Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by emmyanne
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Kinda sorta, it's more of a mystery, sci fi, investigation-y mix. It's cool! And aha, oh.. that is somewhat awkward. Oops XD More chances of me watching it now, though. I've heard that breaking bad was good! Maybe that'll be my new binge.. And yes, up until the latest episode because my stupid dad didn't illegally download it for me. DX Hahaha Was it good?? No spoilers!

Haha, yeah my parents pressure me to actually get a job xD So I get that one, heh. Honestly, I don't think there is a such thing as "too clean", except in the case of people with serious OCD or something. The only reason my room isn't clean is because I am super lazy and busy. I just don't have the time or energy. But when I move out on my own I will totally be super organized, clean and probably super crafty and decorative. Or I hope I will at least... Ahahaha, my mom does my laundry! I mean, I could but I don't.. :p #ohmygodImlazy Ooh, have fun at that one, don't get bored to death.. hah. No, I'm sure it'll be great to see your little brother graduate, I'd probably cry but I'm over emotional when it comes to those things, so yeah. Heh, a new couch? That's a sensible birthday present! I love couches so much... XD

Ehh, a couple of times. There is a couple things about yoga that I like, I use to meditate and I love shavasana, but you hold the positions for so long and it stiffens your hips and makes you lose flexibility, which is kinda bad for a dancer.

I recognize her name... hmmm. What does she write about? Oh, and start with Cujo! :)

I'm obsessing over this band called Dark Dark Dark right now. And Lana <3 She is literally so beautiful I don't understand.. *swoon*. Ahaha, and yeah by the way, I can tell already. My feed is kind of overwhelmed by gifs of her, thanks for that XD Then again you'll have to deal with all my dumb, sad stuff so I'll hush up now. It really is isn't? How many followers do you have? I only have 15 *angry face* but whatever, I don't really follow a lot of people either. My biggest pet peeve, though, is when people reblog a bunch of stuff from you and then don't follow you!! Like obviously you were on my blog and obviously you liked it so stop being a self-righteous bum. How did tumblr know? Must be psychic or something... Wouldn't surprise me that site is majestic XD

Yeah, I am very mature.. >.< Heh. But I watched a video and it was hilarious and I was like, do that, I want! Going all yoda on that shit and then yeah. It didn't happen. I cried. :p Never Have I Ever, yes... that game would be fun if I wasn't me and actually did stupid stuff. It'd have to be like 'Never have I ever done homework' and I'd be like 'Oh, I got that one!" XD

Exactly, I just want to get through the next two years peacefully and then finally go to uni, that is the goal: Survive high school. To be honest, getting older doesn't scare me so much. I can picture myself at 30 and 50 and 80 and none of that necessarily freaks me out. It's actually kind of exciting, to imagine what I could accomplish by that time. Haha, that's funny! Can't say I feel the same way though, nineteenth birthday you can come any day now, thanks XD

Mhmm, maybe! I guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens! I don't think I need a relationship right now anyways, I'm too distracted with everything else as it is. Thanks for that, though. Thanks for everything really. :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Red
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

So so did you finally watch the most recent Game of Thrones? x) I won't say anything 'til I know for sure, but I think I saw you post a quote from it on your tumblr.. Oh nice, I'll check it out! But yeah, you should totally watch The Village since you like being terrified and stuff. Haha, it's actually not that scary just really unsettling. Speaking of horror movies, oh Horror Queen, I have to confess that I haven't watched the Grudge yet x) I'm planning to watch it with Simon and his girlfriend soon, so maybe you could give me something else to watch by myself first. Give me a good one, but don't kill me please.

Yeah my mom did my laundry too until I went to college and had to do it myself x) Sometimes she does it for me when I come home to visit and I'm like why did I never appreciate this as I much as I should have. xD Yeah, I think it will be fun to see him graduate. He acts like he doesn't care who comes, but I know he'll be glad. I remember at my graduation we were told NOT to throw our caps in the air at the end like in the movies because someone could get hurt hahaha xD But of course everyone did and it was awesome. And the school administrators were probably like, those damn kids.. XD A new couch is a pretty sensible gift huh.. Oh no... IM BECOMING OLD AND BORING. Oh god, next I'll be asking for Tupperware and dish towels D: D8 Hahaha, but the reason I want a couch is because my futon is only big enough to seat four people and even then we're all squished x) I want to have room for more people so they don't have to sit on the floor! I better ask for something juvenile too. Uh oh, I can't think of anything xD

Woah, I didn't think of that. What kind of things do you do to maintain or increase your flexibility? Well stretching obviously *facepalm* x) But I mean, anything extra that people wouldn't assume?

She's a British author and her novels are usually set in Victorian London. Most of them feature girl on girl romance x) Her writing makes it hard to put the book down. Fingersmith is especially good. She's coming out with a new novel this year and I'll have to disappear for a week (or less probably xD) to consume it. Ok Cujo it is.

Dark Dark Dark, huh, I'll have to check them out, I've never heard of them. Lana is so gorgeous and her voice is just so incredibly amazing. There's this guy at work who LOVES her x) We haven't told each other we're both gay but I know he is, and I think he knows I am too lol. And oh, no need to thank me, you're welcome >) I'm more than happy to share her beautiful face with all SIX of my followers hahaha xD You and your 15 pfftt. I'm not in it for the fame, I'm in it for Grace gifs. Hmm, yeah that would piss me off too if someone reblogged but didn't have the decency to follow! D< I followed those blogs you suggested, but I haven't added your friend because I feel weird doing that somehow x) idk, should I?

"Oh I got that one!" hahahaha xD You're pretty funny xD Well it doesn't have to be super scandalous stuff! It could be stupid stuff like, never have I ever had a bunch of tampons fling out of my purse onto my male teacher's desk, or never have I ever been pushed off a pier by my girlfriend. Stuff like that x)

I think aging doesn't freak me out, but I get stressed about thinking that I'm running out of time to do stuff, like setting up a good career. Which is CRAZY I know, since I'm so young and have pretty much just started the real world. Woo 19, the Canadian drinking age!! There's nothing exciting about 19 here x) 18 is special because you technically become a citizen with all your rights and you can vote in elections and be drafted into the military during wartime. But no drinking because that would be too much to handle. By the way, when you do go to college, do you want to study abroad? When I went on my week long trip to London and Paris, our teacher said that the last group they took accidentally stumbled upon an anti-US rally in London. He said if that happens again, tell people you're Canadian x)

Thank you for everything too :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Red
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

oops, posted twice X)

EDIT: Man, I really like your tumblr posts
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by emmyanne
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I JUST FUCKING WATCHED IT AND I CAN'T COMPREHEND MY LIFE. "I've only ever loved one woman in my life... your sister" God fucking damn, kill yourself little finger you murderous perv DX And then, when Sansa was like standing in the snow, I started crying... like it was pathetic. But can we just talk about Dany and super-hot-guy-who-kills-people for a minute, omg yes. And then Jon, I hate that he is such an underdog. God I love him <3 Okay, Imma stop now. *zips lips* (But the part with the Melisandre... like stop GoT, just stop pls I am crying) *actually zips lips* XD

Okay, I will certainly have to watch that one! Is it on netflix? Honestly I like unsettling/creepy, rather then just full out gory horror. Ahh, you better watch that or I will be thoroughly disappointed! :p Oh, I actually was thinking the other day that I had to tell you about a movie to watch! It came out a couple of years ago. It's called "Splice" and it has a really cool story line and isn't too scary, although there is a bunch of pop up moments. Oh! And it's Canadian made, so that is kind of cool!

