camera at the two of them and tried to look away.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Mandy Mason

Location: Vet Office
Skills: N/A

Mandy frowned reading the CDC website. She was glad it had finally come up. She screenshot the most important information and sent it to her parents, adding that classes had been canceled so she'd be staying home.

It took her a moment to realize the vet tech was back, but they had the kitten. She smiled taking the cat back and gave them a thumbs up, a universal sign for thank you or your welcome. Mandy, being part of the Deaf community, felt it important to share the information she had just learned too. She showed the tech the CDC website. After the tech looked she pointed to the card reader to see if she needed to pay for the kitten's shots or blood panel.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by ArticBeaver
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ArticBeaver It's not what you think

Member Seen 5 days ago


Location:Coffee Shop
Skills: N/A

Flynn's quip about stormtrooper aim drew a smirk from Becker, though her amusement was fleeting, replaced by a somber nod at the mention of loading the bodies but thankfully Dave got her covered.

As Dave teased about the new boyfriend remark, Becker rolled her eyes playfully, giving him a light shove. "Just gettouta here will you." she retorted with a chuckle before turning back to Flynn.

"Next steps, well... we still need to give our statements, and they'll likely want to question you. It's just part of the process" Becker explained, her gaze flickering towards the camera but then focusing back on Flynn. "Just stick to the truth. You were defending yourself and others. The rest... well, we'll navigate it as it comes."

She offered Flynn a reassuring smile, a silent understanding passing between them amid the chaos and uncertainty.

"Oh, by the way," Becker extended her hand towards Flynn and offered a friendly smile. "Becker," she said, waiting for his response.

Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Kuro
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Kali Nordstrom

Location: Twin Seasons
Skills: N/A

Kali approached the dining room tables, napkin-wrapped silverware in hand. Before each seat, she left one set on the table for their guests to use later. "Issac still isn't here?" Kali asked, rounding the edge of a center table. "It isn't like him to be late. I wonder what's keeping him."

Once each seat had a set of neatly arranged silverware, Kali moved onto the condiments. Ketchup, pepper and salt—there was even parmesan and red pepper flakes. Most containers had been full to where neither Kali or Jeff had to worry about refilling them, but there were still a few that needed to be refilled from yesterday's rush. "Y'know, Jeff, I don't know how you can watch that stuff. Hitting a ball with a stick like they're a bunch of cavemen. Never understood why people get so excited over it." She spoke, attempting to pass some time with idle chit-chat about the ongoing game on the breakroom TV as she continued to set the tables.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Theyra
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Isaac bin Kamaal

Location: Isaac's Apartment
Skills: N/A

Isaac was just about done getting ready for work when he got Jeffery's text and smiled at Jeffery's small joke. While Isaac could take a lax role in running the restaurant and not be there all the time. He prefers to be a hands-on boss and still helps to cook. Cooking is his passion, after all, and being the owner of a restaurant does not mean he has to stop cooking.

So after getting ready and turning off the tv as it was still showing ads and was a bit boring at this point. Though as he turned off the tv, Isaac could hear the sounds of yelling and the sounds of what could be a fight from his where he was. That is strange, he thought. Things are normally quiet here and in the two months he has been in this apartment building. He has not heard a fight before.

Now a bit curious and cautious and ready to leave for work, Isaac, after getting his stuff, opened the door and left his apartment. Cautiously ready to see what the trouble was about.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Hermes' eyes drifted over towards the corpse laying on the floor. Seeing Mr. Brady lay in a pool of his own blood, as more spilled out from a wound on his neck. The groans from Elio became louder, almost ravenous, as Hermes turned and saw the glazed over eyes of his crush. He'd heard of something like this happening in Florida, some man got hopped up on bath salts and began attacking people. Was Elio on drugs as well? He didn't seem the type but…his thoughts were interrupted as Elio charged at him, knocking down a rack of hockey and lacrosse sticks along with Hermes flat on his back, forearms pressed against Elios chest to keep him from biting at him.

He risked reaching out to grab one of the hockey sticks, pulling it in closer as he pressed the side of the shaft into Elios mouth like a guard. One hand gripping the side down the end of the stick as the other managed to make its way to the opposite side. Hermes pushed forward with all his might, knocking Elio back before grabbing the stick again and running away towards the locker door where he'd heard a familiar voice. ”No, fuck no, everything's not okay right now! Mr. Brady is dead and I'm being attacked by a drugged up twink!” He bolted through the locker room door, stumbling as he made his way into the hall, hockey stick in hand with drops of blood and drool dripping down the shaft.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Location: New York City, First Floor
Skills: N/A

Verity nodded in agreement, signing where she needed to and offering up her insurance information. As she did so her attention was briefly drawn to someone standing off in the distance. He looked familiar. She focused her gaze and finally saw it. It was the guy who had hit her! God she really hoped she never had to see him again.

