Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Amelia was so used to being on her own. It had been that way for a long time, and really the only other person she had in her life was her sweet little girl. Lily. She was such a doll, and never once did Amelia ever regret having that beautiful little girl, even if her father had hurt her. Lily looked like James. Same brown hair. Same bright smile. But she had Amelia's blue eyes. Not only did she look like James, Lillian acted like him a lot too. She had the same light hearted personality(or at least, that was the personality he had had when she and James first got together) and gentleness to her, understanding when someone was hurt whether it be emotionally or physically. Amelia hadn't realized that about her young daughter until later, and had decided to try her best to hide those bad feelings from her daughter. She never wanted her daughter to share those horrible emotions and worries with her. All she wanted to see on that cute little face was the bright smile that she loved so much.

Humming lightly to herself, she cleaned off the write board from the day of teaching a class full of kindergartners, waiting for her daughter, who had just started first grade that year, to come back from the bathroom. It was great to work in the school system, where she could keep an eye on her daughter and if anything bad happened she could get to her quickly. It made her feel much better as a parent. Putting down the board cleaner, she looked toward the door, speaking to herself, "Where is that girl? I hope she's not running the halls again. Last time she did that she bumped into Mr. Lanford. Boy was he mad when he dropped all those eggs for his science experiment." She laughed lightly to herself at the memory. Mr. Lanford was the fifth grade's science teacher and a very grumpy man who Amelia believe hated children all together. Why he taught kids, she couldn't find a clue. but he seemed to dislike Amelia's daughter most of all.

Turning, she began to shift through papers on her desk, putting things into a neat pile, and looked up at the one student left in her class room. Parents who picked up their children were supposed to pick them up out front before three o'clock. When it turned three, Amelia had told the people in the office to send the little girl's father to pick her up from the classroom, that way the little girl didn't have to wait outside. Smiling gently at the girl, Amelia walked over and pulled out a few coloring sheets and a box of markers, "Here sweety. You can color these until your daddy gets here, okay? I'm sure he'll be here very soon. I'm sure he just got caught in traffic of something of the sort."

She moved toward her desk and as she sat down, sorting through the paper's , the pattering of two little feet came from down the hall and suddenly the a little girl with brown hair burst into the room, giggling, each running over to their own mother. Lilly jumped into her mother's lap, out of breath from running, yet still talking excitedly, "Momma! Momma! Can I go outside to the play ground! PLEASE?! PLEASE?!"

Laughing Amelia held the little four year old in her arms, "There's my little Lily Pad. Slow down and catch your breath. Your asthma's going to act up if you don't."

The little girl, although obviously impatient to hear her mother's answer to the earlier question, did as she was told and took a moment to take deep breaths and calm herself before looking more calmly and pleadingly up at her mother, "Can I go now? Pleeeeeease?"

Smiling softly at her daughter, she nodded, "I suppose. But don't go running down the hall. We don't need another incident like the egg incident." She didn't see any problem with it. She could see the play ground from the class room window and the play ground was fenced. No one form outside the school could get in and the kids couldn't get out. The only way to get on the playground was through the school hallways. It was perfectly safe. She watched the child run eagerly off, laughing, "Hey! I said no running!" Sighing with a shake of her head and a small smile she sat back in her chair. She would have offered that the little girl left in her classroom could go as well, but she wasn't sure what her father was like and if he would approve of that. It was kind of a liability thing.

She continued to shuffle the papers, a smile on her face and when she had them all in order she stood up, moving toward her bag when a man walked in the room. When she looked up to see the girl's father, a soft gasp escaped her lips, her eyes wide and the paper's slipping from her hands, falling to the floor in a mess. Snapping out of her surprised state as quickly as she got into it, she bent down nervously picking up her papers, and looked up at him warily from under her long lashes.

After gathering all of her papers, she stood up straight, and stared at him for a moment before looked at his daughter and back at him, "Started a family I see. A lot must have happened in the past six years for you since we last saw each other, James." She moved over, putting the paper's in her bag, getting ready to leave, "You're daughters a good student and a very sweet girl. She must not take after you." Okay, maybe that was harsh, and the sour tone she had showed she was clearly not pleased with seeing him again. Putting her bag on her arm, she looked at him, her chin held high as if to put him down, "You know, pick up is supposed to end at three. Don't make this a habit." She stated, before walking out of the class room door and down the school hallways.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArynMae20
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Pulling open the see through glass doors that had huge company logo’s on the exterior of them, reading "Arcane's- We do service best" the bright sun flashed in his blue eyes, causing him to squint. Walking down the sidewalk, he made his way toward his still new Chevrolet traverse. Reaching into his jean’s front left pocket he pulled out the keys and unlocked the Car, opening the door he got in and turned it on, blaring the AC. There had been a leek in one of the vents overnight and so they had to wait a day for the repairman, as he was already out of town.

Putting the car into park, he pulled out of the large parking lot. The company was due for some big changes and the staff wanted James’ input on all of their plans for advancement. He was honored they found him important enough, but, that meant he often had to stay longer and sometimes, with no warning at all. Since he had his daughter, he needed to be certain places at certain times without excuse. Like today, He was supposed to be at Kaylee’s school at 3 pm to pick her up, but as he drove toward the school, he glanced at the clock and it read, 3:45. Late again. Normally, If he was going to be late, he could usually get someone to go get her, but, lately he’s run them all down, and nobody wants to help anymore, says he needs to be more responsible. True.

Pulling into the elementary school’s parking lot, he was annoyed with all the cars coming and going and then the others who were just sitting there. Finally snagging a space, he pulled in it and put the car in park. Taking the keys from the ignition, he quickly got out of the car and ran into the school, passing the large crowd of children laughing and playing in the front playground.

Plowing through the halls quickly, he came to Kaylee’s classroom with a sign on the window that read “Ms. Carter’s Room” It was very colorful and looked as if it was hand-made. Nothing he wouldn’t expect from a kindergarten teacher though.

Walking over and opening the door he walked in, looking rushed. “I am so, so sorry. There was a thing at work and I couldn’t get out of it, then I thought I left my keys in my office, and-“ He didn’t recognize her at first, but he could tell this person was not at all happy with him. Then finally, he got it. It clicked, and he felt as if he could crawl out of his skin.

The woman he knew to be his Ex didn't seem the same, who could blame her? James had taken her for some kind of toy, that he could just play with when he was bored. He had no regard for her feelings, and while she didn't stand her ground then, she sure as hell was now.
Without giving him as much as a second to speak, she was gone. He was dumbfounded and in a fuzzy state of confusion. Was this really happening? Was he really being forced to live the biggest regret of his whole life again? Snapping him out of his thoughts, he heard his daughter’s voice. “Dad, Aren’t we going to go home now?” She asked, strapping her backpack over both her shoulders. “Come on!” She demanded, pulling his hand and leading him out of the classroom.