Heh, yeah... she thinks I don't appreciate her but honestly I really do. I have really great parents <3 Oh, boys! Always acting all tough and stuff XD I'm sure he'll appreciate you being there! Gotta love siblings! Oh my goodness, that sounds like such a perfect, cliche moment I love it, hehe. That must have been really great, I am literally praying for graduation. Ahhh! That's not a bad thing! I'm 16 and tbh I want tupperware and I always pick out the dish towels for our kitchen and stuff. :) Besides, futons suck so you probably need a real couch... ;p But y'know...forever 21 git cards are cool too, just as a suggestion :D

I sit in my splits for 2 minutes and thirty seconds each day! That's a lie, a huge lie. I never stretch.. oops. But I've started stretching everyday. I also warm up really well before I do any kind of hardcore stretching. Oh, and there is this painful stretch called the log sit where you sit with your legs stacked on one another, and where I have no hip/glute flexibility that one really hurts. But in my audition today, my teachers told me that my flexibility had greatly improved!! I was happy :)

Those sound really good, actually. I feel the need-to-read. :p You would probably really like V.C Andrews, have you ever heard of the book/movie (don't ever watch the movie if you haven't already, oh my god it doesn't do the book any justice) Flowers in the Attic? Her novels are really risque, especially for how old they are. Like there is a lot of really bold themes, incest being the biggest one in Flowers in the Attic. That sounds awful but the series is actual really good, and a lot of her other novels are really great.

Yes, definitely check them out! They aren't as dark and dreary as the name suggests. And Lana, oh my god. I can't even comprehend her beautiful-ness. I understand every and all persons addiction to her. She is a goddess. Aha, you can just tell, huh? No I get that, there are some people and you're just like yeah... you be gay my friend. Oh my goodness, the other day I was talking to my mom about how I wouldn't of thought my friend Skylar was gay at all and she told me my "Gay-dar" must be off, I kind of giggled. Ahaha, in it for the Grace gifs, huh? I'm in it for the fame... I am royalty like let's get real XD No, I'm kidding, I don't really want to be tumblr famous, I don't really care to have anon hate. But actually, 16... I gained a new follower!! *happy dances* Six followers actually isn't bad... I had mine for a while before I actually started using it and I was at a solid four for a couple of months :D Murrrr, good, and ahh... yeah. Maybe that is a tad bit weird. It probably isn't any of the stuff you would like anyways! Also, I think you mentioned putting your own stuff on there? Like your japan pictures and all that? I say: Good idea! :)

*bows* Yeah, I know I am ;) Ahaha, I feel like that is exactly the type of thing I would say, and then people would be like "Da Fuq?" Sorry if they can't handle the awesomeness..

I get that, sometimes I worry that I'm going to be in school my whole life and I won't ever get to see the world, but I mean med-school will be a really great experience in itself and I've already traveled quite a bit. I just really want to spend a summer backpacking across Europe, or building homes in a third world country or something exciting like that. 18 is everything else, actually. You can vote (which I probably won't do because who has time for politics, I would be happy with an anarchy tbh), legally consent, rent cars, I think, and your basically just considered an adult and you're held accountable or your own actions and stuff (so like you're tried as an adult in court, etc.). Honestly, though, it never made sense to me how you have to wait a whole other year to be aloud to buy alcohol or go to bars when they trust you with everything else, that is slightly confusing. Hmm, study abroad? Yes and no. I want to go to Dalhousie, it's a university in Halifax and it is really great school, but I think it would be cool to study somewhere else in the world. I'm going to keep my options open, that's for sure. Ahahahaha, that made me giggle!

Edit: OMG! THANK YOU <3 That means a lot.. Yours isn't too shabby, I suppose ;) Really though, I actually like it a lot. I've said it before but it just has such a boho, vintage, organic feel to it, where as mine borders on b&w depression blog and like boho/vintage. I couldn't decide which I liked better, they're both so me!

Actually another Edit: I meant to say that your post was really great... I loved it!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Red
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hahahaha xD Oh I know, I kept thinking he's gonna push her, he's gonna push her! That creepy, pervy SOB. If does anything to her I will cry. I've transferred all my "Joffrey Hatred" over to him. Sansa is so sweet and innocent and just gets abused all the time D: Dany is just such a badass. "Take off your clothes" omg xD And he was like, yes ma'am, *strip.* But at the end!! When Oberyn said "I'll be your champion" :D !!! I loved that.

The Village isn't not on Netflix streaming unfortunately, only through the mail option :/ You said you watch horror movies with your parents right? They'd like it too I bet. Heh, I know, I'll watch the Grudge, I will...if I must x) *cries* xD Ooh Splice, I'll check that out then. Speaking of cool Canadian made movies/shows, I really liked Lost Girl. The character Kenzi is the best xD ah man, she is hilarious, she kills me. Have you ever seen it? Another Canadian movie I like that my roommate made me watch was Bon Cop, Bad Cop.

Oh yes, I am liking your Forever 21 gift card idea. Yep, I'm gonna ask for that. Lol it totally was a cliche moment, it was great xD It was held outside and we were all dying of heat but it was really great.

Haha woah, I was like damn that sounds painful/incredible when I read your splits thing. Oww xD We do pretty basic stretches at soccer practices. I have to make sure to jog and stretch over the summer so I don't get all stiff by the time fall comes around. Nice job on the flexibility improvement! You'll be putting your foot behind your head in no time! xD

I have heard of that book actually! Someone recommended it to me but I've never gotten around to reading it. I'll have to add it to the list. I'm almost done listening to David Copperfield.

Oooh ok I like Daydreaming by Dark Dark Dark. So far so good, what other songs of theirs do you like? Haha, I can tell with him but I don't profess to have any magical "Gay-dar" or anything x) I'm surprised all the time at who comes out to me. Just goes to show there really isn't one type at all, by any stretch. Lol at your mom's comment x) She knew then about your friend, or was she just teasing? My mom has pulled me over all conspiracy theory-ish and said to me, you know I think so-and-so is gay, but she is usually way off x) My dad is in the military and he works as a psychologist. Until recently, there was the whole "don't ask, don't tell" policy in the US military, but as a psychologist, my dad usually hears really personal stuff from the soldiers and pilots that he works with. Technically, he was supposed to do something if someone told him they were gay. But he told me that the rule was the stupidest thing ever and he would never "turn someone in," it would be completely ridiculous, and it made me pretty emotional and I thought go dad go :D I don't know why I hold back on telling my parents, I know they wouldn't shun me. I just keep coming up with excuses to put it off.

Oh you know you are, huh x) A little cheeky too. Hey we wouldn't say that cuz that's how we play xD We tried playing beer pong in Simon's apartment once but we made a mess and he said never again! xD hahaha

Yeah all that stuff is the same for us here. Except the car renting part! They do not trust us to drive rented cars apparently until the frontal lobe of our brains have definitely fully developed x) You could go to that college and then spend just a semester studying somewhere else! What country would you go visit if you could pick any one right now.

Why thank you x) Oh I like your descriptors: Boho, vintage, organic. Nice. And thanks, I'm glad you liked my post! Yours are always fantastic.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by emmyanne
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I know! Grr, he makes me so angry! I can't decide if Sansa was safer in the capital or with him. I mean at least in Kings Landing she had Tyrion sort of looking out for her. Oh, oh! As for Dany, I can't even explain my love for her. Like, she is so perfect <3 Her and Jon are my favourite characters by far. But oh man, Oberyn! He takes a close second, that's for sure. That part made me incredibly happy! Man, I could probably go on forever, it is just such a perfect show.

Hmm, maybe I'll get my dad to download it and then we'll watch it, or I'll just watch it myself on the computer. Ah! I love Lost Girl! I've only seen an episode here and there when my mom was watching it, but I've always wanted to go back and watch all the episodes. I just really like Faeries, heh XD I didn't know it was canadian, though, so that's kinda cool! Can't say I've seen that other one though...