What also struck her as odd was the police nearby as well as a cameraman. What the hell happened? Did he crash his bike again and finally kill someone?

Once she was done, she handed the papers back to the tow truck driver. "There you go. Thanks again. And, hey, quick question, do you know what that's all about?" she asked, pointing in Flynn's direction.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 28 min ago

@Kirah The vet tech leaned in and looked at the screen that Mandy was showing him and quickly read it over and smiled towards her typing in thier phone with a simple reply. "Thank you." She then looked at the card reader and shook her head slightly. "On the house, just give the little guy a good home." Showing Mandy the message to her, there was a Petsmart just a little ways down the street if Mandy wanted to get some pet supplies. "Is there anything else we can do for you today?" The vet tech wrote down showing her the message, all the while the cat in Mandy's arms was purring contently.

@Theyra When Isaac got out of his apartment a younger guy who looked to be around his early twenties or so, he was known around the apartment to be a bit of a stoner. He looked rather messy looking as well to he turned to look at Isaac as he came out of his apartment, his hair was a bit of a mess. "Sorry for the disturbance man, one of my buddies started acting weird or some shit." He said as some groaning sounds could be heard from inside of his apartment, he also looked a little bit high himself. The kid made sure that his apartment was locked. The police had been called on him a few times in the past as well for a few drug related incidents in the past with his friends the guy then started to head down the stairwell slowly.

@PatientBean He turned towards the nearby tv screen seeing one of their trucks briefly as the news feed started to go towards some ads. "One of the boss' friends went to pick him up or something like that I dunno much about it other than that." The truck driver answered as he looked at Verity as her car was now loaded up onto the tow truck and was secured in place. He then wrote down the address where she could pick it up later. "We'll give you a call once the repair job is all done and our address for you when you are ready to pick it up. Is there anything else you need?" He asked her.

@Kuro "Eh he should be here pretty soon, sometimes i'm a bit late to myself." Jeffery told Kali as he had turned up the volume on the tv and headed into the kitchen to turn on all of the grills and fryers that the restaurant had. It would be about an hour for them all to heat up and he can start doing all the usual food safety check list that they legally had to do. He grabbed the restaurant's tablet and pyrometer to get that ready as well to all the while he was listening in on the game. He turned to look at Kali as she set up all the tables and got the dining room ready. "It's always really fun to watch the games, you should go to an actual game sometime if not at least go there for the food." He said Jeffery had been known to take a day or two off whenever the Yankees were playing a home game.

Kaitlyn Carver

Location: NYC, School Hallway.
Skills: N/A

Kaitlyn took a step back as Hermes quickly left the boy's locker room and shut the door behind him, she raised an eyebrow when she heard Hermes saying that the gym teacher was dead and someone hopped up on drugs tried to attack him. She noted the bloodied hockey stick in Hermes' hands as well to. "Okay just calm down a little bit okay?" She said to him in a calm way as she slowly tried to reach for the hockey stick that he was holding.

There was a small crowd in the hallway now witnessing what was going on and Hermes holding a bloodied hockey stick in his hands. Hannah came down the hallway and quickly spotted Hermes and made her way towards him. "Hermes what the hell happened?" She asked as she stopped to hear some loud banging on the gym doors they were double doors as well to. If Hermes looked over his shoulder he would notice zombified Elio slowly trying to open the door. One of the students quickly went to get a teacher and the school's security as well to to relay what was going on.

Flynn Price

Location: NYC Cafe.
Skills: N/A

Flynn rolled his eyes ever so slightly towards her partner's comments as he turned his attention over towards Becker as she started to explain what was going to happen and sighed slightly, he really did hate being questioned by cops honestly. "I'm Flynn nice to meet you." He extended his hand towards her to shake, he could stick to the truth pretty easily he just hoped that the police officers would believe him as the same one from before approached the two of them.

"Do you two mind coming down to the station for a little bit you aren't in trouble or anything we just need to make sure everything matches up to what happened here." The officer asked, Flynn looked a little bit more nervous as he looked at Becker to see if any of this was normal. "It'll take no more than an hour or so." He told the two of them, Dave was finishing up as he loaded up the bodies into the nearby ambulance.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Mandy Mason

Location: Vet Office -> Pet Smart
Skills: N/A

Mandy wrote, "Thank you! That's all." It was good she had come here. Now that school was canceled for the time there was no way she could have done the tests and shots there. She made sure she had her stuff and headed over to the pet store in the same little strip mall.