In a dazed state, he followed out to his car, holding onto Kaylee’s hand before the two of them finally made it to their car. Getting into the driver’s seat, he started up the car, and waited for Kaylee to get situated. With a nod from her, he put the car in drive and drove off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Amelia couldn't get it out of her head as she walked down the halls to where the playground was. James was here, in this very town. And not only that but his daughter just happened to be in her classroom. What were the odds? Was fate just against her so much that she would have to be reminded of one of the hardest times in her life? It wasn't fair to have all of those memories thrust upon her again. Memories of they happy first year together, when they truly had loved each other. Memories of his popularity causing him to drift away from her. Memories of seeing him in bed with another woman. And worse of all, the memories of him completely shunning and ignoring her in that frightful and confusing first few months of her pregnancy. She had been so scared. So helpless. All she had wanted for for someone, ANYONE, to comfort her. To tell her it would be okay and everything would turn out fine. She understood if he didn't want to be with her anymore, if he didn't love her, but to treat her as if she never existed? That was the worse thing he could have done to her.

She walked through the doors and out to the playground, immediately smiling to see her little girl climbing up the monkey bars and hanging upside down from it. She was a very energy filled little girl that was for sure. She reminded Amelia of herself when she was Lily's age. Always running around and playing, seeming to bring a smile to anyone's face who was fortunate enough to see her. Walking over to the bars she grinned up at her daughter, putting her hands on her hips, "Lillian. Time to go sweety. We have to go get you a new dress for your birthday party, remember? If you don't hurry all the shops will close before we even get a chance to look around." Who needed James? She sure didn't. So what if he was happy and had a family of his own? So what if he had shunned her and had said she was a stupid and worthless girl? It was his lose because he would never get to have the privilege of calling this sweet little ray of sunshine his daughter.

Reaching up when Lily hung upside down again giggling, she wrapped her arms around her and pulled her off laughing, "Come on you silly Lily." She carried the girl happily over to the old 1995 monte carlo and let her get in before getting into the drivers seat and left from there, heading to the indoor mall just a few miles away. Once there she lead the little girl inside and smiled holding her hand, "Okay, so, we need to get you a dress and a new pair of shoes." In reality, she couldn't afford even that. She was behind on her bills majorly and shouldn't even be getting anything they didn't need, especially if it meant using her credit card, which was already a large bill. But, she had promised the girl over a month ago to do this for her and she for sure was going to keep that promise! If it made her daughter happy she would do anything.

Walking into one of the stores she let the little girl look at some dresses while she herself just browsed around. Amelia found a rather pretty dress. One that she wanted to get so badly to wear for her mother daughter night with little Lily. She hadn't bought anything new for herself in months. But one look at the price tag and a deep frown came to her face. She couldn't afford it. Sighing, she looked at the dress another moment before she turned, and gave her daughter the same smile she always gave the girl to keep her from worrying about her mother, "Did you find anything yet Lily Pad?"

"Uh-huh!" The little girl held up a pretty little green dress and Amelia smiled, "Okay, lets go try it on." She walked her daughter over to the dressing room and let the little girl go in by herself. It only took a moment but soon she came out and Amelia smiled at her daughter, "Oh, sweety, it looks great on you." Kneeling down she hugged her daughter close to her and smiled more, "Here, turn around. I want to see what it will look like with your hair up." The girl turned around obediently, and Amelia took to rolling the girl's hair up, hoping to put it in a pretty looking bun, when she saw her worst night mare come into the door of the shop. James. He was still with his daughter, probably looking for something for her. She quickly looked away and went back to doing her daughter's hair, thinking and hoping that maybe if she pretended not to have seen him, he might not see her. Or if he did he wouldn't dare come over to her. So, she rolled her daughter's hair up again, focusing on that instead of her old lover being in the same store as her, and worse, while she was here with their daughter he knew nothing about.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArynMae20
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Member Seen 1 day ago

James hadn’t been good to Amelia at all once he got a taste of what his life could be like at university. He thought he wouldn’t care, he had it all, already. A free scholarship, friends (if you can call them that.), a wonderful, amazing condo he just purchased that was right next to campus, and all the Girls he could handle. They were constantly thrusting themselves at him, so, what’s a man to do? He’d changed in that year with Amelia, Change can be great for some people, others though, it’s destructive, and only one thing comes of it. Pain.
The night he first slept with Jenna is always in his mind, it’s the start of it all, his crazy wild binge that costed him the best girl he’d ever had, and without truly knowing it, everything he ever wanted. Just like that, the memories came rushing back. The racing of his heart as he and Jenna groped each other intensely. Amelia’s soft footsteps trailing down the hallway. Then the look. The look of pure horror, anger, disbelief and betrayal that had been plastered across Amelia’s face. As if he could physically see her heart breaking right in front of him. Peeling himself away from Jenna and put pants on and darting out of the room to chase after her. Only she was gone. Gone for good. Suddenly, he realized in that moment, he was free. To do whatever, whenever, with whoever. So he did, over and over and over.
Kaylee stared out the backseat window of the SVU, watching as they passed through the school parking lot and then finally onto the main road, then onto the busy freeway. Taking her Pink Nintendo DS out of her backpack, she turned it on and started to play.

A loud gasp came from James as he remembered the banquet dinner he was inviting to attend with Kaylee, and pulling into the nearest stores parking lot, he parked the car near the front. Kaylee raised an eyebrow at her dad. “Why are we here?” She asked, curious. “We need to get you an outfit for a dinner that we need to attend this weekend. “ He stated flatly, leading the small girl out of the car and into the store.

Over the years, James had gotten pretty good at shopping for Girl’s items, and doing hair, and all the fun things that come along with having a daughter. Flipping through the racks near the front of the store, he observed each one until Kaylee’s voice demanded him. “Daddy! I like this one a lot!” She said excitedly, holding up a Pink sparkly dress. “Oh, that’s pretty Kayles!” He exclaimed, and then looked at the price tag. “147.00$” It was quite expensive for a children’s dress, but it was for Kaylee, so he without hesitation, let her have it. Kaylee hugged it against her body. “Thanks, daddy!” She grinned. “But first, you’ve got to try it on, You’re teeny, tiny. Gotta make sure that’s the right size!” He smiled as he lead the little girl to the back of the store were the dressing room was.

Oh god. Oh my god. This isn’t happening. Not again. What are the freaking Odds? As they approached the area of dressing rooms, he stopped for a minute and was shocked. Of all the stores in this town now, of course they’d be in the same one! Kaylee yanked his hand. “Daddy, come on!” James looked straight ahead, and tried not to let Kaylee see. Leading her in, he sat down and his eyes began to wonder to Amelia. She had a child? After giving him crap for “starting a family” She did too! If he would have looked close enough, he could in fact realize who’s kid she was, but, that’s not what he was focusing on. Making an amused huff, he leaned forward. “Looks like somebody else started a family too! So I guess we’re even.” He shot out, staring at the pair standing next to the full length mirror.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Of course. It was so like him to make a snide comment. She raised an eyebrow, giving him an uncaring look, "Even? Ha. Not by far." She stood up straight, her glare on him for a moment before she felt a tugging on her shirt and looked own at her daughter, "Huh? Oh, Lily. Go change back into your normal clothes. We'll get it and then head home, okay?" The little girl nodded, looking shyly at James with her bright blue eyes before moving quickly back into the dressing room.When Lily was gone and out of ear shot, Amelia turned her hard gaze to James again, "Lily's six now. In case your wondering. And my family? She's my family. The only family we need is each other.