Please tell me you broke into High School Musical and had an epic flash mob afterwards? :D

Yeah, it hurts but I don't consider stretching (other then the log sit, eesh) to be unbearable pain. It's kinda like the good pain that makes you feel better even though it's a little uncomfortable. I can't run/jog for shit though, that is the type of thing I can't deal with. I get really bored and really tired, although I really wish I could keep it up for longer then fifteen minutes. Do you jog a lot? I know people who use running the same way I use dance, like an outlet for all their negativity, which I think is great.

Yeah, totally read it! V.C Andrews is great. Oh, right! I remember you mentioning that. That's the one by Charles Dickens, correct?

Hear Me is good, but my favourite would have to be Who Needs Who. It was on Hemlock Grove, so that's how I found the band! :D Okay, let me remind you that I have a serious god-complex, I am god. And with that title, comes a magical gay-dar <3 Aha, but in all seriousness, she was just joking around and trying to be witty or something. I usually can't tell either, unless it is like super blatant. Hahaha, oh man, moms are great XD I never totally understood don't ask don't tell, it's a little discouraging that it ever existing to begin with, but I suppose society's kind of evolved from that hasn't it? I talked with my guidance counsellor the other day and we discussed how much more open our society has become to people of different sexualities and such. Being gay now isn't something that people are ashamed, which is so wonderful. Go your dad go! Haha, that is really great of him. I feel like bing a psychologist would be really hard, especially to people who have been in combat. You'd hear some pretty scary stuff. Eh, I think you'll just know when it's right to tell them. My biggest thing is I don't like feeling out of control, I am such an introvert/control freak and on the inside I may be fully accepting and cool with everything but I like to keep that acceptance in my own little bubble, because once you share your stuff with the world it's hard to control anymore, y'know?

Hehe ;) Oh man, you sound like my kind of peoples, werk it! Ahaha, I feel like beer pong would be really messy. Especially if you weren't overly coordinated to begin with..

I don't know if that is true or not! I don't usually wonder how old I have to be to rent a car, since I am physically refusing to get my license because that is scary and no. Hmm, if I had to chose it would definitely be somewhere in Europe! There is this cute girl in my drama class who is from Germany and we were talking today about what it was like to study in a different country. She told me that I should go study over there, so that would be neat. I've always found Germany to be a really interesting country, plus I really like German accents, heh. Problem is, I don't really speak the language. XD

You are very welcome! And yes, tumblr descriptors and pretty great, although the technical definitions don't always match what you're trying to describe...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Red
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

I know, such a good show. Jon and Dany are my favorites too, and Arya. I'm kind of starting to like the Hound too.

Oh it's Canadian alright! Can't you hear it? xD I was watching it and I kept thinking, what strange state accent do some of these characters have??? I can't quite...sometimes they sound totally generic American but then they say a couple words really differently.. And then I was like, oh duh, it's Canadian, I'm dumb. x) And then I wondered why so many of them had Canadian accents so I looked it up and low and behold, Canadian made. And then I felt like a stupid American lol x) I love the show. I would say Mila is partly inspired by Bo, the main character. Her and her succubus tricks ;) And I really cannot get enough of Kenzi <3

WE'RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER XD Yes, we broke into a choreographed dance number and all cliques were immediately dissolved. Speaking of flash mobs though, those really do happen in college xD You better believe we had a Gangnam style flash mob in the library AND the brickyard.

Yeah, i jog pretty much everyday! During the summer I go to the lake trail near my apartment, either in the morning or at night, depending on my work schedule that day. I should jog there during the school year too, but I never feel like I have time and plus I get enough running as it is at practices x) I love jogging, it's just like you said, a huge stress reliever. Feels like a luxury to have to time to go run around the lake now! But omg, I just so happen to have a story about earlier today while I was running x) The trail is surrounded by woods and there are usually a fair amount of other people walking/jogging there. So this morning I'm running along, mind somewhere else, about to pass this couple, when suddenly I spot a HUGE black snake in the middle of the trial. I'm embarrassed to say that I stopped abruptly and made the girliest gasp you can imagine and the couple, who somehow hadn't seen the snake yet, turned to me and were like, "Are you ok??!?" xD I think they thought I was passing out or something. And I was all out of breath still and couldn't form coherent words so I just pointed at it and the guy was like "Woah, cool!" And started taking pictures with his phone while his girlffriend/wife and I stood back like NOPE. I hate snakes. Uhghgh yuck gahhd hate 'em. Lizards, fine. Spiders, ok, within reason. Snakes, fuck no. #nope #fucksnakes ..Sorry if you like snakes.

Yep, Charles Dickens! The master at creating worlds and characters. Critics have called J.K. Rowling a modern day Charles Dickens, and they also give that honor to Sarah Waters which is really cool since she writes lesbian fiction and that's not everyone's cup of tea.

Hahaha, but seriously how nice would it be sometimes to be able to tell immediately by looking at someone?? No guess work, no covert questions x) I actually wouldn't want that just yet, I'm still only just emerging out of the "ok I've come to terms with this myself so I can start letting other people in on my secret." Maybe some people really are better at guessing though. When I told Simon, he wasn't surprised lol. The thing with "don't ask, don't tell" is that it was actually seemingly lenient at the time it was set in place compared to the existing laws, which were that no one who identified as lgbt could even enter the military. It said, ok you can join now, but you have to keep it a secret. Which nowadays, people realize is ridiculous. There are some difficult parts to my dad's job for sure, the worst being having to go to the homes of soldiers from his unit who have been killed in combat and telling their families :( I honestly don't know how he does that. He's a very sensitive person, my dad. The opposite of my mom lol. Well, no, she's sensitive, she just wears her heart on her sleeves. I completely understand where you're coming from. As soon as you let other people in on this very personal facet of yourself, you never know what they'll do with that information, who they'll tell, how it might unintentionally change your relationship with someone. Giving yourself time to really accept who you are, as cliche as that sounds, is really wise because once you're comfortable with yourself, other people's negative attitudes and behavior won't be able to affect you as easily. Better to let it solidify first than risk other people taking it and defining you with it before you have a chance to even know yourself.

Oh yes, it is messy x) There are much better ways to drink socially x)

Ah man, I love driving. I sing in the car to the radio constantly xD Ooo Germany would be awesome! My mom was born in Germany! On an American military base. She could speak German up until she was four or five when her dad, my grandfather, was stationed back in the US. She can't speak it at all now, isn't that sad?? Mannn, what if she had kept it up and then taught me how to speak German?? lol selfish reasons x) I bet you could easily learn enough German to get by as a tourist. And then when the people you meet ask you why you wanted to come to their country, you can be like, well see, there was this cute German girl in my class and... x)

Lol TWO people with British accents came through my line today at the grocery store xD I was like, this is a miracle, how is this happening. I was extra chatty with them just to hear them say more words hahaha.

EDIT: ...I just searched "cashier problems" on tumblr...I am literally crying from laughing so much, these people know my life.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by emmyanne
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I've always like the Hound, I don't know why I just think he's really misunderstood #rooting for the underdog XD

Oh, I honestly never noticed that. I don't even really notice in american shows that they have different accents, maybe it's because I hear people talking in my real life everyday and then most of the shows I watch are american made? That makes sense to me... Anyways! Yes, omg Bo <3 Kenzi reminds me of a character from a book series I read so that adds to my love for her, and she is just super sassy! I love it.