She grabbed a cart and figured she'd best get enough for a month. She remembered how COVID was supposed to be two weeks and then it ended up longer and longer. If it was worse than that, she'd just get stuff delivered like they had before. She went through the cat isle looking for dry and wet food. She also made sure to get a collar, a carrier (she found one of those cool backpack ones), a litter box and all the other random things that were good when you had a new kitten.

Her parents weren't going to be surprised. It wasn't the first time in Mandy's life she had brought home a random pet. It wouldn't be the last either. She smiled as she gathered stuff and remembered the first animal she had rescued. It had been a baby bird. She had hand fed it for weeks before it flew away. For years after it would make its nest in the tree in their yard.

Mandy took a picture of the cart and sent it to her parents, with a picture of the cat. Her message read, "Sorry, not sorry <3"
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by PatientBean
Avatar of PatientBean

PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Location: New York City, First Floor
Skills: N/A

Verity looked over at Flynn, sure there was more going on, but she also had a busy rest of the day. "No, that'll be all. Thank you for the speedy service." She accepted the address and turned to get back on the elevator.

But something gnawed at her. She couldn't leave well enough alone. She moved towards the window, hoping to get a better look at what was going on. She didn't want to be seen if she could help it, though she supposed it didn't matter. Either way, she shot a quick text to Trudy to hold the fort down for a few minutes.

Police were involved it seemed. This had to be bad. And if it was bad it was juicy. And juicy equaled ratings.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Hermes was strung up, his emotions turned up to high as he felt his heart beating in his ears. The warmth burned at the tips of them as they thrummed and he watched others begin to pile into the hallway to witness the spectacle this had become. He watched as Mrs. Carver began to reach for his only chance at survival. He gripped the stick tightly as he moved back a step, his knuckles white as the wood groaned beneath his hands. ”Calm down? Calm down?! I was attacked and you want me to calm down?!!” He said through strained words before following into a string of Italian laced with expletives as he reached up with one hand, pushing his hair back before realizing he was still shirtless and the rest of his clothes was trapped in the locker room. It was fine, he kept a spare shirt and jacket in his hall locker anyways, he hated wearing the same shirt after gym because he thought it'd absorb the musty scent of the boys locker room, as pungent as it was.

”Hannah grazie dio! I was getting ready for gym when I heard someone groaning in the shower. Sounded like they got hurt, maybe hit their head I don't know, then I saw blood pooling out from beneath so I checked it out thinking maybe they hit their head hard. When I opened it, Elio was in there along with the body of Mr. Brady, throat ripped out and q bite on Elios neck! Next thing I know he's lunging at me trying to bite me like some Floridian on Bath Salts!” Banging started coming from the doors, as Hermes turned to see in horror that Elio was attempting to break through. He crossed himself with his fingers and said a silent prayer before lunging towards the door, sliding the hockey stick between the handles and blocking it from being opened.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Kuro
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Kali Nordstrom

Location: Twin Seasons
Skills: N/A

"Isn't ball game food expensive, though?" Kali asked. She had always heard of people paying outrageous amounts for a simple hotdog or beer. It had become enough of an issue that stadiums had patented "all-you-can-eat seats" to draw more people in, and unfortunately, to Kali's dismay, it was working. Stupid people were always willing to pay stupid prices for stupid things, it seemed. Not Kali, however. She wasn't about to pay six or seven bucks a hotdog any time soon, not even if her life depended on it. She was too broke to do so, so death it would be.

As she finished the last of her dining room checklist, Kali then turned towards the kitchen where Jeff had been fiddling with the fryers. "Anyhow, everything is ready to go out here." She announced. "You think it'll be a busy day? Everyone seemed to be in a rush on the way here. Maybe it has something to do with that new illness they're talking about—or not, I don't know. I'm not a conspiracy theorist."
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Theyra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Isaac bin Kamaal

Location: Isaac's Apartment Building
Skills: N/A

"That is fine, and just try to keep it down, it is still morning." Isaac does not know the guy's name but he remembers that this guy is probably into drugs and after getting a look at him. Possibly high right now, but, what did his friend take to make him act up? Then again, there is a reason why Isaac is not into drugs, and who knows what this guy and his friends took.