She wasn't going to tell him straight out. No. He would have to figure out the truth for himself. Though, with all the clues she was throwing out for him, it shouldn't have been to hard to figure out. She looked like him. Her telling him her age, which lined up with their last intimate interaction. Hell, even her name, the same name as his dead mother, was a clue! If he didn't realize it soon, he was even dumber than she thought. But then again, even if he did figure it out, she didn't expect him to act on it. Clearly he was still the same spoiled and egotistical man he had always been. She didn't want her daughter subjected to life with a man like him as her father. Lily deserved better. She would rather the girl have no father than someone like him as one. She wasn't going to let him hurt Lily like he had hurt her. She was so worried if she did he would be a great father for a few months, maybe a year, and then walk out on Lily. That would cause more emotional pain for the little girl then never having him in her life at all.

She wasn't going to let him do that to her. Never. As far as she was concerned, he would never get the chance to. This little chanced meeting would be over with soon and she could just forget about James again. It would be difficult the first few days, but Amelia was stronger than she had been six years ago. She could make it. And she was sure it wouldn't be hard at all for him to forget he had seen her. After all, he had a daughter. Probably a beautiful wife at home. All the money he wanted(that damn money she hated. one of the very reasons he had changed). He probably wouldn't even think twice about seeing her here except to maybe joke with his friends about how he had seen his 'pitiful' ex girlfriend again.

She glanced over to see her daughter walk out of the dressing room and smiled at her, "Come on Lily Pad. Lets pay for that and get home." She took the little girl's hand and lead her off to the cash register. As she paid for the dress, Amelia felt her daughter tug on her sleeve and looked down at the shy little girl, "What is it sweety?"

The little looked up at her with curious and worried eyes, "Mommy? Who was that man? Why did he make you so mad?"

Amelia blinked in surprise and frowned deeply. She always hid bad emotions from her daughter that seeing Amelia so upset was something new for the little girl. It ashamed Amelia that her daughter had seen that snappy side of her. She smiled softly at her daughter, as she did when trying to comfort her, "No one honey. Don't worry about it. Just...someone from the past. And that's all he is, is the past. I doubt we'll ever see him again anyway." After the dress was all paid for, she picked it up and took her daughter's hand once more, "Now come on, when we get home I'll let you play in the front yard, alright?"

That made the little girl very excited. She bounced up and down, giggling and following her mother. As Amelia left the store, she glanced up to look at James once more before turning and leaving the store, hoping to put all of this behind her for herself, as well as her daughter.


Once home, Amelia went inside and started cooking dinner while little Lily played outside in the front year, inside of the white picket fence that ran around the house's property. She giggled and ran around, blowing bubbles and chasing butterflies. She was a very energetic and fun loving child, as it showed when she played. She laughed and fell back into the grass, laying there giggling all the while as a butterfly flew over her. Sitting up, she smiled brightly and grabbed her bubbles, blowing more of them, glad to just be having fun and outside.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArynMae20
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Member Seen 1 day ago

James listened, and smirked. “Ya know Amelia.. It’s not healthy to hold grudges. It hurts the soul.” He mocked, scratching his knee. “Ah, I see.” He nodded smiling sarcastically, as she went on. He found it weird that Amelia was constantly throwing details about her at him. What was she trying to do? Rub it in his face? There wasn’t really a reason for that, considering he already had his own child. His thoughts were interrupted when he noticed a small girl come out of the dressing room. She didn’t look that much older than Kaylee. Giving her a soft smile, he watched Amelia directed her. There was something about her that made him wonder. He wasn’t able to pin point exactly what it was, but it was there.
Kaylee proudly strutted out into the dressing area, she loved to be the center of attention. “What do you think daddy?!” She shouted out, her tone Hyper as she spun around. James’ laughed and scooping the little girl up in his arms. “You look absolutely beautiful, just like a princess!” He cheered, spinning her around playfully as she giggled. “Now, go get changed and we’ll pay and get going!” Kaylee darted off to the stall and quickly changed back into her jeans and T-shirt. Handing the dress to her dad, they walked over to the register and paid for it. Grabbing the bag he handed it over to Kaylee, and then laughed a bit as she lugged the large bag threw the store and then out to their car.

Smirking, he leaned up against the car. “Want some help?” Kaylee glared. “I can do it!” She groaned, pushing the bed onto the other side of the backseat. “See!” She playfully stuck out her tongue and climbed into the seat, buckling herself. After making sure she was secure, James got into the driver’s side and started up the car, pulling out of the parking lot and then down the street and onto the main road.

Kaylee grumbled, “Daddy, can’t I go over to Katie’s? Her mom likes me! She said I can come over anytime I want! Pleeeeease! I promise I’ll behave.” She said aloud, looking at her dad through the mirror. James’ sighed, “I suppose, but you’ll have to call her first.” He stated, handing her his smart phone. She smiled, and dialed the number, Waiting for an answer as she held it up to her ear. A woman answered. “Hi Mrs. Smith! It’s me, Kaylee, from down the street?” She spoke slowly. “I was just wondering if could come over and play with Katie. Would that be okay?” She asked, hopeful. The woman answered. “Yes, of course!” Kaylee grinned and thanked her, then hung up the phone and handed it back to her father. “She said I could come!”

James nodded, “Alrighty!” He pulled around the corner into a very high end neighborhood, with fancy houses that had water fountains, and large backyards, and anything you’d possibly imagine. Driving slowly down the streets of the neighborhood he pulled into Katie’s driveway and put the car in park. “Come along, I’ll take you up.” Kaylee nodded and grabbed her games from her backpack, and then jumped out of the car, grabbing onto her dad’s hand, they walked up and knocked on the front door.

James smiled at the middle aged woman. “Hey Jess, Thanks for letting her come over. She loves it here.” Just then an excited little girl, the same age as Kaylee darted through to the front entrance. “Kaylee!” She exclaimed, grabbing the girl’s hand, and then they were off. James laughed, and then thanked her again. Walking away from the house he got back into his car and then pulling up to his own house.
Quickly running inside and grabbing a piece of paper from his office, he ran back out to his car. Typing the address on the note into his car’s GPS system, he followed the directions until he finally arrived. Parking the car on the other side of the street, he peeked into the yard and noticed the same girl from the store. Only difference now was, now he was pretty sure who she was. He’d put it all together. Everything about the little girl screamed, “Hey stupid, I’m your daughter.” He was just to blind to see it before. She had his Hair color, Same carefree attitude that he use to have. Her name. Her age matched up to the last time he was intimate with Amelia. All he needed now was conformation.