*Packs bags immediately* When does the next train for university land leave because I want to be there, now. Hah, in other words: Flashmobs are so fun! I did one in Hali a couple years ago to promote bullying awareness and all of that stuff and this year we were suppose to do an engagement one for this guy who lived in like Ontario or something but then him and his girlfriend broke up so that was kinda awkie.

Man, you're making me wish I could get into it more! Maybe if I had somewhere interesting to run... y'know what! My summer goal will be to pick up running, so that when I graduate high school I will have something to turn to so that I do not gain a bunch of weight and then I can get hip dermals... yes this is a good plan. Oh my god snakes? Big snakes? Oh my god, fucking kill me now, I can't deal with those slimy abominations DX We don't have any big/poisonous snakes in Nova Scotia, so I don't really have to worry about them, but when I was a kid I watched a documentary on these huge pythons and that scarred me. I would probably be in tears. Wait.. he started taking pictures? Okay, if I had been that girl I would have just left him there like, nope you go ahead with your weird ass snake worshiping shit while I go back to safety. Ew, I can't stand spiders either. We have spiders in my backyard and they use to live in my playhouse so we could never go up into the attic just in case there were huge ass spiders in there.

I feel like I am so missing out, okay! I have decided. I am putting Stephen King on hold for now and going to the library and picking up a book by either of those authors. Suggestions?

No accidentally hitting on people and them being like, what the hell are you doing I'm straight. That's a biggie. Oh my goodness speaking of telling people, I was doing laundry today (yay me) and my blog was open on my laptop and I was listening to music. My dad walked into the room and like the first picture on my blog was of two girls kissing and he looked at it and then walked away and I was like well shit... But I don't think he actually noticed/thought anything of it. I had a bit of a panic attack for a minute though. Hmm, that's interesting. I don't really know all that much about don't ask don't tell, my family isn't a military family and it was just something that I was never taught, just because it didn't really come up at all, so that is actually really cool to know. As for your dad having to tell people about their family members... wow. That takes a special kind of person and a special kind of compassion. I can only imagine how hard it would be. Exactly, I mean sometimes I am super tempted to tell people but then I think about it and I don't know how okay I am with it myself. There is some people who I know would actually try and talk me out of being gay, as if they could actually do that. It's just taken me a long time to be okay with myself in a sense of the person that I am and fitting in with people etc., and the reason it took me so long was because I had to listen to everyones thoughts on who I should be, defining me before I had a chance to define myself. Then I was stuck in their definition, which wasn't a very positive one, and it lead me to making bad choices and seeing myself as an awful person. Now that I am at that good point and ready to move on, I don't want to open myself up to that happening again. So yes, basically what you said.

Haha, but what's life without a little mess once in a while? I feel like beer pong is something you have to do at least once in your life, just to say you did!

It honestly scares the crap out of me, partially because I know I'll suck, and also because I won't trust other people on the road. DX Ahh! That is so cool, that your mom lived in Germany. If you could speak german that would give you like a hundred million more cool points but you don't so, y'know *shrugs* what can ya do. XD Yeah, I mean I'm pretty sure people over there speak English too... I'd get by. Honestly I am seriously taking this into consideration right now, hah. And omg she is so cute, but I think she's straight... think. Most likely, anyways I may or may not flirt with her because I mean her english is good, but my subtle flirtations are better so yeah, it may make me an awful person but ftw >.<

That is the most amazing thing ever, british accents, above all accents, are the best. Hands down, no exceptions. XD

Edit: Aha, that's great XD Gotta love tumblr!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Red
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Yeah, when he was talking about his brother pushing his face in the fire I was like, ow he got me right in the heart xD Speaking of Game of Thrones, I completely forgot that it wasn't gonna come on this past Sunday because of Memorial Day weekend and I was super bummed Dx

Speaking of accents in tv shows, I always think it's amazing when you find out some actor/actress is actually British or something, like the guy who plays House, or the main dude from the Walking Dead who has a totally convincing American Southern accent :O I'm constantly surrounded by people who talk like that here in NC but I still could never imitate it like he does!

Haha, off to universityland!! xD It's magical here x) And we get out of school so much earlier >D That's cool about the flashmob to promote bully awareness. And I agree, flashmobs are way fun. Have you ever heard of the group Improv Everywhere?

Hell ya, you should do it! Or just go walking first and work your way up to jogging, either way. Won't you still do dance after you graduate high school? I have another jogging story! This happened yesterday, later in the morning when it was really hot and sunny outside. There's a dam in the lake that the path goes over, towards the end of the trail and when I got there I was really hot and the lake looked really gorgeous so I decided to sit on the edge of the dam for a while and get some sun. There were a few kayaks and people fishing on the lake. This young guy in a small motor boat drifted by in front of me and made his way over to the edge of the trees. I sort of forgot about him after a hile until I heard some splashing, and I looked over and saw him wrestling with this HUGE fish on the end of his fishing line! I was on the edge of my seat watching him trying to get this fish into his boat and finally he got it and whooped loudly haha xD So I started clapping really loud for him and cheered and he gave me a thumbs up. Then he steered his boat over to where I was and asked if I could take a picture of him with the fish since he always releases them. He was a great guy! He let me hold the fish which was totally gross haha xD

Wait a second...either of those authors? Wait, have you read Harry Potter? If you haven't, you totally should, although I think I'm risking seeing you disappear if I encourage you to read them since they are completely, utterly absorbing. Otherwise, read Fingersmith!

Ahhh, that is pretty awkward about your dad seeing your blog like that x) Maybe he didn't really notice it? That would give me a panic attack too, hahaha xD

People who think they could ever actually talk someone out of being gay make me wonder if they ever really been in love or at least had a serious crush before. Have they had that incredible fluttering sensation in their chest just from being touched by someone they like, or some other physical reaction to another person, and not been able to stop thinking about them constantly and wondering what they're doing and what they would think of this and that and all the other things that happen when you become infatuated with someone. Because how could you think you could just tell someone to stop that and think they're gonna be like, welp you're right, let me just turn it off. Or suppress it and go insane. I know they mean well. Probably. One of my friends from high school was pretty religious and she told me that her boyfriend (also religious) told her that he was "addicted to gay porn." She said that he said that he wanted her to stay with him so that he could overcome this sin and learn to like girls. Don't get me wrong, I think you can have an unhealthy addiction to just about anything, porn included, but I don't think that was the main issue here. I think it was his way of coming out, because he told his other friends and family this too, which was brave of him, but the way he did it was to apologize and ask for their prayers to heal him. I feel bad for him and also irritated, but maybe that's just the path that he has to take to get to a better place and who am I to judge.

Hey! Don't rub it in! xD A hundred million more cool points, huh. Vielleicht werde ich lernen Deutsch. There. x)

Ooo, it's about to storm here! I'm charging my laptop in case the power dies. Can you believe I don't own a flashlight #basic_household_item I discovered this the last time the power went out, but never remembered to buy one >.< I have tiny candles though haha xD And my iphone has a flashlight. Pfft, who needs one, I'm good.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by emmyanne
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I know :( The last episode was so great and two weeks is so long to wait.. I got cable, though! So I don’t have to wait until tuesday to watch it anymore XD Yay! Haha

It’s crazy how some people can do that, like I can maybe do a really awful British accent. But even then it sounds super fake and forced. What I think is amazing is when people can make their voices sound super weird/like animated characters and all of that. Go watch this video, it’s so impressive.

My last exam is on the nineteenth of June!! Then I am free and can spend all my time sleeping <3 Yay summer! Actually, I am probably going to work this entire summer. I missed the deadline to submit my application for that day camp job but I'm applying at, wait for, Tim Hortons!! Yay coffee, yay Canada! XD Haha. No, I've never heard of them before but that video was really cool! Haha, I ended up spending a ridiculous amount of time watching a bunch of other videos too XD So cool!