Either way, Isaac chose not to investigate further, seeing how the guy's apartment is locked and especially now since he does not have the time to try. That and he does not want to get involved with druggies. So Isaac went on his way and ignored the groaning sounds coming from the apartment and walked down the stairwell. Past the the guy and down the first floor, where he was hoping things would be less loud and more normal.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by ArticBeaver
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ArticBeaver It's not what you think

Member Seen 5 days ago


Location:Coffee Shop
Skills: N/A

Becker nodded in response to Flynn's introduction, shaking his hand firmly. "Nice to meet you too" she replied reassuringly. When the officer asked if they could come to the station, Becker glanced at Flynn, noting his nervousness. "Of course, officer. We understand," she said calmly, trying to alleviate Flynn's concerns. "Is it possible to take our statements here instead? It might save some time," she added, gesturing to the scene around them. "We're more than willing to cooperate fully to help with your investigation," she assured, giving Flynn a reassuring look to indicate that everything would be fine.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 28 min ago

@Kirah The pet store wasn't that busy as Mandy went through the aisles to grab all of the pet supplies that she needed to get for the little guy she would get a text back from her father not to long afterwards when Mandy had sent it. "Found another stray to bring in?" The text said, Mandy would see a kid around four years old or so wondering around by himself and spotted Mandy with the kitten in her arms and quickly ran up and started yelling. "Kitty!" The kid being clueless didn't really know that Mandy was deaf as he reached up to start petting him.

@Kuro @Theyra "I don't mind the expensive food it's really good honestly." Jeff said as he finished turning on the grills, fryers and ovens, it'll be about an hour or so before they could be ready to start cooking. He then looked at Kali for a moment mentioning the illness that was going around and rolled his eyes slightly. "Thats just a bunch of hogwash honestly, whats next the dead coming back to life or something?" He said sarcastically he was sometimes a bit of a conspiracy theorist at times but Jeff never publicly admitted it though.

It didn't take long for Isaac to come to his restaurant the front door was unlocked and he would be able to see Jeff and Kali coming in, as well as some of the other servers and waiters now were starting to come into the restaurant to start up their shift and get everything else ready as well to for the day.

Kaitlyn Carver

Location: NYC, School Hallway.
Skills: N/A

Kaitlyn was taken aback slightly when Hermes started to go on about what had happened and took the hockey stick away from her and quickly jammed it into the door handles of the boys locker room. "Just take a deep breath alright?" Kaitlyn said to Hermes trying to calm him down she could hear the banging coming from the boys locker room now as well to.

"Are you saying your crush is on drugs or something?" Hannah asked him as she jumped slightly hearing the banging sounds coming from the boys locker room, and some loud groans could be heard from the other side of the door. There was a very small window Hermes would be able to see zombefied Elio still trying to open the door. It didn't take to long before a student came back with one of the school's security officers to come by. "What happened are you alright?" He asked looking at Hermes.

The officer turned to Kaitlyn and Hannah. "Take him to the nurse's office." He told him as he looked at the other students and teachers who were all gathered in the hallway now. "Everyone go to your classes now." He ordered them all to, which made the teachers quickly comply and started waving the other students off. Kaitlyn nodded as she tried to lead Hermes away from the door so that way the security guard could take care of it.

Flynn Price

Location: NYC Cafe.
Skills: N/A

"Yep no problem see you whenever you come by the shop later." The towtruck driver said, Verity would be able to see Flynn talking with one of the officers as well as Becker. Verity would also get a simple thumbs up emoji from her while Verity watched, she would be able to see one of the bodies being loaded up into the ambulance. Through the rear window she could catch some movement from one of the covered bodies as if it was sitting up, just as the paramedic had closed it. She would see one of the cameramen filming it just as it left the scene, the person holding the camera stopped filming seeing that happen and went to replay it.

The officer started to think about it as he watched the ambulance take away the two fatalities to the nearest hospital, he knew that it was probably going to be more paperwork then anything really. "Eh, to much paperwork if you don't mind giving me your numbers and we'll get your statements over the phone or send someone over to talk to you two." He said as he went to take down his notepad. "Alright then." Flynn said as he started to take out his phone and then took the officer's notepad and handed him his information.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Hermes felt as his breathing rapidly increased, becoming hyper aware of how quickly his chest would rise and fall after Kaitlyn told him to take deep breaths. He inhaled, one long, slow, breath before holding it for a couple of seconds and then letting it go. His heart rate lowering slightly as he attempted to keep himself in check before he went into a full blown panic. ”I don't know Hannah, maybe? He…didn't seem himself. Almost ravenous. Maybe he got rabies? I hear it makes people go crazy.” He replied with a low voice. One hand holding onto the other bicep. Security had finally come and Hermes looked at him wondering what he could possibly do in this situation. He rolled his eyes at the rent a cop before answering. ”I'm fine. Not a scratch on me. It's Elio I'm worried about.”

Blood had smeared onto the small window that looked into the room where Elio resided. Still trying to break free as the doors clattered rhythmically at each attempt. Every thud like a heartbeat. ”Somethings wrong with Elio. Coach is down, dead, I'd watch out for any exposed areas. He tried biting at me. So you might want to cover up before he infects you with rabies too. Actually…can humans pass down the rabies virus?” He answered the security guard before following Kaitlyn. ”Mind if we stop by my locker? It's on the way just…would rather not stay shirtless in this cold ass school”
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