Not seeing Amelia around, he took a chance and ran over to the small house encased in a fence. “Hey, remember me? From the store? Your mommy’s friend? I’m not here to hurt you, I promise. Just was curious. She told me it you’ve guys have made a life for yourselves. Is your mommy married? Do you know your daddy?” He quickly asked, hoping to dear god Amelia wouldn’t come out and see him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Seeing the man at her gate, little Lily was at first somewhat nervous about speaking to the man. The girl glanced back to the house, for a moment thinking about if she should go get her mother, but then walked up to the gate, staying out of arms reach of the man standing there. She was a smart girl for her age. She knew about being safe around people she didn't know. Her mother had taught her well. She shifted slightly as she stood there, looking up at the man somewhat shyly. She was shy around new people sometimes, but she was also very open. She thought for a moment, "Nope. It's just me and Mommy. Mommy says my daddy was a no good bastard. I don't know what that mean but she really doesn't like him."

She smiled up at him, an innocent look on her face. She was a sheltered little girl who didn't know much about bad things, so when she called him that, she dint realize it was a bad word, probably having heard her mother say it to someone else. As she stood there, she tilted her head to the side, "Are you really one of my Mommy's friends? She didn't seem to like you very much." Such honesty. Lily never told lies and while that was a good thing, she tended to speak what was on her mind sometimes when she really shouldn't and at the same time it made her all the cuter and more innocent.

Before James even got a chance to answer though, the front door to the small house opened up and out came a smiling Amelia, "Lily! Time for dinner! Come inside and wash....up..." she trailed off, her smile faltering at the sight of James at her gate and speaking to her daughter. She quickly moved down from the doorway and toward the gate in a somewhat worried fashion, unsure of what he could be telling her, "Lily! Baby, get inside. I'll be inside in a moment." The little girl nodded and skipped happily to the house and when she disappeared inside, Amelia turned on James with a glare, a furious look on her face, "What the hell are you doing here?! You need to leave! Now!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArynMae20
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Member Seen 1 day ago

James wasn't surprised at Lily’s words. (Except for the fact that they’re coming from a six year old.) He’d treated Amelia horribly, and in her mind, When he choose not to answer her many calls, emails, texts, and even visits, he choose not to be in his child’s life. If only he’d of known the truth. Would I have really made a difference though? He was so far gone not even Amelia, his best friend and the only girl to ever really love her, couldn't snap him out of it. Even a year later when Kaylee was born, the two were still crazy as hell and didn't give a hoot. So maybe it wouldn't have been good. Or maybe it would have. The truth they’ll never know, but I guess it’s better late than never. Amelia won’t be having any of it though, that’s alright, James is ready to fight now, and he won’t back down this time.

Shaking his head, he opened his mouth to answer the small girl when a door swung open and there Amelia stood, not at first noticing him, but then, rage clearly burning inside her as she rushed the child inside and came over to him. James knew this wasn't such a smart idea, and it made him seem shady, but, he needed to know, and he was a person that did things without thinking them out fully first.

Throwing his hands up, he tried to calm her. “Amelia, I just wanted to talk to her. I know you've been waiting for this, and maybe even hoping for it, I’m sorry I didn’t figure it out sooner, things have been crazy. I have no doubt in my mind, and I’m 100% positive that child is mine. “He stated quickly, as she seemed to just look angrier by the minute. “Come on Amelia, Can’t we just talk about this?” He pleaded, stepping back a little.

His nightmare had come true, he was turning out to be just like his father was, Greedy and careless, with no regard for anyone but himself. He know had two children from two different women, one doesn't know about him, and the other is a little jacked because of her first few years of life. This wasn't how it was supposed to be, he was going to do things right. His mom would be so disappointed. He knew that she had raised him WAY better than this. He could never get back the strength to become who he use to be, he hadn't had the energy or the time, or the motivation. Things were going to be different. He was going to make sure of it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Hoping for this?! You don't know how wrong you are James! I've been hoping I would never have to see you ever again! But apparently fate isn't too kind." She moved closer, poking him in the chest with every degrading name she called him, "You're a low down, sneaky, cheating, bastard!" She took a step back again and crossed her arms, scoffing when he asked if they could just talk about what was going on, "Talk? Why should I talk to James? So you can make me fall for you again? So you can earn the trust of that little girl in there? Only to leave again? I'm not stupid. People like you don't change. I'm not going to let you near MY daughter. Because when you leave all it will do is cause her more trauma." She looked back at the house to see her daughter peaking out through the curtains and sighed. She turned her gaze back to him, a frown on her face, but a little calmer about the situation at hand, "She means the world to me James. I don't want you hurting her. She would never be able to recover emotionally from loosing a parent."

Placing her hands on her hips, she thought for a moment, and very unwillingly nodded her head, "We can talk. But not with Lillian around. I just....I need to make a quick phone call." She unlocked the small picket fence for him to follow her and she walked into her house, looking to see her daughter sitting on the couch, trying to act as though she hadn't been watching the two adults, "Lily, I'm going to call Mrs. Hannah, okay? You're going to go spend the night with her tonight. Go get you some of the pasta I made you for dinner while you wait for her to come." She walked into her daughter's bedroom and picked up the house phone, making a call to one of the other teachers she worked with. The woman just adored little Lily and Lily loved going over to the old woman's house because she had a lot of cats to play with. Once it was settled that Mrs. Hannah would come to pick up Lily, Amelia quickly packed a bag for her daughter and walked back to the living room, giving James a stern look, "You sit in the living room for now. Don't even think about trying to talk to Lily right now." She said so only the man could hear, then walked into the kitchen where her daughter was, "Okay sweetheart, you're bag is packed." Hearing a honk outside she smiled, "Oh. There's Mrs. Hannah now." The little girl ran happily out the door and Amelia followed.

She handed the woman the little girl's back pack and chatted with her for a moment before the two left in the car, driving back to the old woman's house. She slowly walked back into the house and sat on the couch and living room, looking at James with a very annoyed look on her face, "James, I don't understand you. What could you possibly want with me? With Lily? Give me one good reason why I should even let you talk to her, much less become a part of her life."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArynMae20
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James narrowed his eyebrows as he listened to her scream at him. It sounded like she’d been waiting all these years to tell him that. “Amelia,” He tried to say, but it just set her off further. Waiting for her to calm down a bit, he sighed. Then finally, she agreed to talk to him.
He was thinking she’d have made him wait a day or two, so he was surprised when she made him follow her inside and said they’d talk as soon as Lily was gone. Sitting down on the couch, he sat back and nodded at her as she sternly told him not to talk to lily and to basically stay there. He was serious which one of them was her child. He deserved to be treated the way she was though. He could accept that.

Sitting there waiting for the small girl to leave, he couldn't help but think of how much Amelia had changed. She seemed so ridged. So untrusting of others. So Hardened. Numb to any and all feelings, completely suppressing them for the sake of her daughter. To think…None of this would have happened if it hadn't been for him.
It was a moment he’d thought about more times than one would think, him finally meeting with Amelia, ready to right his wrong, but how was he to explain? Where would he even start? Her question was incredibly fair. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath and started.