I probably will continue dancing, depending on what I do. If I go to DAL I'm going to try out for their dance team and I'm always going to try and take workshops and stuff when I can, it's just going from dancing 24/7 to almost not at all is a huge change and just a couple workshops here and there aren't going to cut it to keep myself in shape. Question One: Was he cute? Hahah, just kidding! That actually sounds both gross and awesome at the same time. Speaking of gross and awesome, guess what I did yesterday!! It starts with “dissected” and ends with “a fucking pig heart”! Holy crap it was so great! We got to pick up all the pieces and we sliced it in half and then when you stuck the probe through the ventricle you could see the path that blood would take when it went from the atrium through the tricuspid/bicuspid valves. Then we opened up the inferior vena cava, which looks like a freaking noodle, and it everything was all grey and slimy and awesome! I named our heart Piggles, but everyone just kinda thought that was psychotic.

Okay, Harry Potter or Fingersmith. Gotcha!

It was super awkward! And he always jokes about going on my blog to make sure it’s appropriate and all of this stuff and I’m like, no... you shouldn’t do that actually.

We’re talking about egotistical sixteen-year-old girls here. So yeah, I’m pretty sure the girl that I am thinking of has never had an actual serious crush, not one where she like loved a guy or anything. People are just so narrow minded and quick to judge. Like, if I were ever with my two closest school friends and at lunch or something I mentioned a girl looking attractive in any way that could seem like more than just a compliment they would probably both freak out and be all weird about it, it’s hard because I really can’t be myself around them and I’m with them more than anyone else. So I feel like I always need to pretend to be something I’m not, and it is ridiculously exhausting. Wow, about your friend. I kinda feel bad for him, I can imagine how confusing it would be, especially if he were coming from a background where he was taught to believe that being gay was a ‘sin’ or whatever.

Clever... you get some points for that one, hun. Maybe you will learn german. Although you so totally used google translate!! XD

Storm? I wanna be there.... *looks out window and cries* It has been gross and rainy here for the past week, I would give my soul for a sunny day... or even a nice stormy day... or anything other than this. It's honestly awful.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Red
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Oh nice! That's awesome :D

Woah that was amazing! xD haha, I loved the dog voices from UP x) How does he do that?? I used to watch Fairly Odd Parents when I was younger and I loved the voice actress Grey DeIisle who did the voice of Vicki, the evil babysitter lol. Voice acting would be the coolest job I think x)

Woo, then you'll be free yay! Ooo a coffee shop, very hipster of you. That sounds like a great summer job. Fingers crossed you get hired! Isn't Improv Everywhere cool? I would love to be one of their actors!! I think they get semi-professionals for some stuff, but they do a lot of "open to the public" flash mob type things too. I love the video of the Frozen Grand Central Station stunt too.

Hahaha! xD He was pretty cute! I should've asked if I could take a picture of him with the fish on my phone too lol #not_so_sublte x) I wonder if I'll see him on the lake again. You got to dissect a pig heart?! Aw I never got to do that! xD Piggles. That's perfect xD I remember watching snow white when I was little and the hunter brought the queen a pigs heart which was supposed to look like snow white's and I remember thinking couldn't she tell?? lol But they're similar to a human's I guess. How big was the heart?

Yep, and in exchange, I'll subjugate myself to the horrors of the Grudge.

Uh oh...what if he really did though? What if he came up to you and was like, ok in one hour I'm going to look at your blog, what would you do??

Oh yeah, you're right x) I forgot. Well, then I can't be too hard on them. So why aren't you an egotistical 16-year-old like them? How'd you get so open-minded? If you had told me you were older than you really are I would have believed you in a heartbeat. And just because you realized you're attracted to someone of the same sex doesn't automatically make you open-minded either, I think there's got to be something else, don't you? Exhausting, that's so true. It just takes everything out of you when you feel like you can't relax and "just be" with the people you're with. I felt that way the other night when Simon invited me to his apartment to watch the Matrix (which was incredible, I know I'm late to the party, but omg it was good, I couldn't believe I'd never seen it before) and I thought it was just gonna be me, him, and his girlfriend but it turned out his girlfriends friends were visiting them for the week and had all these inside jokes with each other and made it difficult for me to join in grrr. I felt really shitty and started to think I was just being boring that night but then I got home and was able to put it in perspective and realize it wasn't my fault. Jeez, I can't wait for them to leave. Who do you feel like you can be yourself with the most?

Yesss, points x) Google translate?? Ich würde das nie tun. Das ist Betrug. Haben Sie in Google Translate setzen diese Sätze? Wie vorhersehbar.

Aw, gross rainy weather huh? The storm came and went, and the power never went out, phew. Last summer was it was really rainy here, but so far we've had sunny days for the most part.. Warm, gorgeous, sunny days >)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by emmyanne
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Use to watch Fairly Odd Parents? Is it not okay to still watch it...? Oops XD Haha, but I get what you mean! It must be such an interesting career, and kind of fulfilling too because it's like you're bringing to life these imaginary characters that kids (or me *cough*) are going to end up having some kind of connection with, and will probably learn from. Anyways, yeah it's definitely really cool!

Hipster... yeah no. I think that when you come to Canada eventually, you might need to go to Tim Horton's even before you get poutine XD Ooh, that would be a cool job, wouldn't it? Improve Everywhere is kinda based in New York, right?

Haha, you should have! If you see him again, please tell me you'll at least snap a creepy stalker-like photo? Haha, I would totally do something creepy like that. Yeah, pig and human hearts really are similar. Our heart was pretty big, like think a little bit smaller then a person's head. You didn't get to do it? Man, that is super shitty! It was actually so cool. I think we're doing a frog next... I hope we are at least. But we don't get to do the worm :( What else did you do, other then the fetal pig??

Good, good *drums fingers evily* muahaha!

I would change my url pronto and probably kill him in his sleep... kay maybe not that extreme but I would definitely change my url and then risk losing followers by re-blogging a bunch of random happy stuff just in case he still could find it.

I woke up this way *whispers* flawless XD No, haha, actually I think that I've been through enough shit in my life, I know what I'm doing to a person when I ignore them, laugh at them, say something mean, etc. So, I suppose that could be why I'm not entirely an egotistical bitch. It's kinda hard to explain, but you're right. It's more then just the fact that I can at least be somewhat okay with my sexuality. I just... see the world a lot differently. Y'know? Ugh, that must have sucked! Was it one of those situations where you felt, like, really inferior and kinda judged? That happens to me a lot. How long are they staying for? Who can I be myself around... hmm... My best friend for sure. Skylar and my other friend Emma, they're both really cool and open.

Wait!! Is it bad that I've never seen the Matrix before? I feel as if this is a very bad thing D: haha

Stawwwwp! That is making me uncomfortable... >.< Haha, Oh, tut mir leid für Sie zu beleidigen, oh großer Deutsch Lautsprecher! ;)

*kills you* Gah... it was sunny for a little bit after I got home from school and I was super pumped about it and then... it wasn't sunny anymore :( Do you usually get super nice weather? We actually do, and by this time our pool would start clearing up and we could be swimming, but I guess that isn't in the plan this summer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Red
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No, no of course its ok!! I would still watch it now if I had cable! xD I love that show. Also Spongebob, Rugrats, Hey Arnold, Doug, Are You Afraid of the Dark, Cat Dog, Adventure Time what else.. those shows pretty much sum up my childhood x) And young adulthood xD But I really haven't watched any of them in a long time :/

Oh haha, I have no idea what Tim Hortons is, is it that obvious? xD I'm picturing Starbucks... Even before poutine? :O Is TIm Hortons really popular in Canada then? Ok, I'm googling it. I think you're right about it being based in New York. They do travel to other cities though, or at least coordinate with people in other cities to stage stunts/flashmob type things.