“Amelia..There is so much I wish I could tell you about that time, why I did it, and what in the hell I was thinking, but, the truth is, there is no easy answer. Nothing I say can erase those times from your mind, I hurt you in a way that nobody else could, and I didn't think of how it would make you feel, or how it would have impacted your life. I only thought about me, and the high I was on, and how I didn't want it to end. It was selfish and unforgivable what I did. I wish it never would have happened, believe me, I do, more than anything in this world. “ He sighed heavily. “You’re right I don’t deserve to know Lily, and I don’t deserve to be in her life after everything I did to you, but, It’s not like I don’t know how fragile children are, I’m not someone with no experience, I’m someone with experience. More importantly, with a daughter.” He shook his head, staring into her eyes. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what to say or do to make you believe me, but I truly am. I want to make things right between us. I want a second chance. I promise, I won’t hurt her. I won’t.” He said his tone stronger. “Would you at least let me try? Please, Amelia. I know I don’t deserve it, but please just give me a shot. I know you think people like me don’t change, I can assure you that they can, if they really want to they can.” He moved a little closer. “And I do.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"You made your choice, James. The moment you laid in bed with that--" She stopped herself, closing her eyes tightly, a frustrated look on her face, so many emotions running through her and her anger building up again, "I gave you so many chances James. Time and time again when I called. When I emailed and texted. I even came to your house. I know you were home James, yet you still ignored me." She gave a frustrated sigh, burying her face in her hands. This wasn't fair. At all. She wasn't even sure if she could trust him to not hurt her daughter, and yet here she was considering it. She sighed heavily, looking back up at him, a slightly upset look on her for a moment before she put that cold mask back on her face and spoke again, "You do realize, if you hurt her, I will make sure you regret it for the rest of your sorry life."

Sitting up straight again and thinking about it hard for a moment before she glared at him once more, "One shot, James. ONE. But there are conditions. Until I can trust you to be around her, I will be present with every second you are with her. And you can't come see her just any time you want. You have to run the time and place by me first. You can't upset her in anyway. If I see her even the least bit upset thats it. And whoever you're with right now, I don't want to see her until much later. One new parent is enough for Lily, a step mom being brought into the picture would be too much for her for now." She crossed her arms, "And you're right. You don't deserve it. I shouldn't even be giving you this chance. So you better make it count."

Sighing, she stood up from where she sat and pulled her dirty blonde hair back into a pony tail as she spoke, more or less playing with her long hair, something she always did with she was nervous, worried, or upset, all of which applied at this moment. It was a habit that she had ever since she was child and one that many people had commented on before, since she never realized she did it until somebody said something about it, "How did you even find my house anyway? Where you stalking me or something?" It would explain how he found her in that store. And to be honest, it was scary to think about. What if she hadn't walked outside when she had? Would he have tried to take little Lily? Nothing could stop him. He was her father and because he had never been around neither had technical custody. There would be nothing she could do about it if he had taken her.

That brought her to another thought. What if he tried filing custody for her? She knew she would never win in that battle. If the judges saw how behind she was on her finances, they would surely award custody over her to him. It scared her and she prayed it didn't come down to that. If it did, she would never forgive him, and she was sure neither would Lily.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArynMae20
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He wasn't sure if she was going to budge, she had ever reason not to, and nowadays, she didn't seem the type to dish out second chances. He waited in the silence as she probably had tons of thoughts running through her mind. When she finally looked back up at him, he was relieved to see her face change. Nodding in agreement, he spoke. “Yes, absolutely. I won’t I promise.” He said quickly as she trailed on, he listened intensely and then agreed some more. He couldn't help but start to laugh when she mentioned a step-mom.

Catching his breath, he stared at her. “Nah, the only thing she’ll eventually have is a sister. No other mom. I’m not married, or seeing anybody. I’m a single father. I’m raising her on my own. Her mom was Jenna. She ignored her responsibilities as a mother, and cheated on me.” Holding up a hand, he waved it in her direction sarcastically, “Please contain your sympathy.” He bellowed, “Karma’s a bitch and I got exactly what I deserved. She did to me, what I did to you, and now we’re just trying to survive life and not fuck anything else up in the process.” He shrugged.

“We could be sad and bitter, and pissed about the past. Or we could just forget all that, have some peace and make room for such better memories. The future you can change, The past you can’t. You can only accept it, apologize for it, and move on to better days. Make the people you love most proud.” He laughed to himself. “Okay, I’m done sounding like a fortune cookie now, but, you get what I mean.”

“Why are you so nervous? Anger and frustration I get. But, why nervous? I've been trying to answer it myself in my head. The only thing that I can think of is, you think I’m going to just take advantage of the two of you, come in, play pretend, take your baby away from you, and then run away again, leaving you a broken mess all over again.” He sighed, looking her straight in the eyes. “In case that is what you’re thinking, I’m not planning to do that. We can go into this slowly, and I don’t expect it to happen overnight, If Jenna ever showed up looking for Kaylee, I’d probably do the same thing to her, and treat her the same way. So, I’m not going to do anything horrible. You have my word.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

As much as she wished she could at least be a little satisfied or even smug about Jenna cheating on him, leaving him as a single father, she had to say she wasn't. She didn't even want to think about that woman, or about any of the other girls James had probably slept with behind her back when they were together, "Well then. I'm that upset you. Sure does hurt when you find the person you love most in bed with someone else and that they never loved you anyway." She shrugged, "Oh well, guess justice was served to a certain extant." Then he went on this whole spew about how they should let go of the past and start new. That of course was easy for him to say. He wasn't the wrong who had been wronged in this certain situation. She was.

And sure she hoped when he said he wanted to 'make room for better memories' and change the future. She just hoped when he said that he didn't mean a future between him and herself. Because that sure as hell wasn't about to happened. She may have been willing to give him chance as a father, but he had used up his chances on being with her. She wouldn't trust him in that way ever again. Or at least she liked to think that she wouldn't She was a bit unsure of everything happening here, and while she was a little bit more reserved about her feelings, she was still naive about that sort of thing and easily swayed with just a few good sounding words and promises. In hearing his comment of her nervousness, her face reddened slightly in embarrassment and her hands slowly moved from her hair, an annoyed look on her face, "I am not nervous. You think you know everything about me but you don't." In truth that was a bold face lie, because he had been right. he had been nervous and worried about everything he said.

Hearing the home phone ring, she stood up, walking over to it and picked it up, listening to Mrs. Hannah on the other end, she sighed and told the woman she would be there in a minute. Hanging up the phone she ran her hands through her hair in a frustrated manner, "Mrs. Hannah's bringing Lily back. Apparently Lily got sick." The woman lived just two streets down so it was just a few moments later that there was a knock at the door. Walking over, she opened it up and took the pitiful looking girl into her arms, holding her close, saying a thank you to the old woman, before closing the door and walking back to living room, "My poor baby. Come on, lets get you to bed." She left James be for now. If he wanted to follow her, do something or say anything, she wasn't going to stop him, but it better not make the child in her arms feel any worse than she already did. Walking to the little girl's room, she layed her in bed and tucked her in, sitting on the edge fo the bed as she stroked her hair, trying to help the sick little girl fall asleep.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArynMae20
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My was she ever closed up, and not just about him, but everything and everybody. That’s the kind of action that turns a person’s soul sour. Until somebody is brave enough to try and crack it open. He could see through her tough exterior, trying to act as if nothing was wrong. Living with the thought of “If I don’t think about or talk about it, it’s not real, and it’ll go away.” That’s not true, just isolates you more. Sighing, he looked at her. “I might not know you like I use to, but don’t kid yourself Amelia. I know that deep down inside at your core, you’re still the same.” He stated, his tone plastered with honesty.

Listening as she spoke on the phone and then informed him that Lily was sick and coming home, he nodded and checked his phone, just in case. No calls. That was good. Soon enough, there was a knock at the door, and Amelia went to go meet her, and then held the girl in her arms. She looked miserable. Poor thing.
The girl barely knew him, let alone that he was her father. To her he was just her mother’s friend. He figured now wasn’t the best time for them, and considering Lily probably just wanted her mom, as most kids do when they’re sick. He’d probably just head home.

Climbing up the stairs, he peeked in each of the rooms until he finally figured out which one was Lily’s. Peeking his head into the room he starred at the site and smiled. “Hey, I’m going to head out now, just wanted to let you know before I did.” He said, his tone soft and quiet. “I hope you feel better, Lily.” He said and then peeked his head back out and walked down the hallway, down the stairs and out to his car.

Sitting in the driver’s side, he pulled out his cell phone and dialed Jess. She picked up after the 2nd ring, “Hey Jess, It’s James, Just wanted to let you know I’m heading back home now, I’ll be over to get Kaylee very soon.” The woman happily assured him she’d be ready. Hanging up the phone, he drove the 15 minutes to Katie’s and Smiled as Kaylee ran out of the house and got into the backseat. “Did you have fun?” He grinned, looking through the mirror as they pulled up to their house. Kaylee smiled happily. “Yes, I did! I ate there too, so it’s okay.” She stated, grabbing her backpack and stepping out of the car.

The two trailed into the house and then took off their shoes. Kaylee threw her backpack in the entryway’s storage area. James looked at her, “Okay missy, go get ready for bed. I’ll be there in a minute.” He said sternly, watching the girl dart up the stairs and into her large bedroom. After changing into her pajamas, and brushing her teeth she climbed into her bed and pulled the covers over her body.

James finally came in and sat next to her, softly stroking her cheek. “I love you little lady.” He grinned, leaning over and kissing her head. Kaylee smiled contently. “I love you too,daddy.” She said and then curled up and fell asleep. James sighed and stood up, shutting the light off and then the closing the door.
Walking down to his bedroom, he flipped the light on and changed into some more comfortable clothes. Since the whole thing with Amelia, he never had time to change out of his work clothes. After getting clean and comfortable, he crawled into bed and laid down, starring out the large window into the darkness. What a day it had been. Letting the exhaustion take over, he fell into a deep, deep sleep.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Amelia turned slightly when she saw James peek his head into the room and speak to the two of them. Amelia just nodded when he said he was going to leave, while little Lily gave a weak smile before curling up against where her mother sat on the edge of the bed. She could already see it was going to be a long night. When Lily was sick it always was. With Lily having bad asthma, she was more likely to have an attack when sick, which worried Amelia more then the fact the girl was sick in the first place. When he left, she sat there, gently stroking her daughter's brown hair and humming softly to her until she was asleep and resting. This comforted Amelia a little bit. At least she couldn't feel bad in that dream land of hers. She smiled softly and leaned down, kissing her daughter's forehead before she stood and turned on the nightlight, walking out of the room.

She got a shower and got ready for bed, checking on Lily once more before heading off to her own room. The little girl was fast asleep. Good. Maybe she was sleep this sickness off. She usually did. Lily was a sickly child, she always had been. Amelia was used to taking care of her so carefully now t was second nature to her. She layed down in her bed and sighed, curling up into a ball as she layed there, thinking about everything that had happened so far today. It was so hard to believe this could happen so suddenly. If someone had told her James would be back in her life just the day before, she would have laughed in their face. James had suddenly burst himself into her life and for now he was stuck there. She wasn't sure how this would end, but she hoped it wouldn't be in any way similar to what happened six years ago. Slowly she drifted off to sleep, these worried thoughts in her head.

Smoke? Was she really smelling smoke? But....why? Surely she was dreaming this. Only, when it got so thick that she woke with a cough, she realized this was no dream. She sat up in a panic, looking around wide eyed. Smoke was floating in through her open bedroom door and her first thought of horror was something happened to her daughter. Jumping out of bed, she rushed out of the room, looking around wildly, "LILY?! LILLIAN?!" She screamed, dashing to toward the girl's room, fear striking her heart when she saw the flames were coming from the little girl's room, "NO! LILY!" She dashed forward, ignoring the pain of fire burning her arms as she attempted to shield her face from the bouncing flames. that came from the door way. Standing on her tip toes, to see over the flames, she looked to her daughter's bed, to see it empty, the covers pulled away. Confusion and fear still sweeping over her, she continued to call the child's name as the deadly flames seeped through the house, spreading quickly.

It was after she checked through all the upstairs rooms that she moved toward the stairs, where the fire was spreading down and saw at the bottom, where the flames almost were, was her daughter, laying on the floor at the foot of the stairs, unconscious. She moved toward the stairs, only to realize she couldn't go down them with the flames on them. Still in a panic, she looked down to the bottom from the top of the stairs. If she could jump and land on something soft on the bottom, she could make it and go safely to her daughter. A determined look on her face, she climbed up on the railing and seeing the couch down below, jumped. She landed on the couch with a pain filled grunt. It had hurt like hell, but at least she was till conscious and though her body was sore, she could still move. Whether it be the fact she hadn't hurt something or the drive to save her daughter, she wasn't quite sure yet.

Running over to the bottom of the stairs, the fire just a foot or two from her daughter, she scooped her up into her arms, making a dash for the door. Within seconds of making it outside, coughing up smoke, the fire trucks, police and ambulance arrived. Apparently a neighbor had seen the flames and smoke and had called. The fire men went to put out the fire, but Amelia knew watching as she and her daughter were drove away in the ambulance, it was no use. Everything the to of them had was gone.

Upon getting to the hospital, they had Lily hooked up to an oxygen mask. Apparently, she had woken up to the flames and smoke, and went to try and get Amelia, only to have the smoke block her sight, causing her to trip down the stairs. The fall, mixed with the smoke triggering an asthma attack, had caused the girl to go unconscious, and while she hadn't woken up yet, they said she would in a half hour or so. Amelia apparently had received a spranged ankle from her jump to get to her daughter. Lovely. She would be on crutches for the next week or two. Both of them looked a mess. Their pajamas they wore were ruined, blacked with soot and, in some parts on Amelia's, burned. Soot also littered both of their skin and Amelia's burns on her arms had been doctored and wrapped up in bandages.