I will, I totally will, and I'll be very inconspicuous about it hahaha xD I bet he'll be out there again in his boat. Makes me want to get a little boat, or just rent one, and hang out on the lake. I would read or something though, I don't know anything about fishing x) ...A little bit smaller than a person's head??? Holy shit, that's huge! XD That's a huge heart omg. Let's see, we did a fetal pig, a squid, a frog, a worm in middle school, and I think that's it. If I had taken the next lab, I would have done a cat...but I don't know if I'd be as eager to do that one lol. My mom said she dissected a cat in high school!

! D: ...I feel like I've sold my soul or something...

Hahaha xD Or couldn't you just make a new random blog with a bunch of happy, parent-approved things and be like, here it is Dad!

And humble too xD I guess going through rough times does make some people more able to sympathize, maybe that's it. Yeah it was like that :/ Not really judged, just when they made an inside joke I couldn't join in and when I tried to jump in or steer the conversation to something else, I felt a little snubbed. Ugh. They should be gone by this weekend, hopefully.

You've never seen it either? I think we were both too young when it came out. You for sure, kiddo. But yeah, it's super good. Like, the Inception of it's day or something. I definitely recommend.

Oh man, I'm sorry D: I'll stop. I didn't mean to sound like a creep ...The Great German Speaker does accept your humble apology for doubting her abilities.

I cannot be killed actually. I bet when the weather does clear up for you, you'll have a lot more to brag about than we do down here, melting away in the humidity. We usually do get really sunny hot weather and then the humidity gives us a summer storm every week or so. It's an oppressive, sticky heat though once we get into July. You don't want to be outside unless your in a pool or the lake or the ocean. Do you guys get any humidity up there?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by emmyanne
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Haha, basically same. Except I also use to watch a lot of family channel, like The Proud Family, Recess, Hanna Montana, etc. XD Haha, we also had a huge collection of Disney movies that I loved... yeah I was a total Disney kid (still am..). I think you should re-embrace your childhood... just do it.... just go crazy and watch a bunch of old cartoons! I did that the other day and it was so fun!

Tim Hortons is maybe the most Canadian thing ever. It isn't at all like Starbucks, it's more homey I find. I just... I can't explain it! It just rocks xD Okay, I saw a bunch of videos in Central Park and in the NY subways and stuff so I assumed. I bet you could get involved, actually. People who are good writers tend to also be good at acting because they know how to get into a characters head.. maybe that can be your back up career if design doesn't work out for you ;)

Ah! That sounds so peaceful <3 You're making me want a boat.. So, wait, you've never fished before? Like at all? Dude, you should get on that! It's actually really fun :) Gross, but still fun. Anyways, it actually was really big, like when my teacher pulled it out of the bucket I was like what in the actual fuck is that. But it made it easier to find everything, I guess. Can I just point out when I read that, my cat a lying on my knee, and now I am sad. D: I think that one would definitely be hard, but I'd probably still do it.

Good. >) Aha, kidding!

That makes so much more sense.. heh.. I don't often think things through all the way :p

Haha, have you ever heard that song? My little sister sings it all the time.. XD I think I got the lyric wrong though... :p. Eesh, that must have been a shitty situation. Sometimes I feel like that at school, all my friends will joke around and take pictures together and whenever I try and get in one or make a joke, they just stop, or they get mad at me. Wow... sometimes I write these things done and realize how awful they sound.. it really isn't that bad. Just frustrating. So I get what you mean about being snubbed and all of that. It's good that they'll be gone soon... people fucking suck. :p Where was your other friend? Couldn't you guys have just hung out and let them have their little reunion or whatever?

Cool! Maybe I'll watch it with my Dad... I'm sure he'd like to do something like that.

Sometimes I forget that you don't actually know me in real life and you wouldn't realize that I'd day something like that to be a sarcastic ass hole. D: Yeah, I was just kidding! You don't seem like a creep O Great German Speaker. :)

I probably laughed a little too hard at that... aha XD Can't be killed... didn't know your title came with mystical powers of immortality! :p Heh, we do get a little humidity. More in August, though. Sometimes it gets so hot that you can't even go outside without suffocating. But for the most part, summer here is nice and warm with a gentle breeze that comes from the north :) Ahhhh! It doesn't last long though, summer is literally like two months and then fall starts :( Does it stay warm long in NC? I so wish it did here.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Red
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Oh yeah, we had those shows on the Disney Channel, and I loved Recess and Kim Possible. I was a Disney kid too - Lion King, Aladdin, and Beauty and the Beast were my top three haha. I also love all the Miyazaki films, especially Spirited Away and Totoro. You know, you're right, I should just binge watch a bunch of these and feel 10 yrs old again x) I was actually feeling really nostalgic for Totoro yesterday lol, did you ever watch that?

Man, I'm gonna casually mention Tim Hortons to my old roommate and see if she's impressed at my Canadian knowledge haha xD Ooh being an actor would be awesome! My mom has said something similar to me, funny enough x) I don't think I will heh, but I do feel like I can get into characters's heads. I think it always makes me want to sympathize with the "bad" guy/girl in tv shows and movies lol. I'm so interested in the idea of this new Maleficent movie that's coming out, although I don't think it will probably be very good.. But the idea seems cool. You'd be a good actress too then, since you have no trouble getting into the heads of your two totally different characters. So far I'm just using "acting" at work to pretend to be interested in people's ramblings at the checkout counter lol xD That sounds mean. I guess some of them are kind of interesting sometimes heh.

Doesn't it?? I could bring a lunch and a book and find a quiet spot on the lake and just chill out. Sounds perfect. No, I've never fished before in my life! And I've only been around people fishing once or twice on Lake Michigan, just fishing off the dock. I did see someone ice fishing once, that was pretty cool. But yeah, I don't know the first thing about fishing haha xD I do really like sea food though lol. Do you fish a lot? I guess you're surrounded by water so it would make sense x) Maybe I should learn how to do that this summer. Oops, yeah I automatically think of our cat, Pumpkin, at my parent's house so I think dissecting a cat might be too much for me... Lol, we're both like oooh a human corpse cool but omg not a cat that's horrible!!! xD What does this say about us...

lol xD

Could be less messy x)

Wait, what song is it? Maybe if I go listen to it, I'd recognize it haha xD Jeez, that does sound really frustrating :/ They must only do that sometimes, but not all the time? If it was like that all the time, it would miserable! Are your dance friends the same as you school friends? Yeah it's good that they'll be gone soon. Well it was just me, Simon, his girlfriend, and her two friends. So the she and her two friends were all inseparable and Simon was really bent on making a good impression with them, because it's his girlfriend's friends, you know how it is. I was a fifth wheel DX If I'd had just one other friend there, to be on my team, like my friend Kimmie, it would have been a totally different experience. I'm over it now though. Chances are I won't see them again, hopefully.

Oh, lol I'm dumb x) I had just been thinking earlier that I'm sort of a flirty person by default, but that given our age differences, it's sort of really inappropriate of me. Ok, I'll stop being awkward now x) I'm still going to tease you, just fyi, but I'm keeping it to 'obnoxious older sister.'

Yeah I forgot to mention immortality as the other characteristic Mila and I share. It's pretty great. Nice and warm with a gentle breeze sounds wonderful! That would be spring here. Summer is more like phew it's hot, oh look my skin is melting xD It stays warm well into November, high 60's, but the humidity goes down by then. How cold does it get in the winter in Nova Scotia?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by emmyanne
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I've never seen Totoro, but I use to own Spirted Away on VHS!! I have no clue why my parents bought it for me.. I was never into anime type things but I loved that movie! Are you into that type of thing? Like anime?