This was a horrible way to end a already horrible day. Sitting in a chair beside her daughter's bed, watching her sleep with that gas mask on the fragile girl's face, she sighed. What would they do now? She had no where to go. At this point, she and her daughter were homeless. How would they even pay for this doctor's visit? She had no idea. And as if to remind her of her misfortune, on the tv in the hospital room, it showed the news. And on the news was no other than her burning home, the news reporter speaking about what had happened.

She felt so close to her breaking point. She rested her arms on the bed and one hand over her mouth as a few tears escaped her eyes, her hand muffling the sobs that escaped. She felt so helpless. So worried she would loose her daughter ow that she definitely couldn't take care of her anymore. So alone in this mess. So much like how she had those six years ago when she first found herself pregnant. So unsure of what laid ahead for her. So alone. So scared of what would undoubtedly happen when child services heard about this. She just knew she would loose her baby girl over this now that she couldn't support her anymore and that tore her up more than anything else in the world.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArynMae20
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As the bright morning sun shinned through his bedroom windows like laser beams, he awoke and sat up in bed, looking at the clock. It read 6:14 am. He’d only been asleep for about 5 hours after it all, but it was restful sleep. Swinging his legs over his bed, his bare feet hit the cool wooden floor boards. With a semi-tired groan he stood up and walked out of the room.

Walking down the hall, he peeked in at Kaylee, who was still asleep. It was the weekend now, so he didn't see a reason to wake her up. Closing the door quietly, he peered down the stairs and made his way into the kitchen. Opening the door to the large pantry, he grabbed the box of frosted flakes and brought them over to the counter. Grabbing a bowl and spoon, he poured some cereal into the bowl. Putting the box back in the pantry he walked over to the fridge and grabbed the milk, pouring some into the bowl and then putting it back. Grabbing his bowl, he walked over to the table and sat down, turning on the smaller TV he had mounded on one of the walls.

Taking a few bites, he started flipping through the channels he found nothing interesting. Kaylee wasn’t awake yet to steal the TV for cartoons, so he flipped on the news channel. The volume was way down, chewing he looked at the screen, this broadcast featured a house fire, in the town over from his. A closer look revealed it was the name of Amelia’s town. An even closer look revealed it was her house.

Panic and fear washed over him, turning the broadcast up just in time he watched on, his eyes wide. “It is still unknown if the two residing in the house are going to make a full recovery. They were taken to Anton Memorial.” Running through the house and out the front door, in his pajamas still, he ran across the street to the nearest neighbor and begged them to go sit in his house while Kaylee was still asleep. A younger guy (whom he knew) agreed and went over to keep an eye with him.

After putting on some other pants and giving the guy the rundown on what was happening, when Kaylee would probably be awake and what to do with her once she did. Grabbing his keys, he thanked him and ran outside to his car, getting in and zooming off to the hospital.

Amelia might be pissed at him, considering their day yesterday and how he promised to take things slow, he couldn't just let them set there alone though, and especially if either (or both) of them were in critical condition. Frantic, he speeded all the way to the hospital, parking in the front and then running inside.

Running up to the reception lady, he spoke. “Is Amelia Carter here? She came in with a little girl? They were in the housefire. Ringing any bells?” He asked, raising his eyebrow in annoyance. “ I need to know now.” He said, his tone low. Finally, he got the room number and ran over to the elevator and then finally arrived on the floor where they were.

Pushing open the glass doors labeled “Burn unit” He shifted his eyes looking around, and then sighing, he saw the room. The door was open, he could see in. It was heartbreaking, as if someone punched him clear in the stomach with a machete. No, he didn't know her two weeks ago, or even for more than two days, but, that was still his child and he’d be crushed if anything happened to her. And Amelia..She’s already been through so much and been so brave, this was sure [i]not[i] what she needed. Swallowing hard he walked over and through the curtain. “I got here as soon as I could, It’s all over the news..”She didn't look up, he walked over and sat down next to her. He didn’t know what to say, or if she wanted him to say anything, so he sat there in the silence.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Amelia hadn't slept one bit the entire night. She was so worried about his little Lily. The doctor had told her Lily would wake up in a half hour, and yet here it was three hours later and the girl hadn't so much as moved. It was frightening. The only thing that kept Amelia from having a complete meltdown and panic attack was the slow raise and fall of the girl's chest as the oxygen mask pushed air into her. She sat there in the chair still, her held holding onto her daughter's hand gently so that, even if asleep, the girl would know her mother was still there with her and waiting for her to wake up. Her head was rested on the mattress, her eyes on her daughter, when she heard the curtain pull back. She had expected it to be a doctor to speak. Or even a nurse. But the voice that spoke shocked her. It was James. Still, she didn't look up at him, nor did she speak to him at first. She just lifted her head up from the mattress, her sad eyes staying on her daughter.

It was quiet for a long moment. The silence of a worried mother and concerned father. Finally though, Amelia break the silence, her voice a trembling whisper, "She has type two brittle asthma....she had a severe attack in the fire..." She let her free hand cover her face, trying to not even think of the possibility of what could have happened. The doctor had told her if she had been less than a minute later in getting Lily out of the house, it was like the attack would have left her unresponsive to treatment and would have likely killed her. Even now the possibility of the girl not fully recovering from this hung in the back of her head. She wasn't sure what she would do if she lost her little girl.

She felt tears escaping her eyes once again, as they had many times in the past few houses, "The doctor said she was supposed to wake up in a half hour, but its been over three hours and she's still not awake yet." Small sobs were escaping her now and she knew she couldn't say anything else to him. It was bad enough for him to see her like this. So upset. So broken. She knew if she said anything else she would break down entirely.

She didn't mention the fact she and Lillian had lost everything in the fire. It was obvious from the news they had. They had been lucky to have gotten out alive. She had heard so many stories of people being burned alive in their sleep because they hadn't woken up. She was thankful she and her daughter weren't counted among those victims. But now they past that, the question was still where they would go. To be honest, Amelia didn't have anyone she could rely on in such a way. It was likely the two of them would end up in a homeless shelter, if the child services didn't take Lily away from her first.

A small whimper came to her ears and Amelia looked up wide eyed, tears streaking her face from the hours of crying clearly visible thanks to the ash and soot on her face, to see Lily beginning to stir. She quickly stood up from her chair and held her daughter's hand a little tighter, worry on her face, "Lily? Lillian? Its me baby. Oh please wake up..."

The little girl stirred a bit more before her blue eyes opened. Her tiny hands, after letting go of her mother's hand, went to push the oxygen mask off of her face, but was quickly stopped by her mother, "No, keep it on. I know you don't like these things, but we have to make sure you don't slip into another attack." It was obvious this wasn't the little girl's first time wearing an oxygen mask and it bothered little Lily to have to wear it. She whined and leaned back, though seemed comforted as her mother climbed onto the bed to sit with her, Lily curling up into her side and resting there as Amelia gently stroked the girl's hair.