Idk... I think being an actor would be really hard! Although pretending to be someone else all the time would be kinda cool, wouldn't it? Hah, that's actually funny that your mom said that, too! Oh, yes! I actually want to see that movie, even if it probably will suck. Hmm, I dunno... I guess I'm okay at acting. I mean I have a 98 in drama right now and all we do is act, but I'm better when I have music and choreo to back me up xD Aahahaha, that's hilarious! I feel like it really would take a lot of acting not to seem like a bitch to all the costumers.. but that odd nice one must make it better, right?

Ahh! You're making me want to do that so badly xD I wish I had a boat... I love boating! Hah, have you ever been water skiing? I did it once and when I fell, I forgot to let go of the rope and almost drown! At the time it was terrifying but now when I think about how dumb it was I find it hilarious! The only time I've ever actually been fishing was when I went to Cape Breton with my friend for the weekend. I caught two fish!! It was actually really fun, but we kept on getting the hooks caught in the fish's throats which was nasty. Uhh, it says that we're awesome people who enjoy the company of cats over humans? xD

Uhh, honestly I have no idea what it's called. I've never actually heard it before. But the actual lyric is "I woke up this way... Girls! We be flawless" or something. I asked my sister xD Idk.. today wasn't so bad. They're just off in their own world a lot, and it isn't such a big deal when my dance friend (it is a hella lot different with my dance friends, I have more in common with them) Ciara hangs out with us, but when it's just us three I usually just feel so pushed to the side. Aww, I see. Well I guess it's good that they're leaving soon!

Haha, oh... well I didn't take it that way at all! But!! Speaking of flirting, remember when I mentioned that cute girl in my drama class? Holy heck, I think she might be flirting with me.. Unless I'm being dumb and taking it a whole different way. But, today when I walked into class she called my name and patted the seat next to her (Where I usually sit, but she had pulled the chair so that it was closer to her). I sat down and literally all class she was talking to me and touching my leg and at one point I righted my chair because it was on an angle facing her and she was like "Hey!" and then pulled the chair closer. It was... weirdly nice. Haha

I like it :p Heh, spring here is mushy grossness with lots of rain and temperatures bordering 5-10 degrees. It's just now starting to get up to 20 and probably by the time mid June hits it'll be high 20's-30's until September. We go by Celsius, remember, so that is actually pretty warm! Haha. In winter it can be as cold as minus 30, which is awful D: I don't like thinking about it..
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Red
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Well, I spoke too soon about not putting up with them again. Simon invited me to go to Busch Gardens amusement park a while back and I said of course I can go, I can't wait. But now his girlfriend's friends are staying longer than planned so that they can all go with us. I can't just back out now, I feel like I have to go. A three hour drive in one car and then all five of us are going to share a hotel room for a night. What am I going to do. This shouldn't be as big a deal as it is, but I feel like I'm in middle school again being shut out. I've invited everyone I can think of to go with me and be my buddy so I'm not fifth wheel for two long days but it's so last minute and a little pricey that no one can go. ... Why is this happening. I'm so sad about this.

I watched Totoro at my friend's house when I was little and then asked my parents to buy it for me. It wasn't until I was older that I looked into Miyazaki's other films and watched Spirited Away. I think those are the best ones. He worked on another one called Grave of the Fireflies which is really sad. I like his films, but I've never been interested in anime cartoons. Most of the people in my study abroad group were completely obsessed though. It's mostly for completely shallow reasons, like seeing people who were into that kind of thing in high school and not wanting to be part of their group, so I dismissed it. I'm sure there are some worth while ones out there, since in our pop culture class we talked about how animation is so huge in Japan, much more so than live action, that there are animated shows for all ages about all kinds of things. Whereas in Western culture, we associate animation mainly with children shows or crude young adult shows.

Yeah I bet acting is really tough. I wonder if the actors have this one, personal sad thing they think about when they have to do an emotional scene. I bet it takes some time to come back too, after they work themselves up to it.

I've only been water skiing twice before, the first time it took me several tries before I could get up and stay up without taking a dive, face first. Heh, the second time I went I was sitting in the water with my feet in my skiis, just floating there, waiting for the boat to start up again, when all of a sudden I saw this huge jellyfish floating near me and before I could do anything it floated over one of my legs and then got trapped there between my shins and of course my feet are strapped tightly into my skiis so I freaked the fuck out and started screaming and flailing in a very undignified kind of way and finally got free and my family and friends on the boat came round and picked me up. God it is so fucking painful to be stung by a jellyfish isn't it lol xD My legs were all striped with red lines. You're supposed to put vinegar on jellyfish stings but we didn't have any, so they smeared mustard on my legs while I tried not to cry, since I guess it has vinegar in it or something. Yep mustard on my legs, heh. I did not hear the end of that for a while. I was like 17 or 18, a senior in high school.

Yeah give me cats over humans any day lol.

Oh, oh, I know that song. By Beyonce I think. It's great to have a friend to stick with you isn't it. Makes all the difference in the world. Why do we even have to hang around people who push us off to the side. It shouldn't be so difficult to just say, hey I don't like you so get away from me.

Aw, that's so cute! <3 She sounds adorable! Flirting or not, you should do it right back and see what happens! Sounds like flirting to me, but it's hard to tell sometimes. In any case, you can get to know her better now. That sounds really exciting :)

Google told me that -30 degrees celsius is -22 degrees Fahrenheit!! D: Holy.. that is really cold!! I have never been in weather below 20 degrees Fahrenheit, except once in Michigan in the winter when it was colder than that but I can't remember the temperature. What's it like when it gets that cold? Do you walk outside and freeze immediately? lol jk. But really... omg you weren't kidding about the igloos and polar bears...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by emmyanne
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Oh no! DX That really sucks, I am so sorry about that.. Don't be sad about it, though! Maybe it'll actually turn out to be a good thing. I've gone into situations thinking that it was going to be awful and I would hate myself afterwards but then it actually turned out to be really fun! Just kinda go with the flow and remember that they're probably not trying to snub you, not on purpose at least. It's probably just that they can't see past the excitement of being together. Just keep your head held high and don't let their negativity bother you <3

I get those shallow reasons. But honestly when sometimes when I'm talking to people, I'm actually surprised at the things that their interested in. I mean, not even just anime. Like there are people who I would never expect to like reading and writing but they do, and that also goes for sports and everything. Here I am about to get super deep, but I think that people are stereotyped way too much by how they look. Like, I'm not the type of person who someone would look at and think "Oh, that girl probably is really into Game of Thrones and cosplaying and she must be gay." I'm the type of person who people would see and think. "Oh, she must really like doing her hair, and painting her nails and talking about boys and drama with her flighty bffs." You know what I mean? Anyways, wow that was a rant but I've had a really fucking weird couple of days and am in a really thoughtful mood.

You're probably right... I mean it isn't easy just mustering up a bunch of emotion and just letting it all out in front of a camera. But I guess in a way, television/movie actors have it a little easier than theater actors, I mean there aren't any do-overs when you're on a Broadway stage! Haha

*Dies in a hole* Jellyfish... jellyfish.... fucking jellyfish. Omg, they are up there with snakes and spiders! My mom is really allergic to them, so chances are I am too. Like, ugh! They're just so freaky! I would have probably died if I were you. I've never heard of putting vinegar on them, but then again I don't really swim in oceans that often (I'm more of a lake/pool person). But seriously... ugh... DX

Ahaha, basically xD

Mhmm... you're so right on that. But I think that people just dig themselves into a hole with others, like you'll be friends with someone for a while and then they'll change but you stay friends despite the fact that you're no longer good for each other. But then you have this whole, big complicated past and you don't want to just abandon that, and it is so hard to just stop being friends with someone, especially in high school. Ugh, I wish life weren't so complicated.

Yeah, she's adorable. <3 But there is absolutely no chance for us because A. She's straight and B. She is only in Canada for another month. But she's a really sweet person so I think I kinda just might settle for her in my life as a friend. Okay... so I am sorry, but I just need to vent. A lot. And I hate to do this to you, but I just need to spit this out right now to someone who will listen. Just, no judgement. Okay, so yesterday I was hanging out with my best friend and we decided to go pick up a guy that she knows, and that I kind of know, and hang out with him and his friend for the night. I guess without going into huge detail me and the first guy really hit it off, and despite the fact that I had only known him for like a day we ended up in his basement cuddling and watching TV with the other two. But... like... he kissed me. And we ended up not really paying attention to the movie at all and just cuddling and talking and, yes, kissing. So today we were texting all day, and I think I might like him but I don't know and I am so confused and kinda mad because when I mentioned to my friend that we were texting she just changed the subject immediately and they kinda had a thing, but it's super fucking complicated and I don't know what to think 'cause I don't do this. DX Fuck, but he is really nice but I don't want to jump the gun on anything because what if he doesn't actually like me...

Aha, yeah it is really cold. I mean, that was the lowest it got this winter and it didn't stay that way for long, but yeah it get's pretty fucking cold DX I told you about the polar bears and igloos! This is what you get for not believing me... :p
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Red
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You're so right, as usual. I'm just gonna go and have fun and not stress about it. I'll probably get to know them a lot better this way, they're probably really nice and just excited to be with each other again, just like you said. I'm not going to go into this all mopey because that will just guarantee a sucky time. Even if they're kind of stand offish, it's whatever, I'm the only one who can dictate whether or not I have a good time. I will have good time, I mean, I'm going to a cool amusement park with roller coasters and water slides and shows - this is gonna be fun. I'm excited, I love roller coasters x) Thanks for the pep talk :) You're really good at that <3

That's a good point, I've been surprised by people too when I find out what they're into that I would have never been able to guess at first glance. Or the opposite, like I would think they would like something, but they don't at all x) Like at work, we were talking about tv shows and I mentioned looking forward to the second season of Orange is the New Black and was really pleasantly surprised by the people who suddenly expressed their love for the show x) I'll tell you a love of mine that people always seemed surprised when they find out about me - I really like video games, heh. I'm such geek for them x) I play Call of Duty with my brother basically every time I come home to visit, and I play with him online, and there's plenty other games I could list. I only play rarely during the school year though, since there's just no time. The ones I like the most are plot driven, first person games, where it's all about characters, storyline and beautiful graphics. Similar to a movie or a book really, except you control the action. Sort of like with role playing. Wouldn't it be interesting to really be able to see yourself from another person's point of view and see how they really perceive you?

Oh yeah, that's true, you only get one shot on the stage!

It was so terrifying lol x) I've been stung a few times! They like warm water and the beaches we went to in Florida and Texas where we used to live are on the Gulf of Mexico. Yeah, they're up there with the snakes haha xD Vinegar or meat tenderizer was the other remedy haha. Once we went to Corpus Christi, which is a beach on the Gulf of Mexico, in Texas, and it was like jellyfish mating season or something because the water was just full of them! They got caught in the surf and dumped onto the beach and people were literally going around to scoop them up and put them in trashcans to get rid of them. They were everywhere! Actually, unlike snakes which I never want to think about, I'm kind of interested in jellyfish. They're kind of pretty, just not when they're floating in the water next to you, menacingly x)

Yeah, you hit the nail on the head. It's natural to grow apart from people, especially during the middle school and high school years, but you usually belong to a group of friends and it's difficult to just stop interacting all together with the usual suspects. Moving so often did that for me though. I've wondered if I would be sort of a different person had I stayed in Florida with my middle school friends, who would have probably been my friends in high school too and maybe up to college. Or would I not even know them anymore anyway, like I don't now. Did you go to middle school with the same people you hang out with in high school? Do you think you'll know your high school friends for the rest of your life?

Aw, she sounds like a sweet person to be around for the short time you do have to spend with her. You guys could be pen pals when she goes back to Germany.

Cuddling in front of a movie and kissing, that's so cute~! Aww!! x) So what is this guy like?? What does he look like? Does he watch Game of Thrones too? Do you feel a spark with him? By "they kinda had a thing," you mean that your friend had some kind of fling with this guy too? That would make it a sort of tricky situation. If she's not interested in him though, there's no reason for her to guilt you out of seeing this guy. Can I ask you a really personal question? You don't have to answer, but how would you compare your feelings for this guy vs your crush on your best friend? I mean, obviously you've only just met him, so it might be impossible to compare. Would it make her jealous for you and the guy to start dating? Hehe, it's easy to tell if a guy likes you x) He constantly tries to talk to you/text you and to hang out with you as much as possible.

I should have believed you x) Now I know better xD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by emmyanne
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Exactly! My dance instructor always says that you can't let other people control your emotions. Though, they can be factors in what you fell it is ultimately up to you to how you let a situation effect you. I think that's really good advice, and I just wish that I had figured it out earlier this year. It would have definitely saved me a lot of grief if I had.

Oh my goodness, actually I find that I know a lot of people who watch that show too. Like one of my two friends at school, she watches it, and then other people who I'm like... oh, wow! Video games, huh? Okay, my guilty confession time I suppose: I am a huge gamer too. But I prefer games like The Sims and stuff. So, basically like making up cute little characters and giving them lives and stuff. And, actually I found out the other day that one of my dance friends plays it, too, and I would have never guessed! Huh, it really just goes to show you how presumptuous people can be.

Well I can agree with them being really pretty, I mean most poisonous/scary animals are pretty. I've seen like pictures of a bunch of jelly fish all together and it's so gorgeous. But they still freak me out... I don't really do lakes or oceans..

It must have been really different for you moving around so much. One of my friends I have lterally known since we were babies, and a lot of people in my high school I've known since elementary school. I only really hang out with two people while I am at school, and I've known one of them since we were little and the other two for just a couple of years now. I know that there are going to be people in my life now who I will always talk to, but there are certain other people who I will definitely forget about when I graduate.

Aww, that would be adorable wouldn't it? XD

Okay, woah, influx of questions! Haha, alrighty: He is really nice, and sweet and all night he kept telling me that I was pretty and he knew it was my first actual kiss and so he kept on making sure that I was comfortable and when I did get a little bit uncomfortable he stopped. He also writes slam poetry and showed me some of his work, which is really good, and he's really funny... Yeah he just seems like a really good guy. And he is really cute. I love his smile, at one point he looked at me and just grinned like a goof and it was the most adorable thing ever. A spark? I think so.. We've been talking for the past couple of days and he is a huge sweetie. I mean, even if this doesn't go anywhere romantically I would want him in my life as a friend. Okay, so as for his and my friend's "thing", well I know they kissed but I think that was the extent of it. There was a while when they talked and flirted all the time but it didn't go anywhere. And tonight at dance class she asked my about him and got super excited when I told her we'd been talking now I think the four of us are hanging out this weekend again. How would I compare my feelings? Well... I love her, and I don't even really mean in a romantic way. She is my best friend and she makes me happy, but we've actually said to each other before, like regardless of anything else we can't be together. We need each other too much, and I don't want to be just a "fling" for her. And I've known him for like two days, but I think I might like him. He is super adorable and literally two seconds ago he called me “hun” and I'm like... stawwwp.... he's too cute XD I guess I'm just gonna go with the flow!

Good, I knew you'd learn! xD Aha
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