Amelia's eyes shifted over to James, and for once her gaze wasn't angry or aggravated. It was, in a way, thankful, "Thank you....for coming. It was surprising to see you came all this way to make sure she was okay."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArynMae20
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James knew that Lily’s condition was going to be bad, and finding out that she had bad asthma, made it all the more horrible. It was a helpless feeling, he wanted Lily and Amelia, to be okay again. He couldn't right at this moment though, he just had to wait it out and hope that she improved.
Seeing how much Amelia was hurting, he placed a hand on her back. “She’s going to wake up. She’s a tough girl, just like her Mama.” He said softly, with supporting eyes shifting on her. They sat there waiting for what seemed like forever, just letting their minds be absorbed in this traumatic moment.

Starring out the window, his mind began to wander. He couldn't have help but thought how different his life could have been if he would have answered even one of her many calls. Maybe they might have been married by now, and maybe even had more kids. The thoughts were endless, even though he wishes he could go back and fix all the mistakes that he made, he’d never, ever, regret his children. Neither of them.

The sound of crunching on the bed snapped him out of it, his eyes returned to Amelia and then looked at Lily who was starting to awake. James watched the two; he could tell by the way Amelia handled her, that this certainly wasn't her first attack. All the more reason he needed to be around for them now.

Smiling at the sweet site of mother and child, their obvious bond, he nodded and grinned. “There’s nowhere else I’d rather be. You get better, little Lily.” He said, and then grabbed his things. “And Amelia, call me if you need anything at all, really, I mean it. Just say the word and I’m there.” He said, taking a sigh of relief. “I’ll see you soon, promise!” He said lastly, and then walked out of the room and down the hall.

Leaving the hospital, he walked out toward his car and got in, starting it up, putting it in drive and then driving away from the hospital. Things were such a blurr this morning, and he just wanted to get home. He planned to meet with a friend of his who owned a luxury apartment complex, to see if they’d cut a deal for Amelia. She’s already done so much, it was James turn to step up and help, and that was exactly what he intended to do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

They were going to release Lily in just a few hours and Amelia wasn't sure what she was going to do. Her house was gone. She didn't have any family she could just call to stay with while they got back on their feet. They had no where to turn to. She felt like such a failure as a mother at that moment. She had tried so hard these past six years to make sure her daughter was safe, loved, had everything she needed. But now, all of that was ruined with a house fire. She was so worried for her daughter. When she found out her mother couldn't do anything for her anymore, what would Lily think? How would she feel? It hurt to think about it.

She looked down at her pitiful looking daughter leaned against her. She didn't have the mask on her anymore, but she still looked weak and tired. The events that happened in that fire took a toll on Lily. They took a toll on Amelia as well. She was exhausted and wanted nothing more than to curl up and fall asleep, but couldn't do so just yet. She had refused to fall asleep with Lily still unconscious and in the oxygen mask, and now she refused to go to sleep until she had this housing situation taken care of.

For some reason, in her mind, she continued to come back to the same idea. It was an idea she didn't like. She wanted to find some other option. But no other options were coming to light and Amelia was beginning to feel desperate. She had to do something and right now, this was the only thing she could do. The only chance she and her daughter had to not end up in a homeless shelter or on the street.

Sighing she decided she would have to. It was the only thing she could do at a time like this. Gently shifting her daughter from leaning against her, she layed her on the bed and smiled softly at her, "Mommy has to go make a phone call, baby girl. Try to get some sleep, okay?"

"Okay, Momma." Lily said quiet and hugged her mother as Amelia leaned down to kiss her forehead. She stayed in the room a moment to make sure her daughter was settled in the bed, and surprisingly, within moments, the little girl was indeed asleep there in the bed. She was just as tired as Amelia had thought. She covered the little girl up, tucking her in before she moved over to the bedside table. James had written down his number and left it there for her. Now it was time for her to unfortunately use it.

She didn't have a cell phone(she couldn't afford one even before the fire) so she would have to use one of the hospital phones. Walking out into the hallway with the number in hand, she found one of the phones on the walls meant for patients and their family members use and side, taking it from the receiver. She took a few deep breaths, trying to get up enough courage to call. This was going to be harder than she thought. But she had to do this. For her daughter's sake. Carefully dialing the number, she put the phone to her ear and waited, hearing the ringing. But to her surprise, he didn't answer. Well, she didn't know why she should be surprised. He never answered her calls when she needed him most.

When it went to voice mail, she sighed, and in a attempt to still reach him, left a voice mail, hoping maybe he just hadn't made it to the phone in time or hadn't heard it ring, "Um...hi James.....it me......Amelia." She sighed once more and continued, "Listen, you said to call if I needed anything, well I do. Our house is gone James, and.....and Lily and I don't have anyone to stay with. I was...hoping maybe we could stay with you for just a few days. Just until we can figure something out.....anyway, you know where to find us. Bye." She hung up the phone and sighed, walking back into the hospital room, sitting next to her sleeping daughter.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArynMae20
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Member Seen 1 day ago

After the events of the past two days/nights, James had a lot on his mind. His life had already thrown the unexpected at him…or so he thought. It’s funny how fast life can change in what seems as a blink of an eye. James was naturally easy to adapt to change, but, doesn't mean the shock is any less intense.

After leaving the hospital, he drove home to relive the babysitter. The traffic was surprisingly not bad for it being early morning, it was a nice day. 40 minutes later, he was parked in his front driveway. Taking the keys out of the ignition, he got out of the car and walked up the path and into the house.

“Dadddddy!” Kaylee grinned, climbing down from the stool she’d been sitting on and running over to him, wrapping her tiny arms around his waist. James smiled and picked the petite girl up into his arms. “Hey baby! Were you good for Jake?” Kaylee nodded her head. “Yes, I was. Where did you have to go?”The little girl asked, curiosity in her eyes. James looked at her, and sighed. “Just a friend.” Kaylee nodded. “I want to watch Spongebob!” She announced, quickly changing the subject, and then running off to the big movie room.

James pulled 30 bucks from his wallet and had it to Jake. “Thanks for keeping an eye on her.” He smiled, Jake nodded and then left. Walking into the moving room, he sat down next to kaylee and smiled as she cuddled into him. He sighed happily, and within 30 minutes they were both out.

An hour later James awoke, seeing Kaylee still asleep in his arms, he shifted her onto the cushion and slipped out of the room, walking into the entryway he dug for his phone and pulled it out of his pocket. Missed call. Crap. It was Amelia. Double Crap. Listening to the voice mail, he deleted it and immediately called her back.

Waiting for a couple rings, a tired voice answered on the other end. James sighed, “Amelia, I know what you must be thinking..but I didn't ignore you this time, I just forgot my phone in my pocket. I feel asleep watching TV with Kaylee. I promise, I didn't mean to ignore you. “ He stated quickly, before she could say anything. “As for your message..I guess I've never taken care of you two before, so, yeah, I guess, just come here and we’ll figure it out.” He nodded, looking at the wall.
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